Numerical reconstruction of the covariance matrix of a spherically truncated multinormal distribution
arXiv:1202.1838v1 [math.ST] 8 Feb 2012
Filippo Palombi∗, Simona Toti and Romina Filippini Istituto Nazionale di Statistica Via Cesare Balbo 16, 00184 Rome – Italy February 10, 2012
Abstract In this paper we relate the matrix SB of the second moments of a spherically truncated normal multivariate to its full covariance matrix Σ and present an algorithm to invert the relation and reconstruct Σ from SB . While the eigenvectors of Σ are left invariant by the truncation, its eigenvalues are non–uniformly damped. We show that the eigenvalues of Σ can be reconstructed from their truncated counterparts via a fixed point iteration, whose convergence we prove analytically. The procedure requires the computation of multidimensional Gaussian integrals over a Euclidean ball, for which we extend a numerical technique, originally proposed by Ruben in 1962, based on a series expansion in chi–square distributions. In order to study the feasibility of our approach, we examine the convergence rate of some iterative schemes on suitably chosen ensembles of Wishart matrices.
It is more than forty years since Tallis [1] worked out the moment–generating function of a normal multivariate X ≡ {Xk }vk=1 ∼ Nv (0, Σ), subject to the conditional event X ∈ Ev (ρ; Σ) ,
Ev (ρ; Σ) ≡ {x ∈ Rv : xT Σ−1 x < ρ} .
The perfect match between the symmetries of the ellipsoid Ev (ρ; Σ) and those of Nv (0, Σ) allows for an exact analytic result, from which the complete set of multivariate truncated moments can be extracted upon differentiation. Consider for instance the matrix SE (ρ; Σ) of the second truncated moments, expressing the covariances among the components of X within Ev (ρ; Σ). From Tallis’ paper it turns out that SE (ρ; Σ) = cT (ρ) Σ , ∗
cT (ρ) ≡
Fv+2 (ρ) , Fv (ρ)
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with Fv denoting the cumulative distribution function of a χ2 –variable with v degrees of freedom. Inverting eq. (1.2) – so as to express Σ as a function of SE – is trivial, since cT (ρ) is a scalar damping factor independent of Σ. In this paper, we shall refer to such inverse relation as the reconstruction of Σ from SE . Unfortunately, life is not always so easy. In general, the effects produced on the expectation of functions of X by cutting off the probability density outside a generic domain D ⊂ Rv can be hardly calculated in closed form, especially if the boundary of D is shaped in a way that breaks the ellipsoidal symmetry of Nv (0, Σ). Thus, for instance, unlike eq. (1.2) the matrix of the second truncated moments is expected in general to display a non–linear/non–trivial dependence upon Σ. In the present paper, we consider the case where D is a v–dimensional Euclidean ball with center in the origin and square radius ρ. Specifically, we discuss the reconstruction of Σ from the matrix SB of the spherically truncated second moments. To this aim, we need to mimic Tallis’ calculation, with eq. (1.1) replaced by the conditional event X ∈ Bv (ρ) ,
Bv (ρ) ≡ {x ∈ Rv : xT x < ρ} .
This is precisely an example of the situation described in the previous paragraph: although Bv (ρ) has a higher degree of symmetry than Ev (ρ; Σ), still there is no possibility of obtaining a closed–form relation between Σ and SB , since Bv (ρ) breaks the ellipsoidal symmetry of Nv (0, Σ): technically speaking, in this case we cannot perform any change of variable under the defining integral of the moment–generating function, which may reduce the dimensionality of the problem, as in Tallis’ paper. In spite of that, the residual symmetries characterizing the truncated distribution help simplify the problem in the following respects: i) the reflection invariance of the whole set–up still yields E[Xk | X ∈ Bv (ρ)] = 0 ∀ k, and ii) the rotational invariance of Bv (ρ) preserves the possibility of defining the principal components of the distribution just like in the unconstrained case. In particular, the latter property means that SB and Σ share the same orthonormal eigenvectors. In fact, the reconstruction of Σ from SB amounts to solving a system of non–linear integral equations, having the eigenvalues λ ≡ {λk }vk=1 of Σ as unknown variables and the eigenvalues µ ≡ {µk }vk=1 of SB as input parameters. In a lack of analytic techniques to evaluate exactly the integrals involved, we resort to a numerical algorithm, of which we investigate feasibility, performance and optimization. Here is an outline of the paper. In sect. 2, we show that the aforementioned integral equations have the analytic structure of a fixed point vector equation, that is to say λ = T (λ). This suggests to achieve the reconstruction of λ numerically via suitably chosen iterative schemes. In sect. 3, we prove the convergence of the simplest of them by inductive arguments, the validity of which relies upon the monotonicity properties of ratios of Gaussian integrals over Bv (ρ). In sect. 4, we review some numerical techniques for the computation of Gaussian integrals over Bv (ρ) with controlled systematic error. These are based on and extend a classic work by Ruben [2] on the distribution of quadratic forms of normal variables. For the sake of readability, we defer proofs of statements made in this sect. to Appendix A. In sect. 5, we report on our numerical experiences. Since the simplest iterative scheme, namely the Gauss–Jacobi iteration, is too slow for practical purposes, we investigate the performance of its improved version based on over–relaxation. As expected, we find that the latter has a higher convergence rate, yet it slows down polynomially in 1/ρ as ρ → 0 and exponentially in v as v → ∞. In order to reduce the slowing down, we propose an acceleration 2
technique, which boosts the higher components of the eigenvalue spectrum. A series of Monte Carlo simulations enables us to quantify the speedup. To conclude, we summarize our findings in sect. 6.
Definitions and set–up
Let X ∈ Rv be a random vector with jointly normal distribution Nv (0, Σ) in v ≥ 1 dimensions. The probability that X falls within Bv (ρ) is measured by the Gaussian integral Z 1 1 T −1 v α(ρ; Σ) ≡ P [X ∈ Bv (ρ)] = d x exp − x Σ x . (2.1) 2 (2π)v/2 |Σ|1/2 Bv (ρ) Since Σ is symmetric positive definite, it has orthonormal eigenvectors Σv (i) = λi v (i) . Let us denote (j) by R ≡ {vi }vi,j=1 the orthogonal matrix having these vectors as columns and by Λ ≡ diag(λ) = RT ΣR the diagonal counterpart of Σ. From the invariance of Bv (ρ) under rotations, it follows that α depends upon Σ just by way of λ. Accordingly, we rename the Gaussian probability content of Bv (ρ) as 2 Z v Y 1 y v α(ρ; λ) ≡ d x δ(xm , λm ) , δ(y, η) = √ exp − . (2.2) 2η 2πη Bv (ρ) m=1
Note that eq. (2.2) is not sufficient to fully characterize the random vector X under the spherical constraint, for which we need to calculate the distribution law P[X ∈ A|X ∈ Bv (ρ)] as a function of A ⊂ Rv . Alternatively, we can describe X in terms of the complete set of its truncated moments mk1 ...kv (ρ; Σ) ≡ E[X1k1 . . . Xvkv | X ∈ Bv (ρ)] ,
{ki }i=1,...,v ∈ Nv ,
As usual, these can be all obtained from the moment–generating function Z 1 1 T −1 v T α · m(t) = d x exp t x − x Σ x , t ∈ Rv , v/2 1/2 2 (2π) |Σ| Bv (ρ)
by differentiating the latter an arbitrary number of times with respect to the components of t, viz. ∂ k1 +...+kv m(t) . (2.5) mk1 ...kv (ρ; Σ) = (∂t1 )k1 . . . (∂tv )kv t=0 It will be observed that m(t) is in general not invariant under rotations of t. Therefore, unlike α, the moments mk1 ...kv depend effectively on both λ and R. For instance, for the matrix of the second moments SB ≡ {∂ 2 m/∂ti ∂tj |t=0 }vi,j=1 such dependence amounts to Z v v Y X v δ(xm , λm ) . (2.6) α · (SB )ij = Rki R`j d x x k xl k,`=1
Bv (ρ)
By parity, the only non–vanishing terms in the above sum are those with k = `. Hence, it follows that Σ and SB share R as a common diagonalizing matrix. In other words, if M ≡ diag(µ) is the diagonal matrix of the eigenvalues of SB , then M = RT SB R. Moreover, µk is related to λk by Z v 2 Y αk v xk µk = λ k , αk (ρ; λ) ≡ d x δ(xk , λk ) , k = 1, . . . , v . (2.7) α λk Bv (ρ) m=1
The ratios αk /α are naturally interpreted as adimensional correction factors to the eigenvalues of Σ, so they play the same rˆ ole as cT (ρ) in eq. (1.2). However, αk /α depends explicitly on the subscript k, thus each eigenvalue is damped differently from the others as a consequence of the condition X ∈ Bv (ρ). Remark 2.1. In practical terms, eqs. (2.6)–(2.7) tell us that estimating the sample covariance matrix of X ∼ N (0, Σ) from a spherically truncated population {x(n) }N n=1 , made of N indepenPN (n) (n) (n) (n) −1 dent units, via the classical estimator Qij = (N − 1) −x ¯i )(xj − x ¯j ), being n=1 (xi P (n) the sample mean, yields a biased result. Nonetheless, the bias affects only x ¯ = N −1 N n=1 x the eigenvalues of the estimator, whereas its eigenvectors are unbiased. Eqs. (2.2) and (2.7) suggest to introduce a general notation for the Gaussian integrals over Bv (ρ), under the assumption Σ = Λ. So, we define Z v Y x2 x2 x2 δ(xm , λm ) , (2.8) αk`m... (ρ; λ) ≡ dv x k ` m . . . λk λ` λm Bv (ρ) m=1
with each subscript q on the l.h.s. addressing an additional factor of x2q /λq under the integral sign on the r.h.s. (no subscripts means α). We shall discuss several analytic properties of such integrals in ref. [3]. Here, we lay emphasis on some issues concerning the monotonicity trends of the ratios αk /α. Specifically, =k Proposition 2.1 (monotonicities). Let λ(k) ≡ {λi }i6i=1,...,v denote the set of the full eigenvalues without λk . The ratios αk /α fulfill the following properties:
p1 ) λk
αk (ρ; λ) is a monotonic increasing function of λk at fixed ρ and λ(k) ; α
αk (ρ; λ) is a monotonic decreasing function of λk at fixed ρ and λ(k) ; α αk p3 ) (ρ; λ) is a monotonic decreasing function of λi (i 6= k) at fixed ρ and λ(i) , α
p2 )
where an innocuous abuse of notation has been made on writing
αk α (ρ; λ)
in place of αk (ρ; λ)/α(ρ; λ).
Proof. Let the symbol ∂k ≡ ∂/∂λk denote a derivative with respect to λk . In order to prove property p1 ), we apply the chain rule of differentiation to λk αk /α and then we pass ∂k under the integral sign in ∂k α and ∂k αk . In this way, we obtain α αk2 1 αkk 1 k ∂k λk = − 2 = 2 E[Xk4 | X ∈ Bv (ρ)] − E[Xk2 | X ∈ Bv (ρ)]2 α 2 α α 2λk =
1 var Xk2 | X ∈ Bv (ρ) ≥ 0 . 2 2λk
Moreover, since the truncated marginal density of Xk2 is positive within a set of non–zero measure in R, the monotonic trend of λk αk /α in λk is strict. Properties p2 ) and p3 ) are less trivial than p1 ). Indeed, the same reasoning as above now yields on the one hand α α α 1 k k k λk ∂k = ∂k λ k − = 2 var Xk2 | X ∈ Bv (ρ) − 2λk E[Xk2 | X ∈ Bv (ρ)] , (2.10) α α α 2λk 4
and on the other α 1 α 1 αi αk k ik = λi ∂i = − 2 cov Xi2 , Xk2 | X ∈ Bv (ρ) α 2 α α 2λi λk
(i 6= k) .
Though not a priori evident, the r.h.s. of both eqs. (2.10)–(2.11) is negative (and vanishes in the limit ρ → ∞). A systematic discussion of the inequalities var(Xk2 ) ≤ 2λk E[Xk2 ] and cov(Xj2 , Xk2 ) ≤ 0 within a Euclidean ball is out of the scope of the present paper. Accordingly, we take them here as a conjecture and refer the reader to ref. [3] for a detailed analysis. However, their meaning should be intuitively clear. The variance inequality quantifies the squeezing affecting Xk2 as a consequence of the truncation (in the unconstrained case it would be var(Xk2 ) = 2λ2k ). The covariance inequality follows from the opposition arising among the square components in proximity of the boundary of Bv (ρ). Indeed, if Xj2 % ρ, then Xk2 & 0 ∀ k 6= j in order for X to stay within Bv (ρ). We warn the reader that a quantitative analysis of the square correlation inequalities is not trivial (see e.g. refs. [4, 5] for a discussion in the case where the probability distribution of X is flat instead of being normal). A consequence of Proposition 2.1 is represented by the following Corollary 2.1. Given v, ρ and λ, µk is bounded by ρ
r v,
ρ 2λk
ρ , 3
≤ µk ≤
r(v, z) ≡ (2v + 1)
M (v, v + 1/2, z) , M (v, v + 3/2, z)
with M denoting a Kummer function, viz. ∞ X 1 (a)n n z , M (a, b, z) = n! (b)n
(x)n ≡
Γ(x + n) . Γ(x)
Proof. The upper bound of eq. (2.12) corresponds to the value of µk in the v–tuple limit λk → ∞, λ(k) → {0 . . . , 0}. This is indeed the maximum possible value allowed for µk according to properties p1 ) and p3 ) of Proposition 2.1. In order to perform this limit, we observe that lim δ(y, η) = δ(y) ,
with the δ symbol on the r.h.s. representing the Dirac delta function (the reader who is not familiar with the theory of distributions may refer for instance to ref. [6] for an introduction). Accordingly, Z +√ρ Z + √ρ ρ lim lim µk = dxk x2k dxk = . (2.15) √ √ λk →∞ λ(k) →{0,...,0} 3 − ρ − ρ The lower bound corresponds instead to the value taken by µk as λ(k) → {∞ . . . , ∞} and λk is kept fixed. In this limit, all the Gaussian factors in the probability density function except the k th one flatten to one. Hence, Z + √ρ 2 (v−1) 2 dx x δ(x , λ ) α ρ − x ; λ k k k (k) k k √ lim
λ(k) →{∞ ...,∞}
µk =
λ(k) →{∞ ...,∞}
− ρ √ + ρ
√ − ρ
dxk δ(xk , λk ) α(v−1) ρ − x2k ; λ(k)
Z =
√ + ρ
− 2λk
dxk x2k e
√ − ρ Z + √ρ √ − ρ
dxk e
x2 − 2λk k
ρ − x2k
v−1 x2k
− 2λρ x2k
dxk x2k e
0 =ρ Z
v−1 .
− 2λρ x2k
dxk e
1 − x2k 1 − x2k
Numerator and denominator of the rightmost ratio are easily recognized to be integral representations of Kummer functions (see e.g. ref. [7, ch. 13]). The upper bound of eq. (2.12) can be sharpened, as clarified by the following Proposition 2.2 (Bounds on the truncated moments). Let v, ρ and λ be given. If {i1 , . . . , iv } is a permutation of {1, . . . , v} such that µi1 ≤ µi2 ≤ . . . ≤ µiv , then the following upper bounds hold: i)
v X
µk ≤ ρ ;
µ ik ≤
ρ , v−k+1
k = 1, . . . , v .
Proof. The overall upper bound on the sum of truncated moments follows from ! v Z v v v Y X X 1X 1 v 2 δ(xm , λm ) ≤ ρ . µk = λk αk = d x xk α α Bv (ρ) k=1
At the same time, the sum can be split and bounded from below by v X
µik =
n X k=1
µik +
v X k=n+1
µik ≥
n X
µik + (v − n)µin+1 ,
n = 0, 1, . . . , v − 1 .
The single upper bounds on the µk ’s are then obtained from eqs. (2.18)–(2.19). It will be noted that eq. (2.17) ii) is sharper than the upper bound of eq. (2.12) only for v > 3 and k < v − 2. From now on, we shall assume with no loss of generality, that the eigenvalues of Σ are increasingly ordered, namely 0 < λ1 ≤ · · · ≤ λv (we can always permute the labels of the coordinate axes, so as to let this be the case). An important aspect related to the eigenvalue ordering is provided by the following Proposition 2.3 (Eigenvalue ordering). Let v, ρ and λ be given. If λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ . . . ≤ λv , then it holds µ1 ≤ µ2 ≤ . . . ≤ µv as well. Proof. In order to show that the spherical truncation does not violate the eigenvalue ordering, we make repeated use of the monotonicity properties of Proposition 2.1. Specifically, if i < j then αi µi = λi (ρ; {λ1 , . . . , λi , . . . , λj , . . . , λv }) α αi αi ≤ λj (ρ; {λ1 , . . . , λj , . . . , λj , . . . , λv }) ! increasing monotonicity of λi α α αj = λj (ρ; {λ1 , . . . , λj , . . . , λj , . . . , λv }) ! exchange symmetry i ↔ j α αj αj ≤ λj (ρ; {λ1 , . . . , λi , . . . , λj , . . . , λv }) ! decreasing monotonicity of α α = µj ,
(2.20) 6
Fig. 1 – Allowed regions for µ in two and three dimensions. In both pictures, bounds are determined by eq. (2.12) (corresponding to the square region on the left and the cubic region on the right), while eqs. (2.17) i) (corresponding to the simplexes) and ii) are too loose to constrain µ. Note that at v = 3, the cubic region touches the simplex at P ≡ (ρ/3, ρ/3, ρ/3). At v ≥ 4, eqs. (2.17) i) and ii) become effective.
where the symbol “!” is used to explain where the inequality sign preceding it comes from, and the “exchange symmetry” refers to the formal property of the one–index Gaussian integrals over Bv (ρ) to fulfill αi (ρ; {λ1 , . . . , λi , . . . , λj , . . . , λv }) = αj (ρ; {λ1 , . . . , λj , . . . , λi , . . . , λv }). Let us now focus on eqs. (2.7). They have to be solved in order to reconstruct λ from µ. Formally, if we introduce a family of truncation operators τρ : Rv+ → Rv+ (parametrically depending on ρ), such that (τρ · λ)k ≡ λk
αk (ρ; λ) , α
k = 1, . . . , v ,
then the reconstruction of λ from µ amounts to calculating λ = τρ−1 · µ. One should be aware that τρ is not a surjective operator in view of Corollary 2.1 and Proposition 2.2. Therefore, τρ−1 is only defined within a bounded domain D(τρ−1 ) ≡ Im(τρ ) ⊆ Hv (ρ), being ( Hv (ρ) ≡
: xk ≤ min
ρ ρ , 3 v−k+1
v X
) xk ≤ ρ ,
Since we cannot exclude the existence of vectors µ ∈ Rv such that µ ∈ Hv (ρ) and µ ∈ / D(τρ−1 ), we must conclude that D(τρ−1 ) could be a proper subset of Hv (ρ). The lack of a full characterization of D(τρ−1 ) does not spoil our work, since we shall always assume in the sequel that µ comes from the application of τρ to some λ, thus µ ∈ D(τρ−1 ) by construction. Of course, we can turn the above discussion into a necessary condition for the feasibility of the reconstruction of Σ, as in the following (useful for the applications) Remark 2.2 (No–go condition). Let ρ > 0, µ ∈ Rv+ and R be given, such that RT R = RRT = Iv and det R = 1. If µ ∈ / Hv (ρ), then there exists no Σ which may be interpreted as the full covariance matrix corresponding to SB ≡ RM RT via spherical truncation outside Bv (ρ), being M = diag(µ).
Now, we observe that eqs. (2.7) can be written in the equivalent form λ = T (λ; µ; ρ) , T : Rv+ × Rv+ × R+ → Rv+ ;
(2.23) Tk (λ; µ; ρ) = µk
α (ρ; λ) , αk
k = 1, . . . , v .
Since ρ and µ are (non–independent) input parameters for the covariance reconstruction problem (and in order to keep the notation light), in the sequel we shall leave the dependence of T upon ρ and µ implicitly understood, i.e., we shall write eq. (2.23) as λ = T (λ). Hence, we see that the full eigenvalue spectrum λ is a fixed point of the operator T . This suggests to obtain it as the limit of a sequence λ(0) = µ ,
λ(n+1) = T (λ(n) ) ,
n = 0, 1, . . . ,
λ = lim λ(n) ,
provided this can be shown to converge. Note that since αk < α, it follows that Tk (λ(n) ) > µk ∀n, so the sequence is bounded from below by µ. In particular, this holds for n = 0. Therefore, the sequence moves to the right direction at least at the beginning. A formal proof of convergence, based on the monotonicity properties stated by Proposition 2.1, is given in next section.
Convergence of the fixed point equation
We split our argument into three propositions, describing different properties of the sequence λ(n) . They assert respectively that i) the sequence is component–wise monotonic increasing; ii) the sequence is component–wise bounded from above by any fixed point of T ; iii) if T has a fixed point, this must be unique. Statements i) and ii) are sufficient to guarantee the convergence of the sequence to a finite limit (the unconstrained spectrum is a fixed point of T ). In addition, the limit is easily recognized to be a fixed point of T . Hence, statement iii) guarantees that the sequence converges to the unconstrained eigenvalue spectrum. We remark that all the monotonicities discussed in Proposition 2.1 are strict, i.e. the ratios αk /α have no stationary points at finite ρ and λ, which is crucial for the proof. Proposition 3.1 (Increasing monotonicity). Given v, ρ and µ ∈ D(τρ−1 ), the sequence λ(0) = µ, (n+1)
λ(n+1) = T (λ(n) ), n = 0, 1, . . . is monotonic increasing, viz. λk Proof. The proof is by induction. We first notice that α (1) (0) λk = Tk (λ(0) ) = Tk (µ) = µk (ρ; µ) > µk = λk , αk
> λk
k = 1, . . . , v ,
∀ k = 1, . . . , v.
the inequality following from αk (ρ; µ) < α(ρ; µ). Suppose now that the property of increasing monotonicity has been checked off up to the nth element of the sequence. Then, α α (n+1) (n) λk = µk (ρ; λ(n) ) > µk (ρ; λ(n−1) ) = λk , (3.2) αk αk the inequality following this time from the inductive hypothesis and from properties p2 ) and p3 ) of Proposition 2.1. 8
Proposition 3.2 (Boundedness). Given v, ρ and µ ∈ D(τρ−1 ), the sequence λ(0) = µ, λ(n+1) = (n)
T (λ(n) ), n = 0, 1, . . . is bounded from above, viz. λk < λ∗k ∀ k = 1, . . . , v, being λ∗ a fixed point of T. Proof. We proceed again by induction. We first notice that α (0) λk = µk < µk (ρ; λ∗ ) = λ∗k , k = 1, . . . , v , αk
the inequality following as previously from αk (ρ; λ∗ ) < α(ρ; λ∗ ). Suppose now that the property of boundedness has been checked off up to the nth element of the sequence. Then, α αk α αk α (n+1) λk = µk (ρ; λ(n) ) = λ∗k (ρ; λ∗ ) (ρ; λ(n) ) < λ∗k (ρ; λ(n) ) (ρ; λ(n) ) = λ∗k , (3.4) αk α αk α αk the inequality following for the last time from the inductive hypothesis and from properties p2 ) and p3 ) of Proposition 2.1. ˜ = limn→∞ λ(n) be According to Propositions 3.1 and 3.2, the sequence converges. Now, let λ ˜ is a fixed point of T . Indeed, the limit of the sequence. Effortlessly, we prove that λ ˜ . ˜ k = lim λ(n) = lim µk α (ρ; λ(n−1) ) = µk α ρ; lim λ(n−1) = Tk (λ) (3.5) λ n→∞ k n→∞ n→∞ αk αk Note that passing the limit over n under the integral sign is certainly allowed for Gaussian integrals. Proposition 3.3 (Uniqueness of the fixed point). Let λ0 = T (λ0 ) and λ00 = T (λ00 ) be two fixed points of T , corresponding to the same choice of v, ρ and µ ∈ D(τρ−1 ). Then, it must be λ0 = λ00 . Proof. According to the hypothesis, λ0 and λ00 fulfill the equations α αk λ0k = µk (ρ; λ0 ) ⇒ µk = λ0k (ρ; λ0 ) , αk α λ00k = µk
α (ρ; λ00 ) αk
µk = λ00k
αk (ρ; λ00 ) . α
Hence, 0 = µk − µk =
αk αk λ0k (ρ; λ0 ) − λ00k (ρ; λ00 ) α
v Z X `=1
dt Jk` ρ; λ + t λ − λ
(λ0` − λ00` ) , (3.8)
where J denotes the Jacobian matrix of τρ and is given by α 1 λ α αk α` −1 ` ` k` Jk` (ρ; λ) = ∂k λ` (ρ; λ) = − 2 = Λ Ω(ρ; λ) Λ k` , α 2 λk α α
having set Ωk` ≡ (1/2)(αk` /α − αk α` /α2 ). It will be noted that Ω = {Ωk` }vk,`=1 is essentially the covariance matrix of the square components of X under spherical truncation (we have come across its matrix elements in eqs. (2.9)–(2.11)). As such, Ω is symmetric positive definite. Indeed, 1 cov Xk2 , X`2 | X ∈ Bv (ρ) Ωk` = 2λk λ` 2 1 2 2 2 = E Xk − E Xk | X ∈ Bv (ρ) X` − E[X` | X ∈ Bv (ρ)] X ∈ Bv (ρ) . (3.10) 2λk λ` 9
√ On setting Zk = (Xk2 − E[Xk2 | X ∈ Bv (ρ)])/ 2λk , we can represent Ω as Ω = E[ZZ T | X ∈ Bv (ρ)]. If x ∈ Rv is not the null vector, then xT Ωx = E[xT ZZ T x | X ∈ Bv (ρ)] = E[(xT Z)2 | X ∈ Bv (ρ)] > 0. Moreover, the eigenvalues of Ω fulfill the secular equation 0 = det(Ω − φIv ) = det[Λ−1 (Ω − φIv )Λ] = det(Λ−1 ΩΛ − φIv ) = det(J − φIv ) ,
whence it follows that J is positive definite as well (though itRis not symmetric). Since the sum of 1 positive definite matrices is positive definite, we conclude that 0 dt J (ρ; λ00 + t (λ0 − λ00 )) is positive definite too. As such, it is non–singular. Therefore, from eq. (3.8) we conclude that λ0 = λ00 .
Numerical computation of Gaussian integrals over Bv (ρ)
Let us now see how to compute αk`m... with controlled precision. Essentially, all the relevant work has been originally done by Ruben in ref. [2], where the case of α is thoroughly discussed. We just need to extend Ruben’s technique to Gaussian integrals containing powers of the integration variable. Specifically, it is shown in ref. [2] that α(ρ; λ) can be represented as a series of chi–square cumulative distribution functions, α(ρ; λ) =
∞ X
cm (s; λ)Fv+2m (ρ/s) .
The scale factor s has the same physical dimension as ρ and λ. It is introduced in order to factorize the dependence of α upon ρ and λ at each order of the expansion. The series on the r.h.s. of eq. (4.1) converges uniformly on every finite interval of ρ. The coefficients cm are given by cm (s; λ) =
1 sv/2+m Γ(v/2 + m) M[(−Q)m ] , m! |Λ|1/2 Γ(v/2)
m = 0, 1, . . .
having defined Q(x) ≡ xT [Λ−1 − s−1 Iv ]x for x ∈ Rv and M as the uniform average operator on the (v − 1)–sphere ∂Bv (1) ≡ {u ∈ Rv : uT u = 1}, viz. Z Γ(v/2) M[φ] ≡ du φ(u) , ∀ φ ∈ C 0 (∂Bv (1)) a.e. (4.3) 2π v/2 ∂Bv (1) Unfortunately, eq. (4.2) is not particularly convenient for numerical computations, since M[(−Q)m ] is only given in integral form. However, it is also shown in ref. [2] that the coefficients cm can be extracted from the Taylor expansion (at z0 = 0) of the generating function −1/2 ∞ v X Y s s 1/2 1− 1− z , i.e. ψ(z) = cm (s; λ)z m . (4.4) ψ(z) = λk λk m=0
|−1 .
This series converges uniformly for |z| < mini |1 − s/λi On evaluating the derivatives of ψ(z), it is then shown that the cm ’s fulfill the recursion v r n−1 Y s 1 X ; c = gn−r cr , n = 1, 2, . . . ; c = 0 n λm 2n m=1 r=0 (4.5) v n X s . 1− gn ≡ λm m=1
Finally, the systematic error produced on considering only the lowest k terms of the chi–square series of eq. (4.1) is estimated by ∞ X Rn (ρ; λ) ≡ cm (s; λ)Fv+2m (ρ/s) m=n
≤ c0 (s; λ)
Γ(v/2 + n) η n (1 − η)−(v/2+n) Fv+2n [(1 − η)ρ/s] ≡ Rn , Γ(v/2) n!
with η = maxi |1 − s/λi |. Now, as mentioned, it is possible to extend the above expansion to all Gaussian integrals αk`m... . Here, we are interested only in αk and αjk , since these are needed in order to implement the fixed point iteration and to compute the Jacobian matrix of τρ . The extension is provided by the following Theorem 4.1 (Ruben’s expansions). The integrals αk and αjk admit the series representations ∞ X
αk (ρ; λ) =
ck;m (s; λ)Fv+2(m+1) (ρ/s) ,
cjk;m (s; λ)Fv+2(m+2) (ρ/s) ,
m=0 ∞ X
αjk (ρ; λ) =
with s an arbitrary positive constant. The series coefficients are given resp. by s v + 2m sv/2+m Γ(v/2 + m) m 2 , M (−Q) u k λk m! Γ(v/2) |Λ|1/2
ck;m (s; λ) =
cjk;m (s; λ) = (1 + 2δjk )
s s (v + 2m + 2)(v + 2m) sv/2+m Γ(v/2 + m) m 2 2 . M (−Q) u u j k λj λk m! Γ(v/2) |Λ|1/2 (4.10)
with δjk denoting the Kronecker symbol. The series on the r.h.s. of eqs. (4.7)–(4.8) converge uniformly on every finite interval of ρ. The functions ψk (z) =
s λk
ψkk (z) = 3
3/2 −3/2 Y 1/2 −1/2 s s s 1− 1− z 1− 1− z , λk λi λi
s λk
−5/2 Y 1/2 −1/2 s s s 1− 1− z 1− 1− z , λk λi λi
−3/2 s s 3/2 s s ψjk (z) = 1− 1− z 1− 1− z λj λk λj λk −1/2 Y s 1/2 s × (j 6= k) , 1− 1− z λi λi
are generating functions resp. for the coefficients ck;m , ckk;m and cjk;m (j 6= k), i.e. they fulfill ψk (z) =
∞ X
ck;m (s; λ)z m ,
cjk;m (s; λ)z m ,
ψjk (z) =
∞ X m=0
for |z| < mini |1 − s/λi |−1 . Finally, the coefficients ck;m , ckk;m and cjk;m (j 6= k) can be obtained iteratively from the recursions m−1 1 X s c ; c = gk;m−r ck;r ; c = 0 k;m k;0 λk 2m r=0 (4.16) m v X s ek;i 1 − , m ≥ 1; gk;m ≡ λi i=1
and m−1 s 1 X s gjk;m−r cjk;r ; c ; c = c = (1 + 2δ ) 0 jk;m jk jk;0 λj λk 2m r=0 m v X s ejk;i 1 − , m ≥ 1; gjk;m ≡ λi
where the auxiliary coefficients ek;i and ejk;i are defined by ( 3 if i = k , ek;i = 1 otherwise ( ekk;i =
5 if i = k 1 otherwise
( ,
ejk;i =
3 if i = j or k 1 otherwise
(j 6= k) .
It is not difficult to further generalize this theorem, so as to provide a chi–square expansion for any Gaussian integral αk`m... . The proof follows closely the original one given by Ruben. We reproduce it in Appendix A for αk , just to highlight the differences arising when the Gaussian integral contains powers of the integration variable. Analogously to eq. (4.6), it is possible to estimate the systematic error produced when considering only the lowest k terms of the chi–square series of αk and αjk . Specifically, we find ∞ X Rk;n ≡ ck;m (s; λ)Fv+2(m+1) (ρ/s) m=n
≤ ck;0
ηn Γ(v/2 + n + 1) (1 − η)−(v/2+n+1) Fv+2(n+1) [(1 − η)ρ/s] ≡ Rk;n , n! Γ(v/2) 12
∞ X ≡ c (s; λ)Fv+2(m+2) (ρ/s) m=n jk;m ≤ cjk;0
Γ(v/2 + n + 2) ηn (1 − η)−(v/2+n+2) Fv+2(n+2) [(1 − η)ρ/s] ≡ Rjk;n . n! Γ(v/2)
In order to evaluate all Ruben series with controlled uncertainty, we first set1 s = 2λ1 λv /(λ1 + λv ), then we choose a unique threshold ε representing the maximum tolerable systematic error, e.g. εdp = 1.0 × 10−14 (roughly corresponding to double floating–point precision), for all α, αk and αjk , and finally for each αX we compute the integer kth ≡ min {n : RX;n < ε} ,
providing the minimum number of chi-square terms, for which the upper bound RX;n to the residual sum RX;n lies below ε. Of course, this procedure overshoots the minimum number of terms really required for the R’s to lie below ε, since we actually operate on the R’s instead of the R’s. Nevertheless, the computational overhead is acceptable, as it will be shown in next section. For the sake of completeness, it must be said that typically the values of kth for α, αk and αjk with the same (and ρ, λ) are not much different from each other. To conclude, we notice that kth depends non–trivially upon λ. By contrast, since Fv (x) is monotonic increasing in x, we clearly see that kth is monotonic increasing in ρ. Now, should one evaluate α and the like for a given λ at several values of ρ, say ρ1 ≤ ρ2 ≤ . . . ≤ ρmax , it is advisable to save computing resources and work out Ruben coefficients just once, up to the order kth corresponding to ρmax , since kth (ρ1 ) ≤ . . . ≤ kth (ρmax ). We made use of this trick throughout our numerical experiences, as reported in the sequel.
Numerical analysis of the reconstruction process
The fixed point eq. (2.25) represents the simplest iterative scheme that can be used in order to reconstruct the solution λ = τρ−1 · µ. In the literature of numerical methods, this scheme is known as a non–linear Gauss–Jacobi (GJ) iteration (see e.g. ref. [8]). Accordingly, we shall rewrite it as (n+1) (n) (n) λGJ,k = Tk (λGJ ). As we have seen, the sequence λGJ converges with no exception as n → ∞, provided µ ∈ D(τρ−1 ). Given T > 0, the number of steps nit needed for an approximate convergence with relative precision T , i.e. ( ) (n) (n−1) ||λGJ − λGJ ||∞ nit ≡ min n : < T , (5.1) (n−1) n≥1 ||λGJ ||∞ depends not only upon T , but also on ρ and µ (note that the stopping rule is well conditioned, since ||λ(n) ||∞ > 0 ∀ n and also limn→∞ ||λ(n) ||∞ > 0). In order to characterize statistically the convergence rate of the reconstruction process, we must integrate out the fluctuations of nit due to changes of µ, i.e. we must average nit by letting µ fluctuate across its own probability space. In this way, we obtain the quantity n ¯ it ≡ Eµ [nit |T , ρ], which better synthesizes the cost of the 1
see once more ref. [2] for an exhaustive discussion on how to choose s.
reconstruction for given T and ρ. It should be evident that carrying out this idea analytically is hard, for on the one hand nit depends upon µ non–linearly, and on the other µ has a complicate distribution, as we briefly explain below.
Choice of the eigenvalue ensemble
Since λ is the eigenvalue spectrum of a full covariance matrix, it is reasonable to assume its distribution to be a Wishart Wv (p, Σ0 ) for some scale matrix Σ0 and for some number of degrees of freedom p ≥ v. In the sequel, we shall make the ideal assumption Σ0 = p−1 · Iv , so that the probability measure of λ is (see e.g. ref. [9]) dwv (p; λ) = p
(p+v 2 −1)/2
2 /2
Q P (p−v−1)/2 exp − p2 vk=1 λk k=1 λk k βmax has a minor impact on the performance of the algorithm. In Fig. 7, we report a plot of the parameter κ (obtained from least–squares fits of data to a linear model a = a0 + κ · v) as a function of β. We see that κ(β = 0)/κ(β = 2) ' 4. This quantifies the maximum exponential speedup of the convergence rate, which can be achieved by our proposal. When β is close to βmax , n ¯ it amounts to few hundreds at v = 10 and ρ ' λ1 /2.
In this paper we have studied how to reconstruct the covariance matrix Σ of a normal multivariate X ∼ Nv (0, Σ) from the matrix SB of the spherically truncated second moments, describing the covariances among the components of X when the probability density is cut off outside a centered Euclidean ball. We have shown that Σ and SB share the same eigenvectors. Therefore, the problem amounts to relating the eigenvalues of Σ to those of SB . Such relation entails the inversion of a system of non–linear integral equations, which admits unfortunately no closed–form solution. Having found a necessary condition for the invertibility of the system, we have shown that the eigenvalue reconstruction can be achieved numerically via a converging fixed point iteration. In order to prove the convergence, we rely ultimately upon some probability inequalities, known in the literature as square correlation inequalities, which are only conjectured in this work (they will be systematically investigated for our specific set–up in a forthcoming paper [3]). In order to explore the convergence rate of the fixed point iteration, we have implemented some variations of the non–linear Gauss–Jacobi scheme. Specifically, we have found that over–relaxing the basic iteration enhances the convergence rate by a moderate factor. However, the over–relaxed algorithm still slows down exponentially in the number of eigenvalues and polynomially in the truncation radius of the Euclidean ball. In the last part of the paper, we have shown that a significant reduction of the slowing down can be achieved in the regime of strong truncation by 22
adapting the relaxation parameter to the eigenvalue it is naturally associated with, so as to boost the higher components of the spectrum. A concrete implementation of the proposed approach requires the computation of a set of multivariate Gaussian integrals over the Euclidean ball. For this, we have extended to the case of interest a technique, originally proposed by Ruben for representing the probability content of quadratic forms of normal variables as a series of chi–square distributions. In the paper, we have shown the practical feasibility of the series expansion for the integrals involved in our computations.
Acknowledgements We are grateful to Alessandra Reale for encouraging us throughout all stages of this work, and to Gianpiero Bianchi for technical support.
Appendix A
Proof of Theorem 4.1
As already mentioned in sect. 4, the proof follows in the tracks of the original one of ref. [2]. We detail the relevant steps for αk , while for αjk we only explain why it is necessary to distinguish between equal or different indices and the consequences for either case. In order to prove eq. (4.7), we first express αk in spherical coordinates, i.e. we perform the change of variable x = ru, being r = ||x|| and u ∈ ∂Bv (1) (recall that dv x = rv−1 dr du, with du embodying the angular part of the spherical Jacobian and the differentials of v − 1 angles); then we insert a factor of 1 = exp(r2 /2s) exp(−r2 /2s) under the integral sign. Hence, αk reads 2Z Z √ρ 2 1 Q(u)r2 r 2 v−1 r αk (ρ; λ) = exp − du uk exp − . (A.1) dr r λk 2s 2 (2π)v/2 |Λ|1/2 0 ∂Bv (1) The next step consists in expanding the inner exponential in Taylor series2 , viz. ∞ X Q(u)r2 1 r2m exp − = (−Q)m . 2 m! 2m
This series converges uniformly in u. We review the estimate just for the sake of completeness: 2 ∞ ∞ X X 1 r2m 1 r2m m r q0 m (−Q) ≤ q0 = exp , (A.3) m m m! 2 m! 2 2 m=0
being q0 = maxi |1/s − 1/λi |. It follows that we can integrate the series term by term. With the help of the uniform average operator introduced in eq. (4.3), αk is recast to 2 Z √ρ ∞ X r 1 1 1 1 v+2m+1 m 2 αk (ρ; λ) = M[(−Q) uk ] v/2+m−1 dr r exp − . (A.4) 1/2 m! λk |Λ| 2s 2 Γ(v/2) 0 m=0 2 in his original proof, Ruben considers a more general set–up, with the center of the Euclidean ball shifted by a vector b ∈ Rv from the center of the distribution. In that case, the Gaussian exponential looks different and must be expanded in series of Hermite polynomials. Here, we work in a simplified set–up, where the Hermite expansion reduces to Taylor’s.
The presence of an additional factor of u2k in the angular average is harmless, since |u2k | < 1. We finally notice that the radial integral can be expressed in terms of a cumulative chi–square √ distribution function on replacing r → rs, namely Z
dr r
r2 exp − 2s
= 2v/2+m sv/2+m+1 Γ
ρ + m + 1 Fv+2(m+1) . 2 s
Inserting eq. (A.5) into eq. (A.4) results in Ruben’s representation of αk . This completes the first part of the proof. As a next step, we wish to demonstrate that the function ψk of eq. (4.11) is the generating function of the coefficients ck;m . To this aim, we first recall the identities Z ∞ a −1/2 −1/2 (A.6) dx exp − x2 , a = (2π) 2 −∞ Z ∞ a −3/2 −1/2 dx x2 exp − x2 , a = (2π) (A.7) 2 −∞ valid for a > 0. On setting ai = [1 − (1 − s/λi )z], we see that ψk can be represented in the integral form 3/2 Z ∞ 1 s s 2 −v/2 ψk (z) = dxk xk exp − 1 − 1 − (2π) z x2k λk 2 λ k −∞ Y s 1/2 Z ∞ s 1 × z x2i dxi exp − 1 − 1 − λi 2 λ k −∞ i6=k
s sv/2 = λk (2π)v/2 |Λ|1/2
d Rv
x x2k
1 xT · x exp − zsQ(x) − , 2 2
provided z < mini |1 − s/λi |−1 . As previously done, we introduce spherical coordinates x = ru, and expand exp{− 21 zsQ(x)} = exp{− 12 zsr2 Q(u)} in Taylor series. By the same argument as above, the series converges uniformly in u (the factor of zs does not depend on u), thus allowing term by term integration. Accordingly, we have Z ∞ m Z ∞ X s sv/2 v+2(m+1)−1 −r2 /2 m s ψk (z) = dr r e du [−Q(u)]m u2k . (A.9) z λk (2π)v/2 |Λ|1/2 2m m! 0 ∂Bv (1) m=0
We see that the r.h.s. of eq. (A.9) looks similar to eq. (A.4), the only relevant differences being the presence of the factor of z m under the sum sign and the upper limit of the radial integral. With some algebra, we arrive at ( ) ∞ X 2 s sv/2+m Γ(v/2 + m + 1) m m 2 M[(−Q) uk ] . (A.10) ψk (z) = z m! λk |Λ|1/2 Γ(v/2) m=0
The series coefficients are recognized to be precisely those of eq. (4.9).
In the last part of the proof, we derive the recursion fulfilled by the coefficients ck;m . To this aim, the mth derivative of ψk has to be evaluated at z = 0 and then identified with m! ck;m . The key observation is that differentiating ψk reproduces ψk itself, that is to say ψk0 (z) = Ψk (z)ψk (z) ,
−1 v 1X s s Ψk (z) = 1− 1− z , ek;i 1 − 2 λi λi
and the auxiliary coefficient ek;i being defined as in eq. (4.18). Eq. (A.11) lies at the origin of the recursion. Indeed, from eq. (A.11) it follows that that ψk00 is a function of ψk0 and ψk , viz. ψk00 = Ψ0k ψk + Ψk ψk0 . Proceeding analogously yields the general formula (m)
ψk (z) =
m−1 X r=0
m−1 (m−r−1) (r) Ψk (z) ψk (z) . r
At z = 0, this reads m! ck;m =
m−1 X r=0
(m − 1)! (m−r−1) Ψ (0) r! ck;r . (m − r − 1)! r! k
The last step consists in proving that 1 (m) Ψk (0) = m!gk;m+1 , 2
with gk;m defined as in eq. (4.16). This can be done precisely as explained in ref. [2]. Having reiterated Ruben’s proof explicitly in a specific case, it is now easy to see how the theorem is extended to any other Gaussian integral. First of all, from eq. (A.1) we infer that each additional subscript in αk`m... enhances the power of the radial coordinate under the integral sign by 2 units. This entails a shift in the number of degrees of freedom of the chi–square distributions in Ruben’s expansion, amounting to twice the number of subscripts. For instance, since αjk has two subscripts, its Ruben’s expansion starts by Fv+4 , independently of whether j = k or j 6= k. In second place, we observe that in order to correctly identify the generating functions of Ruben’s coefficients for a higher–order integral αk`m... , we need to take into account the multiplicities of the indices k, `, m,. . . . As an example, consider the case of ψjk (j 6= k) and ψkk . By going once more through the argument presented in eq. (A.8), we see that eqs. (A.6)–(A.7) are sufficient to show that eq. (4.13) is the generating function of αjk . By contrast, in order to repeat the proof for the case of ψkk , we need an additional integral identity, namely Z +∞ a 1 −5/2 −1/2 a = (2π) dx x4 exp − x2 , (A.16) 3 2 −∞ valid once more for a > 0. Hence, we infer that ψkk must depend upon λk via a factor of [1 − (1 − s/λk )z]−5/2 , whereas ψjk (j 6= k) must depend on λj and λk via factors of resp. [1−(1−s/λj )z]−3/2 and [1 − (1 − s/λk )z]−3/2 . The different exponents are ultimately responsible for the specific values taken by the auxiliary coefficients ekk;i and ejk;i of eq. (4.19). 25
To conclude, we observe that the estimates of the residuals Rk;m and Rjk;m , presented in sect. 4 without an explicit proof, do not require any further technical insight than already provided by ref. [2] plus our modest considerations. We leave them to the reader, since they can be obtained once more in the tracks of the original derivation of Rm .
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