Oct 1, 2018 - us through these means. He de- sires all of us to live eternally with. Him in heaven. He has given us the
St. Anthony Faith Formation
October Newsletter
October 2018
Grace Grace is God’s life in us. We receive grace in many ways, most notably through the Sacraments of the Church. But what exactly does grace do for us? “God’s grace brings us into the inner life of the Holy Trinity, into the exchange of love between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (YOUCAT, 339).” Quite simply grace is how we become holy. And holiness is how we get to heaven. Since we are all sinners, it is only through God’s free and loving gift of grace that we are saved. We cannot attain this grace through our own efforts. But, we
Volume 8, Issue 1
Inside this issue: cooperate with God to accept the gift of grace to live as His children. It is the grace we receive in Baptism that allows us to do the good works He asks of us. We are free to accept or reject the grace God offers us. When we sin, we reject God and His goodness...His grace. Through Confession, we are reconciled to Him and receive the sanctifying grace that returns us to His loving goodness. The sacramental grace we receive when we go to Confession or receive the Eucharist will enrich us to be able to resist the tempta-
Grace continued
Respect Life
Thanksgiving Food Drive
October Calendar
Reading the Bible
November Calendar
God’s life in us.
tions of sin, it fills us with the life of God, made possible through Jesus’ death and resurrection. We also receive grace when we live out the vocation God has called us to. In the sacraments of Holy Matrimony and Holy Orders, there are special graces that help us to be joyful in all things—even the struggles, because we know the promise of heaven. As parents, we receive
Dates to Remember: 10/3—Adult Bible Study 10/10—Living Rosary
Continued on page 2
Living Rosary—October 10 We will pray the Rosary together on October 10. Meet outside at the Rosary Garden and stay to pray with us. The teens and children will lead the Rosary. Afterwards, the children and youth will go
to their separate classes for the rest of the time. We encourage parents to stay, get to
10/14—Reconciliation class 9AM 10/17—Food drive begins
know each other and enjoy an evening of fellowship.
10/24—Parent Faith Formation class 10/31—No class 11/1—All Saints’ Day— Holy Day of Obligation 11/2—All Souls’ Day
Grace...continued grace to be the first educators of our children in the faith. When we pray as a family, teaching our children to rely on God for all our needs grace is poured out. As we discipline our children so they learn how to determine right from wrong, teaching them to seek mercy and forgiveness from God and those whom they have
hurt, grace is poured out. When we sacrifice our desires for the good of another, we act in grace.
Family time = actual grace
We cannot earn grace. Just as we cannot earn salvation. But when we live as Christ taught us to live; when we accept the Holy Spirit’s guidance; when we participate in the sacramental life of the Church then we be-
come holy through the gift of grace. God communicates Himself to us through these means. He desires all of us to live eternally with Him in heaven. He has given us the instructions and the means to get there. We just have to accept the gift and follow the instructions.
Respect Life Month October is set aside by the Catholic Church as Respect Life Month. We pray especially for the unborn, the marginalized, the elderly, and anyone suffering from neglect or wonton disregard for their lives. This month we also have the opportunity to help financially the ministries of our Diocese that support mothers in need. The Baby Banks are supplied for this purpose. Please take one and put
“I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
money in it this month. Turn it into the parish on the last weekend of October or the first weekend of November. Or, bring it to RE on Oct. 24th.
Thanksgiving Food Drive We will be collecting food for our annual Thanksgiving Baskets. Our parish feeds over 200 families for Thanksgiving every year. By having our children be part of collecting that food we teach them to be generous with their possessions and to help the poor and hungry as Jesus asks us to do. Please bring the food according to your child’s grade level:
Page 2
Pray daily for an end to abortion and every form of murder and disregard for the human dignity of every single person. If you or someone you know needs support and healing after an abortion, please call 1-877-WECARE2. Project Rachel is here to help.
Oct. 17—Nov. 7
6th—Corn bread mix
Kinder—Peanut Butter
JSAY—Cake mix and frosting
1st—Jelly 2nd—Canned Corn 3rd—Canned Green beans 4th—Rice and Dried Pinto Beans (1 lb. each) 5th—Canned Yams
SAY—Stuffing mix Food drive October 17— November 7. Help “stuff” baskets on Nov. 17 and Feed the hungry: Corporal Work of Mercy deliver Nov. 18.
October Newsletter
Volume 8, Issue 1
Page 3
John Paul II
sion Sunday
22 Pope St.
21 World Mis-
2 Guardian An-
1 St. Therese
14 15 9AM Reconciliation Class
7 Respect Life
4 St. Francis of
31 No classes Have a safe and happy Halloween! PreK-6th Don’t forget, Nov. 1 is All Saints’ Day. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. Take your family to Mass!
24 RE classes 25 Parent Formation Class: Eucharist
Food drive begins
For more information: saintanthonysfaithformation.org
October 2018
17 RE classes 18 St. Luke
10 Living Rosary & classes
Adult Bible Study begins
3 RE classes
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love entrusts me here. Ever this day be at my side, to light, to guard, to rule, to guide. Amen.
Reading the Bible
St. Anthony Faith Formation
If you have ever read the Bible and come away feeling confused or wondering what you’ve read you are not alone. Many people find it difficult to read the Bible on their own. We are encouraged to read the Bible so here are some tips to hopefully make it easier and more fruitful for you:
401 S. Parker Ave. Bryan, TX 77803
Beth Cowles Coordinator Elementary RE
Start with the Gospels. These are the four books that tell of Jesus and His life on earth. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Phone: 979-823-8145 E-mail:
[email protected]
Pray a Psalm. Many Bibles have little titles on the Psalms that tell you a little bit about them. Find
a Psalm that fits your situation and pray it as you read it. Do not feel like you have to move on to another Psalm right away. Pray this one for a while, and allow God to work in you through that prayer.
Read the stories about Adam and Eve, Noah and Abraham in Genesis. Read Ruth, Esther, or Tobit as you would a novel. They are good stories with strong characters who happen to be our mothers and fathers in the faith.
Start reading aloud Bible stories to your children from a Children’s Bible. We have some you can look through and order if you find one you like. Attend the Bible study starting on Wednesday nights in October!
Join our Adult Bible Study starting October 3rd! Every Wednesday during RE time (unless there’s Mass or Adult Formation class).
November 2018 Sun
All Saints’ Day Masses: Oct. 31 6:00PM, Nov. 1 7:15AM, 12:15PM (if these don’t work for your family find another parish to attend Mass)
Thu 1 All Saints’ Day
2 All Souls’ Day
7 RE classes 8 Food Drive ends
11 Reconcili- 12 ation Class
14 RE classes Parent class
21 No classes
28 RE Mass & classes