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OHSAA-State Tournament File.xlsx [PDF]

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Boys DI & DII Tournament Manager: Greg Coulles 937.602.1475 gregc300@gmail. ... 3:45 PM. Team Award Ceremony: At conclusion of Championship Round.
The 2018 Ohio High School

State Bowling Championships! Dates:

Division II Boys: Division II Girls:

Friday Saturday

March 2, 2018 March 3, 2018

(snow date for either Division II tournament is Monday, March 5, 2018)


Division I Boys: Division I Girls:

Friday Saturday

March 9, 2018 March 10, 2018

(snow date for either Division I tournament is Monday, March 12, 2018)

Wayne Webb's Columbus Bowl

(Wayne & Elaine Webb, Proprietors)

3224 South High Street, Columbus, OH 43207 614.491.7155 (Pro Anvilane synthetic lanes & wood approaches)

Boys DI & DII Tournament Manager: [email protected]

Greg Coulles


Girls DI Tournament Manager [email protected]

Fran Miller


Girls DII Tournament Manager: [email protected]

Kyle Wilson


Tournament Schedule All times apply to all tournaments and are approximate subject to on-site adjustments. Individuals and teams should not leave the premises during the meal break.

Doors Open: Coaches Check-in & Registration: Coaches Meeting: Announcements: Practice: Qualifying Round Begins: Qualifying Round Concludes: 45 minute Meal Break: Individual Award Ceremony: Championship Round Practice: Championship Round Begins: Team Award Ceremony:

8:30 AM 8:45 AM 9:45 AM 10:00 AM 10:15 AM 10:30 AM 2:30 PM (est.) After the last team has completed the Qualifying Round 3:15 PM (est.) 3:30 PM 3:45 PM At conclusion of Championship Round NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR BEVERAGES OF ANY KIND MAY BE BROUGHT INTO THE CENTER. COACHES ARE RESPONSIBLE TO INFORM THEIR BOWLERS & SPECTATORS OF THIS POLICY.

General Information Public Admission: School Bus Athlete Drop-Off: School Bus Parking: Pro Shop:

* Practice Sessions:

$8.00 East side of building (low end) Judah Tabernacle Church, 3176 S. High St. (north of bowling center) Tom Carter's Pro Shop & Training Center The tournament lane pattern will be applied for the practice sessions listed below.

Division II athletes Thursday, March 1, 2018 12:00 PM-11:00 PM $4.00 per game Friday, March 2, 2018 (after completion of boys tournament until 10:00 PM) $4.00 per game Division I athletes Thursday, March 8, 2018 12:00 PM-11:00 PM $4.00 per game Friday, March 9, 2018 (after completion of boys tournament until 10:00 PM) $4.00 per game

* Reservations required. 1 pair (max.) per team. Individual participants may be assigned practice lanes with other individual participants.