OCLA Outlook - Chapman University

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May 3, 2013 ... Note: Join us for an author event with Patrick Rothfuss as he discusses and signs the first two books in his 'Kingkiller Chronicle Trilogy,'.
OCLA OUTLOOK The Newsletter of the Orange County Library Association

Issue 39

Spring 2013

 OCLA FALL 2012 PROGRAM At the Muckenthaler Center in Fullerton, CA Fall  Program  Report The  OCLA  Fall  Program  “ Type  Ma5ers:  The  Ar8stry  of  Bookbinding  and  Le5erform”   was  held  at  the  Muckenthaler  Cultural  Center  in  Fullerton  on  Friday,  November  16,   2012.  Ma5hew  Leslie,  Director  of  Exhibi8ons,  provided  28  a5endees  an  informa8ve   and  intriguing  guided  tour  of  an  exhibit  that  was  presented  by  both  the  Muckenthaler   and  the  Interna8onal  Prin8ng  Museum.  Below  is  a  descrip8on  of  the  exhibit:

Visit OCLA Online at: www.chapman.edu/ocla and you will find: OCLA OUTLOOK NEWSLETTER ARCHIVE SPRING 1999 - PRESENT


“Digital  technology  has  had  a  two-­‐fold  effect  on  tradi8onal  forms  of  publishing  and   book  design.  On  one  hand  the  printed  book  may  be  on  the  way  to  becoming  an   an8que  form,  while  fonts  have  exploded  in  number  and  style  with  the  advent  of   desktop  prin8ng.  This  exhibit  will  examine  the  expanded  defini8on  of  the  book  while   also  considering  the  meaning  carried  by  specific  fonts  u8lized  by  ar8sts  in  different   media.” At  OCLA,  our  programming  goals  include  providing  informa8ve  and  fun  programs  twice   a  year,  while  allowing  members  to  network  and  discover  informa8on  resources  within   the  Orange  County  area.  Registra8on  fees  support  our  annual  scholarship  program  and   special  project  grant.  If  you  have  an  idea  for  a  future  program,  please  contact  Stacy   Russo  at  [email protected]  or  714-­‐564-­‐6712.



ABOUT THE “MUCK”: Commissioned for $35,000, the Muckenthaler home was built by Walter and Adella Muckenthaler in 1924 atop a hill in Fullerton. The 18room villa on 8.5 acres was donated to the city in 1965 by Harold Muckenthaler who wished to see his childhood home used as a cultural center for the public to enjoy. In 1999, the Muckenthaler Cultural Center villa was included on the National Register of Historic Places.


Spring 2013 Program SAVE  THE  DATE:

Friday,  May  3,  2013  at  4  p.m. OCLA  is  scheduled  for  a  program  about  the  Huell  Howser  California's  Gold  Archive  at  Chapman   University's  Leatherby  Libraries. PresentaOons  will  be  made  for  this  year's  scholarship(s)  and  special  project  at  this  program. More  informaOon  will  be  on  the  way  soon.

Learn  more  about  the  Huell  Howser  archives  and   California’s  Gold  at  Chapman  University.

$1000  in  Scholarships  Now  Available  Through  OCLA Through  a  series  of  events  that  confirm  the  value  of   networking  for  the  library  community,  OCLA  now  is   able  to  offer  a  total  of  $1000  to  its  scholarship   recipients.    This  doubles  what  was  previously  available   to  candidates.    This  year  the  OCLA  Scholarship  of  $500   will  be  linked  with  the  new  Sue  Miller  Scholarship  of   $500.    Both  will  be  awarded  to  the  same  recipients. The  Sue  Miller  Scholarship  is  offered  by  the  Fullerton   Ebell  Club  to  honor  Sue’s  dedicaOon  to  libraries.    Sue   was  an  acOve  member  of  the  Fullerton  Public  Library   Friends  and  was  always  a  strong  advocate  for  excellent   library  service.    She  was  also  a  much  loved  member  of   the  Fullerton  Ebell  Club.    In  her  name,  the  Ebell  Club   will  give  the  scholarship  to  the  candidate  selected  by   the  OCLA  Scholarship  Commi\ee.    Only  the  OCLA   applicaOon  is  necessary  to  apply  to  receive  both   scholarships.    Please  see  informaOon  about  the  OCLA   Scholarship  on  our  website  at  www1.chapman.edu/ ocla/


The  fortunate  events  that  brought  together  Sue  Miller’s   memorial  scholarship  and  OCLA  show  how  important  it   is  for  library  staff  to  be  out  among  the  community.     Here’s  what  happened:    Tim  Mountain,  Adult  Services   Manager  at  Fullerton  Public  Library  and  former  OCLA   President,  a\ended  an  Ebell  Club  meeOng.    There  he   learned  that  the  Club  planned  to  give  money  for  a  local   scholarship  to  a  deserving  library  school  student,  but   were  having  trouble  finding  a  local  organizaOon  to  take   their  money.    Tim  told  them  about  OCLA  and  its   ongoing  scholarship.    He  connected  OCLA  and  Ebell   Club,  and  together  we  have  worked  out  a  linked   scholarship  program.    Our  thanks  to  Tim  and  to  Mary   Sprague  of  Ebell  Club  for  their  follow-­‐though  to  benefit   serious  students  of  our  profession.well as contact information.

OCLA Happenings EVENTS  OF  INTEREST The  following  annotated  list  is  an  enOrely  arbitrary  selecOon  of  one-­‐Ome-­‐only  programs  of  broad  appeal  to  the  general  library  community.     Please  note  that  regularly  scheduled  programming  sponsored  by  libraries  is  excluded. Now  through  April  28:    “Maurice  Sendak,  50  Years,  50  Works,  50  Reasons”  at  the  Bowers  Museum,  celebraOng    50th  anniversary  of  Where   The  Wild  Things  Are,  exhibits  50  works  selected  by  the  arOst  with  accompanying  comments  by  celebriOes,  authors,  and  Sendak’s  former   students  [www.bowers.org March  28:  Meet  Patrick  Rothfuss,  The  Name  of  the  Wind  (Kingkiller  Chronicles  Series  #1)   Author  Event  (Science  FicOon  and  Fantasy)  7:00  PM  More  about  this  event Note:  Join  us  for  an  author  event  with  Patrick  Rothfuss  as  he  discusses  and  signs  the  first  two  books  in  his  'Kingkiller  Chronicle  Trilogy,'   Orange,  Orange  Town  &  Country,  791  South  Main  Street  Suite  100,  Orange,  CA  92868  714-­‐558-­‐0028 March  30:  Straight-­‐A  Study  Skills  More  Than  200  Essen=al  Strategies  to  Ace  Your  Exams,  Boost  Your  Grades,  and  Achieve  Las=ng  Academic   Success  Author  Signing,  Author  Discussion  ,  Author  Event    12:00  PM  More  about  this  event  Note:  Mother/son  team  have  joined  forces  to   bring  students  the  best  Ops,  strategies,  and  proven  methods  to  achieve  academic  success.  Wri\en  for  middle  school  through  graduate   students. Costa  Mesa,  Metro  Pointe,  901  B  South  Coast  Drive  Ste  150,  Costa  Mesa,  CA  92626  714-­‐444-­‐0226 April  6:    Author  of  the  Maisie  Dobbs  mystery  series,  Jacqueline  Winspear,  will  speak  at  the  Yorba  Linda  Public  Library  for  One  Book/One   City.    [  www.ylpl.lib.ca.us/] April  6:    Literary  Orange,  author  panel  discussions,  luncheon,  speakers  J.A.  Jance  and  Tatjana  Soli,  book  signings  and  sale  at  the  Irvine   Marrio\  [www.literaryorange.org] April  13:    a  guided  tour  of  three  church  libraries  in  the  Santa  Clarita  Valley  and  a  special  tour  of  the  new,  state-­‐of-­‐the  art  Public  Library  in   Old  Town  Newhall,  sponsored  by  the  Evangelical  Church  Library  AssociaOon  of  Southern  California    [www.socalchurchlibraries.org/events/ spring-­‐2013-­‐meeOng] April  14:    author  event  and  book  signing  by  Michael  Robertson  for  The  Baker  Street  TranslaOon,  a  Sherlockian  Mystery  at  Book  Carnival  on   TusOn  Ave.  in  Orange  [www.annesbookcarnival April  16,    Oliver  DeMille:  LeaderShiF  A  Call  for  Americans  to  Finally  Stand  Up  and  Lead  Author  Event  (Business)  6:00  PM  More  about  this   event Costa  Mesa,  Metro  Pointe,  901  B  South  Coast  Drive  Ste  150 Costa  Mesa,  CA  92626  714-­‐444-­‐0226 April  20:    Panel  discussion  with  former  internees  at  Manzanar,  as  part  of  Buena  Park  Library  District’s  “Buena  Park  Reads  Together   “  [www.buenapark.lib.ca.us/] April  21:  author  event  and  book  signing  by  Stuart  Woods  for  Unintended  Consequences  at  Book  Carnival  on  TusOn  Ave.  in  Orange   [www.annesbookcarnival.com] April  25:    Buena  Park  Library  District  presents  documentary  film  on  internment  of  Japanese-­‐Americans  and  discussion  of  the  book  When   the  Emperor  Was  Divine,  a  novel  by  Julie  Otsuka  [www.buenapark.lib.ca.us/]


April  16,    Oliver  DeMille:  LeaderShiF  A  Call  for  Americans  to  Finally  Stand  Up  and  Lead  Author  Event  (Business)  6:00  PM  More  about  this   event Costa  Mesa,  Metro  Pointe,  901  B  South  Coast  Drive  Ste  150 Costa  Mesa,  CA  92626  714-­‐444-­‐0226 April  20:    Panel  discussion  with  former  internees  at  Manzanar,  as  part  of  Buena  Park  Library  District’s  “Buena  Park  Reads  Together   “  [www.buenapark.lib.ca.us/] April  21:  author  event  and  book  signing  by  Stuart  Woods  for  Unintended  Consequences  at  Book  Carnival  on  TusOn  Ave.  in  Orange   [www.annesbookcarnival.com] April  25:    Buena  Park  Library  District  presents  documentary  film  on  internment  of  Japanese-­‐Americans  and  discussion  of  the  book  When   the  Emperor  Was  Divine,  a  novel  by  Julie  Otsuka  [www.buenapark.lib.ca.us/] April  30:    Bobby  Flay:  Bobby  Flay's  Barbecue  Addic=on  Author  Event  (Cookbooks)  7:00  PM  More  about  this  event     Note:  Chef,  Food   Network  star,  and  bestselling  author  Bobby  Flay  will  sign  his  new  book,  Bobby  Flay’s  Barbecue  AddicOon.HunOngton  Beach,  Bella  Terra,   7881  Edinger  Ave.  #110     HunOngton  Beach,  CA  92647  714-­‐897-­‐8781 May  15:  Ross  Mathews:  Man  Up!  Tales  of  My  Delusional  Self-­‐Confidence  Author  Event  (Humor)  7:00  PM  More  about  this  event HunOngton  Beach,  Bella  Terra,  7881  Edinger  Ave.  #110 HunOngton  Beach,  CA  92647  714-­‐897-­‐8781 May  19:    author  event  and  book  signing  by  John  Lescroart  for  The  Ophelia  Cut  at  Book  Carnival  on  TusOn  Ave.  in  Orange   [www.annesbookcarnival.com] June  2:    TaOana  Soli  speaks  at  the  Fullerton  Public  Library  [www.fullertonlibrary.org]

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” ― C.S. Lewis


Influence What Happens at OCLA. Yes, You Can! Have you been an onlooker and a passive participant in OCLA affairs – our programs, scholarships, and projects? Then you have been missing a chance to influence the direction OCLA takes! The next few years are sure to be challenging for all types of libraries. What will OCLA bring to the O.C. library community? You can have a say in what our organization does. Here is how: Email feedback and your ideas to any one of our Library Board members. You may do this at any time. Links to each Board member are at the end of this newsletter. Become an OCLA board director representing your type of library (public, school, academic, special). Many participants first influence OCLA as Board directors who contribute ideas and help with decisions and plans. Just tell us you are interested.

Join the Board as an officer providing service and leadership to OCLA. Along with the directors, it’s a friendly team helping each other with OCLA activities. Just let us know you would like to help. Nominations and elections occur each Spring.

Active participation in OCLA is fun, useful, and fulfilling. Never forget as an added benefit, it enhances your resume!

If you work in or administer any library in Orange County, whether school, public, academic, or a special library, and have an interesting story about your library, people, events, accolades, or challenges please send your news to please send your news to Sandy Lamoureux at [email protected]


Current OCLABoard Members

President Stacy Russo Scholarship Coordinator Santa Ana College, Nealley Library [email protected]

Immediate Past President Yolanda L. Garcia Santa Ana College, Nealley Library [email protected]

Vice-President Richard Moore CALTAC Past President [email protected]

Recording Secretary Chris Enterline Anaheim Union High School District (retired) [email protected]

Membership Secretary Joanne Hardy Fullerton Public Library (retired) [email protected]

Treasurer Margot McLaren Whittier College of Law Library [email protected]

Directors Sandy Lamoureux Newsletter Editor Fullerton Public Library (retired) [email protected] Kevin Ross Webmaster Chapman University,Libraries [email protected]

The Orange County Library Association, founded in 1920, is your local non-profit library association. We are always looking for new members and individuals who want to get involved! Every year we offer two distinct programs of interest to librarians, library staff, and all who support the world of libraries. OCLA’s work supports future librarians and library staff through our annual scholarship program. We also support the work of libraries or related organizations in need through an annual special grant. The generous support of members allows us to sustain these important programs.

Tracey Daschbach Scholarship Coordinator Braille Institute Library 527 North Dale Avenue Anaheim, CA 92801 E-mail: [email protected]


all c o L ved l o v n et I


Join OCLA or Renew Your Membership      •  To  promote  libraries  and  librarianship  in  the  county     •  To  share  professional  concerns      •  To  network   •  To  enhance  library  coopera8on                  Membership  is  open  to  all staff levels in all libraries in  Orange  County.  Dues  are  for  2013.  

Name  (print):      



PosiQon  &  Library:        

                         Email:       Mailing  Address:                          Is  this  a  new  or  renewal  membership?            




____  Personal  membership:  $15.00


 ____  Ins8tu8onal/Corporate  membership:     $20.00


     ____  Student  membership:  $10.00    OPTIONAL:        A.  I  am  including  a  dona8on  of  $_______  to  the  OCLA  Library  Student  Scholarship  fund.        B.  I  am  including  a  dona8on  of  $_______  to  the  OCLA  Special  Project.  Make  check  payable  to  OCLA.  Send  applica7on  and/or  dona7on  to:    Joanne Hardy, OCLA Membership Secretary 4802 Hamer Dr., Placentia, CA 92870

Contact: OCLA [email protected] OUTLOOK