Ohio Achievement Assessments - Ohio Department of Education

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Responsibilities of the Building Test Coordinator . ..... The Ohio Achievement Assessments The District Test Coordinator or testing policy. • Receiving and ...

Department Education


Ohio Achievement Assessments Grades

3–8 Grades 3–8 Reading & Mathematics Grades 5 & 8 Science

Building Test Coordinator’s Manual Spring 2013

Copyright © 2013 by the Ohio Department of Education. All rights reserved.

Ohio Department of Education


Office of Curriculum and Assessment

2510 N. Dodge St.

25 S. Front St., MS 507

Iowa City, IA 52245

Columbus, OH 43215-4183 (614) 466-0223

The Ohio Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment or the provision of services.

CONTENTS Spring 2013 Test Schedule .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Important Contact Information.................................................................................................................................... 3 General Overview........................................................................................................................................................... 4 Responsibilities of the Building Test Coordinator .......................................................................................................... 5 Testing Schedule and Time Allotments ......................................................................................................................... 6 Test Security...................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Handling of Secure Materials .................................................................................................................................. 8 Standards for the Ethical Use of Tests ..................................................................................................................... 9 Accelerated Testing ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 Basic Guidelines for Test Administration ..................................................................................................................... 10 Using the Pre-ID and Generic Labels ................................................................................................................... 11 Pre-ID Labels ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 Sample Pre-ID Label ......................................................................................................................................... 11 Generic Labels ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 Sample Generic Label ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Applying Pre-ID and Generic Labels .......................................................................................................................... 14 Demographic Sheet Example: Grade 3 Test Booklet Inside Back Cover............................................................... 15 Demographic Sheet Example: Grade 3 Test Booklet Back Cover .......................................................................... 16 Demographic Sheet Example: Grade 5 Answer Document Inside Back Cover .................................................. 17 Demographic Sheet Example: Grade 5 Answer Document Back Cover .............................................................. 18 Before Testing................................................................................................................................................................. 19 Establishing a Testing Schedule............................................................................................................................. 19 Receiving, Checking In and Distributing Test Materials ..................................................................................... 19 Use of Rulers ............................................................................................................................................................ 20 Use of Protractors .................................................................................................................................................... 20 Use of Calculators................................................................................................................................................... 20 Criteria for Calculators ........................................................................................................................................... 21 Allowable Calculators/Functions .......................................................................................................................... 21 Prohibited Calculators/Functions ......................................................................................................................... 21 Use of the Grade 8 Mathematics Reference Sheet ........................................................................................... 21 Training Test Administrators and Monitors ............................................................................................................ 21


On Test Day .................................................................................................................................................................... 22 After Testing ................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Language Translation Materials ............................................................................................................................ 23 Students Who Become Sick................................................................................................................................... 24 Invalidating Scores ................................................................................................................................................. 24 “Do Not Score” Test Booklets or Answer Documents ......................................................................................... 24 Packaging and Returning Materials ........................................................................................................................... 25 Returning Scorable Test Booklets or Answer Documents ................................................................................... 25 Sample Pearson Return-Shipping Label ......................................................................................................... 27 Applying Carrier Return Labels ............................................................................................................................. 27 Sample UPS Labels ............................................................................................................................................ 28 Returning Nonscorable Materials ......................................................................................................................... 28 Appendix A: Forms ........................................................................................................................................................ 29 Sample Header Sheet ............................................................................................................................................ 30 Sample School Security Checklist ......................................................................................................................... 31 Sample Testing Group Roster ................................................................................................................................ 32 Appendix B: Students With Identified Disabilities — Students Identified as English Language Learners ............ 33 General Information .............................................................................................................................................. 33 Definition of an Accommodation .................................................................................................................. 33 Definition of a Student With Identified Disabilities (IEP and 504 Plan) ....................................................... 33 Criteria for the Use of Accommodations ...................................................................................................... 33 Definition of a Student Identified as an English Language Learner (ELL).................................................. 34 Special Versions Summary ............................................................................................................................... 35 Appendix C: Supplemental Instructions..................................................................................................................... 36 Supplemental Instructions for a Read-Aloud Script ..................................................................................... 37 Supplemental Instructions for an English Audio CD ..................................................................................... 38 Supplemental Instructions for a Large-Print Test Booklet ............................................................................. 39 Supplemental Instructions for a Braille Test Booklet ..................................................................................... 41 Supplemental Instructions for a Bilingual Test Booklet ................................................................................. 42 Supplemental Instructions for a Foreign-Language CD.............................................................................. 44 Supplemental Instructions for a Language-Translation Script and Materials ........................................... 46 Appendix D: Summary of Test Security Provisions from the Administrative Code ................................................. 48


Spring 2013 Test Schedule Date


April 22–May 10, 2013

Test administration dates

When testing is complete but no later

Schools with magenta early return labels return scorable

than May 3, 2013

materials to DTCs.

When testing is complete but no later

Schools with yellow regular return labels return scorable

than May 3, 2013

materials to DTCs.

When testing is complete but no later

BTCs return nonscorable secure materials to DTCs.

than May 10, 2013

in administering the OAT in May; for more information, please see Appendix A on page 28.

Important Contact Information For information about. . .

Contact. . .

• The Ohio Achievement Assessments

The District Test Coordinator

or testing policy • Receiving and returning shipments • Ordering additional materials • Ordering optional services • Accommodations



General Overview This manual outlines the specific responsibilities of the Building Test Coordinator (BTC) for the Spring 2013 administration of the Grades 3–8 Ohio Achievement Assessments (OAA). Included are instructions for receiving and distributing test materials and for returning all test materials (scorable and nonscorable) to the District Test Coordinator (DTC). The Spring 2013 Grades 3–8 Ohio Achievement Assessments will be distributed, retrieved and scored by Pearson. This Ohio Building Test Coordinator’s Manual (BTC manual) will be used for the following achievement assessments: •

Grades 3–8 reading and mathematics

Grades 5 and 8 science

Due to cuts to the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) budget, administration of the grades 4 and 7 Writing assessments and grades 5 and 8 Social Studies assessments will be suspended for this school year (2012–2013). BTCs should be aware of several security protocols, packaging procedures and operational practices for the Spring 2013 Ohio Achievement Assessments. Form SV must be used by the student with any special version (Read-Aloud Script, English Audio CD, Braille, Large Print, Bilingual, Foreign-Language CD, and Language-Translation Script). Forms from the spiraled packet must not be used. If forms from the spiraled packets are used, this will be discovered during testing by the students and will cause confusion and frustration. The full supplemental instructions for all special versions and accommodations appear in Appendix C in this manual and will not be included with the individual special version test materials. In addition, Foreign-Language CD packages will include English Audio CDs. Test booklets will be spiraled within shrink-wrapped packages. Multiple forms of test booklets will be assigned to each test building. There will be field-test questions. Each test booklet will contain identical “operational” test questions used for assigning scores to students. Each test form, however, will have different embedded sets of field-test questions that will be used for future item development purposes. (Field-test items are not used in calculating student scores.) Within a classroom, there may be several different forms of a test booklet for distribution. Tests should not be taken from spiraled packets to use with special versions. In test administration settings where accommodations are provided (for example, using an English Audio CD to provide a read-aloud accommodation), Form SV should be utilized for all tested students who use special versions. This can only be accomplished by ensuring that sufficient quantities of Form SV test booklets are ordered when ordering special versions of tests. Because tests will be spiraled, there are certain procedures that must be followed for testing in grades 5 through 8. On the first day of testing, students should write their names on the front of the test booklet and on the front and back of the answer document. Each test booklet and answer document should be returned to the same student on the subsequent days of testing. It should be carefully checked that an answer document with student responses is given to the correct student. Because there may be several different forms within a test building, it is essential that Box J (Form) be bubbled accurately on the back of the answer document. It is recommended that staff, not students, bubble the information on the demographic pages.


Testing Group Number

1 07

10 7

52 7

The district must designate a person or persons to assign testing group numbers to all testing locations within each school. The purpose of assigning a testing group number to a testing location is to aid in identifying a cohort of students quickly and easily should an anomaly occur during testing, such as defective materials being discovered after the test was administered. The sample Testing Group Roster in Appendix A may be used to assign and/or record testing group numbers. This roster is also available for download from www.ohiodocs.org. Use of testing group numbers is required but not the use of the Testing Group Roster. For example, schools may develop their own spreadsheet or use a local database to organize the testing group information. Regardless of the method used to assign testing group numbers, any documentation should be kept at either the school(s) or the district for one year after the test administration. BTCs should discuss with their DTC the best place to keep this documentation. The BTC may be asked to make this information available after the test administration. If test booklets or answer documents are returned for scoring without Box “G” completed, the BTC may be contacted to provide the information. The testing group number documentation should NOT be returned to Pearson or to ODE unless requested. Use of a Header Sheet is required. Separate headers are not required for each class or small group administration. One per grade per school is sufficient. On the Header Sheet, Box 4 labeled “Contact Name” may be completed with the name of any person who has knowledge of the testing process at the school. The district must maintain a list showing which TA administered the tests for each class. The Header Sheet does not generate teacher score reports.

Responsibilities of the Building Test Coordinator The BTC is responsible for coordinating the Spring 2013 administration of the Ohio Achievement Assessments in the school. The BTC’s primary responsibilities include the following: •

Become familiar with this manual, the Directions for Administration Manual and the Ohio Statewide Assessment Program Rules Book.

Establish a schedule for each day of test administration, including provisions for students who need additional time beyond the amount scheduled.

Identify and train TAs on test administration procedures.



Student test booklets (grades 3 and 4) and answer documents (grades 5–8) contain a box (Box “G”; see below) labeled “Testing Group Number” on the back cover. A testing group is defined as any location within the school where an OAA administration (of any size) is being conducted. The testing group number must be assigned to a testing location, not a Test Administrator. It is very important to complete the “Testing Group Number” box.


Arrange for a TA to be available and present during the test administration for each classroom. The TA must be an employee of the district and hold a license/certificate/permit issued by ODE. For any group of more than 30 students, a monitor must assist the TA. The ratio of TAs/monitors to students is one adult to 30 students in any testing room, including rooms where small groups are administered the test or where accommodations are provided.

Receive, check in and securely store the test materials.

Assign testing group numbers for each test session and provide this information to TAs, who will ensure that the numbers are recorded on students’ test booklets (grades 3 and 4) or answer documents (grades 5–8). Discuss with the DTC whether this documentation should be returned to the district or kept at the school.

Distribute the test materials to the TAs on the day the test is to be administered.

Maintain the security of the test materials while they are in the school.

Ensure that all test materials are recovered after each test administration.

Return the school’s test materials (scorable and nonscorable) to the DTC. Scorable materials are the test booklets (grades 3 and 4) and answer documents (grades 5–8) in which students have recorded their responses. Nonscorable secure materials are unused test booklets for grades 3 and 4 and all test booklets for grades 5–8; Braille, Large Print and Bilingual test booklets; Language-Translation materials; Foreign-Language CD materials; English Audio CD materials; Read-Aloud Scripts; cassette tapes; and grade 8 Mathematics Reference Sheets that have student-written calculations. Unused answer documents, unmarked grade 8 Mathematics Reference Sheets, Directions for Administration Manuals, and the BTC manual should also be returned to the DTC for disposal.

BTCs must remember to use the correct color and carrier label on each box. Incorrect labeling may send scorable tests to the nonscorables site. This will place scorable tests in the late batch. Late batch results are returned at a later date than the initial distribution of results.

Testing Schedule and Time Allotments The Spring 2013 administration of the Grades 3–8 Ohio Achievement Assessments will take place April 22 through May 10, 2013, which includes make-up testing. Districts may set their own schedules for administering the tests during that time, as long as each test is completed within one school day. BTCs will coordinate make-up testing schedules. Districts may choose to begin the initial administration on any day within the first two weeks. Initial administration is when the entire grade level is tested. Make-up testing is done the third week and may also be done on days in between testing. The tests may be administered on nonconsecutive days. Testing materials will arrive in districts on or about April 8, 2013. This will allow districts two weeks to distribute materials to buildings if the district has decided to begin testing on April 22. Schools designated as early return (magenta labels) will need to have scorable test materials returned to the DTC no later than May 3, 2013. Schools with yellow return labels will need to have scorable test materials returned to the DTC no later than May 3, 2013. To ensure that all students have sufficient time to complete the test, the time allotment for the Ohio Achievement Assessments is 2½ hours, excluding breaks. Please note that students with disabilities may have extended time if documented in an IEP or 504 Plan, although the test must be completed in one school day. Students identified as English Language Learners (ELLs) may have extended time and/or the use of a printed or hand-held electronic dictionary while taking the assessment. Computer-based dictionaries are not allowed. More detailed information about testing students with accommodations or special versions of the test is contained in Appendix B.


Test Security Maintaining test security is one of the most important responsibilities of the BTC. At all times, the district’s and the state’s written procedures for protecting secure test materials must be followed. BTCs are responsible for ensuring that TAs act in accordance with all security requirements while test materials are in their possession.

BTCs are responsible for training all TAs and monitors in test security requirements and proper test administration procedures and informing them of the do’s and don’ts of test preparation.

BTCs are responsible for the security of all test materials and for returning all secure test materials (scorable and nonscorable) to the DTC.

The secure test materials consist of the following:

Scorable • Test booklets (grades 3 and 4) with test questions, student information and student responses • Answer documents (grades 5–8) with student information and student responses Nonscorable • Unused test booklets for grades 3 and 4 • All test booklets for grades 5–8 • All used test booklets for grades 3 and 4 and answer documents for grades 5–8 that contain student responses that should not be scored (e.g., a soiled answer document) • Braille test booklets • All Large Print test booklets (with or without student responses) • Foreign-Language CD materials • English Audio CD materials • Language-Translation materials • All cassette tapes (with or without student responses) • Read-Aloud Scripts • All Bilingual test booklets (with or without student responses) • Grade 8 Mathematics Reference Sheets containing student-written calculations It is illegal and unethical to reproduce or disclose any of these materials or cause them to be reproduced or disclosed in any format. Test security is vital for the administration of the Ohio Achievement Assessments. BTCs are responsible for ensuring the security of not only the physical test booklets and CDs but also the individual test questions and other materials. The BTC’s responsibility for maintaining the security of the test booklets or answer documents, audio CDs, test questions, and other secure materials continues even after the test booklets and answer documents have been returned to the DTC. Under Ohio law, releasing any test questions or other contents of a test to students or helping students cheat in any other way may be punishable by invalidation of test scores, termination of employment, suspension of certificates to teach, and/or prosecution. Violations of test security provisions in the district’s written procedures may be punishable by penalties specified by the district. To review the Ohio Administrative Code and the Ohio Statewide Assessment Program Rules Book on the Internet, log on to education.ohio.gov and search keywords: Ohio Administrative Code and Assessment Program Rules Book. A summary of test security provisions from the Ohio Administrative Code appears in Appendix D.




All electronic devices (cell phone, iPod, etc.) must be collected from students prior to the test administration. Students must be told that electronic devices are prohibited during the test administration. Use of an electronic device during a test administration is a security violation. TAs should turn off their cell phones so as not to disturb the students. Note: District personnel are prohibited from viewing the test booklet or completed answer document unless they are assisting with a special version administration. The following are security violations (this is not an exhaustive list). Before or during an administration: •

Reviewing the test before the administration and creating a study guide or in some way releasing the test questions to the students;

Describing the test questions in a letter, discussing the test questions or photocopying the test questions;

Standing by a student’s desk and indicating in some manner that the student’s answer is incorrect, blank or deficient.

After the administration: •

Discussing test questions with colleagues or students after the test has been administered, which may affect students who were absent or allow students to change answers on a test in the same booklet;

Describing the test questions in a letter, discussing the test questions or photocopying the test questions;

Altering a student’s response after the student has turned in the test booklet or answer document.

At any point, BTCs who believe that a violation of test security has occurred must notify the DTC and follow the procedures established by the school district for handling alleged test security violations. The secure test materials must be protected from loss, theft and reproduction in any medium. Unique identification numbers are encoded on all secure materials. These numbers are used to track secure materials and to verify that they have been returned to Pearson after testing. The tracking system identifies which test materials are shipped to which district and school. After each test administration, Pearson generates a security report that lists any unreturned secure test materials. A follow-up is done for these materials, and the results of the security report are shared with ODE.

Handling of Secure Materials Test booklets and answer documents are sent to schools in shrink-wrapped packages. Do not open these packages or distribute them until test day. Before and after test administration, the BTC must keep both scorable and nonscorable test materials in a secure location. The BTC is responsible for returning secure test materials to the locked storage area after administration. Only those people authorized by district policy should have access to the test materials. Under no circumstances should students have access to the test materials either before or after the testing session. During test administration, a TA must be in the room at all times. Students should never be left unattended with tests. If students are allowed to leave the room while testing is in progress, they must first turn in their test booklets and answer documents.


When the test administration is complete and all test materials have been accounted for, the BTC should immediately return the scorable test booklets and answer documents to the DTC, following the directions starting on page 25.

Standards for the Ethical Use of Tests The State Board of Education has adopted Standards for the Ethical Use of Tests to assist anyone involved in test administration with performing his or her responsibilities with “honesty, integrity, due care, and fairness to all and to ensure the integrity of the assessment process and the reliability and validity of inferences made from the assessment results.” The standards govern testing related to, but not limited to, standardized achievement testing and any other grade-level or age-level assessments administered schoolwide or districtwide. The standards are grouped according to various stages in the assessment process: (1) standards associated with communicating the ethical standards to and monitoring the educational practices of staff members who are assigned assessment responsibilities; (2) ethical standards associated with practices in preparing students for an assessment; (3) ethical standards associated with administering and scoring assessments; and (4) ethical standards associated with interpreting and using assessment results. Although the Standards for the Ethical Use of Tests provides examples of unethical practices at each stage of the assessment process, these examples are not an exhaustive list of all possible unethical practices. Good professional judgment should be used if a situation arises that is not addressed by the Standards for the Ethical Use of Tests. The text of the standards is in the Directions for Administration Manual and can also be found on the Internet; log on to education.ohio.gov and search keywords: Ohio Administrative Code.

Accelerated Testing Students who are placed in a higher grade may be administered tests in the subjects in which they are receiving accelerated instruction. The Ohio Revised Code charges all districts with the adoption of a district student acceleration policy. Testing rules for students subject to district student acceleration policies may be found at education.ohio.gov; search keywords: Testing Policy for Subject-Accelerated Students. These rules provide guidance about required or optional accelerated testing during the initial and subsequent years of accelerated instruction. Because subject-accelerated students are being administered Ohio Achievement Assessments in multiple grade levels, it is essential that they are identified as accelerated testers. Failure to identify accelerated testers will delay the delivery of score reports. For each subject in which a student is an accelerated tester, the DTC or BTC must indicate that the student is an accelerated tester and provide the accelerated grade level. DTCs must identify accelerated testers using one of the following three methods: •

Provide the accelerated testing indicator and grade level for each subject in the Pre-ID file submission. The provided Pre-ID labels will contain the accelerated testing information and should be used.

Enter the accelerated testing indicator and grade level within Box R on the demographic page.

Enter the accelerated testing indicator and grade level within the Record Change module of TIDE.

For whole-grade accelerated students, nothing is to be marked on the test booklet or answer document, Pre-ID file, or TIDE Record Change module. This student should take the enrolled grade-level test. For questions regarding the test administration procedures for accelerated testers, please contact the Office of Curriculum and Assessment at (614) 466-0223.



At any point, if a BTC believes that a violation of test security has occurred, he or she should contact the DTC immediately.


Basic Guidelines for Test Administration The Grades 3 and 4 Ohio Achievement Assessments are printed in scannable test booklets. Students must show all work and write their responses in their test booklets. Additional pages, papers or scratch paper must not be used or added to the test booklets; these papers will not be scored. The Grades 5–8 Ohio Achievement Assessments consist of test booklets and scannable answer documents. Students must write all responses in their answer documents. Additional pages and papers added to the test booklets or answer documents will not be scored. If additional pages are used, they are secure materials and must be returned with the nonscorable materials. For the Grade 3 Mathematics Achievement Assessment, rulers are not provided. TAs will need to provide a ruler for each student. For the Grade 5 Mathematics Achievement Assessment, protractors are not provided. TAs will need to provide a protractor for each student. For the Grade 8 Mathematics Achievement Assessment, a Mathematics Reference Sheet is provided in the test booklet and can be removed for student use. For the Grades 6–8 Mathematics Achievement Assessments, students may use allowable calculators. See pages 20 and 21 for a thorough explanation of how to determine which calculators are allowable. Schools may provide students with calculators or students may bring their own. In either case, the calculators must meet the specific criteria listed in this manual. If the school is providing calculators to students, the BTC must distribute them to TAs by test day. If students will use their own, the BTC must establish a system for TAs to verify that the calculators meet the criteria in this manual. All scorable responses must be written using a No. 2 pencil. Students must not use mechanical pencils, pens, colored pencils, highlighters, or markers to write responses — the tests will not be scored. Remember that scorable test booklets for grades 3 and 4 and scannable answer documents for grades 5–8 must be returned to the DTC no later than May 3 (with the exception of make-up testing). Consider the items below when scheduling and administering the achievement assessments: •

Students are allowed a maximum of 2½ hours on the scheduled testing day. Students who have been identified as English Language Learners (ELLs) may be allowed extended time (although the test must be completed in one school day) and the use of a printed or hand-held electronic dictionary (but not a computer dictionary).

Students who take a test with procedural accommodations or use a special version (e.g., Braille, Large Print, Bilingual) or a Language Translation must have their responses and demographic information transcribed verbatim into a Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or answer document (grades 5–8) by a district employee who holds a current license/certificate/permit issued by ODE. Always have a witness present when transferring the responses to the second test booklet or answer document. A Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or answer document (grades 5–8) will be provided with each special version of the test and must be returned to the DTC with the scorable materials. Each student’s original Large Print, Braille, English Audio CD, Bilingual, or Foreign-Language CD must be returned to the DTC with the nonscorable secure materials. Separate sheets added to the test booklet or answer document will not be scored.

Home-educated students are taught at home and are not enrolled in the district’s schools. When testing home-educated students, use a blank Header Sheet from the district overage. If home-educated students are testing at the school, contact the DTC to acquire the necessary Header Sheet (see the sample Header Sheet in Appendix A on page 30). Complete Sections 1


Using the Pre-ID and Generic Labels Pre-ID labels are available to districts (see example below) and will arrive in a separate shipment from the test materials. In those districts that choose not to take advantage of the Pre-ID or Generic student labels, all information will need to be gridded on the back cover and inside back cover of the students’ test booklets (grades 3 and 4) or answer documents (grades 5–8). Classroom reports are generated from the Pre-ID file and from information entered into the TIDE Record Change System. Teacher names must be included on the Pre-ID file or entered into the TIDE Record Change System for the classroom report to be generated. Teacher score reports are not generated by the Header Sheet. Affix Pre-ID labels to test booklets or answer documents after the test administration. If labels are affixed before testing, students might mark on the labels, which will affect the scanning of the test booklets, or the tests may be distributed to the wrong student and scores will be assigned to the wrong student. Information is embedded in the barcode, which contains Student Name, SSID, District IRN, District Name, School IRN, School Name, Grade, and student demographic information. The labels must be aligned carefully on the test booklets or answer documents for machine scoring. The labels do not include Testing Group Number, Form (grades 5–8) or IEP or ELL information; therefore, boxes G, J (grades 5–8), N, O, and P on the back cover and inside back cover of the test booklets (grades 3 and 4) or answer documents (grades 5–8) will need to be gridded, if appropriate, for each student. Administration of the Braille, Large Print, Bilingual, and Language-Translation versions of the test may involve the use of two test booklets or answer documents. Be sure to affix the student’s Pre-ID or Generic label on the test booklet or answer document that is to be scored for that student. It is important to match the name on the label with the name on the front cover. Testing time should not be used to apply the Pre-ID or Generic labels or to complete student demographic information. For non-public schools, the district’s student ID may be included in the space provided on the inside back cover of the test booklets or answer documents.

Pre-ID Labels Pre-ID labels are printed for students whose names were submitted on the district’s Pre-ID file in January and February during the TIDE Pre-ID window. These labels are linked to a student’s demographic information, even though not all of that information is printed on the label. The SSID will not be visible on the Pre-ID label; the DSID will be visible if the information was provided on the Pre-ID file. SAMPLE PRE-ID LABEL PREID NBR: 201930436-1 (ACH) STUDENT, NAME DIST: 999999 SAMPLE DISTRICT SCH: 123456 SAMPLE SCHOOL

GRD: 05 DOB: 02/19/2002 SEX: M DSID: 0000903805 ROOM NBR: 123


ETH: 5 SPRING 2013


(Information Box) and 2 (District IRN) with the appropriate information. For Section 3, enter “999999” for School IRN. This will ensure that home-educated students’ scores are not included in the school’s results. Leave Section 4 (Contact Name) blank. Enter the total number of home-educated student test booklets or answer documents in Section 6 (Number of Test Booklets or Answer Documents).


Generic Labels Generic labels should be used when BTCs are unable to bubble required demographic information for students who do not have Pre-ID labels. If a Generic label is used, the required demographic information must be entered through the American Institutes for Research (AIR) TIDE Record Change System. If neither type of label is used, demographic information must be bubbled on the answer document or test booklet. If a Generic label is used, the following instructions MUST be followed. Generic labels should be applied using the same rules as for Pre-ID label application provided in this Building Test Coordinator’s Manual. A sample of the Generic label appears below. The Generic label includes the Pre-ID Number, District Name, District IRN, School Name, School IRN, the test administration the label should be used for, and a line for entering the name of the student who uses the Generic label. When using a Generic label, complete the following steps: 1. Use a No. 2 pencil to write the student’s name on the line provided on the label. SAMPLE GENERIC LABEL PREID NBR: 900000163-6 (ACH) DIST: 999999 SAMPLE DISTRICT SCH: 123456 SAMPLE SCHOOL

NAME: _________________________


2. Record the student data and the corresponding “PREID NBR [number].” The Pre-ID NBR is the unique barcode number for the label. This step is critical. Student data must be recorded so the student’s information can be entered into the TIDE Record Change System. To assist with this activity, a Generic Label Tracking Roster has been provided, which lists the Generic numbers assigned to the school. See the following sample:


SPRING 2013 OHIO 3–8


3. BTCs should provide recorded information to the DTC who will be entering the demographic data into the TIDE Record Change System. The DTC should go to www.ohtide.org to enter the student demographic data into the Record Change System. It is critical that demographic information is entered on the correct barcode for the Generic label used for that student. Failure to do this could result in inaccurate student reporting. The way to ensure that correct information is entered for the correct record is to match the Pre-ID Number on the Generic label with the matching Pre-ID NBR from the Record Change System. If the online Record Change System is not used, then demographic information must be handgridded. Students whose data are hand-gridded will not be reported on printed classroom-level test score reports unless this information is added during the TIDE Pre-Reporting Record Change window. 4. Apply the Generic label to the test booklet or answer document that will be returned for scoring. BTCs do not need to grid boxes B through F, H, I, L, M, and Q with student data on the document if the DTC has entered these data in the Record Change System. Gridded data will be overwritten with any demographic data entered in the Record Change System. 5. When testing is complete, unused Generic and Pre-ID labels should be destroyed. Labels provided for this administration of the Ohio Achievement Assessments CANNOT be used for future administrations. 6. It is not recommended that students complete the demographic information.


Applying Pre-ID and Generic Labels Rotated label


3. Apply the student labels to the back cover of the test booklets (see the diagram to the right).

ETH: 5 SPRING 2013 GRD: 05 DOB: 02/19/2002 SEX: M DSID: 0000903805 ROOM NBR: 123


2. After testing, locate the appropriate label for each student’s test booklet.

4. Check to make sure the label matches the student name.






Place the student Pre-ID or Generic Label Here

1. Before testing, TAs will have students print their names on the line labeled “Student Name” at the top of the front cover of each test booklet.




Rotate label and apply to test booklet PREID NBR: 900000163-6 (ACH) DIST: 999999 SAMPLE DISTRICT SCH: 123456 SAMPLE SCHOOL

NAME: _________________________


Back Cover of Grades 5–8 Answer Document Rotated label


2. After testing, locate the appropriate label for each student’s answer document. 3. Apply the student labels to the back cover of the answer documents (see the diagram to the right). 4. Make sure Section J, “Form,” is completed. This ensures that the answer document will be linked to the test booklet form the student used to take the test.


E ETH: 5 SPRING 2013


GRD: 05 DOB: 02/19/2002 SEX: M DSID: 0000903805 ROOM NBR: 123




1. Before testing, TAs will have students print their names on the line labeled “Student Name” at the top of the front cover of each answer document.

Place the student Pre-ID or Generic Label Here


Back Cover of Grades 3 and 4 Test Booklet




Rotate label and apply to test booklet



NAME: _________________________



Demographic Sheet Example: Grade 3 Test Booklet Inside Back Cover TEST ADMINISTRATION



Demographic Sheet Example: Grade 3 Test Booklet Back Cover

Ohio Grade 3 RM Student Test Booklet


Demographic Sheet Example: Grade 5 Answer Document Inside Back Cover TEST ADMINISTRATION



Demographic Sheet Example: Grade 5 Answer Document Back Cover


Before Testing Establishing a Testing Schedule

The testing window is a three-week period. The first two weeks are for the initial test administration, during which an entire grade level in a district tests the same subject on the same day. The third week is for make-up testing. Make-up testing may also be done on days in between testing. Any make-up test given the week of May 6 must be returned by Friday, May 10.

Receiving, Checking In and Distributing Test Materials A school’s test materials are packed in boxes, clearly labeled with the school’s name, that are shipped to the district office for distribution to the school. Follow the instructions below for receiving materials and taking inventory, which should be done immediately after receiving test materials from the DTC. Remove the Packing List and School Security Checklist from Box 1. Remove the zip-lock package labeled “Building Test Coordinator Kit.” Please review the contents of this package and notify the DTC if additional materials are needed. The kit should contain the following: — Zip-lock bag (holds all materials) — Mylar bands, pkg-10 (for banding scorable test booklets and answer documents to return to the DTC) — Yellow or magenta envelope containing return materials (Pearson colored return labels) — Header Sheets Optional: Use the School Security Checklist to inventory the materials received against the quantities listed on the Packing List. Do not open shrink-wrapped packages before the first day of testing. The test booklet packages contain Security Range Sheets, which are visible through the shrink wrap. Compare the ranges of security numbers on the sheets with those on the School Security Checklist. Report discrepancies, if any, to the DTC on that same day. Do not lose or destroy the Packing List. It will be needed for reference when secure testing materials are returned after testing is complete. Count the materials received to verify that there is an adequate number for the TAs and students in the school. If additional materials are needed, notify the DTC immediately. Count through the shrink wrap. Do not open shrink-wrapped packages prior to the first day of testing. Be sure that any missing or damaged test booklets or answer documents are replaced with an equal quantity. If additional materials are needed, notify the DTC immediately. If additional materials are received from the DTC, be sure to record their security numbers on the School Security Checklist. Keep all test materials in locked storage until distributing them to the TAs. Test materials must be distributed only on the administration day and must be returned to secure storage immediately after testing. Do not open secure shrink-wrapped packages before the first day of testing. Remind TAs that all test materials are secure and must be returned immediately after testing. Keep all boxes in which the test materials were delivered. Use these boxes to return the test materials (scorable and nonscorable) and the unused materials to the DTC when testing is complete. If these boxes are damaged in the original shipment, use sturdy boxes or ask the DTC to order additional boxes from Pearson.



Administration of the Spring 2013 Grades 3–8 Ohio Achievement Assessments must take place during the April 22 through May 10, 2013, testing window, which includes make-up testing. Districts may set their own schedule during this test window, as long as the test is completed within one day. Check with the DTC to determine whether the district has more specific requirements for the testing date.


Report the following occurrences immediately to the DTC: •

Nonreceipt of any packages of test booklets or answer documents listed on the Packing List;

Discovery of a damaged or defective test booklet or answer document (supply the 10-digit sequence number of the test booklet to the DTC);

Discovery of missing or duplicate sequence numbers on any test booklets.

The DTC will investigate any report that is made by the BTC and, if necessary, contact ODE.

Use of Rulers Students need access to a ruler when taking the Grade 3 Mathematics Achievement Assessment. Some questions may ask students to find lengths or to draw a line of a specified length. Students should be familiar with and use this ruler during instruction. The ruler used while taking the test should have the following scales: •

Standard units — inches with markings that allow students to measure to the nearest half and fourth inch;

Metric units — centimeters with markings that allow students to measure to the nearest half centimeter.

Most rulers commonly purchased for use in classrooms are allowed, including six-inch and 12-inch rulers. A ruler with both inch and centimeter scales is appropriate. Some plastic templates supplied by textbook series may have markings for measuring lengths in inches and centimeters. Students may use a template while taking the Grade 3 Mathematics Achievement Assessment when the template contains no information or tools that could provide answers to other questions on the test. For example, a template that identifies geometric figures by shape and name or fractional parts of a circle cannot be used during testing.

Use of Protractors Students need access to a protractor when taking the Grade 5 Mathematics Achievement Assessment. Students may be asked to find the measure of angles or to draw an angle of a specified “size” — one that has a measure of a specified number of degrees. Students should be familiar with and use this protractor during instruction. Most protractors commonly purchased for use in classrooms are acceptable, including semicircular protractors, circular protractors and angle rulers. Some plastic templates supplied by textbook series may include a protractor. Students may use a template while taking the Grade 5 Mathematics Achievement Assessment when the template contains no information or tools that could provide answers to other questions on the test. For example, a template that identifies geometric figures by shape and name, shows fractional parts of a circle or includes fraction and decimal equivalents cannot be used during testing.

Use of Calculators Students may use calculators on the Grades 6, 7 and 8 Mathematics Achievement Assessments. Schools must ensure that each student uses only the appropriate type of calculator specified below when taking the Grades 6, 7 and 8 Mathematics Achievement Assessments. Students may not use operating manuals, instruction or formula cards or other information concerning the operation of calculators. •

Students are permitted to use four-function and scientific calculators that meet the criteria described on the next page.


Students may use personal calculators or calculators provided by the school and/or district. ODE will not provide calculators for student use.

Test items are designed to be calculator neutral; that is, all items can be completed without using a calculator.

Criteria for Calculators Certain restrictions are placed on the capabilities and types of calculators that may be used by students on the Grades 6, 7 and 8 Mathematics Achievement Assessments. For example, students may not use graphing calculators and calculators with certain word-processing capabilities.

Allowable Calculators/Functions Allowable calculators include most four-function and scientific calculators, including those with fraction capabilities.

Prohibited Calculators/Functions Students may NOT use calculators with any of the following capabilities: • • • • • • • • • • •

Graphing calculators Calculators with equation-solving functions Calulators with geometric capabilities Calculators with QWERTY keyboards and word-processing capabilities Calculators with wireless or transmitting capabilities Large programmable calculators (100 steps or more) Laptop and hand-held computers PDAs (e.g., personal planners and electronic organizers) Electronic reference tools (e.g., spell checker, dictionary and/or thesaurus) Calculators with tape or paper outputs Cell phones

The calculator policy for the Grades 6, 7 and 8 Mathematics Achievement Assessments is not intended to limit the types of calculators used within mathematics classrooms. Decisions requiring acquisition and use of more advanced technologies (e.g., graphing calculators and Calculator-Based Laboratories [CBLs]) at these grades should not be based solely on the calculator policy for these tests. The use of more advanced technologies is included in the academic content standards and should be part of the instructional program.

Use of the Grade 8 Mathematics Reference Sheet The grade 8 Mathematics Reference Sheet is provided with all grade 8 test booklets for use on the Grade 8 Mathematics Achievement Assessment. The Mathematics Reference Sheet is found in the general test booklets before the mathematics test and is perforated for easy removal. Mathematics Reference Sheets with student notations are considered secure nonscorable materials and must be returned to Pearson with the other nonscorable materials. Unmarked Mathematics Reference Sheets may be destroyed after testing. For clarifications or questions regarding the use of rulers, protractors, calculators, or the Mathematics Reference Sheet, contact: Office of Curriculum and Assessment — Mathematics (614) 466-1317

Training Test Administrators and Monitors One of the primary responsibilities of the BTC is ensuring that everyone who administers or monitors the test understands the proper procedures for handling secure test materials, administering the test, coding data, and applying Pre-ID and Generic labels to scorable test booklets (grades 3 and 4) and answer documents (grades 5–8) after testing. Training sessions should be conducted for all TAs and monitors in the school before testing.




Distribute the test materials to the TAs, ensuring that all TAs have adequate quantities of the materials. Make sure that testing group numbers have been assigned and provided to the TAs, who will then ensure that the numbers are recorded on students’ test booklets (grades 3 and 4) or answer documents (grades 5–8). Record these numbers on the Testing Group Roster (see the sample in Appendix A). Remind each TA to have the following materials: — Test booklet for each student (The TA does not have a copy of the test booklet.) — One answer document for each student at grades 5–8 — A Form SV for all students who have a special version (The TA does not have a Form SV.) — Supply of sharpened No. 2 pencils with erasers (pens, colored pencils or markers may not be used to write responses — tests will not be scored) — Supply of rulers (grade 3 only) — Supply of protractors (grade 5 only) — Mathematics Reference Sheets (grade 8 only, located within the test booklet) — Supply of allowable calculators (grades 6, 7 and 8 only) — Directions for Administration Manual — Watch or clock — Silent work for students who do not bring their own — Appropriate Pre-ID or Generic labels for his or her class Monitor the test administrations and make sure that TAs follow the correct procedures and read the script word for word. Be available to answer any questions that arise during testing. Make sure that all TAs understand that the reading passages, including the word bank, CANNOT be read aloud. To do so would invalidate the test. Using the Read-Aloud Script should help because the reading passage is not printed in the script. Make sure that all TAs understand that accommodations that are not noted on the IEP or 504 Plan of a student cannot be given. To do so would invalidate the student’s test. Make sure that all personnel involved in administering the test are following the Test Security Guidelines. In the case of special versions (Braille, Large Print, Foreign-Language CD, English Audio CD, Bilingual, and Language Translation), be sure that the TA receives one set for each student before testing begins. Verify that all TAs administering a read-aloud accommodation are using a Read-Aloud Script. Ensure that the materials are for the appropriate grade and, if applicable, language. For language translation administrations, ensure that the TA, the translator and the student who will be tested know the location of the testing room. Ensure that tests are not taken from spiraled packets to use with special versions. Remind TAs that Form SV is to be utilized with all special versions.

After Testing Collect the materials from TAs immediately after testing. Place the materials in a secure, locked location. Compare the security numbers of the test booklets returned after testing with the numbers on the School Security Checklist (see Appendix A), and resolve any discrepancies immediately. Record any discrepancies on the checklist.


For grades 5–8, it is necessary to complete section J on the answer document. Locate the number that appears on the front of the test booklet and bubble that number in section J. Form information is not included on the Pre-ID label. See the demographic sheets for grade 5 on pages 17 and 18. Make sure that a Header Sheet (see Appendix A) is completed. One header sheet per grade per school is sufficient. A Header Sheet should not be returned for a single student or small group unless the student or group of students were taking make-up tests. On the Header Sheet, Box 4, labeled “Contact Name,” may be completed with the name of any person who has knowledge of the testing process at the school. Keep the School Security Checklist for the school’s records. Keep the Testing Group Roster. Discuss with the DTC whether the school should retain this documentation or provide it to the district. Package scorable test booklets and answer documents and return them to the DTC. For instructions, see pages 25–28. Package and return all secure nonscorable materials to the DTC. Special versions (Braille, Large Print, Read-Aloud Scripts, English Audio CD, Bilingual, Foreign-Language CD, and Language-Translation Scripts) must be returned to the DTC with the secure nonscorable materials. For instructions, see page 28. Complete the Test Administrator Comment Form, which is found at www.ohiodocs.org. Do NOT use a paper form. These are no longer collected. Complete a comment form only if there are comments.

Language Translation Materials After each Language Translation administration, collect the used Language Translation materials from the TA. Remove the test booklet or answer document into which the student’s responses were translated and transcribed, and apply the student’s Pre-ID label if one is available. Otherwise, ensure that the appropriate demographic sections have been completed. Place the test booklet or answer document with the school’s regular scorable test booklets or answer documents. Check that the student’s name is written on the test booklet or answer document in which he or she originally responded to the test questions and that the audiocassettes are labeled with the student’s name and school IRN (see page 46 for instructions regarding audiocassettes). Grid Language Translation Script in Box P on the demographic page. Mark the original test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or answer document (grades 5–8) with a large “X” and the words “DO NOT SCORE” across the front and back covers and return with the other nonscorable materials. Finally, check to see that the TA and the translator completed and signed the Language Translator Report Form. To ensure payment to the translator, confirm that the translator signed an IRS Form W-9; a Nondisclosure Agreement; and an IRS Form W-8BEN (if applicable). Please mail all of these forms to the American Institutes for Research using the envelope supplied in the materials. Place the original test booklet and the rest of the student’s Language Translation materials in the zip-lock bag and return it to the DTC with the school’s nonscorable materials.



Affix the Pre-ID or Generic labels (see page 14) in the box provided. If Pre-ID or Generic labels are not used, confirm that all demographic information has been clearly bubbled and that student, school and district names have been written in the spaces provided on the test booklets (grades 3 and 4) or answer documents (grades 5–8). Even if your school is using Pre-ID or Generic labels, boxes G, N, O, and P should be bubbled, as needed.


Students Who Become Sick A student who becomes ill and vomits on his or her test booklet or answer document and is able to continue the test should be given a new test booklet or answer document so that he or she can continue. Later, the student’s responses and demographic information must be transcribed into the new test booklet or answer document, which will be the copy of the test to be scored. The soiled test booklet or answer document should be placed in a zip-lock bag with the barcode written on the zip-lock bag and returned to the DTC with the unused materials. Please alert the DTC to this situation so that he or she can document the test booklet or answer document barcode on the Material Resolution Form. A student who becomes ill and vomits on his or her test booklet or answer document and is not able to continue the test should not be given a new test booklet or answer document until a decision is made. The TA should note the time elapsed, put the soiled test booklet or answer document in a zip-lock bag with the barcode written on the zip-lock bag, seal the bag, and return it to the DTC. The district will decide whether the student will continue the test when he or she returns to school or the test will be invalidated. If the student continues the test at a later time, the student must resume the test at the place where he or she stopped. The time must be determined from the total 2½ hours. The completed responses must be transcribed from the soiled test booklet or answer document into a new one. Always have a witness present when transcribing responses to the second test booklet or answer document.

Invalidating Scores Contact the DTC about procedures to invalidate a student’s test. Paper invalidation request forms have been used in the past but will no longer be accepted or processed. Districts will not be notified if they submit paper forms, and the invalidation request will not be processed by AIR. A student whose test is invalidated will be reported as INVALID (INV) on school reports. Invalidations must be submitted for the Spring 2013 administration online through TIDE during the two-day period of May 29 and 30. The following examples reflect some, but not all, possible reasons to invalidate a test: •

Test security is compromised by an administrator.

The student is discovered cheating (must be invalidated).

The student started but did not complete the test because of illness (district’s choice to invalidate or have the student complete the test). The student may complete the test when he or she returns to school, if within the test window.

An accommodation is given that was not noted on the IEP or 504 Plan prior to the test administration.

An accommodation was not given that should have been.

If the student’s score is invalidated, the BTC should package and return the student’s test booklet or answer document with the other scorable materials, following regular packaging directions in this manual. This does not include the test booklets or answer documents of students who vomited on them (see directions above for returning these test booklets or answer documents). Note: After districts receive the test results, AIR will not invalidate test results. At that time, invalidations must be submitted through EMIS.

“Do Not Score” Test Booklets or Answer Documents A very small number of test booklets or answer documents containing student responses should be designated as “Do Not Score.” The following examples reflect some, but not all, possible reasons that a test should not be scored: •

Student responses have been transcribed into another document that will be scored. Students who write responses in a language other than English have their responses translated and transcribed into a second test booklet or answer document. The original test booklet or answer document, containing responses in a language other than English, will not be scored.

The test booklet or answer document is found to be defective.


Inappropriate marks have been made by the student on the test booklet or answer document.

Do not send a “Do Not Score” test booklet or answer document with the scorable test materials.

Packaging and Returning Materials After testing, it is the BTC’s responsibility to collect, inventory and pack all test materials (both scorable and nonscorable) for return to the DTC. All test materials must be returned promptly after testing. It is critical that the return procedures be followed: Collect test booklets or answer documents from TAs, confirming the receipt of all the test booklets and answer documents distributed. Separate the scorable student test booklets and answer documents from the nonscorable test booklets and answer documents and other materials. Take inventory of all test booklets and answer documents to be sure that no test booklets or answer documents are missing. Account for all nonscorable test booklets and answer documents after the completion of testing. Arrange all nonscorable test booklets by sequence number order, including any that the DTC has supplied to make up for shortages. Use the Packing List and the School Security Checklist to verify that all test booklets delivered are being returned. Check to be sure that the zip-lock bag for used Language Translation materials contains the following items: — The student’s original test booklet or answer document with Box P completed (not the scorable test booklet or answer document with the Pre-ID or Generic label) — Two audiocassettes labeled with the student’s name and school IRN — The Language-Translation Script for each test — An English Audio CD

Returning Scorable Test Booklets or Answer Documents Pearson will be using multiple carriers for the Spring 2013 Ohio Achievement Assessments. Regardless of which carrier is assigned, all scorable material pickups have been prearranged between Friday, May 3, and Tuesday, May 7, at the district location. BTCs must return labeled boxes of scorable materials to DTCs prior to this pickup. It is very important that schools follow the return procedures below so that scorable test booklets and answer documents can be received and scored expeditiously. Any scorable materials included with the district’s shipment of nonscorable materials will be processed in the “late batch” and will be reported later, after the score reports are due in the district. Locate the zip-lock envelope labeled “Building Test Coordinator Kit.” This packet contains a yellow or magenta Return Materials envelope, Mylar bands and Header Sheets (see sample in Appendix A), which are preprinted with district and building information. Organize all scorable test booklets or answer documents for return to the DTC and complete the Header Sheet. If testing more than one grade, please sort the test booklets and answer documents accordingly.



To ensure that a test booklet or answer document is not scored, mark a large “X” and the words “DO NOT SCORE” across the front and back covers. The BTC should package and return the student’s “Do Not Score” test booklet or answer document with the other nonscorable materials, following regular packaging directions in this manual. Any scorable materials not marked “Do Not Score” and returned with nonscorable materials will be processed in the late batch.


Complete one Header Sheet per grade per school, bubbling the contact’s name, grade and the number of scorable test booklets or answer documents for that group of documents. Place these Header Sheets on top of the scorable test booklets or answer documents. Header Sheets do not need to be completed for each class. One per grade per school is sufficient. Use the original shipping boxes to return the scorable materials to the DTC. If these boxes have been damaged, please use an ECT 44 (275-lb) rated box or contact the DTC for additional boxes. Do not overfill the box, and be sure to use filler if the materials do not completely fill the box. Remove any previous markings or labels from the boxes before applying the shipping label. To pack boxes, carefully stack the scorable test booklets or answer documents and band each stack from side to side with a Mylar band from the Building Test Coordinator Kit. On the band facing out, in the space provided, record the School Name, School IRN, name of header group included in the packet (same as the name gridded on the Header Sheet), number of booklets included in the banded packet, and number of packets for that header group (if a header group extends beyond one banded packet). If only one header group is included in the banded packet, mark it Packet 1 of 1. Do not include unused or nonscorable test booklets or answer documents in the scorable materials. Tape the Mylar band to itself; do not tape it to the test booklets or answer documents. Do not use a staple to fasten the Mylar band. Place packing material around the stacks to prevent them from shifting during shipping. Seal the boxes securely with packaging tape unless otherwise instructed by the DTC. Use the yellow or magenta return-shipping labels from the Building Test Coordinator Kit. This is essential to indicate to Pearson that each school has returned its scorable materials. See an example of a label on the next page. Use the magenta return label if a school has been designated for early return of scorable test materials. Do not destroy any secure materials. All secure test materials must be returned to the DTC (scorable and nonscorable). Place one yellow return-shipping label (or magenta label for early return schools) on top of each box. Count the total number of boxes. On the return label line that reads “Sch: Box ___ of ___,” fill in the sequence of boxes being returned for the school (e.g., indicate Box 1 of 3, Box 2 of 3 and Box 3 of 3). Do not write anything else on the return-shipping labels. Do not include your nonscorable box count with your scorable box count. These are two separate shipments. Place one carrier label with the Iowa City address (if provided) on each box of scorable materials.



DIST IRN ___________

1234 GREEN STREET ANYPLACE, OH 12345 SCHOOL NAME ___________________________________

SCHOOL IRN ___________

SCH BOX __________ OF __________

OH GR 3-8 USED Spring 2013 Pearson 2510 N. Dodge St Iowa City, IA 52245

418-975-001 0005380344 ANS

Applying Carrier Return Labels If a dedicated freight carrier has been assigned to the district, there will be no carrier labels in the colored envelope. The DTC has been provided with a bill of lading for the entire district shipment. Only apply the yellow Pearson return labels as described above for regular return or the magenta Pearson return label for early return. If UPS has been assigned to your district, the colored envelope will include carrier labels. Apply a UPS carrier label with the Iowa City address to the top of each box returned to the DTC. Please follow the instructions below: •

Remove the carrier return labels contained in the yellow or magenta envelope. This can be found in the Building Test Coordinator Kit.

Apply carrier return labels (along with the yellow or magenta labels) to the top of each box before delivering scorable materials to DTCs. Ensure that UPS labels with the Iowa City address are used.

Please retain a copy of all tracking numbers. Each box returned to Pearson will have a unique tracking number, which may be accessed via a TIDE website link.

An “Early Return” school, will have airbills/labels for Saturday delivery to Pearson. Please confirm that “Saturday” labels and stickers are being used; “Saturday Delivery” is printed at the bottom of the label.



DISTRICT NAME __________________________________

Sample UPS Labels



Sample Label

Applying UPS Label

Applying the Pearson Return Colored Label


BTC affixes 1 UPS “Saturday Delivery Label” (from BTC Kit) to each box UPS (Early Return) (Magenta)

The label will list the following address:

Reference #1: 418-975

Peel off tracking number and retain for your information

BTC affixes 1 magenta return label to each box

Pearson 2510 N. Dodge Street Iowa City, IA 52245

BTC affixes 1 UPS “Ground Label” (from BTC Kit) to each box UPS (Regular Return) (Yellow)

The label will list the following address:

Peel off tracking number and retain for your information

BTC affixes 1 yellow return label to each box

Pearson 2510 N. Dodge Street Iowa City, IA 52245

The tracking number is printed on a peelable sticker. Please peel off the sticker to retain the tracking number for record-keeping purposes. Please keep all shipping-related paperwork.

Returning Nonscorable Materials Pack all secure nonscorable test booklets, Braille and Large-Print test booklets, English Audio CD materials, Read-Aloud Scripts, Bilingual test booklets, Foreign-Language CDs, and Language-Translation materials in boxes for return to the DTC no later than May 10, 2013. Number the boxes 1 of 3, 2 of 3, and so on. Do not include your scorable box count with your nonscorable box count. These are two separate shipments. This Building Test Coordinator’s Manual and the Directions for Administration Manual (DFAM) do not need to be saved and should be returned to the DTC for disposal. New materials will be provided for each administration. Note: The grade 8 Mathematics Reference Sheets that are unused/unmarked by students are not secure materials and can be used for instructional purposes or destroyed by the DTC. Mathematics Reference Sheets that have student-written calculations on them are secure and must be returned with other secure materials to the DTC.



Sample School Security Checklist Sample Testing Group Roster








Ohio Achievement Assessment Grades 3–8 Spring 2013





Ship To:


The following list contains the security numbers of all secure items (test booklets and special version materials) that have been assigned to your school. We have provided this form to help you track the assigned booklets, whether the booklets were returned, and the reason any booklet was not returned. The use of this form is OPTIONAL. NOTE: Unused Grade 5–8 Answer documents are no longer secure and do not need to be tracked or returned. BEFORE THE ASSESSMENT To assist you in tracking the secure test booklets, write the name of the test administrator receiving the booklet in the column labeled, “Booklet Assigned.” If any booklets are not assigned, leave the “Booklet Assigned” field blank. AFTER THE ASSESSMENT For each booklet being returned place a check mark in the column labeled “Returned.” If a booklet is NOT being returned, explain why in the space provided. If you require additional space for your explanation, write on the back of the form. Immediately inform your District Test Coordinator (DTC) if a booklet cannot be found after testing. DO NOT return this form with your test materials. Keep this form for your records for a minimum of two months after the test administration. You will need to refer to it if an investigation of missing materials takes place. Because you are accountable for any booklet that is missing after the security numbers have been electronically verified at Pearson, we recommend that you provide a copy of this form to your DTC. For TEST BOOKLET, GR 3 R/M – SECURE PK-5

Security Number(s)

Booklet Assigned


003838001 003838002 003838003 003838004 003838005 003838006 003838007


Reason booklet is not being returned


Testing Group Number*


Test Location

Department of Education


Date and Time Test Administered

Testing Group Roster OAA Spring 2013






APPENDIX B STUDENTS WITH IDENTIFIED DISABILITIES — STUDENTS IDENTIFIED AS ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS Definition of an Accommodation An accommodation is defined as a change in the testing environment, procedures or presentation that does not alter what the test measures or the comparability of scores. The purpose of accommodations is to enable students to participate in an assessment in a way that allows knowledge and skills, rather than disabilities, to be assessed.

Definition of a Student With Identified Disabilities (IEP or 504 Plan) A student with a documented disability is one who has been evaluated and found to meet the eligibility criteria for enrollment in special education as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA ‘97) or one who has a disability covered under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Criteria for the Use of Accommodations A student may require accommodations in test administration procedures if these accommodations are consistent with what is regularly provided to the student for testing in the classroom and they are specified in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan. If the person providing the accommodation is also administering the statewide test, that person must be a licensed/certificated employee of the district. Accommodations should be made to facilitate participation by students with disabilities or limited English proficiency. However, any accommodation that gives a student an advantage is not considered allowable because it does not allow valid assumptions to be made from the results. Students with disabilities who have an IEP or have been evaluated under Section 504 may be provided accommodations during the administration of statewide tests. The Ohio Administrative Code defines four criteria for allowable accommodations: •

The accommodation must be typically provided to the student in the classroom for classroom and districtwide tests. In addition, the accommodation must be documented in the student’s IEP or 504 Plan.

The accommodation cannot change the content or structure of the test. For example, the TA may not convert open-ended questions to multiple-choice questions.

The accommodation cannot change what the test is intended to measure. For example, the TA is not permitted to read the passages from a reading test because this would change the test from a measure of reading skills to a measure of listening skills. The use of assistive technologies (e.g., calculator on the mathematics test, word processor on the writing test) does not change what a test is intended to measure.

The accommodation cannot change or enhance the student’s response. For example, a scribe may record only the actual response provided by the student. Some students who have more pronounced coordination and fine-motor disabilities are unable to produce written work in the classroom without the assistance of a scribe or certain augmentative communication devices. If such an accommodation is provided in the classroom, the IEP team may determine that the accommodation should be provided to the student at the time of testing. School staff should use caution when providing these accommodations because the potential exists to exceed the criteria for allowable accommodations. That is, the scribe could enhance the student’s response and thereby create an inaccuracy in test results.



General Information

Definition of a Student Identified as an English Language Learner (ELL)


To be classified as an English Language Learner (ELL), a student must: • • • •

be between the ages of 3 and 21; be enrolled in an elementary or secondary school; be a non-native English speaker, whether born in the United States or another country; show impaired classroom performance or ability to meet state standards for achievement on tests because of his or her difficulty speaking, reading, writing, or understanding English.

Please note that a student must be formally identified as ELL before any accommodations or exemptions are allowed. The formal assessment is not the Ohio Test of English Language Acquisition (OTELA). All ELL students are allowed the use of a printed or hand-held electronic dictionary (but not a computer-based dictionary) and/or may receive extended time to complete the test although the test must be completed in one school day. Additionally, those ELL students who have been enrolled in a U.S. school for less than 3 years and are at the beginning or intermediate level in reading and writing are eligible to receive additional accommodations. The following special versions may be used to provide the accommodation: •

English Audio CD — This is a recorded “read-aloud” administration of the test in English.

Bilingual Test Booklet — This is a test booklet with the text of the test printed in English and Spanish on facing pages.

Foreign-Language CD — This is a “read-aloud” administration of the test in Japanese or Spanish.

Language-Translation Script — This is a script the oral interpreter uses to ensure that the correct portions of the test are read aloud.

Read-Aloud Script — This is a script the TA uses to ensure that the correct portions of the test are read aloud.

Note: The reading passages, including the word bank on the reading tests, cannot be read aloud in English or translated into another language. This is to ensure that the tests are an accurate measure of the student’s reading. The Read-Aloud Script and Language-Translation Script have been developed for this reason. Finally, ELL students who have been enrolled in U.S. schools for one year or less are eligible for an exemption from taking the reading test but must take an English language proficiency test (given locally) to measure how well they are learning English. In Ohio, this test is the OTELA. All ELL students must continue taking the OTELA until they demonstrate proficiency in English. ELL students must take the OAA for mathematics and science.


The following table lists the special versions of the OAA that are available.

Special Versions Summary After the administration, the Test Administrator will...

For the student who:

Read-Aloud Script

needs a read-aloud administration verify that the student has used the Form SV test booklet (grades 3 in English and is an eligible IEP/504 and 4) or the answer document (grades 5–8) to record responses. Plan or ELL student.

English Audio CD

needs a read-aloud administration verify that the student has used the Form SV test booklet (grades 3 in English and is an eligible IEP/504 and 4) or the answer document (grades 5–8) to record responses. Plan or ELL student.

Large Print

has difficulty reading text in a standard-sized font and/or needs to highlight text and is an eligible IEP/504 Plan student.

transcribe the student’s multiple-choice and constructed responses to the Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or the answer document (grades 5–8).


reads classroom materials in Braille and is an eligible IEP/504 Plan student.

transcribe the student’s multiple-choice and constructed responses to the Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or the answer document (grades 5–8).

Bilingual Test Booklet

reads classroom materials in Spanish and is an eligible ELL student.

translate and transcribe the student’s multiple-choice and constructed responses to the Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or the answer document (grades 5–8).

Foreignneeds an oral administration in Language CD Japanese or Spanish and is an eligible ELL student.

verify that the student has used the Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or the answer document (grades 5–8) to record responses.

LanguageTranslation Script

ensure that the language translator translated and transcribed the student’s constructed responses into the Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or the answer document (grades 5–8). Ensure that the student’s responses to multiple-choice items are also in this transcribed test booklet/answer document.*

needs an oral administration in a language not available on CD (see above) and is an eligible ELL student.

*Note: For each test, the student’s responses to the multiple-choice and constructed-response questions must all appear in the same test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or answer document (grades 5–8), which will be scored. For this reason, it is recommended that the student answer the multiple-choice (MC) questions in one of the two test booklets in the materials and make his or her written responses in the other test booklet. The written responses must then be translated and transcribed into the test booklet or answer document with the MC responses.



Test Materials


Supplemental Instructions for a Read-Aloud Script Supplemental Instructions for an English Audio CD Supplemental Instructions for a Large-Print Test Booklet Supplemental Instructions for a Braille Test Booklet Supplemental Instructions for a Bilingual Test Booklet Supplemental Instructions for a Foreign-Language CD Supplemental Instructions for a Language-Translation Script and Materials


Supplemental Instructions for a Read-Aloud Script The Read-Aloud Script is to be used by the TA to provide a read-aloud accommodation to a student or group of students. This version may be administered to any eligible ELL student or student who has an IEP or 504 Plan specifying an oral reading of a test.

• • • •

a Read-Aloud Script for each grade; a Form SV test booklet (for grades 3 and 4); a Form SV test booklet and scannable answer document (for grades 5–8); these supplemental instructions.

Note: Use only the materials provided. Do not use test materials from the district overage or the building test materials. These forms will not be the same because the tests are spiraled. The Read-Aloud Script and Form SV test booklet must be used with the read-aloud accommodation.

Use of the Form SV Test Booklet and Scannable Answer Document The Test Administrator will read the Read-Aloud Script as the student listens. The student will record his or her responses in the Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or the answer document (grades 5–8). The TA will not use the Form SV to administer the test.

Providing a Read-Aloud Accommodation Only a student identified as an eligible ELL student or having an IEP or 504 Plan may have a read-aloud accommodation. The reading passages, which include the word bank, must not be read aloud. To do so would invalidate the test. The student must read the reading passages without any assistance. Additional test administration time is not a requirement for this accommodation but may be used as an ELL, IEP or 504 accommodation. Directions may differ slightly from those in the general test booklet. Please follow the supplemental instructions as well as the instructions in the Directions for Administration Manual. All student responses must be in English to be scored.

After the Test Administration The sections below must be completed for students using a Pre-ID label or a Generic label: • •

Sections N, O and P on the inside back cover of the Form SV test booklet with the student responses for grades 3 and 4; Section J on the back cover and sections N, O and P on the inside back cover of the answer document with the student responses for grades 5–8. The form in section J must be marked “SV.”

The Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or the answer document (grades 5–8) into which the student responses were recorded must be returned to the BTC with the other scorable test materials. Note: Pages or separate sheets added to the test booklet will NOT be scored. Return the Read-Aloud Script used by the Test Administrator and any extra test materials to the BTC with the rest of the school’s nonscorable materials.



Materials required for a Read-Aloud Script administration:


Supplemental Instructions for an English Audio CD The English Audio CD provides a recorded read-aloud administration of the test. A read-aloud is an accommodation in which the test is read aloud to a student or group of students. This version may be administered to any eligible ELL student or student who has an IEP or 504 Plan specifying an oral reading of a test or to a student who requests it in lieu of a Foreign-Language CD version of a test. Materials required for an English Audio CD administration: • • • •

an English Audio CD; a Form SV test booklet (for grades 3 and 4); a Form SV test booklet and scannable answer document (for grades 5–8); these supplemental instructions.

Note: Use only the materials provided. Do not use test materials from the district overage or the building test materials. These forms will not be the same because the tests are spiraled. The Form SV test booklet must be used with the English Audio CD.

Use of the Form SV Test Booklet and Scannable Answer Document The student will listen to the English Audio CD. The student will record his or her responses in the Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or the answer document (grades 5–8).

Administering a Test Using an English Audio CD Only students identified as eligible ELLs or having an IEP or 504 Plan may use the English Audio CD. As with the general test materials, these accommodation materials must be securely stored between administrations. Directions may differ slightly from those in the general test booklet. Please follow the supplemental instructions as well as the instructions in the Directions for Administration Manual. A CD player is required to administer the tests. Directions and questions are recorded as separate tracks on the disc. A track listing for the disc is provided on the disc case. It is not advisable to allow young children to operate the CD player because it is necessary for the recording to be paused between questions to allow time to respond. Therefore, when testing younger students, the TA should operate the CD player to minimize administration problems. Older students may be allowed to operate the CD player and may be tested while wearing headphones. Additional test administration time is not a requirement for this accommodation but may be used as an ELL, IEP or 504 accommodation. The CD may be paused at any time during the administration to give a student time to complete a response, and all questions may be repeated as many times as the student wants.

After the Test Administration The sections below must be completed for students using a Pre-ID label or a Generic label: • •

Sections N, O and P on the inside back cover of the Form SV test booklet with the student responses for grades 3 and 4; Section J on the back cover and sections N, O and P on the inside back cover of the answer document with the student responses for grades 5–8. The form in section J must be marked “SV.”

The Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or the answer document (grades 5–8) into which the student responses were recorded must be returned to the BTC with the other scorable test materials. Note: Pages or separate sheets added to the test booklet will NOT be scored. Return the English Audio CD and any extra test materials to the BTC with the rest of the school’s nonscorable materials.


Supplemental Instructions for a Large-Print Test Booklet The Large-Print test booklet is to be used by students whose IEP or 504 Plan specifies the use of Large-Print materials. The Large-Print tests are printed in 18-point type.

• • • •

an 8½- x 11-inch Large-Print test booklet for each subject; a Form SV test booklet (for grades 3 and 4); a scannable answer document (for grades 5–8); these supplemental instructions.

Note: Use only the materials provided. Do not use test materials from the district overage or the building test materials. These forms will not be the same because the tests are spiraled. The Form SV test booklet must be used with the Large-Print test booklet.

Use of the Form SV Test Booklet and Scannable Answer Document The student responses are transcribed from the Large-Print test booklet to a Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or an answer document (grades 5–8) for scoring.

Administering a Test Using a Large-Print Test Booklet Only students identified as having an IEP or 504 Plan may use the Large-Print test booklet. As with the general test materials, these test booklets must be securely stored between administrations. Additional time is not a requirement for this accommodation but may be an IEP or 504 accommodation. Directions may differ slightly from those in the regular print test booklet. Please follow the supplemental instructions as well as the instructions in the Directions for Administration Manual. The student may respond directly in the Large-Print test booklet, a scorable Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4), or a scorable answer document (grades 5–8). Note: Page numbers in the Large-Print booklet differ from those in the Form SV test booklet. PLEASE CHECK THE PAGE NUMBER REFERENCES.

After the Test Administration If the student responded in the Large-Print test booklet, the student responses for multiple-choice and constructed-response questions must be transcribed verbatim into the scorable Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or scannable answer document (grades 5–8). This must be done by a licensed/certificated school or district employee with a witness present during the transcription. The Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or answer document (grades 5–8) into which the answers were transcribed must be returned to the BTC with the other scorable test materials. The sections below must be completed for students using a Pre-ID label or a Generic label: • •

Sections N, O and P on the inside back cover of the Form SV test booklet with the student responses for grades 3 and 4; Section J on the back cover and sections N, O and P on the inside back cover of the answer document with the student responses for grades 5–8. The form in section J must be marked “SV.”



Materials included with the Large-Print test booklet:


Note: Pages or separate sheets added to the test booklet will NOT be scored. Return the Large-Print test booklet (which may or may not have student responses) and any extra test materials to the BTC with the rest of the school’s nonscorable materials. Note: The Large-Print test booklet will NOT be scored even if it has student responses. A rescore request will not be accepted for Large-Print test booklets that have student responses that have not been transferred to the Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or scannable answer document (grades 5–8). Please transcribe student responses into the Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or answer document (grades 5–8).


Supplemental Instructions for a Braille Test Booklet The Braille test booklet is to be used by students whose IEP or 504 Plan specifies the use of Braille materials. The Braille test booklet consists of comb-bound, 11½- x 11-inch single-sided Braille pages.

• • • • •

a comb-bound Braille test booklet for each subject; a Form SV test booklet into which the student’s answers will be transcribed (for grades 3 and 4); a Form SV test booklet for the TA’s use (for grades 5–8); a scannable answer document (for grades 5–8); these supplemental instructions.

Note: Use only the materials provided. Do not use test materials from the district overage or the building test materials. These forms will not be the same because the tests are spiraled. The Form SV test booklet must be used with the Braille test booklet.

Use of the Form SV Test Booklet and Scannable Answer Document The student responses are transcribed from the Braille test booklet to a Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or an answer document (grades 5–8) for scoring.

Administering a Test Using a Braille Test Booklet Only students identified as having an IEP or 504 Plan may use the Braille test booklet. As with the general test materials, these test materials must be securely stored between administrations. Additional time is not a requirement for this accommodation but may be an IEP or 504 accommodation. Directions may differ slightly from those in the general test booklet. Please follow the supplemental instructions as well as the instructions in the Directions for Administration Manual. The grade 8 Braille test booklet contains a Braille version of the Mathematics Reference Sheet. This is a separate booklet, which is included with the Braille test booklet and may be removed for use during the test administration.

After the Test Administration The student responses for multiple-choice and constructed-response questions must be transcribed verbatim into the scorable Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or the answer document (grades 5–8). This must be done by a licensed/certificated school or district employee with a witness present during the transcription. The Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or scannable answer document (grades 5–8) into which the student responses were transcribed must be returned to the BTC with other scorable test materials. The sections below must be completed for students using a Pre-ID label or a Generic label: • •

Sections N, O and P on the inside back cover of the Form SV test booklet with the student responses for grades 3 and 4; Section J on the back cover and sections N, O and P on the inside back cover of the answer document with the student responses for grades 5–8. The form in section J must be marked “SV.”

Note: Pages or separate sheets added to the test booklet will NOT be scored. Return the Braille test booklet and any extra test materials to the BTC with the rest of the school’s nonscorable materials.



Materials included with the Braille test booklet:


Supplemental Instructions for a Bilingual Test Booklet The Bilingual test booklet is to be used by eligible ELL students who are literate in Spanish. This test booklet presents the test material in Spanish on the right-hand page and the corresponding English translation on the facing left-hand page. Please note that the reading passages are not translated into Spanish because the intent of the test is to assess the student’s ability to read English text. The reading passages, including the word bank, may NOT be read aloud in Spanish or English. Districts that use the Bilingual test booklets may use a translator but will NOT be reimbursed for the translator. These materials are packaged by grade. The bilingual materials contain enough resources to administer the test to one student. Materials included with the Bilingual test booklet: • • • •

a Bilingual test booklet for each subject; a Form SV test booklet (for grades 3 and 4 only) for the student’s responses in English; two scannable answer documents, one in which the student responds, and one into which a school employee translates and transcribes the student’s responses (for grades 5–8); these supplemental instructions.

Note: Use only the materials provided. Do not use test materials from the district overage or the building test materials. These forms will not be the same because the tests are spiraled. The Form SV test booklet must be used with the Bilingual test booklet.

Use of the Form SV Test Booklet and Scannable Answer Document The student responses are translated (if necessary) and transcribed from the Bilingual test booklet to the Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or an answer document (grades 5–8) for scoring.

Administering a Test Using a Bilingual Test Booklet Only students identified as eligible ELLs may use the Bilingual test booklet. As with the regular test materials, these materials must be securely stored between administrations. Additional time is not a requirement for this accommodation but may be an ELL accommodation. Directions may differ slightly from those in the general test booklet. Please follow the supplemental instructions as well as the instructions in the Directions for Administration Manual. The student may respond to the constructed-response items in English or Spanish; however, only student responses in English will be scored.

After the Test Administration The student responses for multiple-choice and constructed-response questions must be translated into English (if necessary) and transcribed verbatim into the scorable Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or scannable answer document (grades 5–8). This must be done by a licensed/certificated school or district employee with a witness present during the transcription. The Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or answer document (grades 5–8) into which the student responses were transcribed must be returned to the BTC with other scorable test materials. Return the original test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or answer document (grades 5–8) with the nonscorable materials. Test booklets and answer documents with student responses in Spanish will NOT be scored.


The sections below must be completed for students using a Pre-ID label or a Generic label: • •

Note: Pages or separate sheets added to the test booklet will NOT be scored. Return the Bilingual test booklet and any extra test materials to the BTC with the rest of the school’s nonscorable materials.



Sections N, O, and P on the inside back cover of the Form SV test booklet with the student responses in English for grades 3 and 4; Section J on the back cover and sections N, O and P on the inside back cover of the answer document with the student responses in English for grades 5–8. The form in section J must be marked “SV.”

Supplemental Instructions for a Foreign-Language CD


The Foreign-Language CD is to be used by ELL students who are eligible to use a translated version of the test. These CDs are intended for use in lieu of the language translator option for two languages: Japanese and Spanish. These materials are available for single-student and group administrations, by grade level. Districts that use the Foreign-Language CDs may also use a translator but will NOT be reimbursed for the translator. These materials are packaged by grade and language. The Foreign-Language CD materials contain enough resources to administer the test to one student. Materials required for the Foreign-Language CD administration: • • • • •

an English Audio CD; a Foreign-Language CD; a Form SV test booklet (for grades 3–8); a scannable answer document (for grades 5–8); these supplemental instructions.

Note: Use only the materials provided. English Audio CDs will be included with all Foreign-Language CD packages in case a student would prefer to listen to a test in English rather than in his or her native language. Do not use test materials from the district overage or the building test materials. These forms will not be the same because the tests are spiraled. The Form SV test booklet must be used with the Foreign-Language CD.

Use of the Form SV Test Booklet and Scannable Answer Document The student will listen to the Foreign-Language CD. The student will record his or her responses in the Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or the answer document (grades 5–8).

Administering a Test Using a Foreign-Language CD Eligible ELLs may use the Foreign-Language CD. As with the regular test materials, these materials must be securely stored between administrations. Additional time is not a requirement for this accommodation but may be an ELL accommodation. Directions may differ slightly from those in the general test booklet. Please follow the supplemental instructions as well as the instructions in the Directions for Administration Manual. The student may respond to the constructed-response items in English or in his or her native language. These responses will then be scored and translated (as necessary) by Pearson. A CD player is required to administer the tests. Directions and questions are recorded as separate tracks on the disc. A track listing for the disc is provided on the disc case. It is not advisable to allow young children to operate the CD player because it is necessary for the recording to be paused between questions to allow time to respond. Therefore, when testing younger students, the TA should operate the CD player to minimize administration problems. Older students may be allowed to operate the CD player and may be tested while wearing headphones The recorded tests are not timed. The student should be given as much time as reasonably necessary to respond to the questions. The CD may be paused at any time during the administration to give the student time to complete a response, and all questions may be repeated as many times as the student wants. The Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or the scannable answer document (grades 5–8) into which the student responses are written must be returned to the BTC with other scorable materials. Return the CDs and any extra test materials to the BTC with the rest of the school’s nonscorable materials.


After the Test Administration The sections below must be completed for students using a Pre-ID label or a Generic label: •

Note: Pages or separate sheets added to the test booklet will NOT be scored. Return the Foreign-Language CDs and any extra test materials to the BTC with the rest of the school’s nonscorable materials.



Sections N, O and P on the inside back cover of the Form SV test booklet with the student responses for grades 3 and 4; Section J on the back cover and sections N, O and P on the inside back cover of the answer document with the student responses for grades 5–8. The form in section J must be marked “SV.”


Supplemental Instructions for a Language-Translation Script and Materials The Language Translations are intended for students identified as English Language Learners (ELLs) who are eligible to take a translated version of the test and whose native language is not one of the two languages for which recorded versions of the test are available (Japanese and Spanish). These materials are packaged by grade. The materials needed to administer the test to one student are included. Note: If a student requires a language translation of a test for which a CD is available, it is the district’s or school’s responsibility to arrange for and pay for that translation. Materials included for a Language Translation: • • • • • • • •

a Language-Translation Script of each test; an English Audio CD; two Form SV test booklets (for grades 3 and 4); a Form SV test booklet and two scannable answer documents (for grades 5–8); blank C-120 (two hours recording time) audiocassettes for recording each test administration (one per subject); a copy of the Language Translator Report Form for each subject; a postage-paid envelope (containing forms to be completed by the translator) for returning the Language Translator Report Form and other translator paperwork; these supplemental instructions.

Note: Use only the materials provided. Do not use test materials from the district overage or the building test materials. These forms will not be the same because the tests are spiraled. The Form SV test booklet must be used with the language translation.

Use of the Form SV Test Booklet and Scannable Answer Document The student responses are translated and transcribed from the Form SV test booklet or the answer document used by the student to the Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or the scannable answer document (grades 5–8) for scoring. This step is not necessary if the student responds in English.

Administering a Test Using a Language Translation Eligible ELL students may have a language translation of the test. As with the general test materials, these materials must be securely stored between administrations. Additional time is not a requirement for this accommodation but may be an ELL accommodation. Directions may differ slightly from those in the general test booklet. Please follow the supplemental instructions as well as the instructions in the Directions for Administration Manual. Language translation administrations involve three people: the student being tested, the person performing the translation of the test into the student’s native language (most likely someone from outside the school although it cannot be a family member or a close family friend) and a TA (a school employee who holds a license/certificate/permit issued by ODE). The TA may also be the translator provided another school or district employee is present. An audiocassette recorder is required to record the translated portion of the test administration. It is recommended that the recording be paused when no one is speaking. The translator will read the Language-Translation Script and translate it aloud into the student’s native language. The translator must not deviate from the script. The student may ask the translator to translate only those directions or questions that seem unclear in their written form. The translated test administration must be tape-recorded using the supplied audiocassettes. The student’s name must be printed on each used audiocassette tape after the test administration. The student may respond to the constructed-response questions in English or in his or her native language.


Designate one Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or scannable answer document (grades 5–8) as scorable, and have the student respond to multiple-choice questions in this Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or scannable answer document (grades 5–8). If the student plans to answer the constructed-response questions in a language other than English, he or she must write these responses in the other Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or scannable answer document (grades 5–8).

The translator must translate the student’s responses into English and transcribe them into the scorable Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or the scannable answer document (grades 5–8) in which the student marked his or her answers to the multiple-choice questions. This must be done by a licensed/certificated school or district employee with a witness present during the transcription. The Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or answer document (grades 5–8) into which the student responses were transcribed must be returned to the BTC with other scorable test materials. Test booklets and answer documents with student responses in other languages will NOT be scored. AIR will reimburse translators or districts $100 per student per test administered. The sections below must be completed for students using a Pre-ID label or a Generic label: • •

Sections N, O and P on the inside back cover of the Form SV test booklet with the student responses in English for grades 3 and 4; Section J on the back cover and sections N, O and P on the inside back cover of the answer document with the student responses in English for grades 5–8. The form in section J must be marked “SV.”

The district/school and the translator must complete and sign the Language Translator Report Form. The translator and school should retain one copy each. The third copy should be mailed to American Institutes for Research (the testing contractor) in the postage-paid envelope included with the materials. In addition, the translator must sign the documents enclosed in the return envelope to ensure payment. These documents consist of the following: • •

IRS Form W-9: Request for Taxpayer Identification and Certification. Nondisclosure Agreement: This form is a security requirement. Translators may not perform the language translations if they do not read and agree to the contents of this form. Complete the sections that are shaded in yellow (the date on the first page and the signature and date on the last page). IRS Form W-8BEN: To be completed only if the translator is a nonresident alien.

A preaddressed, postage-paid envelope is enclosed for your convenience in returning these signed forms along with a completed copy of the Language Translator Report Form to AIR. Ensure that the student’s name is printed on the second test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or scannable answer document (grades 5–8) that contains the student’s foreign-language responses, as well as the audiocassette(s) used to record the test administration. The used test booklet or answer document should be placed in the zip-lock bag with the audiocassettes and the rest of the materials and returned to the BTC. It will be returned to the DTC with the rest of the school’s nonscorable materials. Note: Pages or separate sheets added to the test booklet will NOT be scored. Return the scorable Form SV test booklet (grades 3 and 4) or scannable answer document (grades 5–8) and any extra test materials to the BTC with the rest of the school’s nonscorable materials.



After the Test Administration


APPENDIX D SUMMARY OF TEST SECURITY PROVISIONS FROM THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Rule 3301-13-05 of the Ohio Administrative Code establishes test security provisions for the achievement assessments. To review the Ohio Administrative Rule 3301-13-05 on the Internet, log on to codes.ohio.gov/oac/3301-13-05. Those provisions are summarized below: •

All test questions and all other materials are considered secure and subject to the provisions of Sections 3319.151 and 3319.99 of the Ohio Revised Code and Rule 3301–13–05 of the Administrative Code.

The Ohio Revised Code prohibits the disclosure of test questions, paraphrases, facsimiles, or any other material that would assist a pupil in taking the Grades 3–8 Ohio Achievement Assessments.

Only authorized personnel are permitted access to secure test materials.

Persons designated as District Test Coordinators, Building Test Coordinators and Test Administrators are responsible for ensuring that all test security provisions are met.

By October 1 of each year, written procedures and penalties shall be communicated to all district employees and students.

The district must adopt written procedures to protect the security of test materials; these procedures shall include the following: — Identify authorized persons who are to be present during testing and who shall have access to secure material. — Specify handling and tracking procedures in both the district and the buildings. — Specify procedures for investigating any alleged test security violations and penalties for confirmed violations. — Specify procedures for determining whether to invalidate a student’s test score. — The school district shall notify the ODE if a security violation is suspected and include the finding(s) and action(s) taken. — Specify how written procedures will be communicated annually to employees and students in the district.

After determining that a test security violation has occurred, the district board and/or State Board of Education may seek the maximum penalty pursuant to Section 3319.151 of the Ohio Revised Code.

All school and district employees shall cooperate with the ODE in any investigation of a test security violation.

Prior to taking action for a test security violation, the State Board of Education shall give notice of any action and provide an opportunity for an individual to respond and present a defense.


Ohio Grades 3–8 – BTC Manual

OH539937:321 Printed in the USA by Pearson