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BIRTH DATE: March 18, 1877 BIRTH NAME: Edgar Cayce CURRENT NAME: Edgar Cayce
2010 133 5 8 6
(Jan 1, 1933 – rest of life) (Jan 1, 1924 – rest of life) (Jan 1, 2010 – Dec 31, 2010)
8 9 1 9
8 9 1 9
Numerology Report for Edgar Cayce
INTRODUCTION This report is designed to give you new insights into your character and personality from a perspective considerably different from that which most people use. The descriptions in this report are based on the ancient science of numerology. The report discusses: The lessons you are learning in this life, your deep inner desires and how to fulfill them, your talents and personality traits and how to make the best use of them, the environment in which you work best, your attitude toward work, and your ways of relating to other people. The report can also guide you in identifying existing opportunities and opening the way to new and even more favorable possibilities. It’s up to you, though, to use the information here, along with your free will, to determine the road on which you want to journey and the distance you wish to travel. No matter your age, the roads are open when you are ready to explore. The numerology chart from which this report is derived is based on your birth date, birth name and current name. The birth date and birth name describe the characteristics and abilities with which you were born. The current name describes the changes in those characteristics and abilities which occurred after you started to use your new name. If you’ve used your current name for less than five years, the changes it describes may still be in the process of unfolding. Some talents and characteristics surface at different times in your life. Occasionally, a characteristic described in this report has been present in an earlier part of your life and is not of current importance. Sometimes, a talent mentioned here is present although you may not be fully aware of it. If this is the case, check with a friend who knows you well and you may be pleasantly surprised. A few characteristics may not have appeared in your life as yet although they’re described in this report. The description of these undeveloped potentials may serve to open your consciousness to new and exciting possibilities. For many people, some of their strong potentials are not developed because of obstacles which have not been overcome. A part of this report may describe you as you would like to be rather than as you feel you are. When this is the case, the sections of the report describing the obstacles holding back that particular potential are especially important for you to understand. Quite often the report describes several different and diverse sides of yourself. You may try to suppress or even ignore parts of who you are that don’t come easily to you and emphasize other, more comfortable sides of yourself. You’ll find, though, that when you can learn to integrate and equally express all the different sides of who your are, you will make the most progress in your life.
Numerology Report for Edgar Cayce
OVERVIEW There are several different sides to your character, but your energy is primarily pointed in two contrary directions. A good part of you is probably devoted to people—loving, giving and responsible—but another side of you is strong and practical, probably interested in the business world or similar material activities. During your youth and young adulthood, you’ll struggle to balance your desire to give to others with the necessity of taking care of your own strong needs and ambitions. You’ll probably sometimes take care of one and sometimes the other, but rarely to your complete satisfaction. As you get older, you’ll probably learn how to balance your generous, helping side with your ambitious, practical side so that you can feel comfortable with both.
Numerology Report for Edgar Cayce
YOUR LEADERSHIP AND BUSINESS ABILITY— AND HAVING YOUR OWN WAY Your 8 Life Path And 1 Soul Urge You were born with strong business ability. As you develop your executive and administrative talents, you may want to run your own business or, at the least, play a significant role in some commercial venture. One of your major lessons in life is to learn the satisfactions of the material world and the power which comes with its mastery. You may have to learn that the attainment of wealth or power is not an end in itself, but only a means to an end. The goal, quite simply, is the happiness and satisfaction which can be achieved along with the material freedom. You have a strong desire to be independent and prefer to be completely free to act on your own. Since you’re capable of assuming a leadership role, you would enjoy running a business or being active in politics. With your ability to organize and manage, you’re likely to supervise and direct activities in your family life as well as in the business world. Others often see your energetic approach and determined, dependable manner. You also project an air of self-confidence and self-control. Impressed by these characteristics, people are willing to trust your judgment and follow as you initiate and control activities. You often prefer to make the major decisions and let your associates take care of the details. A lot of your work is produced with an original flair. You have a good mind and can find and develop creative solutions to problems, particularly problems involved with material matters. Your practical, down-to-earth viewpoint and logical thinking, along with your ability to analyze, organize and supervise, are much appreciated. You also show the imagination necessary for commercial success. You’re usually a good judge of character and probably have an innate ability to handle financial matters. You can often easily convince others that your course of action is the correct one for a particular situation. Much of the time, you know how to present your views in the best possible light in order to win acceptance. Along with your strong need for independence, you often have an innate desire to attain money, possessions, status and power. Some people with your need for independence, though, spend a considerable part of their life breaking free of the dependence they often feel in their early years. Although you usually keep your ambitions within reasonable limits, every now and then you may find yourself straining after wealth and recognition. At times, material matters may outweigh other considerations, but your other interests and abilities generally keep your material needs in good balance. If you show little interest in money or material matters, on the other hand, there’s a good chance that you run into difficulties because of your indifference. You have the potential to be a strong, possibly dominating, personality. You may even possess a charisma which stands you in good stead in your ventures. There are apt to be times when you
Numerology Report for Edgar Cayce
have strong needs to be satisfied and can’t rest until you’ve taken care of them. You often act without consulting others because you’re convinced that your approach is the correct or only way. Even when your approach is a good one, others may often be irritated because you haven’t taken them into account. There are times when you may have difficulty seeing other people’s point of view. You often prefer to do things your own way, and you may have to learn to consult others involved before you act. There may be times when you cause problems with your stubbornness, rigidity or one-track view. You have to learn to distinguish between situations where you’re helping yourself by standing firm with the courage of your convictions and situations where you’re hurting your interests because of your fixed approach.
Your 8 Modified Karmic Lesson Despite your good business potential, you probably have to learn how to deal with money comfortably in your personal life. You may worry that you never have enough money, or you may have an unrealistic view of how far your earnings will go. You may buy things you really can’t afford, or you may be afraid to buy things although the cost is well within your income. Until you can deal with your personal finances with ease, you may be subject to uncomfortable pressures related to financial dependence or excessive striving for attainment.
Your 8 Maturity Number Sometime in the middle of your life, most likely between the ages of thirty-five and fifty, you’ll probably re-evaluate the satisfactions you’ve obtained with the material freedom and power which you’ve achieved. At that time, you’ll probably focus on your current work and the potential you see for further development. You’re likely to evaluate your career in terms of future financial and status possibilities. Because of this mid-life appraisal, it wouldn’t be surprising if you make some important alterations in your attitudes and actions in regard to your career in order to achieve greater satisfaction.
Numerology Report for Edgar Cayce
YOUR GENEROUS, EMOTIONAL NATURE—AND THE LIMITED REWARDS FOR YOUR GIVING Your 9 Expression And 9 Birthday Your practical ability probably plays a considerable part in your life. There’s another aspect of your character, though, which appears to have just as much effect on your personality makeup. You probably have a great love for your fellow man. You enjoy people as individuals and, at the same time, have a marked concern for humanity in general. Others will recognize your desire to give as selflessly as you can, possibly with little thought of reward or return. With your compassionate nature, you may choose a line of work involving philanthropic or humanitarian ventures. You will probably have to learn to balance your personal needs and ambitions, however large or small, against your inborn desire to contribute to those in need. You’re often a compassionate and tolerant person, with much understanding of others and their feelings. You’re probably a very feeling person yourself and a person used to expressing those feelings strongly. When your sensitivity and emotions are clearly directed, others are likely to appreciate your inspirational ways. You’re apt to have a deep intuitive awareness of life and people, but at times when your sensitivity is especially high, you may get very emotional and have difficulty expressing your feelings clearly. When you’re disappointed or upset, you can be very moody or critical. Your love and generosity are likely to be expressed with considerable depth and passion. You are appreciative of all the subtle emotional nuances. You can be easily hurt by the slightest uncaring sign from friends and associates, but you can be most charitable and forgiving when the occasion demands. At times, you express your love and other feelings with such intensity that it may make others uncomfortable. If you can achieve a more balanced expression, you are likely to get on better with your family and close friends. Your love of humanity is likely to be just as intense as your love of individuals. You probably attempt to give of yourself by using your teaching or counseling skills or working with others to achieve humanistic goals. During your youth and adolescence, you may find it difficult to give so much of your time, energy and even material resources and receive so little from others. As a matter of fact, many people who end up as extremely caring individuals start out in life as self-centered or selfish. These people have considerable difficulty, particularly in their younger years, getting used to the lack of return for their generosity. They also often have substantial conflicts between their giving impulses and their strong personal ambitions. As you get older, you’ll probably learn to accept the limited reward from other people which often appears to be your lot in life. With maturity, you’ll grow to expect little in return and will find your altruistic giving a source of considerable satisfaction. When you emphasize your
Numerology Report for Edgar Cayce
idealistic approach, you’re likely to be disappointed at the lack of perfection you find in the world. You’re probably an adaptable person who works well with others. You love beauty and harmony and possess a strong artistic imagination. You may choose to give to others by expressing yourself in painting, sculpture, music or other artistic ventures.
Your 9 Intensity Point You probably find yourself, at times, in heavy emotional situations which may well tax your sensitive and giving nature to its maximum. There are likely to be upsets and disappointments involved in each of these situations, and considerable effort has to be invested in order to bring the experience to anything approaching a comfortable conclusion. Although you are considerably responsive to others, you may have to learn to express even more than you do in the way of sympathy, compassion and tolerance. No matter how much you give, you may have to learn to give even more of yourself. The more clearly you understand your feelings and can express your emotions, the better you will probably be able to handle these encounters.
Your 2 Karmic Lesson You often find yourself in situations where a sensitive nature, a diplomatic manner and a considerate outlook are important. Since you have a strong sensitive side, you can often help others resolve difficult matters with relative ease so that all the participants in a discussion or dispute feel comfortable and satisfied. You’ll probably learn a great deal as you work with people in your perceptive way. If and when your own needs feel more important, you may overlook your understanding of others.
Your 2 Challenge During your early years, you’re likely to show some fear and timidness. You may feel uncomfortable working with others because you’re afraid of being hurt by an unkind word or action or, even worse, by being ignored by your peers. During your childhood and adolescence, you may often worry about others’ opinions of you. When you learn that your considerable sensitivity gives you a special awareness, you will probably see yourself in a new and better light. Your shyness will probably be replaced by a growing self-confidence by the time you’re in your twenties.
Your 6 Karmic Lesson You may often be called on to carry much heavy responsibility. Others are likely to ask for your support or depend on you much more than you would prefer. Your family and friends, instead of helping you with your responsibilities or, perhaps, showing you better ways of handling those responsibilities, are apt to be one of your primary obligations. It’s important to take care of your Numerology Report for Edgar Cayce
rightful family responsibilities although they may be heavier than you would like. If you disregard any of these obligations, you’re likely to find even more time-consuming and difficult responsibilities taking their place. On the other hand, it will probably be worth your while to devote considerable time and effort to learning to separate the other obligations you choose to accept and the ones you don’t. As you get older, you’ll probably learn to carry a more reasonable share of responsibility and have more time to take care of your own needs.
Numerology Report for Edgar Cayce
THE OPPORTUNITIES AND INFLUENCES THAT WILL AFFECT YOUR LIFE IN 2010 Your 5 Life Path Period And 8 Pinnacle In addition to the many personality traits and characteristics just described, two long term cycles, the Life Path Period and the Pinnacle, set the background tone for a number of years of your life. They produce no abrupt or intense effect, but, rather, determine the general influences that you’ll feel during the time they’re active. At this time in your life you’re apt to want to expand your current interests as well as develop new, progressive interests. You’re looking for fun and adventure, too, along with enjoyment on the lighter side of life. You may even enjoy the pleasures of travel. At the same time, you’re likely to be interested in developing the material side of your life. You may want to expand or advance in the business world and strengthen your abilities so as to receive additional money, status or recognition. If you’re not personally involved with business matters, you may display a concern with the business affairs of close friends or family. Your material needs may sometimes seem to be in opposition to your lighter needs, although your need for material advance is likely to feel more compelling much of the time.
Your 6 Personal Year You may be occupied for several years with the general concerns described above. In addition to those interests, though, the Personal Year is a more specific influence that has a much stronger impact on your daily life. Though this influence is not directly related to your basic personality, it can show the time of greatest opportunity or when potential difficulties can arise. Having this information before hand can help you to get the most out of each year. Let’s examine the specific areas of concern which are likely to attract your attention in 2010. Your family and close friends are likely to be the focus of a good deal of your attention this year. There may be considerable involvement with responsibilities related to children or parents. This is a fine time to enjoy the pleasures of love, romance and long-term relationships. This may be a year to consider marriage or to renew or become further acquainted with the pleasures related to that relationship. If your work is connected with the care of children or the elderly, physical or mental health matters or social work, that work may be particularly highlighted in 2010. Whenever you’re involved with activities beyond your family and close friends, though, everything is likely to move at a relatively slow pace. Be receptive to the comparatively low-keyed influences and opportunities which come your way this year. Numerology Report for Edgar Cayce
There may be significant demands on you in 2010—demands for your time, energy, affection, possibly money as well. It wouldn’t be surprising if you frequently have a substantial amount of responsibility to carry this year. Since you are often so helpful and conscientious and have so much concern for those in need, much of your time may be spent ministering to those who require assistance. At times—perhaps more frequently than you care to admit—you’ll be helping others at your own expense. On occasion, you’ll be so busy helping other people that you won’t even be aware of your own important needs. Your usual sympathetic manner and your kind, generous and understanding approach will be apparent most of the time. Your love and affection, along with your innate ability to work for harmony and balance, will often make the attention you give to others appear particularly special. There may be times, though, under excessive pressure, where you may make things difficult because of your worry and anxiety. At times, too, you may irritate others when you can’t distinguish helping from interfering.
Numerology Report for Edgar Cayce
SUMMARY You may start out in life feeling weak and relatively dependent—or you may start out in life expressing your domineering ways and expressing little interest in others. When you mature, though, you are likely to be neither dependent nor dominating, neither helpless nor overbearing. When you learn to combine the beauty of the loving, giving, responsible side of your personality with the power of the dynamic, practical side of your character, you are likely to find a great deal of satisfaction in your life. As you mature, you’ll probably learn to give a great deal to other people while satisfying your own ambitions and material needs.
Numerology Report for Edgar Cayce