This project aims to develop a DNA sequencing file ... Android/iOS based tablets and smartphones for ... developed the native app â DNAApp for Android/iOS.
DNAApp: a mobile application for sequencing data analysis Phi-Vu Nguyena, Chandra Shekhar Vermaa,c,d, Samuel Ken-En Gana,b a
Bioinformatics 2014; doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu525
Bioinformatics Institute, Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR); b p53 Laboratory, Agency for Science, Technology, and Research (A*STAR); c Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore (NUS); and dSchool of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Highlights (continued)
Objectives This project aims to develop a DNA sequencing file (.ab1) decoder and analyzer that can run on Android/iOS based tablets and smartphones for increased convenience and raise research productivity1,2.
Introduction Single-pass sequencing is a routinely used technique for many areas of biological research. Despite the numerous sequence analyzers available3, none that can run on mobile platforms. Since smart phones and tablets have high penetration in society4, we sought to bring bioinformatics tools into mobile apps to raise research productivity. For this purpose, we developed the native app – DNAApp for Android/iOS devices to decode and analyze sequence ab1 files.
• Left: chromatogram adjustments performed by either pinching or toolbar sliding. Both horizontal and vertical scaling are supported. • Center: a “jump to” function allows skipping to any desired location. • Right: Users can select to see all six possible translations of a DNA sequence to proteins – using in combination with reverse complement.
Highlights • DNAApp can decode sequencing file (.ab1) from cloud storage available on the devices e.g. Dropbox. • DNA sequence is shown with its corresponding chromatogram and quality scores. • Natural scrolling made easy with buttons and touch. • Reverse complementation and corresponding chromatogram can be computed and displayed with just a single click.
• Left: “copy and paste” feature for further analyses on browser-based bioinformatics tools (e.g. Expasy, BLAST, ClustalW). • Center: Search function for segments of interest (primers, restriction sites and tags). • Right: sequences can be exported to FASTA format.
News Coverage • This app has been covered in more than over 80 news agencies worldwide, including:
The app is compatible in both landscape and portrait orientations on any Android/iOS device.
• Nasdaq
• Channel News Asia
• Yahoo News • Bloomberg • ACN Newswire • Thomson Reuteurs •Gale Cengage •Lexis •ProQuest •Life Sciences Industry News • Medical News Daily
• Asia Today • Life Scientist • Asian Scientist • Biotechniques (voted top 10 apps) •NanoWerk •Australian Life Scientist •Scoop •TechZone
• Biospectrum Asia • BioHealth Innovation • BioPorfolio • BioSpace • 938 Live FM •High Beam •The App Magazine •infoTECH Spotlight •Share Investor •Market Watch •Int Business Times
References 1
Evanko,D. (2010) The scientist and the smartphone. Nature Methods, 7, 87. 2 Sutton,M. and Fraser,M. (2013) The rise of smartphone health and medical apps. Australian Life Scientist. 3 Hall,T. (1999) BioEdit: A user-friendly biological sequence alignment editor and analysis program for Windows 95/98/NT. Nucleic Acids Symposium, 41, 95-98. 4Jaume,J. (2013) Smartphone and Tablet Use Continues to Rise: The Stats. Yahoo Small Business Advisor.