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246. Bulletin UASVM Agriculture, 66 (2)/2009. Print ISSN 1843-5246; Electronic ISSN 1843-5386. Preliminary Research on Triticale Recovery in Bakery.
Bulletin UASVM Agriculture, 66 (2)/2009 Print ISSN 1843-5246; Electronic ISSN 1843-5386

Preliminary Research on Triticale Recovery in Bakery Anamaria BIROU (POP)1, Sevastiţa MUSTE1, Simona MAN1, Crina MURESAN1, Rodica KADAR2 1

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, 3-5 Mănăştur street, 3400, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 Institute of Research and Agriculture Development, 27 Agriculturii street, Turda, e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: Research goal is to highlight the quality of autumn triticale variety Titan and a variety of wheat Turda 2000 found in an polifactorial experience to S.C.D.A. Turda, in order to recovery in bakery. The quality value parameters of this wheat variety and triticale variety in S.C.D.A. Turda climate, obtained in 2008 are between normal limits established by standards, is strongly influenced by biological, ecological and technological factors. The following grain quality parameters were estimated: moisture (%) , test weight (Kg/hl) protein content (%), wet gluten(%) , deformation number(mm) ,falling number (sec), foreign bodies(%); index of expansion (IE cm) ; ash content ; Zelleny (ml). Keywords: triticale, wheat, grain, bread-making quality, foliar fertilizers, insecticides

INTRODUCTION Triticale (trit-ih-KAY-lee) is a crop species resulting from a plant breeder's cross between wheat (Triticum) and rye (Secale). The name triticale (Triticale hexaploide Lart.) combines the scientific names of the two genera involved. It is produced by doubling the chromosomes of the sterile hybrid that results when crossing wheat and rye. This doubling produces what is called a polyploid.Rye and wheat are the major cereals consumed by people of northern and eastern Europe. Nutritional value of products produced from triticale is given in most high content of protein substances, sometimes exceeding that of wheat and the structure of amino acids and complex proteins, especially for high lysine content. Tests at CIMMYT (Mexico) and other research institutes in the world, on a large number of different forms of triticale grown in the various geographic areas of the globe, have shown that lysine content in protein is on average 3.4% in this regard there is great variability with limits of up to 4.9%. While the protein content in grain recorded average 17,5 %, having values in wide limits of variation from 11.7% to 22.4% Although it is high content in protein and amino acids, Triticalele have qualities of milling and baking wheat considerably lower. By appropriate modification of manufacturing bread processes, particularly those related to the period of fermentation, can produce a higher quality bread of triticale beans. Considering the characteristics essential Triticale compared to cereals based – corn and wheat Zillinsky and Borlaug (1971) assigned to this new plant acquisition priorities: increasing the capacity of poor soils, high potential productivity mean protein content in grain, resistance to cold, possibility to use complex so as to feed and nutrition. Protein substance, as in other crops, varies in wide limits, had higher values in the culture and fertilization with increased doses of nitrogen. 246

Proteins constitute one of the most important and valuable group of chemical of grain triticale. Like other cereals planned, the complex includes the protein substances such as amino acids, amides and other substances. Tab. 1 Chemical composition of grains of triticale, wheat and rye Component

Whole (gross) protide Starch Whole (gross) fat Ashes

Component (aminoacid)

% s.u. of the grains

% of total proteine:

wheat 14,6

triticale 14,2

rye 11,9


wheat 3,03

triticale 3,44

rye 4,50






























MATERIALS AND METHODS Was taken in the study of culture in terms of the SCDA Turda two varieties: one's own creation SCDA Turda and another obtained from ICCA Fundulea. Wheat variaty Turda 2000 is created at S.C.D.A. Turda since 2000 Agronomic characters: Production potential: 8.949 kg/ha; Plant height: 90-100 cm; Ear aristat, white, length: 9-11 cm; MMB: 49-54 g; Llarge grain, ovoid, red; MH (test weight) kg: 77-81; Capacity twinning: -2.8 brothers on good plant; Resistance to hibernation: good; Resistance to fall: Good; The growing middle :270-275 days; Resistance to disease: good .Fainari and yellow rust and brown rust in sesibilitate and at septorioză and fuzarioză the middle resistance. The planned and milling quality is good, high protein content (16.33%), wet gluten (30-34 %) and dry gluten (9,5-11%). Technological features: Productive variety with high bread quality, combining productivity of Arieşan variety with variety Apullum quality. Needs of wheat growers, with large type Arieşan variety. Zoning:  Se It is recommended to grow in areas favorable for wheat culture and autumn cloud in Transylvania and northden of Moldova Triticale variety of Titan was created to INCD Fundulea in 1998 Features:  Height short of plant, recommended for Transilvania  high resistance to low temperatures  Rapidly increasing resistance to wintering  Genetic resistance to a broad spectrum of diseases  The rainy weather on maturity grain of triticale may germinate in ear, which influences the quality and productivity of grain.  grain production 4000-6000 kg / ha 247

These wheat varieties were subjected to an polifactoriale experience that the following factors and dosing. A Factor - base fertilization with macroelements following dosing: A1 N50P50K50 kg/ha at sowing A2 N50P50K50 kg/ha at sowing + N50P30 kg/ha at the resumption of vegetation in spring B Factor – variety of wheat which was treated with insecto-fungicide (Yunta) following dosing: B2 – Titan B3 – Turda 2000 C Factor – the vegetation complex control and protection of the culture from disease and pests with 8 levels comprising combinations of treatments with foliar fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides to 4 points in the phenology important in wheat growing season. Of the 8 experimental levels research we chose the following dosing: the resumntion fenofaza end fenofaza of fenofaza of vegetation twin step bellows flowering and herbicide step C1 C3 C4 C6





Legend: ÎF – foliar fertilizers; FG – fungicides; IS – insecticides. Polyfeed 19:9:19 + microe.5kg/ha foliar fertilizer was used in all 4 phenology times during the growing season of wheat. Insecticide Calypso was used 100 ml / ha to the vegetation resumption and to the of the end of twin step, and the bellows fenofaza and flowering was used πroteus 0.4 l / ha. Fungicides used were: Sportak 1kg/ha to end of twin step, Falcon 480 EC 0.6 l / ha in bellows fenofaza and Prosaro 1l/ha in fenofaza flowering. At the end of înfratitului has been erbicidare with Sekator OD Progress 0135 kg / ha + Esteron 0.5 l / ha and bellows fenofaza and flowering was used as adjuvant Trend 0.3 l / ha. Samples made according to Stas and physico-chemical quality analysis were conducted in the Food Quality Control laboratory, from USAMV Cluj-Napoca, V TPPA. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In Tab. 2 and Tab. 3 are presented the comparative indices of varieties obtained from variety of Turda 2000 wheat and triticale variety Titan both from S.C.D.A. Turda. Tab. 2. The quality of wheat variety Turda 2000 Nr. crt.


CS %

UR %

MH Kg/hl

GU %

ID mm

IE cm


witness variant








Zele ny ml 25,1

FN sec

Proteina %

Cenuşa %




2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A1B3C1 A1B3C3 A1B3C4 A1B3C6 A2B3C1 A2B3C3 A2B3C4 A2B3C6

2,5 1,6 2,2 2,0 2,3 2,5 0,8 1,2

12,7 11,8 12,1 11,7 12,5 12,4 11,9 12,3

73,8 74,6 74,3 74,9 75,2 74,4 75,5 75,1

18,5 19,5 16,5 18,4 18,33 19,17 19 19,17

5 4 3 3 3 5 4 4

26 25 20 25 26 32 26 27

18,2 17,3 17,7 19,3 19,1 20,7 18,5 20,3

74 64 76 95 68 65 125 72

9,8 10,3 9,7 10,1 10,2 10,4 10,2 10,4

1,4 1,54 1,40 1,51 1,53 1,10 1,56 1,54 Tab 3.

The quality of Triticale variety Titan Nr. crt.


CS %

UR %

MH Kg/hl

GU %

ID mm

IE cm

FN sec

Proteina %

Cenuşa %


Zele ny % 7,75


witness variant









2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A1B2C1 A1B2C3 A1B2C4 A1B2C6 A2B2C1 A2B2C3 A2B2C4 A2B2C6

1,2 1,6 1,1 0,8 1,2 1,5 1,1 1,2

11,9 11,6 11,8 12 11,9 11,7 11,8 11,6

72,2 70,8 71,7 71,7 72,2 70,4 71 71,3

12,2 12,6 14,1 12,2 13,9 14,9 13,6 15,9

3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3

28 26 27 26 25 26 29 28

19,5 16,4 20,9 17,9 24,5 23,5 21,8 21,1

113 71 94 83 149 212 118 68

9,4 9,3 9,6 8,9 9,6 9,9 9,0 10

1,03 0,81 0,93 0,68 0,87 0,91 0,92 1,07

Impurities of wheat for panification according the requirements must be up to 3%, and relative humidity should be 14%. As can be seen from Tables 1 and 2 in both grain observe a difference in humidity, which are values under 14 %. Test weight value is considered very good if it exceeds 78 kg / hl, good if between 75 - 78 kg / hl and satisfactory if found between 70 - 75 kg / hl. The variety of wheat Turda 2000, all 9 variants in experimental values recorded under 75 kg/hl which fall in the variety of wheat for bread-satisfactory quality and triticale in the fit is less than 75 kg / hl located him in cereals group as satisfactory for bakery. The wet gluten arrange wheat in class of very good quality, if its value exceeds 26%, class quality between 24 - 26% and satisfactory 22%. All of the study of the variety of wheat wet gluten value is under 22% wheat which falls into the class of poor quality triticale in the gluten is well below 22%. Index of deformation of wet gluten for very good wheat quality is between 5 - 10 mm. From tests we see that the 9 only 2 experimental variants of the variety Turda 2000 have values of 5 mm the rest being below this value so that the flour from the wheat flour will be good compared with the value obtained from triticalele where only if var. 7 and 8 is 4 mm. The extending index of wheat gluten is arranging in quality classes referring to obtained flour. Thus the extension index for very good bakery flour have values 15-20 cm, good flour for bread 20 - 35 m and satisfactory flour 35 - 45 cm, and at higher values than 45 cm is weak flour for bread. Index values obtained in the expansion falls in the values of a good meal for bakery. Zelleny index characterized the flour in this way flour with very good values ≥ 60 flour smooth with values between 59-40, average flour (satisfactory) with values between 3920 and flour with low values ≤ 20. 249

The variety of wheat Turda 2000 only three variants wheat included in class with satisfactory alternatives for bakery: witness variant, A2B3C3, A2B3C6 The variety of triticale Titan only three variants wheat included in class with satisfactory alternatives for bakery: A1B2C4, A2B2C1, A2B2C3. Index of falling (FN - Falling number) characterizing the activity of starch from wheat, given by the alpha-amylase activity, which affect the quality of wheat used for bread. Optimal value for panifations wheat falls between 180 - 260 sec. Grain with FN values over 300 sec. are satisfactory, while those with values below 160 sec. have an unsatisfactory panificable value. This quality parameter index fall raks the wheat planned poor value for bakery with values below 160 sec in all 9 experimental variations. The variety of triticale Titan, of the 9 experimemntal variations, two of them contain values between 180 and 260 sec. surrounding triticalele class of optimal for bakery From tests we see that the 9 only 2 experimental variants of the variety Titan they contain values between 180 and 260 sec. surrounding triticalele class of optimal (witness variant and A2B2C3) The protein substances is the most important component of grain, in terms of nutrition and panificable features of wheat. The protein content of wheat grains is very high, ranging between 8 - 24% under the conditions of our country. At studied wheat varieties, Turda 2000 and Triticale varietiens Titan the protein content is estimated at approx. 14-16%. The protein content of wheat grains is genetically determined, and strongly influenced by climatic conditions and the nitrogen supply of soil. According determination in the tables we see that the protein content is lower than the estimates ranging from 9,7-11,1% of all experimental variants from wheat varieties studied and 8,9-10 % of all experimental variants from triticale varieties studied Wheat ash is in small amount about 2%, being located especially in peripheral parts of grain. Mineral substances are phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, but ash is poor calcium. As can be seen in Tables 2, 3, all wheat studied experimental variants have an ash content which falls in the values specified in the speciality literature but for triticale analysis shows that the values are around 1%. CONCLUSION Research made on wheat varieties Turda 2000 and triticale variaties Titan, and results allow us to draw the following conclusions: Condition of vegetation in 2008 were not favourable grain cereal culture, long periods there is drought and heavy rain before the harvested period which favoured the appearance in sprouted grains ear, resulting in significant impairment of quality wheat and triticale. The track quality indices in the 2 species studied (wheat and triticale) it can be concluded that wheat is generally satisfactory in terms of quality. The following parameters indicate a satisfactory wheat for bakery: test weight (Kg/hl) protein content (%), wet gluten (%),ash content ; Zelleny (ml) for Titan with variety: A1B2C4, A2B2C1, A2B2C3, Zelleny (ml) for Turda 2000 with variety (witness variant, A2B3C3, A2B3C6). Index of falling (FN - Falling number) characterizing Turda 2000 unsatisfactory for bakery while the same parameter characterizing two varieties of triticale Titan variety as an optimum for bakery (witness variant, A2B2C3). 250

The extending index framed flour in bakery flour good for bakery (values between 2035) while the index of deformation indicate a good flour only 2 of the 9 experimental variants( A1B3C3, A2B3C3). You may notice that few of the experimental variations where they obtained good results overbear doses C3 si C4 where the only treatment was not used ÎF + IS (foliar fertilizers+ insecticides) the resumption of vegetation and where the nitrogen was added (A2) Due to low gluten content and a higher nutritional value from variety Titan compared to the variety of wheat that may be combined in different proportions with Turda 2000 variety in order to obtain a high quality flour for bakery objective proposed for harvest in 2009. Making a good wheat quality for bread is only possible if you take into account ecological factors, biological and technological, and any intervention that causes imbalances, can determine the quality of bread wheat. REFERENCES 1. Banu, C., coord., (2000). Manualul inginerului de industrie alimentară, vol. II, Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti. 2. Bordei, Despina, Burlac R. (1998). Tehnologia şi controlul calităţii în industria panificaţiei – îndrumăror de lucrări practice 3. Bordei, Despina, T. Fotini, Toma Maria, (2000). Ştiinţa şi tehnologia panificaţiei, Editura AGIR, Bucureşti. 4. Bordei, Despina,coord., (2007). Controlul calităţii în industria panificaţiei, Editura Academica, Galaţi 5. Bushuk, W., Larter EN., (1980). Triticale: production, chemistry and technology. In Pomeranz Y(ed.) Advances in Cereal Science and Technology, Minesota, USA 6. Gaspor, I., Gallia Butnaru, (1985). Triticale-o noua cereala, Editura Academiei Socialiste Romania, Bucuresti. 7. http://www.bioresurse.ro/documents/recolta.html 8. http://www.gazetadeagricultura.info/index. 9. http://www.lumeasatului.ro 10. Muntean, L. S. şi coloboratori, (2008). Fitotehnie, Editura AcademicPres, Cluj-Napoca 11. Muste, Sevastiţa, (2008). Materii prime vegetale în industria alimentară, Editura AcademicPres, ClujNapoca.