textbook is Precalculus Graphs and Models, 3rd edition by Bittinger, Beecher,
Ellenbogen and Penna. It is recommended that students purchase a graphing ...
OCC Pre-Calculus Course Number: Grade Level(s):
0255 11-12
Length: Credit: Final Assessment:
Full Year 1.0 Department Examination
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Algebra2/Trigonometry and the Algebra2/Trigonometry Regents Description:
This course is designed for students who do not intend to major in math or science at the college level. The content includes the study of: concepts of algebra, functions, graphing of functions/ relations, transformations, trigonometry, and related analytical geometry. Students have the option of taking the course through OCC (MAT143) for college credit. This is a 4-credit course. Students must earn a final average of 70% or higher to receive college credit. The cost is approximately $50 per credit hour. The textbook is Precalculus Graphs and Models, 3rd edition by Bittinger, Beecher, Ellenbogen and Penna. It is recommended that students purchase a graphing calculator for use at home (the TI-83+ or TI-84 is preferred, approximately $95).
Expectations: Students are expected to participate fully in all class activities, including periodically presenting material to the rest of the class. They are also expected to complete all class assignments, including text readings, and to seek out the assistance of the instructor and their peers both in and out of class when necessary. Responsibilities: Students have a responsibility to ensure their education is complete by submitting their own work for any and all assignments, actively participating in all class activities and projects, and to seek out the assistance of the instructor, including staying after school for extra help. In terms of mathematical knowledge, students should have had Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry, as several topics from these classes will be explored in greater depth, including graphing, trigonometry, and solving equations.