Official Student Handbook - San Diego City College [PDF]

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Humanities, Business Technologies, Science, and a General Purpose Classroom for Math and Social Sciences. At City College ... continuous attendance for one year must file a new ... How to Earn an Associate Degree. 1. Apply to City College, submit official transcripts ..... Independent Learning Center with its computer lab.

TABLE OF CONTENTS WELCOME .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 SAN DIEGO CITY COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT .......................................................................................... 4 MATRICULATION ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 READING YOUR ASSESSMENT RESULTS ............................................................................................................ 6 ASSOCIATE DEGREE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................ 8 CONTINUE YOUR EDUCATION! TRANSFER! ...................................................................................................... 9 FINANCIAL AID AND SCHOLARSHIPS ............................................................................................................... 10 STUDENT SERVICES AND CAMPUS OFFICES ................................................................................................... 11 HOW TO SUCCEED IN COLLEGE ......................................................................................................................... 15 GUIDE TO COLLEGE TERMS ................................................................................................................................ 16 MAP OF CITY CAMPUS .......................................................................................................................................... 19

WELCOME Dear Student, Welcome to San Diego City College. As we begin planning for our 100th Anniversary in 2014, you will see that our campus is bursting with new construction and changes throughout. First, visit our new Academic Success Center - filled with student support services including English and Math Tutoring, Assessment and programs such as Puente, TRIO and Umoja. Next, take classes in our recently opened Career Technology Center on 16th Street. Then, watch as we break ground on buildings for the Arts and Humanities, Business Technologies, Science, and a General Purpose Classroom for Math and Social Sciences. At City College, you have the opportunity to pursue all your academic and professional goals. Our administrators, faculty and staff are dedicated to helping you succeed in earning a certificate, an associate degree, or to transfer to a four-year college or university. Do not hesitate to consult with any of us for assistance or guidance. We hope you will also take advantage of the wide variety of clubs, organizations, athletic and other campus events that will enrich your college experience. City College was recently named to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, the highest federal recognition a college or university can receive for its commitment to volunteering, service-learning and civic engagement. More than 1,000 City College students volunteered 30,000 hours to the community. You can make a difference too! City College is committed to meeting the challenges of the new millennium through the use of the newest technologies. We provide students with the skills needed to function successfully in this increasingly fast-changing and globally-interconnected world. On behalf of the campus community, including our approximately 19,000 students, I wish you the very best as you pursue your educational and career goals. Sincerely, Terrence J. Burgess, Ph.D. President


SAN DIEGO CITY COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT San Diego City College has as its highest priority student learning and achievement. San Diego City College is a multicultural institution committed to providing open access to all who can benefit from instruction and to meeting the diverse and ever-changing educational, cultural, and economic needs of the urban core and surrounding communities of San Diego. As City College prepares world citizens in the twenty-first century, we recognize that the aim of education is the development of the whole person who is prepared to be an active citizen and to participate in a global community. We are committed to the tradition of academic freedom and responsibility and to maintaining a climate that promotes learning, understanding and respect for students, faculty, staff, community, and the environment. San Diego City College provides § § § §

Lower division and general education courses that lead to Certificates, Associate Degrees or transfer to a four-year college or university; Career technical education programs that meet specific industry needs, upgrade the employment skills of students and fulfill licensing requirements of the state of California as well as contribute to the economic development of our region; Basic skills instruction to assist all students in meeting their educational goals; and Essential student support services for all students.

Additionally, San Diego City College is committed to § § § § § §

The development of informed, active citizens who will be engaged in the global community, lifelong learners, and literate in information technology; Institutional community involvement, community development and community service; Equity, inclusiveness and diversity in all of its manifestations; High quality instructional programs and essential student support services, including co-curricular and cultural activities; Incorporating environmental sustainability into student learning outcomes ,as well as implementing a campus culture of conservation; and A continuous campus-wide cycle of program review and assessment with integrated planning and resource allocation.


MATRICULATION To "matriculate" means to enroll and to commit oneself to an educational goal. Its purpose is to increase student success by requiring the college to provide information, guidance and support for students. The matriculation process requires a commitment on the part of the student as well as the college: students agree to declare a major, attend classes, complete assigned work, and make progress toward their stated goals. Students matriculate by: applying for Admission, completing the Assessment test, attending an Orientation, participating in Educational Planning with a Counselor, and Following-up with a Counselor as needed. Students who matriculate will receive earlier registration appointments than those who choose not to participate.

Admissions To be admitted to San Diego City College, you must: ■ Be 18 years of age or older, or ■ Possess a High School Diploma, GED or equivalent, or ■ Be High School students requesting concurrent enrollment subject to specific criteria (see the Admissions Office) ■ Request provisional admission (see the Admissions Office)

AND ■ Submit an application in the Admissions Office (A-112) or online ( All new students must file an application for admission at the Admissions Office. Students who have not been in continuous attendance for one year must file a new application for admission.

Assessment The English, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), and Mathematics assessment exams place students in classes where they are most likely to succeed. Assessment is required for all students planning to enroll in English, ESOL, or Mathematics classes. Important! The assessment tests should be taken seriously: you will not be allowed to retake the test for 3 years. Also, you cannot retake the test once you complete an English or Math class at City College.

Orientation New students are encouraged to attend an orientation session after they complete their assessment exam and BEFORE registering for classes. During orientation, students will receive a free copy of the College Catalog and recommendations for first semester course placement.

Educational Planning There are two pieces to education planning. The first piece is the official Student Education Plan (SEP), which is added to the student’s computerized file and serves to both declare a major (or majors) and establish catalog rights. The SEP contains the official requirements for graduation and/or transfer that are currently in effect. An official SEP must be created before a student can petition to graduate. All transcripts of prior college work must be on file and evaluated by the Evaluations Office before an official education plan can be prepared. The second piece of education planning is the semesterby-semester academic plan, which lays out a program of study for multiple semesters. This plan is a collaboration between the student and the counselor, based on the student’s outside responsibilities and the counselor’s suggestions for success. The semester-by-semester plan helps determine how long a student’s educational goal will take to achieve, which in turn identifies key dates, such as when to apply for graduation and/or transfer admission. The student should review plans periodically with a counselor and revise as needed. Assessment of career interests, values and aptitudes is also available to those students who want more information or assistance in order to choose the "right" programs or courses before making an official SEP.

Follow-up Services Follow-up services include a periodic review of student progress and education plans to assist students in reaching their educational goal. Students who need additional support services will be referred to those services. Counselors are also available to assist in changing majors.

Accessibility of Services Students with disabilities who may need accommodation for matriculation services are encouraged to notify staff or faculty of their need for alternate media or assistance.


READING YOUR ASSESSMENT RESULTS After you have completed your assessment test, you will receive a copy of your results that will indicate one or more of the following: ■ Writing level (W followed by a number) ■ Reading level (R followed by a number) ■ Math level (M followed by a number) ■ English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) level The charts below illustrate which classes you qualify to take based on your assessment scores.

English Results


*ESOL Students: Once you have successfully completed ESOL 40, you are prepared to take English 48 and English 49.


Math Results

*Type of transfer math course is determined by major. See counselor.



Residency for Graduation Purposes

1. Apply to City College, submit official transcripts from all colleges attended to the Records Office (A109) as soon as possible, take assessment tests (if needed) and attend orientation.

Of the sixty (60) minimum units required for graduation, you must complete at least twelve (12) units in the San Diego Community College District at any of the three colleges to earn a degree from the District.

2. Decide on a major. 3. Meet with a counselor to create your education plan. 4. Complete the required classes. 5. Petition for graduation.

The Anatomy of an Associate Degree All associate degrees require 60 degree applicable units which must include at least 18 units in the major and at least 18 units of general education. Units in addition to those required for the major and general education are considered electives.

60 Degree Applicable Units

2.0 Overall GPA

Catalog Rights/Degree Requirements With continuous enrollment, you can graduate with the requirements of the catalog year under which you begin your classes or the requirements of the catalog year under which you complete your degree. Please see the City College catalog for more information on catalog rights or continuous enrollment.

Additional Degrees or Multiple Majors If you currently hold a degree and would like to earn an additional degree, or would like to earn a degree in more than one major, consult with a counselor for complete details.

Petition for Graduation Once you have completed (or are about to complete) your degree requirements, you must file a written petition to graduate with the Evaluations Office. Petitions may be filed up to two (2) semesters prior to your completion date.

Transfer Options Under most circumstances, an associate degree is not required for transfer. An associate degree alone may not fulfill all of the requirements for transfer. Work closely with a counselor to learn how to both complete your associate degree and meet transfer requirements.

Need More Info? Counseling (A-110) or online: Evaluations: (L-116) or online: