Nutrient Management Science

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Jun 18, 2013 - McIntosh, P. D., Lynn, I. H., & Johnstone, P. D. (2000). Creating and testing a geometric soil-landscape model in dry steeplands using a very ...
Nutrient Management Science – State of Knowledge, Use and Uptake in New Zealand - Appendix 2 MPI Technical Paper No: 2013/59 Prepared for the Ministry for Primary Industries By the Soil and Land Use Alliance 18 June 2013 Enquiries to: Tim Payn: [email protected] Lead Authors: T. Payn3, M. Beare4, M.Shepherd1, K. Bayne3 Contributing Authors: N. Botha1, A. Collins2, D. Curtin4, M. Davis3, P. Fraser4, C. Hedley2, C. Hoogendoorn1, P. Johnstone4, G. Lucci1, R. Parfitt2, J. Xue3 Knowledge Navigators: J. Barr1, M. Gee4, J. Toplak3 Project Manager: A. Brockerhoff3 1AgResearch, 2Landcare

Research, 3Scion, 4Plant & Food Research

ISBN No: 978-0-478-42320-4(online) ISSN No: 2253-3923(online)


Disclaimer The information in this publication is for consultation only: it is not government policy. While every effort has been made to ensure the information in this publication is accurate, the Ministry for Primary Industries does not accept any responsibility or liability for error of fact, omission, interpretation or opinion that may be present, nor for the consequences of any decisions based on this information. Any view or opinion expressed does not necessarily represent the view of the Ministry for Primary Industries. Requests for further copies should be directed to: Publications Logistics Officer Ministry for Primary Industries PO Box 2526 WELLINGTON 6140 Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0800 00 83 33 Facsimile: 04-894 0300 This publication is also available on the Ministry for Primary Industries website at © Crown Copyright - Ministry for Primary Industries



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Regions Auckland (24) 1. (2002). A preliminary investigation of interaction between ozone and particulates in an oceanic temperate climate. 2. Archer, H. E., & Mara, D. D. (2003). Waste stabilisation ponds developments in New Zealand. Vol 48. 3. Augustinus, P., Reid, M., Andersson, S., Deng, Y., & Horrocks, M. (2006). Biological and geochemical record of anthropogenic impacts in recent sediments from Lake Pupuke, Auckland City, New Zealand. Journal of Paleolimnology, 35(4), 789-805. doi:10.1007/s10933-005-5306-8 4. Barr, N. G., & Rees, T. A. V. (2003). Nitrogen status and metabolism in the green seaweed Enteromorpha intestinalis: An examination of three natural populations. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 249, 133-144. 5. Beare, M., Lawrence, E. J., Tregurtha, C., Harrison-Kirk, T., Pearson, A., & Meenken, E. (2005). Progress towards the development of the Land Management Index — 2004-05 project report. New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research Limited. 6. Butler, P. J., & Johnston, T. J. (1997). Fertiliser use in the Bay of Plenty, Waikato and South Auckland regions. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 59, 35-37. 7. Cox, S. J. (2012). Developing a "research test bed" to introduce innovative emission testing technology to improve New Zealand's vehicle emission standards. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 364(1). 8. Craighead, M. D., & Martin, R. J. (2002). Fertiliser responses in potatoes - an overview of past Ravensdown research. Agronomy New Zealand, 32/33, 15-25. 9. Crush, J. R., Cathcart, S. N., Singleton, P., & Longhurst, R. D. (1997). Potential for nitrate leaching from different land uses in the Pukekohe area. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 59, 55-58. 10. (2010). Characterisation of urban stormwater quality in the Auckland region (New Zealand). 11. Francis, G. S., Trimmer, L. A., Tregurtha, C. S., Williams, P. H., & Butler, R. C. (2003). Winter nitrate leaching losses from three land uses in the Pukekohe area of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 46(3), 215-224. 12. Martin, R. J., Craighead, M. D., Williams, P. H., & Tregurtha, C. S. (2001). Effect of fertiliser rate and type on the yield and nitrogen balance of a Pukekohe potato crop. Agronomy New Zealand, 31, 71-80. 13. Parfitt, R. L., Schipper, L. A., Baisden, W. T., & Elliott, A. H. (2006). Nitrogen inputs and outputs for New Zealand in 2001 at national and regional scales. Biogeochemistry, 80(1), 71-88. 14. Safi, K. A., Vant, W. N., & Hall, J. A. (2002). Growth and grazing within the microbial food web of a large coastal embayment. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 29(1), 39-50. doi:10.3354/ame029039 15. Sher, D. J. (1996). Fertiliser for onions. Commercial Grower, 51(1), 10,12-13. 16. Sher, D. J. (2000). 2 fertilisers compared what's the future for agrochemicals? Commercial Grower, 55(10), 35-36. 17. Sher, D. J. (2001). Understanding fertilisers for better results. Grower, 56(8), 26-27. 18. Stanley, M. C., & Ward, D. F. (2012). Impacts of Argentine ants on invertebrate communities with below-ground consequences. Biodiversity and Conservation, 21(10), 2653-2669. doi:10. 1890/ES11-00073. 1 19. Stephens, T., Atkin, D., Cochran, U., Augustinus, P., Reid, M., Lorrey, A., Shane, P., & Street-Perrott, A. (2012). A diatom-inferred record of reduced effective precipitation during the Last Glacial Coldest Phase (28.8-18.0 cal kyr BP) and increasing Holocene seasonality at Lake Pupuke, Auckland, New Zealand. Journal of Paleolimnology, 48(4), 801-817. doi:10.1007/s10933-012-9645-y

REGIONS 20. Taylor, M. D., Kim, N. D., Briggs, R. M., Taylor, A., & Guinto, D. F. (2012). An investigation into the process of dealumination in soils of the Auckland, Bay of Plenty and Waikato regions of New Zealand. (Special Issue: Clays and soils.). Applied Clay Science, 64, 18-24. doi: 21. Warneke, S., Schipper, L. A., Bruesewitz, D. A., McDonald, I., & Cameron, S. (2011). Rates, controls and potential adverse effects of nitrate removal in a denitrification bed. Ecological Engineering, 37(3), 511-522. 22. Wilcox, S. J., Barr, N., Broom, J., Furneaux, R. H., & Nelson, W. A. (2007). Using gigartinine to track the distribution of an alien species of Gracilaria in New Zealand. Journal of Applied Phycology, 19(4), 313-323. 23. Wilcox, S. J., Bloor, S. J., Hemmingson, J. A., Furneaux, R. H., & Nelson, W. A. (2001). The presence of gigartinine in a New Zealand Gracilaria species. Journal of Applied Phycology, 13(5), 409-413. 24. Williams, M., Holdaway, R. N., & Rogers, K. M. (2012). Feeding environments of New Zealand's extinct merganser revealed by stable isotope analyses. Wildfowl, 62, 190-203.

Bay of Plenty (43) 1. Abell, J. M., Hamilton, D. P., & Paterson, J. (2011). Reducing the external environmental costs of pastoral farming in New Zealand: experiences from the Te Arawa lakes, Rotorua. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 18(3), 139-154. doi:10.1080/14486563.2011.591520 2. Barnett, A. M., Boyd, L. M., & Catto, W. (2007). Comparison of different fertiliser types applied to 'Hayward' kiwifruit. In Ferguson, A. R., Hewett, E. W., Gunson, F. A. & Hale, C. N. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Kiwifruit, Vols 1 and 2 (pp. 495-500). Leuven 1: International Society Horticultural Science. 3. Beets, P. N., Pearce, S. H., Oliver, G. R., & Clinton, P. W. (2007). Root/shoot ratios for deriving below-ground biomass of Pinus radiata stands. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 37(2), 267-288. 4. Bleackley, N. A., Landman, M. J., & Ling, N. (2009). Ecology of common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) in the Tarawera and Rangitaiki rivers: Isolation by inland distance or anthropogenic discharge? New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 43(4), 889-899. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-8-49 5. Burger, D. F., Hamilton, D. P., Hall, J. A., & Ryan, E. F. (2007). Phytoplankton nutrient limitation in a polymictic eutrophic lake: Community versus species-specific responses. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 169(1), 57-68. 6. Burger, D. F., Hamilton, D. P., & Pilditch, C. A. (2008). Modelling the relative importance of internal and external nutrient loads on water column nutrient concentrations and phytoplankton biomass in a shallow polymictic lake. Ecological Modelling, 211(3-4), 411423. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2007.09.028 7. Burger, D. F., Hamilton, D. P., Pilditch, C. A., & Gibbs, M. M. (2007). Benthic nutrient fluxes in a eutrophic, polymictic lake. Hydrobiologia, 584, 13-25. doi:10.1007/s10750007-0582-0 8. Burger, D. F., Hamilton, D. P., Pilditch, C. A., Gibbs, M. M., & Hall, J. A. (2005). Sediment phosphorus release during stratification in polymictic Lake Rotorua, New Zealand. In Jones, J. (Ed.), International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Vol 29, Pt 2, Proceedings (Vol. 29, pp. 811-814). Stuttgart: E Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 9. Burns, N., McIntosh, J., & Scholes, P. (2009). Managing the lakes of the Rotorua District, New Zealand. Lake and Reservoir Management, 25(3), 284-296. doi:10.1080/07438140903083815 10. Butler, P. J., & Johnston, T. J. (1997). Fertiliser use in the Bay of Plenty, Waikato and South Auckland regions. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 59, 35-37. 11. Dunbier, M., Brown, H., Edmeades, D., Hill, R., Metherell, A., Rahn, C., Thorburn, P., Williams, R., Shepherd, M., & Wheeler, D. (2013). A peer review of OVERSEER® in Ministry for Primary Industries

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REGIONS relation to modelling nutrient flows in arable crops. N.Z.: A report commissioned by The Foundation for Arable Research. 12. Dymond, J. R., Ausseil, A. G. E., Parfitt, R. L., Herzig, A., & McDowell, R. W. (2013). Nitrate and phosphorus leaching in New Zealand: a national perspective. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 56(1), 49-59. doi: 13. Feng, J. Q., MacKay, B. R., & Maguire, K. M. (2003). Variation in firmness of packed Hayward kiwifruit. In Huang, H. W. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Kiwifruit (pp. 211-217). Leuven 1: International Society Horticultural Science. 14. Garrett, L. G., Oliver, G. R., Pearce, S. H., & Davis, M. R. (2008). Decomposition of Pinus radiata coarse woody debris in New Zealand. Forest Ecology and Management, 255(11), 3839-3845. 15. Ghani, A., Dexter, M., Carran, R. A., & Theobald, P. W. (2007). Dissolved organic nitrogen and carbon in pastoral soils: The New Zealand experience. European Journal of Soil Science, 58(3), 832-843. 16. Green, S. R., Sivakumaran, S., Dijssel, C. v. d., Mills, T. M., Blattmann, P., Snelgar, W. P., Clearwater, M. J., & Judd, M. (2007). A water and nitrogen budget for 'Hort16A' kiwifruit vines. In Ferguson, A. R., Hewett, E. W., Gunson, F. A. & Hale, C. N. (Eds.), Acta Horticulturae (pp. 527-534). 17. Guinto, D. F. (2010). Temporal changes in topsoil qualities of dairy pasture and maize cropping sites in the Bay of Plenty Region, New Zealand. In Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world. Symposium 1.5.1 Quantitative monitoring of soil change (pp. 104-107) International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), c/o Institut fur Bodenforschung, Universitat fur Bodenkultur. 18. Hamilton, D. (2005). Land use impacts on nutrient export in the Central Volcanic Plateau, North Island. New Zealand Journal of Forestry, 49(4), 27-31. 19. Hawke, M. F. (2004). Conversion of forestry land back to productive pasture. In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 157-162) 20. Hedley, C. B., Kusumo, B. H., Hedley, M. J., Tuohy, M. P., & Hawke, M. (2009). Soil C and N sequestration and fertility development under land recently converted from plantation forest to pastoral farming. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 52(4), 443-453. 21. Hu, H. R., Wang, H. L., & Kimberley, M. (2010). Contents and movement of phosphorus in soil of long term effluent irrigated land forest. Huanjing Kexue/Environmental Science, 31(8), 1951-1958. 22. Kusumo, B. H., Hedley, C. B., Hedley, M. J., Hueni, A., Tuohy, M. P., & Arnold, G. C. (2008). The use of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for in situ carbon and nitrogen analysis of pastoral soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 46(6-7), 623-635. doi:10.1016/S0065-2113(08)60672-0 23. Ledgard, S., Ghani, A., Redding, M. R., Sprosen, M., Balvert, S., & Smeaton, D. FARMERS TAKING CONTROL OF THEIR FUTURE: RESEARCH INTO MINIMISING NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS FROM PASTURE LAND INTO ROTORUA LAKES. 24. Magesan, G., McLay, C., & Vijendra, L. (1998). Nitrate leaching from a municipal sewage irrigated soil in New Zealand. Water quality and its management. Proceedings First International Specialized Conference, New Delhi, India, 2-6 March 1998. 25. Marsh, K., Hutching, D., & Stowell, B. (1993). Startling results of nitrogen research. New Zealand kiwifruit, 97, 22-23. 26. Menneer, J. C., Sprosen, M. S., & Ledgard, S. F. (2008). Effect of timing and formulation of dicyandiamide (DCD) application on nitrate leaching and pasture production in a Bay of Plenty pastoral soil. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 51(3), 377-385. 27. (2012). Parameterisation of sediment geochemistry for simulating water quality responses to long-term catchment and climate changes in polymictic, eutrophic Lake Rotorua, New Zealand. 28. (2011). Using the ROTAN model to predict nitrogen loads to Lake Rotorua, New Zealand.

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REGIONS 29. Perrott, K. W., Ghani, A., O'Connor, M. B., Waller, J. E., & Hawke, M. F. (1999). Tree stocking effects on soil chemical and microbial properties at the Tikitere agroforestry research area. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 29(1), 116-130. 30. Perrott, K. W., Hawke, M. F., Longhurst, R. D., & Kear, M. J. (2004). Slow-release cobalt fertilisers: what release rate is required? New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(2), 191-198. 31. Rahman, M. H., Holmes, A., McCurran, A., & Saunders, S. (2011). Impact of management systems on soil properties and their relationships to kiwifruit quality. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 42(3), 332-357. doi:10.1080/00103624.2011.538884 32. Redding, M. R., Ghani, A., Kear, M., O'Connor, M., & Catto, W. (2006). Phosphorus leaching from pastures can be an environmental risk and even a significant fertiliser expense. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 68, 293-296. 33. (2010). The tale of two lakes: Managing lake degradation, Rotorua lakes, New Zealand. 34. Scott, N. A., Tate, K. R., Ross, D. J., & Parshotam, A. (2006). Processes influencing soil carbon storage following afforestation of pasture with Pinus radiata at different stocking densities in New Zealand. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 44(2), 85-96. doi:10.1016/S0378-1127(98)00346-6 35. Sher, D. J. (2002). Calcium and pre-flowering fertilisation of kiwifruit. Orchardist, 75(9), 42-43. 36. Sivakumaran, S., Mills, T. M., Mason, K., Deurer, M., Curtin, D., Beare, M. H., & Clothier, B. (2010). Soils-based evaluation of labile organic carbon and the role this may play in net soil mineralisation rates in Kiwifruit Orchard - Kaharoa ash soils of the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world, Brisbane, Australia, 1-6 August 2010. Division Symposium 3.2 Nutrient best management practices, 249-252. 37. Smith, L. C., Hawke, M. F., Morton, J. D., & Catto, W. D. (2006). The effectiveness of copper fertiliser in maintaining the copper status of deer at moderate to high pasture molybdenum contents. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 49(1), 45-54. 38. Sukias, J., Ballantine, D. J., & McKergow, L. A. (2009). On-farm biological mitigation options for nutrient management - nutrient uptake by grass hedges and watercress beds, Rotorua. HAM2009-125. Hamilton, New Zealand: NIWA. 39. Taylor, M. D., Kim, N. D., Briggs, R. M., Taylor, A., & Guinto, D. F. (2012). An investigation into the process of dealumination in soils of the Auckland, Bay of Plenty and Waikato regions of New Zealand. (Special Issue: Clays and soils.). Applied Clay Science, 64, 18-24. doi: 40. Tozer, W. C., Hackell, D., Miers, D. B., & Silvester, W. B. (2005). Extreme isotopic depletion of nitrogen in New Zealand lithophytes and epiphytes; the result of diffusive uptake of atmospheric ammonia? Oecologia, 144(4), 628-635. 41. Tozer, W. C., Wilkins, K. J., Wang, H., Van Den Heuvel, M., Charleson, T., & Silvester, W. B. (2005). Using 15N to determine a budget for effluent-derived nitrogen applied to forest. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 41(1), 13-30. 42. Tozer, W. C., Wilkins, K. J., Wang, H., van den Heuvel, M., Charleson, T., & Silvester, W. B. (2005). Using N-15 to determine a budget for effluent-derived nitrogen applied to forest. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 41(1), 13-30. doi:10.1080/10256010500053649 43. Trolle, D., Hamilton, D. P., Pilditch, C. A., Duggan, I. C., & Jeppesen, E. (2011). Predicting the effects of climate change on trophic status of three morphologically varying lakes: Implications for lake restoration and management. Environmental Modelling & Software, 26(4), 354-370. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2010.08.009

Canterbury (191) 1. Amatya, G. (1999). Understorey management effects on N dynamics and availability in agroforestry systems. Unpublished M.Sc., Lincoln University.

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REGIONS 2. Barber, A. J., Pellow, G. M., Christie, R. G., & Bysterveldt, A. M. v. (2008). Greenhouse gas assessment for the Lincoln University Dairy Farm. In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 69-75) 3. Bates, A. J. (2009). Effects of grazing management and pasture composition on the nitrogen dynamics of a dairy farm: a simulation analysis Unpublished Doctor of Philosophy, Lincoln University 4. Beare, M., Lawrence, E. J., Tregurtha, C., Harrison-Kirk, T., Pearson, A., & Meenken, E. (2005). Progress towards the development of the Land Management Index — 2004-05 project report. New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research Limited. 5. Beare, M. H., Wilson, P. E., Fraser, P. M., & Butler, R. C. (2002). Management effects on barley straw decomposition, nitrogen release, and crop production. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 66(3), 848-856. 6. Belton, M. C., O'Connor, K. F., & Robson, A. B. (1996). Phosphorus levels in topsoils under conifer plantations in Canterbury high country grasslands. Lincoln University. Centre for Computing and Biometrics. 7. Beukes, P. C., Romera, A. J., Gregorini, P., Clark, D. A., & Chapman, D. F. (2011). Using a whole farm model linked to the APSIM suite to predict production, profit and N leaching for next generation dairy systems in the Canterbury region of New Zealand. In 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation - Sustaining Our Future: Understanding and Living with Uncertainty, MODSIM2011 (pp. 760-766) 8. Bidwell, V. J., Lilburne, L., Thorley, M., & Scott, D. (2009). Nitrate discharge to groundwater from agricultural land use: an initial assessment for the Canterbury Plains. Technical report: Lincoln Ventures Ltd. 9. Bithell, S. L., Booth, L. H., Wratten, S. D., & Heppelthwaite, V. J. (2005). Earthworm populations and association with soil parameters in organic and conventional ley pastures. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 23(2), 143-159. 10. Bolan, N. S. (2004). Special Issue: Land application of farm wastes. (Special Issue: Land application of farm wastes). New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(4), 387596. 11. Cameron, K. C., & Di, H. J. (2004). Nitrogen leaching losses from different forms and rates of farm effluent applied to a Templeton soil in Canterbury, New Zealand. (Special Issue: Land application of farm wastes). New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(4), 429-437. 12. Cameron, K. C., Di, H. J., Anwar, M. R., Russell, J. M., & Barnett, J. W. (2003). The "critical" ESP value: Does it change with land application of dairy factory effluent? New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 46(2), 147-154. 13. Cameron, K. C., Di, H. J., & Moir, J. L. (2003). Nitrogen: is it a SIDE issue? In South Island Dairy Event (SIDE) 14. (2005). Improved nitrogen management with eco-n nitrification inhibitor : an example of "growing for good". Lincoln University Dairy Farm: New Zealand Large Herds Association. 15. Cameron, K. C., Di, H. J., Moir, J. L., Christie, R., & van der Weerden, T. J. (2004). Clean and green with 'eco-n' In South Island Dairy Event (SIDE) (pp. 29-32) South Island Dairy Event (SIDE). 16. Carey, P. L., Curtin, D., & Scott, C. L. (2011). An improved procedure for routine determination of reserve-K in pastoral soils. Plant and Soil, 341(1-2), 461-472. doi:10.1007/s11104-010-0658-x 17. Carey, P. L., & Metherell, A. K. (2003). Monitoring long-term changes in reserve potassium in some New Zealand soils using a modified sodium tetraphenyl-boron method. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 46(3), 199-213. 18. Carey, P. L., Rate, A. W., & Cameron, K. C. (1997). Fate of nitrogen in pig slurry applied to a New Zealand pasture soil. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 35(4), 941-959. 19. Castle, M. L., Rowarth, J. S., Cornforth, I. S., & Sedcole, J. R. (2002). Agronomical and physiological responses of white clover (Trifolium repens) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) to nitrogen fertiliser applied in autumn and winter. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 45(4), 283-293.

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REGIONS 20. Chakwizira, E. (2008). Growth and development of 'Pasja' and kale crops with two methods and four rates of phosphorus (P) application. Unpublished M.S.c., Lincoln University 21. Chakwizira, E., Fletcher, A. L., Ruiter, J. M. d., Meenken, E., Maley, S., & Wilson, D. R. (2009). Kale dry matter yield responses to nitrogen and phosphorus application. Agronomy New Zealand, 39, 59-70. 22. Chakwizira, E., Moot, D. J., Scott, W. R., & Fletcher, A. (2009). Effect of rate and method of phosphorus application on the growth and development of 'Pasja' crops. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 71, 101-106. 23. Chang, S. X., Amatya, G., Beare, M. H., & Mead, D. J. (2002). Soil properties under a Pinus radiata - Ryegrass silvopastoral system in New Zealand. Part I. Soil N and moisture availability, soil C, and tree growth. Agroforestry Systems, 54(2), 137-147. 24. Chowdhury, A. K., McLaren, R. G., & Swift, R. S. (1997). Effects of phosphate and lime applications on pasture zinc status. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 40(3), 417-424. 25. Cichota, R., & Snow, V. O. (2011). Simplifying pastoral systems modelling - Accounting for the effect of urine deposition on N leaching. In 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation - Sustaining Our Future: Understanding and Living with Uncertainty, MODSIM2011 (pp. 788-794) 26. Close, M., Noonan, M., Hector, R., & Bright, J. (2010). Microbial transport from dairying under two spray-irrigation systems in Canterbury, New Zealand. Journal of Environmental Quality, 39(3), 824-833. doi:10.2134/jeq2009.0208 27. Condron, L. M., Moot, D. J., Marshall, A. J., White, P. J., & Edwards, G. R. (2007). Forage responses to lime and nitrogen fertiliser on land converted from pine forest to dryland pasture in Canterbury. In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 111-115) 28. Cookson, W. R., Rowarth, J. S., & Cameron, K. C. (2000). The effect of autumn applied 15N-labelled fertilizer on nitrate leaching in a cultivated soil during winter. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 56(2), 99-107. 29. Cookson, W. R., Rowarth, J. S., & Cameron, K. C. (2000). The fate of residual nitrogen fertiliser applied to a ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) seed crop. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 51(2), 287-294. 30. Cookson, W. R., Rowarth, J. S., & Cameron, K. C. (2000). The response of a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)seed crop to nitrogen fertilizer application in the absence of moisture stress. Grass and Forage Science, 55(4), 314-325. 31. Cookson, W. R., Rowarth, J. S., & Cameron, K. C. (2001). The fate of autumn-, late winter- and spring-applied nitrogen fertilizer in a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) seed crop on a silt loam soil in Canterbury, New Zealand. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 84(1), 67-77. 32. Cousins, K. A., & McDowell, R. W. (2012). Bibliography of research from the Winchmore Irrigation Research Station, Canterbury, New Zealand: 1951 to 2011. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 55(2), 181-206. doi:10.1080/00288233.2012.662900 33. Craighead, M. (2002). The impact of fertiliser magnesium and potassium on the seasonal herbage magnesium concentration of some South Island dairy pastures. Agronomy New Zealand, 32(33), 89-98. 34. Craighead, M. D., & Burgess, W. B. (2000). The influence of late nitrogen applications on autumn sown milling wheat. Agronomy New Zealand, 30, 37-42. 35. Craighead, M. D., Hayward, J. A., & Howie, A. M. (1997). Evaluation of nitrate fertilisers as nitrogen sources for spring pasture. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 59, 131-135. 36. Craighead, M. D., & Martin, R. J. (2001). Responses to magnesium fertilisers in wheat in Mid Canterbury. Agronomy New Zealand, 31, 63-70. 37. Craighead, M. D., & Martin, R. J. (2002). Fertiliser responses in potatoes - an overview of past Ravensdown research. Agronomy New Zealand, 32/33, 15-25. 38. (2001). Opportunities for increased profitability from precision agriculture. Sydney, Australia.

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Manawatu-Wanganui (34) 1. Asing, J., Saggar, S., Jagrati, S., & Bolan, N. S. (2008). Assessment of nitrogen losses from urea and an organic manure with and without nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide, applied to lettuce under glasshouse conditions. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 46(7), 535-541. doi:10.1071/sr07206 2. Bekesi, G., & McConchie, J. (1999). Groundwater recharge modelling using the Monte Carlo technique, Manawatu region, New Zealand. Journal of Hydrology, 224(3-4), 137148. 3. Bolan, N., Adriano, D., Mani, S., & Khan, A. (2003). Adsorption, complexation, and phytoavailability of copper as influenced by organic manure. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 22(2), 450-456. doi:;2 4. Bolan, N. S. (2004). Special Issue: Land application of farm wastes. (Special Issue: Land application of farm wastes). New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(4), 387596. 5. Bolan, N. S., Adriano, D. C., Duraisamy, P., Mani, A., & Arulmozhiselvan, K. (2003). Immobilization and phytoavailability of cadmium in variable charge soils. I. Effect of phosphate addition. Plant and Soil, 250(1), 83-94. doi:10.1023/a:1022826014841 6. Bolan, N. S., Naidu, R., Khan, M. A. R., Tillman, R. W., & Syers, J. K. (1999). The effects of anion sorption on sorption and leaching of cadmium. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 37(3), 445-460. doi: 7. Carey, P. L., & Metherell, A. K. (2003). Monitoring long-term changes in reserve potassium in some New Zealand soils using a modified sodium tetraphenyl-boron method. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 46(3), 199-213. 8. Cosgrove, G. P., Anderson, C. B., Parsons, A. J., Brock, J. L., & Tilbrook, J. C. (2002). Can nitrogen-fertilised ryegrass substitute for white clover? In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 205-209) 9. Cosgrove, G. P., Clark, D. A., & Lambert, M. G. (2003). High production dairy-beef cattle grazing systems: a review of research in the Manawatu. In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 21-28) 126 • Nutrient Management Science – State of Knowledge

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REGIONS 10. Dodd, M. B., & Mackay, A. D. (2011). Effects of contrasting soil fertility on root mass, root growth, root decomposition and soil carbon under a New Zealand perennial ryegrass/white clover pasture. Plant and Soil, 349(1-2), 291-302. doi:10.1007/s11104011-0873-0 11. Giltrap, D., Saggar, S., Li, C., & Wilde, H. (2008). Using the NZ-DNDC model to estimate agricultural N2O emissions in the Manawatu-Wanganui region. (Special Issue: Non-CO2 greenhouse gas fluxes in Australian and New Zealand landscapes.). Plant and Soil, 309(1), 191-209. doi: 12. Hanly, J. A., Hedley, M. J., & Horne, D. J. (2008). Evaluation of tephra for removing phosphorus from dairy farm drainage waters. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 46(67), 542-551. doi:10.1071/sr07205 13. Hedley, M., Kusumo, B., Hedley, C., & Tuohy, M. (2010). Field measurement of root density and soil organic carbon content using soil spectral reflectance. In Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world. Working Group 1.5 Soil sense: rapid soil measurements (pp. 67-70) International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), c/o Institut fur Bodenforschung, Universitat fur Bodenkultur. 14. Horne, D. J., Sumanasena, H. A., & Scotter, D. R. (2011). Effects of irrigation frequency on ryegrass and white clover growth. 2. Improving irrigation efficiency. Soil Research, 49(4), 361-366. doi:10.1071/sr10218 15. Houlbrooke, D. J., Horne, D. J., Hedley, M. J., Hanly, J. A., Scotter, D. R., & Snow, V. O. (2004). Minimising surface water pollution resulting from farm-dairy effluent application to mole-pipe drained soils. I. An evaluation of the deferred irrigation system for sustainable land treatment in the Manawatu. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(4), 405-415. 16. Houlbrooke, D. J., Horne, D. J., Hedley, M. J., Snow, V. O., & Hanly, J. A. (2008). Land application of farm dairy effluent to a mole and pipe drained soil: implications for nutrient enrichment of winter-spring drainage. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 46(1), 45-52. doi:10.1071/sr07124 17. Jagrati, S., Saggar, S., & Bolan, N. S. (2009). Influence of dicyandiamide on nitrogen transformation and losses in cow-urine-amended soil cores from grazed pasture. Animal Production Science, 49(3), 253-261. doi: 18. (2011). Seasonal variations in the degradation of nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), in a Manawatu grazed pasture soil Massey University, Palmerston North: Fertiliser & Lime Research Centre. 19. Kusumo, B. H., Hedley, M. J., Hedley, C. B., Arnold, G. C., & Tuohy, M. P. (2010). Predicting pasture root density from soil spectral reflectance: Field measurement. European Journal of Soil Science, 61(1), 1-13. 20. Kusumo, B. H., Hedley, M. J., Hedley, C. B., Hueni, A., Arnold, G. C., & Tuohy, M. P. (2009). The use of Vis-NIR spectral reflectance for determining root density: evaluation of ryegrass roots in a glasshouse trial. European Journal of Soil Science, 60(1), 22-32. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2389.2008.01093.x 21. Luo, J., Lindsey, S., & Xue, J. (2004). Irrigation of meat processing wastewater onto land. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 103(1), 123-148. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2003.10.008 22. Luo, J., Saggar, S., Bhandral, R., Bolan, N., Ledgard, S., Lindsey, S., & Sun, W. (2008). Effects of irrigating dairy-grazed grassland with farm dairy effluent on nitrous oxide emissions. (Special Issue: Non-CO2 greenhouse gas fluxes in Australian and New Zealand landscapes.). Plant and Soil, 309(1), 119-130. 23. Mackay, A. D., Gillingham, A., Smith, C., Budding, P., Phillips, P., Clarke-Hill, W., & Johnstone, P. (2010). Evaluation of the effects of grass species, irrigation, nitrogen fertiliser application and soil compaction on the response of modern dairy pastures to phosphorus fertiliset. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 72, 153158. 24. Mackay, A. D., Rhodes, A. P., Power, I., & Wedderburn, M. E. (2012). Has the ecoefficiency of sheep and beef farms changed in the last 20 years? In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 11-16)

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REGIONS 25. McArthur, K. J., Roygard, J., & Clark, M. (2010). Understanding variations in the limiting nitrogen and phosphorus status of rivers in the Manawatu-Wanganui Region, New Zealand. Journal of Hydrology New Zealand, 49(1), 15-33. 26. McDowell, R. W., Cade-Menun, B., & Stewart, I. (2007). Organic phosphorus speciation and pedogenesis: analysis by solution P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. European Journal of Soil Science, 58(6), 1348-1357. doi:10.1111/j.13652389.2007.00933.x 27. Parfitt, R., Frelat, M., Dymond, J., Clark, M., & Roygard, J. (In press). Sources of phosphorus in two subcatchments of the Manawatu River, and discussion of mitigation measures to reduce the phosphorus load. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 28. Roygard, J. K. F., Clothier, B. E., Green, S. R., & Bolan, N. S. (2001). Tree species for recovering nitrogen from dairy-farm effluent in New Zealand. Journal of Environmental Quality, 30(3), 1064-1070. 29. Roygard, J. K. F., McArthur, K. J., & Clark, M. E. (2012). Diffuse contributions dominate over point sources of soluble nutrients in two sub-catchments of the Manawatu River, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 46(2), 219241. doi:10.1080/00288330.2011.632425 30. Ruiter, J. M. d., & Brooking, I. R. (1996). Effect of sowing date and nitrogen on dry matter and nitrogen partitioning in malting barley. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 24(1), 65-76. 31. Siva, S., Shivan, S., Paramsothy, J., Salas, C. D. M., Deurer, M., McIvor, I., & Clothier, B. (2010). Effect of charcoal (biochar) amendments in Manawatu sandy-loam soil (New Zealand) on white clover growth and nodulation. In Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world. Working Group 4.1 Carbon sequestation on degraded lands (pp. 25-28) International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), c/o Institut fur Bodenforschung, Universitat fur Bodenkultur. 32. Sumanasena, H. A., Horne, D. J., Kemp, P. D., & Scotter, D. R. (2011). Effects of irrigation frequency on ryegrass and white clover growth. 1. Experimental results. Soil Research, 49(4), 355-360. doi:10.1071/sr10217 33. Wilson, M. D., & Valentine, I. (2005). Regrassing flood-damaged pastures. In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 117-121) 34. Yeates, G. W., Saggar, S., & Daly, B. K. (1997). Soil microbial C, N, and P, and microfaunal populations under Pinus radiata and grazed pasture land-use systems. Pedobiologia, 41(6), 549-565.

Marborough (5) 1. Craighead, M. D. (2005). The effect of two lime sources on short-term changes in soil pH under Marlborough hill country pasture. In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 155-162) 2. Gillingham, A. G., Morton, J. D., & Gray, M. H. (2007). Pasture responses to phosphorus and nitrogen fertilisers on East Coast hill country: total production from easy slopes. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 50(3), 307-320. 3. Gillingham, A. G., Morton, J. D., & Gray, M. H. (2008). Pasture responses to phosphorus and nitrogen fertilisers on east coast hill country: 2. Clover and grass production from easy slopes. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 51(2), 85-97. 4. Herath, I., Green, S., Ranvir, S., Horne, D., Zijpp, S. v. d., & Clothier, B. (2013). Water footprinting of agricultural products: a hydrological assessment for the water footprint of New Zealand's wines. Journal of Cleaner Production, 41, 232-243. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.10.024 5. Trolove, S. N., Wheeler, S., Spiers, A., & Agronomy Society of New, Z. (2008). A comparison of three methods of magnesium application to grapes Agronomy New Zealand 2008 (Vol. 38, pp. 69-76). Lincoln Canterbury: Agronomy Soc New Zealand Inc.

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Nelson (6) 1. Kimberley, M. O., Wang, H., Wilks, P. J., Fisher, C. R., & Magesan, G. N. (2004). Economic analysis of growth response from a pine plantation forest applied with biosolids. Forest Ecology and Management, 189(1-3), 345-351. 2. Marsh, K. B., Volz, R. K., Cashmore, W., & Reay, P. (1996). Fruit colour, leaf nitrogen level, and tree vigour in 'Fuji' apples. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 24(4), 393-399. 3. Morton, J. D., Harold, S. T., O'Connor, M. B., & Roberts, A. H. C. (1998). Soils of the Nelson region: characteristics and nutrient requirements for pastoral farming. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 60, 3-7. 4. Palmer, J. W., & Dryden, G. (2006). Fruit mineral removal rates from New Zealand apple (Malus domestica) orchards in the Nelson region. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 34(1), 27-32. 5. Su, J., Wang, H., Kimberley, M. O., Beecroft, K., Magesan, G. N., & Hu, C. (2007). Fractionation and mobility of phosphorus in a sandy forest soil amended with biosolids. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 14(7), 529-535. doi:10.1065/espr2007.08.443 6. Wang, H., Kimberley, M. O., Magesan, G. N., McKinley, R. B., Lee, J. R., Lavery, J. M., Hodgkiss, P. D. F., Payn, T. W., Wilks, P. J., Fisher, C. R., & McConchie, D. L. (2006). Midrotation effects of biosolids application on tree growth and wood properties in a Pinus radiata plantation. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36(8), 1921-1930.

Northland (13) 1. Ghani, A., Dexter, M., Carran, R. A., & Theobald, P. W. (2007). Dissolved organic nitrogen and carbon in pastoral soils: The New Zealand experience. European Journal of Soil Science, 58(3), 832-843. 2. Lavery, S. F. (1999). Summer nitrogen in Northland. Dairyfarming Annual, 51, 153-158. 3. Longhurst, R. D., Luo, J., O'Connor, M. B., & Pow, T. (2006). Herd Homes: nutrient management and farmer perceptions of performance. In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 309-313) 4. Morton, J. D., Roach, C. J., & Roberts, A. H. C. (2005). Effect of potassium content and dusting of sodium chloride on the pasture preference of dairy cows. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 48(1), 29-37. 5. O'Connor, M. B., Hunt, B. J., & Perrott, K. W. (2007). Lime-phosphate interactions on a Kaipara clay soil in Northland. In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 271-274) 6. Piggot, G. J. (2009). Low dry matter content of northern dairy pastures. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 71, 31-34. 7. Redding, M. R., Ghani, A., Kear, M., O'Connor, M., & Catto, W. (2006). Phosphorus leaching from pastures can be an environmental risk and even a significant fertiliser expense. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 68, 293-296. 8. Rogers, N. I., & Putt, H. B. (1997). Economic nitrogen responses on wet Northland soils. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 59, 129-130. 9. Ross, D. J., Tate, K. R., Newton, P. C. D., & Clark, H. (2002). Decomposability of C3 and C4 grass litter sampled under different concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide at a natural CO2 spring. Plant and Soil, 240(2), 275-286. 10. Ross, D. J., Tate, K. R., Newton, P. C. D., Wilde, R. H., & Clark, H. (2000). Carbon and nitrogen pools and mineralization in a grassland gley soil under elevated carbon dioxide at a natural CO2 spring. Global Change Biology, 6(7), 779-790. 11. Ross, D. J., Tate, K. R., Newton, P. C. D., Wilde, R. H., & Clark, H. (2001). Carbon and nitrogen pools and mineralization in a grassland organic soil at a New Zealand carbon dioxide spring. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 33(6), 849-852.

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REGIONS 12. South, D. B., & Skinner, M. F. (1998). Nursery stock and field fertiliser application affect early performance of Pinus radiata on a phosphorus-deficient site in northland. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 28(3), 361-372. 13. Tanner, C. C., Nguyen, M. L., & Sukias, J. P. S. (2003). Using constructed wetlands to treat subsurface drainage from intensively grazed dairy pastures in New Zealand. Water Science and Technology, 48(5), 207-213.

Otago (45) 1. Bayer, T. K., Schallenberg, M., & Martin, C. E. (2008). Investigation of nutrient limitation status and nutrient pathways in Lake Hayes, Otago, New Zealand: a case study for integrated lake assessment. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 42(3), 285-295. 2. Bolan, N. S. (2004). Special Issue: Land application of farm wastes. (Special Issue: Land application of farm wastes). New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(4), 387596. 3. Boswell, C. C. (1997). Dryland lucerne responses to elemental sulphur of different particle sizes applied at different rates and frequencies in North Otago, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 40(2), 283-295. 4. Boswell, C. C., Lowther, W. L., & Rutherford, A. J. (2007). Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by Trifolium arvense in semi-arid short tussock grasslands. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 50(4), 511-521. 5. Carey, P. L., & Metherell, A. K. (2003). Monitoring long-term changes in reserve potassium in some New Zealand soils using a modified sodium tetraphenyl-boron method. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 46(3), 199-213. 6. Carter, A. J. (1997). A community investigation into the use of cover crops to improve soil health and decrease the leaching of nitrates to groundwater. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 59, 113-115. 7. Caruso, B. S. (2001). Regional river flow, water quality, aquatic ecological impacts and recovery from drought. Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques, 46(5), 677-699. doi:10.1080/02626660109492864 8. Caruso, B. S. (2002). Temporal and spatial patterns of extreme low flows and effects on stream ecosystems in Otago, New Zealand. Journal of Hydrology, 257(1-4), 115-133. doi:10.1016/s0022-1694(01)00546-7 9. Dean, P. R., & Hurd, C. L. (2007). Seasonal growth, erosion rates, and nitrogen and photosynthetic ecophysiology of Undaria pinnatifida (Heterokontophyta) in southern New Zealand. Journal of Phycology, 43(6), 1138-1148. 10. Douglas, M. H., Smallfield, B. M., Parmenter, G. A., Burton, L. C., Heaney, A. J., & Johnstone, P. D. (2000). Effect of growing media on the production of ginseng (Panax ginseng) in Central Otago, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 28(3), 195-207. 11. Drewry, J. J., & Paton, R. J. (2005). Soil physical quality under cattle grazing of a winterfed brassica crop. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 43(4), 525-531. doi:10.1071/sr04122 12. Dunbier, M., Brown, H., Edmeades, D., Hill, R., Metherell, A., Rahn, C., Thorburn, P., Williams, R., Shepherd, M., & Wheeler, D. (2013). A peer review of OVERSEER® in relation to modelling nutrient flows in arable crops. N.Z.: A report commissioned by The Foundation for Arable Research. 13. Galbraith, L. M., & Burns, C. W. (2007). Linking land-use, water body type and water quality in southern New Zealand. Landscape Ecology, 22(2), 231-241. doi:10.1007/s10980-006-9018-x 14. Ghani, A., Dexter, M., Carran, R. A., & Theobald, P. W. (2007). Dissolved organic nitrogen and carbon in pastoral soils: The New Zealand experience. European Journal of Soil Science, 58(3), 832-843. 15. Gillingham, A. G., Morton, J. D., & Gray, M. H. (2007). Pasture responses to phosphorus and nitrogen fertilisers on East Coast hill country: total production from easy slopes. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 50(3), 307-320. 130 • Nutrient Management Science – State of Knowledge

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REGIONS 16. Gillingham, A. G., Morton, J. D., & Gray, M. H. (2008). Pasture responses to phosphorus and nitrogen fertilisers on east coast hill country: 2. Clover and grass production from easy slopes. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 51(2), 85-97. 17. Hewitt, A. E., Burgham, S. J., & Gibson, R. S. (1998). Spatial variability of organic carbon in a tussock grassland, Manorburn, Central Otago, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 41(4), 613-622. 18. Houlbrooke, D. J., Littlejohn, R. P., Morton, J. D., & Paton, R. J. (2008). Effect of irrigation and grazing animals on soil quality measurements in the North Otago Rolling Downlands of New Zealand. Soil Use and Management, 24(4), 416-423. 19. Houlbrooke, D. J., Paton, R. J., Littlejohn, R. P., & Morton, J. D. (2011). Land-use intensification in New Zealand: Effects on soil properties and pasture production. Journal of Agricultural Science, 149(3), 337-349. 20. Houlbrooke, D. J., Paton, R. J., Morton, J. D., & Littlejohn, R. P. (2009). Soil quality and plant yield under dryland and irrigated winter forage crops grazed by sheep or cattle. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 47(5), 470-477. doi:10.1071/sr08228 21. Jarvis, P. J., Boswell, C. C., Metherell, A. K., Davison, R. M., & Murphy, J. A. (2002). A nutrient budget for the Meat and Wool Economic Service of a New Zealand class 1 highcountry farm model. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 45(1), 1-15. 22. Klein, C. d., Paton, J., & Ledgard, S. (2000). An evaluation of a strategic de-stocking regime for dairying to improve nitrogen efficiency and reduce nitrate leaching from dairy farms in nitrate-sensitive areas. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 62, 105-110. 23. Letica, S. A., Klein, C. A. M. d., Hoogendoorn, C. J., Tillman, R. W., Littlejohn, R. P., & Rutherford, A. J. (2010). Short-term measurement of N2O emissions from sheep-grazed pasture receiving increasing rates of fertiliser nitrogen in Otago, New Zealand. Animal Production Science, 50(1), 17-24. doi: 24. Lucci, G. M., McDowell, R. W., & Condron, L. M. (2012). Phosphorus source areas in a dairy catchment in Otago, New Zealand. Soil Research, 50(2), 145-156. doi:10.1071/sr12030 25. McDowell, R. W. (2009). Effect of land use and moisture on phosphorus forms in upland stream beds in South Otago, New Zealand. Marine and Freshwater Research, 60(7), 619-625. doi:10.1071/mf08047 26. McDowell, R. W., & Houlbrooke, D. J. (2008). Phosphorus, nitrogen and sediment losses from irrigated cropland and pasture grazed by cattle and sheep. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 70, 77-83. 27. McDowell, R. W., & Houlbrooke, D. J. (2009). The effect of DCD on nitrate leaching losses from a winter forage crop receiving applications of sheep or cattle urine. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 71, 117-120. 28. McDowell, R. W., & Houlbrooke, D. J. (2009). Management options to decrease phosphorus and sediment losses from irrigated cropland grazed by cattle and sheep. Soil Use and Management, 25(3), 224-233. doi:10.1111/j.1475-2743.2009.00231.x 29. McDowell, R. W., & Stewart, I. (2006). The phosphorus composition of contrasting soils in pastoral, native and forest management in Otago, New Zealand: Sequential extraction and 31P NMR. Geoderma, 130(1-2), 176-189. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2005.01-020 30. McDowell, R. W., van der Weerden, T. J., & Campbell, J. (2011). Nutrient losses associated with irrigation, intensification and management of land use: A study of large scale irrigation in North Otago, New Zealand. Agricultural Water Management, 98(5), 877-885. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2010.12.014 31. McDowell, R. W., Wheeler, D. M., Klein, C. A. M. d., & Rutherford, A. J. (2008). Deer and environment: OverseerReg. upgrade. In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 95-99) 32. McIntosh, P. D., & Allen, R. B. (1998). Effect of exclosure on soils, biomass, plant nutrients, and vegetation, on unfertilised steeplands, Upper Waitaki District, South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 22(2), 209-217.

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REGIONS 33. McIntosh, P. D., Hewitt, A. E., Giddens, K., & Taylor, M. D. (1997). Benchmark sites for assessing the chemical impacts of pastoral farming on loessial soils in southern New Zealand. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 65(3), 267-280. 34. Monaghan, R. M., Houlbrooke, D. J., & Smith, L. C. (2010). The use of low-rate sprinkler application systems for applying farm dairy effluent toland to reduce contaminant transfers. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(4), 389-402. 35. Monaghan, R. M., & Smith, L. C. (2004). Minimising surface water pollution resulting from farm-dairy effluent application to mole-pipe drained soils. II. The contribution of preferential flow of effluent to whole-farm pollutant losses in subsurface drainage from a West Otago dairy farm. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(4), 417-428. 36. Morton, J. D., Smith, L. C., & Metherell, A. K. (1999). Pasture yield responses to phosphorus, sulphur, and potassium applications on North Otago soils, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 42(2), 133-146. 37. Sarathchandra, S. U., Burch, G., Sayer, S. T., Waipara, N. W., Cox, N. R., Ghani, A., Bell, N. L., O'Callaghan, M., Young, S. D., Barratt, B. I. P., Ferguson, C. M., & Townsend, R. J. (2005). Biodiversity of indigenous tussock grassland sites in Otago, Canterbury and the central North Island of New Zealand III. Soil microorganisms. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 35(3), 321-337. 38. Scott, D. (2000). Sustainability of New Zealand high-country pastures under contrasting development inputs. 5. Nutrient pools and balances. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 43(3), 415-438. 39. Smith, L. C., Morton, J. D., Catto, W. D., & Trainor, K. D. (2000). Nitrogen responses on pastures in the southern South Island of New Zealand. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 62, 19-23. 40. Srinivasan, M. S., & McDowell, R. W. (2007). Hydrological approaches to the delineation of critical-source areas of runoff. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 50(2), 249-265. 41. Srinivasan, M. S., & McDowell, R. W. (2009). Identifying critical source areas for water quality: 1. Mapping and validating transport areas in three headwater catchments in Otago, New Zealand. Journal of Hydrology, 379(1-2), 54-67. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.09.044 42. Stevens, D. R., & Carruthers, A. Y. (2008). Can nitrogen fertiliser applied before sowing increase brassica yields in a dry environment? Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 70, 31-36. 43. Tutua, S. S. (2001). Decomposition and nitrogen release of understorey vegetation residues in biological and integrated apple orchards in Canterbury and Central Otago, New Zealand. Unpublished M.Sc., Lincoln University. 44. Van Hale, R., & Frew, R. D. (2010). Rayleigh distillation equations applied to isotopic evolution of organic nitrogen across a continental shelf. Marine and Freshwater Research, 61(3), 369-378. doi:10.1016/0198-0149(88)90130-90136; 45. White, T. A., & Knight, T. L. (2007). Pasture yield and composition under different land uses in North Otago Rolling Downlands. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 69, 65-71.

Southland (50) 1. Anderson, C. R., Turnbull, I. M., & Rosen, M. R. (2003). Microbial ecology and geochemistry of soils containing iron pans. Environmental Geology, 45(2), 209-220. 2. Beare, M., Lawrence, E. J., Tregurtha, C., Harrison-Kirk, T., Pearson, A., & Meenken, E. (2005). Progress towards the development of the Land Management Index — 2004-05 project report. New Zealand Institute for Crop & Food Research Limited. 3. Carey, P. L., & Metherell, A. K. (2003). Monitoring long-term changes in reserve potassium in some New Zealand soils using a modified sodium tetraphenyl-boron method. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 46(3), 199-213. 4. Chakwizira, E., Fletcher, A. L., Meenken, E. D., Johnstone, P., Maley, S., Arnold, N., Armstrong, S., George, M., Sim, R., Minchin, R., Morton, J., & Stafford, A. (2011). Dry 132 • Nutrient Management Science – State of Knowledge

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REGIONS 29. Dymond, J. R., Ausseil, A. G. E., Parfitt, R. L., Herzig, A., & McDowell, R. W. (2013). Nitrate and phosphorus leaching in New Zealand: a national perspective. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 56(1), 49-59. doi: 30. Elliot, A. H., & Carlson, W. T. (2004). Effects of sheep grazing episodes on sediment and nutrient loss in overland flow. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 42(2), 213-220. 31. Eser, P., & Rosen, M. R. (1999). The influence of groundwater hydrology and stratigraphy on the hydrochemistry of Stump Bay, South Taupo Wetland, New Zealand. Journal of Hydrology, 220(1-2), 27-47. doi:10.1016/s0022-1694(99)00062-1 32. Ghani, A., Dexter, M., Carran, R. A., & Theobald, P. W. (2007). Dissolved organic nitrogen and carbon in pastoral soils: The New Zealand experience. European Journal of Soil Science, 58(3), 832-843. 33. Gibbs, M., & Ozkundakci, D. (2011). Effects of a modified zeolite on P and N processes and fluxes across the lake sediment-water interface using core incubations. Hydrobiologia, 661(1), 21-35. doi:10.1007/s10750-009-0071-8 34. Gibbs, M. M., Hickey, C. W., & Ozkundakci, D. (2011). Sustainability assessment and comparison of efficacy of four P-inactivation agents for managing internal phosphorus loads in lakes: sediment incubations. Hydrobiologia, 658(1), 253-275. doi:10.1007/s10750-010-0477-3 35. Guo, Y. J., Di, H. J., Cameron, K. C., Li, B., Podolyan, A., Moir, J. L., Monaghan, R. M., Smith, L. C., O'Callaghan, M., Bowatte, S., Waugh, D., & He, J. Z. (2013). Effect of 7year application of a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), on soil microbial biomass, protease and deaminase activities, and the abundance of bacteria and archaea in pasture soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 1-7. 36. (2007). Delayed impacts of land-use via groundwater on Lake Taupo, New Zealand. 37. Hamilton, D. (2005). Land use impacts on nutrient export in the Central Volcanic Plateau, North Island. New Zealand Journal of Forestry, 49(4), 27-31. 38. Hanly, J. A., Loganathan, P., & Currie, L. D. (2005). Effect of serpentine rock and its acidulated products as magnesium fertilisers for pasture, compared with magnesium oxide and Epsom salts, on a Pumice Soil. 1. Dry matter yield and magnesium uptake. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 48(4), 451-460. 39. Hawke, M. F. (2004). Conversion of forestry land back to productive pasture. In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 157-162) 40. Hawke, R. M., & Summers, S. A. (2006). Effects of land application of farm dairy effluent on soil properties: a literature review. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 49(3), 307-320. 41. Hedley, C. B., Kusumo, B. H., Hedley, M. J., Tuohy, M. P., & Hawke, M. (2009). Soil C and N sequestration and fertility development under land recently converted from plantation forest to pastoral farming. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 52(4), 443-453. 42. Hickey, C. W., & Gibbs, M. M. (2009). Lake sediment phosphorus release managementDecision support and risk assessment framework. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 43(3), 819-854. 43. Hoogendoorn, C. J., Betteridge, K., Ledgard, S. F., Costall, D. A., Park, Z. A., & Theobald, P. W. (2011). Nitrogen leaching from sheep-, cattle- and deer-grazed pastures in the Lake Taupo catchment in New Zealand. Animal Production Science, 51(5), 416-425. doi:10.1071/AN09201 44. Horrell, R., Metherell, A. K., Ford, S., & Doscher, C. (1999). Fertiliser evenness - losses and costs: a study on the economic benefits of uniform applications of fertiliser. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 61, 215-220. 45. Houlbrooke, D. J., Monaghan, R. M., Drewry, J. J., Smith, C., & McGowan, A. (2010). Monitoring soil quality in intensive dairy-farmed catchments of New Zealand: implications for farm management and environmental quality. In Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world. Symposium 3.1.2 Farm system and environment impacts (pp. 160-163) International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), c/o Institut fur Bodenforschung, Universitat fur Bodenkultur.

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REGIONS 46. Howard-Williams, C., & Pickmere, S. (2005). Long-term nutrient and vegetation changes in a retired pasture stream: Monitoring programme and vegetation survey 1999-2003, updating data from 1976. 47. Howard-Williams, C., & Pickmere, S. (2010). Thirty years of stream protection Long-term nutrient and vegetation changes in a retired pasture stream. 48. Jorgensen, F. V., & Ledgard, S. F. (1997). Contribution from stolons and roots to estimates of the total amount of N2 fixed by white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Annals of Botany, 80(5), 641-648. doi: 49. Kawamura, K., Betteridge, K., Sanches, I. D., Tuohy, M. P., Costall, D., & Inoue, Y. (2009). Field radiometer with canopy pasture probe as a potential tool to estimate and map pasture biomass and mineral components: a case study in the Lake Taupo catchment, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 52(4), 417434. 50. Kroeker, S., Hanna, J. V., Wasylishen, R. E., Ainscough, E. W., & Brodie, A. M. (1998). Anisotropy in the P-31, Cu-63/65 indirect spin-spin coupling and P-31 nuclear shielding tensors of linear copper(I) phosphines. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 135(1), 208215. doi:10.1006/jmre.1998.1580 51. Kusumo, B. H., Hedley, C. B., Hedley, M. J., Hueni, A., Tuohy, M. P., & Arnold, G. C. (2008). The use of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for in situ carbon and nitrogen analysis of pastoral soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 46(6-7), 623-635. doi:10.1016/S0065-2113(08)60672-0 52. Ledgard, S. F., Crush, J. R., & Penno, J. W. (1998). Environmental impacts of different nitrogen inputs on dairy farms and implications for the Resource Management Act of New Zealand. Environmental Pollution, 102(SUPPL. 1), 515-519. 53. Ledgard, S. F., Finlayson, J. D., Patterson, M. G., Carran, R. A., & Wedderburn, M. E. (2004). Effects of intensification of dairy farming in New Zealand on whole-system resource use efficiency and environmental emissions. DIAS Report, Animal Husbandry, 61, 226-229. 54. Ledgard, S. F., Penno, J. W., & Sprosen, M. S. (1999). Nitrogen inputs and losses from clover/grass pastures grazed by dairy cows, as affected by nitrogen fertilizer application. Journal of Agricultural Science, 132(2), 215-225. 55. Ledgard, S. F., Sprosen, M. S., Penno, J. W., & Rajendram, G. S. (2001). Nitrogen fixation by white clover in pastures grazed by dairy cows: Temporal variation and effects of nitrogen fertilization. Plant and Soil, 229(2), 177-187. 56. Ledgard, S. F., Welten, B. G., Menneer, J. C., Betteridge, K., Crush, J. R., & Barton, M. D. (2007). New nitrogen mitigation technologies for evaluation in the Lake Taupo catchment. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 69, 117-121. 57. Li, Z., & Kelliher, F. M. (2005). Determining nitrous oxide emissions from subsurface measurements in grazed pasture: A field trial of alternative technology. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 43(6), 677-687. doi:10.1016/S0038-0717(00)00061-4 58. Longhurst, R. D., O'Connor, M. B., & Toxopeus, M. R. J. (1999). Pasture establishment and fertiliser requirements on rehabilitated land after opencast coal mining in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 42(1), 27-36. 59. Luo, J., Saggar, S., Bhandral, R., Bolan, N., Ledgard, S., Lindsey, S., & Sun, W. (2008). Effects of irrigating dairy-grazed grassland with farm dairy effluent on nitrous oxide emissions. (Special Issue: Non-CO2 greenhouse gas fluxes in Australian and New Zealand landscapes.). Plant and Soil, 309(1), 119-130. 60. Mackay, A. D., Gillingham, A., Smith, C., Budding, P., Phillips, P., Clarke-Hill, W., & Johnstone, P. (2010). Evaluation of the effects of grass species, irrigation, nitrogen fertiliser application and soil compaction on the response of modern dairy pastures to phosphorus fertiliset. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 72, 153158. 61. Matheson, F. E., Tank, J. L., & Costley, K. J. (2011). Land use influences stream nitrate uptake in the Lake Taupo catchment. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 45(2), 287-300. doi:10.1080/00288330.2011.562143

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REGIONS 62. McKergow, L. A., Rutherford, J. C., & Timpany, G. C. (2012). Livestock-generated nitrogen exports from a pastoral wetland. Journal of Environmental Quality, 41(5), 16811689. doi:10.1002/jsfa.2740590316 63. McLay, C. D. A., Dragten, R., Sparling, G., & Selvarajah, N. (2001). Predicting groundwater nitrate concentrations in a region of mixed agricultural land use: A comparison of three approaches. Environmental Pollution, 115(2), 191-204. 64. Menneer, J., Ledgard, S., McLay, C., & Silvester, W. (2001). What impact does dairy cow pugging have on clover N2 fixation and long-term farm production? Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 63, 63-67. 65. Menneer, J. C., Ledgard, S., & Sprosen, M. (2008). Soil N process inhibitors alter nitrogen leaching dynamics in a pumice soil. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 46(4), 323-331. doi: 66. Mercer, G., Ledgard, S. F., & Power, I. (2011). Literature survey of nitrogen and phosphorus loss from land to water in the Waikato Waikato Regional Council Technical Report 2011/19. Hamilton, N.Z.: Waikato Regional Council. 67. Minnee, E. M. K., Bluett, S. J., & Woodward, S. L. (2004). Harvesting sulla for yield and quality. In Kemp, P. D. (Ed.), Agronomy New Zealand, Proceedings (Vol. 34, pp. 83-88). Lincoln Canterbury: Agronomy Soc New Zealand Inc. 68. Monaghan, R. M., Smeaton, D., Hyslop, M. G., Stevens, D. R., Klein, C. A. M. d., Smith, L. C., Drewry, J. J., & Thorrold, B. S. (2004). A desktop evaluation of the environmental and economic performance of model dairy farming systems within four New Zealand catchments. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 66, 57-67. 69. Muller, K., Trolove, M., James, T. K., & Rahman, A. (2004). Herbicide loss in runoff: effects of herbicide properties, slope, and rainfall intensity. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 42(1), 17-27. doi:10.1071/sr03090 70. O'Connor, M. B., Longhurst, R. D., Johnston, T. J. M., & Portegys, F. N. (2001). Fertilizer requirements for peat soils in the Waikato region. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 63, 47-51. 71. Oh, S., & Klinac, D. (2003). Effects of bioregulators, nitrogen, defoliation, and branch topping on floral bud death in Japanese pear ( Pyrus pyrifolia cv. Hosui) under New Zealand climate conditions. Journal of the Korean Society for Horticultural Science, 44(2), 167-171. 72. Palmer, D. J., Lowe, D. J., Payn, T. W., Höck, B. K., McLay, C. D. A., & Kimberley, M. O. (2005). Soil and foliar phosphorus as indicators of sustainability for Pinus radiata plantation forestry in New Zealand. Forest Ecology and Management, 220(1-3), 140154. doi:doi 10.1016/j.foreco.2005.08.029 73. Piggot, G. J. (2009). Low dry matter content of northern dairy pastures. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 71, 31-34. 74. Pingram, M. A., Collier, K. J., Hamilton, D. P., Hicks, B. J., & David, B. O. (2012). Spatial and temporal patterns of carbon flow in a temperate, large river food web. Hydrobiologia, 1-25. 75. Popay, A. J., & Crush, J. R. (2010). Influence of different forage grasses on nitrate capture and leaching loss from a pumice soil. Grass and Forage Science, 65(1), 28-37. 76. Puha, M. R., King, W. M., Burggraaf, V. T., & Roberts, A. H. C. (2008). Pasture production gains from strategic winter nitrogen applications on a North Island sheep and beef hill country farm. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 70, 117121. 77. Quinn, J. M., Burrell, G. P., & Parkyn, S. M. (2000). Influences of leaf toughness and nitrogen content on in-stream processing and nutrient uptake by litter in a Waikato, New Zealand, pasture stream and streamside channels. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 34(2), 253-271. 78. (2005). Modelling Waikato farm nitrogen discharges for policy analysis. Tahuna Conference Centre, Nelson: Lincoln University. Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit. 79. Ramilan, T., Scrimgeour, F. G., Levy, G., & Romera, A. J. (2007). Modelling Economic Impact of Agri-environmental Policy on Dairy Farms - A Catchment Perspective. In Oxley, L. & Kulasiri, D. (Eds.), Modsim 2007: International Congress on Modelling and Ministry for Primary Industries

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REGIONS Simulation: Land, Water and Environmental Management: Integrated Systems for Sustainability (pp. 1089-1095) 80. Rodda, H. J. E., Wilcock, R. J., Shankar, U., & Thorrold, B. S. (1999). The effects of intensive dairy farming on stream water quality in New Zealand. IAHS-AISH Publication(257), 75-85. 81. Rutherford, J. C., Schroer, D., & Timpany, G. (2009). How much runoff do riparian wetlands affect? New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 43(5), 10791094. doi:10.1029/2003WR002091 82. Sarathchandra, S. U., Ghani, A., Yeates, G. W., Burch, G., & Cox, N. R. (2001). Effect of nitrogen and phosphate fertilisers on microbial and nematode diversity in pasture soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 33(7), 953-964. doi: 83. Shorten, P. R., & Pleasants, A. B. (2007). A stochastic model of urinary nitrogen and water flow in grassland soil in New Zealand. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 120(2-4), 145-152. 84. Sparling, G. P., Schipper, L. A., & Russell, J. M. (2001). Changes in soil properties after application of dairy factory effluent to New Zealand volcanic ash and pumice soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 39(3), 505-518. 85. Sprosen, M. S., Ledgard, S. F., & Lindsey, S. B. (2009). Effect of rate and form of dicyandiamide application on nitrate leaching and pasture production from a volcanic ash soil in the Waikato. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 52(1), 47-55. 86. Sprosen, M. S., Ledgard, S. F., & Thom, E. R. (1997). Nitrate leaching is similar in N2-fixing grass-clover pasture and N-fertilised grass-only pasture at similar N inputs. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 59, 125-128. 87. Sukias, J. P. S., Tanner, C. C., Davies-Colley, R. J., Nagels, J. W., & Wolters, R. (2001). Algal abundance, organic matter, and physico-chemical characteristics of dairy farm facultative ponds: Implications for treatment performance. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 44(4), 279-296. 88. Tanner, C. C., Nguyen, M. L., & Sukias, J. P. S. (2003). Using constructed wetlands to treat subsurface drainage from intensively grazed dairy pastures in New Zealand. Water Science and Technology, 48(5), 207-213. 89. Taylor, M. D., Kim, N. D., Briggs, R. M., Taylor, A., & Guinto, D. F. (2012). An investigation into the process of dealumination in soils of the Auckland, Bay of Plenty and Waikato regions of New Zealand. (Special Issue: Clays and soils.). Applied Clay Science, 64, 18-24. doi: 90. Taylor, M. D., Kim, N. D., Hill, R., & Stevenson, B. A. (2010). Comparison of soil quality targets and background concentrations in soil of the Waikato Region, New Zealand. In Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world. Symposium 1.5.1 Quantitative monitoring of soil change (pp. 28-31) International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), c/o Institut fur Bodenforschung, Universitat fur Bodenkultur. 91. Thom, E. R., Burggraaf, V. T., Watts, R. J., & Hooper, R. J. (2003). Relationship of tillering and morphological characteristics of two perennial ryegrass lines to "pulling" when grazed by dairy cows. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 46(1), 1525. 92. Tian, Y. Q., McDowell, R., Yu, Q., Sheath, G. W., Carlson, W. T., & Gong, P. (2007). Modelling to analyse the impacts of animal treading effects on soil infiltration. Hydrological Processes, 21(8), 1106-1114. doi:10.1002/hyp.6293 93. Treweek, G. (2011). Nitrogen leaching from effluent irrigated pasture. University of Waikato. 94. Treweek, G., Balks, M. R., & Schipper, L. A. (2010). Nitrogen leaching from effluent irrigated pasture, on a vitrand (pumice soil), taupo, New Zealand - initial results. In Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world. Symposium 4.1.2 Management and protection of receiving environments (pp. 124-126) International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), c/o Institut fur Bodenforschung, Universitat fur Bodenkultur.

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SOIL ORDERS 27. Randhawa, P. S. (2003). Influence of green manuring and phosphate rock inputs on soil phosphorus cycling and availability. Unpublished Ph.D., Lincoln University Lincoln. 28. Rivaie, A. A., Loganathan, P., Graham, J. D., Tillman, R. W., & Payn, T. W. (2008). Effect of phosphate rock and triple superphosphate on soil phosphorus fractions and their plant-availability and downward movement in two volcanic ash soils under Pinus radiata plantations in New Zealand. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 82(1), 75-88. doi:10.1007/s10705-008-9170-6 29. Rivaie, A. A., & Tillman, R. W. (2009). Growth response of second-rotation pinus radiata on an Orthic Allophanic soil to P fertilizer and weed control. Taiwan Journal of Forest Science, 24(4), 243-256. 30. Rivaie, A. A., & Tillman, R. W. (2009). Phosphorus fractions of fertiliser-derived P in an allophanic soil under Pinus radiata seedlings grown with broom and ryegrass. Journal of Forestry Research, 20(3), 229-236. 31. Rivaie, A. A., & Tillman, R. W. (2010). Phosphorus fertilizer induced changes in the soil available P, the P nutrition and the growth of Pinus radiata seedlings grown in association with understory. Journal of Forestry Research, 21(2), 129-136. 32. Roach, C. G., & Morton, J. D. (2005). Impacts of intensive dairying on soil and pasture sustainability in Taranaki. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 67, 109-116. 33. Ross, C. W., Watt, M. S., Parfitt, R. L., Simcock, R., Dando, J., Coker, G., Clinton, P. W., & Davis, M. R. (2009). Soil quality relationships with tree growth in exotic forests in New Zealand. Forest Ecology and Management, 258(10), 2326-2334. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2009.05.026 34. Schon, N. L., Mackay, A. D., Gray, R. A. J., & Minor, M. A. (2011). Influence of phosphorus inputs and sheep treading on soil macrofauna and mesofauna in hill pastures. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 54(2), 83-96. doi:10.1080/00288233.2011.558904 35. Schon, N. L., Mackay, A. D., Hedley, M. J., & Minor, M. A. (2012). The soil invertebrate contribution to nitrogen mineralisation differs between soils under organic and conventional dairy management. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 48(1), 31-42. doi:10.1007/s00374-011-0604-y 36. Singh, J., Saggar, S., Giltrap, D. L., & Bolan, N. S. (2008). Decomposition of dicyandiamide (DCD) in three contrasting soils and its effect on nitrous oxide emission, soil respiratory activity, and microbial biomass - an incubation study. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 46(6-7), 517-525. doi:10.1071/sr07204 37. Sparling, G. P., Shepherd, T. G., & Schipper, L. A. (2000). Topsoil characteristics of three contrasting New Zealand soils under four long-term land uses. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 43(4), 569-583. 38. Sprosen, M. S., Ledgard, S. F., & Lindsey, S. B. (2009). Effect of rate and form of dicyandiamide application on nitrate leaching and pasture production from a volcanic ash soil in the Waikato. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 52(1), 47-55. 39. (2005). From the paddock to the stream - Unravelling the nitrogen flowpaths in a New Zealand dairying catchment. 40. Taylor, M. D. (1997). Accumulation of cadmium derived from fertilisers in New Zealand soils. Science of the Total Environment, 208(1/2), 123-126. doi:10.1016/s00489697(97)00273-8 41. Wang, H. L., Hedley, M. J., Bolan, N. S., & Horne, D. J. (1999). The influence of surface incorporated lime and gypsiferous by-products on surface and subsurface soil acidity. I. Soil solution chemistry. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 37(1), 165-180. doi:

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Brown (25) 1. Cournane, F. C., McDowell, R. W., & Condron, L. M. (2010). Do aggregation, treading, and dung deposition affect phosphorus and suspended sediment losses in surface runoff? Australian Journal of Soil Research, 48(8), 705-712. doi:10.1071/sr10043 2. Cournane, F. C., McDowell, R. W., & Condron, L. M. (2010). Effects of cattle treading and soil moisture on phosphorus and sediment losses in surface runoff from pasture. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(4), 365-376. doi:10.1080/00288233.2010.509903 3. Craighead, M. (2002). The impact of fertiliser magnesium and potassium on the seasonal herbage magnesium concentration of some South Island dairy pastures. Agronomy New Zealand, 32(33), 89-98. 4. Craighead, M. D. (2004). Phosphate sources for pasture production on summer-dry soils in eastern New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(2), 179-190. 5. Curran Cournane, F. (2010). Impacts of livestock grazing on soil physical quality and phosphorus and suspended sediment losses in surface runoff Unpublished Doctor of Philosophy, Lincoln University 6. Di, H. J., & Cameron, K. C. (2004). Effects of temperature and application rate of a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), on nitrification rate and microbial biomass in a grazed pasture soil. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 42(8), 927-932. doi:10.1023/A:1021471531188; 7. Di, H. J., & Cameron, K. C. (2007). Nitrate leaching losses and pasture yields as affected by different rates of animal urine nitrogen returns and application of a nitrification inhibitor - a lysimeter study. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 79(3), 281290. doi: 8. Edmeades, D. C., Morton, J. D., Waller, J. E., Metherell, A. K., Roberts, A. H. C., & Carey, P. (2010). The diagnosis and correction of potassium deficiency in New Zealand pastoral soils: a review. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(2), 151-173. doi:10.1080/00288233.2010.482954 9. Kusumo, B. H., Hedley, C. B., Hedley, M. J., Hueni, A., Tuohy, M. P., & Arnold, G. C. (2008). The use of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for in situ carbon and nitrogen analysis of pastoral soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 46(6-7), 623-635. doi:10.1016/S0065-2113(08)60672-0 10. McDowell, R. W., Monaghan, R. M., & Morton, J. (2003). Soil phosphorus concentrations to minimise potential P loss to surface waters in Southland. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 46(3), 239-253. 11. McIntosh, P. D., Gibson, R. S., Saggar, S., Yeates, G. W., & McGimpsey, P. (1999). Effect of contrasting farm management on vegetation and biochemical, chemical, and biological condition of moist steepland soils of the South Island high country, New Zealand. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 37(5), 847-865. doi:10.1071/sr98086 12. McIntosh, P. D., Hewitt, A. E., Giddens, K., & Taylor, M. D. (1997). Benchmark sites for assessing the chemical impacts of pastoral farming on loessial soils in southern New Zealand. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 65(3), 267-280. 13. Morton, J. D., Harold, S. T., O'Connor, M. B., & Roberts, A. H. C. (1998). Soils of the Nelson region: characteristics and nutrient requirements for pastoral farming. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 60, 3-7. 14. Morton, J. D., Roach, C. G., Tong, M. J., & Roberts, A. H. C. (2004). Potassium in soil and pasture and leaching of cations on an allophanic soil in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(2), 147-154. 15. Morton, J. D., Roach, C. J., & Roberts, A. H. C. (2005). Effect of potassium content and dusting of sodium chloride on the pasture preference of dairy cows. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 48(1), 29-37. 16. Morton, J. D., & Roberts, A. H. C. (2001). Pasture response to soil phosphorus levels measured under mowing and dairy grazing. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 44(4), 259-268.

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SOIL ORDERS 7. Cournane, F. C., McDowell, R. W., & Condron, L. M. (2010). Effects of cattle treading and soil moisture on phosphorus and sediment losses in surface runoff from pasture. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(4), 365-376. doi:10.1080/00288233.2010.509903 8. Curran Cournane, F. (2010). Impacts of livestock grazing on soil physical quality and phosphorus and suspended sediment losses in surface runoff Unpublished Doctor of Philosophy, Lincoln University 9. Edmeades, D. C., Morton, J. D., Waller, J. E., Metherell, A. K., Roberts, A. H. C., & Carey, P. (2010). The diagnosis and correction of potassium deficiency in New Zealand pastoral soils: a review. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(2), 151-173. doi:10.1080/00288233.2010.482954 10. Ghani, A., Muller, K., Dodd, M., & Mackay, A. (2010). Dissolved organic matter leaching in some contrasting New Zealand pasture soils. European Journal of Soil Science, 61(4), 525-538. doi: 11. Hedley, M., Kusumo, B., Hedley, C., & Tuohy, M. (2010). Field measurement of root density and soil organic carbon content using soil spectral reflectance. In Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world. Working Group 1.5 Soil sense: rapid soil measurements (pp. 67-70) International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), c/o Institut fur Bodenforschung, Universitat fur Bodenkultur. 12. Langley, D. B., Templeton, M. D., Fields, B. A., Mitchell, R. E., & Collyer, C. A. (2000). Mechanism of inactivation of ornithine transcarbamoylase by N-delta-(N 'sulfodiaminophosphinyl)-L-ornithine, a true transition state analogue? Crystal structure and implications for catalytic mechanism. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 275(26), 20012-20019. doi:10.1074/jbc.M000585200 13. Li, Z., McLaren, R. G., & Metherell, A. K. (2004). The availability of native and applied soil cobalt to ryegrass in relation to soil cobalt and manganese status and other soil properties. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(1), 33-43. 14. Morton, J. D., Harold, S. T., O'Connor, M. B., & Roberts, A. H. C. (1998). Soils of the Nelson region: characteristics and nutrient requirements for pastoral farming. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 60, 3-7. 15. Ross, D. J., Tate, K. R., Newton, P. C. D., & Clark, H. (2002). Decomposability of C3 and C4 grass litter sampled under different concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide at a natural CO2 spring. Plant and Soil, 240(2), 275-286. 16. Ross, D. J., Tate, K. R., Newton, P. C. D., Wilde, R. H., & Clark, H. (2000). Carbon and nitrogen pools and mineralization in a grassland gley soil under elevated carbon dioxide at a natural CO2 spring. Global Change Biology, 6(7), 779-790. 17. Ross, D. J., Tate, K. R., Newton, P. C. D., Wilde, R. H., & Clark, H. (2001). Carbon and nitrogen pools and mineralization in a grassland organic soil at a New Zealand carbon dioxide spring. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 33(6), 849-852. 18. Saggar, S., Yeates, G. W., & Shepherd, T. G. (2001). Cultivation effects on soil biological properties, microfauna and organic matter dynamics in Eutric Gleysol and Gleyic Luvisol soils in New Zealand. Soil and Tillage Research, 58(1-2), 55-68. 19. Singh, J., Saggar, S., Giltrap, D. L., & Bolan, N. S. (2008). Decomposition of dicyandiamide (DCD) in three contrasting soils and its effect on nitrous oxide emission, soil respiratory activity, and microbial biomass - an incubation study. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 46(6-7), 517-525. doi:10.1071/sr07204 20. Singleton, P. L., McLay, C. D. A., & Barkle, G. F. (2001). Nitrogen leaching from soil lysimeters irrigated with dairy shed effluent and having managed drainage. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 39(2), 385-396. doi: 21. (2010). Micromorphology of a welded palesol in the Dillondale loess, Charwell Basin, South Island, New Zealand Brisbane, Australia.: International Union of Soil Sciences. 22. Sparling, G. P., Shepherd, T. G., & Schipper, L. A. (2000). Topsoil characteristics of three contrasting New Zealand soils under four long-term land uses. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 43(4), 569-583. 23. Sparling, G. P., Wheeler, D., Vesely, E. T., & Schipper, L. A. (2006). What is soil organic matter worth? Journal of Environmental Quality, 35(2), 548-557.

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Melanic (8) 1. Cournane, F. C., McDowell, R. W., & Condron, L. M. (2010). Do aggregation, treading, and dung deposition affect phosphorus and suspended sediment losses in surface runoff? Australian Journal of Soil Research, 48(8), 705-712. doi:10.1071/sr10043 2. Cournane, F. C., McDowell, R. W., & Condron, L. M. (2010). Effects of cattle treading and soil moisture on phosphorus and sediment losses in surface runoff from pasture. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(4), 365-376. doi:10.1080/00288233.2010.509903 3. Curran Cournane, F. (2010). Impacts of livestock grazing on soil physical quality and phosphorus and suspended sediment losses in surface runoff Unpublished Doctor of Philosophy, Lincoln University 4. McIntosh, P. D., Hewitt, A. E., Giddens, K., & Taylor, M. D. (1997). Benchmark sites for assessing the chemical impacts of pastoral farming on loessial soils in southern New Zealand. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 65(3), 267-280. 5. Morton, J. D., Harold, S. T., O'Connor, M. B., & Roberts, A. H. C. (1998). Soils of the Nelson region: characteristics and nutrient requirements for pastoral farming. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 60, 3-7. 6. Sparling, G. P., Shepherd, T. G., & Schipper, L. A. (2000). Topsoil characteristics of three contrasting New Zealand soils under four long-term land uses. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 43(4), 569-583. 7. Sparling, G. P., Wheeler, D., Vesely, E. T., & Schipper, L. A. (2006). What is soil organic matter worth? Journal of Environmental Quality, 35(2), 548-557. 8. Watt, M. S., & Palmer, D. J. (2012). Use of regression kriging to develop a Carbon: Nitrogen ratio surface for New Zealand. Geoderma, 183-184, 49-57.

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SECTORS 201.Luo, J., Ledgard, S. F., Klein, C. A. M. d., Lindsey, S. B., & Kear, M. (2008). Effects of dairy farming intensification on nitrous oxide emissions. (Special Issue: Non-CO2 greenhouse gas fluxes in Australian and New Zealand landscapes.). Plant and Soil, 309(1), 227-237. doi: 202.Luo, J., Ledgard, S. F., & Lindsey, S. B. (2007). Nitrous oxide emissions from application of urea on New Zealand pasture. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 50(1), 1-11. 203.Luo, J., Ledgard, S. F., & Lindsey, S. B. (2008). A test of a winter farm management option for mitigating nitrous oxide emissions from a dairy farm. Soil Use and Management, 24(2), 121-130. 204.Luo, J., Lindsey, S. B., & Ledgard, S. F. (2008). Nitrous oxide emissions from animal urine application on a New Zealand pasture. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 44(3), 463470. 205.Luo, J., & Saggar, S. (2008). Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from a dairy farm stand-off pad. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 48(1-2), 179-182. doi:10.1071/ea07242 206.Luo, J., Saggar, S., Bhandral, R., Bolan, N., Ledgard, S., Lindsey, S., & Sun, W. (2008). Effects of irrigating dairy-grazed grassland with farm dairy effluent on nitrous oxide emissions. (Special Issue: Non-CO2 greenhouse gas fluxes in Australian and New Zealand landscapes.). Plant and Soil, 309(1), 119-130. 207.Luo, J., Tillman, R. W., & Ball, P. R. (1999). Grazing effects on denitrification in a soil under pasture during two contrasting seasons. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 31(6), 903912. doi: 208.Luo, J., van der Weerden, T. J., Hoogendoorn, C. J., & De Klein, C. A. M. (2011). Refining the N2O emission factor for animal dung: Initial N2O results. MAF Technical Paper No: 2011/89: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 209.MacDonald, K. A., Williams, Y., & Dobson-Hill, B. (2010). Effectiveness of a nitrification inhibitor (DCn) on a Coastal Taranaki dairy farm. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 72, 147-152. 210.Mackay, A. D., Gillingham, A., Smith, C., Budding, P., Phillips, P., Clarke-Hill, W., & Johnstone, P. (2010). Evaluation of the effects of grass species, irrigation, nitrogen fertiliser application and soil compaction on the response of modern dairy pastures to phosphorus fertiliset. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 72, 153158. 211.Magesan, G. N., Wang, H., & Clinton, P. W. (2012). Nitrogen cycling in gorse-dominated ecosystems in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 36(1), 21-28. 212.Mahmood, B., & Wall, G. L. (2001). Land treatment practices of wastes and their implications on groundwater quality in New Zealand: A review. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 10(3-4), 121-150. 213.Martin, R. J., Weerden, T. J. v. d., Riddle, M. U., & Butler, R. C. (2008). Comparison of Agrotain-treated and standard urea on an irrigated dairy pasture. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 70, 91-94. 214.Mason, I. G., & Mulcahy, J. (2003). Volatile fatty acid production from farm dairy wastewater. Transactions of the Asae, 46(3), 819-824. 215.Matthew, C., Horne, D. J., & Baker, R. D. (2010). Nitrogen loss: An emerging issue for the ongoing evolution of New Zealand dairy farming systems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 88(2), 289-298. 216.McArthur, K. J., Roygard, J., & Clark, M. (2010). Understanding variations in the limiting nitrogen and phosphorus status of rivers in the Manawatu-Wanganui Region, New Zealand. Journal of Hydrology New Zealand, 49(1), 15-33. 217.McCall, D. G., Clark, D. A., Stachurski, L. J., Penno, J. W., Bryant, A. M., & Ridler, B. J. (1999). Optimized dairy grazing systems in the Northeast United States and New Zealand. I. Model description and evaluation. Journal of Dairy Science, 82(8), 17951807. 218.McDowell, R. W. (2006). Phosphorus and sediment loss in a catchment with winter forage grazing of cropland by dairy cattle. Journal of Environmental Quality, 35(2), 575583. 340 • Nutrient Management Science – State of Knowledge

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SECTORS 219.McDowell, R. W. (2008). Phosphorus in humped and hollowed soils of the Inchbonnie catchment, West Coast, New Zealand: I. Variation with age and distribution. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 51(3), 299-306. 220.McDowell, R. W. (2008). Phosphorus in humped and hollowed soils of the Inchbonnie catchment, West Coast, New Zealand: II. Accounting for losses by different pathways. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 51(3), 307-316. 221.McDowell, R. W. (2009). Effect of land use and moisture on phosphorus forms in upland stream beds in South Otago, New Zealand. Marine and Freshwater Research, 60(7), 619-625. doi:10.1071/mf08047 222.McDowell, R. W. (2009). Maintaining good water and soil quality in catchments containing deer farms. International Journal of River Basin Management, 7(3), 187-195. 223.McDowell, R. W. (2010). Evaluation of two management options to improve the water quality of Lake Brunner, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(1), 59-69. doi:10.1080/00288231003606351 224.McDowell, R. W. (2012). Minimising phosphorus losses from the soil matrix. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 23(6), 860-865. doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2012.03.006 225.McDowell, R. W., Cade-Menun, B., & Stewart, I. (2007). Organic phosphorus speciation and pedogenesis: analysis by solution P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. European Journal of Soil Science, 58(6), 1348-1357. doi:10.1111/j.13652389.2007.00933.x 226.McDowell, R. W., & Condron, L. M. (2004). Estimating phosphorus loss from New Zealand grassland soils. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(2), 137-145. 227.McDowell, R. W., Dou, Z., Toth, J. D., Cade-Menun, B. J., Kleinman, P. J. A., Soder, K., & Saporito, L. (2008). A comparison of phosphorus speciation and potential bioavailability in feed and feces of different dairy herds using IT nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Journal of Environmental Quality, 37(3), 741-752. doi:10.2134/jeq2007.0086 228.McDowell, R. W., Drewry, J. J., Muirhead, R. W., & Paton, R. J. (2005). Restricting the grazing time of cattle to decrease phosphorus, sediment and E. coli losses in overland flow from cropland. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 43(1), 61-66. doi: 229.McDowell, R. W., Drewry, J. J., Paton, R. J., Carey, P. L., Monaghan, R. M., & Condron, L. M. (2003). Influence of soil treading on sediment and phosphorus losses in overland flow. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 41(5), 949-961. doi:10.1071/sr02118 230.McDowell, R. W., Knowler, K., & Cosgrove, G. P. (2010). Establishment of a split grassclover system to improve water quality and profitability. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 72, 171-176. 231.McDowell, R. W., Larned, S. T., & Houlbrooke, D. J. (2009). Nitrogen and phosphorus in New Zealand streams and rivers: control and impact of eutrophication and the influence of land management. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 43(4), 985-995. 232.McDowell, R. W., & Monaghan, R. M. (2002). The potential for phosphorus loss in relation to nitrogen fertiliser application and cultivation. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 45(4), 245-253. 233.McDowell, R. W., Monaghan, R. M., & Morton, J. (2003). Soil phosphorus concentrations to minimise potential P loss to surface waters in Southland. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 46(3), 239-253. 234.McDowell, R. W., Monaghan, R. M., & Wheeler, D. (2005). Modelling phosphorus losses from pastoral farming systems in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 48(1), 131-141. 235.McDowell, R. W., Muirhead, R. W., & Monaghan, R. M. (2006). Nutrient, sediment, and bacterial losses in overland flow from pasture and cropping soils following cattle dung deposition. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 37(1-2), 93-108. doi:10.1080/00103620500408795 236.McDowell, R. W., & Nash, D. (2012). A Review of the Cost-Effectiveness and Suitability of Mitigation Strategies to Prevent Phosphorus Loss from Dairy Farms in New Zealand

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SECTORS and Australia. Journal of Environmental Quality, 41(3), 680-693. doi:10.2134/jeq2011.0041 237.McDowell, R. W., Nash, D., George, A., Wang, Q. J., & Duncan, R. (2009). Approaches for Quantifying and Managing Diffuse Phosphorus Exports at the Farm/Small Catchment Scale. Journal of Environmental Quality, 38(5), 1968-1980. doi:10.2134/jeq2007.0651 238.McDowell, R. W., Scott, J. T., & Condron, L. M. (2006). Influence of aggregate size on phosphorus loss and ryegrass yield in a soil cultivated intermittently. Soil Use and Management, 22(2), 224-226. doi: 239.McDowell, R. W., Scott, J. T., Stewart, I., & Condron, L. M. (2007). Influence of aggregate size on phosphorus changes in a soil cultivated intermittently: analysis by P31 nuclear magnetic resonance. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 43(4), 409-415. doi:10.1007/s00374-006-0118-1 240.McDowell, R. W., Sharpley, A. N., & Bourke, W. (2008). Treatment of drainage water with industrial by-products to prevent phosphorus loss from tile-drained land. Journal of Environmental Quality, 37(4), 1575-1582. doi:10.2134/jeq2007.0454 241.McDowell, R. W., Sharpley, A. N., Crush, J. R., & Simmons, T. (2011). Phosphorus in pasture plants: potential implications for phosphorus loss in surface runoff. Plant and Soil, 345(1-2), 23-35. doi:10.1007/s11104-010-0687-5 242.McDowell, R. W., & Smith, L. C. (2012). Potential water quality impact and agronomic effectiveness of different phosphorus fertilisers under grazed dairying in Southland. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 74, 225-230. 243.McDowell, R. W., & Stewart, I. (2005). Phosphorus in fresh and dry dung of grazing dairy cattle, deer, and sheep: Sequential fraction and phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance analyses. Journal of Environmental Quality, 34(2), 598-607. 244.McDowell, R. W., Stewart, I., & Cade-Menun, B. J. (2006). An examination of spin-lattice relaxation times for analysis of soil and manure extracts by liquid state phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Journal of Environmental Quality, 35(1), 293302. doi:10.2134/jeq2005.0285 245.McDowell, R. W., & Walker, S. (2010). Does irrigation prevent phosphorus and sediment loss via wind erosion and benefit surface water quality? In Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world. Symposium 3.2.1 Highland agriculture and conservation of soil and water (pp. 26-29) International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), c/o Institut fur Bodenforschung, Universitat fur Bodenkultur. 246.McDowell, R. W., & Wilcock, R. J. (2004). Particulate phosphorus transport within stream flow of an agricultural catchment. Journal of Environmental Quality, 33(6), 21112121. 247.McDowell, R. W., & Wilcock, R. J. (2007). Sources of sediment and phosphorus in stream flow of a highly productive dairy farmed catchment. Journal of Environmental Quality, 36(2), 540-548. doi:10.2134/jeq2006.0352 248.McGrath, D. F., Dawson, J. E., Thomson, N. A., & Simons, H. P. (1998). More summer milk - the opportunities identified. In Proceedings. 50th Ruakura Dairy Farmers' Conference. The business of farming (pp. 85-94) 249.McGrath, J. M., Penno, J. W., MacDonald, K. A., & Carter, W. A. (1998). Using nitrogen fertiliser to increase dairy farm profitability. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, 58, 117-120. 250.McIvor, I. (2004). Riparian zone coppicing of hardwoods for reduction of nitrate leaching from dairy farm effluent discharge - final report. SFF Contract Grant 01/126. 251.McKenzie, B. A., Edwards, G. R., & Hill, G. D. (2006). Are New Zealand cereal, arable and pastoral rotations sustainable? Aspects of Applied Biology(80), 29-41. 252.McLay, C. D. A., Dragten, R., Sparling, G., & Selvarajah, N. (2001). Predicting groundwater nitrate concentrations in a region of mixed agricultural land use: A comparison of three approaches. Environmental Pollution, 115(2), 191-204. 253.McLeod, M., Schipper, L. A., & Taylor, M. D. (1998). Preferential flow in a well drained and a poorly drained soil under different overhead irrigation regimes. Soil Use and Management, 14(2), 96-100. doi:

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SECTORS 254.Menneer, J., Ledgard, S., McLay, C., & Silvester, W. (2001). What impact does dairy cow pugging have on clover N2 fixation and long-term farm production? Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 63, 63-67. 255.Menneer, J. C., Ledgard, S., McLay, C., & Silvester, W. (2003). The effect of a single application of cow urine on annual N-2 fixation under varying simulated grazing intensity, as measured by four N-15 isotope techniques. Plant and Soil, 254(2), 469-480. doi:10.1023/a:1025516429032 256.Menneer, J. C., Ledgard, S., McLay, C., & Silvester, W. (2005). Animal treading stimulates denitrification in soil under pasture. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 37(9), 16251629. doi: 257.Menneer, J. C., Ledgard, S., & Sprosen, M. (2008). Soil N process inhibitors alter nitrogen leaching dynamics in a pumice soil. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 46(4), 323-331. doi: 258.Menneer, J. C., Ledgard, S. F., McLay, C. D. A., & Silvester, W. B. (2004). Effect of animal treading intensity on the efficiency of N2 fixation by clover in mixed grass/clover pasture, and potential implications for long-term soil N availability. In Hatch, D. J., Chadwick, D. R., Jarvis, S. C. & Roker, J. A. (Eds.), Controlling nitrogen flows and losses. 12th Nitrogen Workshop (pp. 525-526) Wageningen Academic Publishers. 259.Menneer, J. C., Sprosen, M. S., & Ledgard, S. F. (2008). Effect of timing and formulation of dicyandiamide (DCD) application on nitrate leaching and pasture production in a Bay of Plenty pastoral soil. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 51(3), 377-385. 260.Mills, A., Moot, D. J., & Jamieson, P. D. (2009). Quantifying the effect of nitrogen on productivity of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) pastures. European Journal of Agronomy, 30(2), 63-69. 261.Moir, J., Cameron, E. K., & Di, H. J. Nutrient management on the Lincoln University dairy farm: "Nutrient budgeting for efficient production.". 10pp. 262.Moir, J., Cameron, K., Di, H., & Fertsak, U. (2010). Urine patch area coverage of an intensively stocked dairy pasture. In Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world. Symposium 3.1.2 Farm system and environment impacts (pp. 260-263) International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), c/o Institut fur Bodenforschung, Universitat fur Bodenkultur. 263.Moir, J. L., Cameron, K. C., & Di, H. J. (2007). Effects of the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide on soil mineral N, pasture yield, nutrient uptake and pasture quality in a grazed pasture system. Soil Use and Management, 23(2), 111-120. 264.Moir, J. L., Cameron, K. C., & Di, H. J. (2007). Nutrient management on the Lincoln University dairy farm: "nutrient budgeting for efficient production". In South Island Dairy Event (SIDE) (pp. 29-32) South Island Dairy Event (SIDE). 265.Moir, J. L., Cameron, K. C., Di, H. J., & Fertsak, U. (2011). The spatial coverage of dairy cattle urine patches in an intensively grazed pasture system. Journal of Agricultural Science, 149(4), 473-485. 266.Currie, L. D. & Hanly, J. A. (2003). The effects of urea and ammonium sulphate nitrate (ASN) on the production and quality of irrigated dairy pastures in Canterbury, New Zealand Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand: Palmerston North, New Zealand: Fertiliser and Lime Research Centre, Massey University. 267.Moir, J. L., Edwards, G. R., & Berry, L. N. (2012). Nitrogen uptake and leaching loss of thirteen temperate grass species under high N loading. Grass and Forage Science. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2494.2012.00905.x 268.Moir, J. L., Malcolm, B. J., Cameron, K. C., & Di, H. J. (2012). The effect of dicyandiamide on pasture nitrate concentration, yield and N offtake under high N loading in winter and spring. Grass and Forage Science, 67(3), 391-402. 269.Moir, J. L., Wild, M. A., Cameron, K. C., & Di, H. J. (2010). The effect of DCD on nitrogen losses from sheep urine patches applied to lysimeters in autumn. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 72, 197-202. 270.Monaghan, R., & Smith, C. (2002). Effluent movement through mole-tile drainage systems in a grazed, effluent-irrigated, New Zealand dairy pasture. In 17th World Congress of Soil Science. Symposium 54: Vadose zone management strategies to prevent groundwater pollution (pp. 1905) Soil and Fertilizer Society of Thailand. Ministry for Primary Industries

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SECTORS 271.Monaghan, R. M., Carey, P. L., Wilcock, R. J., Drewry, J. J., Houlbrooke, D. J., Quinn, J. M., & Thorrold, B. S. (2009). Linkages between land management activities and stream water quality in a border dyke-irrigated pastoral catchment. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 129(1-3), 201-211. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2008.08.017 272.Monaghan, R. M., de Klein, C. A. M., & Muirhead, R. W. (2008). Prioritisation of farm scale remediation efforts for reducing losses of nutrients and faecal indicator organisms to waterways: A case study of New Zealand dairy farming. Journal of Environmental Management, 87(4), 609-622. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.07.017 273.Monaghan, R. M., Hedley, M. J., Di, H. J., McDowell, R. W., Cameron, K. C., & Ledgard, S. F. (2007). Nutrient management in New Zealand pastures - recent developments and future issues. (Special issue: New Zealand agricultural research in the twenty-first century. Celebrating 50 years of publication.). New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 50(2), 181-201. 274.Monaghan, R. M., Hedley, M. J., Di, H. J., McDowelli, R. W., Cameron, K. C., & Ledgard, S. F. (2007). Nutrient management in New Zealand pasturesrecent developments and future issues. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 50(2), 181-201. 275.Monaghan, R. M., Houlbrooke, D. J., & Smith, L. C. (2010). The use of low-rate sprinkler application systems for applying farm dairy effluent toland to reduce contaminant transfers. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(4), 389-402. 276.Monaghan, R. M., Paton, R. J., & Drewry, J. J. (2002). Nitrogen and phosphorus losses in mole and tile drainage from a cattle-grazed pasture in eastern Southland. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 45(3), 197-205. 277.Monaghan, R. M., Paton, R. J., Smith, L. C., & Binet, C. (2000). Nutrient losses in drainage and surface runoff from a cattle-grazed pasture in Southland. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 62, 99-104. 278.Monaghan, R. M., Paton, R. J., Smith, L. C., Drewry, J. J., & Littlejohn, R. P. (2005). The impacts of nitrogen fertilisation and increased stocking rate on pasture yield, soil physical condition and nutrient losses in drainage from a cattle-grazed pasture. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 48(2), 227-240. 279.Monaghan, R. M., Smeaton, D., Hyslop, M. G., Stevens, D. R., Klein, C. A. M. d., Smith, L. C., Drewry, J. J., & Thorrold, B. S. (2004). A desktop evaluation of the environmental and economic performance of model dairy farming systems within four New Zealand catchments. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 66, 57-67. 280.Monaghan, R. M., & Smith, L. C. (2004). Minimising surface water pollution resulting from farm-dairy effluent application to mole-pipe drained soils. II. The contribution of preferential flow of effluent to whole-farm pollutant losses in subsurface drainage from a West Otago dairy farm. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(4), 417-428. 281.Monaghan, R. M., & Smith, L. C. (2012). Contaminant losses in overland flow from dairy farm laneways in southern New Zealand. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 159, 170-175. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2012.07.022 282.Monaghan, R. M., Smith, L. C., & Ledgard, S. F. (2009). The effectiveness of a granular formulation of dicyandiamide (DCD) in limiting nitrate leaching from a grazed dairy pasture. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 52(2), 145-159. 283.Monaghan, R. M., Wilcock, R. J., Smith, L. C., Tikkisetty, B., Thorrold, B. S., & Costall, D. (2007). Linkages between land management activities and water quality in an intensively farmed catchment in southern New Zealand. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 118(1-4), 211-222. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2006.05.016 284.Morton, J. D., Harold, S. T., O'Connor, M. B., & Roberts, A. H. C. (1998). Soils of the Nelson region: characteristics and nutrient requirements for pastoral farming. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 60, 3-7. 285.Morton, J. D., Roach, C. G., Tong, M. J., & Roberts, A. H. C. (2004). Potassium in soil and pasture and leaching of cations on an allophanic soil in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(2), 147-154. 286.Morton, J. D., Roach, C. J., & Roberts, A. H. C. (2005). Effect of potassium content and dusting of sodium chloride on the pasture preference of dairy cows. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 48(1), 29-37.

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SECTORS 287.Morton, J. D., & Roberts, A. H. C. (2001). Pasture response to soil phosphorus levels measured under mowing and dairy grazing. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 44(4), 259-268. 288.Morton, J. D., & Roberts, A. H. C. (2006). Pasture production responses to fertiliser on renovated West Coast pakihi soils. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 68, 331-338. 289.Morton, J. D., Roberts, A. H. C., & Thomson, N. A. (1997). Increasing profit from phosphate fertiliser. In Proceedings 49th Ruakura Dairy Farmers' Conference (pp. 8691) 290.Mudge, P. L., Wallace, D. F., Rutledge, S., Campbell, D. I., Schipper, L. A., & Hosking, C. L. (2011). Carbon balance of an intensively grazed temperate pasture in two climatically: Contrasting years. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 144(1), 271280. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2011.09.003 291.Muller, K., Srinivasan, M. S., Trolove, M., & McDowell, R. W. (2010). Identifying and linking source areas of flow and P transport in dairy-grazed headwater catchments, North Island, New Zealand. Hydrological Processes, 24(25), 3689-3705. doi:10.1002/hyp.7809 292.Nguyen, M. L., & Tanner, C. C. (1998). Ammonium removal from wastewaters using natural New Zealand zeolites. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 41(3), 427-446. 293.Niyogi, D. K., Koren, M., Arbuckle, C. J., & Townsend, C. R. (2007). Longitudinal changes in biota along four New Zealand streams: Declines and improvements in stream health related to land use. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 41(1), 63-75. 294.Niyogi, D. K., Simon, K. S., & Townsend, C. R. (2003). Breakdown of tussock grass in streams along a gradient of agricultural development in New Zealand. Freshwater Biology, 48(9), 1698-1708. 295.O'Connor, M., & Hunt, B. (1999). The phosphate and lime requirements of Kaipara clay soils. Dairyfarming Annual, 51, 149-152. 296.Ordonez, A., Matthew, C., Miller, R. D., Parkinson, T., Holmes, C. W., Lopez-Villalobos, N., Burke, J., & Brookes, I. (2004). Does spring application of fertiliser urea reduce dairy cow performance? In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 239244) 297.Pal, P. (2011). Nutrient returns from pasture litterfall during grazing. In Oral presentation at Research That Will Move You, Post Graduate Conference 298.Parfitt, R. L., Baisden, W. T., & Elliott, A. H. (2008). Phosphorus inputs and outputs for New Zealand in 2001 at national and regional scales. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 38(1), 37-50. 299.Parfitt, R. L., Baisden, W. T., Schipper, L. A., & Mackay, A. D. (2008). Nitrogen inputs and outputs for New Zealand at national and regional scales: Past, present and future scenarios. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 38(2), 71-87. doi:10.1029/2006WR005570 300.Parfitt, R. L., Couper, J., Parkinson, R., Schon, N. L., & Stevenson, B. A. (2012). Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on nitrogen pools and soil communities under grazed pastures. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 55(3), 217-233. 301.Parfitt, R. L., & Newman, R. H. (2000). C-13 NMR study of pine needle decomposition. Plant and Soil, 219(1-2), 273-278. doi:10.1023/a:1004783502067 302.Parfitt, R. L., Schipper, L. A., Baisden, W. T., & Elliott, A. H. (2006). Nitrogen inputs and outputs for New Zealand in 2001 at national and regional scales. Biogeochemistry, 80(1), 71-88. 303.Parfitt, R. L., Stevenson, B. A., Dymond, J. R., Schipper, L. A., Baisden, W. T., & Ballantine, D. J. (2012). Nitrogen inputs and outputs for New Zealand from 1990 to 2010 at national and regional scales. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 55(3), 241-262. 304.Pearson, A. J., & Thomson, N. A. (1996). Effect of nitrogen and phosphate fertiliser on the yield and nitrogen content of Barkant turnips sown as a summer supplementary feed

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Forestry (278) 1. Alfredsson, H., Condron, L. M., Clarholm, M., & Davis, M. R. (1998). Changes in soil acidity and organic matter following the establishment of conifers on former grassland in New Zealand. Forest Ecology and Management, 112(3), 245-252. 2. Amatya, G. (1999). Understorey management effects on N dynamics and availability in agroforestry systems. Unpublished M.Sc., Lincoln University. 3. Amatya, G., Chang, S. X., Beare, M. H., & Mead, D. J. (2002). Soil properties under a Pinus radiata - Ryegrass silvopastoral system in New Zealand. Part II. C and N of soil microbial biomass, and soil N dynamics. Agroforestry Systems, 54(2), 149-160. 4. Arneth, A., Kelliher, F. M., McSeveny, T. M., & Byers, J. N. (1998). Fluxes of carbon and water in a Pinus radiata forest subject to soil water deficit. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 25(5), 557-570. 5. Arneth, A., Kelliher, F. M., McSeveny, T. M., & Byers, J. N. (1998). Net ecosystem productivity, net primary productivity and ecosystem carbon sequestration in a Pinus radiata plantation subject to soil water deficit. Tree Physiology, 18(12), 785-793. 6. Atwell, B. J., Henery, M. L., & Whitehead, D. (2003). Sapwood development in Pinus radiata trees grown for three years at ambient and elevated carbon dioxide partial pressures. Tree Physiology, 23(1), 13-21. 7. Barton, L., McLay, C. D. A., Schipper, L. A., & Smith, C. T. (1998). Procedures for characterising denitrification rates in a wastewater-irrigated forest soil. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 36(6), 997-1008. 8. Barton, L., McLay, C. D. A., Schipper, L. A., & Smith, C. T. (1999). Annual denitrification rates in agricultural and forest soils: A review. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 37(6), 1073-1093. 9. Barton, L., McLay, C. D. A., Schipper, L. A., & Smith, C. T. (1999). Denitrification rates in a wastewater-irrigated forest soil in New Zealand. Journal of Environmental Quality, 28(6), 2008-2014. 10. Beets, P. N., Gilchrist, K., & Jeffreys, M. P. (2001). Wood density of radiata pine: Effect of nitrogen supply. Forest Ecology and Management, 145(3), 173-180. 352 • Nutrient Management Science – State of Knowledge

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SECTORS 11. Beets, P. N., Kimberley, M. O., & McKinley, R. B. (2007). Predicting wood density of Pinus radiata annual growth increments. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 37(2), 241-266. 12. Beets, P. N., Pearce, S. H., Oliver, G. R., & Clinton, P. W. (2007). Root/shoot ratios for deriving below-ground biomass of Pinus radiata stands. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 37(2), 267-288. 13. Beets, P. N., Robertson, K. A., Ford-Robertson, J. B., Gordon, J., & Maclaren, J. P. (1999). Description and validation of C_change: A model for simulating carbon content in managed Pinus radiata stands. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 29(3), 409427. 14. Belton, M. C., O'Connor, K. F., & Robson, A. B. (1996). Phosphorus levels in topsoils under conifer plantations in Canterbury high country grasslands. Lincoln University. Centre for Computing and Biometrics. 15. Bolan, N. S. (2004). Special Issue: Land application of farm wastes. (Special Issue: Land application of farm wastes). New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(4), 387596. 16. Bowers, T. H., Reid, N. M., & Lloyd-Jones, G. (2008). Composition of nifH in a wastewater treatment system reliant on N 2 fixation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 79(5), 811-818. doi:10.1007/s00253-008-1486-2 17. Bown, H. E., Mason, E. G., Clinton, P. W., & Watt, M. S. (2009). Chlorophyll fluorescence response of Pinus radiata clones to nitrogen and phosphorus supply. Ciencia E Investigacion Agraria, 36(3), 451-464. 18. Bown, H. E., Watt, M. S., Clinton, P. W., & Mason, E. G. (2010). Influence of ammonium and nitrate supply on growth, dry matter partitioning, N uptake and photosynthetic capacity of Pinus radiata seedlings. Trees-Structure and Function, 24(6), 1097-1107. doi:10.1007/s00468-010-0482-1 19. Bown, H. E., Watt, M. S., Clinton, P. W., & Mason, E. G. (2011). Soil C/N influences the carbon flux and partitioning in control and fertilized mini-plots of Pinus radiata in New Zealand. Ciencia E Investigacion Agraria, 38(2), 277-289. 20. Bown, H. E., Watt, M. S., Clinton, P. W., & Mason, E. G. (2012). The influence of N and P supply and genotype on N remobilization in containerized Pinus radiata plants. Ciencia E Investigacion Agraria, 39(3), 505-520. 21. Bown, H. E., Watt, M. S., Clinton, P. W., Mason, E. G., & Richardson, B. (2007). Partititioning concurrent influences of nitrogen and phosphorus supply on photosynthetic model parameters of Pinus radiata. Tree Physiology, 27(3), 335-344. 22. Bown, H. E., Watt, M. S., Clinton, P. W., Mason, E. G., & Whitehead, D. (2009). The influence of N and P supply and genotype on carbon flux and partitioning in potted Pinus radiata plants. Tree Physiology, 29(7), 857-868. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpp030 23. Bown, H. E., Watt, M. S., Mason, E. G., Clinton, P. W., & Whitehead, D. (2009). The influence of nitrogen and phosphorus supply and genotype on mesophyll conductance limitations to photosynthesis in Pinus radiata. Tree Physiology, 29(9), 1143-1151. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpp051 24. Cameron, K. C., Di, H. J., & Moir, J. L. (2013). Nitrogen losses from the soil/plant system: a review. Annals of Applied Biology, 162(2), 145-173. doi:10.1111/aab.12014 25. Chang, S. X., Amatya, G., Beare, M. H., & Mead, D. J. (2002). Soil properties under a Pinus radiata - Ryegrass silvopastoral system in New Zealand. Part I. Soil N and moisture availability, soil C, and tree growth. Agroforestry Systems, 54(2), 137-147. 26. Chang, S. X., & Preston, C. M. (1998). Incorporation and extractability of residual 15N in a coniferous forest soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 30(8-9), 1023-1031. 27. Chang, S. X., Preston, C. M., & Weetman, G. E. (1999). Availability of residual N-15 in a coniferous forest soil: a greenhouse bioassay and comparison with chemical extractions. Forest Ecology and Management, 117(1-3), 199-209. doi:10.1016/s03781127(98)00464-2 28. Chantigny, M. H., Curtin, D., Beare, M. H., & Greenfield, L. G. (2010). Influence of temperature on water-extractable organic matter and ammonium production in mineral soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 74(2), 517-524.

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SECTORS 29. Chen, C. R., Condron, L. M., Davis, M. R., & Sherlock, R. R. (2000). Effects of afforestation on phosphorus dynamics and biological properties in a New Zealand grassland soil. Plant and Soil, 220(1-2), 151-163. doi:10.1023/a:1004712401721 30. Chen, C. R., Condron, L. M., Davis, M. R., & Sherlock, R. R. (2001). Effects of land-use change from grassland to forest on soil sulfur and arylsulfatase activity in New Zealand. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 39(4), 749-757. doi:10.1071/sr00032 31. Chen, C. R., Condron, L. M., Davis, M. R., & Sherlock, R. R. (2002). Phosphorus dynamics in the rhizosphere of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don.). Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 34(4), 487-499. doi:10.1016/s0038-0717(01)00207-3 32. Chen, C. R., Condron, L. M., Davis, M. R., & Sherlock, R. R. (2003). Seasonal changes in soil phosphorus and associated microbial properties under adjacent grassland and forest in New Zealand. Forest Ecology and Management, 177(1-3), 539-557. 33. Chen, C. R., Condron, L. M., Davis, M. R., & Sherlock, R. R. (2004). Effects of plant species on microbial biomass phosphorus and phosphatase activity in a range of grassland soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 40(5), 313-322. 34. Chen, C. R., Condron, L. M., Sinaj, S., Davis, M. R., Sherlock, R. R., & Frossard, E. (2003). Effects of plant species on phosphorus availability in a range of grassland soils. Plant and Soil, 256(1), 115-130. 35. Chen, C. R., Condron, L. M., Turner, B. L., Mahieu, N., Davis, M. R., Xu, Z. H., & Sherlock, R. R. (2004). Mineralisation of soil orthophosphate monoesters under pine seedlings and ryegrass. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 42(2), 189-196. doi:10.1071/sr03018 36. Chen, C. R., Condron, L. M., & Xu, Z. H. (2008). Impacts of grassland afforestation with coniferous trees on soil phosphorus dynamics and associated microbial processes: A review. Forest Ecology and Management, 255(3-4), 396-409. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2007.10.040 37. Chen, C. R., Condron, L. M., Xu, Z. H., Davis, M. R., & Sherlock, R. R. (2006). Root, rhizosphere and root-free respiration in soils under grassland and forest plants. European Journal of Soil Science, 57(1), 58-66. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2389.2005.00782.x 38. Gilkes, R. J. & Prakongkep, N. (2010). Effects of plantation forest species on soil properties. Brisbane, Australia: Brisbane, Australia: International Union of Soil Sciences. 39. Christianson, L. E., Hanly, J. A., & Hedley, M. J. (2011). Optimized denitrification bioreactor treatment through simulated drainage containment. Agricultural Water Management, 99(1), 85-92. 40. Clinton, P. W., Allen, R. B., & Davis, M. R. (2002). Nitrogen storage and availability during stand development in a New Zealand Nothofagus forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 32(2), 344-352. 41. Clinton, P. W., Buchanan, P. K., & Allen, R. B. (1999). Nutrient composition of epigeous fungal sporocarps growing on different substrates in a New Zealand mountain beech forest. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 37(1), 149-153. 42. Clinton, P. W., Buchanan, P. K., Wilkie, J. P., Smaill, S. J., & Kimberley, M. O. (2009). Decomposition of Nothofagus wood in vitro and nutrient mobilization by fungi. Canadian Journal of Forest Research-Revue Canadienne De Recherche Forestiere, 39(11), 21932202. doi:10.1139/x09-134 43. Clough, T. J., Addy, K., Kellogg, D. Q., Nowicki, B. L., Gold, A. J., & Groffman, P. M. (2007). Dynamics of nitrous oxide in groundwater at the aquatic-terrestrial interface. Global Change Biology, 13(7), 1528-1537. 44. Clough, T. J., & Condron, L. M. (2010). Biochar and the Nitrogen Cycle: Introduction. Journal of Environmental Quality, 39(4), 1218-1223. doi:10.2134/jeq2010.0204 45. Coles, A. J. C., Lewis, K. A., & Sims, R. E. H. (2010). Observing novel soil conditioners for carbon emissions mitigation. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 2(1), 48-67. doi:10.1108/17568691011020256 46. Collier, K. J., & Bowman, E. J. (2003). Role of wood in pumice-bed streams - I: Impacts of post-harvest management on water quality, habitat and benthic invertebrates. Forest Ecology and Management, 177(1-3), 243-259. doi:10.1016/s0378-1127(02)00447-4

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SECTORS 47. Comerford, N. B., McLeod, M., & Skinner, M. (2002). Phosphorus form and bioavailability in the pine rotation following fertilization - P fertilization influences P form and potential bioavailability to pine in the subsequent rotation. Forest Ecology and Management, 169(3), 203-211. doi:10.1016/s0378-1127(01)00680-6 48. Condron, L. M., Moot, D. J., Marshall, A. J., White, P. J., & Edwards, G. R. (2007). Forage responses to lime and nitrogen fertiliser on land converted from pine forest to dryland pasture in Canterbury. In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 111-115) 49. Condron, L. M., & Newman, S. (2011). Revisiting the fundamentals of phosphorus fractionation of sediments and soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 11(5), 830-840. doi:10.1007/s11368-011-0363-2 50. Coomes, D. A., Bentley, W. A., Tanentzap, A. J., & Burrows, L. E. (2013). Soil drainage and phosphorus depletion contribute to retrogressive succession along a New Zealand chronosequence. Plant and Soil, 1-15. 51. Coomes, D. A., Kunstler, G., Canham, C. D., & Wright, E. (2009). A greater range of shade-tolerance niches in nutrient-rich forests: an explanation for positive richnessproductivity relationships? Journal of Ecology, 97(4), 705-717. doi:10.1111/j.13652745.2009.01507.x 52. Cox, T. J., & Rutherford, J. C. (2012). Nitrogen fate and transport in a watercressdominated stream. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 46(2), 191-205. 53. Curtin, D., Beare, M. H., Chantigny, M. H., & Greenfield, L. G. (2011). Controls on the Extractability of Soil Organic Matter in Water over the 20 to 80 degrees C Temperature Range. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 75(4), 1423-1430. doi:10.2136/sssaj2010.0401 54. Curtin, D., Campbell, C. A., & Jalil, A. (1998). Effects of acidity on mineralization: pHdependence of organic matter mineralization in weakly acidic soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 30(1), 57-64. doi:10.1016/s0038-0717(97)00094-1 55. Dake, C. K. G. (2007). Modelling Nitrogen Discharge Trading Using Spatial Multi-Agent Simulation. Modsim 2007: International Congress on Modelling and Simulation: Land, Water and Environmental Management: Integrated Systems for Sustainability. Christchurch: Modelling & Simulation Soc Australia & New Zealand Inc. 56. Davis, M. (2001). Soil properties under pine forest and pasture at two hill country sites in Canterbury. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 31(1), 3-17. 57. Davis, M. (2008). Mycorrhizas: A context for species siting and management? New Zealand Journal of Forestry, 53(1), 12-15. 58. Davis, M., Coker, G., Watt, M., Graham, D., Pearce, S., & Dando, J. (2012). Nitrogen leaching after fertilising young Pinus radiata plantations in New Zealand. Forest Ecology and Management, 280, 20-30. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2012.06.009 59. Davis, M., Ledgard, N., & Nordmeyer, A. (2001). Determining fertiliser requirements for the establishment of pines and Douglas-Fir in the South Island high-country. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 31(1), 18-33. 60. Davis, M., Nordmeyer, A., Henley, D., & Watt, M. (2007). Ecosystem carbon accretion 10 years after afforestation of depleted subhumid grassland planted with three densities of Pinus nigra. Global Change Biology, 13(7), 1414-1422. 61. Davis, M., & Smaill, S. (2009). Mycorrhizal colonisation of exotic conifers in kanuka and manuka shrublands. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 33(2), 147-155. 62. Decamps, H., Pinay, G., Naiman, R. J., Petts, G. E., McClain, M. E., Hillbricht-Ilkowska, A., Hanley, T. A., Holmes, R. M., Quinn, J., Gibert, J., Tabacchi, A. M. P., Schiemer, F., Tabacchi, E., & Zalewski, M. (2004). Riparian zones: Where biogeochemistry meets biodiversity in management practice. Polish Journal of Ecology, 52(1), 3-18. 63. Degens, B. P., Schipper, L. A., Claydon, J. J., Russell, J. M., & Yeates, G. W. (2000). Irrigation of an allophanic soil with dairy factory effluent for 22 years: responses of nutrient storage and soil biota. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 38(1), 25-35. doi:10.1071/sr99063

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SECTORS 64. Di, H. J., & Cameron, K. C. (2002). Nitrate leaching in temperate agroecosystems: Sources, factors and mitigating strategies. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 64(3), 237-256. 65. Dodd, M. B., Quinn, J. M., Thorrold, B. S., Parminter, T. G., & Wedderburn, M. E. (2008). Improving the economic and environmental performance of a New Zealand hill country farm catchment: 3. Short-term outcomes of land-use change. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 51(2), 155-169. 66. Dodd, M. B., Thorrold, B. S., Quinn, J. M., Parminter, T. G., & Wedderburn, M. E. (2008). Improving the economic and environmental performance of a New Zealand hill country farm catchment: 1. Goal development and assessment of current performance. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 51(2), 127-141. 67. Dodd, M. B., Wedderburn, M. E., Parminter, T. G., Thorrold, B. S., & Quinn, J. M. (2008). Transformation toward agricultural sustainability in New Zealand hill country pastoral landscapes. Agricultural Systems, 98(2), 95-107. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2008.04.004 68. Douglas, G. B., Gadgil, R. L., Ede, F. J., Kimberley, M. O., Sandberg, A. M., Lowe, A. T., & Foote, A. G. (2004). Relative performance of 18 nitrogen-fixing plant species at three unstable coastal sand dune sites in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 34(3), 219-237. 69. Drake, D. C. (2011). Invasive legumes fix N-2 at high rates in riparian areas of an Nsaturated, agricultural catchment. Journal of Ecology, 99(2), 515-523. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2010.01787.x 70. Duggan, I. C. (2012). Urban planning provides potential for lake restoration through catchment re-vegetation. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 11(1), 95-99. 71. Dyck, B. (2008). It's raining. Inwood Magazine(81), 16-17. 72. Fan, F. L., Li, Z. J., Wakelin, S. A., Yu, W. T., & Liang, Y. C. (2012). Mineral fertilizer alters cellulolytic community structure and suppresses soil cellobiohydrolase activity in a long-term fertilization experiment. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 55, 70-77. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.06.008 73. Gadgil, R. L., Douglas, G. B., Ede, F. J., Beeser, H. F., & Foote, A. G. (2001). Establishment of nitrogen-fixing plants from seed on partially stabilised coastal sand. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 31(3), 339-346. 74. Gadgil, R. L., Douglas, G. B., Sandberg, A. M., Lowe, A. T., & Foote, A. G. (1999). Screening of nitrogen-fixing plants for use in sand-dune revegetation in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 29(1), 64-84. 75. Gadgil, R. L., Sandberg, A. M., & Lowe, A. T. (1999). Two seedling rooting media and subsequent growth of nitrogen-fixing plants in a New Zealand coastal sand-dune environment. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 29(2), 195-202. 76. Ganjegunte, G. K., Condron, L. M., Clinton, P. W., Davis, M. R., & Mahieu, N. (2006). Effects of the addition of forest floor extracts on soil carbon dioxide efflux. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 43(2), 199-207. doi:10.1007/s00374-006-0093-6 77. Garrett, L. G., Kimberley, M. O., Oliver, G. R., Pearce, S. H., & Beets, P. N. (2012). Decomposition of coarse woody roots and branches in managed Pinus radiata plantations in New Zealand - A time series approach. Forest Ecology and Management, 269, 116-123. 78. Garrett, L. G., Kimberley, M. O., Oliver, G. R., Pearce, S. H., & Paul, T. S. H. (2010). Decomposition of woody debris in managed Pinus radiata plantations in New Zealand. Forest Ecology and Management, 260(8), 1389-1398. 79. Garrett, L. G., Oliver, G. R., Pearce, S. H., & Davis, M. R. (2008). Decomposition of Pinus radiata coarse woody debris in New Zealand. Forest Ecology and Management, 255(11), 3839-3845. 80. Girisha, G. K., Condron, L. M., Clinton, P. W., & Davis, M. R. (2003). Decomposition and nutrient dynamics of green and freshly fallen radiata pine (Pinus radiata) needles. Forest Ecology and Management, 179(1-3), 169-181. doi:10.1016/s0378-1127(02)00518-2 81. Gomez, B., Trustrum, N. A., Hicks, D. M., Rogers, K. M., Page, M. J., & Tate, K. R. (2003). Production, storage, and output of particulate organic carbon: Waipaoa River basin, New Zealand. Water Resources Research, 39(6), ESG21-ESG28. doi:10.1029/2002WR001342 356 • Nutrient Management Science – State of Knowledge

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SECTORS 82. Greenep, H., Turnbull, M. H., & Whitehead, D. (2003). Response of photosynthesis in second-generation Pinus radiata trees to long-term exposure to elevated carbon dioxide partial pressure. Tree Physiology, 23(8), 569-576. 83. Gregorich, E. G., Beare, M. H., McKim, U. F., & Skjemstad, J. O. (2006). Chemical and biological characteristics of physically uncomplexed organic matter. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 70(3), 975-985. doi:10.2136/sssaj2005.0116 84. Gregorich, E. G., Beare, M. H., Stoklas, U., & St-Georges, P. (2003). Biodegradability of soluble organic matter in maize-cropped soils. Geoderma, 113(3-4), 237-252. doi:10.1016/s0016-7061(02)00363-4 85. Groenendijk, F. M., Condron, L. M., & Rijkse, W. C. (2002). Effects of afforestation on organic carbon, nitrogen and sulfur concentrations in New Zealand hill country soils. Geoderma, 108(1-2), 91-100. doi:10.1016/s0016-7061(02)00125-8 86. Guo, L. B., & Sims, R. E. H. (1999). Litter production and nutrient return in New Zealand eucalypt short-rotation forests: Implications for land management. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 73(1), 93-100. 87. Guo, L. B., & Sims, R. E. H. (2000). Effect of meatworks effluent irrigation on soil, tree biomass production and nutrient uptake in Eucalyptus globulus seedlings in growth cabinets. Bioresource Technology, 72(3), 243-251. doi:10.1016/s0960-8524(99)00115-7 88. Guo, L. B., & Sims, R. E. H. (2001). Effects of light, temperature, water and meatworks effluent irrigation on eucalypt leaf litter decomposition under controlled environmental conditions. Applied Soil Ecology, 17(3), 229-237. doi:10.1016/s0929-1393(01)00134-2 89. Guo, L. B., & Sims, R. E. H. (2001). Eucalypt litter decomposition and nutrient release under a short rotation forest regime and effluent irrigation treatments in New Zealand I. External effects. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 33(10), 1381-1388. doi:10.1016/s00380717(01)00043-8 90. Guo, L. B., & Sims, R. E. H. (2002). Eucalypt litter decomposition and nutrient release under a short rotation forest regime and effluent irrigation treatments in New Zealand: II. Internal effects. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 34(7), 913-922. doi:10.1016/s00380717(02)00023-8 91. Guo, L. B., Sims, R. E. H., & Horne, D. J. (2002). Biomass production and nutrient cycling in Eucalyptus short rotation energy forests in New Zealand. I: Biomass and nutrient accumulation. Bioresource Technology, 85(3), 273-283. 92. Guo, L. B., Sims, R. E. H., & Horne, D. J. (2006). Biomass production and nutrient cycling in Eucalyptus short rotation energy forests in New Zealand: II. Litter fall and nutrient return. Biomass and Bioenergy, 30(5), 393-404. 93. Halliday, J. C., Tate, K. R., McMurtrie, R. E., & Scott, N. A. (2003). Mechanisms for changes in soil carbon storage with pasture to Pinus radiata land-use change. Global Change Biology, 9(9), 1294-1308. 94. Hamilton, D. (2005). Land use impacts on nutrient export in the Central Volcanic Plateau, North Island. New Zealand Journal of Forestry, 49(4), 27-31. 95. Harris, E. M. (2011). Impact of biochar amendment on nutrient retention by riparian soils Unpublished Master of Applied Science, Lincoln University 96. Hawke, M. F. (2004). Conversion of forestry land back to productive pasture. In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 157-162) 97. Hawkins, B. J., Xue, J., Bown, H. E., & Clinton, P. W. (2010). Relating nutritional and physiological characteristics to growth of Pinus radiata clones planted on a range of sites in New Zealand. Tree Physiology, 30(9), 1174-1191. 98. Hewitt, A., Forrester, G., Fraser, S., Hedley, C., Lynn, I., & Payton, I. (2012). Afforestation effects on soil carbon stocks of low productivity grassland in New Zealand. Soil Use and Management, 28(4), 508-516. doi:10.1111/j.1475-2743.2012.00439.x 99. Hilton, R. G., Meunier, P., Hovius, N., Bellingham, P. J., & Galy, A. (2011). Landslide impact on organic carbon cycling in a temperate montane forest. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36(12), 1670-1679. doi:10.1002/esp.2191 100.Hoorens, B., Coomes, D., & Aerts, R. (2010). Neighbour identity hardly affects littermixture effects on decomposition rates of New Zealand forest species. Oecologia, 162(2), 479-489. doi:10.1007/s00442-009-1454-2

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SECTORS 210.Singh, B. K., Tate, K., Thomas, N., Ross, D., & Singh, J. (2011). Differential effect of afforestation on nitrogen-fixing and denitrifying communities and potential implications for nitrogen cycling. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43(7), 1426-1433. 211.Slade, A. H., Ellis, R. J., vanden Heuvel, M., & Stuthridge, T. R. (2004). Nutrient minimisation in the pulp and paper industry: an overview. Water Science and Technology, 50(3), 111-122. 212.Slade, A. H., Gapes, D. J., Stuthridge, T. R., Anderson, S. M., Dare, P. H., Pearson, H. G. W., & Dennis, M. (2004). N-ViroTech (R) - a novel process for the treatment of nutrient limited wastewaters. Water Science and Technology, 50(3), 131-139. 213.Slade, A. H., Maclean, P. H., & van Ofterdijk, F. F. H. (2007). The impact of cleaner processing on nutrient availability in the bleached kraft industry. Water Science and Technology, 55(6), 165-172. doi:10.2166/wst.2007.225 214.Smaill, S. J., Clinton, P. W., & Allen, R. B. (2009). Inter-specific variation in foliar nutritional responses to disturbance by small coupe harvesting varies with landscape position. Forest Ecology and Management, 258(11), 2382-2387. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2009.08.014 215.Smaill, S. J., Clinton, P. W., & Greenfield, L. G. (2008). Nitrogen fertiliser effects on litter fall, FH layer and mineral soil characteristics in New Zealand Pinus radiata plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 256(4), 564-569. 216.Smaill, S. J., Clinton, P. W., & Greenfield, L. G. (2010). Legacies of organic matter removal: Decreased microbial biomass nitrogen and net N mineralization in New Zealand Pinus radiata plantations. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 46(4), 309-316. 217.Smaill, S. J., Clinton, P. W., & Hock, B. K. (2011). A nutrient balance model (NuBalM) to predict biomass and nitrogen pools in Pinus radiata forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 262(2), 270-277. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2011.03.032 218.South, D. B., & Skinner, M. F. (1998). Nursery stock and field fertiliser application affect early performance of Pinus radiata on a phosphorus-deficient site in northland. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 28(3), 361-372. 219.Sparling, G., & Schipper, L. (2004). Soil quality monitoring in New Zealand: trends and issues arising from a broad-scale survey. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 104(3), 545-552. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2003.11.014 220.Sparling, G. P., & Schipper, L. A. (2002). Soil quality at a national scale in New Zealand. Journal of Environmental Quality, 31(6), 1848-1857. 221.Sparling, G. P., Shepherd, T. G., & Schipper, L. A. (2000). Topsoil characteristics of three contrasting New Zealand soils under four long-term land uses. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 43(4), 569-583. 222.Sparling, G. P., Wheeler, D., Vesely, E. T., & Schipper, L. A. (2006). What is soil organic matter worth? Journal of Environmental Quality, 35(2), 548-557. 223.Speir, T. W. (2002). Soil biochemical properties as indices of performance and sustainability of effluent irrigation systems in New Zealand - a Review. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 32(4), 535-553. 224.Speir, T. W., Townsend, J. A., More, R. D., & Hill, L. F. (1999). Short-lived isotopic method to measure nitrous oxide emissions from a soil under four low-fertility management systems. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 31(10), 1413-1421. doi: 225.Stevenson, B. A., Parfitt, R. L., Schipper, L. A., Baisden, W. T., & Mudge, P. (2010). Relationship between soil δ15N, C/N and N losses across land uses in New Zealand. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 139(4), 736-741. 226.Su, J., Wang, H., Kimberley, M. O., Beecroft, K., Magesan, G. N., & Hu, C. (2007). Fractionation and mobility of phosphorus in a sandy forest soil amended with biosolids. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 14(7), 529-535. doi:10.1065/espr2007.08.443 227.Tate, K. R., Lambie, S. M., Ross, D. J., & Dando, J. (2011). Carbon transfer from 14Clabelled needles to mineral soil, and 14C-CO2 production, in a young Pinus radiata Don stand. European Journal of Soil Science, 62(1), 127-133. doi:10.1111/j.13652389.2010.01316.x

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SECTORS 448.Luo, J., Saggar, S., Bhandral, R., Bolan, N., Ledgard, S., Lindsey, S., & Sun, W. (2008). Effects of irrigating dairy-grazed grassland with farm dairy effluent on nitrous oxide emissions. (Special Issue: Non-CO2 greenhouse gas fluxes in Australian and New Zealand landscapes.). Plant and Soil, 309(1), 119-130. 449.Luo, J., Tillman, R. W., & Ball, P. R. (1999). Factors regulating denitrification in a soil under pasture. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 31(6), 913-927. doi: 450.Luo, J., Tillman, R. W., & Ball, P. R. (1999). Grazing effects on denitrification in a soil under pasture during two contrasting seasons. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 31(6), 903912. doi: 451.Luo, J., Tillman, R. W., & Ball, P. R. (2000). Nitrogen loss through denitrification in a soil under pasture in New Zealand. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 32(4), 497-509. 452.MacDonald, K. A., Williams, Y., & Dobson-Hill, B. (2010). Effectiveness of a nitrification inhibitor (DCn) on a Coastal Taranaki dairy farm. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 72, 147-152. 453.Machado, C. F., Morris, S. T., Hodgson, J., & Fathalla, M. (2005). Seasonal changes of herbage quality within a New Zealand beef cattle finishing pasture. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 48(2), 265-270. 454.Mackay, A. D., Gillingham, A., Smith, C., Budding, P., Phillips, P., Clarke-Hill, W., & Johnstone, P. (2010). Evaluation of the effects of grass species, irrigation, nitrogen fertiliser application and soil compaction on the response of modern dairy pastures to phosphorus fertiliset. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 72, 153158. 455.MacKay, A. D., & Lambert, M. G. (2011). Long-term changes in soil fertility and pasture production under no, low and high phosphorus fertiliser inputs. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 73, 37-42. 456.MacKenzie, L., Sims, I., Beuzenberg, V., & Gillespie, P. (2002). Mass accumulation of mucilage caused by dinoflagellate polysaccharide exudates in Tasman Bay, New Zealand. Harmful Algae, 1(1), 69-83. 457.Magesan, G. N., Wang, H., & Clinton, P. W. (2012). Nitrogen cycling in gorse-dominated ecosystems in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 36(1), 21-28. 458.Mahmood, B. (2005). Analysis of a LEACHN-based management technique in 'predictive mode'. Agricultural Water Management, 75(1), 25-37. 459.Mahmood, B., Russell, J. M., & Wall, G. L. (2002). Field-Scale Nitrate Simulation. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 45(6), 1835-1842. 460.Mahmood, B., & Wall, G. L. (2001). The environmental impact of sewage effluent irrigation onto land - A case study in New Zealand. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 10(3-4), 209-230. 461.Mahmood, B., & Wall, G. L. (2001). Land treatment practices of wastes and their implications on groundwater quality in New Zealand: A review. International Agricultural Engineering Journal, 10(3-4), 121-150. 462.Mander, C., Wakelin, S., Young, S., Condron, L., & O'Callaghan, M. (2012). Incidence and diversity of phosphate-solubilising bacteria are linked to phosphorus status in grassland soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 44(1), 93-101. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2011.09.009 463.Mansur, I. (1994). Nitrogen uptake dynamics and biological nitrogen fixation in a silvopastoral system. Unpublished MSc, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, N.Z. 464.Marsh, K. B., Daly, M. J., & McCarthy, T. P. (1996). The effect of understorey management on soil fertility, tree nutrition, fruit production and apple fruit quality. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 13(2), 161-173. 465.Martin, R. J., Weerden, T. J. v. d., Riddle, M. U., & Butler, R. C. (2008). Comparison of Agrotain-treated and standard urea on an irrigated dairy pasture. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 70, 91-94. 466.Matheson, F. E., Tank, J. L., & Costley, K. J. (2011). Land use influences stream nitrate uptake in the Lake Taupo catchment. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 45(2), 287-300. doi:10.1080/00288330.2011.562143

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SECTORS 467.Maxwell, T. M. R., Moir, J. L., & Edwards, G. R. (2012). Sulphur and lime response of four adventive annual clovers grown in a New Zealand high country soil under glasshouse conditions. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 55(1), 47-62. doi:10.1080/00288233.2011.643904 468.McCall, D. G., Clark, D. A., Stachurski, L. J., Penno, J. W., Bryant, A. M., & Ridler, B. J. (1999). Optimized dairy grazing systems in the Northeast United States and New Zealand. I. Model description and evaluation. Journal of Dairy Science, 82(8), 17951807. 469.McDowell, R., & Condron, L. (2001). Influence of soil constituents on soil phosphorus sorption and desorption. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 32(15-16), 2531-2547. doi:10.1081/css-120000389 470.McDowell, R., & Sharpley, A. (2002). Phosphorus transport in overland flow in response to position of manure application. Journal of Environmental Quality, 31(1), 217-227. 471.McDowell, R., Sharpley, A., Brookes, P., & Poulton, P. (2001). Relationship between soil test phosphorus and phosphorus release to solution. Soil Science, 166(2), 137-149. doi: 472.McDowell, R. W. (2003). Sediment phosphorous chemistry and microbial biomass along a lowland New Zealand stream. Aquatic Geochemistry, 9(1), 19-40. 473.McDowell, R. W. (2004). The effectiveness of industrial by-products to stop phosphorous loss from a Pallic soil. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 42(7), 755-761. doi:10.1071/sr04009 474.McDowell, R. W. (2005). The effectiveness of coal fly-ash to decrease phosphorus loss from grassland soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 43(7), 853-860. doi: 475.McDowell, R. W. (2006). Contaminant losses in overland flow from cattle, deer and sheep dung. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 174(1-4), 211-222. doi:10.1007/s11270-0069098-x 476.McDowell, R. W. (2006). Phosphorus and sediment loss in a catchment with winter forage grazing of cropland by dairy cattle. Journal of Environmental Quality, 35(2), 575583. 477.McDowell, R. W. (2007). Water quality in headwater catchments with deer wallows. Journal of Environmental Quality, 36(5), 1377-1382. doi:10.2134/jeq2007.0015 478.McDowell, R. W. (2008). Water quality of a stream recently fenced-off from deer. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 51(3), 291-298. 479.McDowell, R. W. (2009). Maintaining good water and soil quality in catchments containing deer farms. International Journal of River Basin Management, 7(3), 187-195. 480.McDowell, R. W. (2009). The use of safe wallows to improve water quality in deer farmed catchments. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 52(1), 81-90. 481.McDowell, R. W. (2010). Evaluation of two management options to improve the water quality of Lake Brunner, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 53(1), 59-69. doi:10.1080/00288231003606351 482.McDowell, R. W. (2010). Is Cadmium Loss in Surface Runoff Significant for Soil and Surface Water Quality: A Study of Flood-Irrigated Pastures? Water Air and Soil Pollution, 209(1-4), 133-142. doi:10.1007/s11270-009-0186-6 483.McDowell, R. W. (2012). The rate of accumulation of cadmium and uranium in a longterm grazed pasture: implications for soil quality. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 55(2), 133-146. doi: 484.McDowell, R. W., & Condron, L. M. (2000). Chemical nature and potential mobility of phosphorus in fertilized grassland soils. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 57(3), 225233. doi:10.1023/a:1009838424935 485.McDowell, R. W., & Condron, L. M. (2004). Estimating phosphorus loss from New Zealand grassland soils. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(2), 137-145. 486.McDowell, R. W., & Condron, L. M. (2012). Phosphorus and the Winchmore trials: review and lessons learnt. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 55(2), 119132. doi:10.1080/00288233.2012.662899 487.McDowell, R. W., Condron, L. M., Mahieu, N., Brookes, P. C., Poulton, P. R., & Sharpley, A. N. (2002). Analysis of potentially mobile phosphorus in arable soils using Ministry for Primary Industries

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SECTORS solid state nuclear magnetic resonance. Journal of Environmental Quality, 31(2), 450456. 488.McDowell, R. W., Condron, L. M., Stewart, I., & Cave, V. (2005). Chemical nature and diversity of phosphorus in New Zealand pasture soils using 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and sequential fractionation. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 72(3), 241-254. doi: 489.McDowell, R. W., Dou, Z., Toth, J. D., Cade-Menun, B. J., Kleinman, P. J. A., Soder, K., & Saporito, L. (2008). A comparison of phosphorus speciation and potential bioavailability in feed and feces of different dairy herds using IT nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Journal of Environmental Quality, 37(3), 741-752. doi:10.2134/jeq2007.0086 490.McDowell, R. W., Drewry, J. J., Muirhead, R. W., & Paton, R. J. (2003). Cattle treading and phosphorus and sediment loss in overland flow from grazed cropland. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 41(8), 1521-1532. doi:10.1071/sr03042 491.McDowell, R. W., Drewry, J. J., Muirhead, R. W., & Paton, R. J. (2005). Restricting the grazing time of cattle to decrease phosphorus, sediment and E. coli losses in overland flow from cropland. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 43(1), 61-66. doi: 492.McDowell, R. W., Drewry, J. J., & Paton, R. J. (2004). Effects of deer grazing and fenceline pacing on water and soil quality. Soil Use and Management, 20(3), 302-307. doi:10.1079/sum2004261 493.McDowell, R. W., Drewry, J. J., Paton, R. J., Carey, P. L., Monaghan, R. M., & Condron, L. M. (2003). Influence of soil treading on sediment and phosphorus losses in overland flow. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 41(5), 949-961. doi:10.1071/sr02118 494.McDowell, R. W., & Houlbrooke, D. J. (2008). Phosphorus, nitrogen and sediment losses from irrigated cropland and pasture grazed by cattle and sheep. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 70, 77-83. 495.McDowell, R. W., & Houlbrooke, D. J. (2009). The effect of DCD on nitrate leaching losses from a winter forage crop receiving applications of sheep or cattle urine. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 71, 117-120. 496.McDowell, R. W., & Houlbrooke, D. J. (2009). Management options to decrease phosphorus and sediment losses from irrigated cropland grazed by cattle and sheep. Soil Use and Management, 25(3), 224-233. doi:10.1111/j.1475-2743.2009.00231.x 497.McDowell, R. W., Knowler, K., & Cosgrove, G. P. (2010). Establishment of a split grassclover system to improve water quality and profitability. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 72, 171-176. 498.McDowell, R. W., & Koopmans, G. F. (2006). Assessing the bioavailability of dissolved organic phosphorus in pasture and cultivated soils treated with different rates of nitrogen fertiliser. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 38(1), 61-70. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2005.03.026 499.McDowell, R. W., Littlejohn, R. P., & Blennerhassett, J. D. (2010). Phosphorus fertilizer form affects phosphorus loss to waterways: a paired catchment study. Soil Use and Management, 26(3), 365-373. doi:10.1111/j.1475-2743.2010.00289.x 500.McDowell, R. W., Mahieu, N., Brookes, P. C., & Poulton, P. R. (2003). Mechanisms of phosphorus solubilisation in a limed soil as a function of pH. Chemosphere, 51(8), 685692. doi:10.1016/s0045-6535(03)00107-3 501.McDowell, R. W., & Monaghan, R. M. (2002). The potential for phosphorus loss in relation to nitrogen fertiliser application and cultivation. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 45(4), 245-253. 502.McDowell, R. W., Monaghan, R. M., & Carey, P. L. (2003). Potential phosphorus losses in overland flow from pastoral soils receiving long-term applications of either superphosphate or reactive phosphate rock. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 46(4), 329-337. 503.McDowell, R. W., Monaghan, R. M., & Morton, J. (2003). Soil phosphorus concentrations to minimise potential P loss to surface waters in Southland. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 46(3), 239-253.

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SECTORS 504.McDowell, R. W., Monaghan, R. M., & Wheeler, D. (2005). Modelling phosphorus losses from pastoral farming systems in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 48(1), 131-141. 505.McDowell, R. W., Muirhead, R. W., & Monaghan, R. M. (2006). Nutrient, sediment, and bacterial losses in overland flow from pasture and cropping soils following cattle dung deposition. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 37(1-2), 93-108. doi:10.1080/00103620500408795 506.McDowell, R. W., & Nash, D. (2012). A Review of the Cost-Effectiveness and Suitability of Mitigation Strategies to Prevent Phosphorus Loss from Dairy Farms in New Zealand and Australia. Journal of Environmental Quality, 41(3), 680-693. doi:10.2134/jeq2011.0041 507.McDowell, R. W., Nash, D., George, A., Wang, Q. J., & Duncan, R. (2009). Approaches for Quantifying and Managing Diffuse Phosphorus Exports at the Farm/Small Catchment Scale. Journal of Environmental Quality, 38(5), 1968-1980. doi:10.2134/jeq2007.0651 508.McDowell, R. W., Nash, D. M., & Robertson, F. (2007). Sources of phosphorus lost from a grazed pasture receiving simulated rainfall. Journal of Environmental Quality, 36(5), 1281-1288. doi:10.2134/jeq2006.0347 509.McDowell, R. W., Scott, J. T., & Condron, L. M. (2006). Influence of aggregate size on phosphorus loss and ryegrass yield in a soil cultivated intermittently. Soil Use and Management, 22(2), 224-226. doi: 510.McDowell, R. W., Scott, J. T., Stewart, I., & Condron, L. M. (2007). Influence of aggregate size on phosphorus changes in a soil cultivated intermittently: analysis by P31 nuclear magnetic resonance. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 43(4), 409-415. doi:10.1007/s00374-006-0118-1 511.McDowell, R. W., & Sharpley, A. N. (2001). A comparison of fluvial sediment phosphorus (P) chemistry in relation to location and potential to influence stream P concentrations. Aquatic Geochemistry, 7(4), 255-265. doi:10.1023/a:1015274426411 512.McDowell, R. W., & Sharpley, A. N. (2002). The effect of antecedent moisture conditions on sediment and phosphorus loss during overland flow: Mahantango Creek catchment, Pennsylvania, USA. Hydrological Processes, 16(15), 3037-3050. doi:10.1002/hyp.1087 513.McDowell, R. W., & Sharpley, A. N. (2002). Effect of plot scale and an upslope phosphorus source on phosphorus loss in overland flow. Soil Use and Management, 18(2), 112-119. doi:10.1079/sum2002110 514.McDowell, R. W., & Sharpley, A. N. (2003). The effects of soil carbon on phosphorus and sediment loss from soil trays by overland flow. Journal of Environmental Quality, 32(1), 207-214. 515.McDowell, R. W., & Sharpley, A. N. (2003). Phosphorus solubility and release kinetics as a function of soil test P concentration. Geoderma, 112(1-2), 143-154. doi:10.1016/s0016-7061(02)00301-4 516.McDowell, R. W., & Sharpley, A. N. (2003). Uptake and release of phosphorus from overland flow in a stream environment. Journal of Environmental Quality, 32(3), 937948. 517.McDowell, R. W., Sharpley, A. N., Condron, L. M., Haygarth, P. M., & Brookes, P. C. (2001). Processes controlling soil phosphorus release to runoff and implications for agricultural management. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 59(3), 269-284. doi:10.1023/a:1014419206761 518.McDowell, R. W., Sharpley, A. N., Crush, J. R., & Simmons, T. (2011). Phosphorus in pasture plants: potential implications for phosphorus loss in surface runoff. Plant and Soil, 345(1-2), 23-35. doi:10.1007/s11104-010-0687-5 519.McDowell, R. W., Sharpley, A. N., & Kleinman, P. J. A. (2002). Integrating phosphorus and nitrogen decision management at watershed scales. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 38(2), 479-491. doi:10.1111/j.1752-1688.2002.tb04331.x 520.McDowell, R. W., & Smith, L. C. (2012). Potential water quality impact and agronomic effectiveness of different phosphorus fertilisers under grazed dairying in Southland. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 74, 225-230. 521.McDowell, R. W., & Srinivasan, M. S. (2009). Identifying critical source areas for water quality: 2. Validating the approach for phosphorus and sediment losses in grazed Ministry for Primary Industries

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SECTORS headwater catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 379(1-2), 68-80. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.09.045 522.McDowell, R. W., & Stevens, D. R. (2008). Potential waterway contamination associated with wintering deer on pastures and forage crops. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 51(3), 287-290. 523.McDowell, R. W., & Stewart, I. (2005). Phosphorus in fresh and dry dung of grazing dairy cattle, deer, and sheep: Sequential fraction and phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance analyses. Journal of Environmental Quality, 34(2), 598-607. 524.McDowell, R. W., & Stewart, I. (2006). The phosphorus composition of contrasting soils in pastoral, native and forest management in Otago, New Zealand: Sequential extraction and 31P NMR. Geoderma, 130(1-2), 176-189. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2005.01-020 525.McDowell, R. W., & Walker, S. (2010). Does irrigation prevent phosphorus and sediment loss via wind erosion and benefit surface water quality? In Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world. Symposium 3.2.1 Highland agriculture and conservation of soil and water (pp. 26-29) International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), c/o Institut fur Bodenforschung, Universitat fur Bodenkultur. 526.McDowell, R. W., & Wilcock, R. J. (2004). Particulate phosphorus transport within stream flow of an agricultural catchment. Journal of Environmental Quality, 33(6), 21112121. 527.McGrath, D. F., Dawson, J. E., Thomson, N. A., & Simons, H. P. (1998). More summer milk - the opportunities identified. In Proceedings. 50th Ruakura Dairy Farmers' Conference. The business of farming (pp. 85-94) 528.McGrath, J. M., Penno, J. W., MacDonald, K. A., & Carter, W. A. (1998). Using nitrogen fertiliser to increase dairy farm profitability. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, 58, 117-120. 529.McIntosh, P. (1997). Nutrient changes in tussock grasslands, South Island, New Zealand. Ambio, 26(3), 147-151. 530.McIntosh, P. D., & Allen, R. B. (1998). Effect of exclosure on soils, biomass, plant nutrients, and vegetation, on unfertilised steeplands, Upper Waitaki District, South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 22(2), 209-217. 531.McIntosh, P. D., Allen, R. B., & Scott, N. (1997). Effects of exclosure and management on biomass and soil nutrient pools in seasonally dry high country, New Zealand. Journal of Environmental Management, 51(2), 169-186. 532.McIntosh, P. D., Gibson, R. S., Saggar, S., Yeates, G. W., & McGimpsey, P. (1999). Effect of contrasting farm management on vegetation and biochemical, chemical, and biological condition of moist steepland soils of the South Island high country, New Zealand. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 37(5), 847-865. doi:10.1071/sr98086 533.McIntosh, P. D., Hewitt, A. E., Giddens, K., & Taylor, M. D. (1997). Benchmark sites for assessing the chemical impacts of pastoral farming on loessial soils in southern New Zealand. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 65(3), 267-280. 534.McIntosh, P. D., Lynn, I. H., & Johnstone, P. D. (2000). Creating and testing a geometric soil-landscape model in dry steeplands using a very low sampling density. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 38(1), 101-112. 535.McIvor, I. (2004). Riparian zone coppicing of hardwoods for reduction of nitrate leaching from dairy farm effluent discharge - final report. SFF Contract Grant 01/126. 536.McKenzie, B. A., Edwards, G. R., & Hill, G. D. (2006). Are New Zealand cereal, arable and pastoral rotations sustainable? Aspects of Applied Biology(80), 29-41. 537.McKenzie, F. R., Jacobs, J. L., & Ward, G. N. (2006). Irrigated dairy pasture yield and water use efficiency responses to summer applied nitrogen. In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 161-164) 538.McKergow, L. A., Rutherford, J. C., & Timpany, G. C. (2012). Livestock-generated nitrogen exports from a pastoral wetland. Journal of Environmental Quality, 41(5), 16811689. doi:10.1002/jsfa.2740590316 539.McLaren, R. G., & Clucas, L. M. (2006). A field comparison of pasture selenium uptake from different forms of selenium fertiliser. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 49(3), 227-232.

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SECTORS 836.Stevens, D. R., & Carruthers, A. Y. (2008). Can nitrogen fertiliser applied before sowing increase brassica yields in a dry environment? Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 70, 31-36. 837.Stevens, D. R., Houlbrooke, D. J., & Knowles, S. O. (2010). Effluent management or nutrient management: A case study of improving dairy shed effluent disposal. In Proceedings of the 4th Australasian Science Symposium (pp. 53-58) 838.Stevens, D. R., & McCorkindale, B. (2002). Potential and pitfalls of caucasian clover in southern New Zealand. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 64, 6772. 839.Stevenson, B. A. (2004). Changes in phosphorus availability and nutrient status of indigenous forest fragments in Pastoral New Zealand Hill country. Plant and Soil, 262(12), 317-325. doi:10.1023/B:PLSO.0000037050.67578.f0 840.Stevenson, B. A., Parfitt, R. L., Schipper, L. A., Baisden, W. T., & Mudge, P. (2010). Relationship between soil δ15N, C/N and N losses across land uses in New Zealand. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 139(4), 736-741. 841.Stevenson, B. A., Schipper, L. A., McGill, A., & Clark, D. (2011). Denitrification and availability of carbon and nitrogen in a well-drained pasture soil amended with particulate organic carbon. Journal of Environmental Quality, 40(3), 923-930. doi:10.1071/SR99009 842.Stewart, D. P. C., & Metherell, A. K. (1999). Carbon (C-13) uptake and allocation in pasture plants following field pulse-labelling. Plant and Soil, 210(1), 61-73. doi:10.1023/a:1004668910787 843.Stutter, M. I., Shand, C. A., George, T. S., Blackwell, M. S. A., Bol, R., MacKay, R. L., Richardson, A. E., Condron, L. M., Turner, B. L., & Haygarth, P. M. (2012). Recovering Phosphorus from Soil: A Root Solution? Environmental Science & Technology, 46(4), 1977-1978. doi:10.1021/es2044745 844.Sumanasena, H. A., Horne, D. J., Kemp, P. D., & Scotter, D. R. (2011). Effects of irrigation frequency on ryegrass and white clover growth. 1. Experimental results. Soil Research, 49(4), 355-360. doi:10.1071/sr10217 845.Sumanasena, H. A., Horne, D. J., Scotter, D. R., & Kemp, P. D. (2004). The effects of irrigation scheduling on nitrogen and phosphorus leaching under pasture. Tropical Agricultural Research, 16, 193-203. 846.Sun, W., Luo, J., Lindsey, S., & Ledgard, S. (2008). Nitrogen losses through denitrification from a grazed pasture as affected by the use of a nitrification inhibitor. In Multifunctional grasslands in a changing world, Volume 1: XXI International Grassland Congress and VIII International Rangeland Congress (pp. 385) Guangdong People's Publishing House. 847.Sun, X., Luo, N., Longhurst, B., & Luo, J. (2008). Fertiliser nitrogen and factors affecting pasture responses. The Open Agriculture Journal, 2, 35-42. doi: 848.Surapaneni, A., Tillman, R. W., Kirkman, J. H., Gregg, P. E. H., & Roberts, A. H. C. (2002). Potassium-supplying power of selected Pallic soils of New Zealand. 1. Pot trial study. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 45(2), 113-122. 849.Svavarsdóttir, K., Palmer, J. G., & White, J. J. H. (1999). Distribution of three Hieracium species in the Mt Possession area, mid Canterbury, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 37(3), 469-477. 850.Tanner, C. C., Nguyen, M. L., & Sukias, J. P. S. (2003). Using constructed wetlands to treat subsurface drainage from intensively grazed dairy pastures in New Zealand. Water Science and Technology, 48(5), 207-213. 851.Tanner, C. C., Nguyen, M. L., & Sukias, J. P. S. (2005). Nutrient removal by a constructed wetland treating subsurface drainage from grazed dairy pasture. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 105(1-2), 145-162. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2004.05.008 852.Tanner, C. C., Nguyen, M. L., & Sulkias, J. P. S. (2005). Constructed wetland attenuation of nitrogen exported in subsurface drainage from irrigated and rain-fed dairy pastures. Water Science and Technology, 51(9), 55-61. 853.Tate, K. R., Lambie, S. M., Ross, D. J., & Dando, J. (2011). Carbon transfer from 14Clabelled needles to mineral soil, and 14C-CO2 production, in a young Pinus radiata Don

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SECTORS stand. European Journal of Soil Science, 62(1), 127-133. doi:10.1111/j.13652389.2010.01316.x 854.Tate, K. R., Ross, D. J., Saggar, S., Hedley, C. B., Dando, J., Singh, B. K., & Lambie, S. M. (2007). Methane uptake in soils from Pinus radiata plantations, a reverting shrubland and adjacent pastures: Effects of land-use change, and soil texture, water and mineral nitrogen. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 39(7), 1437-1449. 855.Tate, K. R., Ross, D. J., Scott, N. A., Rodda, N. J., Townsend, J. A., & Arnold, G. C. (2006). Post-harvest patterns of carbon dioxide production, methane uptake and nitrous oxide production in a Pinus radiata D. Don plantation. Forest Ecology and Management, 228(1-3), 40-50. 856.Tate, K. R., Scott, N. A., Parshotam, A., Brown, L., Wilde, R. H., Giltrap, D. J., Trustrum, N. A., Gomez, B., & Ross, D. J. (2000). A multi-scale analysis of a terrestrial carbon budget - Is New Zealand a source or sink of carbon? Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 82(1-3), 229-246. doi:10.1016/s0167-8809(00)00228-0 857.Tate, K. R., Walcroft, A. S., & Pratt, C. (2012). Varying atmospheric methane concentrations affect soil methane oxidation rates and methanotroph populations in pasture, an adjacent pine forest, and a landfill. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 52, 75-81. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.04.011 858.Teixeira, E. I., Moot, D. J., & Brown, H. E. (2008). Defoliation frequency and season affected radiation use efficiency and dry matter partitioning to roots of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) crops. European Journal of Agronomy, 28(2), 103-111. 859.Teixeira, E. I., Moot, D. J., & Mickelbart, M. V. (2007). Seasonal patterns of root C and N reserves of lucerne crops (Medicago sativa L.) grown in a temperate climate were affected by defoliation regime. European Journal of Agronomy, 26(1), 10-20. 860.Thom, E. R., Burggraaf, V. T., Watts, R. J., & Hooper, R. J. (2003). Relationship of tillering and morphological characteristics of two perennial ryegrass lines to "pulling" when grazed by dairy cows. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 46(1), 1525. 861.Thomas, R. G., Hay, M. J. M., & Newton, P. C. D. (2002). A developmentally based categorization of branching in Trifolium repens L.: Influence of nodal roots. Annals of Botany, 90(3), 379-389. doi:10.1093/aob/mcf200 862.Thomas, S. M., Beare, M. H., Francis, G. S., Barlow, H. E., & Hedderley, D. I. (2008). Effects of tillage, simulated cattle grazing and soil moisture on N2O emissions from a winter forage crop. (Special Issue: Non-CO2 greenhouse gas fluxes in Australian and New Zealand landscapes.). Plant and Soil, 309(1), 131-145. doi: 863.Thomas, S. M., Ledgard, S. F., & Francis, G. S. (2004). Improving New Zealand predictions of N leaching for estimating indirect N2O emissions. In Hatch, D. J., Chadwick, D. R., Jarvis, S. C. & Roker, J. A. (Eds.), Controlling nitrogen flows and losses. 12th Nitrogen Workshoptember (pp. 361-362) Wageningen Academic Publishers. 864.Thomas, S. M., Ledgard, S. F., & Francis, G. S. (2005). Improving estimates of nitrate leaching for quantifying New Zealand's indirect nitrous oxide emissions. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 73(2-3), 213-226. 865.Thompson, B. R., & Stevens, D. R. (2011). Pasture and tussock responses to a single application of nitrogen or a full development process for drier hill country over two years. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 73, 27-30. 866.Thomson, N. A., Hainsworth, R. J., Clough, J. C., & McCallum, D. A. (1997). Effect of nitrogen fertiliser and concentrate feed on dairy production. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, 57(172). 867.Thomson, N. A., McGrath, D. F., Dawson, J. E., & Simons, H. P. (1998). Nitrogen fertiliser and rotation length - Interim report on the 1997/98 MSM project. In Proceedings 50th Ruakura Farmers' Conference (pp. 95-98) 868.Tian, Y. Q., McDowell, R., Yu, Q., Sheath, G. W., Carlson, W. T., & Gong, P. (2007). Modelling to analyse the impacts of animal treading effects on soil infiltration. Hydrological Processes, 21(8), 1106-1114. doi:10.1002/hyp.6293

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SECTORS 869.Tillman, R. (1998). Fertiliser nitrogen or clover nitrogen? In Proceedings 50th Ruakura Farmers' Conference (pp. 80-84) 870.Tillman, R., & Officer, S. (2000). Factors controlling potassium fertility in hill country pastures. Better Crops International, 14(2), 26-28. 871.Toor, G. S., Condron, L. M., Di, H. J., Cameron, K. C., & Sims, J. T. (2004). Assessment of phosphorus leaching losses from a free draining grassland soil. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 69(2), 167-184. doi:10.1023/ 872.Toosi, E. R., Clinton, P. W., Beare, M. H., & Norton, D. A. (2012). Biodegradation of Soluble Organic Matter as Affected by Land-Use and Soil Depth. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 76(5), 1667-1677. doi:10.2136/sssaj2011.0437 873.Tozer, W. C., Hackell, D., Miers, D. B., & Silvester, W. B. (2005). Extreme isotopic depletion of nitrogen in New Zealand lithophytes and epiphytes; the result of diffusive uptake of atmospheric ammonia? Oecologia, 144(4), 628-635. 874.Treweek, G. (2011). Nitrogen leaching from effluent irrigated pasture. University of Waikato. 875.Treweek, G., Balks, M. R., & Schipper, L. A. (2010). Nitrogen leaching from effluent irrigated pasture, on a vitrand (pumice soil), taupo, New Zealand - initial results. In Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world. Symposium 4.1.2 Management and protection of receiving environments (pp. 124-126) International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), c/o Institut fur Bodenforschung, Universitat fur Bodenkultur. 876.Trolle, D., Skovgaard, H., & Jeppesen, E. (2008). The Water Framework Directive: Setting the phosphorus loading target for a deep lake in Denmark using the 1D lake ecosystem model DYRESM-CAEDYM. Ecological Modelling, 219(1-2), 138-152. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2008.08.005 877.Tunney, H., Kirwan, L., Fu, W., Culleton, N., & Black, A. D. (2010). Long-term phosphorus grassland experiment for beef production - impacts on soil phosphorus levels and liveweight gains. Soil Use and Management, 26(3), 237-244. doi:10.1111/j.1475-2743.2010.00292.x 878.Türk, M., Albayrak, S., & Yüksel, O. (2009). Effects of fertilisation and harvesting stages on forage yield and quality of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth). New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 52(3), 269-275. 879.Turner, B. L., Mahieu, N., & Condron, L. M. (2003). The phosphorus composition of temperate pasture soils determined by NaOH-EDTA extraction and solution P-31 NMR spectroscopy. Organic Geochemistry, 34(8), 1199-1210. doi:10.1016/s01466380(03)00061-5 880.Turner, B. L., Mahieu, N., & Condron, L. M. (2003). Quantification of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate in alkaline soil extracts by solution P-31 NMR spectroscopy and spectral deconvolution. Soil Science, 168(7), 469-478. doi:10.1097/ 881.Turner, B. L., Mahieu, N., Condron, L. M., & Chen, C. R. (2005). Quantification and bioavailability of scyllo-inositol hexakisphosphate in pasture soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 37(11), 2155-2158. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2005.03.005 882.Tutua, S. S., Goh, K. M., & Daly, M. J. (2002). Decomposition and nitrogen release of understorey plant residues in biological and integrated apple orchards under field conditions in New Zealand. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 35(4), 277-287. 883.Uchida, Y., Clough, T. J., Kelliher, F. M., & Sherlock, R. R. (2008). Effects of aggregate size, soil compaction, and bovine urine on N2O emissions from a pasture soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40(4), 924-931. doi: 884.Vadas, P. A., Srinivasan, M. S., Kleinman, P. J. A., Schmidt, J. P., & Allen, A. L. (2007). Hydrology and groundwater nutrient concentrations in a ditch-drained agroecosystem. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 62(4), 178-188. 885.van der Weerden, T. J. (1999). Nitrous oxide emission and methane production and consumption by arable agriculture. Lincoln University.

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SECTORS 886.van der Weerden, T. J., Kelliher, F. M., & de Klein, C. A. M. (2012). Influence of pore size distribution and soil water content on nitrous oxide emissions. Soil Research, 50(2), 125-135. doi:10.1071/sr11112 887.Van der Weerden, T. J., Luo, J., de Klein, C. A. M., Hoogendoorn, C. J., Littlejohn, R. P., & Rys, G. J. (2011). Disaggregating nitrous oxide emission factors for ruminant urine and dung deposited onto pastoral soils. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 141(3-4), 426-436. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2011.04.007 888.van Groenigen, J. W., Kuikman, P. J., de Groot, W. J. M., & Velthof, G. L. (2005). Nitrous oxide emission from urine-treated soil as influenced by urine composition and soil physical conditions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 37(3), 463-473. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2004.08.009 889.Van Hale, R., & Frew, R. D. (2010). Rayleigh distillation equations applied to isotopic evolution of organic nitrogen across a continental shelf. Marine and Freshwater Research, 61(3), 369-378. doi:10.1016/0198-0149(88)90130-90136; 890.Vant, W. N., Gibbs, M. M., Safi, K. A., & Thrush, S. F. (1998). Fluxes of organic carbon in Manukau Harbour, New Zealand. Estuaries, 21(4 A), 560-570. 891.Vogeler, I., Beukes, P., & Burggraaf, V. (2013). Evaluation of mitigation strategies for nitrate leaching on pasture-based dairy systems. Agricultural Systems, 115, 21-28. doi: 892.(2011). Development and desktop-assessment of a concept to forecast and mitigate N leaching from dairy farms. 893.Vogeler, I., Giltrap, D., Li, F., & Snow, V. (2011). Comparison of models for predicting nitrification, denitrification and nitrous oxide emissions in pastoral systems. In Chan, F., Marinova, D. & Anderssen, R. S. (Eds.), 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (pp. 884-890) 894.Von Caemmerer, S., Ghannoum, O., Conroy, J. P., Clark, H., & Newton, P. C. D. (2001). Photosynthetic responses of temperate species to free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) in a grazed New Zealand pasture. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 28(6), 439-450. 895.Wakelin, S., Mander, C., Gerard, E., Jansa, J., Erb, A., Young, S., Condron, L., & O'Callaghan, M. (2012). Response of soil microbial communities to contrasted histories of phosphorus fertilisation in pastures. Applied Soil Ecology, 61, 40-48. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2012.06.002 896.Wallbrink, P. J., Martin, C. E., & Wilson, C. J. (2003). Quantifying the contributions of sediment, sediment-P and fertiliser-P from forested, cultivated and pasture areas at the landuse and catchment scale using fallout radionuclides and geochemistry. Soil & Tillage Research, 69(1-2), 53-68. doi:10.1016/s0167-1987(02)00128-9 897.Wang, H., Magesan, G. N., & Bolan, N. S. (2004). An overview of the environmental effects of land application of farm effluents. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(4), 389-403. 898.Wardle, D. A. (1998). Controls of temporal variability of the soil microbial biomass: A global-scale synthesis. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 30(13), 1627-1637. doi:10.1016/s0038-0717(97)00201-0 899.Wardle, D. A., Bonner, K. I., & Barker, G. M. (2002). Linkages between plant litter decomposition, litter quality, and vegetation responses to herbivores. Functional Ecology, 16(5), 585-595. 900.Watkins, N. L., Schipper, L. A., Sparling, G. P., Thorrold, B., & Balks, M. (2013). Multiple small monthly doses of dicyandiamide (DCD) did not reduce denitrification in Waikato dairy pasture. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 56(1), 37-48. doi: 901.Watson, R. N., & Mercer, C. F. (2000). Pasture nematodes: the major scourge of white clover. In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 195-199) 902.Watt, M. S., Clinton, P. W., Whitehead, D., Richardson, B., Mason, E. G., & Leckie, A. C. (2003). Above-ground biomass accumulation and nitrogen fixation of broom (Cytisus scoparius L.) growing with juvenile Pinus radiata on a dryland site. Forest Ecology and Management, 184(1-3), 93-104. 903.Watt, M. S., & Palmer, D. J. (2012). Use of regression kriging to develop a Carbon: Nitrogen ratio surface for New Zealand. Geoderma, 183-184, 49-57. Ministry for Primary Industries

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SECTORS 904.Webb, T. H., Lilburne, L. R., & Francis, G. S. (2001). Validation of the GLEAMS simulation model for estimating net nitrogen mineralisation and nitrate leaching under cropping in Canterbury, New Zealand. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 39(5), 10151025. 905.Wedderburn, M. E., Barker, D. J., Chapman, D. F., Orr, S. J., & Dymock, N. (2005). Genetic differentiation in white clover (Trifolium repens) populations during 8 years of contrasting phosphorus supply in New Zealand hill country. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 48(1), 63-74. 906.Weerden, T. J. v. d., Clough, T. J., & Styles, T. M. (2013). Using near-continuous measurements of N2O emission from urine-affected soil to guide manual gas sampling regimes. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 56(1), 60-76. doi: 907.Weerden, T. J. v. d., Sherlock, R. R., Williams, P. H., & Cameron, K. C. (1999). Nitrous oxide emissions and methane oxidation by soil following cultivation of two different leguminous pastures. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 30(1), 52-60. doi: 908.West, G. G. (1998). Pinus radiata growth responses to pruning, thinning, and nitrogen fertiliser in Kaingaroa forest. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 28(2), 165-181. 909.Wheeler, D. M. (1998). Investigation into the mechanisms causing lime responses in a grass/clover pasture on a clay loam soil. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 41(4), 497-515. 910.Wheeler, D. M., Edmeades, D. C., & Morton, J. D. (1997). Effect of lime on yield, N fixation, and plant N uptake from the soil by pasture on 3 contrasting trials in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 40(3), 397-408. 911.Wheeler, D. M., & O'Connor, M. B. (1998). Why do pastures respond to lime? Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 60, 57-61. 912.White, J. G. H., Jarvis, P., & Lucas, R. J. (1995). Fertiliser requirements of Russell lupins. Proceedings Annual Conference - Agronomy Society of New Zealand, 25, 87-90. 913.White, R. E., Heng, L. K., & Magesan, G. N. (1998). Nitrate leaching from a drained, sheep-grazed pasture. II. Modelling nitrate leaching losses. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 36(6), 963-977. doi: 914.White, T. A., Campbell, B. D., Kemp, P. D., & Hunt, C. L. (2000). Sensitivity of three grassland communities to simulated extreme temperature and rainfall events. Global Change Biology, 6(6), 671-684. 915.White, T. A., & Knight, T. L. (2007). Pasture yield and composition under different land uses in North Otago Rolling Downlands. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 69, 65-71. 916.White, T. A., Moore, K. J., & Barker, D. J. (2004). The importance of local processes to landscape patterns of grassland vegetation diversity. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 47(2), 199-207. 917.White, T. A., Snow, V. O., & King, W. M. (2010). Intensification of New Zealand beef farming systems. Agricultural Systems, 103(1), 21-35. 918.Widdup, K. H., Purves, R. G., Black, A. D., Jarvis, P., & Lucas, R. J. (2001). Nitrogen fixation by caucasian clover and white clover in irrigated ryegrass pastures. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 63, 171-175. 919.Wilcock, R., Elliott, S., Hudson, N., Parkyn, S., & Quinn, J. (2008). Climate change mitigation for agriculture: water quality benefits and costs. Water Science and Technology, 58(11), 2093-2099. doi:10.2166/wst.2008.906 920.Wilcock, R. J., Betteridge, K., Shearman, D., Fowles, C. R., Scarsbrook, M. R., Thorrold, B. S., & Costall, D. (2009). Riparian protection and on-farm best management practices for restoration of a lowland stream in an intensive dairy farming catchment: a case study. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 43(3), 803-818. 921.Wilcock, R. J., Monaghan, R. M., Quinn, J. M., Campbell, A. M., Thorrold, B. S., Duncan, M. J., McGowan, A. W., & Betteridge, K. (2006). Land-use impacts and water quality targets in the intensive dairying catchment of the Toenepi Stream, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 40(1), 123-140.

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SECTORS 922.Wilcock, R. J., Muller, K., van Assema, G. B., Bellingham, M. A., & Ovenden, R. (2012). Attenuation of nitrogen, phosphorus and E. coli inputs from pasture runoff to surface waters by a farm wetland: The importance of wetland shape and residence time. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 223(2), 499-509. doi:10.1007/s11270-011-0876-8 923.Wilcock, R. J., Nagels, J. W., Rodda, H. J. E., O'Connor, M. B., Thorrold, B. S., & Barnett, J. W. (1999). Water quality of a lowland stream in a New Zealand dairy farming catchment. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 33(4), 683-696. 924.Wilcock, R. J., Nash, D., Schmidt, J., Larned, S. T., Rivers, M. R., & Feehan, P. (2011). Inputs of Nutrients and Fecal Bacteria to Freshwaters from Irrigated Agriculture: Case Studies in Australia and New Zealand. Environmental Management, 48(1), 198-211. doi:10.1007/s00267-011-9644-1 925.Wilcock, R. J., Scarsbrook, M. R., Costley, K. J., & Nagels, J. W. (2002). Controlled release experiments to determine the effects of shade and plants on nutrient retention in a lowland stream. Hydrobiologia, 485(1-3), 153-162. doi:10.1023/a:1021375509662 926.Williams, D. L., Ineson, P., & Coward, P. A. (1999). Temporal variations in nitrous oxide fluxes from urine-affected grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 31(5), 779-788. doi:10.1016/s0038-0717(98)00186-2 927.Williams, P. H., & Haynes, R. J. (2000). Transformations and plant uptake of urine N and S in long and short-term pastures. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 56(2), 109-116. 928.Williams, P. H., Rowarth, J. S., & Tregurtha, R. J. (2000). Recovery of 15N-labelled fertiliser by a perennial ryegrass seed crop and a subsequent wheat crop. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 56(2), 117-123. 929.Williams, P. H., Rowarth, J. S., & Tregurtha, R. J. (2001). Uptake and residual value of 15N-labelled fertilizer applied to first and second year grass seed crops in New Zealand. Journal of Agricultural Science, 137(1), 17-25. 930.Williams, P. H., Tregurtha, R. J., & Francis, G. S. (2003). Fate of urea applied to winter spinach in New Zealand. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 67(3), 245-254. 931.Williams, P. H., & Wright, C. E. (1997). Effect of short term pastures on soil nitrogen status under contrasting management practices. Proceedings Annual Conference Agronomy Society of New Zealand, 27, 139-143. 932.Williams, W. M., Easton, H. S., & Jones, C. S. (2007). Future options and targets for pasture plant breeding in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 50(2), 223-248. 933.Williamson, J. C., Taylor, M. D., Torrens, R. S., & Vojvodic-Vukovic, M. (1998). Reducing nitrogen leaching from dairy farm effluent-irrigated pasture using dicyandiamide: A lysimeter study. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 69(1), 81-88. 934.Wilson, M. D., & Valentine, I. (2005). Regrassing flood-damaged pastures. In Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association (pp. 117-121) 935.Woodfield, D. R., & Clark, D. A. (2009). Do forage legumes have a role in modern dairy farming systems? Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 48(2), 137-147. 936.Woodman, R. F., Lowther, W. L., Littlejohn, R. P., & Horrell, R. F. (1998). Establishment response of 12 legumes to nitrogen fertiliser rate and placement when direct drilled into Hieracium-infested, montane tussock grasslands. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 41(1), 53-63. 937.Woodward, S. (1997). Use of Maple V to solve a multi-variable optimal control problem in fertilizer economics. Mapletech, 4(3), 46-51. 938.Woodward, S. J. R., Stenger, R., & Bidwell, V. (2011). Using a simple 2D steady-state saturated flow and reactive transport model to elucidate denitrification patterns in a hillslope aquifer. In Chan, F., Marinova, D. & Anderssen, R. S. (Eds.), 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (pp. 3980-3986) 939.Xue, J. M., Clinton, P. W., Sands, R., Payn, T. W., & Skinner, M. F. (2008). Fate of biuret 15N and its effect on net mineralisation of native soil N in forest soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 46(6-7), 636-644. doi:10.1016/S0038-0717(96)00148-4 940.Yeates, G. W., Hawke, M. F., & Rijkse, W. C. (2000). Changes in soil fauna and soil conditions under Pinus radiata agroforestry regimes during a 25-year tree rotation. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 31(5), 391-406. doi:10.1007/s003749900186

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SECTORS 941.Yeates, G. W., Hawke, M. F., & Rijkse, W. C. (2000). Changes soil fauna and soil conditions under Pinus radiata agroforestry regimes during a 25-year tree rotation. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 31(5), 391-406. 942.Yeates, G. W., Saggar, S., & Daly, B. K. (1997). Soil microbial C, N, and P, and microfaunal populations under Pinus radiata and grazed pasture land-use systems. Pedobiologia, 41(6), 549-565. 943.Young, R. G., Quarterman, A. J., Eyles, R. F., Smith, R. A., & Bowden, W. B. (2005). Water quality and thermal regime of the Motueka River: influences of land cover, geology and position in the catchment. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 39(4), 803-825. 944.Zaman, M., & Blennerhassett, J. (2010). Can urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (nBPT) improve urea efficiency: effect of different application rate, timing and irrigation systems. In Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil solutions for a changing world. Symposium 3.3.1 Integrated nutrient management (pp. 45-48) International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), c/o Institut fur Bodenforschung, Universitat fur Bodenkultur. 945.Zaman, M., & Blennerhassett, J. D. (2010). Effects of the different rates of urease and nitrification inhibitors on gaseous emissions of ammonia and nitrous oxide, nitrate leaching and pasture production from urine patches in an intensive grazed pasture system. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 136(3-4), 236-246. 946.Zaman, M., & Chang, S. X. (2004). Substrate type, temperature, and moisture content affect gross and net N mineralization and nitrification rates in agroforestry systems. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 39(4), 269-279. doi:10.1007/s00374-003-0716-0 947.Zaman, M., & Nguyen, M. L. (2010). Effect of lime or zeolite on N2O and N-2 emissions from a pastoral soil treated with urine or nitrate-N fertilizer under field conditions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 136(3), 254-261. doi: 948.Zaman, M., & Nguyen, M. L. (2012). How application timings of urease and nitrification inhibitors affect N losses from urine patches in pastoral system. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 156, 37-48. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.04.019 949.Zaman, M., Nguyen, M. L., Blennerhassett, J. D., & Quin, B. F. (2008). Reducing NH3, N2O and NO3 - -N losses from a pasture soil with urease or nitrification inhibitors and elemental S-amended nitrogenous fertilizers. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 44(5), 693705. 950.Zaman, M., Nguyen, M. L., Gold, A. J., Groffman, P. M., Kellogg, D. Q., & Wilcock, R. J. (2008). Nitrous oxide generation, denitrification, and nitrate removal in a seepage wetland intercepting surface and subsurface flows from a grazed dairy catchment. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 46(6-7), 565-577. doi:10.1071/sr07217 951.Zaman, M., Nguyen, M. L., Matheson, F., Blennerhassett, J. D., & Quin, B. F. (2007). Can soil amendments (zeolite or lime) shift the balance between nitrous oxide and dinitrogen emissions from pasture and wetland soils receiving urine or urea-N? Australian Journal of Soil Research, 45(7), 543-553. doi:10.1071/sr07034 952.Zaman, M., & Quin, B. F. (2012). RPR revisited (2): long-term farmer experience helps define the role of RPR in grazed pastures. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 74, 269-276. 953.Zaman, M., Saggar, S., Blennerhassett, J. D., & Singh, J. (2009). Effect of urease and nitrification inhibitors on N transformation, gaseous emissions of ammonia and nitrous oxide, pasture yield and N uptake in grazed pasture system. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41(6), 1270-1280. 954.Zaman, M., Zaman, S., Nguyen, M. L., Smith, T. J., & Nawaz, S. (2013). The effect of urease and nitrification inhibitors on ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions from simulated urine patches in pastoral system: A two-year study. Science of the Total Environment. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.01.014 955.Zanders, J. M., Hedley, M. J., Palmer, A. S., Tillman, R. W., & Lee, J. (1999). The source and distribution of cadmium in soils on a regularly fertilised hill-country farm. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 37(4), 667-678.

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Ministry for Primary Industries

SECTORS 956.Zeldis, J. R., Howard-Williams, C., Carter, C. M., & Schiel, D. R. (2008). ENSO and riverine control of nutrient loading, phytoplankton biomass and mussel aquaculture yield in Pelorus Sound, New Zealand. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 371, 131-142. 957.Zhang, B., & Tillman, R. (2007). A decision tree approach to modelling nitrogen fertiliser use efficiency in New Zealand pastures. Plant and Soil, 301(1-2), 267-278. 958.Zhang, B., Tillman, R., Gillingham, A., & Gray, M. (2009). Fine-scale spatial modelling of pasture production and fertiliser responses under variable climate: Assessing a decision support tool in pasture management. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 52(4), 455-470.

Ministry for Primary Industries

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