October 2008 newsletter, Volume 22, Issue 1 - Northern Michigan ...

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the bus I wasn't sure what to ex- pect. ... your folder/binder and go “Aha, I ... Holla' Back: Why vote in the election? By Tom Rich, Cerulean Block. Like most people, I love candy, and Halloween is the finest candy-related holiday on the calen-.

s n o i t c e n Con OCTOBER 2008 VOLUME 22, ISSUE 1

Retiro otoño SLFP Goes International By Lacey Wallace, Kiwi Block Fall Retreat. What can I say to even describe the fun and excitement that we had? Climbing on the bus I wasn’t sure what to expect. The intriguing symbols on the bottom of my name tag should have given me an idea of the way things would go. Having never been to Bay Cliff Health Camp, it really does seem to jump

out of the woods. I think everyone made the mental note for next year and here’s the reminder: pack less—it’s a long walk with a heavy bag! Now I think it’s time to give kudos to the committee who came up with the theme and wonderful itinerary. If you forgot what happened, open your folder/binder and go “Aha, I remember.”



Eric Bolduc Returns to NMU By Danielle Brandreth, Cerulean Block Eric Bolduc, a Red Block and NMU alum, returned to his old haunts during Homecoming week. He visited with the UN 250 classes, had a Special Occasion, and presented a Skill Builder! On all three occasions, he talked about what leadership meant to him and how it has impacted his career at Federated Insurance. At his Special Occasion, he used a “What do

you love about Marquette?” icebreaker and made everyone answer what leadership means to them. As we went around in a circle, Eric commented on our reflections and added some of his own personal experiences. He joked that his original icebreaker was to put on a bathing suit and go sit out in the sun, which had finally made its first and last appearance of the day. Eric said that leadership means different things to everyone, but you have to care about what you are working towards. Eric is now a field manager for the Association Risk Management Services Department and has come a long way since his days in the SLFP.

S’more Good Times By Nicole Stumpf, Cerulean Block With the beach day cancelled due to rain, the fall activity was rescheduled for September 26. About 20 SLFP’ers, 4 adorable children, and 2 four-legged friends joined together at Little Presque Isle Beach for a campfire cookout. As luck would have it, it was one of the last warm weekends of the summer. The temperature leaving for the beach was close to 70 degrees. Attendees enjoyed hot dogs, s’mores, and volleyball. A few people even took the opportunity to get wet in Lake Superior one last time before the temperatures got cold. Casey Interested in presenting a Skill Builder! next semester? Contact Danielle Brandreth at [email protected]

Mallo, Cerulean Block, commented “I liked the bonding time we all shared and the fact that out there we were all just one big group.” Thank you to everyone who came out to join us for this great Friday night. We cannot wait to see everyone at the next activity.

October 2008


Trick-or-Treating for the Semi-Elderly By Tom Rich, Cerulean Block Like most people, I love candy, and Halloween is the finest candy-related holiday on the calendar. Think about it. You get to wear an awesome costume, wander the streets at all hours of the night, and demand candy from your neighbors. Well, at least you get to do all that if you’re under the age of ten. For some reason we allow trick or treating to end at about the time we can look our confectionary benefactors in the neck. What’s an enterprising and candydeprived SLFPer to do? Read on. Perhaps you’re short. In that case it’s your too-deep-for-a-sixth-grader voice that will give you away, I recommend learning sign language and going as a mute. Of course, the disguise will be spoiled if your face looks all grown up (for example, you’re sporting a handlebar mustache), so I would also recommend you wear a Richard Nixon mask. Who’s going to question a mute Richard Nixon trick-or-treating? I propose nobody whose candy you would want. But what if you’re not short? That doesn’t present an insurmountable problem, but you’ll need to get creative. If you can stuff your clothes so it looks like you’re trying to appear much larger than you really are, master the art of pretending to be on stilts, and slap on a Richard Nixon mask to hide your clearly post-pubescent face, you may manage to appear as a kid dressed up as Richard Nixon on stilts. Oh, you’ll want to pretend to be mute again. That’s kind of key. Perhaps the best option is to take a younger sibling or cousin trick-or-treating. You don’t have to dress up at all, people are far less likely to chase you off of their lawns, and if you’re lucky the kid will share with you at the end of the night. If anybody’s interested, my little brother wants to go this year. He’s dressing up as a mute Richard Nixon on stilts.

H o l l a ’ Bac k : W h y vo t e i n t h e e l e c t i o n ? Meghan Connell: Kiwi Block: “I am choosing to vote in the upcoming election because our generation is responsible for the future and letting our voice be heard is part of our responsibility as an American citizen.”

Aaron Whitaker: Cerulean Block: “BECAUSE MY MOM WILL KILL ME IF I DON'T!”

Student Leader Fellowship Program

Top 10 Fun Halloween Costumes

Northern Michigan University Student Leader Fellowship Program Center for Student Enrichment 1401 Presque Isle Ave. Marquette, MI 49855 (906) 227-1771

1. Pirate Ghost Ship 2. Mad Hatter

BIRTHDAYS AUGUST 5 Francesca Tocco 6 Amanda Hawkins 13 Rachel Bertucci 19 Caleb Stripes 25 Tom Rich 28 Lindsay Backes 28 James Jones SEPTEMBER 2 Kirsten Hoklas 9 Casey Mallo 15 Monica Lambert 16 Amy Helminen 17 Nicole Stumpf 26 Tom Wynsma 30 Keith Voorheis

3. Jeeves, the headless butler

OCTOBER 2 Katie Jensen 4 Anna Ewing 5 Aaron Whitaker 7 Sarah Dudley 12 Anne Marshall 13 Melanie Bell 14 Richard Andersons 15 Jaclyn Beck 15 Jenny Grasch 17 Lauren Veale

4. Thing One or Two (Dr. Seuss) 5. Name tag 6. Mariachi band 7. Haunted tree 8. Body bag

NOVEMBER 2 Laura Garlick 6 Michelle Brittnacher 6 Nicole Weber 8 Anna Prahl 12 Jessica Elbe 24 Siranda Jacobs

9. Space vampire 10. Q-tip

CALENDER Wednesday, October 22

Wednesday, November 12

• Will Keim, General Campus Presentation, 8 p.m., JXJ 102

• Workshop: Islam and the World, Part 2, 6 p.m., Charcoal Room, UC

Friday, October 24

Thursday, November 13

• Workshop: Beer and Booze 101, 1:30 p.m., The Back Room, UC

• Cerulean Fellowship Meeting, 4 p.m., Charcoal Room, UC

Tuesday, October 28

• Workshop: Deep Muscle Relaxation, 5 p.m., Pioneer A & B, UC

• SLFP Shirt Day

Friday, November 14

• Workshop: Starbucks Coffee and Tea Tasting, 4 p.m., The Back Room, UC

• Workshop: Hakas, Stick Dances, and Pois, 5:30 p.m., Charcoal Room, UC

Thursday, October 30

Saturday, November 15

• Workshop: Exploring Japan, 4 p.m., The Back Room, UC

• Workshop: Hands-on Volunteering at the Marquette County Humane Society, 8:30 a.m., Meet at NMU Volunteer Center, 1205 UC

Tuesday, November 4 • Workshop: Mentoring: A Win/Win Relationship, Noon, The Back Room, UC Wednesday, November 5 • Workshop: Islam and the World, Part 1, 6 p.m., Charcoal Room, UC Friday, November 7 • Workshop: Group Dynamics, Noon, The Back Room, UC Tuesday, November 11 • Cerulean Fellowship Meeting, 9 p.m., Charcoal Room, UC

Tuesday, November 18 • Workshop: A Top Ten List to Help Make the 2008 Great American Smokeout Work for Someone You Care About (Or Maybe Even for You)!, Noon, The Back Room, UC Thursday, November 20 • Workshop: Power Shift , 5 p.m., The Back Room, UC