Nutrition and prostate cancer

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common malignancy in West- ern men, accounting for 30% of newly diagnosed cancers, and it is the second leading cause of male cancer- related death.

Nutrition and prostate cancer


Prostate cancer will become an increasing burden on society rostate cancer is now the most

common malignancy in Western men, accounting for 30% of

newly diagnosed cancers, and it is the

second leading cause of male cancer-

related death. The burden of human suffering and the cost to society are

expected to increase significantly in the coming decades due to increased life-expectancy. The Canadian Cancer

Society reports that an estimated

23,600 men will be diagnosed with

prostate cancer in 2014 and that 4000 men will die from the disease. This

represents 10% of all cancer deaths in men. The US Cancer society estimates

for 2015 are about 220,800 new

prostate cancer cases and 27,540

deaths. Statistics for the European Union are similar overall but are very

with reduced risk of developing cancer and this is particularly true for

prostate cancer. Unfortunately, a

valuable opportunities for effective chemopreventive dietary intervention.

It is never too late to start eating

interesting in that they show a very

generation of people has been raised


rates. In Mediterranean countries

protein diet, low in fibre and plantderived nutrients.

Broccoli, diindolylmethane and death of the prostate cancer cell

Prostate cancer develops slowly, with

Armand-Frappier is very interested in

wide regional difference in mortality

prostate cancer mortality can account

for as little as 4% of all cancer-related

deaths in men whereas in Scandina-

on a high fat, carbohydrate and

My laboratory at the INRS-Institut

tumors that are already present in

understanding how natural com-

to play. Poor diet has been consistently

detectable size over a number of

These are studies of a fundamental

in prostate cancer.

out as hormone-dependent tumors

vian countries it can be as high as

20%. This is where nutrition comes in

implicated as an important risk factor

Eat your vegetables, they are good for you!

Every parent has said it and many a

child has protested. Yet parents do

know best; epidemiological studies

across European and North American

populations consistently associate

high life-time vegetable consumption


Broccoli is an effective antiprostate cancer food

men below forty that grow to

pounds can kill prostate cancer cells.

decades. These cancers usually start

nature and have focussed on com-

that respond to therapies that block

Brassica family, such as broccoli, cau-

androgen synthesis or androgen

action, but progress to an androgenindependent state that is difficult to

treat with conventional chemotherapeutic agents. These non-responsive

tumors will eventually metastasize,

resulting in death of the patient. This slow path to malignancy provides

pounds found in vegetables of the

liflower and Brussels’ sprouts. They contain indole-3-carbinol, which in the stomach undergoes conversion to

diindolylmethane (DIM). DIM is relatively non-toxic as it will kill prostate

cancer cells at concentrations that do

not affect normal prostate cells. In col-

laboration with professor Stephen


necessary is improved and more

diversified funding for research on the

potential anticancer effects of natural

compounds, as research on natural

compounds is neglected in comparison with drug and clinical research. It

is often argued that natural com-

pounds are not as interesting because they are usually less potent and do

not have a specific cellular target.

Untrue, because we know that highly

selective anticancer agents can result

in tumor resistance, whereas natural

compounds (usually present in complex mixtures in food) have multiple

The pomegranate has been a symbol of wealth and prostate health since ancient times

Safe at Texas A&M University, we have been testing a number of synthetic

the prostate tumor cell are initially

targets and therefore can act via a

diversity of anticancer mechanisms to

inhibit tumor growth, while making it

harder for the tumor cells to adapt

activated to trigger ring-DIM-medi-

and develop resistance. Of course, we

which have shown increased anti-

ments have led us to the mitochondria,

ral compounds in the form of healthy

DIM. It is relatively well known how

which appear to rapidly lose their

derivatives of DIM (named ring-DIMs),

cancer activity compared to native

DIM exerts its anticancer effects and

we expected that the synthetic ring-

ated cell death. Our various experi-

the energy producers of the cell,

function. On a deeper level, it appears responsible for transferring signals

Bon appétit!

may be a direct target. We have pub-

Dr Sanderson's research is funded by the Canadian Institutes of

the journal Genes & Cancer.

Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

ing deeper into the machinery of the

that result in a cellular response) that

increased potency of the ring-DIMs is

likely because they act on additional molecular pathways in the prostate

lished the results of these studies in

cantly the ring-DIMs were effective

Government policy and research funding

as -independent prostate cancer cells.

stimulate the consumption of health-

cancer cell to trigger its death. Signifi-

against androgen-dependent as well

Tumor cells (and healthy cells for that matter) can die in several distinct

ways, which include programmed cell

ous cells in the bud before they can

develop into full-blown tumors.

vates a certain kinase (an enzyme

prostate cancer cell we found that the

foods mostly in a context of chemo-

prevention. A healthy diet nips cancer-

that our most potent ring-DIM acti-

DIMs would act similarly, just more

potently. This was not the case. Prob-

should see the consumption of natu-

Health Research (CIHR) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering

Governments can apply policies that

ier foods (fresh produce, lean meats,

cereals) and discourage that of highly

processed and nutritionally question-

Thomas Sanderson, PhD

able foods (fast food, foods with high


improve the availability of fresh

Tel: 450 687 5010 ext 8819

to trigger all three of these pathways.

that is very real in a country such as

We are currently trying to understand

cost upwards of $8,- in Canadian

death (apoptosis), uncontrolled cell

death (necrosis) or by dissolving

themselves into small components

(autophagy). We found the ring-DIMs The question is: what is the trigger?

which molecular target or targets in

sugar, fat and salt content). It can also produce in remote areas, a problem

Canada, where a head of broccoli can dollars in isolated communities.. Also

INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier [email protected]