October -2008 - Ayurved-for-cancer.org

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Bhaishajya Kalpana Department at Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya, Wagholi ... Fundamental principles of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana were the main subjects ...
VOL. : 81

OCTOBER , 2008

Journey of Ayurvedic courses Abroad - Part 3 The fourth module of first batch & second module of second batch of this course was held between 28th Oct - 5th Nov 2006 at the Ashram at Strillky in Czech Republic. All 20 Students from first batch & 18 students from second batch attended the course. Students from various walks of life attended the course which included Doctors, Engineers, Massagists , Hotel Managers, Teachers, Journalists, Lawyers, Yoga teachers, Physiotherapists, Dancers, etc. The students were from various countries like Slovakia, France, Germany, Czech, Hungary, England, Croasia etc. The course was conducted with the facility of German Translation. Dr. Vineeta Deshmukh, Reader at Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Wagholi & incharge of Cancer Research Project undertaken by Bharatiya Sanskriti Darshan Trust, Wagholi, Dr. Ranjeet G Nimbalkar, Reader in Nidan Department at Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya, Wagholi and Dr. Jyoti Badve, Lecturer in Rasa ShastraBhaishajya Kalpana Department at Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya, Wagholi & physician in Cancer Research Project undertaken by the Bharatiya Sanskriti Darshan Trust, delivered lectures on various topics included in the 4th module (Rasashastra & Dravyaguna) & 2nd module (Nidan). Fundamental principles of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana were the main subjects of this module. In this 4th module, five fundamental principles of Bhaishajya Kalpana, Ksheerpaka Kalpana, Panaka Kalpana, Sharkara Kalpana, Importance of Pathya Kalpana, Different procedures of Pathya Kalpana, History of Rasashastra, Definition of Dravya, Detailed information about herbal drugs were discussed . Practicals of Swarasa (Juice), Kalka (Paste), Kwatha (Decoction), Hima (Cold infusion), Phanta (Hot Infusion), Medicated poli, Kruta yusha, Ksheerpaka Kalpana etc. were conducted. Preparations of Hingashtaka Churna, Trikatu Churna, Dantadhavan Churna, Alepaka were also conducted. Their medicinal uses were explained. Definition of Yoga, Importance of Yogashastra etc. were discussed. Also demonstrations of different Yogasanas like Siddhasana, Parvatasana etc. were performed & their uses were explained in detail according to medical point of view. Bharatiya Sanskriti Darshan Trust


Vishvashanti Vrittant - October 2008

... Journey of Ayurvedic courses Abroad - Part 3 The main subject of B module was Roga-Nidan i.e. Basics of Ayurvedic theory of disease formation & a brief information of Hetu (Causative factors) of diseases, Shatkriyakala (6 steps of pathogenesis), Methods of examination of patients, Major signs & symptoms along with home remedies of some common diseases. In the theory of diseases, Basic concepts of Dosha, Dushya, Srotodushti, Dosha-Gati, Types of Hetus , Concept of Oja were explained. Common diseases like Pratishyaya (Common cold), Kasa (Cough), Jwara (Fever), Agnimandya (Loss of appetite), Ajeerna (Indigestion), Amlapitta (Acidity), Nidralpata (Insomnia), Malavibandha (Constipation), Danta shoola (Toothache), Karnashoola (Earache), Shirashoola (Headache) were explained with demonstrations of preparations of simple home-remedies for above diseases such as Sunthwada, Adrak swaras, Herbal tea, Lashun siddha taila, Lavang taila nasya, etc. alongwith their other medicinal uses.

Dr. Vineeta Deshmukh giving lecture

Dr. Jyoti Badve explaining basic concept of Rasashastra

Dr. Ranjeet Nimbalkar deliveing lecture

Bharatiya Sanskriti Darshan Trust


Vishvashanti Vrittant - October 2008

Mahatma Gandhi - Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti ‘Mahatma Gandhi - Lal Bahadur Jayanti’ was celebrated at Ayurved College, Wagholi on 2nd October 2008. Dr. Natu, Head of ‘Swasthavrutta Department’ graced the function as the chief guest. The function was presided by Dr. S. P. Sardeshmukh, Principal of Ayurved College, Wagholi. The Vice-Principal of the Dr. Natu addressing audience

college Dr. Tekawade sir also graced the function.

Dr. Prafulla Kottalwar, Lecturer at ‘Swasthavrutta Department’, did the compering for the function. The function was inaugurated with Dhanvantari Pujan & Stavan at the hands of respected Dr. Natu sir. Dr. Kottalwar then rendered the inaugural speech in which he stressed the importance of Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence in our daily lives. He also mentioned with gratitude the supreme sacrifice made by the late Indian Prime-minister Lal Bahadur Shastri. Miss. Shachi Desai (S.Y.B.A.M.S.) and Miss. Prachiti Suru (T.Y.B.A.M.S.) spoke about the greatness of these two national leaders. Dr. Lagvankar, in his speech, highlighted the selfless attitude of Lal Bahadur Shastri. Dr. Natu and Dr. S. P. Sardeshmukh also praised the two national leaders for their patriotism and sacrifice for the nation.

Dr. Tekawade (Vice Principal) paying tributes

Miss. Prachiti Suru

Dr. Lagvankar addressing audience

Miss. Shachi Desai

Bharatiya Sanskriti Darshan Trust

The audience attending funtion


Vishvashanti Vrittant - October 2008

Honour of Fellowship – Dr. S. P. Sardeshmukh ‘Executive Board of All India Sharir Research Institute’, Lucknow has awarded the ‘Honour of Fellowship’ to Professor Dr. S. P. Sardeshmukh on 31st August 2008, at Lucknow in recognisation of the valuable contribution for the advancement of science of Ayurved Sharir (Anatomy). This award was given by the hands of Professor Dr. D. G. Thatte, Director of ‘Executive Board of All India Sharir Research Institute’, Lucknow. Dr. S. P. Sardeshmukh addressing Audience

Dr. S. P. Sardeshmukh receiving Honour of Fellowship



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