drove spikes in website traffic surrounding local events, and ... Increase in homepage visits fr
Ohio Insurance Ins.tute Campaign Performance 2013 & February 2014
Presented: March 2014
2013 Performance Highlights In 2013, the Ohio Insurance Ins9tute (OII) saw improvements in the performance of its website, blog, social profiles and With the help of analy9cs and key performance indicators (KPIs), we are able to .e results directly to events and
! Below are several key events that impacted performance:
The TIKE Safety Seat S.cker campaign con9nues to be a huge success! The dedicated webpage received 3,853 pageviews from Jan.-‐Dec., was the most visited page on-‐site (beyond the homepage) and drove substan9al social media engagement.
In April 2013, OII launched its first blog—OII Insurance Ma0ers. As of December 2013, there were 21 subscribers, 22 published posts, and it is one of the top-‐visited sec9ons of the site.
• received addi9onal support through the Insuring Ohio Futures campaign. drove spikes in website traffic surrounding local events, and drove 1,932 visits (44% of traffic from Jan.-‐Dec.)
Social media publishing con9nues to increase OII’s reach and engagement with target audiences. @OIIOrg Twi[er handle launched in Nov. 2012, gaining 428 followers through January 2014. OII’s social media following grew by approximately 76% (2,100 to 3,700).
2013 Key Takeaways Below are several key takeaways drawn from the analysis of 2013 data.
OII should con.nue support for the TIKE Safety Seat S.cker campaign, as it is extremely successful in terms of educa9ng and providing consumers with content, growth of social media accounts, website traffic and general brand awareness.
! OII’s website con9nues to see improvements in website traffic. The site content exhibits a high-‐ level of engagement. Throughout 2013, visitors viewed nearly 3 pages per visit, and stayed on site an average of 2:39 minutes. Ongoing improvements to site usability should be kept top-‐of-‐ mind in 2014.
Organic search accounts for nearly 35% of total visits. Op.miza.on and the regular publishing of content should be an integral component of the 2014 strategy.
OII’s blog, OII Insurance Ma0ers, has 21 subscribers, 20 published posts, and it is one of the top-‐ visited sec9ons of the site. Addi.onal resources should be dedicated to blogging ac.vity.
A majority of Twi[er followers are male, while OII Facebook fans are predominately female. For op9mal engagement, social media content should be tailored to be[er resonate with these audiences.
2013 Website Performance Ohio Insurance TIKE Safety Seat S9cker campaign spike.
2013 Website Performance Insurance Careers Launch of Insuring Ohio Futures campaign.
Spike in traffic to Career Survey form—406 visits on Dec. 6, 2013.
2013 Social Subscriber Growth OII Facebook Page
2013 Social Subscriber Growth @OIIOrg
2013 Social Subscriber Growth Facebook Page
2013 Social Subscriber Growth @InsCareersOrg
2013 Blog Subscriber Growth OII Insurance Ma[ers April 2013
January 2014
(blog launch)
(end of month)
! ! 2013 Top Blog Posts:
• • • • •
Aug.21, 2013: When Your College Student Might Need Renters Insurance (523 visits) May 8, 2013: TIKE Emergency Car Seat S9ckers—Celebra9ng 10 Years of Protec9ng Young Passengers (232 visits) July 18, 2013: Insurance Firsts in Ohio (115 visits) Sept. 26, 2013: Ohio’s Auto Salvage: A Wreck of a Law (85 visits) Oct. 22, 2013: Winterize Your Car’s Heart—It’s Ba[ery (76 visits)
! !
February 2014
Feb. Website Snapshot (OII) Website Traffic (all) Visits to To shovel or not to shovel ar9cle.
Marke9ng Filter (excludes internal) Visits to To shovel or not to shovel ar9cle.
Feb. Website Snapshot (InsuranceCareers) Website Traffic (all) Increase in homepage visits from Google organic and direct traffic.
Marke9ng Filter (excludes internal) Increase in homepage visits from Google organic search.
Feb. Social Snapshot (OII)
Feb. Social Snapshot (InsCareers)
Feb. Media Snapshot
Feb. Blog Snapshot (OII Insurance MaVers) Visits to Pothole Season Prep post