Oak Hill Elementary School 3. Whoops! There was a problem loading this page. OHE October Newsletter 2016 .pdf. OHE Octob
Oak Hill Elementary School
October 2016
NEWS FROM THE NEST Standard 1: Vision and purpose - 1.1 The school establishes a vision for the school in collaboration with its stakeholders.
Upcoming Events Mark your Calendars October 12
PTO Meeting 3:00pm
October 13th
PTO Hayride - Kregel’s 4-7pm
October 20
Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:15-8:00
October 26
NO SCHOOL for Students
Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 28
School Halloween Parties
October 31-November 1
Fall Break NO SCHOOL
Principal News Tardy Students at OHE Dear Parents, We continue to have a large number of tardy students each day at OHE. School starts at 8:00 am. Students are tardy if they are not in their classrooms at 8:00 am. If you are dropping off your child at school, please make sure your give yourself enough time. Car drop off begins at 7:30 am (Door 7). The other choice for many is to use Tri-Creek Bus Transportation. In the event a bus arrives late to school, students are not counted tardy. Attendance letters are sent home according to policy in the Tri-Creek Student Handbook. Please refrain from parking your car in the OHE Fire Lane in the front of the building. We have many spots available in the lot to park in. The lot should be used anytime you come to OHE. Thanks for your continued partnership in your child’s education.
Oak Hill Elementary School
Oak Hill Elementary School
October 2016
Math Tips and Tools As a parent, you can help your child be a whiz at math, even if it wasn’t your best subject. Make math a game. Math games are fun and inexpensive. They are a wonderful way to get your kids to enjoy working with numbers, as well as improve their number skills. Here are a few suggestions: • Many games that we take for granted are excellent math lessons. “Go Fish” teaches counting and grouping in sets. Games that use play money teach how to make change. Board games that use dice teach addition and counting. Backgammon teaches addition, subtraction, and strategy. • Beans, stones, or marbles can be used to play number games. Let your child develop his or her own games by sorting beans into different sizes or types, setting up the rules for a counting game, or using different types of pasta to make a picture. • Give your children a geometry lesson by letting them create a collage of circles, squares, and triangles. Challenge them to come up with as many different shapes as they can using only triangles. • Play store with the items in your cupboard. • A pan of water and some jars or cups of different sizes will amuse a child for hours while teaching capacity and volume.
Math Tips for Parents: Beyond 1, 2, 3, 4… Encourage creative problem-solving. Problem-solving is the basis of good mathematical thinking, and the problems don’t have to involve numbers. • “How many different ways are there to walk to school?” • “What’s another way to arrange the furniture in this room?” • “How many different ways can I measure flour to get half a cup?” Try to come up with more than one solution for everyday problems. Choose gifts that develop problem-solving skills. Blocks, building sets, geometric tile sets, puzzles, board games, weather stations, maps, puzzle books, calculators, strategy games, scales, and origami are just a few of the gifts that will give your child pleasure and knowledge at the same time.
Oak Hill Elementary School
Oak Hill Elementary School
October 2016
PTO Fall Festival Come join us on October 13th at Kregel's Pumpkin Patch 7705 W. 159th Ave., Lowell FROM 4:00pm -7:00pm
Cost is $8, per child AND adult, which includes: Hayride to pumpkin patch (last ride is at 6:00pm) A small pumpkin (1 per child/adult) Hot dog, chips, and drink Available for an additional charge: Bake sale goods, additional hot dogs, chips & drinks
Tri-Creek School Corporation Oak Hill Elementary School, and Oak Hill PTO and its representatives do not assume any responsibility or liability for lost items, accidents or injuries that may occur as a result of this activity. Students and family members participate in this activity at their own risk. This is a family event and a parent or guardian must be with their student at all times.
Please return the form, along with payment, by October 7th in order to participate. *Please note that you will sign in at Kregel’s Pumpkin Patch. No bracelets will be sent home this year. Checks should be written to Oak Hill PTO. I have read and understand the above release of responsibility and liability.
Please PRINT all information Student Name(s): Name(s): Number of Children:
Oak Hill Elementary School
_ Teacher Grade(s): Adults:________________________________________