Observation of Global Warming in Kebun Raya Bogor. Sekolah Cikal – MYP Year
7. Science Project. By: Alaia Witoelar Sumawinata. Dante Witoelar ...
Observation of Global Warming in Kebun Raya Bogor
Sekolah Cikal – MYP Year 7 Science Project
By: Alaia Witoelar Sumawinata Dante Witoelar Sumawinata Kevinsyah Novarik Muis Salsabil Inas Labiba
Jakarta, Indonesia 2012
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Preface In this page, we will thank to Allah to give us breathe and life until right now when we wrote about the observation of global warming rate in Kebun Raya Bogor. We would like to thank our parents who taught us about the world and everything else. Also, Miss Dewi Pramesti Kusumaningrum who taught us to think inside a scientific explanation, and also guides us to write this science paper. She helps us to open our eyes about the scientific world so we could understand the real condition of the Earth, the planet where we live right now. To support this topic, we did an observation by going to Kebun Raya Bogor that is located in the middle of Bogor city. This is a 87 hectare place was built on, May 18th 1817 by Dutch colonial to preserve a lot of plants from Java and Malayan Peninsula that are produce economical benefits for Indonesian government. By doing this observation, we could know what is the real thing about global warming, what are the causes and effects that are really affecting the living organism such as humans, animals, and plants. Also, what we can do to prevent this case to be happening again by doing some solving actions such as disposing your trash properly and less transportation usage. Besides it fills our curiosity about the real thing about the global warming case, we could understand how is it really dangerous to have this case in our life and the aftermath. Since global warming has started we should take action and show people that this is a serious problem.
Purpose To support our topic about ‘Global Warming and Ozone Depletion’ in our science class this term and we are learning about this happening case, we were doing an observation to Kebun Raya Bogor. And to make the work more maximal, we were divided into four groups of four members. We have to answer several questions to help our work that will be shown in this paper. Since today is the year of 2012, global warming has developed even more since the 10/20 years, because of that we are taking action by making this paper. People should be aware of what’s happening in their life but just that but also in their surroundings. Effects caused by global warming could be massive. On Friday, May 25th 2012, we had our trip to observe and ask some questions to the researcher in the laboratory. These questions that we asked are the evidence to support our work on writing this paper. By asking these questions, we could determine how much global warming affects our daily and career life because of course, it has a lot of harmful effects for the plants’ growth, either it causes the amount of sunlight or climate prediction. If the plant receives more amount of sunlight, it will get weak and withered, and at the end, it will die. The effect could decrease the total amount of the plant collection in some parks like Kebun Raya Bogor. The purpose of this observation is to know about the actions that the researchers have token to prevent this harmful effect.
Introduction In this term, we learn about global warming and ozone depletion that is occurring in our world right now while a lot of scientists and also researchers find a way to prevent and decrease the amount of the effects to the Earth’s surface. This observation that we did, a few days ago was meant to see the impacts that plants’ had receive in Kebun Raya Bogor where there are a lot of plants collection from around the world. To support this topic, we did an observation by going to Kebun Raya Bogor that is located in the middle of Bogor city. This is a 87 hectare place was built on, May 18th 1817 by Dutch colonial to preserve a lot of plants from Java and Malayan Peninsula that are produce economical benefits for Indonesian government. But then, it became a park, which has educational and recreation place. Until now, there are 13450 collection or specimens, which are divided into 333 types, 213 families, which is most of them are legumes. By observing the condition of the plants in Kebun Raya Bogor, we can predict how much global warming affects our life by only rising the temperature of Earth’s surface.
Hypothesis Global warming has developed even more, than we have ever seen before. If we don’t take a stand and do something global warming will grow much more than we will ever expect and possibly the greenhouse gases will cover-up the whole Earth’s surface, but if we do take action right now our future could change a lot for example; decrease of greenhouse gases, decrease of global warming, temperature slowly comes back to normal and even decrease of pollution. Just like the 2005 Katrina Hurricane that started in the Bahamas and moved towards Florida. The Katrinca Hurricane was one of the strongest storms to hit the Unites States, “The most deadly hurriane to strike the U.S. Made landfall in Galveston, Texas on September 8, 1900. This was also the greatest natural disaster to ever strike the U.S., claiming more than 8000 lives when the storme surge caught the residents of this island city by surprise.” (http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/special-reports/katrina.html) The impacts from the hurricane were loss of life, flooding, oil industry, power outages, cost and travel.
Data Global warming itself means the time when the Earth heats up and temperature rises that is happened when the greenhouse gases covered all over the Earth. Even though the main function of this layer is to help the Earth keeps warm to live in, or if it is not, it will get frozen. This greenhouse layer consists of many harmful substances such as carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapor, nitrous oxide (N2O), and also methane that are trap the heat from the Sun in the Earth atmosphere by reflecting the sunlight so it will go back to the Earth surface and it cannot get out of the layer. This accident hurts a lot of sides form humans, animals, and plants. Many of them could not adapt in this situation, so they die of hunger and temperature that are causing a lot of diseases for humans, animals, and plants. Those harmful substances came from the electricity pollution that is using the fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum. This case has disturbing humans all around the world and pushing them to think more deeply to solve this problem by doing several actions that might be helping. Including Indonesia as the “Lungs of the World” because the amount of the forest that we have in Borneo island. We have some distractions in some areas of our education life, including the plantation of some rare plants collection in several parks in Indonesia. One of them is Kebun Raya Bogor. While we had our tour there, we found some facts that are related to the global warming. The researcher who keeps the data of the climate changes from past years until now and they count the amount of the dead plants. Based on their observation, when the weather is hot, it can affect the plants’ growth from its photosynthesis, and the plants go melt and their growth cannot be maximal. Not only hot temperature, which can affect the plants’ growth, but rainy seasons also. When it comes, the plants need sunlight to survive but it is stuck with the high amount of water. The plant that receives a lot of water everyday cannot grow optimally, and it will be die soon. We
believe that the amount of the greenhouse gases has been affects the environment at Bogor and also increasing during this case. Noah S. Diffenbaugh, a Climatologist from Purdure University claims that he has found that events such as storms and heat waves can differentiate in frequency and devastation depending on how vegetation reacts to global warming. Diffenbaugh's research points that as vegetation reacts to climate change, those different climates in the ground may affect how and where often-extreme weather patterns occur. While other climatologists have theorized that this theory might exist, Diffenbaugh strongly believes that his research adds weight to the concept that interactions with land, air, and sunlight are more complicated than what we can imagine. “Earth's climate is all about relationships, and this study shows that ground cover plays a significant part in determining changes in climate extremes” DIffenbaugh said. “We are accustomed to hearing that greenhouse gases affect climate, but they are not the only fact we should consider. Our climate models also must incorporate the effect of vegetation if they are to capture the full scope of reality”. Diffenbaugh's result from his research, appearing in the Geophysical Research Letters, used a climate model of the United States, in the west. Primarily observing California, Oregon, Nevada, and other parts surrounding the region. Diffenbaugh said that whether vegetation reactions make for more, or a fewer extreme occurances depends on the region. “Changes in vegetation cover and push the region toward more or fewer extreme events – it depends on where you look,” Diffenbaugh said. “In the high Sierra Nevada”, for example, people have thought up a theory, that is as the Earth worms, forests for example, an evergreen forest will move and grow to a more to higher altitudes and eventually be lost as they ascend to the mountaintop. We can certainly see that global warming can cause predicted forest lost. We also see that the forests themselves disappear, the higher the elevation, the less warmth the forest will receive, and the trees will eventually die out. “People have suspected for some time that the greenhouse effect can change how often extreme events occur and how severe they are”
Diffenbaugh said. “We also know that climate change will affect what vegetation grows where and that those vegetation changes can feed back to further change the mean climate state. But his is the first insight we've had into whether those vegetation changes will also change frequency and magnitude of the extreme temperature and precipitation events, such as droughts and severe storms”. Diffenbaugh stated that while the experiment was valuable for the establishment of the relationship between vegetation and climate, further refinement of the methodology would be important. “Our vision is still blurry,” he said.
Conclusion Global warming is not something rare again for us. The greenhouse layer is getting thicker day by day because of the amount of the high chemical substances that fly up to this layer. This has affects all of living creatures on Earth’s surface by distract their life in so many ways, such as the temperature of the air and less water because of the high level of evaporation. It makes the water evaporates and there will be less water in the Earth, humans only depend on the water that is under the ground. One of the impacts of the global warming is raising temperature. It causes high heat and dehydrates the living beings. It also affects in so many ways of education, including plantation. In this case, we picked Kebun Raya Bogor, which is the nearest park where we can meet the researchers there. Most of the plants have to adapt with the climate changes or they will go die. They have to stay live without water on dry and hot seasons, or if they don’t, they will die soon. And also they have to stay live without sunlight in wet and rainy seasons. If this global warming case cannot be handled properly, the layer goes thicker and thicker, although this layer make up only one percent of Earth’s atmosphere. The Earth’s surface temperature will goes rising and it causes a lot of impacts of the Earth. The pole in the south and north side of the Earth will get melted and the sea level will rise. This impact will drown the land, also the creatures on it. If we still get a chance to make this case gone, we will do some actions to prevent it such as less vehicle usage and less paper usage. Nowadays, people usually like to use emails and telephone besides using mails and letter. This habit can help the trees from the forest grow higher year by year, and it will help to absorb the harmful substances and produce oxygen for other creatures’ life.
Resources Melville, Kate. "Climate Change And Vegetation A Complex Feedback." Climate Change And Vegetation A Complex Feedback. 11 May 2005. Web. 31 May 2012. . "Global Warming." ThinkQuest. Oracle Foundation. Web. 31 May 2012. . West, Larry. "What Is the Greenhouse Effect?" About.com Environmental Issues. Web. 31 May 2012. . "Hurricane Katrina." Hurricane Katrina. 29 Dec. 2005. Web. 31 May 2012. .