Oct 23, 2013 - how your connections to local schools can help us serve the community. Looking for a way to ... you can l
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Friends and fellow disciples, Stewardship season is a season full of stories. We read them in the Stewardship brochure, which is filled with quotes from many of you about doing things that nourish you at WPC – singing in the choir, teaching Sunday School, being a Stephen Minister, serving a shelter meal. Those words tell of lessons taught and comfort offered, of laughter and transformation. The stories continue during the Sharing Our Mission time in worship. Voices from all around the church have told you about how ministry here matters to them. Youth, with contagious enthusiasm, tell of mission trips, of retreats at Montreat and Massanetta, of the power of knowing that they are not alone in wanting to worship God or serve in their communities. Adults speak about the way their involvement in mission has helped them understand themselves and their community differently. Members new and old, just like you, talk about moving here and, in the midst of great transitions, finding home.
This story is lived in classes taught, and in conversations about the roots of violence that we’ll have on Sunday with some extraordinary guests; it is lived as the youth welcome each other into community, and as we meet in a few weeks to talk more about how we can support local schools. This story will also continue with your pledge, as you choose to be woven into the fabric of saints that have supported this place for 50 years. This story continues in long-time members who have been faithful for so long. It continues in members on fixed incomes making an extra gift. It continues as young families decide they will prioritize the church. It continues as folks who are new decide to make a sacrificial gift for the first time. It continues as you and your family take seriously the call to make a commitment – not a quickly signed pledge card stuck in an envelope, but a pledge that comes through prayer, through honest reflection on all the gifts God has given you, and the priorities you will express through your gift. Please, please, make your pledge with much prayer. And once the Pledge Packs come back from the Stewardship Relay, we’ll gather once again and tell of the glory of God, who gives it all as gift, and calls us to remarkable generosity. And that story will echo throughout our community.
Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).
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Feed the Hungers
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October 23, 2013
And now, we have a chance to be a part of the next phase of God’s story at WPC. This story is lived out on your Stewardship Relay Path this week and next. I spent a delightful 20 minutes yesterday with someone on my Path whom I didn’t know very well. That time was a gift.
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“...and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
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Westminster Presbyterian Church Durham, North Carolina 1963 - 2013
In this Issue Concerns & Celebrations Volunteer Opportunities & More Bread of Life: Come. Partake. Share. Did You Know?: T&T in myWPC Bible 101 Library Alert Westminster School for Children Glimpses of Hearts with Haiti Youth Ministry Lovefeast Choir Needs You! Miss the First Junior Choir? SPICES Spotlight Community Opportunities Preaching Schedule Congregational Responsibilities
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The Local Missions Committee will meet on Monday, October 28, at 7pm in Room 205. All are welcome to join as we seek to "do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly" in Durham.
October 23, 2013
~ Concerns & Celebrations ~
Please remember the following in your prayers this week. Rhonda Butler Dennis Enberg's sister Sally Evans' father The death of Kathy Griffin's mother Brian Hanczaryk's father The birth of Dick & Arlene Harris' grandson
The death of Jan McCallum's mother Sharon Montgomery's son Jim & Jill Nelson's sister-in-law The birth of Forrest & Rebekah Perry's son Mary Todd Peters' friend Arlene Sundy
Volunteer Opportunities & More
Alternative Gift Fair
at Westminster and Beyond
Supporting Our Schools ~ Westminster is seeking out ways to support local schools and contribute to efforts that will strengthen educational opportunities for all children in Durham. Join the Supporting Our Schools Task Force on Sunday, November 3, at 12:15pm in Room 105 to brainstorm ways to get involved and learn how your connections to local schools can help us serve the community.
Buy one gift and give twice! Come to the Alternative Gift Fair with One World Market on Sunday, November 17, to get your holiday shopping done early! The items you'll be able to purchase will benefit crafts people around the world as well as the local ministries and nonprofit organizations we support. The fair will take place in the Fellowship Hall and will be open for purchases after both worship services.
Looking for a way to support our schools right now? If you have a Harris Teeter VIC card or a Food Lion MVP card, you can link those cards to Durham schools to help them raise funds. When customers purchase select Harris Teeter brand products using their VIC card, Harris Teeter contributes a percentage of those purchase dollars to the schools of their choice.
Response to Violence: The Next Step Sunday, October 27 12:15pm in the Music Room Join us as we continue the educational portion of our discernment process on violence. We will be focusing on the roots of violence, and several guest speakers will help deepen our understanding of this issue:
Likewise, every time you shop and present your MVP card at Food Lion, the amount you spend on qualified items is automatically credited to the local school you've chosen. You can link your VIC card at www.bit.ly/18HRxqd and your MVP card at www.foodlionmvprewards.com.
• Dr. Pam Smith, clinical psychologist and WPC member • Dr. Jeff Swanson, professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Duke University conducting research on firearms laws, mental illness, and the prevention of violence • Cyndi Lestyk, counselor with Durham Crisis Response Center (DCRC) • Dr. Eric Elbogen, forensic psychologist at UNC researching the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury on violence and aggression among Iraq/Afghanistan veterans
Here are the codes for some local schools you might link to your Harris Teeter VIC card:
Hope Valley Elementary: 3555 Forest View Elementary: 3720 Southwest Elementary: 1951 Westminster School for Young Children: 4300
Come with your questions and your curiosity as we continue to seek how God is calling the WPC community to respond to violence.
If you have any questions, please contact Carol Mansfield at
[email protected]. We hope to see you after worship on November 3! -2-
Westminster Presbyterian Church
As your pen is poised above your pledge card… Stewardship packets began making their way down their paths on October 20. Soon you should have a pledge card in your hand and you will be considering the amount to pledge. You will have been informed by the sermons preached by your pastors, by the Sharing Our Mission testimonials presented by your fellow members, and by the brochure put together by your Stewardship Committee. As you contemplate your decision, we ask you to reflect upon this year’s theme – “Bread of Life: Come. Partake. Share.” “Bread of life” is the metaphorical phrase Jesus uses to reveal who he is ( John 6:35). Bread is essential. Jesus is saying that he should be the essence of our lives, the one whose path we follow. Bread also is what nourishes us, that we might have life. Jesus came not just that we might have life, but that we might have it abundantly ( John 10:10). We feel this abundance – the rightness, the serenity, the completeness – in our lives when we summon the will to follow in his footsteps. So come. Partake of the bread of life and live abundantly. Come. Partake of the bread of life and follow the path Jesus charted with his life and teachings by sharing generously. Think of this as your pen is poised above your pledge card.
Did you know? You now have the option to fill out your Time & Talent pledge either on paper OR online in myWPC. Time & Talent is an effort of the Assimilation Committee, which strives to help members both new and old become more involved in the life of the church. Along with your financial pledge to WPC, we also ask you to complete a Time & Talent pledge during Stewardship season, indicating the ways you would like to serve at Westminster and beyond in the coming year. The pledge lists more than 70 ways to
get plugged in, and is invaluable to the staff and volunteer coordinators who organize the opportunities that make this place such a vibrant community of faith. If you'd like to fill out your Time & Talent pledge online, follow the steps below. Contact Kara Pearce with questions (
[email protected]).
1. Login to your myWPC account at www.bit.ly/myWPClogin. 2. Hover over Home in the main menu and click My Profile. 3. Click the Serving tab on your profile. 4. Under the Attributes section, click the pencil icon beside a serving category. 5. Hover over each item to read its description. Check your new and ongoing volunteer interests for 2014 in each category (Worship & Music; Church, Office & Grounds; Ministries; Mission; Fellowship). 6. When you have checked everything you’re interested in, type today’s date in the Notes box in the Availability for Serving section (under the Manage Personal Attributes/ Qualifications section). 7. Click the Save button in the lower right corner.
October 23, 2013
Christian Education news Bible 101:
A Crash Course on God's Word
Last Thursday, the staff of Westminster School attended the annual conference of the Durham-Orange Preschool Association. We took part in three sessions: "Helping Children with Special Needs," “Super Science Explorations," and “Great Ideas for Process Art.” We also spent some valuable time networking with our colleagues in Durham and Chapel Hill. At an upcoming staff meeting we will discuss ways to integrate this new information into our classrooms.
When: November 5, 12, and 19 from 7-8:30pm Where: Room 105 Led by: Taylor LG Hartman So many times, the lessons we learned or didn't learn in our childhood Sunday School classes escape us by the time we reach adulthood. And that's ok! Come gather with others and learn (or relearn) basic knowledge about the Bible. We'll learn about how the Bible is organized, major themes in Scripture, and how to use our own Bibles as resources. All you need to bring is your Bible, a writing utensil, and whatever note-taking device you prefer. If you don't have a Bible, you are always welcome to borrow one from us!
Registration for young children of WPC families who will be old enough to attend our program in the fall of 2014 will begin on November 15 and end on December 1. A child must be two years old by March 31, 2014, to attend next fall. Since we have so many families with young children, it may not be possible to enroll every child who is old enough to attend. We fill available spaces by the date a child is placed on our rolling waiting list. If your child is not on our waiting list, please call our office (919-489-8432), and we will send you the necessary information. Remember, financial aid is available.
Please sign up for this course in the Mission Center or in myWPC at www.bit.ly/wpcBible101.
Library Alert
Social Theology
Catch the Age Wave by Win and Charles Arn This book begins with a description of the age wave and goes on to give characteristics of successful senior adult programs. Walk in a Relaxed Manner by Joyce Rupp From the book: The Camino inspired me to allow the ups and downs of daily life to be the pilgrimage and adventure it really is. My desire in sharing this story with you is to have life lessons stir up fresh enthusiasm for your life as they have for mine. Is Jesus a Republican or a Democrat? by Tony Campolo In this book, Campolo sounds a call for Christians to address controversial issues honestly and courageously, without bowing to political correctness or party lines. Resident Aliens by Stanley Hauerwas and William H. Willimon The theology of Resident Aliens stems not from the world’s terms, but from thought and language learned through living the
Kathy Stickley, Director
Christian faith. The book resonates with a call to a way of life at odds with an unchristian world. The authors illuminate a vision of a new, postmodern church, and show how such a church would behave and be rejuvenated for education, worship, and mission. The Church’s Public Role Edited by Dieter T. Hessel This timely, broad-ranging book explores what mainstream churches of North America have been doing – and what they ought to do – to bring about social transformation. Five Challenges for the Once and Future Church by Loren B. Mead This book poses questions that every thoughtful American should face and ponder. He tackles the most troubling issues with unflinching courage and answers them in a beautifully direct, down-to-earth style. The Wide, Wide Circle of Divine Love: A Biblical Case for Religious Diversity by W. Eugene March This book serves as a resource for the serious reconsideration of Christian tradition that will enable us to join with others in addressing the numerous problems that confront us at the beginning of the twenty-first century.
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Glimpses of Hearts With Haiti Enjoy these photos of The Resurrection Dance Theater of Haiti's performance at Westminster, and see more online at www.bit.ly/RDTHatWPC!
October 23, 2013
youth ministry news
YOUTH MINISTRY CALENDAR 10/23 10/27 10/30 11/1-2 11/3
The Art of Being Lost For the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost. – Luke 19:10 Two times in the past month or so, our youth have gotten lost… on purpose. The first time was when I dropped four of our youth off at the base of a nature preserve in Montreat and told them to find the prayer labyrinth inside. It was part of our retreat that weekend – to pray and to pray purposefully. A labyrinth is a mechanism for prayer used by ancient Christians around the world, and it is finding a resurgence in modern-day Christianity. Walking in a weaving fashion, one finds herself eventually in the middle of the labyrinth with only one option to return to the outside world: walk the way she came. My instructions to the youth were not as clear as they could’ve been and they got very lost in the woods. They eventually found the labyrinth and walked it. When I picked them up, they were all a fuss for getting lost, claiming it felt like the popular series "The Hunger Games." Now – they were right – I did get them lost on purpose. But! They found their way. When I asked them if they had fun, they responded with a resounding, “Yes!” On October 13, a large group of youth went to a Corn Maze out in Cary. Mazes themselves are mechanisms for getting lost and eventually found. The fun is in the search, in the meandering, in the wandering and making wrong and right turns. I imagine it took some no time at all to find their way out and some took their time to be lost a little longer. All made it out safe; all were found.
Youth Bible Study, 6:30-8pm, Brixx Pizza Youth Group: YouTube Challenge - Bible Study, 5:30pm, Youth Suite & Fellowship Hall Youth Bible Study, 6:30-8pm, Brixx Pizza Junior High Boys' and Girls' Retreats Youth Group: Holy Rollerz, 5:30pm, Youth Suite & Fellowship Hall
This getting lost and being found business has made me think: how often do we purposefully get lost and then work at being found? We are all lost in some way, even those of us who seem to have our ducks in a row. Is there an art to being lost? To purposefully wandering, to taking new turns and twists? Is there a way that we might – like ancient Christians and those youth eventually did at Montreat – find our way to the center of a long labyrinth, only to be confronted with the fact that we must tread the same path to reenter the world? Christ promises that He came to seek and save the lost. Maybe we should rest in our lostness a bit more these days, and allow ourselves to be found by Christ in unexpected ways. Peace,
HUGE thanks to the youth for all they did to make
our World Communion Sunday Night of Service fun for everyone! -6-
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Music news
Lovefeast Choir needs you! Whether you’re a member of the Chancel Choir or not, we mean you! For non-choir members, the Lovefeast Choir is a great opportunity to sing for a specific event. If you love to sing Christmas music, but don’t have time to be a regular member of the Chancel Choir during this busy season, here is your chance to join in the fun with a limited time commitment. This choir rehearses independently of the Chancel Choir, making it easy for everyone to find a time that suits them. Singers are encouraged to attend 2 of the 3 rehearsals, though you’re welcome to attend all. Even if you can only join us for 1, we encourage you to come be part of the fun.
– 2013 Lovefeast Choir Rehearsal Schedule – Saturday, Oct. 26, 1:15-2:15pm in the Music Room (Come at 12:30pm if you’d like to join us for lunch!)
Sunday, Nov. 10, 12:15-1:30pm in the Music Room (immediately following 11am worship; lunch will be served prior to this rehearsal as well) Thursday, Nov. 21, 6:30-7:30pm in the Sanctuary (this is our only rehearsal sung with the organ, so it’s helpful to attend) Lovefeast will take place on Dec. 1, at 5pm, with a warm up in the Music Room at 4pm. Dress is Christmas apparel – the more reds, greens, silvers, and golds, the better! Contact Monica with questions (
[email protected], 919-489-4974, ext. 113).
-- Miss the first Junior Choir last week? -Don’t worry! You can join us on Wednesday, October 30, at 4:15pm in the Music Room to make a joyful noise. We had a fun, energetic group of young singers for our first gathering and we'd love to have you too! Registration is not required, though we will need parent helpers at each rehearsal. Questions? Contact Monica Rossman at
[email protected] or 919-489-4974, ext. 113.
SPICES spotlight "Helped make music for the homeless shelter, as I watched them eat as if they hadn't for days. I also saw them dance and smile."
Community Opportunities Affordable Care Act Community Orientations Project Access, an organization that helps Durham residents get health care, is working to help launch the Affordable Care Act in our area. It is offering Affordable Care Act Community Orientations at the Lincoln Health Center (1301 Fayetteville St, Durham) every Tuesday and Thursday evening from 5-6pm.The orientations are free and open to all.
Interfaith Service of Lament, Hope, and Commitment Sunday, November 3, at 3pm Monument of Faith Church 900 Simmons Street, Durham
In celebration of our 50th anniversary, we've created a space for you to share examples of how WPC feeds the hungers on a bulletin board outside the Mission Center. Fill out one of the cards in the pouch on the left, place it in the manila envelope on the right, and we'll add it to the board, weaving a net as each example is connected to our "Feed the Hungers" fish. We'll highlight examples in newsletters throughout the rest of our 50th year.
This gathering is an ecumenical worship service with the goal of standing together against violence and its impact in our community. It is sponsored by Durham CAN (Congregations, Associations & Neighborhoods).
October 23, 2013
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Feed the Hungers
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Westminster Presbyterian Church Durham, North Carolina 1963 - 2013
Westminster Presbyterian Church 3639 Old Chapel Hill Rd Durham, NC 27707 Phone: 919.489.4974 Fax: 919.493.4553 www.wpcdurham.org www.facebook.com/wpcdurham
[email protected]
The next WPC newsletter will be published on November 6. The deadline to submit material is October 30. To submit material for publication, contact Communications Coordinator Kara Pearce at
[email protected] or 919-489-4974, ext. 101. The newsletter is emailed. If you prefer to receive a paper copy by mail, please contact Kara Pearce.
Preaching Schedule October 27 - Reformation Sunday, Birthday Sunday Preaching: Betty Berghaus November 3 - All Saints' Sunday, Communion Sunday Preaching: Chris Tuttle November 10 - Stewardship Dedication Sunday Preaching: Chris Tuttle November 17 Preaching: Betty Berghaus
Congregational Responsibilities for October 27, November 3, 10 ,and 17 ACOLYTES 10/27 Charles & Liza Stanley 11/3 Logan McElroy 11/10 Thomas & Eleanor Hill 11/17 Catherine & Allison Laufenberg LECTORS 10/27 8:30 11/3 8:30 11/10 8:30 11/17 8:30
Andy Collins 11:00 Mike Nilon 11:00 Jim Ketch 11:00 Linda Van Gombos 11:00
Judy Lamon Jeremy Trantham Mark Hill Jack Walker
OFFERING COUNTERS 10/27 8:30 Ryowon Kim & Peter Scilipote 11:00 Kennon & Holly Borden 11/3 8:30 Mike Nilon and Sharon Barnes 11:00 Bill & Barb Burig 11/10 8:30 Mike Meyen and Shan Wiley 11:00 Kennon & Holly Borden 11/17 8:30 Ryowon Kim & Peter Scilipote 11:00 John & Sarah Reuning SOUND TECHNICIAN October 8:30 Doug Wellemeyer 11:00 Lee Katrincic November 8:30 Derek Leadbetter 11:00 Gene Zielinski
USHERS 10/27 8:30 11:00 11/3 8:30 11:00 11/10 8:30 11:00 11/17 8:30 11:00
Adella & Christina Boxberger, and Jill & Michelle Nelson Shelley Bainter, Laurel & Jeremy Trantham, and Rayner England Kenzie Brannon, Lois Bender, and David & Lily Duling Jonathan Thornhill & Bethany Jillson-Thornhill, and Volunteers Needed Bill McAvoy, Perry Tharrington, and Bonnie & Dailey Derr Mike & Kay Rosenmarkle, Walt Beckwith, and Volunteers Needed David, Kathleen, David & Carter Lapp Chris, Katherine, Charles & Liza Stanley, and Lynn & Logan Toms
NURSERY Monthly Coordinator: October - Dexter Meath, November - Carrie Tuttle Every Sun. Infants- Thoko Manzini Toddlers- Claire Leadbetter/Marketa Dickinson 10/27 8:30 2-5 Rayner England and Erica Hill 11:00 2-3 Jennifer & Michael Feiler 4-5 Dexter Meath & Rayner England, Jr. 11/3 8:30 2-5 Angie Bolz and Katherine Harper 11:00 2-3 Jenny Whitman & Carolyn Holmes 4-5 Joanne & Andy Finkle 11/10 8:30 2-5 Melissa & Lee Katrincic 11:00 2-3 Eva Welch & Mari McLean 4-5 Margaret Williams and Betsy Gilmour 11/17 8:30 2-5 Volunteers Needed 11:00 2-3 Amy & Fritz Simonson 4-5 Emily & Lee Corey FLOWERS October - Mary Pickard and Bonnie Derr November - Donna Ross, Gloria Barton, and Alice Decker
Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).