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October 1, 2017 - The Boston Pilot

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4 days ago - checks to the parish office with Disaster Relief in the memo. Your generosity is ..... Holistic Business an
October 1, 2017 Twenty- sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday Mass: Vigil 4:00pm; 9:00am, 11:00am Weekday Mass: 9:00am - Except Wednesday Morning Prayer 8:45am

St. Athanasius Church 300 Haverhill St, Reading, 01867 Monday - Friday 9am-4pm [email protected] Facebook:

Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays 6:30 - 7:30pm Confessions Available First Saturday Mass: 9:00am

Twitter: Phone: 781-944-0330 Fax: 781-944-1266

Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:153:45pm and during Eucharistic Adoration. Baptism: Celebrated the 3rd Sunday at 1pm. Call to register for Baptism Prep. Anointing of the Sick: Notify the office when a person is seriously ill. Extraordinary Ministers are available to bring the Eucharist to the homebound. Marriage: Call at least 6 months in advance of your wedding.

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

October 1, 2017

Please pray for our military and civilians who defend our freedom, especially:

Saturday, Sept 30 4:00pm Robert Savio Memorial Sunday, Oct 1 9:00am Mass for the People of St. Athanasius 11:00am Mari O’Sullivan Memorial Monday, Oct 2 9:00am Rev. Msgr.James E. Tierney Memorial Tuesday, Oct 3 9:00am Mark Cuoco Memorial Wednesday, Oct 4 9:00am NO MASS Thursday, Oct 5 9:00am Helen Murphy Memorial 6:30pm Adoration Friday, Oct 6 9:00am Paul K. Kennedy Sr. Memorial Saturday, Oct 7 4:00pm Michael Canty Memorial Sunday, Oct 8 9:00am Mass for the People of St. Athanasius 11:00am Francyne Puopolo Birthday Memorial

The 26th “Yankee” Brigade, and 1st Lts. Ryan & Nolan Johnson, US Army, Patrick Cavanaugh, PFC Christopher Lewis, Lcpl Brenden Amico, Cpl. 3rd Class Christopher Donohue, Justin Whitmarsh, PFC Michael Goddard, Chaplain Tom Whiteman, Brian Basso US. Army, USMC Captain Zachary Johnson

Remember those in need of prayers, especially: Maryann Lucerto, Margaret Sumner, John Cadigan, Pat K & Family, Marie Brown, JDF & Family, Patrick & Brianna, Rick Q, Trudy, Sean T, Dianne, Dina Luongo, Anne,Katy, Bernadette, Bryan, Guarino Family, Fran P, Robert, Richard, Steve R, Nowicki family, Scott, Trudy, Carla, Patrick M, Matthew, Paula, Marie M,Sheila S, Bob C, Rose, Dom, Daniel, Paige Goulet, Sandra Cadigan, Lindsey, Matt & Chloe, Margie M, Kelly G, Frank G, Ben Goodhue, Jeff Eble, Peter, James B, John M, Christine M, Sheila D, Richard Rossi, Dottie Dillon, Dorothea Golini, Richard, Andrew, Thomas, Anna W, Mary M, Terry G,Larry Yetman, Marion,Phil T,Beth O, Denise, Martha K,Anne Marie, Barbara G, Tim Ervin and family, Barbara, Daniel, Asher,Brian,Caitlyn,Sue, Jill, Frank Thomas, Ryan Smith, Johnson Family,Elliott Family,Beth Munn Griffin, Bill Griffin & famly, Danny,Joan.B,Josephine.S,Bob Curran, David W, Morgan L, Enzo David,Josie B,Dan Daley,Chip Case, Ed. S, Frank. F

SPECIAL INTENTIONS : FLOWERS : In Memory of Michael Canty


These names will stay in the Prayer Corner until Sunday, Oct 8th- Call the office or email [email protected] to add or renew a name of your loved ones on the list.

Mass Attendance: Sep 9-23/24 : 436 Collection for weekend of Sep 9/23-24: $ 6139

Please continue to pray for the people and areas devastated by Hurricanes Harvey & Irma.


Blessing of the Pets Rel Ed Grade 7 Rel Ed Grade 9

1:00pm 9:55- 10:55 PC 12:00- 2:00 PC

Oct 7

First Saturday Mass NO REL ED Classes

9:00AM Holiday Obv

Oct 8

NO REL ED Classes

Holiday Obv

Oct 9

Columbus Day - - Parish Office Closed

We will continue to support relief efforts throughout hurricane season.. If interested in donating, Please mail checks to the parish office with Disaster Relief in the memo. Your generosity is greatly appreciated



SUN Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat SUN

Ez 18:25-28/Phil 2:1-11 or 2:1-5/Mt 21:28-32 Zec 8:1-8 (455)/Mt 18:1-5, 10 Zec 8:20-23/Lk 9:51-56 Neh 2:1-8/Lk 9:57-62 Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12/Lk 10:1-12 Bar 1:15-22/Lk 10:13-16 Bar 4:5-12, 27-29/Lk 10:17-24 Is 5:1-7/Phil 4:6-9/Mt 21:33-43

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

October 1, 2017

From the Music Director The month of October is known as the Month of the Rosary and is, of course, a Marian month. This is due to the fact that in 1571, on the First Sunday of October, Christian civilization was threatened by the Ottoman Turks. As the people of Rome prayed the Rosary in order to be spared, a great naval battle was fought at Lepanto in the Adriatic Sea. An underdog Catholic coalition prevailed, an outcome which Pope Pius V attributed to the miraculous intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the power of the Holy Rosary. The hymn that ends the Rosary is called the Salve Regina (Hail, Holy Queen). It is one of the four great Marian hymns sung by the Church in her daily prayers, typically from Pentecost to the beginning of Advent. It is also by tradition sung at the funeral of a priest. It is fitting, then, that we learn and sing this important hymn, which is perfect for our post-Communion reflection and praise during the month of October. Here is a literal translation of the Latin, so you can appreciate the words: Salve Regina, mater misericordiae. Vita dulcedo et spes nostra salve. Ad te clamaus, exules filii Evae. Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes, in hac lacrymarum valle. Eia ergo, advcoata nostra, illos tuos occulos misericrodes, ad nos converte Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui nobis, post hoc exilium, ostende O clemens, O pia, O dulcis, Virgo Maria

Hail Queen, mother of mercy. Life, sweetness, and hope which is ours, hail. To you we cry, exiled children of Eve. To you we sigh, moaning and weeping, in this bitter, tearful, valley. therefore, the intercessor who is ours those your eyes so mericful, towards us turn. And Jesus the blessed fruit of the womb which is yours unto us, after this exile, show. Oh clement, Oh loving, Oh sweet, Virgin Mary.

Obviously, when we translate this prayer, we use normal English syntax, as is done at the conclusion of the Rosary. However, if you go through the literal translation above, you will recognize words that have come from Latin and are used in English (such as advocata or advocate). In fact, forty percent of our vocabulary is Latin based. We as an international Church are blessed to have a unifying liturgical language which allows us, at certain occasions, to pray with one voice, no matter what our nationality. Latin was the language of the empire that crucified Christ, but Latin comes down to us as the language that the Church uses to proclaim His triumph over death.


St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

October 1, 2017

is h !! Par ings !! pen p a H

MUSIC MINISTRY Musicians and singers are wanted! Any middle or high schoolers who sing or play an instrument are invited to participate in the Mass choir at St. Athanasius. Please contact Music Director John Donovan for more information: [email protected].

Please Join Us! First Saturday Mass For the Blessed Mother Saturday, Oct 7th

Anonymous Donation received for 1 month of Altar Candles Thank you to everyone who had a hand in making the Ladies' Prize Bingo another fun and successful night for over 80 ladies.

Your Generosity is greatly Appreciated !

Special thanks goes to: The entire office staff, The Knights of Columbus Ron Beaupre, Dick Coco, Mike Canavan, Kevin Geaney the bingo caller, Jean Jacobs and Lisa Tavoletti

Join us for Eucharistic Adoration at St. Athanasius

The next bingo is Sunday, January 21st. Tickets are available in the office or through [email protected] or

Every Thursday from 6:30-7:30pm With Confession

781-872-0042. $20 each.


Donation Opportunities for Special Items

Christmas Faire is around the corner Friday, November 17, 5-9 pm Saturday, November 18, 10 am-2 pm

Heating Oil (1 week)


1 Month of Altar candles


We are always looking for Volunteers !! Contact: [email protected]

Flowers for the week


Bread & Wine for the week


Coffee Hour


Please Consider Hosting !!

1:00pm (Entrance of Church)

We are always in need of hosts A nice way to relax with friends from our parish. Contact Sophie at 781-944-9085

Bring your pets to St. Athanasius parish for a special “Blessing of the Pets” By Fr. Colarusso

or sign up in the Parish Center For OCT & NOV 4

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

October 1, 2017

COMMUNITY NEWS Youth Ministry COR UNUM MEAL CENTER Our next visit to serve dinner at Cor Unum Meal Center in Lawrence are 9/30, 10/21, and 11/18 These trips are open to ages 13 and up. We will meet at 3:15pm in the St. Athanasius Parish Center and return to Reading around 7:30 or 8pm. PLEASE RSVP TO BRAD ONE WEEK BEFOREHAND.

FAMILY MASSES Our next Family Masses at St. Athanasius are at 9am on Sunday 10/22.For our Family Masses, we seek teens and youth to help with the Mass by serving as lectors for the readings, bringing up the gifts, and assisting with the offering collection.Please sign up with Brad if you would like to participate in the Family Mass.

YOUTH NIGHT : We invite anyone in grades 6-12 to Youth Night on Saturday, 10/14 at 7-9pm in the St. Athanasius Parish Center. We will be making fleece blankets for a local shelter and there will be dinner, games, and movies as well. To attend, please RSVP with Brad by Friday, 10/6. 2017 Massachusetts March for Life Continuing a long tradition this October as the Massachusetts Citizens for Life will honor Respect Life Month with our Annual Massachusetts March for Life around Boston Common on Sunday, October 1, 2017 from 1 to 4pm. The March is an inspiring opportunity for pro-life supporters of all ages to give public witness to their belief in the value and sanctity of all human life ***Please contact Brad if you or your teen would like to attend with a group from St. Athanasius.

WE ALWAYS NEED VOLUNTEERS for events listed Please contact Brad Agostonelli , Youth Minister

Cell: 585-200-2831 Office: 781-944-0330 [email protected]

October 1 ~ Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Prayer Ministry

Today’s second reading from St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians gives strong encouragement to the disciples of his day: “Have in you the same attitude that is also in Christ Jesus.” And what was the attitude of Christ? It is that Jesus was humble, obedient to God’s will and never putting himself above others. As you think about Christ’s attitude and his way of relating to God and to others, do you strive to have this same attitude in your life? Ask for the grace you need to grow more like Christ in all things.

Hosted by Katie Curtis

Starting October 7th and every other Saturday after the 4:00 Mass. We will pray for each other, for our country, and for the world. Our first four meetings will be 10/7, 10/21, 11/4, and 11/18. To start, the meetings will be an hour long. The purpose of this is for all our parishioners to have a place to bring their intentions and pray together as a community. Come for five minutes or stay the whole time.

Making the ‘Culture of Vocation’ REAL Sunday, October 15th - Noon -4:30pm Assumption College Campus, Worcester MA

This theme was requested by Pope Francis in preparation for the upcoming Synod of Bishops 2018 “Discernment and Youth: The Discernment of the Christian Vocation.” Through the eyes and hearts of young religious men and women, speakers will examine how young people perceive religious life, and how to assist young people in their discernment of God’s call. Youth and Young Adults who are looking into religious life as an option are encouraged to come. For more information, contact Fr. Rocco Puopolo, .s.x. [email protected] 508 429 2144.

Jesus said, "Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them."


St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

October 1, 2017

Parish Staff

Are you ready to Rock ‘n Roll?

Pastor ………………………………. Reverend Darin V. Colarusso [email protected] Parochial Vicar………………………..Reverend Patrick Armano [email protected] Malden Catholic is pleased to announce that The Renowns, Boston's premier vocal group from Winthrop, will be performing,

Permanent Deacon………………………….Deacon Neil Sumner [email protected]

at MC on Saturday, October 21 at 7:30 PM

Permanent Deacon…………..….………...Deacon Matt Baltier [email protected]

Light refreshments will be served and a full cash bar will be available. Tickets are $15 per person and $25 per couple. Tables of 10 can be reserved for $125. Advance ticket purchase is recommended. For tickets or information, please call (978)-367-4772 or E-Mail: [email protected]

Administrative Office Manager………………. Kerry Laurenza [email protected] Director of Religious Ed……………………………….. Jo-Ann Rossi [email protected] Music Director..………………………………………..John Donovan [email protected]


Business Manager……………………………………...Janine Castro [email protected]

Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus February 15-25, 2018 Fr. Liias and Fr. Armano, Spiritual Directors

Administrative Assistant ……………………….. Luann Barretto [email protected] Youth Ministry……………………………………….Brad Agostinelli [email protected]

Join Fr. Liias and Fr. Armano on a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. We will experience the Scriptures come alive and see where Jesus began his ministry. As we follow in the footsteps of Jesus, we will discover this unique and spiritual land with visits to Galilee, Tiberius, Nazareth, Caesarea, Capernaum, Bethlehem and Jerusalem.

Religious Ed Administrative Assistant …..Michele Barrette [email protected] Submissions for our bulletin are by Monday 9am [email protected]

There are still some spaces available to register for the pilgrimage. For more information and to obtain a brochure, contact Cathy DiPirro @ 781-307-2474 or [email protected]

Catholic Memorial School Annual Open House - Sunday, October 15 235 Baker St ,W.Roxbury, MA 10:00 am-12:00 pm Middle School Program 2:004:00 High School Program


Please join us for student-led campus tours meet faculty, staff, coaches, students and parents to discuss programs and answer questions. Please visit our website at or call Admissions at 617-469-8019.

Suggestions for October Laundry Detergent, Soap, Juice boxes, Deodorant, Shampoo & Conditioner, Paper towels, Mac & Cheese, Stuffing, Canned goods Caring for the needs of our Community


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AN INVITATION FROM… THE CATHOLIC CEMETERY ASSOCIATION OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF BOSTON Please join us at St. Patrick Cemetery, 120 Elm Street, Stoneham on Saturday, October 14, 2017 at 10:00 AM for the dedication service of our new, graceful statue of the beloved Mother Teresa and the official opening of our newest cemetery section dedicated to her name. Mother Teresa will be watching over our loved ones as they rest in eternal peace in the beautiful and well-kept surroundings of St. Patrick Cemetery. After the dedication service, light refreshments will be served. Cemetery staff will also be available to answer any questions that you might have or to simply say hello and learn how we can best serve you. We look forward to your presence at this special event.

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Pilot Bulletins

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Pilot Bulletins

Saint Athanasius, Reading, MA