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Page 1 of 2. WP 2016. Wheatley park School Nursing Service. Jackie Jenkins. Available on site in THE LODGE. Mon – Frid
Wheatley park School Nursing Service

Jackie Jenkins Available on site in THE LODGE Mon – Friday 9 – 3pm


Advice Support Signposting

On a variety of health related topics

Access can be through an appointment or during Tuesday lunchtime “Drop In” sessions (no appointment necessary)

TRANSITION School Health nurses are available to support a student and family with any health related issues which might impact a student transitioning up from Primary, or moving on from High School. Transition Letter Yr6 A transition letter is sent home to all Yr6 students prior to leaving primary. This gives parents an opportunity to identify/highlight health related concerns and link in with the School Nurse if required. Transition appointment letters Yr11 & 13. All students, who may be moving on from High School, are sent a letter inviting them for an appointment should they wish support for a health related issue during their time of transition. WP 2016

These generally go out around April to give the students enough time to fit in an appointment before the end of the school year

REGULAR IMMUNISATION CLINICS School Health Nurses are responsible for co-ordinating and delivering 2 main immunisation clinics within the school to the following year groups

Year 8 Year 9

TDP + MenC HPV 1 + 2

Immunisation dates are posted on the school website at the beginning of each academic year. Students will receive an information session (Via whole year assembly) on the relevant immunisations 3 -6 weeks before the clinic, and consent forms will be sent home at that time. These need to be returned to school as soon as possible If parents have any questions or concerns about immunisations they are welcome to contact the School Nurse directly on If your child misses their immunisation on that day, a “catch-up” session can be arranged – Please contact the School Nurse Directly

CONFIDENTIALITY This is a confidential service which mean what is discussed with the student in the session is not shared with anyone else without their permission. However, we are guided by robust safeguarding guidelines and if we identify that there may be a risk of harm to the young person or someone else we would need to pass on relevant information that is needed to keep them safe. Wherever possible this will be discussed with the young person first.

e-mail: [email protected]

WP 2016

Mob: 07826943609