OCTOBER, 2003 - Heart of America Council

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IYOS is highlighted on page4of this edition of The Polaris. For more information about the IYOS program, check out www.hoac- · bsa.org/ideal-year-of-scouting.
THE POLARIS The Internationally Famous North Star District, Galacticly Famous Heart of America Council , BSA.

A U G U S T ,


School Night for Scouting A mild summer has led to everybody having a great camping season. Now is the time to head back to school – and recruit new Scouts!! School Night for Scouting is kicking off in August and September, and we need everybody to participate. The North Star District has a history of leading the Council in membership, and NOW is the time to continue that leadership. (See page 4.) In years past, District volunteers came into the Unit to run the School Night for Scouting recruiting event. This year will be different. Packs will take the lead on running the recruiting event. It is YOUR Pack!! The District will have volunteers to help support, but Packs will take charge this year. Also this fall, the Ideal Year of Scouting (IYOS) will be emphasized. IYOS focuses on the annual program planning, budgeting, and advancement areas for the unit – critical to the success of the Scout and the Unit. IYOS is highlighted on page4of this edition of The Polaris. For more information about the IYOS program, check out www.hoacbsa.org/ideal-year-of-scouting. Check out all of the program helps here. 2013 Year to Date Advancement Summary: All youth who join in August or September (completed application and payment) will receive a limited edition Cub Scout T-Shirt. It’s really cool!! See the bottom of page 2. 1

Tiger: ................... 234 Bobcat: ................... 43 Wolf: .................... 261 Bear: .................... 251 Webelos: .............. 247 Arrow of Light: .... 136

Tenderfoot: .. 51 2nd Class: ...... 55 1st Class:....... 77 Star:.............. 87 Life: ............. 79 Eagle: ........... 45


North Star District Calendar http://www.hoac-bsa.org/Districts/NorthStar/Calendar.aspx


August, 2013 1

8 13 24 26


District Roundtable, 7:00 p.m., Happy Rock Park, 7600 NE Antioch Rd, Gladstone, MO. Event on WEST SIDE of Antioch. Ice Cream Social!! Eagle Project Review, OA Chapter Meeting, and review of summer activities. Prepare for School Night Recruiting!! Commissioner Staff Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Barry Christian Church, 1500 NW Barry Rd, KCMO District Committee Planning Meeting, 7:30p.m., Barry Christian Church, 1500 NW Barry Rd, KCMO Den Chief Training, TBA Popcorn Show N Sell Orders Due into Council

19 26 26

November, 2013 2 7

September, 2013 5

6 6-7 6-8 7 7 10 12 17 20-21 21-22 21-22 24 27-29 28 28

District Roundtable, 7:00 p.m., KCMO Police Training Academy, 6885 NE Pleasant Valley Road, Kansas City, MO. Youth Protection Training, Online Advancement Records Training, Merit Badge Counselor Training, & OA Chapter Meeting. Popcorn Sales START!! Popcorn Show N Sell Pickup HOAC Wood Badge Training – 1st Weekend, Naish Cub Scout Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO), 8:30 a.m., St. Luke Presbyterian, 4301 NE Vivion 2nd Annual Scout Night at Sporting Kansas City District Committee Planning Meeting, 7:30p.m., Barry Christian Church, 1500 NW Barry Rd, KCMO Commissioner Staff Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Barry Christian Church, 1500 NW Barry Rd, KCMO Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Training – Part 1, 6:30p.m., TBA Webelos Leader Outdoor Experience, 5:00 p.m., Camp Branch - Loop B, Smithville Lake Webelos Woods, 8:00 a.m., Camp Branch - Loop B, Smithville Lake Cub Scout Family Campout, 5:00 p.m., Camp Branch - Loop B, Smithville Lake Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Training – Part 1, 6:30p.m., TBA HOAC Wood Badge Training – 2nd Weekend, Naish American Royal Parade, 9:00am, to participate, sign up by September 9th. Cub Scout Leader Specific Training, 9:00 a.m., TBA

7 8-9 12 14

5 10 12

University of Scouting, Park University, 8:00 a.m., Park University, 8700 NW River Park Dr., Parkville, MO District Roundtable, 7:00 p.m., KCMO Police Training Academy, 6885 NE Pleasant Valley Road, Kansas City, MO. Youth Protection Training, Merit Badge Counselor Training, & OA Chapter Meeting. Charter Organization Representative Training, 7:00 p.m, at Roundtable Popcorn Product Pickup District Committee Planning Meeting, 7:30p.m., Barry Christian Church, 1500 NW Barry Rd, KCMO Commissioner Staff Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Barry Christian Church, 1500 NW Barry Rd, KCMO

December, 2013 5

10 10 12

District Roundtable & One-Stop-Shop Recharter Turn-In, 7:00 p.m., KCMO Police Training Academy, 6885 NE Pleasant Valley Road, Kansas City, MO. Youth Protection Training, Merit Badge Counselor Training, & OA Chapter Meeting. District Committee Planning Meeting, 7:30p.m., Barry Christian Church, 1500 NW Barry Rd, KCMO Popcorn Final Payment Due!! Commissioner Staff Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Barry Christian Church, 1500 NW Barry Rd, KCMO

Congratulations Congratulations to David Jerde for being named Scouter of the Month at the North Star District June, 2013 Roundtable. David is a longtime volunteer to Scouting. Thanks David, for all you do for Scouting.

October, 2013 3

District Committee Planning Meeting, 7:30p.m., Barry Christian Church, 1500 NW Barry Rd, KCMO North Star District Fall Camporee, 5:00 p.m., Kelsey Short Youth Camp, Smithville Lake Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills Training, 6:00pm, at Camporee Wilderness First Aid Training, 8:00 a.m., Naish Popcorn Sales END. Final Orders Due ONLINE. Last Day for Popcorn Returns

District Roundtable, 7:00 p.m., KCMO Police Training Academy, 6885 NE Pleasant Valley Road, Kansas City, MO. Youth Protection Training, Merit Badge Counselor Training, & OA Chapter Meeting. Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Training, 8:30 a.m., TBA Commissioner Staff Meeting & RECHARTER KICKOFF Mtg, 7:30 p.m., Barry Christian Church, 1500 NW Barry Rd, KCMO Wilderness First Aid Training, 8:00 a.m., Naish


Let’s Get Our Leaders…

Comments From Our District Chairman Greetings Scouters!! I just returned from our first Jamboree at the Summit, and am truly in awe of our commitment to our youth displayed at the Summit. Just as at Jamboree, or recruiting, a few bumps come along and we need to adapt and overcome. This fall, we have already seen some bumps in the path; a new membership policy may cause us pause as we recruit , and a new Cub program is being launched. These bumps are in no way bad bumps, just bumps that create change and that we all need to be ready to confront and overcome. Our fall recruitment needs all our attention and focus so we can reverse our 2 year decline that we are experiencing. Lets all put our best foot, face, voice and or attitudes on the right path to success. I want to thank Niel Campbell as he moves into his new role for his leadership especially this past year as our Family Chairman for Investment in Character. Niel's work and enthusiasm helped get us to our goal. Thanks for the past, good luck in your future as one of our District Executives! I hope everyone in North Star had a great summer camping season and is energized going into our busy fall. Thanks for all you do every day to deliver our youth programs. Yours in Scouting!! Jeffrey Goertz ---North Star District Chairman

We are halfway through 2013. AND, we are getting ready for a full press on recruiting new leaders. Now is the time to make sure that everybody is trained for their position, and new leaders get the training they need. REMEMBER – Training is a constant process for everybody. If you have been in your position for a long time, now would be a good opportunity to refresh your training. Set the example and bring all of your friends along. Shown below is an updated list of training opportunities. Additional information can be found at the North Star Training webpage at http://www.hoacbsa.org/Districts/NorthStar/Training.aspx. Upcoming Training Opportunities: Aug 24, Den Chief Training Sept 5, Online Advancement Records Training Roundtable Sept 17, Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Training, pt 1 Sept 20-21, Webelos Leader Outdoor Experience, 6:00pm, Camp Branch - Loop B, Smithville Lake Sept 24, Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Training, pt 2 Sept 28, Cub Leader Specific Training Oct 5, Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Training, Full Nov 7 – Chartered Organization Rep Training, Roundtable If you have any questions, please contact Greg Plumb at [email protected] or at 816-309-2049. Also, be sure to visit the National training web site and check out the new training sections. If you have any questions, let Greg know. On-line training links: Cub & Scout Youth Protection training Venturing Youth Protection training Cub Scout Leader, Boy Scout Leader and Venturing Leader Fast Start training Safe Swim Defense & Safety Afloat Weather Hazards Go to: https://scoutnet.scouting.org/elearning

2013- Popcorn Summer is winding down. We are putting away all of the camping supplies from Bartle and Naish, and getting into a full season of Scout activities. But, paying for all of those activities and badges can be expensive. Popcorn is a great way to help fund all those programs. AND, the Popcorn selling season is just around the corner. Popcorn is also an integral part of the Ideal Year of Scouting. For North Star, training for all of the new products and how the program will run this fall will be held at Cerner Riverport Campus (the old Sam’s Town Casino and past Roundtables), 6711 NE Birmingham Rd, Kansas City, MO. It will be held on Saturday, August 11th from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. There will be a continental breakfast served, so reservations are required. To sign up, go to www.hoac-bsa.org/popcorn. (Scroll to the bottom.)

School Night for Scouting – Second and Third Events Attention Packs!! You are all ready for your School Night for Scouting presention, right? (See page 8.) But, do you have a seond night planned to get those youth who couldn’t make it to your initial event? You should. Every Pack should be planning a second event. Find a time that works for all of your adults who can come out and help. Run a special event, such as a Bike Rodeo, Craft Fair, Kite Derby, Treasure Hunt, or a Roket Launch. Get the entire pack to participate, and invite everybody to attend. Sign up those youth who missed the first or second event. Contact your District Professionals for more help on setting up your follow up events. (See page 9.)

Also, check the Polaris calendar for all of the Popcorn dates. They are highlighted in green, like this paragraph.


Ideal Year of Scouting

American Royal Parade

Providing a year-round, quality Scouting program should be the goal of every Scouting unit. The Ideal Year of Scouting helps you develop an annual program plan, a budget to go along with that plan, and a fundraising plan to reach your program goals. The result is a wellmanaged, well-financed Scouting unit. Use the resources below to start your Ideal Year of Scouting today. To start with, check out the Ideal Year of Scouting planning and resource web page, located HERE. At this web site, you will find all of the resources you need to develop and deliver an effective Scouting program for your youth. There is a calendar, planing guides, forms, funding ideas, and tips on how to grow your unit. Also, there are great marketing techniques that you can use to make your School Night for Scouting event really POP!! The great thing about this web site is that it has information for both Cub Packs and Boy Scout Troops. CHECK IT OUT!

Looking for something fun and exciting for your unit to participate in? Come join other Scouts and Scouters from the rest of the Heart of America Council and march in the 2013 American Royal Parade on September 28th. The goal is to get more than 2,000 Scouts and Scouters to participate. North Star District can easily help out with beating that goal! Registrations are being taken via the web, which can be found HERE if you are reading this on-line. If you register by Noon on Monday, September 9th, you will be eligible to receive the commemorative patch for this event. Let’s show Kansas City how much FUN Scouting is.

Wood Badge The most rewarding training class in Scouting is Wood Badge. This training will help you be the best Scout leader you can be – AND it will help you in business and other life activities. It’s not too late to register for the Fall 2013 class. Classes are offered on September 6-8 and September 27-29, 2013. There is homework that you must complete as well. For more information, check out http://hoacbsa.org/Woodbadge. Sign up, and get your best Scouting buddy to sign up as well. This program is way more fun if you do it with a friend.

Progress Check All employees know that they get a regular performance review from their boss. This is a time to see how well you are doing, and identify those areas that you can improve. The North Star District received a review at the end of June. Here is how we are doing. You will see what areas we are excelling in, and those areas that we can improve. Cub Scout Program  Total Membership: 1,713 (2nd in Council)  Cub Advancement: 67.9% (7th in Council)  Percent Cubs Camping: 74.0% (3rd in Council)  Percent Packs Camping: 98.3% (2nd in Council)  Average Unit Service Hours: 0.0 (Tied for Last) Boy Scout Program  Total Membership: 1,679 (1st in Council)  Scout Advancement: 18.5% (7th in Council)  Percent Scout Camping: 67.4% (7th in Council)  Percent Troops Camping: 81.3% (4th in Council)  Average Unit Service Hours: 1.4 (7th in Council)

Scout Night at Sporting KC Are you looking for something FUN to do? Come out to the 2nd annual Scout Night at Sporting Kansas City. On Saturday, September 7th, Sporting KC will face off against the Columbus Crew. The game starts at 7:30 pm. Tickets have been on sale. AND, your unit can participate in the on-field Scout Parade before the start of the game. Also, there will be some Scouting events to participate in before the start of the game. You can also purchase a special Sporting & Scouts soccer scarf. For more information, check out www.hoacbsa.org/sporting-kc. Bring EVERYBODY for a night of FUN!!


Notes From Our District Membership Chairman

Check Your Information It’s time to recruit new Scouts into your unit. But, did you know that there is a national web site that can direct users to your unit – IF YOUR INFORMATION IS CORRECT? Click on Chek out beascout.scouting.org. one of the tabs, and then put in your zip code. If you think that the information that is being shown on this site needs to be updated, contact Rob Gilkerson at 816-569-4913. Remember, accurate information will get those youths looking for units.

Hello Scouters!! As Summer is winding up, we are quickly approaching our North Star Fall Recruitment. All Cub Scout Pack Membership Committee Leaders at this point should have been through one of the Fall Recruitment Training sessions. We had a training session during the NS District Commissioners meeting and another at the May Round Table. If you have yet to make it to one of these Training Sessions please plan on attending the next Fall Recruitment on August 8th. The NS Membership Committee will be conducting this meeting to make sure you have all the Tools for Fall Recruitment. If you have not made a meeting yet please plan on attending. The NS District has recruitment goals to meet. But more importantly, each Pack should have their own Goals to replace the Webelo Scouts that would have moved on to Boy Scouts. This years method of recruiting is placing a lot of the Responsibility on the Packs to present to your potential Scouts, and to grow your Packs. In addition to this first recruitment effort, you are expected to hold at least two more events to bring in new recruits. If you have any questions in this process please contact Mike Riley [email protected], or Melinda McCombs [email protected]. Yours in Scouting!! Mike Riley ---North Star District Membership Chairman

Venturing Triathlon Are you not sporting that spare tire, like your Crew Advisor does? Can you run around the District – twice – like your Crew Advisor can’t? Can you swim like a fish, like your Crew Advisor can’t? Then, it sounds like you are ready to compete in the Venturing Xterra Triathlon. The race will be held on Saturday, August 10th. Check in is at 8:00 a.m., and the race starts at 9:30 a.m. The race is open to all youth members from age 12-20 (Boy Scouts, Varsity, and Venturing), and will be held at Camp Naish. All race participants MUST bring a completed and signed health form (from Summer camp??) For more information, check out www.hoacbsa.org/council-wide-venturing-events. Be sure to register by August 3rd. By the way, you will need to bring your own bicycle!

Mini-Camp Programs @ Naish

OA Fall Induction

Boy Scout Troops and Venture Crews… If you are looking for outdoor things to do to fill out your outdoor program schedule, be sure to consider the Mini-Camp Program at Camp Naish. This program offers you activities such as climbing & rappelling, COPE, Archery, Rifle Shooting, Pistol Shooting (Crews only), and much more. Some of these programs have a fee, and most have limited space. Sign-up is first come, first serve. For all of the information, check out http://www.hoacbsa.org/Data/Sites/1/media/activities/mini-camp/cmp-minicamp-flyer-2013.pdf. Or, call the Service Center at 816942-9333 and ask for the Camping Department.

Attention all Arrowmen!! If you are planning on attending the Order of the Arrow Fall Induction, you MUST have your registration turned in by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 2nd. The Fall Induction will be held Friday through Sunday, August 16-18, at Camp Naish. The Induction is the last opportunity to go through the Ordeal or Brotherhood process in 2013. If you have any questions, call the Camping Department at 816-942-9333. Registration and other information can be found at www.hoac-bsa.org/oa-activities. Scroll down to the Fall Induction entry, and click on “Register”.


Venturing Scouts only travel West. Our very own ADC of Venturing took his HAM Radio and ‘fox hunting’ expertise to the 2013 Jamboree K2BSA tent. While there he introduced campers to a reporter from Scouting Magazine for an interview on the event. You can view that story in the Scouting Magazine July 16 blog entry. http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2013/07/16/. Venturing inspires scouts to participate in several scout sponsored activities. However, it also inspires youth and adults alike to explore on their own. This past summer your Venturing Roundtable Commissioner joined 800 other cyclists for the annual Biking Across Kansas event. It wasn’t scouting related, but when she finished her 505 miles she realized that the event could be a great scouting activity for a Pack, Troop, or Crew. These are just a few of the stories Venturing Scouts have shared, but I know there must be many more. The reason I didn’t mention them is because you haven’t shared your stories. We would love to hear what your Crew is doing during the year. Perhaps your story could inspire another scout. Please share your stories and pictures on the Venturing-North Star Facebook page or my e-mail, [email protected] . Yours in Scouting!! Maggie Jackson

Notes From Our District Venture Roundtable Chairman Greetings All Venturers!! Summer is quickly coming to a close and it is time to begin thinking about the upcoming scouting year. First though, let’s think about what our Venturing Scouts have accomplished over the past year. Sometimes when thinking about future activities it helps to know what other scouts have accomplished. Over the past year North Star Venturing Scouts and scouters staffed camps such as Bartle and Philmont, became Leave No Trace Trainers, participated in Klondike, attended Jamboree, and trekked high adventure camps (just to name a few). Venturing Scouts have accomplished much more and later I’ll explain why other activities were not mentioned. I had an opportunity to visit three Venturers over the summer. Two are currently working at H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation. These Venturers also belong to a Troop. One scout is a first year staff member and works in the Dining Hall. The other is a seasoned staff member teaching other scouts the Pioneering and Geocaching Merit Badges. They both enjoy the Troop and Venturing side of scouting because both programs offer leadership opportunities. Later this month they will travel to Philmont with their Crew and hike the Tooth of Time. These are not the only Venturing Scouts traveling though. The Venturing Crew located out of Parkville, MO will soon be returning from Philmont. Their itinerary took them through Fish Camp where they would have had the opportunity to visit with another North Star Venturing Scout and Gold Award Recipient of Girl Scouts. She would have entertained them with her fiddle playing and swing dancing moves. Some of those moves were learned right here in the North Star District during their Dancing with the Stars events. As a second year Philmont staffer and former camper she understands the importance of providing a good program. During a recent visit to Philmont she shared stories of seeing her former Theodore Naish Scout Reservation co-workers trek through her staff camp. However, she was most pleased to see the campers she taught when she was part of the Nature Lodge staff at Naish. She told me that staffing close to home helped prepare her for working at Philmont. However, North Star didn’t see

50 Years of Scouting – Troop 395 Boy Scout Troop 395 of Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church is celebrating 50 Years of Scouting this year. The Troop is actively seeking alumni Scouts and Scouters to join them at a celebratory campout on Saturday, August 24th and August 25th. The event will be held at Heartland Presbyterian Church Camp. The Troop is inviting all past, current and future friends of 395 to attend. For more information, contact Melinda McCombs at 816-419-8400 or visit the Troop website at www.troop395.info.

Bartle & Naish Work Days Bartle: 8/6/13 (Bartle Camp Teardown), 8/24/13, 9/7/13, 11/2/13 Naish: 8/3/13 (Naish Camp Teardown), 8/17/13 (OA Induction), 11/9/13. For more information, check out http://www.hoacbsa.org/maintenance-team


Scouts with Disabilities

Order of the Arrow Activities

Scouting is for EVERYBODY. If you know of a Scout who has a disability, then it is your duty to seek out the help necessary for that Scout to be included. There are special programs just for Scouts with disabilities. For Cubs, the upcoming SWD Day Camp is Saturday, August 10th at the Rotary Youth Camp, 22310 Colbern Road, Lee’s Summit, MO. This event is free, and is limited to the first 80 Scouts who register. To register, go to http://SWDdaycamp.intera.org. If you have a disabled Scout in your unit, there are special rules regarding advancement. To learn more about those rules, including alternative requirements, program adaptations, and resources, there is an SWD Advancement Seminar that will start at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 24th at Calvary Baptist Church, 900 NW 22 nd Street, Blue Springs, MO. There is no fee to attend. But, there will be a working lunch; so Subway will be catered in at a cost of $8.00. For more information, check out http://SWDdaycamp.intera.org. If you have any other questions regarding Scouts with Disabilities, contact the SWD Staff Advisor, Gordon Corcoran at [email protected].

There are plenty of activities going on this spring with the Order of the Arrow. Lodge Service Project #2. The second Lodge Service Project for 2013 is Saturday/Sunday, August 10-11. Arrowmen will go off-site and work on an approved service project for the community. After the project, there will be a campout where all Arrowmen can socialize. Check out http://www.hoac-bsa.org/oa-activities for more information. Fall Induction. There will be one Fall Induction – August 16-18 at Camp Naish. Complete information about Spring Inductions can be found at http://www.hoac-bsa.org/oa-activities. Registeration deadline for the first two Induction has already passed. Registeration deadline for the third summer induction is August 2nd. Fall Fellowship. Fall Fellowship is the weekend of September 20-22. It is a time to gather and celebrate the achievements of the Lodge, learn more about OA, and enjoy the fellowship of all OA members. For more information, check out http://www.hoacbsa.org/oa-activities. Lodge Service Project #3. The third Lodge Service Project for 2013 is Saturday/Sunday, November 16th & 17th. Check out http://www.hoac-bsa.org/oaactivities for more information. For more information about OA events, check out http://www.hoac-bsa.org/oa-activities, or call 816-942-9333 and ask for the Camping Department.

School Night for Scouting Marketing Tools Got your plan for recruiting new Scouts into your unit? Here are the top ten tools to help you out:

         

1. Pack Information Sheet and Calendar 2. Organize Visits / Scheduling 3. Flyers 4. Youth wear uniform to school 5. School Visits / Boy Talks 6. Stickers 7. Yard Signs 8. Picture Boards / Power Point 9. School Open House 10. Update your Be a Scout.org map pin and regularly follow up with leads.

School Night Presenters Do you have a passion for Scouts – and aren’t afraid to get up in front of kids AND adults? Then, we need you. The Membership team is looking for dedicated and enthusiastic Scouters to help units with their School Night for Scouting presentations. The units will be giving the presentations. But, we need you there to lend support, answer questions, and help those new parents feel comfortable with the program. If you are willing to help out, join the School Night for Scouting Presenters Training session on Thursday, August 8th, starting at 6:30 pm and Barry Christian Church. The training session will be right before the August Commissioner’s meeting. See you there!!!

Now should be the time the unit leadership is finalizing the plans on how you will be running your recruiting event. Look this over, and then make sure you are PREPARED!!

……….Your Polaris Editor


2013 School Night for Scouting Recruiting Dates Here are the proposed dates of all of the School Night for Scouting recruiting events. If you are a Scouter and have time to help out, please volunteer to make as many of these events a success. Pack #


School Night Date

School Night Time




7:00 PM


St. Patricks


7:00 PM




7:00 PM




7:00 PM


St Charles


7:00 PM


St Andrews


7:00 PM


Lewis & Clark


7:00 PM


St. James


7:00 PM




7:00 PM




7:00 PM




7:00 PM


West Platte Elem (Weston)


7:00 PM


Oakwood Manor


7:00 PM


St. Therese


7:00 PM




7:00 PM


West Englewood


7:00 PM




7:00 PM




7:00 PM




7:00 PM


Bell Prairie


7:00 PM


Martin Luther Academy


5:15 AM


Southwest Elem.


7:00 PM




7:00 PM




7:00 PM




7:00 PM


Prairie Point


7:00 PM


Lillian Schumacher


7:00 PM




7:00 PM


English Landing


7:00 PM




7:00 PM


Shoal Creek


7:00 PM




7:00 PM


Line Creek


7:00 PM


Chapel Hill


7:00 PM


St. Gabriels


7:00 PM




7:00 PM


Kearney Elem


7:00 PM




7:00 PM




7:00 PM




7:00 PM




7:00 PM


Manor Hill


7:00 PM


Union Chapel


6:30 PM


Liberty Oaks


7:00 PM




7:00 PM


Hawthorne (KEA)


7:00 PM


Smithville Elem


7:00 PM


Smithville Upper Elem


7:00 PM


Hawthorne (PH)


7:00 PM




7:00 PM




7:00 PM




7:00 PM


Northland Christian Elem

9/4-Not Cafe

7:00 PM




7:00 PM




7:00 PM




7:00 PM


Linden West


7:00 PM


Warren Hills


7:00 PM


Fox Hill


7:00 PM


Siegrist / Paxton


7:00 PM


Siegrist / Paxton


7:00 PM




7:00 PM


Tiffany Ridge


7:00 PM


Barry / Pathfinder @ Barry


7:00 PM

WANTED!! Do you know a Scouter who works in the advertising or public relations industry? Somebody who has great writing skills, and a passion for Scouting? If you do, let the editor of The Polaris know at [email protected].


Comments From Our NEW District Executive

2013 Car Show If you made it to the June Roundtable, you saw a lot of great vehicles. Here are a few pictures of those cars and their winners. Thanks to all who participated. It was FUN!!

Hello Northstar! I am Niel Campbell and while I know many of you from my time as a volunteer in the District, I have now made the move to the professional side of Scouting. I am the new District Executive for Northstar. I am very excited to work with Northstar and all the great volunteers we have in the District, I am very fortunate that I have the opportunity to start my professional career in Northstar. I have a wonderful family, my wife, Alison and three children; Maddie, 10 years old, Paul, 6 years old and Eleanor, 3 years old. My children attend the Smithville Primary and Upper Elementary, and Alison works for Target Insurance Brokerage. We spend most of time chasing the kids around from one activity to another including Girl Scouts and this year Cub Scouts with my son. Having served as a Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster and on the District Committee, I know that we have the best District in the Heart of America Council and look forward to more great things as we look towards the Cub Family Camp Out, Webelos Woods and Fall Camporee. Yours in Scouting!! Niel Campbell ---North Star District Chairman

Contacts and Information Brian Tobler, District Director 816-569-4985 [email protected] Rob Gilkerson, Senior District Executive 816-569-4913 [email protected] Niel Campbell, District Executive 816-569-4949 [email protected] Heart of America Council Website http://www.hoac-bsa.org North Star District Website http://www.hoac-bsa.org/Districts/NorthStar.aspx North Star Roundtable http://bsaroundtable.org Polaris Editor – Brian Blake 816-746-6797 [email protected] Scout Stuff On-Line Catalog https://scoutnet.scouting.org/BSASupply/ Heart of America Council Internet Advancement http://hoac-bsa.org/Internet_Advancement


Tired of the same old thing? Like hanging out with your friends and having fun? Like getting a little bit dirty? Bring some dry clothes to change into and expect to get DIRTY.

2013's North Star Camporee is just what you are looking for! In the morning compete in a course designed to test your teamwork and perseverance. You will be lead around the Kelsey Short Campgrounds via Scout skills to various stations. Once at those stations, you will be required to work together to complete each task. In the afternoon, enjoy a variety of exhibits from outside vendors and local Scouters.... For dinner, test your open fire cooking skills against fellow troops and patrols before settling in for another great campfire put on by your fellow Scouts and Scouters from the North Star District. Where: Kelsey Short Campground, Smithville Lake When: 6 pm - October 18th


Noon - October 20th, 2013

Who: All Boy Scouts, Webelos II and Venturers are welcome. Encourage integration of Webelos II with a host Troop. Webelos and their Pack leadership are encouraged to camp Friday night as well so that they can participate in the events of Saturday morning! Cost: $10 per Scout/Scouter/Webelo/Venturer who is preregistered with a unit. $12 at the door per individual*. Unit registration cost is $10/unit. Due to the nature of the event, pre-registration will request the number of patrols who will be competing so that we can provide a quality event for all Scouts. Unit Pre-Registration is due by the September Roundtable, with your estimated number of attendants (Scouts and Scouters). Patches and Coup counts will be based on pre-registered numbers. There will be no re-orders on patches. *Pre-registration is for both the unit and individual. Example, if you pre-register 14 people and show up with 40, you will be paying the $12/per person over the 14 you originally pre-registered when you paid your unit pre-registration fee. Interested in helping out? Have questions or suggestions? Contact the Camporee Chair, John Peter at [email protected] or 816-686-1075 10