Observation of Global Warming in Kebun Raya Bogor. Cikal-Amri ...

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May 31, 2012 ... nowadays. We went to Kebun Raya Bogor in West Java for one day as a class. There, we have to interview some people about the changes of.
Observation of Global Warming in Kebun Raya Bogor.

Cikal-Amri Secondary School MYP Year 7 Science Project

By: Rengga Radwifa Pradityo Azzah Alzahra Farras Elan Adiatma Widyateja Rizka Zahra Dwi Anggraini

Jakarta, Indonesia 2012

Pradityo  Widyateja  Anggraini  Farras  



Preface…………………………………………………………………………… 3 Purpose…………………………………………………………………………. 5 Hypothesis………………………………………………………………………. 6 Data……………………………………………………………………………….. 7 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………. 10 Reference………………………………………………………………………… 11

Pradityo  Widyateja  Anggraini  Farras  


PREFACE We are very happy for this unit; about the global warming because we can know more about what is happening out there in nowadays. We went to Kebun Raya Bogor in West Java for one day as a class. There, we have to interview some people about the changes of temperature and the effects from the changing temperature to the plants there. Ms. Dewi guides us to get more information about this unit. There were six questions that Ms. Dewi gave three days before the field trip. There were Find out the data of temperature in Bogor for the last 10/20 years, Research on the effects of the decrease in temperature on vegetation in Bogor, find data of the amount of greenhouse gases in Bogor, Correlate the data of temperature with the condition of vegetation from time to time, what can we conclude or interpret from the data, and what is likely to happen in the future. The first thing that we did is making a job for every member in one group. Like, Ega chose to answer or find out the answer number one, Elan search for number two, Azzah searched for number three, and Chika searched for number four. For four of us, we think this assignment is quite challenging because when we searched the information, we rarely seen website that talk about global warming, green house gases, and temperature in Bogor. Some of the questions are also cannot be answered by people that we have interviewed in Kebun Raya Bogor because they also have not find out or search about it. But, fortunately we can get reliable resources and information about things that we are searching for from the Internet. For this observation we get help a lot from our beloved teacher, Ms. Dewi. We want to say thank you to Ms. Dewi who already helped us to get information by let us to go to Kebun Raya Bogor to interview people there. We also thank to her because she gave us six informative questions. By giving those questions, we can learn more about the greenhouse gases, decrease or increase temperature time by time, and

Pradityo  Widyateja  Anggraini  Farras  

how does it affect to the growth of plants in Kebun Raya Bogor. Also thank you to Mr. Nazar who already help our group to ask the guide, Pak Yusuf about things that can be helpful for our report paper and what he suggested are really helpful for our report paper. We also really thankful to Kebun Raya Bogor, from Kebun Raya Bogor we can observe and interview to get more information and get the answer about the decreasing of temperature, greenhouses gases, and many other impacts or causes of global warming. We are not only get the information that we need for the questions. But also other useful information that maybe we can use for the future.


Pradityo  Widyateja  Anggraini  Farras  


PURPOSE The purpose of observing and researching about the causes and the impacts of global warming are to know more reliable information about how global warming occur in our world. There are many things that change in our Earth and now, we are focusing on observing what are the things that change in Bogor, West Java. What are the effects to the plants in Bogor and the temperature that can affect the vegetation of plants in Bogor like the quality of vegetation, distribution, or their growth. We find the information from the Internet and also research or interview some people in Kebun Raya Bogor. The purpose of making this report and searching about the global warming is to prove does actually the temperature in Bogor can affect the growth of plants in Kebun Raya Bogor and also in Bogor itself. So, the questions are actually helping us to find the final answer. We also need to prove what we know about how the decrease temperature can affect the quality of vegetation, amount of vegetation, and the distribution by searching. We have to make sure about the information, is it right or wrong. That is one of the purposes why we make the report. We hope that the information that we got will be useful for us. Not only for Year 7 but also another higher grade such as Year 8, Year 9, high school and college. We believe that one of us can develop information to be better and by learning the global warming we can try to safe the humankind, animal, plants, and other living things.

Pradityo  Widyateja  Anggraini  Farras  


HYPHOTESIS What is global warming? Global warming is the temperature of the Earthrises. It happens when greenhouse gases like for the example carbon dioxide, water vapor, and the nitrous oxide. Global Warming can make living things hurts like human being, animals, and plants. Global warming can accelerate sea level rise, floods, storms and heat waves. Global warming is affecting many parts of the Earth and of course this is a big problem for living things. As a human, we must feel uncomfortable on this condition, global warming. Global warming is everyone’s problem. Once they lost their basic needs on Earth, they cannot be survive. Now, we are going to explain and focusing about what we know about the decreasing and increasing temperature in Bogor. Let’s start the observation from Kebun Raya Bogor. Kebun Raya Bogor is a botanical garden that placed in Bogor. Kebun Raya Bogor is a really huge garden. It known since 190 years ago. People know Kebun Raya Bogor as Landsplan tuin. At that time, Kebun Raya Bogor was only 47 ha. Now, it is 87 ha. Kebun Raya Bogor has 13.450 plants or specimen. There are 3.333 kinds of plants. Do you know that plants are also having tribes? Yes, there are 213 tribes of plants. Kebun Raya Bogor was a shady place for us to walk and we can feel many differences when we were breathing in Metropolitan city and breathing in a place where every side is plants. We all think that there must be a decreasing of temperature from time to time it can affect the growth of plants in Bogor because maybe it will be a hard time for them (plants) to adapt to the condition of where they live. As we know, this time the temperature in Jakarta and Bogor are quite hot. What I (Azzah) saw during these days, the temperature in Jakarta and Bogor are almost the same. They were 30ºC-32ºC and as a group we also felt different with the previous year. Even when we were in the car and using air conditioner, we usually still get hot because of the temperature and we never think that the temperature average from 2011 to 2012 are so much different.

Pradityo  Widyateja  Anggraini  Farras  


DATA Most of our answers are based on our interview from people in Kebun Raya Bogor that know about Kebun Raya Bogor or Bogor the most. But, some of the data that we got are also from the Internet. What the guy that Ega already interviewed is he said that the temperature and condition of the weather in Kebun Raya Bogor is extreme. What he mean extreme is, in Bogor sometimes the place is too hot, and also sometimes the condition is rainy too. The effects to the plants in Kebun Raya Bogor is, some of the plants can’t adapt that fast for the environment, so some of them that can’t adapt easily dies. This table below is shows about the temperature change year by year. Year

Temperature Change



























How decrease of temperature in Bogor affects vegetation. Bogor is a usually rainy city and rain makes it cold and since plants do not usually survive in cold climates it can be said that plants would have a

Pradityo  Widyateja  Anggraini  Farras  


hard time surviving since plants need sunlight and rain covers sunlight. The current condition of plants in Bogor has pretty condition of the plants that it has, this is because rain creates water and plants need water to survive and with anytime the plants has sunlight it can grow big, proof of this is some of the trees in Bogor as tall as a house and extremely old and that can be because of the good conditions that Bogor has the plants. A botanical garden in Bogor has over 300 plant types and by that logic the course of growing plants in Bogor must be good, even plants that are from other countries can make it because of the good climate growing. We have not found the information about the greenhouse gases in Bogor because as we already research, there were no results or data about it. We already interviewed some people in Kebun Raya Bogor that doing research about the global warming but unfortunately they also has not found the answer and they have not doing a research about it. We only got the data of greenhouse gases in Kebun Raya Bogor. There are 7 greenhouses in Kebun Raya Bogor. We got the information from Ibu Eli and Ibu Poppy. They also said that greenhouses in Bogor are usually keeping the orchids. For the correlation between the data of temperature with the condition of vegetation time to time, we honestly cannot find the answer because as we already search, there was no result that talking about the condition of vegetation in Bogor time to time specifically and it already took many days to research on the correlation but yet, we have not find it. Also the interview, this question was the first question that we asked during the field trip to Kebun Raya Bogor. But, unfortunately none of them knows about this information. They said that they have not make a research for that. But we believe that the quality of vegetation decreasing because of the temperature because the temperature in Bogor is not stabile means that in one day there must be a time when in the morning the temperature is really hot but on night the temperature is rainy and otherwise. The plants that live in

Pradityo  Widyateja  Anggraini  Farras  


Bogor or anywhere cannot be as fresh as the time where there was no global warming. Land expansion can also affect the quality of vegetation and amount of vegetation. People in Bogor make a wider land for them to do the activities and for them to live. By that, they have to cut down trees and plants. It is so unpleased because they do this because the increase number of citizens in Bogor. The study was conducted in Bogor and scientist analyzed the data in Environmental Analysis and Spatial Modeling Laboratory and the result is Bogor has decreased in body water coverage, vegetation, bushes, grass, and field. The widest field coverage was 385.38 and plants were killed at that time. On 1997 until 2006 the distribution was decreased in are of the surface when the temperature in Bogor was 20-24ºC.

Pradityo  Widyateja  Anggraini  Farras  


CONCLUSION We can conclude from all the data that we already got that Bogor’s plant life is sustainable and is not that endangered of harm. But, the plants that live in that condition will possibly live in a long days, months, or years because the hotter the temperature will be, the more the plants get dried in the place where they live. Means that our earth will be over heated. From all the data that we already collect, we can know that the temperature always change over the years. As the time change the temperature will be decrease and of course all living things can feel the heat. The average is really seen in the 2011-2012. From 21.3ºC to 30ºC. The changes like that is not a small or a short change. We think that temperature is reliable because we also know or feel the change. How the beginning of 2011 was quite mild turn into really hot at the end of 2011 to 2012. We predict that if the increase of greenhouse gases continues plants will die, oxygen will decrease, and we have to move to a new place where we can live comfortable like what we felt before the global warming occur and seen on every people in this Earth. Our earth will have a really extreme climate change and of course the temperature of the Earth will be decreasing and if we can prevent the increase of green house we believe that we will be safer. The living things can do their activities as they used to be. They do not have to worry about what are the things that can disturb them while they are in the process to grow. This can be the example as the plants. They are not living in non-stabile climate. Other than that, we will also continue to use pro-active energies and machines to not get greenhouse gasses like solar energies, electric cars, and many other inventions.

Pradityo  Widyateja  Anggraini  Farras  



Khusaini, Nur Ikhwan. "Pengaruh PI, Rubahan Penutupan Lahan Terhadap Distribusi Suhu Permukaan Di Kota Bogor Dengan Menggunakan Citra Satelit Landsat dan Sistem Informasi Geografis.” Http://endesdahlan.staff.ipb.ac.id/. Http://endesdahlan.staff.ipb.ac.id/, 2008. Web. 31 May 2012. . Climate in Bogor/Citeko. Working paper. Print. "Efek Rumah Kaca/Green House Effect." Http://lasonearth.wordpress.com/. Http://wordpress.com/. Web. 31 May 2012. .