Oct 13, 2016 - supporting deeper learning at CW! Please feel free to visit http:// ... If you are not attending, conside
Friday eNews
We think. We design. We create. We reflect.
We are #cwthinkers
Oct. 14, 2016
Dear CW Families,
We have had a busy week getting ready for our 6th grade to go overnight to Camp Henry! I met with all 6th grade students today and they are excited about the trip. Please pack light for this trip! Our 5th grade students have really been doing a great job at becoming CW thinkers! It is fun to see them really begin to understand how much we value their thinking! David Simpson
CW News Camp Henry: The moment is finally here! I remember back in May when we made the decision as a 6th grade team to go on this adventure! I am thankful for your trust in us as we endeavor to accomplish new things with our 6th grade students. The menu and activity schedule has been posted on our website. Please remember on the day your child leaves for Camp, they need to be dropped off at 8:15 with their luggage. On the day they return, please plan on picking your child up at CW at 2:00. Here is the video I showed our 6th grade today: https://youtu.be/d_dzTHmyJBM
School Retool Last April, I was fortunate to go to a Deeper Learning conference in San Diego where I learned more about supporting Deeper Learning in schools. Deeper Learning focuses on 6 competencies: ACADEMIC MINDSET
• Accelerated Reader: For our 5th grade families, hopefully you have already heard about AR from your child. By now, students should have been taking quizzes here at school on the books they are reading. If you have questions about AR, please contact your child’s teacher.
• Costume Parade: Our annual Costume Parade will be on Monday, 10/31! This is a 1/2 day for students. Please see the attachment from the 10/7 CW eNews for detailed information.
Tweets of the Week Central Woodlands @cwthinkers On Friday afternoon, CW teachers collaborated on blogging for student voice! Today #cwthinkers are already starting their blogging journey!
COLLABORATION CRITICAL THINKING EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION LEARNING HOW TO LEARN MASTERY OF ACADEMIC CONTENT I will be spending time this fall at the School Retool experience in Detroit learning more about supporting deeper learning at CW! Please feel free to visit http:// schoolretool.org for more information
Camp Henry Week for 6th Graders Monday, Oct. 17 Camp Henry: Hanson/May & Elsholz/Jasperse; buses depart @ 9:00 AM – Students arrive at 8:15 AM Tuesday, Oct. 18 Wednesday, Oct. 19 Camp Henry: Becker/Tolly, Homrich/Peneycad & Koenigsknecht/Maloney; buses depart @ 9:00 AM Students arrive at 8:15 AM Camp Henry: Hanson/May & Elsholz/Jasperse students return by 2:00 PM for parent pick-up. Thursday, Oct. 20 Friday, Oct. 21 Camp Henry: Becker/Tolly, Homrich/Peneycad & Koenigsknecht/Maloney students return by 2:00 PM for parent pick-up.
Our school wide theme this month is “EMPATHY.” We have been asking our students to think about STEPPING INSIDE SOMEONE SHOES. With our counseling department we have come up with an idea that we believe would help students put this into action. If you are planning on attending the CW fall festival and costume parade on Monday, October 31st from 11:10 to 11:55 am please consider bringing with you personal hygiene products as a donation. If you are not attending, consider sending with your child: Soap, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes etc… We will be donating the supplies to shelters in West Michigan. -Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of the another.-
Got Box Tops? Please turn in any unexpired Box Tops that you have been collecting throughout the summer months by Thursday, Oct. 27th. It would be greatly appreciated if the Box Tops were trimmed and placed in a plastic zip lock bag or envelope. The collections bins are located outside of the office and in the media center. Our Fall collection goal is 8,000. Box Tops ($800.). If this goal is met, Mr. Simpson and Mr. Kessel have agreed to each have a pie in the face!!! Please don't forget to also turn in any Tyson A+, Aunt Millie's School Spirit, and Labels for Education labels. These may be turned in with the Box Tops. If you would like more information on participating products in these programs, please visit the following sites: www.projectaplus.tyson.com, www.schoolspiritprograms.com, and www.labelsforeducation.com. Thanks for your cooperation!
BANDTASIA 2016 wednesday, october 26 - 7:00 pm thursday, october 27 - 7:30 pm Forest Hills Fine Arts Center (doors open 1 hour before the show) Get ready to experience the Forest Hills Central Ranger Marching Band, Color Guard, & Jazz Ensemble on stage as they present Bandtasia 2016- "SECRET AGENT," featuring music from the movies The Incredibles, Mission Impossible, and the James Bond classic, Live and Let Die. Free kids activities: Try out different band instruments at the Instrument Petting Zoo! Play them all to complete the instrument Bingo card for a special prize! Photo opportunities, temporary tattoos and more…. Doors open 1 hour before the show begins for the family activities Children ages 2 and under are free! Ways to order your tickets: 1) Online at fhcbands.com/bandtasia. Use FHC bands’ Paypal account to purchase tickets with your credit card. Order tickets online now through 5:00pm on Oct 25.th Order before October 17 and receive a special Secret Agent-themed prize the night of the show (6th grade and under only). 2) Mail in the completed form below with payment (checks payable to “FHC Band Boosters”) by Monday, October 17 (each child grade 6 and under will receive a special Secret Agent-themed prize). Mail form with payment to Deb Thomas, 6284 Redington Ct. SE, Ada, MI 49301. 3) Purchase tickets in person at the Forest Hills Fine Arts Center box office or Jam ‘n Bean (Cascade & Ada locations only) beginning Monday, October 10th. Cash or checks (“FHC Band Boosters”) accepted.
All tickets purchased online or through the mail will be held at ‘Will Call’ line at the Fine Arts Center and can be picked up the night of the show. The FHC Band Boosters will donate $100 to any K-6 building's music program if student attendance at Bandtasia is 20% or greater! Name_____________________________________ Email address: (for confirmation of your mail-in order) th
# of 6 grade and under child tickets ($5)
# of adult tickets ($5)
Wed, October 26- 7:00pm Thurs, October 27- 7:30pm Total Make checks payable to “FHC Band Boosters”. Please do not mail cash.
Total # of tickets