Program. Experien. Ideally k. Fluent G. Frame cond. An intern. Activity i. Many- .... r Data b ompany foun n the aerosp
Liv ving and d Workin ng in Bav varia, G Germany y
Tes st Engin neer Aviionic (m m/f) (ID: BT-422 2) The T employe er is a medium-sized co ompany foun nded in 2006 as a pure e service proovider in the e area of systems and software de evelopment in the aerosp pace industrry. Since the en they are w well-established as a re eliable and competent partner p for development, d , maintenanc ce, and mod dification of demanding systems. Due D to the in ncrease on key k personne el and specia alists, the co ompany has become a fuully adequate system partner. p To ccontinue exp panding our business are eas, they arre looking for new colleaagues suppo orting our te eam in new a and interesting projects.
Tasks: T
Analysiss of system and SW req quirements Making a and working g of test pro ocedures an nd documen ntations on Integration and qua alification tes sts after pre edefined sta andards on of functio onal and forrmal tests fo or aircraft so oftware Executio Of chang ges and training of new w software rreleases Identifica ation and tra anslation off improveme ent potentia als into SW,, tools and pprocesses Docume entation of th he test resu ults in softw ware test rep ports
Requiremen R nts:
Completted studies or compara able qualificcation Work exxperience in IT/Information system ms as well as s in SW-Testing Industry--specific exxperience in the areas o of aerospac ce or car mo otives Safety in n the system m qualification and the validity che eck/verificattion of requiirements Good Kn nowledge in n XML und Microsoft M O Office as well as in avionic-specificc Test systems Fluent G German and d knowledge e of English h
ees: Frame F cond ditions and d benefits for f employe
An intern national and d open-mind ded team Activity in exciting projects p with h a huge nu umber of advancementt possibilitiees Many-sid ded working g spectrum in amusing g areas of th he aviation and a astronaautics Flat hierrarchies with h a great room to move e for decisio ons and solution ways of one's ow wn Adaptab ble working hours for th he support o of a well-balanced Worrk Life balannce
Location: L B Bayern: Mün nchen, Ottobrunn, Man nching, Don nauwörth P Please send d your appliccation in Ge erman or En nglish to: ZAV V-IPS-Bayerrn@arbeitsa by referring g to BT-422 . For furrther assista ance, please contact u s. We´ll be happy to prrovide furth er assistance.
The Interna ational Placcement Serv vices Bavarria supports s your job-se eeking in G Germany. W We are a departm ment of the German G Federal Emplo oyment Age ency. Our services are free of cha arge. Citizens of EU Membe er states ma ay have the e possibility to receive financial f suppport (for ex xample trav vel expense es, languag ge course).
In nternational P Placement Services S Bava aria Phone e: 0049 911 529 5 4420 Mail: M ZAV-IPS
[email protected] Inte ernet: www.z
Liv ving and d Workin ng in Bav varia, G Germany y
Syste em Engineer A Avionic (m/f) ( (ID D: BT-41 15) The T employe er is a medium-sized co ompany foun nded in 2006 as a pure e service proovider in the e area of systems and software de evelopment in the aerosp pace industrry. Since the en they are w well-established as a re eliable and competent partner p for development, d , maintenanc ce, and mod dification of demanding systems. Due D to the in ncrease on key k personne el and specia alists, the co ompany has become a fuully adequate system partner. p To ccontinue exp panding our business are eas, they arre looking for new colleaagues suppo orting our te eam in new a and interesting projects.
Tasks: T
ecifications and a require ements for systems s and d software Construcction of spe Support and analyssis at system m tests, sysstem integra ations and th he developm ment al Requirements and re equest docu umentation for f Use Casses Support of technica on of error m messages Fault analyses and constructio Analysiss and evalua ation of problem reportts and data of different avionics eqquipment Correctio ons due to debugs d or design d chan nges in data abases
Requiremen R nts:
Completted studies or compara able qualificcation Professional experience in the environme ent of databa ases and Embedded ssystems of aerospac ce or car mo otives Industry--specific exxperience in the areas o Sure dea aling with bus systems s, such as C CAN Knowled dge in DOORS, MATLa ab or Simuliink Fluent G German and d knowledge e of English h
ees: Frame F cond ditions and d benefits for f employe
An intern national and d open-mind ded team Activity in exciting projects p with h a huge nu umber of advancementt possibilitiees ded working g spectrum in amusing g areas of th he aviation and a astronaautics Many-sid Flat hierrarchies with h a great room to move e for decisio ons and solution ways of one's ow wn Adaptab ble working hours for th he support o of a well-balanced Worrk Life balannce
Location: L O Ottobrunn, München; M Bavaria, B Gerrmany. Please send P d your appliccation in Ge erman or En nglish to: ZAV V-IPS-Bayerrn@arbeitsa by referring g to BT-415 . For furrther assista ance, please contact u s. We´ll be happy to prrovide furth er assistance.
The Interna ational Placcement Serv vices Bavarria supports s your job-se eeking in G Germany. W We are a departm ment of the German G Federal Emplo oyment Age ency. Our services are free of cha arge. Citizens of EU Membe er states ma ay have the e possibility to receive financial f suppport (for ex xample trav vel expense es, languag ge course).
In nternational P Placement Services S Bava aria Phone e: 0049 911 529 5 4420 Mail: M ZAV-IPS
[email protected] Inte ernet: www.z
Liv ving and d Workin ng in Bav varia, G Germany y
S Softwarre Engin neer Em mbedde ed (m/f) (ID: BT--421) The T employe er is a medium-sized co ompany foun nded in 2006 as a pure e service proovider in the e area of systems and software de evelopment in the aerosp pace industrry. Since the en they are w well-established as a re eliable and competent partner p for development, d , maintenanc ce, and mod dification of demanding systems. Due D to the in ncrease on key k personne el and specia alists, the co ompany has become a fuully adequate system partner. p To ccontinue exp panding our business are eas, they arre looking for new colleaagues suppo orting our te eam in new a and interesting projects.
Tasks: T
on or ADA within w the sc cope of our projects Development of sofftware in C/C ++, pytho Activity in the area of o Simulatio on and real time platforrms Adaptations of the software s as well as traiining of cha anges ent of user'ss inquiries and realizatio on of SW analyses Treatme Identifica ation and co onversion of o improvem ment potentials in SW to ools and proocesses Production of the te echnical doc cumentation n after stand dards and customer c sttandards ation of new w software releases Qualifica
Requiremen R nts:
Concluded study orr comparable qualificattion ment for Em mbedded so oftware and soft tool Work exxperience in the software developm Professional experience in the areas of Avviation and astronautic cs or autom otives m knowledge e with C/C ++, + python o or ADA und der Unix, Windows, Linnux or RTOS S Program Experien nce with the e version co ontrol system ms ClearCa ase, SVN orr Eclipse Ideally kknowledge with w UML de esign, XML or XSD Fluent G German kno owledge and d knowledge e of English h
Frame F cond ditions and d benefits for f employe ees:
An intern national and d open-mind ded team Activity in exciting projects p with h a huge nu umber of advancementt possibilitiees ded working g spectrum in amusing g areas of th he aviation and a astronaautics Many-sid Flat hierrarchies with h a great room to move e for decisio ons and solution ways of one's ow wn Adaptab ble working hours for th he support o of a well-balanced Worrk Life balannce
Location: L O Ottobrunn, München; M Bavaria, B Gerrmany. P Please send d your appliccation in Ge erman or En nglish to: ZAV V-IPS-Bayerrn@arbeitsa by referring g to BT-421 . For furrther assista ance, please contact u s. We´ll be happy to prrovide furth er assistance.
The Interna ational Placcement Serv vices Bavarria supports s your job-se eeking in G Germany. W We are a departm ment of the German G Federal Emplo oyment Age ency. Our services are free of cha arge. Citizens of EU Membe er states ma ay have the e possibility to receive financial f suppport (for ex xample trav vel expense es, languag ge course).
In nternational P Placement Services S Bava aria Phone e: 0049 911 529 5 4420 Mail: M ZAV-IPS
[email protected] Inte ernet: www.z
Liv ving and d Workin ng in Bav varia, G Germany y
Softw ware En ngineerr Data b bank sys stems (m m/f) (ID : BT-420) The T employe er is a medium-sized co ompany foun nded in 2006 as a pure e service proovider in the e area of systems and software de evelopment in the aerosp pace industrry. Since the en they are w well-established as a re eliable and competent partner p for development, d , maintenanc ce, and mod dification of demanding systems. Due D to the in ncrease on key k personne el and specia alists, the co ompany has become a fuully adequate system partner. p To ccontinue exp panding our business are eas, they arre looking for new colleaagues suppo orting our te eam in new a and interesting projects.
Tasks: T
ation of Bussiness-Intelligence and Data warehhouse Concepttual Design and realiza Development of app plications on the basis of Oracle or o SQL Advance ement and care c of existing data ba ank systems Installation, configuration and servicing s off data banks s ment of exissting system m documenttations and realization of presentaations Enlargem Use of d different plattforms like web w interfacces, Plain te ext files and d e-mails
Requiremen R nts:
Completted studies or compara able qualificcation Professional experience in the e area of IT T/information n systems as a well as ddevelopment of the database e Industry--specific exxperience in the aerosp pace or in th he car motiv ve Sound kknowledge in Oracle, SQL as well as MS Offic ce and Windows Fluent G German and d knowledge e of English h Concenttrated, independent and structured d mode of operation o
Frame F cond ditions and d benefits for f employe ees:
An intern national and d open-mind ded team Activity in exciting projects p with h a huge nu umber of advancementt possibilitiees ded working g spectrum in amusing g areas of th he aviation and a astronaautics Many-sid Flat hierrarchies with h a great room to move e for decisio ons and solution ways of one's ow wn Adaptab ble working hours for th he support o of a well-balanced Worrk Life balannce
Location: L B Bayern: Mü ünchen, Ottobrunn, M Manching, Donauwörth; Baden-W Württemberrg: Ulm, Im mmenstaad d am Boden nsee P Please send d your appliccation in Ge erman or En nglish to: ZAV V-IPS-Bayerrn@arbeitsa by referring g to BT-420 . For furrther assista ance, please contact u s. We´ll be happy to prrovide furth er assistance.
The Interna ational Placcement Serv vices Bavarria supports s your job-se eeking in G Germany. W We are a departm ment of the German G Federal Emplo oyment Age ency. Our services are free of cha arge. Citizens of EU Membe er states ma ay have the e possibility to receive financial f suppport (for ex xample trav vel expense es, languag ge course). In nternational P Placement Services S Bava aria Phone e: 0049 911 529 5 4420 Mail: M ZAV-IPS
[email protected] Inte ernet: www.z
Liv ving and d Workin ng in Bav varia, G Germany y
S Softwarre Engin neer Ap pplicatio on (m/f) (ID: BT T-414) The T employe er is a medium-sized co ompany foun nded in 2006 as a pure e service proovider in the e area of systems and software de evelopment in the aerosp pace industrry. Since the en they are w well-established as a re eliable and competent partner p for development, d , maintenanc ce, and mod dification of demanding systems. Due D to the in ncrease on key k personne el and specia alists, the co ompany has become a fuully adequate system partner. p To ccontinue exp panding our business are eas, they arre looking for new colleaagues suppo orting our te eam in new a and interesting projects.
Tasks: T
A or C # in our o projects s Development of sofftware in C/C ++, JAVA Activity in the area of o Simulatio on and use applications s and converssion of softw ware tools a and tool cha ains Design a Design a and implementing of grraphic usess Optimiza ation and re efactoring off existing so oftware Production of SW documentati d ions HW integrattions Realization of SW/H
Requiremen R nts:
Concluded study orr comparable qualificattion evelopment for applicattion softwarre and appliication tools s Work exxperience in the SW de Professional experience in the areas of Avviation and astronautic cs or autom otive m knowledge e with C/C ++ + / C #, JA AVA or ADA A under Unix x or Window ws Program Knowled dge in Eclipsse or MATL Lab desirab le Ideally e experience in the versio on control S SW or 2 D/3 3D graphics programs Fluent G German kno owledge and d knowledge e of English h
Frame F cond ditions and d benefits for f employe ees:
An intern national and d open-mind ded team Activity in exciting projects p with h a huge nu umber of advancementt possibilitiees ded working g spectrum in amusing g areas of th he aviation and a astronaautics Many-sid Flat hierrarchies with h a great room to move e for decisio ons and solution ways of one's ow wn Adaptab ble working hours for th he support o of a well-balanced Worrk Life balannce
Location: L O Ottobrunn, München; M Bavaria, B Gerrmany. P Please send d your appliccation in Ge erman or En nglish to: ZAV V-IPS-Bayerrn@arbeitsa by referring g to BT-414 . For furrther assista ance, please contact u s. We´ll be happy to prrovide furth er assistance.
The Interna ational Placcement Serv vices Bavarria supports s your job-se eeking in G Germany. W We are a departm ment of the German G Federal Emplo oyment Age ency. Our services are free of cha arge. Citizens of EU Membe er states ma ay have the e possibility to receive financial f suppport (for ex xample trav vel expense es, languag ge course). In nternational P Placement Services S Bava aria Phone e: 0049 911 529 5 4420 Mail: M ZAV-IPS
[email protected] Inte ernet: www.z
Liv ving and d Workin ng in Bav varia, G Germany y
R Requirem ments Manage M er DOOR RS (m/f)) (ID: BT T-413) The T employe er is a medium-sized co ompany foun nded in 2006 as a pure e service proovider in the e area of systems and software de evelopment in the aerosp pace industrry. Since the en they are w well-established as a re eliable and competent partner p for development, d , maintenanc ce, and mod dification of demanding systems. Due D to the in ncrease on key k personne el and specia alists, the co ompany has become a fuully adequate system partner. p To ccontinue exp panding our business are eas, they arre looking for new colleaagues suppo orting our te eam in new a and interesting projects.
Tasks: T
Administtration and Customizin ng of the Re equirements s engineerin ng software IBM DOOR RS Conceptt, implemen nting and ca are of new fu unctionalitie es in IBM DOORS DXLL Advance ement of intterfaces bettween IBM D DOORS an nd other tools Applicatiion of mode ern technolo ogies like X XML or COM M Vote of p processes to t the dema and manage ement Production manage ement and care c of dem mands in pro ojects
Requiremen R nts:
Concluded study orr comparable qualificattion anagement with w IBM Ra ationally DO OORS Work exxperience in the Requirrements ma Experien nce in the programming p g and Requ uirements analysis Professional experience in the areas of Avviation and astronautic cs or autom otive nowledge in DOORS DXL D and Rattionally pub blishing engine Good kn Fluent G German kno owledge and d knowledge e of English h
Frame F cond ditions and d benefits for f employe ees:
An intern national and d open-mind ded team Activity in exciting projects p with h a huge nu umber of advancementt possibilitiees ded working g spectrum in amusing g areas of th he aviation and a astronaautics Many-sid Flat hierrarchies with h a great room to move e for decisio ons and solution ways of one's ow wn Adaptab ble working hours for th he support o of a well-balanced Worrk Life balannce
Location: L O Ottobrunn, München; M Bavaria, B Gerrmany. P Please send d your appliccation in Ge erman or En nglish to: ZAV V-IPS-Bayerrn@arbeitsa by referring g to BT-413 . For furrther assista ance, please contact u s. We´ll be happy to prrovide furth er assistance.
The Interna ational Placcement Serv vices Bavarria supports s your job-se eeking in G Germany. W We are a departm ment of the German G Federal Emplo oyment Age ency. Our services are free of cha arge. Citizens of EU Membe er states ma ay have the e possibility to receive financial f suppport (for ex xample trav vel expense es, languag ge course).
In nternational P Placement Services S Bava aria Phone e: 0049 911 529 5 4420 Mail: M ZAV-IPS
[email protected] Inte ernet: www.z
Liv ving and d Workin ng in Bav varia, G Germany y
Quality Engineer Av Avionic (m/f) ( (ID D: BT-41 19) The T employe er is a medium-sized co ompany foun nded in 2006 as a pure e service proovider in the e area of systems and software de evelopment in the aerosp pace industrry. Since the en they are w well-established as a re eliable and competent partner p for development, d , maintenanc ce, and mod dification of demanding systems. Due D to the in ncrease on key k personne el and specia alists, the co ompany has become a fuully adequate system partner. p To ccontinue exp panding our business are eas, they arre looking for new colleaagues suppo orting our te eam in new a and interesting projects.
Tasks: T
ation and co onversion of o duties rele evant for qu uality and th heir demandds Coordina Consulta ation of the specialized d divisions in n all high-class questio ons Backup of the functtional security within th he developm ment projectt a well as p product audits and supplier's auditts Realization of Initial sampling as of the decre ease proces ss for additi onal purcha ase parts Control o Co-operation with th he continuo ous processs improveme ent
Requiremen R nts:
Concluded study orr comparable qualificattion Work exxperience in the high-class manag ement Professional experience in the areas of Avviation and astronautic cs or autom otive dge from Rissk-and Req quirements- manageme ent uses as well as officce MS Knowled Fluent G German kno owledge and d knowledge e of English h Extensivve technical understand ding as wel l as a high degree of conflict c abilitty
ees: Frame F cond ditions and d benefits for f employe
An intern national and d open-mind ded team Activity in exciting projects p with h a huge nu umber of advancementt possibilitiees ded working g spectrum in amusing g areas of th he aviation and a astronaautics Many-sid Flat hierrarchies with h a great room to move e for decisio ons and solution ways of one's ow wn Adaptab ble working hours for th he support o of a well-balanced Worrk Life balannce
Location: L B Bayern: Mün nchen, Ottobrunn, Man nching, Don nauwörth; Baden-Württtemberg: Ulm Please send P d your appliccation in Ge erman or En nglish to: ZAV V-IPS-Bayerrn@arbeitsa by referring g to BT-419 . For furrther assista ance, please contact u s. We´ll be happy to prrovide furth er assistance.
The Interna ational Placcement Serv vices Bavarria supports s your job-se eeking in G Germany. W We are a departm ment of the German G Federal Emplo oyment Age ency. Our services are free of cha arge. Citizens of EU Membe er states ma ay have the e possibility to receive financial f suppport (for ex xample trav vel expense es, languag ge course).
In nternational P Placement Services S Bava aria Phone e: 0049 911 529 5 4420 Mail: M ZAV-IPS
[email protected] Inte ernet: www.z
Liv ving and d Workin ng in Bav varia, G Germany y
Proje ect Man nager Av vionic (m/f) ( (ID D: BT-41 12) The T employe er is a medium-sized co ompany foun nded in 2006 as a pure e service proovider in the e area of systems and software de evelopment in the aerosp pace industrry. Since the en they are w well-established as a re eliable and competent partner p for development, d , maintenanc ce, and mod dification of demanding systems. Due D to the in ncrease on key k personne el and specia alists, the co ompany has become a fuully adequate system partner. p To ccontinue exp panding our business are eas, they arre looking for new colleaagues suppo orting our te eam in new a and interesting projects.
Tasks: T
Management of innovative projects in the area of Aviionics e function between cus stomers, to partners an nd internal departments d s Interface Contact within the scope s of the e requireme ent purificatiion as well as a in criticaal project situations Assessm ment of the achievemen nt extents a and the vote e of load basting and sspecification ns Project p planning, Re eporting and control off budgets as s well as fro om landmarrks and con ntents Responssibility of the e resources s, quality, C Change and risk manag gement
Requiremen R nts:
Concluded study orr comparable qualificattion Work exxperience in the projectt manageme ent Professional experience in the areas of Avviation and astronautic cs or autom otives experiencess with the V model as w well as MS Project P Sound e Fluent G German kno owledge and d knowledge e of English h Talent in n the guidan nce of employees and a good feel for the con ntact with cuustomers
Frame F cond ditions and d benefits for f employe ees:
An intern national and d open-mind ded team Activity in exciting projects p with h a huge nu umber of advancementt possibilitiees ded working g spectrum in amusing g areas of th he aviation and a astronaautics Many-sid Flat hierrarchies with h a great room to move e for decisio ons and solution ways of one's ow wn Adaptab ble working hours for th he support o of a well-balanced Worrk Life balannce
Location: L O Ottobrunn, München; M Bavaria, B Gerrmany. P Please send d your appliccation in Ge erman or En nglish to: ZAV V-IPS-Bayerrn@arbeitsa by referring g to BT-412 . For furrther assista ance, please contact u s. We´ll be happy to prrovide furth er assistance.
The Interna ational Placcement Serv vices Bavarria supports s your job-se eeking in G Germany. W We are a departm ment of the German G Federal Emplo oyment Age ency. Our services are free of cha arge. Citizens of EU Membe er states ma ay have the e possibility to receive financial f suppport (for ex xample trav vel expense es, languag ge course).
In nternational P Placement Services S Bava aria Phone e: 0049 911 529 5 4420 Mail: M ZAV-IPS
[email protected] Inte ernet: www.z
Liv ving and d Workin ng in Bav varia, G Germany y
Project Conttroller A Avionic (m/f) (ID D: BT-4 18) The T employe er is a medium-sized co ompany foun nded in 2006 as a pure e service proovider in the e area of systems and software de evelopment in the aerosp pace industrry. Since the en they are w well-established as a re eliable and competent partner p for development, d , maintenanc ce, and mod dification of demanding systems. Due D to the in ncrease on key k personne el and specia alists, the co ompany has become a fuully adequate system partner. p To ccontinue exp panding our business are eas, they arre looking for new colleaagues suppo orting our te eam in new a and interesting projects.
Tasks: T
Acquirem ment of a prroject cost structure s wi th necessary work pac ckages Mileston ne and time scheduling as well as administrattion of deve elopment buudgets Planning g and prese entation of project-relat p ted meetings Regular project report to the de eveloping le eaders and program leaders ous processs improvem ment as well as docume entation Continuo Care witthin a risk managemen m nt data bankk
Requiremen R nts:
Concluded study orr comparable qualificattion ent as well as Controlling Work exxperience in the projectt manageme Professional experience in the areas of Avviation and astronautic cs or autom otives d SAP Know wledge Good offfice MS and Fluent G German kno owledge and d knowledge e of English h Independent and meticulous m approach
Frame F cond ditions and d benefits for f employe ees:
An intern national and d open-mind ded team Activity in exciting projects p with h a huge nu umber of advancementt possibilitiees ded working g spectrum in amusing g areas of th he aviation and a astronaautics Many-sid Flat hierrarchies with h a great room to move e for decisio ons and solution ways of one's ow wn Adaptab ble working hours for th he support o of a well-balanced Worrk Life balannce
Location: L B Bayern: Mü ünchen, Ottobrunn, M Manching, Donauwörth; Baden-W Württemberrg: Ulm, Im mmenstaad d am Boden nsee P Please send d your appliccation in Ge erman or En nglish to: ZAV V-IPS-Bayerrn@arbeitsa by referring g to BT-418 . For furrther assista ance, please contact u s. We´ll be happy to prrovide furth er assistance.
The Interna ational Placcement Serv vices Bavarria supports s your job-se eeking in G Germany. W We are a departm ment of the German G Federal Emplo oyment Age ency. Our services are free of cha arge. Citizens of EU Membe er states ma ay have the e possibility to receive financial f suppport (for ex xample trav vel expense es, languag ge course). In nternational P Placement Services S Bava aria Phone e: 0049 911 529 5 4420 Mail: M ZAV-IPS
[email protected] Inte ernet: www.z
Liv ving and d Workin ng in Bav varia, G Germany y
Java De evelope er (m/f) (ID: BT--416) The T employe er is a medium-sized co ompany foun nded in 2006 as a pure e service proovider in the e area of systems and software de evelopment in the aerosp pace industrry. Since the en they are w well-established as a re eliable and competent partner p for development, d , maintenanc ce, and mod dification of demanding systems. Due D to the in ncrease on key k personne el and specia alists, the co ompany has become a fuully adequate system partner. p To ccontinue exp panding our business are eas, they arre looking for new colleaagues suppo orting our te eam in new a and interesting projects.
Tasks: T
w and existing applicattions in Java Development of new mentation an nd maintena ance of bac ckend comp ponents Concepttion, implem Impleme entation and d coordination of techn nical interfa aces between the team m and cross-site IT systems ng and impllementation n of custome er requirem ments Recordin Incorporration to pro ocess monittoring, optim mization and d controlling g Integration of the so olutions into o the custom mer-specific c infrastructure
Requiremen R nts:
Concluded study in computer Science S pment Work exxperience in software and applicattion develop Experien nce in the areas a of fina ance or insu urance Program mming know wledge in Java/J2EE, P PHP, Javasc cript, HTML or Jira Experien nce in SCM M (softwarre configura ation mana agement) to ools like C Clearcase, SVN or Eclipse Ideally kknowledge with w Scrum, Selenium o or XML Fluent G German kno owledge and d knowledge e of English h
Frame F cond ditions and d benefits for f employe ees:
An intern national and d open-mind ded team Activity in exciting projects p with h a huge nu umber of advancementt possibilitiees ded working g spectrum in amusing g areas of th he aviation and a astronaautics Many-sid Flat hierrarchies with h a great room to move e for decisio ons and solution ways of one's ow wn Adaptab ble working hours for th he support o of a well-balanced Worrk Life balannce
Location: L O Ottobrunn, München; M Bavaria, B Gerrmany. P Please send d your appliccation in Ge erman or En nglish to: ZAV V-IPS-Bayerrn@arbeitsa by referring g to BT-416 . For furrther assista ance, please contact u s. We´ll be happy to prrovide furth er assistance.
The Interna ational Placcement Serv vices Bavarria supports s your job-se eeking in G Germany. W We are a departm ment of the German G Federal Emplo oyment Age ency. Our services are free of cha arge. Citizens of EU Membe er states ma ay have the e possibility to receive financial f suppport (for ex xample trav vel expense es, languag ge course). In nternational P Placement Services S Bava aria Phone e: 0049 911 529 5 4420 Mail: M ZAV-IPS
[email protected] Inte ernet: www.z
Liv ving and d Workin ng in Bav varia, G Germany y
Development Enginee er Embe edded System S s (m/f) ((ID: BT--411) The T employe er is a medium-sized co ompany foun nded in 2006 as a pure e service proovider in the e area of systems and software de evelopment in the aerosp pace industrry. Since the en they are w well-established as a re eliable and competent partner p for development, d , maintenanc ce, and mod dification of demanding systems. Due D to the in ncrease on key k personne el and specia alists, the co ompany has become a fuully adequate system partner. p To ccontinue exp panding our business are eas, they arre looking for new colleaagues suppo orting our te eam in new a and interesting projects.
Tasks: T
Acquirem ment of spe ecifications from f custom mers or licensing requirements Development of Em mbedded systems for fl ight simulattors Applicatiion and softtware development forr componen nts in the av vionics area Acquirem ment and exxecution of test proced dures Support of the syste em integration at the u niting of components to a complet ete system
Requiremen R nts:
Completted studies of the electtrical engine eering or co omparable qualification q n Professional experience in the hard and ssoftware dev velopment for f Embeddded systems s Industry--specific exxperience in the areas o of aerospac ce or car mo otives Extended Windowss, Linux and Unix know wledge nowledge in n C, C++ as s well as CA AN-Bussyste ems Good Kn Fluent G German and d knowledge e of English h
ees: Frame F cond ditions and d benefits for f employe
An intern national and d open-mind ded team Activity in exciting projects p with h a huge nu umber of advancementt possibilitiees ded working g spectrum in amusing g areas of th he aviation and a astronaautics Many-sid Flat hierrarchies with h a great room to move e for decisio ons and solution ways of one's ow wn Adaptab ble working hours for th he support o of a well-balanced Worrk Life balannce
Location: L O Ottobrunn, München; M Bavaria, B Gerrmany. P Please send d your appliccation in Ge erman or En nglish to: ZAV V-IPS-Bayerrn@arbeitsa by referring g to BT-411 . For furrther assista ance, please contact u s. We´ll be happy to prrovide furth er assistance.
The Interna ational Placcement Serv vices Bavarria supports s your job-se eeking in G Germany. We W are a departm ment of the German G Federal Emplo oyment Age ency. Our services are free of cha arge. Citizens of EU Membe er states ma ay have the e possibility to receive financial f suppport (for ex xample trav vel expense es, languag ge course).
In nternational P Placement Services S Bava aria Phone e: 0049 911 529 5 4420 Mail: M ZAV-IPS
[email protected] Inte ernet: www.z
Liv ving and d Workin ng in Bav varia, G Germany y
Dev velopme ent Eng gineer C Construc ction (m m/f) (ID: BT-417 7) The T employe er is a medium-sized co ompany foun nded in 2006 as a pure e service proovider in the e area of systems and software de evelopment in the aerosp pace industrry. Since the en they are w well-established as a re eliable and competent partner p for development, d , maintenanc ce, and mod dification of demanding systems. Due D to the in ncrease on key k personne el and specia alists, the co ompany has become a fuully adequate system partner. p To ccontinue exp panding our business are eas, they arre looking for new colleaagues suppo orting our te eam in new a and interesting projects.
Tasks: T
c asssemblies sh hare and-in the area of avionics Development of solutions for complex ncepts, deta ail constructtions and pa arts lists Construcction of con Compan ny and execcution of me echanical ca alculations and a their do ocumentatioon Compan ny of the pro ototypes and first equip pment emerrgence Quality a assurance and a check on o mechani cal develop pment scale es Participa ation in Revviews in dev velopment a and construction projec cts
Requiremen R nts:
Completted studies or technical education Professional experience in the constructio on with CAD D programs like CATIA A V5 of aerospac ce or car mo otives Industry--specific exxperience in the areas o Knowled dge of mod dern manufacturing m methods an nd quality methods inn the deve elopment environm ment Sure dea aling with MS M Office an nd PDM sysstems Fluent G German and d knowledge e of English h
ees: Frame F cond ditions and d benefits for f employe
An intern national and d open-mind ded team Activity in exciting projects p with h a huge nu umber of advancementt possibilitiees ded working g spectrum in amusing g areas of th he aviation and a astronaautics Many-sid Flat hierrarchies with h a great room to move e for decisio ons and solution ways of one's ow wn Adaptab ble working hours for th he support o of a well-balanced Worrk Life balannce
Location: L O Ottobrunn, München; M Bavaria, B Gerrmany. Please send P d your appliccation in Ge erman or En nglish to: ZAV V-IPS-Bayerrn@arbeitsa by referring g to BT-417 . For furrther assista ance, please contact u s. We´ll be happy to prrovide furth er assistance.
The Interna ational Placcement Serv vices Bavarria supports s your job-se eeking in G Germany. W We are a departm ment of the German G Federal Emplo oyment Age ency. Our services are free of cha arge. Citizens of EU Membe er states ma ay have the e possibility to receive financial f suppport (for ex xample trav vel expense es, languag ge course).
In nternational P Placement Services S Bava aria Phone e: 0049 911 529 5 4420 Mail: M ZAV-IPS
[email protected] Inte ernet: www.z
Liv ving and d Workin ng in Bav varia, G Germany y
Config guration n Manag ger Avio onic (m//f) (ID: B BT-410) The emp ployer is a medium-sized m d company fo founded in 2006 as a pure service prrovider in the area of system- and softwarre developme ent in the ae erospace indu ustry. Since then they arre well-estab blished as a reliablle and competent partn ner for deve elopment, maintenance, and modificcation of de emanding systems. Due to the e increase on o key perso onnel and specialists, s th he companyy has becom me a fully adequate e system partner. To continue c exp panding ourr business areas, a they are looking for new colleagues supportin ng our team in new and in nteresting projects.
Care an nd advancement of the e existing CM M-system Concep ptual vote off configuratiion data witth specialize ed divisions s and partneer companie es Coordin nation betwe een the areas of Syste em, hardwarre and softw ware Respon nsibility of th he configura ation proof g guidance Indepen ndent adapttation of the e Supports tto the custo omer needs Examination and audits a for the e reaching o of the dema anded qualities ements: Require
Conclud ded study or o comparab ble qualifica ation Work exxperience in n the Config guration ma anagement Professsional experrience in the e areas of A Aviation and d astronautics or autom motive Knowled dge of the current c cm standards s a and cm tools Good kn nowledge in n office MS,, SAP and d data bank uses u desirab ble Fluent G German kno owledge and knowledg ge of English conditions s and beneffits for emp ployees: Frame c
Contracct: Permane ent Employm ment, 40 ho ours per wee ek An interrnational an nd open-min nded team Activity in exciting projects witth a huge nu umber of ad dvancement possibilitiees Many-sided workin ng spectrum m in amusing g areas of the aviation and astron autics Flat hierarchies witth a great ro oom to movve for decisiions and so olution wayss of one's ow wn Adaptab ble working hours for th he support of a well-ba alanced Wo ork Life balaance Locatio on: Ottobrun nn, Münche en; Bavaria,, Germany. Please send your app plication in German or English to: ZA AV-IPS-Bay
[email protected] de by referring to BT-4110. ase contactt us. We´ll be b happy to provide furrther assista ance. For ffurther assisstance, plea
The In nternationall Placement Services B Bavaria sup pports your job-seeking j g in German ny. We are a department of the Ge erman Fede eral Employ yment Agency. Our serrvices are frree of
International Placement Services Baavaria Phone: 0049 911 52 29 4420 Ma ail: ZAV-IPS--Bayern@arb Interrnet:
Liv ving and d Workin ng in Bav varia, G Germany y charge e. Citizens of o EU Member states m may have th he possibilitty to receivee financial support s (for exa ample trave l expenses,, language course). c
International Placement Services Baavaria Phone: 0049 911 52 29 4420 Ma ail: ZAV-IPS--Bayern@arb Interrnet: