October 23 - 27 - Google Sites

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Math We continue working with multiplying and dividing decimal numbers by whole numbers this week. Homework will be a re
October 23 - 27 Save the Date 10/16 - 10/31 Socktober Food Drive for Nourish NC 10/25 Unity Day 10/26 Family Math Night 10/27 ½ Day for Students End of the Grading Period 11/2 Report Cards Picture Make-Up Day 11/5 Fall Carnival 11/10 Veteran’s Day Holiday No School

Math We continue working with multiplying and dividing decimal numbers by whole numbers this week. Homework will be a review of Powers of Ten. Daily Math this week will be a word problems review. Students will bring home our classwork practice on Thursday night. 8 of the questions from this week’s classwork will be used to create Friday’s quiz.

ELA We will practice using Text Evidence to make inferences in nonfiction text.

Writing DLR Week 8 Spelling No Spelling this week. Vocabulary No Vocabulary this week. Science We will review all of the concepts we’ve covered during our Forces & Motion Unit and take the Unit Test on Thursday.

Social Studies Students will select a topic and begin to

conduct research for their Social Studies research project that they will be working on during Daily Five time over the next three week.

7 Habits Habits 6: Synergize and Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

News & Updates from the Office ● ● ●

The Yankee Candle fundraiser ends on Monday, October 23rd. Please return or purchase pictures by Thursday, October 26th. We hope you’ll join us for Family Math Night this Thursday from 5:30 - 6:45. There will be a brief informational session about Math Fair followed by fun Math Stations for the whole family. This Friday marks the end of the 1st Quarter and will be an early dismissal day for students. We will begin dismissal at noon. If your child has a change in transportation, please remember to send a note or contact the office prior to dismissal.