Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Fredholm-Volterra ... - Semantic Scholar

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In this work, we present a computational method for solving nonlinear Fredholm-Volterra integral equations of the second kind which is based on replacement of ...
American Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2011, 1, 134-138 doi:10.4236/ajcm.2011.12014 Published Online June 2011 (

Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Fredholm-Volterra Integtral Equations via Piecewise Constant Function by Collocation Method Ahmad Shahsavaran Faculty of Science, Islamic Azad University, Borujerd Branch, Borujerd, Iran E-mail: [email protected] Received March 26, 2011; revised April 17, 2011; accepted May 10, 2011

Abstract In this work, we present a computational method for solving nonlinear Fredholm-Volterra integral equations of the second kind which is based on replacement of the unknown function by truncated series of well known Block-Pulse functions (BPfs) expansion. Error analysis is worked out that shows efficiency of the method. Finally, we also give some numerical examples. Keywords: Nonlinear Fredholm-Volterra Integral Equation, Block-Pulse Function, Error Analysis, Collocation Points

1. Introduction The integral equation method is widely used for solving many problems in mathematical physics and engineering. This article proposes a computational method for solving nonlinear Fredholm-Volterra integral equations. Several numerical methods for approximating the solution of linear and nonlinear integral equations and specially FredholmVolterra integral equations are known [1-10]. Also, BlockPulse functions are studied by many authors and applied for solving different problems. In presented paper, by using vector forms of BPfs, the main problem can be easily reduced to a nonlinear system of algebraic equations which can be solved by Newton’s iterative method.

2. Review of Some Related Papers Some computational methods for approximating the solution of linear and nonlinear integral equations are known. The classical method of successive approximation for Fredholm-Hammerstein integral equations was introduced in [3]. Brunner in [4] applied a collocation type method and Ordokhani in [8] applied rationalized Haar function to nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm-Hammerstein integral equations. A variation of the Nystrom method was presented in [5]. A collocation type method was developed in [6]. The asymptotic error expansion of a collocation type method for volterra-Hammerstein in-

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tegral equations has been considered in [7]. Yousefi in [9] applied Legendre wavelets to a special type of nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm integral equations of the form. t

u (t )  f (t )  1  0 K1 (t , x) F (u ( x ))dx  2 1

 0 K 2 (t , x)G (u ( x))dx, 0  x, t  1,


where f (t ) , and K1 (t , x) and K 2 (t , x) are assumed to be in L2 ( R) on the interval 0  x , t  1 . Yalcinbas in [10] used Taylor polynomials for solving Equation (1) with F (u )  u p and G (u )  u q . Orthogonal functions and polynomials receive attention in dealing with various problems that one of those in integral equation. The main characteristic of using orthogonal basis is that it reduces these problems to solving a system of nonlinear algebraic equations. The aim of this work is to present a numerical method for approximating the solution of nonlinear Fredholm-Volterra integral equation of the form: t

u (t )  f (t )  1  0 K1 (t , x)(u ( x)) m dx  2 1

n  0 K 2 (t , x)(u ( x)) dx, 0  x, t  1,


where m and n are nonnegative integers and 1 and 2 are constants. For this purpose we define a k-set of BPfs as i 1 i   t  , for all i  1, 2,  , k 1, (3) Bi (t )   k k 0, elsewhere AJCM



The functions Br (t ) are disjoint and orthogonal. That

 0 B(t )B (t )dt  k I ,

i j  0, B j (t ) Bi (t )   B ( t ), i j  i


 0, i  j   Bi (t ) B j (t )   1  k , i  j


where, I is the identity matrix of order k. By incorporating these results we have m 1 1 u t  u t I  k  0 u t B(t )Bt (t )dt  k  0 [ut B(t) Bt (t )dt . Hence,



A function u (t ) defined over the interval [0, 1) may be expanded as: 

u (t )   ui Bi (t ) .


i 1

In practice, only k-term of (6) are considered, where k is a power of 2, that is, k

u (t )  uk (t )   ui Bi (t ) ,


u (t )  uk (t )  u t B (t ) ,


i 1

with matrix from: where, u  [u1 , u2 , , uk ] and t

B(t )  [ B1 (t ), B2 (t ), , Bk (t )]t .

In a similar manner, [u (t )]m can be approximated in term of BPfs [u (t )]m  u t B(t ) , that we need to calculate vector u whose elements are nonlinear combination of the elements of the vector u For this purpose, we can write u (t )  ut B(t ) and [u (t )]m  u t B(t ) . So, u t B(t )  [ut B(t )]m


now using (4) leads to 0   B1 (t )   B2 (t )  B(t )Bt (t )        Bk (t )   0

also from (3) we get 1 0t  implies that B1 (t )  1 and Bi (t )  0 for k i  2, , k . 1 2 t  implies that B2 (t )  1 and Bi (t )  0 for k k i  1, , k and i  2 . k 1  t  1 implies that Bk (t )  1 and Bi (t )  0 for k i  1, , k  1 . Therefore, simply we obtain

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u t  k  0 [ut B(t )]m Bt (t )dt k


i 1




i 1


 k   ik1 [ut B(t )]m Bt (t )dt



 k   ik1 [ut B(t )]m 1 ut [B(t )Bt (t )]dt

So using (11) leads to m 1

 1     1 0 u t  k  0k  [u1 , u2 , , uk ]    .         0   0 1   0    dt [u1 , u2 , , uk ]  0      0 0  

. m 1  0     2 1    k 1k  [u1 , u2 , , uk ]  0      k    0      0 0   1    dt   [u1 , u2 , , uk ]  0      0 0   m 1

 0      0  1   k k 1 [u1 , u2 , , uk ]       k   0  1       0 0   0    dt [u1 , u2 , , uk ]     0   0  1  




136 2


 k  0k u1m 1[u1 0, , 0]dt k  1k u2m 1[0, u2 ,  , 0]dt  

as follows :

 k


k 1 k 1 k

umm 1[0, , 0, um ]dt  [u1m , u2m , , umm ]

Now for evaluating the integral collocation points tj 


0 B(t )B (t )dt t

j mn

at the

1 2 , j  1, 2, , k ,

j k

Also, K ( x, t )  L2 [0, 1) 2 may be approximated as: k


B(t )B (t )dt   0 t

j 1/ 2 k


K ( x, t )   Kij Bi ( x) B j (t ) ,


i 1 j 1

or in matrix form

we may proceed as follows tj

1, m  n  1, 2, j  1, 1    , m  n  j, 2 0, m  n  j  1, , k .

1 k 0

K ( x, t )  Bt ( x)KB(t ) ,

B(t )B (t )dt  B(t )B (t )dt  t


where K  [ Kij ]1 i , j  k and K ij  k (t )dxdt .


 1k B(t )B (t )dt  





 0  0 K ( x, t ) Bi ( x)B j


3. Solution of the Nonlinear FredholmVolterra Integral Equations


        

j 1 k j 2 k

B(t )Bt (t )dt  

 0 1dt 0    0       0 0   0 

1 k 0

j 1/ 2 k j 1 k

B(t )Bt (t )dt

In order to use BPfs for solving nonlinear FredholmVoterra integral equations given in Equation (2), we first approximate the u (t ) , f (t ) , (u ( x))m , (u ( x)) n , K1 (t , x) and K 2 (t , x) with respect to BPfs

0  2  k  1 1dt    k    0  0

0 0        0   j 1   k   j  2 1dt  k     0      0 0   0 0        0   0   j 1/ 2   1 Dj  k   k  j 1 1dt   k   0        0  0


f (t )  B (t ) f


(u ( x))  u B( x)


(u ( x))  u B( x)




t 1 t 2


K1 (t , x)  B (t )K1B( x)


K 2 (t , x)  B (t )K 2 B( x)




where k-vectors u , f , u 1 , u 2 , and k  k matrices K1 and K 2 are BPfs coefficients of u (t ) , f (t ) , (u ( x))m , (u ( x)) n , K1 (t , x) and K 2 (t , x) respectively. For solving Equation (2), we substitute (15-20) into (2), therefore t

Bt (t )u  Bt (t )f  1Bt (t )K1  0 B( x)Bt ( x)dxu 1 1

 2Bt (t )K 2  0 B( x)Bt ( x)dxu 2


where, 1 D j  Diag[1, 1, , , 0, , 0]k k , 2

in fact, the diagonal matrix D j , j  1, 2, , k is defined Copyright © 2011 SciRes.

u (t )  Bt (t )u

, (21)

We now collocate Equation (21) at k points ti , j  1, 2, , k defined by (12) as tj

Bt (t j )u  Bt (t j )f  1Bt (t j )K1  0 B( x)Bt ( x)dxu 1 1

 2Bt (t j )K 2  0 B( x)Bt ( x)dxu 2


by using (10) and (13) and the fact that B(t j )  e j where, e j is the j-th column of the identity matrix of order k, Equation (22) may then be restated as u j  fi 

1 k

e tj K1D j u 1 

2 k

e tj K 2 u 2 , j  1, 2, , k . (23)

Equation (23) gives k nonlinear equations which can AJCM

A. SHAHSAVARAN ET AL. Table 1. t 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Approximate for k  8 –1.9847 –1.9505 –1.8857 –1.7905 –1.7650 –1.6650 –1.5091 –1.3205 –1.1103

Exact –1.99 –1.96 –1.91 –1.84 –1.75 –1.64 –1.51 –1.36 –1.19

Approximate for k  16 –1.9876 –1.9532 –1.8905 –1.8122 –1.7666 –1.6589 –1.5080 –1.3342 –1.1297

Table 2. t 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Approximate for k  8 0.0625 0.1866 0.3078 0.4242 0.5139 0.5339 0.6353 0.7268 0.8069

Exact 0.0998 0.1986 0.2955 0.3894 0.4794 0.5646 0.6442 0.7173 0.7833

Approximate for k  16 0.0936 0.2070 0.2776 0.3952 0.5067 0.5596 0.6514 0.7243 0.7874

be solved for the elements u 1 using Newton’s iterative method.

4. Error in BPfs Approximation Theorem. If a differentiable function u (t ) with bounded first derivative on (0, 1) is represented in a sei 1 i , ) , we have ries of BPfs over subinterval [ k k 1 e(t )  O( ) , where e(t )  uk (t )  u (t ) . k Proof. See [1].

t 1 1 1 u (t )  sin t  sin 2t  t   0 [u ( x)]2 dx , 0  t , x  1 . 8 4 2

The computational results with k  8 and k  16 together with the exact solution u (t )  sin t are given in Table 2.

6. Conclusions The aim of present work is to apply a method for solving the nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm integral equations. The properties of the Block Pulse functions together with the collocation method are used to reduce the problem to the solution of nonlinear algebraic equations. Example 1 is solved in [2] using Chebyshev expansion method (Cem), comparing the results shows Cem is more accurate than BPfs method But, it seems the number of calculations of BPfs method is lower. Also, the benefits of this method are low cost of setting up the equations due to properties of BPfs mentioned in Section 2. In addition, the nonlinear system of algebraic equations is sparse. Finally, this method can be easily extended and applied to nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm integral equations of the form Equation (1). Illustrative examples are included to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the technique.

7. References [1]

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5. Illustrative Examples Consider the following nonlinear volterra-Fredholm integral equations.


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Example 1. u (t ) 

1 6 1 4 2 5 5 t  t t  t   30 3 3 4 t

 0 (t  x)[u ( x)]



dx   0 (t  x)[u ( x)]dx,

0  t , x  1.

We applied the method presented in this paper for solving Equation (2) with k  8 and k  16 . The computational results together with the exact solution u (t )  t 2  2 are given in Table 1. Example 2.

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