OCS Study BOEM 2013-205
Report to the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska Nor th Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills Nuka Research & Planning Group, LLC October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
P.O. Box 175 Seldovia, Alaska 99663 tel 907.234.7821 fax 240.394.4855
[email protected]
October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
OCS Study BOEM 2013-205
Oil Spill Occurrence Rates for Alaska North Slope Crude and Refined Oil Spills Nuka Research and Planning Group, LLC October 2013
October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Recommended citation: Robertson, T.L., Campbell, L. K., Pearson, L., and Higman, B. (2013). Oil spill occurrence rates for Alaska North Slope crude and refined oil spills. Report to Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management. OCS Study BOEM 2013-205.
October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The analysis presented here uses data about onshore and nearshore crude and refined oil spills larger than one barrel from Alaska North Slope oil and gas infrastructure to develop statistically valid occurrence estimators. Nuka Research and Planning Group, LLC completed this study under Contract M11PC00021 to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Region. The analysis is based on data compiled from seven datasets, all drawn from the Alaska North Slope. The final dataset of 1,577 spills larger than one barrel from June 1971 – September 2011 includes information about the number and volume of the spills, as well as the associated oil field, attributed cause, facility type, and petroleum substance spilled. More than 80% of the spills were between 1 – 10 bbl, while there were 10 spills larger than 500 bbl and two spills larger than 1,000 bbl. For the development of occurrence estimators, a slightly smaller spill dataset was used. Data from before 1980 were removed due to uncertainties about their reliability (it is believed that reporting procedures changed significantly during the first decade of operations). Additionally, data from the first nine months of 2011 were excluded because the full year’s data was not available, and annual spill rates that were being modeled. Over the time frame beginning in 1980, spill numbers exhibit an annual cyclic behavior with the largest number of spills reported in the month of June and the smallest number in October. There is a significant, though not strong, relationship between the total number of spills occurring each month and total crude oil production volume each month. However, with the exception of the period in the early 1990s when few spills were reported, the trend in annual spill numbers roughly follows the trend in crude oil production. A variety of regression models were applied to explore the most accurate predictive approaches that could be used to estimate the number of spills based on various production variables. The best model for predicting the total number of spills was a mixed effect model with fixed factors of oil production and pipe length and random effect of oil field. However, this model was based on data from a limited number of fields. A simple linear regression based solely on oil production was also found to be reasonably useful for estimating the number of spills across all fields. A satisfactory regression model for predicting spill volume was not identified, due to the presence of a few outlier spills in the dataset. Spills larger than 500 bbl are rare and appear to be random events with respect to oil production volume. The best approach to estimating their occurrence was a simple return rate that predicts between zero and two spills of more than 500 bbl will occur for every one billion barrels of production. October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
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October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................ 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................. 7 LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES ................................................................................................. 9 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ........................................................................................ 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND CREDITS ................................................................................... 12 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 13 1.1 Purpose and Scope ...........................................................................................................13 1.2 Background.......................................................................................................................13 1.2.1 Purpose of Oil Spill Occurrence Estimates ................................................................13 1.2.2 Previous Studies ........................................................................................................14 1.2.3 Relationship of this Study to Previous Work.............................................................15 1.3 Project Scope....................................................................................................................15 1.3.1 Alaska North Slope Operations .................................................................................15 1.3.3 Date Ranges Used in Analysis....................................................................................18 1.3.4 Spill Types..................................................................................................................18 1.3.5 Spill Volumes.............................................................................................................18 2. METHODS AND ASSUMPTIONS ........................................................................................ 19 2.1 Oil Spill Data Collection and Collation ..............................................................................19 2.1.1 Data Screening ..........................................................................................................19 2.1.2 Collation of Oil Spill Datasets ....................................................................................20 2.1.3 Spill Size Classes ........................................................................................................23 2.2 Spill Records and Years Included in Final Dataset ............................................................23 2.3 Exposure Variable Data ....................................................................................................23 3. SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL SPILL OCCURRENCE DATA (1971 – 2011) ............................... 25 3.1 Total Spills Over Time .......................................................................................................25 3.2 Overview of Recorded Spills .............................................................................................26 3.2.1 Summary Spill Data by Size Class .............................................................................29 3.2.2 Spill Occurrence by Oil Field......................................................................................32 3.2.3 Overall Spill Occurrence by Cause.............................................................................34 3.2.4 Spill Occurrence by Facility Type...............................................................................36 3.2.5 Spill Occurrence by Substance Type..........................................................................38 4. TREND ANALYSIS.............................................................................................................. 41 4.1 Periodicity in Alaska North Slope Spill Rates ....................................................................42 4.2 Spill Trends by Year ..........................................................................................................43 4.3 Spill Trends by Product Type ............................................................................................45 5. SPILL RATE OCCURRENCE ESTIMATES ............................................................................... 49 5.1 Estimating Occurrence Rates by Production Variables ....................................................49 5.1.1 Screening Independent Variables .............................................................................49 October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
5.1.2 Considering Monthly Spill Data.................................................................................50 5.1.3 Selecting Modeling Approaches................................................................................51 5.1.4 Predicting Annual Spill Numbers From Crude Oil Production Using Linear Regression ......................................................................................................51 5.1.5 Predicting Annual Spill Volume From Crude Oil Production Using Linear Regression ......................................................................................................53 5.1.6 Predicting Annual Spill Numbers From Crude Oil Production and Pipeline Data Using Mixed Effects Regression........................................................................54 5.1.7 Predicting Annual Spill Volume From Crude Oil Production and Pipeline Data Using Mixed Effects Regression........................................................................57 5.2 Estimating Occurrence Rates by Oil Type.........................................................................58 5.2.1 Predicting Annual Crude Oil Spill Numbers From Crude Oil Production and Pipeline Data Using Mixed Effects Regression ..........................................................58 5.2.2 Predicting Annual Crude Oil Spill Volume From Crude Oil Production and Pipeline Data Using Mixed Effects Regression ..........................................................58 5.2.3 Predicting Annual Refined Oil Spill Numbers From Crude Oil Production and Pipeline Data Using Mixed Effects Regression........................................................................58 5.2.4 Predicting Annual Refined Oil Spill Volume From Crude Oil Production and Pipeline Data Using Mixed Effects Regression ..........................................................59 5.3 Occurrence Estimates by Spill Size ...................................................................................59 5.3.1 Class D Spills (>1 bbl, ≤10 bbl)...................................................................................59 5.3.2 Class C Spills (>10 bbl, ≤200 bbl) ...............................................................................61 5.3.3 Class B Spills (>200 bbl, ≤1,000 bbl) ..........................................................................62 5.3.4 Very Large Spills (≥ 500 bbl) ......................................................................................63 6. CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................................. 65 6.1 Limitations and Challenges of Occurrence Models ..........................................................65 6.2 Trends in Spill Data ...........................................................................................................65 6.3 Occurrence Estimates by Spill Number ............................................................................66 6.4 Occurrence Estimates by Spill Volume .............................................................................67 6.5 Occurrence Estimates for Very Large Spills >500 bbl .......................................................67 7. REFERENCES..................................................................................................................... 69 8. APPENDICES..................................................................................................................... 71 Appendix A: Collated Oil Spill Dataset......................................................................................73 Appendix B: Exposure Variable Datasets..................................................................................75
October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES FIGURES Figure 1.1 – Location of Alaska North Slope oil fields ..................................................................16 Figure 3.1 – Total number of spills recorded (1971 – September 2011) .....................................26 Figure 3.2 – Characterization of Alaska North Slope spills data (1971 – 2011) ............................27 Figure 3.4 – Number of Alaska North Slope spills by size class (1971 – September 2011) ..........29 Figure 3.5 – Volume of Alaska North Slope spills by size class (1971 – September 2011) ...........30 Figure 3.6 – Summary of spill Classes D, C, and B by oil field, spill cause, substance type and facility (Class A is not included because there were only two spills; see Section 3.2)..........31 Figure 3.7 – Percentage of number of spills of each size class (A – D) for each oil field (1971 – September 2011).....................................................................................................33 Figure 3.8 – Percentage of volume of spills of each size class (A – D) for each oil field (1971 – September 2011).....................................................................................................33 Figure 3.9 – Percentage of number of spills of each size class (A – D) by attributed cause (1971 – September 2011).....................................................................................................35 Figure 3.10 – Percentage of volume of spills of each size class (A – D) by attributed cause (1971 – September 2011).....................................................................................................35 Figure 3.11 – Percentage of number of spills of each size class (A – D) by facility type (1971 – September 2011).....................................................................................................37 Figure 3.12 – Percentage of volume of spills of each size class (A – D) by facility type (1971 – September 2011).....................................................................................................37 Figure 3.13 – Percentage of number of spills of each size class (A – D) by substance spilled (1971 – September 2011).....................................................................................................39 Figure 3.14 – Percentage of volume of spills of each size class (A – D) by substance spilled (1971 – September 2011).....................................................................................................39 Figure 4.1 – Comparison of spill occurrence and total production volume by month (1980 – 2010)........................................................................................................................42 Figure 4.2 – Fitted curve for annual spill data (1980 – 2010) ......................................................43 Figure 4.3 – Annual number of Alaska North Slope spills by spill size class, compared to total crude oil production (1980 – 2010)..............................................................................44 Figure 4.4 – Annual volume of Alaska North Slope spills by spill size class, compared to total crude oil production (1980 – 2010)..............................................................................45 Figure 4.5 – Yearly number of Alaska North Slope spills by spill product type, compared to total crude oil production (1980 – 2010)..............................................................................46 Figure 4.6 – Annual volume of Alaska North Slope spills by spill product type, compared to total crude oil production (1980 – 2010)..............................................................................47 Figure 5.1 – Scatterplot matrix of independent production variables .........................................50 Figure 5.2 – Scatter plot the annual number of spills versus crude oil production shown with linear regression line.........................................................................................53 Figure 5.3 – Annual spill volume plotted against annual crude oil production ...........................54
October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Figure 5.4 – Number of annual spills by oil field for the Kuparuk River, Milne Point, and Prudhoe Bay fields................................................................................................................55
TABLES Table 1.1 – Summary of production statistics and miles of flowlines and oil transmission pipelines for Alaska North Slope oil fields ............................................................................16 Table 2.1 – Spill datasets collated for this analysis.......................................................................19 Table 2.2 – Criteria for screening data as in-‐ or out-‐of-‐scope ......................................................20 Table 2.3 – Data scheme for final Alaska North Slope spills dataset (see Table 2.1 for data codes referenced in the Notes section)...........................................21 Table 3.1 – Spill data summary by field, facility type, cause, and substance for Alaska North Slope spills more than one barrel (1971 – September 2011) .........................28 Table 3.2 – Spill number and volume by oil field (1971 – September 2011)................................34 Table 3.3 – Number and volume of spills by attributed cause (1971 – September 2011) ...........36 Table 3.4 – Number and volume of spills by facility type (1971 – September 2011) ...................38 Table 3.5 Number and volume of spills by substance spilled (1971 – September 2011) .............40 Table 5.1 – Actual occurrence of spills at Kuparuk River, Milne Point, and Prudhoe Bay oil fields for Class B-‐D spills .............................................................................56 Table 5.2 – Spill occurrence by size class and oil field, 1980-‐2010..............................................59 Table 5.3 – All Alaska North Slope spills ≥500 bbl (1971-‐2010)....................................................63
October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Analysis of Variance
Alaska Risk Assessment
Barrel (42 gallons)
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Department of Environmental Conservation (Alaska)
U.S. Department of the Interior
Everett Consulting
Hart Crowser
Minerals Management Service
Number of spills
National Environmental Policy Act
National Gas Liquids
National Response Center
Total number of spills
Total number of crude oil spills
Number of medium oil spills (Class C)
Number of refined product spills
Number of smallest oil spills (Class D)
Outer Continental Shelf
Oil-Spill Risk Analysis
Oil transmission pipeline
Produced natural gas
Produced crude oil without Ngl
Produced crude oil including Ngl
Produced water
Number of Producing Wells
Years since field began production
Trans-Alaska Pipeline
Total Length of Cross-Country Pipelines
October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND CREDITS This project was funded by the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management (BOEM) under Contract M11PC00021: Oil Spill Occurrence Estimators for Alaska North Slope Crude and Refined Oil Spills. We thank the following BOEM staff for their review and guidance: Dr. Heather Crowley Caryn Smith Dr. Richard Prentki
Authors Tim Robertson, Nuka Research and Planning Group, LLC Lead Author Lynetta K. Campbell, Statistical Consulting Services Lead Statistical Analyst and Contributing Author Leslie Pearson, Pearson Consulting, LLC Contributing Author Bretwood Higman, Nuka Research and Planning Group, LLC Contributing Author
Editors Elise DeCola, Nuka Research and Planning Group, LLC Sierra Fletcher, Nuka Research and Planning Group, LLC
October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Purpose and Scope The analysis presented here uses available data about onshore and nearshore crude and refined oil spills from Alaska North Slope oil and gas infrastructure to develop statistically valid occurrence estimators for spills of various sizes greater than one barrel. The original objectives of this analysis were to:
Update and collate crude and refined oil spill records for the North Slope of Alaska;
Provide general information about the nature of oil spills on the North Slope of Alaska;
Apply statistical procedures to develop occurrence rates for crude and refined oil spills < 500 bbl;
Apply statistical procedures to develop occurrence rates for crude and refined oil spills ≥ 500 bbl by pipeline and facility;
Apply statistical procedures to develop occurrence rates for crude and refined oil spills ≥ 1,000 bbl; and
Develop appropriate confidence interval estimates.
Background This section describes previous, related work reviewed prior to the analysis conducted for this study.
Purpose of Oil Spill Occurrence Estimates
BOEM is charged with ensuring the environmentally and economically sound management of offshore resources on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). Estimates of occurrence rates for oil spills are useful for analyzing potential oil spill impacts and contingency planning. This analysis will provide BOEM with a tool based on Alaska-specific data to estimate oil spills from future onshore and nearshore oil and gas operations on the Alaska North Slope to inform environmental analyses of future project proposals required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The BOEM Alaska OCS Region Office oversees more than one billion acres on the OCS adjacent to more than 6,000 miles of Alaska coastline, which includes the North Slope coastlines of the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. Currently, there are only eight producing wells in the Alaska OCS. October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
The vast majority of oil production from the Alaska North Slope has been from fields on state lands in the Central Arctic (Colville-Canning area). 1.2.2
Previous Studies
Previous studies developed methodologies for estimating oil spill occurrence rates for both offshore and onshore oil and gas exploration and development. The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) developed the Oil-Spill Risk Analysis (OSRA) model in 1975 as a tool to evaluate offshore oil spill risks (Smith et al., 1982; LaBelle & Anderson, 1985). The model was used to develop probabilistic estimates of oil spill occurrence and contact. A realistic, objective methodology for estimating oil spill occurrence rates is required to apply the model. Occurrence rate estimates for offshore oil spills were recently revised based on U.S. OCS platform and pipeline spill data, along with vessel spill data (Anderson et al., 2012). These spill rates are expressed and normalized in terms of the number of spills per volume of crude oil handled. The study estimated spill occurrence rates for spills greater than or equal to 1,000 barrels, although spills less than one barrel are also discussed. Anderson et al. (2012) utilized the same methodology as four previous independently peer-reviewed papers (Anderson & Labelle 2000, 1994, 1990; Lanfear & Amstutz, 1983). Previous work collated oil industry data on crude and diesel spills of at least 100 bbl from the Alaska North Slope and Arctic Canada operations, verified spill information for spills of at least 500 bbl, and estimated provisional occurrence rates for use in the onshore Alaska North Slope and Beaufort Sea OCS (Hart Crowser Inc, 2000). Based on this prior study, BOEM extrapolated pipeline and facility occurrence rates for spills of at least 500 bbl from onshore oil spill experience to shallow coastal waters in the nearshore Beaufort Sea. However, the 2000 study found too few offshore spills of at least 1,000 bbl to be able to calculate occurrence rates for this size category. A 2010 report, based on follow-up work by the Minerals Management Services (MMS, the predecessor agency to BOEM and the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement), further explored the limits to statistically extrapolating the relatively small Gulf of Mexico spill dataset to estimate occurrence rates for the Alaska OCS (Eschenbach et al., 2010). In 2010, the State of Alaska and industry completed a crude oil infrastructure risk assessment and spills analysis for Alaska’s North Slope and Trans-Alaska Pipeline (TAP) spills. The State of Alaska’s North Slope Spills Analysis covered only loss-of-integrity spills from Alaska’s North Slope oil production infrastructure, including wells, flowlines, process centers and above ground storage tanks, and crude oil transmission lines (Robertson et al., 2010). The 2010 report, updated in 14
October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
2013 by the State of Alaska, included a larger spill dataset than previous studies, and calculated spill rates for certain components of the Alaska North Slope crude oil transportation system (Robertson et. al., 2013). 1.2.3
Relationship of this Study to Previous Work
Most previous work on OCS historical platform and pipeline crude oil spill occurrence rates relies on data from the Gulf of Mexico and Pacific OCS (Anderson and LaBelle, 2000; Eschenbach et al., 2010), and does not include spills in State waters or on land. The BOEM Alaska OCS Region contracted this analysis to calculate onshore spill occurrence based on data from the Alaska North Slope and to include all spills greater than one barrel. The analysis conducted for this report builds on previous work by collating Alaska North Slope oil spill datasets and conducting statistical analyses that consider oil spills of greater than one barrel that have been recorded from Alaska North Slope operations since 1971.1 Since small spills occur more frequently and their inclusion in the occurrence estimator increases the accuracy of the prediction models.
Project Scope This section describes the scope of the project in more detail, in terms of the geographic area and operations covered as well as the size and type of spills.
Alaska North Slope Operations
This analysis considers past spills from oil production, processing, storage, and transportation infrastructure on Alaska’s North Slope. Figure 1.1 shows the location of the Alaska North Slope oil fields and associated pipelines, drill sites, oil transmission pipelines (OTP),2 flowlines,3 pump stations, and processing centers.
As discussed in Section 2.2, the occurrence estimation models were built based on a database of spills from 1980 – 2010. 2 Alaska regulations define a transmission pipeline as “a pipeline through which crude oil moves in transportation, including line pipe, valves, and appurtenances connected to line pipe, pumping units, and fabricated assemblies associated with pumping units.” This does not include “gathering lines, flow lines, or facility piping.” See 18 AAC 75.990(134). 3 Alaska regulations define flowline as, “piping and associated fittings, including all valves, elbows, joints, flanges, pumps, and flexible connectors containing liquid oil, located at a production facility, and that is installed or used for the purpose of transporting oil between a well pad or marine structure used for oil production and the interconnection point with a transmission pipeline; and includes all piping between interconnections, including multi-phase lines and process piping, except facility oil piping and transmission pipelines.” See 18 AAC 990(173). October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Figure 1.1 – Location of North Slope oil fields
October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Table 1.1 provides production information for each Alaska North Slope oil field, including start and (where applicable) end dates of production, ratio of oil and produced water, peak production rates, and length of associated oil transmission pipelines and flowlines.4 Table 1.1 – Summary of production information and miles of flowlines and oil transmission pipelines for North Slope oil fields Oil Field
First Month Production
Changes in Produced Water/ Oil Ratios over time
Peak production (date & level in bbl)
Total Miles of Flowlines
Total Miles of OTP
Total Combined Pipeline Miles
Sep 1998; 223,455 bbl
Aug 1998
No produced water.
Colville River, Alpine
Nov 2000
Produced oil was always greater than produced water.
May 2007; 4,305,471 bbl
Jul 1986
Produced water surpassed produced oil in Dec 1994; oil surpassed water in Feb 1995. Produced water has been greater than produced oil since April 1995.
Oct 1992; 3,703,032 bbl
Kuparuk River
Dec 1981
Produced water had a greater volume than oil starting in April 1992; volumes switched back and forth several times until December 1993. Produced water has been greater than produced oil since December 1993.
Dec 1992; 10,520,965 bbl
Milne Point
May 1985
From May 1985 through July 1985, only water was produced. Production ceased July 1985 and resumed November 1985, with oil exceeding water. Ratio has fluctuated over time. As of January 1997, produced water has exceeded produced oil.
Jul 1998; 1,825,669 bbl
Jan. 2011
Only 7 months of production data. Produced water average about 13% of liquid production.
unknow n
Oct 2001
Produced oil has always exceeded produced water.
Jan 2004; 2,439,547 bbl
June 2008
Only 38 months of production data. Produced water averaged about 11% of liquid production, but increased to 40% during the last 12 months.
Sept 2010: 380,768 bbl
unknow n
Prudhoe Bay
Jan 1977
In Sept 1992, produced water surpassed produced oil.
Jan 1987; 51,847,411 bbl
(Last production Aug 2007)
Total Miles
July 2011; 210,698 bbl
Oil production statistics were taken from data complied by the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Pipeline lengths were taken from data provided by Alaska North Slope oil field operators to the State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Spill Sizes Used in Analysis
Section 2.1 describes the source and characteristics of the spill data compiled for this study. The study considers four size classes of spills, labeled A – D, ranging from larger than one barrel to spills larger than 1,000 bbl. 1.3.3
Date Ranges Used in Analysis
Production on the Alaska North Slope began in 1969. Datasets covering Alaska North Slope oil and gas infrastructure spills from June 1971 – September 2011 (40 years) were compiled for this study. Section 3 summarizes this complete dataset. As discussed in Section 2, the final dataset used to analyze trends and develop the occurrence estimators was shortened to spills from January 1980 – December 2010 (30 years). 1.3.4
Spill Types
The dataset assembled for this analysis contains discharges of petroleum substances (hereafter spills), including crude oil and refined products, associated with the exploration, development, and production of oil and gas from the Alaska North Slope oil fields. Crude oil spills include spills of liquid petroleum produced directly from the oil and gas infrastructure.5 Spills of crude oil combined with produced water are included in the dataset, but were only included for the purpose of determining the amount of crude oil contained in the mixture. In cases where a mixed substance was spilled, only the petroleum component was included. Refined products are spills of oil products used in the associated construction, operation and maintenance of the oil and gas infrastructure. The dataset does not include spills associated with the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. It also does not include spills of other hazardous substances. 1.3.5
Spill Volume
The database contains minimum and maximum estimates of the volume of oil spilled. This was done to accommodate spill cases where source data contained multiple reported volumes or an estimated range of the amount spilled. The maximum volume reported was used for the analysis provided in this report.
Natural gas liquids would be classified as crude; however, no natural gas liquid spills were reported.
October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Oil Spill Data Collection and Collation Seven historical datasets for petroleum spills from Alaska North Slope oil exploration and production infrastructure were collated to create a spill record dataset. The final dataset (Appendix A) contained 1,577 records for spills greater than one barrel occurring between June 1971 and September 2011. Table 2.1 summarizes the datasets that were combined. Spill data from each of these datasets was uploaded to an online server in the original data scheme and structure. Subsequent screening, transformation, and mergers were accomplished using custom programming. The screening and merger process was used to select for records that fall within the scope of the study, merge duplicate records for the same spill event, and characterize the records to make them useful for further analysis. This method maintained the continuity between the original data sources and the final dataset.
Table 2.1 – Spill datasets collated for this analysis Dataset ID ARA
Dataset Name
Number of Records
Spill Dates Included
7/95 – 12/09
Alaska Risk Assessment
Nuka Research and Planning Group, LLC
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
7/95 – 9/11
DEC Old Spill Database
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
6/71 – 7/95
Everett Consulting
6/77 – 7/06
Hart Crowser
2/70 – 11/01
National Response Center #1
1/99 – 12/10
National Response Center #2
National Response Center
1/90 – 12/98
Data Screening
Screening removed spills considered to be out of scope using three steps: (1) records were first screened within the original datasets, before being transferred to a common format; (2) once records were incorporated into the main dataset, they were screened again before records of the same spill from different datasets were merged; and (3) finally, a random sample of 50 spills from excluded records was examined to determine if inscope spills had been mistakenly removed from the final dataset.
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OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Small spills were not reported consistently over time and were underrepresented in earlier spill records, based on a preliminary examination of the data. Therefore, spills of one barrel or less were considered to be out of scope and therefore removed. Other criteria, such as spill source or location, were also used to eliminate out-of-scope spills. Table 2.2 defines the screening criteria for spills that are considered in-scope for this project. Table 2.2 – Criteria for screening data as in- or out-of-scope Spills Considered In-Scope •
Spills from the North Slope Subarea of 6 Alaska.
Spills of crude oil or refined petroleum products. Where spills are of a mixed substance type, such as crude oil and produced water, only the oil portion of the mixture will be considered. For spills of produced water and oil where the proportion of oil and water are not identified, the total volume of the mixture was recorded and the oil proportion was 7 estimated during the analysis.
• • •
Spills from the oil production infrastructure. Spills from exploratory wells. Spills from the support industry directly engaged in supporting the oil production infrastructure on the Alaska North Slope. Spills greater than one barrel (42 gallons).
Spills Considered Out-of-Scope •
• •
Spills from the Trans-Alaska Pipeline beginning at the meter at Pump Station One. Spills of any substance except crude oil, refined petroleum products, or produced water (e.g. sea water, hazardous substances, waste water, sewage). Spills that occurred in the transportation industry on the Dalton Highway or south of the Alaska North Slope area. Spills that occurred in any Alaska North Slope village or community, except Deadhorse. Petroleum spills less than or equal to one barrel (42 gallons).
Collation of Oil Spill Datasets
The original oil spill datasets (Table 2.1) each had different data structures. The collation process involved transforming each dataset into a common format that would facilitate the merging of records from a single spill. In all cases, spill volumes were transformed into barrels. In some datasets, multiple variables from a single record were concatenated into a single variable. Table 3 presents the data scheme for the final dataset with notes about how these variables relate to the original datasets. The final dataset (Appendix A) consists of 1,577 records with each record representing a single spill event.
The North Slope Subarea encompasses the boundaries of the North Slope Borough, including adjacent shorelines and State waters. Its seaward boundary is a line drawn in such a manner that each point on it is 200 nautical miles from the baseline from which the territorial sea is measured. 7 Crude oil and water mixtures were estimated by reviewing Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation case file records where available.
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OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Table 2.3 – Data scheme for final North Slope spills dataset (see Table 2.1 for data codes referenced in the Notes section) Variable Name
Dataset ID
Dataset identification associated with this record.
Row ID
A unique record identification assigned to every record in every dataset.
Source Record ID
The record number identified from the source datasets. In a Nuka Research record this variable was a concatenation of the information from the original datasets.
Source Dataset
The Dataset IDs of the source datasets.
Spill Date
Date mm/dd/yy
The date on which the spill occurred. If there were discrepancies among the source datasets, the Nuka Research record was manually edited based on the reviewer’s best professional judgment given the records available for review.
Minimum Oil Quantity Released
Numeric xxxx.xx bbls
The lowest value of the amount released. If there were discrepancies among the source datasets, the Nuka Research record was manually edited based on the reviewer’s best professional judgment given the records available for review.
Maximum Oil Quantity Released
Numeric xxxx.xx bbls
The highest value of the amount released. If there were discrepancies among the source datasets, the Nuka Research record was manually edited based on the reviewer’s best professional judgment given the records available for review.
Produced Water Quantity Released
Numeric xxxx.xx bbls
The amount of produced water released in a mixed crude and produced water spill.
Total Quantity Released
Numeric xxxx.xx bbls
The total of the Maximum Oil Quantity Released and the Produced Water Quantity Released.
Quantity Unit
Set to “bbl” for all records.
Substance Type
Nuka Research records only. Each record was assigned to one of the following categories based on the information available on the substance type found in the source datasets: crude oil crude mixture produced water refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel mixture refined:gasoline refined:hydraulic refined:oil mud refined:other
Substance Type from Other
A concatenation of information about substance type contained in the source datasets preceded by the code for the original Dataset ID.
Oil Field
Nuka Research records only. Each record was assigned to one of the following 10 categories based on the information available on the location found in the source datasets: Badami Nikaitchuq Colville River, Alpine North Star Endicott Oooguruk Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Unknown
Location From Other
A concatenation of information about Location contained in the source datasets preceded by the code for the original Dataset ID.
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Variable Name
Facility Type
Nuka Research records only. Each record was assigned to one of the following categories based on the information available on the facility type found in the source datasets: vehicle support pipeline unknown production exploration
Facility Type From Other
A concatenation of information about Facility Type contained in the source datasets preceded by the code for the original Dataset ID.
Affected Media
Nuka Research records only. Each record was assigned to one of the following eight categories based on the information available on the affected media found in the source datasets: land:containment land:gravel land:tundra land:unknown unknown water:frozen water:unfrozen water:unknown
Affected Media From Other
A concatenation of information about Affected Media contained in the source datasets preceded by the code for the original Dataset ID.
Responsible Party From Other
A concatenation of information about Responsible Party contained in the source datasets preceded by the code for the original Dataset ID.
Nuka Research records only. Each record was assigned to one of the following 12 categories based on the information available on the cause found in the source datasets: human error: unknown human error: overfill human error: vehicle accident human error: other mechanical failure: unknown mechanical failure: corrosion mechanical failure: valve/seal mechanical failure: overpressure mechanical failure: other third party action acts of nature unknown
Cause From Other
A concatenation of information about Cause contained in the source datasets preceded by the code for the original Dataset ID.
Notes From Other
A concatenation of Notes contained in the source datasets preceded by the code for the original Dataset ID.
Lat From Other
A concatenation of latitude coordinates contained in the source datasets preceded by the code for the original Dataset ID.
Lon From Other
A concatenation of longitude coordinates contained in the source datasets preceded by the code for the original Dataset ID.
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Spill Size Classes
For the purposes of this study, spills were initially categorized into five classes to cover the range of sizes and the frequency of occurrence in each class, though Class E spills were immediately excluded as out-of-scope: •
Class A: Spills > 1,000 bbl
Class B: Spills > 200 bbl and ≤ 1,000 bbl
Class C: Spills > 10 bbl and ≤ 200 bbl
Class D: Spills > 1 bbl and ≤ 10 bbl
Class E: Spills ≤ 1 bbl (out-of-scope)
Spills equal to or less than one barrel (Class E) were not included in the analysis because of the high variability in reporting over time. This variability was noted in a preliminary screening of records from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation spill data, which is the most complete dataset.
Spill Records and Years Included in Final Dataset The final oil spill dataset from June 1971 – September 2011 included 1,577 spills larger than one barrel. Upon review, data for spills during the 1970s appeared less reliable than subsequent years. While the first production data for Prudhoe Bay occurred in April 1969, the first reported spill in the complete database did not occur until more than two years later (June 1971). The June 1971 spill was one of only two Class A spills (1,071 bbl). The first small spills were not reported until 1972, and reporting of small spills continued to be rare through most of the 1970s. This was believed to be attributable to variations in early reporting procedures. Oil field professionals have noted that spill reporting procedures had been standardized by 1980. The analyzed dataset contained a total of 1,492 spills occurring between January 1, 1980 and December 31, 2010 with a ‘max released’ volume greater than one barrel. (A total of 71 spills were excluded due to the elimination of data from the 1970s and 14 spills were excluded from the partial year of 2011.)
Exposure Variable Data Data on crude oil production by month was compiled from the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission’s records and combined into a workbook with a separate spreadsheet for each of the 9 distinct producing oil fields on the Alaska North Slope listed in Table 1.1. Data for each month includes barrels of oil produced, barrels of water produced, barrels of natural gas liquid produced, million cubic feet of gas produced, and number of producing wells. These data, which are included in Appendix
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B, were used as independent variables for developing spill occurrence estimators. Data on pipeline mileage were derived from the final report of the Alaska North Slope Spills Analysis conducted by Nuka Research for the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (Robertson, et. al. 2010). These data did not contain pipeline mileage for the Nikaitchuq and Oooguruk oil fields and no other estimates were readily available.
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SUMMARY OF HISTORICAL SPILL OCCURRENCE DATA (1971 – 2011) This section presents spill data from June 1971 – September 2011 by the number of spills, spill volume, oil field, and cause, examining each of these factors as related to the spill size categories A – D.
Total Number and Volume of Spills Over Time The final oil spill dataset from June 1971 – September 2011 included 1,577 spills larger than one barrel, totaling 32,600 bbl of oil spilled from the Alaska North Slope oil and gas infrastructure, not including TAPS, during the 40 year record.8 More than 80% of the spills were between 1 – 10 bbl. The largest spill in the dataset was a 5,054 bbl GC-2 pipeline release from Prudhoe Bay in March 2006. The next largest spill, and the only other spill over 1,000 bbl, came from a Prudhoe Bay vehicle collision with a pillow tank in June 1971. Figure 3.1 presents a time series plot of the number of spills per month recorded over the years from June 1971 – September 2011. Monthly production volumes have been overlaid on the plot. This figure shows the relatively low number of spills per month in the 1970s and the high variability of spills per month throughout the data. Trends are discussed in Section 4.
This total volume was about 12.5% of the 260,000 bbl spilled by the T/V Exxon Valdez in 1989.
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Figure 3.1 – Monthly total number of spills recorded compared to crude oil production (June 1971 – September 2011)
Overview of Recorded Spills This section summarizes oil spill occurrence for all spill sizes greater than one barrel, using the complete data set from June 1971 – September 2011. It presents the spill data based on oil field, cause, facility type, and substance spilled, including a breakdown by size class. The mean value for ‘Max Released’ (highest estimated release volume) was 20.7 bbl of oil. However, because there were many small spills and a few very large spills, the mean value does not describe a typical or probable spill. The mean was highly influenced by the March 2006 GC-2 pipeline spill at Prudhoe Bay. Removal of this single largest spill reduces the mean spill volume to 17.5 bbl. The median spill size was three barrels for pipeline and facilities combined.9 It is believed that this number gives a more valid representation of the expected spill volume. Figure 3.2 and Table 3.1 characterize the final data set by variable.
Fifty percent of the spills were larger and 50% of the spills were smaller than this value.
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Figure 3.2 – Characterization of Alaska North Slope spill data (June 1971 – September 2011)
Table 3.1 contains summary statistics for the June 1971 – September 2011 spill data broken out by field, facility type, cause, and substance. The statistics include number of spills, cumulative volume spilled, average volume spilled, size of the maximum spill, and percentage of the total volume accounted for by the maximum spill. The maximum spill, the 5053 bbl GC-2 spill, occurring in 2006, accounted for 15.5% of the total volume spilled.
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Table 3.1 – Spill data summary by field, facility type, cause, and substance for Alaska North Slope spills larger than one barrel (June 1971 – September 2011) Total Volume bbl
Mean bbl
Max bbl
Max as % Total
Field Badami
Colville River, Alpine
Kuparuk River Milne Point Nikaitchuq
North Star
Prudhoe Bay
Facility Exploration Pipeline
Human Error: Other
Human Error: Overfill
Human Error: Unknown
Human Error: Vehicle Accidents
Unknown Cause
Mechanical Failure: Corrosion
Mechanical Failure: Overpressure
Mechanical Failure: Unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal
All Data
Mechanical Failure: Other
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Summary Spill Data by Size Class
Special consideration was also given to the differences among the different spill sizes. We choose to investigate these differences for four size classes (Classes A, B, C, and D) to understand whether small spills have different characteristics than large spills. The historical data for each size class is presented for each oil field, attributed cause, facility type, and substance spilled. Figure 3.4 shows the number of Alaska North Slope spills by size class and Figure 3.5 shows the cumulative volume of Alaska North Slope spills by size class.
Number of North Slope Spills by Size Class
Number of Spiis
0 Class D >1 to ≤10 bbl
Class C >10 to ≤200 bbl
Class B >200 to ≤1000 bbl
2 Class A >1000 bbl
Figure 3.4 – Number of Alaska North Slope spills by size class (June 1971 – September 2011)
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Volume of Alaska North Slope Spills by Size Class
CummulaWve Volume Spilled (1,000 bbl)
6.1 2.0
0.0 Class D >1 to ≤10 bbl
Class C >10 to ≤200 bbl
Class B >200 to ≤1000 bbl
Class A >1000 bbl
Figure 3.5 – Volume of Alaska North Slope spills by size class (June 1971 – September 2011)
Figure 3.6 shows the oil spill volume associated with substance type, oil field, facility type, and spill cause for spills of Class B, C, and D. Some general patterns emerge across all three classes: in each case, the largest volume of oil was spilled at Prudhoe Bay, attributed to “Mechanical Failure: Other,” consisted of crude oil, and came from a production facility.
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Figure 3.6 – Summary of spill Classes D, C, and B by substance type, oil field, facility type, and spill cause (Class A is not included because there were only two spills; see Section 3.2)
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Spill Occurrence by Oil Field
The number and volume of spills were examined by oil field, for spills > 1 bbl where oil field was a known variable.10 Prudhoe Bay has the highest number of spills (910), the highest mean value for spill volume, (24.1 bbl), and the single largest spill (5,053.6 bbl). The higher number of spills in Prudhoe Bay compared to other fields was due to the large size of this field and the fact that it has been in operation longer than any of the other fields. While the largest number of spills and volume spilled occurred in the Prudhoe Bay oil field, these figures are not different enough from the mean for the other fields to draw any conclusions about this field. The higher mean spill volume was not statistically significant in comparison to that of other fields, and the very high standard deviations for Prudhoe Bay reflect the undue influence of the large 2006 spill on the statistics. With the largest spill removed from the data set, the mean spill volume for Prudhoe Bay was only slightly higher than for other oil fields. An ANOVA (analysis of variance) test was conducted to consider the relationship between mean spill volume and oil field, showing no statistically significant relationship between the two factors.11 Thus, oil fields could be combined in further analyses. Almost 80% of the spills were greater than one bbl and less than or equal to 10 bbl (Class D; see Figure 3.7), but the cumulative volume of Class D spills was only 13% of the volume spilled (see Figure 3.8). Less than 2% of spills were larger than 200 bbl (Classes A and B), but these spills account for 53% of the volume spilled. Table 3.1 shows the number and volume of spills for each oil field.
10 11
There were 186 spills in the database subset for which the oil field was unknown. F(3, 1502)=0.467, p = 0.705.
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Figure 3.7 – Percentage of number of spills of each size class (A – D) for each oil field (June 1971 – September 2011); note that Class E ( ≤ 1 bbl) spills are not considered.
Figure 3.8 – Percentage of volume of spills of each size class (A – D) for each oil field (June 1971 – September 2011); note that Class E ( ≤ 1 bbl) spills are not considered
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Table 3.2 – Spill number and volume by oil field (June 1971 – September 2011) for size classes A – D
Volume (bbl)
Field/Size Class
Colville River, Alpine
Kuparuk River
Milne Point
North Star
Prudhoe Bay
Overall Spill Occurrence by Cause
Mechanical failures caused the highest total spill volume from 1971 – 2011. While the largest number of spills (450) was caused by “other” mechanical failures, the mean size was larger for spills caused by corrosion.12 The large mean for corrosion (140.8 bbl) is strongly influenced by the single GC-2 pipeline spill of 5,054 bbl. However, even without that spill, the mean volume for corrosion caused spills is still high at 51.5 bbl. Over-pressurization was the cause associated with the second highest mean spill volumes (76.6 bbl), with no statistical difference between corrosion and over-pressurization. All other spill causes had much lower mean values than mechanical failure and corrosion. Figures 3.9 and 3.10 (with summary data presented in Table 3.3) show the spill cause data broken down by size class.
145.84 bbl for corrosion; 17.42 for other.
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Percentage of Number of Spills By Size Class for Each Cause 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
Class A Class B Class C Class D
Figure 3.9 – Percentage of number of spills of each size class (A – D) by attributed cause (June 1971 – September 2011); note that Class E ( ≤ 1 bbl) spills are not considered
Percentage of Volume of Spills By Size Class for Each Cause 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
Class A Class B Class C Class D
Figure 3.10 – Percentage of volume of spills of each size class (A – D) by attributed cause (June 1971 – September 2011); note that Class E ( ≤ 1 bbl) spills are not considered
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Table 3.3 – Number and volume of spills by attributed cause (June 1971 – September 2011)
Cause/Size Class
Number D
Volume (bbl) B
Human Error: Other
Human Error: Overfill
Human Error: Unknown
Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Mechanical Failure: Corrosion
Mechanical Failure: Overpressure
Mechanical Failure: Unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal
4,212 11,080
Mechanical Failure: Other
Spill Occurrence by Facility Type
From June 1971 – September 2011, pipeline spills were responsible for the highest mean volume of Alaska North Slope spills, while production facilities were responsible for the highest total number of spills. The mean spill volume for pipelines was approximately 145 bbl when the largest spill was included (decreased to 62 bbl when that outlier spill was excluded). An analysis of variance revealed that mean spill volume was very much dependent on facility type, even with the largest spill excluded,13 and with pipeline used as the reference category, all other facility types are found to have a statistically significant, lower mean value for spill volume. Except for pipeline spills, the median spill size was relatively constant by facility type at approximately 2 - 3 bbl per facility type. The median pipeline spill was 9 bbl. Note that the large spill associated with the vehicle facility was the second larges spill in the dataset. This 1,071 bbl diesel spill was caused by a piece of equipment running into and puncturing a bladder tank in 1971. Figures 3.11 and 3.12 (with summary data in Table 3.4) show the spill data for facility type by size class.
F(3, 1502)=16.4, p < 0.001
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Figure 3.11 – Percentage of number of spills of each size class (A – D) by facility type (June 1971 – September 2011); note that Class E ( ≤ 1 bbl) spill are not considered
Figure 3.12 – Percentage of volume of spills of each size class (A – D) by facility type (June 1971 – September 2011); note that Class E ( ≤ 1 bbl) spills are not considered
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Table 3.4 – Number and volume of spills by facility type (June 1971 – September 2011)
Volume (bbl)
Facility Type/Size Class
1,071 11,202
Spill Occurrence by Substance Type
The mean spill volume for crude oil spills from June 1971 – September 2011 was much higher when compared to refined products.14 Even with the largest spill removed (GC-2 pipeline spill), the mean volume for crude oil spill was still higher, with statistical significance. Section 4.3 further investigates the relationship between oil type and spill occurrence. Figures 3.13 and 3.14 (with summary data in Table 3.5) show spill by substance type by size class.
F(1, 1504)=5.2, p = 0.005.
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Figure 3.13 – Percentage of number of spills of each size class (A – D) by substance spilled (June 1971 – September 2011); note that Class E ( ≤ 1 bbl) spills are not considered
Figure 3.14 – Percentage of volume of spills of each size class (A – D) by substance spilled (June 1971 – September 2011); note that Class E ( ≤ 1 bbl) spills are not considered
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Table 3.5 Number and volume of spills by substance spilled (June 1971 – September 2011)
Facility Type/Size Class
Number D
Volume (bbl) B
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4 TREND ANALYSIS This section discusses trends indicated by the data across months, years, and substance types for spills of crude oil and refined products.
Study Timeframe The remainder of the report, beginning in this section, uses a subset of 1,492 spills larger than one barrel that took place from January 1980 – December 2010. The following spills were excluded from the larger dataset discussed in Sections 1 - 3: 14 spills from the partial year of January – September 2011 and 71 spills from the 1970s. Spills from 2011 were excluded because a full year’s worth of data was not available, and our analyses required annual spill counts and volumes. Spills from 1971 - 1979 were excluded because of suspected inconsistencies in reporting practices and requirements. Figure 3.1 shows the small number of spill reports during the 1970s, when only nine spills greater that one barrel were reported during the first five years of the decade. The first small spills were not reported until 1972, and reporting of small spills continued to be rare through most of the 1970s. Production through the TAP did not begin until 1977. Only two crude oil spills were reported prior to that time. The under-reporting of small spills prior to 1980 makes any computed mean spill volumes highly inaccurate and biased towards high values. For this reason, these numbers are not useful in efforts to predict mean volumes or expected numbers of spills. To avoid these problems, the scope of the regression modeling undertaken in this study called for limiting the data to information beginning in 1980.
Annual Spill Rates There is a statistically significant relationship between the number of spills that occur each month and total crude oil production volume each month. However, the effect size was so small (power= 0.00 and R2 of 0.11) that the model was deemed to be much less useful than the annual models (power=0.86 and R2 of 0.24). Comparing Figure 3.1 with Figure 4.3 illustrates the smoothing of the data when utilizing annual models. (See also Section 5.2.1)
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Periodicity in Alaska North Slope Spills and Rates Timing of spill occurrence showed a cyclical pattern (see Figure 4.1, which displays data from 1980 – 2010 totaled by calendar month). Over the time frame beginning in 1980, the largest number of spills was recorded in the month of June and the smallest number in October.
Figure 4.1 – Comparison of spill occurrence and cumulative production volume for each month from 1980 – 2010
Two different approaches were applied to validate the apparent periodicity in spill occurrence by month. A best fit model proved to be one involving a periodic sine function. A Monte Carlo simulation study also verified the periodic nature the number of spills per month. It was concluded that the observed pattern did not occur randomly and there was in fact a significant periodic pattern in the number of Alaska North Slope spills occurring in given months. Figure 4.2 shows the actual number of spills in each calendar month plotted against the best fit sinusoidal curve demonstrating a strong cyclic pattern in the data. Further exploration of periodicity by size class showed that there is no evidence of a cyclic pattern in large (Class B) spills. There was some slight periodicity to Class C spill occurrence, and a strong signal of periodicity in
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Class D spills. The Monte Carlo study confirmed that such behavior could not have occurred randomly. Because of the cyclical nature and high variability of monthly spill data, we chose to focus on annual spill numbers for occurrence modeling. (See Section 5.1.2.)
Figure 4.2 – Fitted curve for annual spill data (1980 – 2010)
Spill Trends by Year In early 1980s, spill numbers rose as crude oil production rose. The maximum number of annual spills (108) occurred in 1987 and the maximum crude oil production occurred in 1988. Since then, crude oil production has gradually declined. The number of spills rapidly declined from the peak in 1987 to a minimum number (19) in 1992 and then rose again and varied mostly between 40 and 50 spills per year in the 1990s and 2000s. With the exception of the period in the early 1990s when few spills were reported, the trend in annual spill numbers roughly follows the crude oil production trend. Figure 4.3 shows the number of spills each year overall and by size class compared to the annual volume of crude oil production from all fields.
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The majority of spills fall into Class D. These small spills most closely mimic the crude oil production curve. While the number of spills in the larger spill classes varies, there is no apparent trend over the time of the study.
Figure 4.3 – Annual number of Alaska North Slope spills by spill size class, compared to total crude oil production (1980 – 2010)
Figure 4.4 shows the volume of spills each year overall and by size class compared to the annual volume of crude oil production from all fields. It is difficult to see any relationship between crude oil production and the volume of spills per year. Classes B and C account for the majority of the volume spilled, with the noted exception of the one Class A spill in 2006.
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Figure 4.4 – Annual volume of Alaska North Slope industry spills by spill size class, compared to total crude oil production (1980 – 2010)
Spill Trends by Product Type Product type is presented as crude oil and refined oil (all non-crude products). Figure 4.5 shows the number of spills each year by product type compared to the annual volume of crude oil production from all fields. In general, there are more refined product spills per year (57%) than crude oil spills (43%), but crude oil spills tend to be larger. When compared to the crude oil production curve, the annual number of crude oil spills appears to peak (48 in 1985 and 46 in 1988) at about the same time as peak oil production in 1988 followed by a rapid decline to a minimum of 7 spills in 1992. In the 1900s and 2000s the number of crude oil spills increased again and fluctuated in the range of 10 - 25 spills per year. The annual number of refined oil spills varies more. The highest spill counts (50 in 1981, 52 in 1985, 62 in 1988, and 50 in 1989) all occur in the 1980s. Yet, one of the lowest spill counts (10 in 1984) also occurred in the 1980s, demonstrating the variability in this data. The same rapid decline in refined oil spill numbers is seen in the early 1990s (nine spills in 1994 and 1998) with a sharper rise after the late 1990s. In fact, it appears that the annual number of refined oil spills leveled off 1994, while at the same time, crude oil production has decreased.
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Figure 4.5 – Yearly number of Alaska North Slope spills by spill product type, compared to total crude oil production (1980 – 2010)
Figure 4.6 shows the volume of spills each year by product type compared to the annual volume of crude oil production from all fields. Fifty-eight percent of the volume spilled came from crude oil spills. For several of the years examined (1984, 1993, 1995, 1998, and 2006), more than 90% of the volume spilled was crude oil. A few very large crude oil spills appear to influence the distribution. Neither crude nor refined oil spill volumes follow the production curve on a yearly basis.
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Figure 4.6 – Annual volume of Alaska North Slope spills by spill product type, compared to total crude oil production (1980 – 2010)
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5 SPILL RATE OCCURRENCE ESTIMATES The primary goal of this study was to examine whether spill occurrence rates can be predicted based on past Alaska North Slope oil spill trends. This was done by developing various models to the Alaska North Slope spill data set, and then comparing the predicted spill occurrence generated by the models to the actual spill occurrence for a given set of variables. Attempts were made to develop models that could predict the number and volume of spills based on production variables, spill substance, and spill size.
Estimating Occurrence Rates by Production Variables
Screening Independent Variables
The five independent production variables first considered for the modeling occurrence rates were: •
Produced crude oil volume without natural gas liquids,
Produced crude oil volume including natural gas liquids,
Produced water volume,
Produced gas volume, and
Number of producing wells.
Figure 5.1 shows a scatterplot matrix of the independent variables associated with production, illustrating their strong dependent relationships. Many combinations of variables are very highly correlated. Some relationships are positive: for example, as crude oil production increases or decreases, natural gas liquids also increase or decrease. Some relationships are negative: for example, as produced oil decreased after the peak in the mid-1980s, produced water increased. Because of this collinearity, the use of multiple variables in models introduces redundancy and models with highly collinear variables are statistically invalid. The modeling approaches, therefore, first focused on single variables. Pipeline length and field age data were also available for several oil fields and were used in mixed regression analysis.
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Figure 5.1 – Scatterplot matrix of independent production variables
Considering Monthly Spill Data
Linear regression and mixed effect regression models were applied and a number of validation checks performed to identify valid approaches to predict spill numbers and volumes. Initial modeling was performed on monthly data. After conducting a number of statistical checks to characterize and explore relationships in the data, four types of linear regression models were eventually compared: 1) a simple regression in which the variable N, number of spills per month, was the dependent variable, 2) a simple linear regression in which
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the natural log transformed N was the dependent variable, 3) a Poisson regression, and 4) a negative binomial regression. All four regression models had poor predictive ability due to high monthto-month variability in the number of spills. As noted in Section 4.1, monthly spill reports were found to cycle throughout the year, with the highest number of reported spills occurring in June. As a result of this poor predictive ability, the decision was made to focus instead on yearly figures for spills and production data. Monthly data was consolidated into yearly totals to smooth the data, eliminating the effects of the noted cyclical behavior; however, while this did reduce the sample size from 372 months to 31 years, it did not decrease the predictive power of the models. 5.1.3
Selecting Modeling Approaches
Simple linear regressions were applied to compare the relationship between independent variables and the number of spills. Total produced crude oil and total produced crude oil with natural gas had the strongest relationship to the number of spills. Produced water, produced gas, and produced wells do not appear to be strong independent predictors of the number of spills. None of the independent variables proved to be a significant predictor of either maximum spill volume or the natural log transformation of this variable. Multiple linear regression models were run for different combinations of independent variables, but combining produced oil with a second variable (either produced gas, produced water, or producing wells) did not prove to be a significantly better predictor. As described in Section 5.1.1, due to collinearity there was little or no benefit to adding other oil production metrics to the model. Poisson regression and negative binomial regression models were also run in an attempt to improve on accuracy, but the very slight improvement over simple linear regression was not deemed significant enough to warrant using these models over the linear regression. While linear regression models provided valid approaches to model spill occurrence by number; no models provided a valid approach to estimating spill occurrence by volume. 5.1.4
Predicting Annual Spill Numbers From Crude Oil Production Using Linear Regression
A simple linear regression model proved effective in predicting the number of spills per year (N_tot) based on total yearly crude oil production. The best linear regression model showed that the expected total number of spills occurring each year was significantly related to the volume of oil produced (ProdOil) as expressed in the following formula: N_tot = 15.56 + 0.068 (ProdOil)
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This model had an R2 value of 0.24 suggesting that it explains approximately 24% of the total variation observed in yearly spill numbers. Computed power for the model was an acceptable 0.86. The model tells us that for every additional one hundred million barrels of produced oil increase the expected number of spills increases by approximately 7 spills per year. Figure 5.2 is a scatter plot of the annual number of spills versus crude oil production plotted with the best fitting linear regression line. Note the 6 points less than 30 spills per year near the bottom right: this cluster has a strong influence on the model. Four of the years in that cluster come from 1992 – 1995 when spills-per-year were at their minimum. The model fit improves considerably without these years included. With the records for these four years removed from the dataset, the R2 value for the simple linear regression of number of spills per year against total oil production per year rises to 0.43. This model explains more than 40% of the variation in the number of spills. Power for this model was 0.99 and the diagnostic plots indicate that this was a more valid model with regard to meeting model assumptions. One possible explanation for anomalies in annual spill rates is an under-representation of small spills during this four-year period. Examination of the dataset showed that from 1992 – 1995, the number of small spills (1 -‐ ≤10 262 84.79% 52 77.61% 685 81.26%
>10 -‐ ≤200 42 13.59% 14 20.90% 142 16.84%
>200 -‐ ≤1,000 5 1.62% 1 1.49% 16 1.90%
999 81.95%
198 16.24%
22 1.80%
The model used the annual number of spills (N) as the dependent variable, with the following fixed effects: (1) crude oil production for each field (ProdOil), (2) length of pipeline in service per year (TotLength), and (3) years since the field began production (ProdYear). The oil field was used as the random effect. All of these variables were included in the initial model, but an ANOVA comparison based on the log likelihood statistic was used to reduce the model to one including only those variables which were significant at a 95% confidence level. When this was done, only crude oil production and length of pipeline per year remained in the model. The predictive equation for this model was: N_tot = 2.778 + 0.054(ProdOil) + 0.026(TotLength) The 95% confidence intervals were: Intercept
(-0.0003, 5.5570)
(0.0438, 0.0650)
Tot Length (0.0002, 0.0496) When crude oil production and total pipeline length were included in the model simultaneously, every additional 100 million barrels of oil produced was associated with an increase in the number of spills on average by 5.4 spills per year. The 95% confidence interval was (4.4, 6.5). Every additional one million feet of pipe was associated with an increase in the number of expected spills by 2.6 spills per year. The 95% confidence interval was (0.2, 5.0). The model did not show any dependence on oil field, which means that it is valid for application across North Slope oil 56
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OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
fields. The model suggests that while there are large differences in the number of spills that occur each year at each oil field, these are largely related to differences in respective production volumes and total length of pipeline in operation per year. Diagnostic tests focused on model residuals indicate that the model has a reasonably strong predictive value for annual number of spills. A series of test runs showed that the predicted values for yearly spills deviated from observed values by 7 - 8 spills per year. Based on the validation data, the 95% confidence interval for the expected root mean square error was (3.98, 12.16). The model was found to predict the number of spill occurrences fairly well. A second level of validation was performed by applying a model developed from Milne Point and Prudhoe Bay data to Kuparuk River data. Over the other years of the oil field’s lifetime, the model appeared to predict the number of spills reasonably well with an error rate equal to or less than that for the fields based on which it was developed. 5.1.7
Predicting Annual Spill Volume From Crude Oil Production and Pipeline Data Using Mixed Effects Regression
With a relationship established between the number of spills, production volume, and length of pipeline, a mixed effect regression model was applied to investigate whether similar relationships existed between spill volume and production variables. Since there was no strong correlation between spill number and volume in the Alaska North Slope spills dataset, the expectation was that, like the linear regression modeling discussed in Section 5.1.1, mixed effect regression modeling that predicts the number of spills may not be valid in predicting spill volumes. After comparing a number of mixed regression modeling approaches, the best fit was found to be a model that considered only total length of pipeline as a fixed effect. However, unlike the models predicting spill number, the volumetric model showed a large variance between oil fields (16,943), meaning that it does not generalize well to other oil fields. The 5,054 bbl GC-2 pipeline release from Prudhoe Bay in March 2006 that exerted undue influence on the linear regression models also presents a problem for the mixed effect regression modeling. Even with the outlier removed, the model still shows a large variance between oil fields (12,686). Therefore, the mixed regression model was found to be unsuccessful in predicting spill volume based on production variables. Validation of the mixed regression model via examination of model residuals confirmed that it has poor predictive value for annual spill volume. A second level of validation using Kuparuk River as a test field also showed that the model was not a valid predictor of spill volume.
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OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Estimating Occurrence Rates by Oil Type Linear regression and mixed effects regression analyses were used in an attempt to estimate oil spill occurrence rates (by number and volume) for crude oil and refined oil product types.
Predicting Annual Crude Oil Spill Numbers From Crude Oil Production and Pipeline Data Using Mixed Effects Regression
A statistically significant model was found to predict the number of expected crude spills per year at a given field based upon yearly production volume and length of pipeline in service. The model was valid across oil fields. The predictive equation for this model was: N_crude = 0.659 + 0.025(ProdOil) + 0.018(TotLength) The 95% confidence intervals were: Intercept
(-0.8027, 2.1212)
(0.0199, 0.0309)
Tot Length (0.0057, 0.0310) 5.2.2
Predicting Annual Crude Oil Spill Volume From Crude Oil Production and Pipeline Data Using Mixed Effects Regression
No statistically significant model was found relating the volume of crude spilled annually per field to any of the production variables. This was likely due to the effect of the statistically extreme outliers in the data for volume spilled. 5.2.3
Predicting Annual Refined Oil Spill Numbers From Crude Oil Production and Pipeline Data Using Mixed Effects Regression
A statistically significant model was found to predict the number of expected refined product spills per year at a given field based upon production volume. The random effect of oil field was found to be highly significant. As this model cannot be applied across oil fields, separate equations were developed for the three oil fields considered. The predictive equations developed for three oil fields were: Kuparuk River:
N_refine = 0.44 + 0.029(ProdOil)
Milne Point:
N_refine = -0.77 + 0.029(ProdOil)
Prudhoe Bay:
N_refine = 0.33 + 0.029(ProdOil)
The 95% confidence intervals were:
(0.8269, 4.7168)
(0.0220, 0.0365) October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Predicting Annual Refined Oil Spill Volume From Crude Oil Production and Pipeline Data Using Mixed Effects Regression
A statistically significant model for predicting the volume of refined oil spilled annually was found. The model applied across oil fields, and the significant predictive variable in the model was the volume of crude oil16 produced. The equation of the model was: Max_volume_refine = 3.77 + 0.481(ProdOil) The 95% confidence intervals were:
(-25.6942, 33.2307)
(0.3607, 0.6014)
Occurrence Estimates by Spill Size A series of analyses were conducted to determine whether the observed relationships between overall spill occurrences (by number and volume) and various production variables applied across the three spill size classes that were the focus of this study. For the three oil fields used in developing the mixed effect models, the occurrence of spills in each of these size ranges is shown in Table 5.2.
Table 5.2 – Spill occurrence by size class and oil field, 1980 – 2010 Oil field
Milne Point
Prudhoe Bay n=
309 67 843
Class D
Class C
Class B
>1 - ≤10 bbl
>10 - ≤200 bbl
>200 - ≤1,000 bbl
Class D Spills (>1 bbl, ≤10 bbl)
A simple linear regression was applied to Class D spill data. Produced oil was found to be the significant variable, with a highly significant relationship to the number of Class D spills each year. The predictive equation for this model was: 16
Note that ProdOil does not contain Natural Gas Liquids.
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N_sm = 13.115+ 0.055(ProdOil) This model was found to be highly significant, F(1, 29) = 7.98, p = 0.008. The R2 of 0.22 suggest it was a moderately well-fitted model. Power for this model was an acceptable 0.81. The 95% confidence intervals were: Intercept
(-7.062, 33.2929)
(0.015, 0.0954)
On average, every 100 million barrel increase in oil production was associated with an increase in the expected number of Class D oil spills of 5.5 spills per year. The 95% confidence interval on the intercept falls into the negative region, suggesting that a no intercept model might be appropriate. However, to be consistent throughout this work the intercept has been left in the model. Outliers once again came into play. As previously noted, there are anomalies in the number of Class D spills reported during the late 1980s and early 1990s. An unusually high number of spills exists in the data for 1985-1988, with an unusually low number during the early 1990s. The high number of spills in the late 1980s is attributed to unusually high production volumes. A mixed regression was run for Class D spills categorized by oil field to assess whether the best mixed regression model for predicting the number of Class D spills would include the same significant variables as the simple linear regression model and to verify that the model could be generalized to other oil fields. The model selected included both yearly volume of oil produced and total length of pipeline in service. The fixed effect of oil production volume was found to be on the same order of magnitude as the simple linear regression, but slightly different. The mixed regression model predicts 0.045 spills for one million barrels of oil produced (compared to 0.055 for linear regression model). However, the mixed regression model shows an increase of 0.021 spills for every additional 10,000 linear feet of pipeline. The accuracy of this model decreases with increasing oil field size. The best-fit model for estimating the number of Class D spills was a simple linear regression model based on the volume of oil produced. Multiple linear regression was also applied to Class D spills to explore the relationships between volume spilled and the independent variables of total oil produced, total water produced, and total number of wells in production. Because of problems with multi-collinearity, only the total oil produced variable was included in final modeling. A multiple linear regression model for Class D spill volume based on total oil production proved to have adequate predictive power. The model has an R2 of 0.27 indicating that it explains about 27% of the observed variability in the volume of oil spilled in small spills each year. Power for the model was quite high at 0.90. It showed that on average, every 10 million barrel 60
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increase in produced oil was associated with an average increase in the yearly volume spilled by 1.87 bbl per year with a 95% confidence interval of 0.069 and 0.304. A mixed regression model was applied to Class D spills. A model with fixed effects for volume oil produced, pipeline length, and oil field age proved to be more accurate for predicting Class D spill volumes than a model focused on all spill sizes, and it could be generalized to all oil fields. The model showed that for every 10 million barrel increase in produced oil, the expected value of maximum spilled volume increases by 1.4 bbl per year when controlling for years of production and total pipe length. For every additional 10 years that a field has been in service, the expected value of spilled oil volume decreases by 8.3 bbl per year when controlling for produced oil and pipe length. For every 100,000-foot increase in pipe length, the expected value of spill volume increases by 1.5 bbl when controlling for produced oil and years of production. 5.3.2
Class C Spills (>10 bbl, ≤200 bbl)
A multiple linear regression was run to consider whether the number of Class C spills was significantly related to production variables. The volume of produced water was found to be the most significant variable that could be used to predict the number of Class C spills. The predictive equation for this model was: N_med = 11.515 - 0.007 (ProdWater) This model was found to be highly significant, F(1, 29) = 9.181, p = 0.005. The R2 of 0.24 suggests it explains more than 20% of the observed variability in the number of Class C spills. Power for the model was high at 0.86. The 95% confidence intervals were: Intercept
(8.621, 14.409)
ProdWater (-0.012 -0.002) The model predicts that, on average, every one billion barrel increase in produced water was associated, on average, with decrease in the number of spills by eight spills per year. Significance does not imply cause. Produced water was highly correlated with spill year, so it is possible that there is some underlying time dependent factor that was ultimately responsible for the observed number of Class C spills. In fact, because the number of Class C spills has declined steadily over time, any of the independent variables modeled may have simply been acting as a substitute for time. A mixed regression was run for Class C spills categorized by oil field to assess whether the best mixed regression model for predicting the number of Class C spills would include the same significant variables as simple October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
regression, to verify that the model could be generalized to other oil fields, and to allow consideration of the variables pipe length and how long the oil field had been in service. The best mixed regression model for determining the number of Class C spills was based on the amount of produced oil. The model appears to be generally applicable across oil fields, with some caution. The variance between the fields was not zero, and thus each oil field has a different intercept. The smallest field, Milne Point, has an intercept of 0.58, and the largest field has an intercept of 1.60. This difference of one spill was not large. Therefore, if done with some caution, the model still appears to have the potential to be generalized to other fields. Based on the mixed regression model, every one billion barrel increase in oil production was associated, on average, with an increase in the number of spills of 8 spills per year. The reliability of the model decreases as the size of the oil field increases, for reasons that are not well understood. However, overall the mixed regression analysis provides a strong predictive model for the number of Class C spills based on the volume of oil production. No models were found that could reliably predict the volume of oil spilled from Class C spills. No variables were found to correlate strongly to Class C spill volumes, and no models were found to have sufficient predictive power. An alternate approach to predicting the volume of Class C spills was to first predict the expected number of spills, and then to multiply this by the mean volume per spill in this size range, 44.52 bbl. This method was found to perform as well as the regression models that were tested. In the interest of simplicity, it is recommended that this latter approach be used. 5.3.3
Class B Spills (>200 bbl, ≤1,000 bbl)
Multiple linear regression and mixed regression models were run to consider whether the number of Class B spills was significantly related to production variables. No valid model could be developed. Class B spills appear to occur randomly and cannot be predicted reliably from the operating variables considered in this study. There were no Class B spills recorded for half of the years in the dataset. To determine whether a model could be used to estimate the volume of oil spilled from Class B spills, multiple linear regression and mixed regression models were applied. Again, no model was found to fit the variables. A simpler estimating method was to use the historical spill frequencies for each oil field to estimate large spill return rates. This method predicts that, on average, Prudhoe Bay experiences a large spill once every two years, Kuparuk River experiences one every six years, and Milne Point experiences one every 25 years.
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Occurrence Estimation for Spills Equal or Greater than 500 bbl
Ten spills greater than or equal to 500 bbl have been reported in the history of the North Slope oil fields.17 The subset of these spills across all years (1971 - 2011) was examined, and is summarized in Table 5.3 below. Two of these spills were refined product and both of these occurred in the 1970s. Eight of the spills were crude oil, and all of these occurred after 1980. Of the eight crude spills, five occurred in production or processing facilities and three occurred in pipelines. The time interval between these large spills ranged from less than one month to 16 years. No time pattern was observed. An estimate of spill occurrence was developed based on total cumulative crude production (as of the end of the month in which each spill occurred). By the end of 2010, there had been eight crude oil spills of volume greater than or equal to 500 bbl, and 15.82 billion bbl of crude had been produced. This gives a rate of approximately one crude oil spill greater than or equal to 500 bbl per every two billion barrels of produced oil over the lifetime of the Alaska North Slope through 2010. A reasonable estimate would be for one large spill per every 1.5 to 2 billion bbl of crude oil produced. Table 5.3 – All Alaska North Slope spills ≥500 bbl (June 1971 – September 2011)
Spill Date
Substance Type
Cum Total Produced (billion bbl)
Oil Field
Facility Type
Months Since Last
Prudhoe Bay
Milne Point
Kuparuk River
Prudhoe Bay
Kuparuk River
Prudhoe Bay
Prudhoe Bay
Prudhoe Bay
Prudhoe Bay
Volume Released
These 10 spills do not include spills on the Alaska North Slope from the construction of TAPS.
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Limitations and Challenges of Occurrence Models As with all regression analyses, these models do not confirm that the relationships noted were causal, merely that they were strong enough that they were not likely to have occurred by chance. It was always possible that another variable, not captured in the model, was really the underlying cause that may be responsible for two or more variables changing in a significant manner. Caution should be used when applying statistical models for predictions in dissimilar circumstances. While these occurrence models performed adequately for predicting spill numbers in similar oil fields during a similar timeframe (see Section 5.1.6), using them to predict spills from other geographic locations or in timeframes where technology or industry practices differ could lead to predictions outside the confidence intervals. Other factors besides oil production volume and pipeline length contribute to oil spill occurrence rates. For example, because some spills are caused by human error, the number of work hours by people employed in the industry could be related to spill occurrence. Spill size could also be a function of the time it takes to detect and stop a leak. It will always be challenging to model oil spill occurrences because of the changes in reporting standards and compliance, and the changes in best practices, experience, or technology, utilized by the oil production industry. Given the efforts of regulators and industry to reduce the number and size of spills through prevention practices, these occurrence estimation models may over predict future spills.
Trends in Spill Data Several trends are observed in the occurrence of past spills on the Alaska North Slope that may inform future estimates.
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Spill size is independent of oil field.
Spill size is highly dependent upon facility type, attributed cause, and substance spilled.
Monthly spill reports cycle annually, with the highest number of reported spills occurring in June each year. This might be explained by the increased light and activity at that time of year increasing the likelihood of leak detection.
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Occurrence Estimates by Spill Number A variety of regression models were applied to explore the most accurate predictive approaches that could be used to estimate the number of spills based on various production variables. In some cases, strong predictive models were identified. In others, simpler estimating methods proved as accurate as regression modeling. While several predictive models were developed for overall spill occurrence rates, there were challenges when similar approaches were applied to size category subsets. The best model for predicting the total number of spills was a linear regression based upon volume of oil produced and total length of pipeline for a given oil field. The model equation was: N_tot = 2.778+0.054*ProdOil + 0.026*TotLength When spills were categorized by size, a mixed effect regression model was developed for Class D (smallest) spills, which showed strong applicability across oil fields due to the fact that the random effect of oil field was small. The model resembles the model for all spills. N_sm = 2.294 + 0.045*ProdOil + 0.021*TotLength For Class C spills, a model valid at the 95% confidence level was obtained, but it did not show equal variance across oil fields and therefore was concluded to be field-specific with each oil field having a different intercept. No model valid at 95% confidence was found for predicting the annual occurrence rate of Class B (large) spills. The recommended model for providing an estimate of the expected number of spills for a given oil field is one in which the total number of spills is estimated using the overall model in which oil field production and estimated pipe length are considered. The number estimated in each size range is computed as the total number of spills multiplied by the historic rates pertaining to size. The average rates used to prorate total spills into predicted groups were 81.95% of spills assigned as Class D, 16.24% assigned to Class C, and 1.80% assigned as Class B. The performance of spill class size regression models was compared with a simpler strategy of prorating spills into size groups based upon historical rates. The two approaches were compared with several different statistical tests, and found to be basically equivalent in their predictive powers. Therefore, there does not appear to be any strong advantage to using the individual regression models to estimate the number of spills expected in each size category.
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OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Occurrence Estimates by Spill Volume No adequate models were identified for predicting spill volumes. Several large outlier spills in the dataset exerted undue influence in the regression process, making it impossible to develop valid models for spill estimates by volume. The two largest outliers, and the only spills in the dataset over 1,000 bbl, were a refined product spill in 1971 and a crude oil spill in 2006. However, even for smaller spill size classes (Classes C and D) where outlier spills were not an issue, volumetric models still proved challenging because of the high variability in the data. The recommended approach to estimating annual spill volumes was by first estimating the expected number of spills and then multiplying this estimate by the average spill size for the size category. The average spill sizes used to prorate total volume were 3.2 bbl for Class D, 44.5 bbl for Class C, and 424.9 bbl for Class B.
Occurrence Estimates for Spills Equal or Greater than 500 bbl Spills of 500 bbl or larger are rare on the Alaska North Slope and appear to be random events with respect to crude oil production volume. The best approach to estimating their occurrence was a simple return rate that predicts between zero and two spills of more than 500 bbl will occur for every one billion barrels of production.
Recommendations Occurrence estimates might be improved by considering more independent variables. Many oil spills are the result of human error, which is likely a function of the number of humans interaction with oil carrying devices, so considering the number of man-days worked during a given year may prove a valuable predictor of the number of spills. Also the volume of refined product utilized to construct and operate the oil production infrastructure might be a better predictor of refined oil spill than total oil production. Most crude oil spills are the result of the loss-of-integrity of some portion of the oil production infrastructure. Examining the spill record for an individual facility of the infrastructure (e.g. pipeline, tank, or processing plant) and then comparing similar facilities to establish occurrence rates by facility type may provide additional insight into occurrence rates. This and other oil spill rate studies are consistently limited by data quality. Reporting standards change over time and some data on potential independent variables are not recorded. Perhaps considering future data needs during the permitting phase of an oil and gas production project could lead to permit stipulations that result in better data sets for future analyses.
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7 REFERENCES Anderson, C.M. and LaBelle, R.P. (1990). Estimated occurrence rates for analysis of accidental oil spills on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf. Oil & Chem. Pollut. 6, 21-35. Retrieved from: Anderson, C.M. and LaBelle, R.P. (1994). Comparative occurrence rates for offshore oil spills. Spill Science & Technology Bulletin, Vol.1 No. 2, 131141. Retrieved from: Anderson, C.M. and LaBelle, R.P. (2000). Update of comparative occurrence rates for offshore oil spills. Spill Science & Technology Bulletin, Vol.6 No. 5/6, 303-321. Retrieved from: Anderson, C.M., Mayes, M., and LaBelle, R.P. (2012). Update of occurrence rates for offshore oil spills. OCS Report BOEM 2012-069. Retrieved from: m/Leasing/Five_Year_Program/20122017_Five_Year_Program/Update%20of%20Occurrence%20Rates%20for %20Offshore%20Oil%20Spills.pdf Eschenbach, T. G., Harper, W. V., Anderson, C. M., & Prentki, R. (2010). Estimating oil spill occurrence rates: A case study for Outer Continental Shelf areas of Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Environmental Statistics, 1(1), 1-19. Hart Crowser Inc. (2000). Estimation of oil spill risk from Alaska North Slope, Trans-Alaska Pipeline, and Arctic Canada oil spill data sets. OCS Study MMS 2000-007. Retrieved from: Labelle, R. and Anderson, C.M. (1982). The application of oceanography to oilspill modeling for the Outer Continental Shelf and gas leasing program. Mar. Technol. Soc. J. (19):2, 19-26. Lanfear, K.J. and Amstutz, D.E. (1983). A reexamination of occurrence rates for accidental oil spills on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf. 1983 Oil Spill Conference. Retrieved from: October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Robertson, T.L., Pearson, L., DeCola, E. (2013). Alaska North Slope spills analysis. Report to Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. Retrieved from: presswMaps.pdf Robertson, T.L., DeCola, E., and Pearson, L. (2010). Alaska North Slope spills analysis: Final report on North Slope spills analysis and expert panel recommendations on mitigation measures. Report to Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. Retrieved from: CREENwMAPS.pdf Smith, R.A., Slack, J.R., Wyant, T., Lanfear, K.J. (1982). Oilspill risk analysis model of the U.S. Geological Survey. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia.
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OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Appendix A: Collated Oil Spill Dataset
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OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Appendix A: Oil Spill Data Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
Oil Field
Facility Type
1 2 3 4 5 6
06/03/71 01/05/72 06/10/72 04/16/73 06/14/73 07/16/73
1071.43 357.14 4.76 101.48 1.19 952.38
1071.43 476.19 4.76 101.48 1.43 952.38
refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown
vehicle support pipeline support support exploration
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
11/27/74 06/29/75 10/06/75 02/20/76 03/19/76 06/25/77 06/25/77 07/19/77 07/25/77 08/03/77 10/21/77 11/10/77 11/17/77 11/26/77 12/04/77 01/18/78 01/31/78 02/03/78 02/19/78 02/25/78 03/07/78 03/18/78 04/17/78 04/21/78
1.19 52.38 2.38 70 6 7 7 5 4.4 3.14 11.98 10 20 4.72 3.77 2.52 9.43 7.55 5 3.14 5 4.76 1.26 1.19
1.19 52.38 7.14 70 6 7 7 5 4.4 3.14 11.98 10 20 4.72 3.77 2.52 9.43 7.55 5 3.14 5 4.76 4 1.19
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude mixture refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:gasoline refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil
unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Milne Point Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
unknown production production production production production production production production production production production production production production support production production production production production support production production
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Affected Media
unknown land:unknown unknown unknown unknown land:tundra water:unfrozen unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Overpressure Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Unknown Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill
Appendix A – 1
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
04/27/78 05/01/78 05/01/78 05/15/78 06/09/78 06/21/78 06/28/78 07/09/78 08/03/78 08/05/78 08/10/78 08/22/78 11/17/78 12/04/78 12/05/78 01/15/79 02/11/79 02/14/79 02/23/79 03/12/79 03/25/79 04/07/79 04/10/79 04/22/79 04/29/79 05/12/79 05/26/79 06/28/79 06/29/79 07/04/79 07/07/79 07/09/79 07/14/79 07/26/79
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Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 2.38 5.03 3.14 3.14 1.26 2.38 15 6.29 1.26 11.9 6.29 5 1.31 7.55 2.52 8.81 23.81 4.4 1.57 1.2 3 10 3.14 1.89 3.14 3.14 1.26 6 1.9 10 5 1.26 1.5 1.69
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 9.43 5.03 3.14 3.14 1.26 2.38 15 6.29 1.26 11.9 6.29 5 1.31 7.55 2.52 8.81 23.81 4.4 1.57 1.2 3 10 3.14 1.89 3.14 3.14 1.26 6 1.9 10 5 1.26 1.5 1.69
Spill Size Class D D D D D D C D D C D D D D D D C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel mixture refined:hydraulic crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
support production production support production production production production production production production production production production production production production production vehicle vehicle production production production production production production production production support production production production production production
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown
Human Error: Overfill Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Overpressure Unknown Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Human Error: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown Unknown Unknown
Appendix A – 2
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
08/11/79 08/29/79 09/02/79 09/04/79 09/25/79 11/09/79 11/11/79 01/03/80 01/04/80 03/20/80 04/06/80 04/29/80 05/07/80 06/04/80 06/04/80 06/05/80 06/18/80 06/19/80 07/01/80 08/08/80 08/22/80 08/23/80 09/03/80 10/23/80 10/31/80 11/07/80 11/11/80 11/16/80 11/21/80 12/06/80 12/18/80 12/30/80 01/12/81 01/14/81
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 9 5 1.89 3 6 2 3 4.76 45 4 2.38 1.19 4.76 10 10 5 1.19 3 4.76 5 6 3 20 2.38 2 1.19 15 4.76 102 1.79 6 2 4.76 11.9
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 9 5 1.89 3 6 2 3 4.76 45 4 2.38 1.19 4.76 10 10 5 1.19 3 4.76 5 6 3 20 2.38 2 1.79 15 4.76 102 3.57 6 3 5 23.81
Spill Size Class D D D D D D D D C D D D D D D D D D D D D D C D D D C D C D D D D C
Substance Type
crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:other crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude mixture crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:oil mud refined:gasoline refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
production production production production production production production production production production production production support production production production production production production production production production production production production vehicle production support production production unknown production production support
Affected Media
land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Unknown Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Unknown
Appendix A – 3
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133
01/19/81 01/20/81 01/21/81 01/25/81 02/06/81 02/18/81 02/19/81 02/23/81 03/19/81 03/21/81 04/03/81 04/09/81 04/13/81 04/16/81 04/24/81 04/25/81 04/25/81 04/26/81 04/26/81 04/29/81 05/01/81 05/04/81 05/08/81 05/15/81 05/21/81 05/27/81 05/30/81 05/31/81 06/07/81 06/08/81 06/08/81 06/10/81 06/11/81 06/21/81
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 9.52 9.52 1.9 4 11.9 16.67 1.79 1.9 4.76 0.95 2 1.19 0.6 1.43 101.95 2.86 2 2.38 14.29 2 1.43 14.29 1 1.19 0.95 0.48 2.98 0.95 2.38 71.43 23.81 2.12 23.81 2.38
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 10 10 2 4 22.14 16.67 1.79 2 4.76 1.19 3 1.19 1.43 1.43 101.95 2.86 2 10 14.29 2 1.43 14.29 2 1.19 1.19 1.19 2.98 1.19 7.14 71.43 23.81 2.12 23.81 3.57
Spill Size Class D D D D C C D D D D D D D D C D D D C D D C D D D D D D D C C D C D
Substance Type
refined:oil mud crude oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other crude oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:oil mud refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:other refined:gasoline refined:oil mud refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:gasoline refined:oil mud refined:other refined:other crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude mixture refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay unknown unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
production production production unknown production support unknown production production support production production production support production production production production production production production production production support production production production production production exploration production unknown production production
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Unknown Unknown Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Unknown Unknown Human Error: Overfill Unknown Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Unknown Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Unknown Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown
Appendix A – 4
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168
06/22/81 06/25/81 07/24/81 08/04/81 08/07/81 08/09/81 08/10/81 08/19/81 08/22/81 09/04/81 09/04/81 09/09/81 10/06/81 10/26/81 10/29/81 11/05/81 11/05/81 11/13/81 11/15/81 11/25/81 12/01/81 12/02/81 12/06/81 12/07/81 12/10/81 12/19/81 12/23/81 12/30/81 01/13/82 01/20/82 01/20/82 02/13/82 02/27/82 03/04/82
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 0.95 3 2.02 4.76 21.43 40 21.43 1.55 428.57 2.38 1.19 1.19 47.62 9.52 1.31 0.48 1.19 4 3.57 1.19 6 47.52 23.81 1.67 1.43 1 50 2.38 1.19 1.43 2 11.9 1.62 3
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 1.19 3 2.02 4.76 23.81 40 21.43 1.55 450 2.38 1.19 1.19 59.52 10 1.31 1.19 1.19 5 3.57 1.19 7 47.52 23.81 1.67 1.43 2 50 2.38 1.19 1.67 2 11.9 1.62 3
Spill Size Class D D D D C C C D B D D D C D D D D D D D D C C D D D C D D D D C D D
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:other crude oil crude oil
Oil Field
Kuparuk River Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
production production support production support production unknown production support production production unknown production production exploration production unknown production production production production unknown production production support production production production production production production support production production
Affected Media
unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown
Unknown Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Unknown Human Error: Other Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Unknown Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Overpressure Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Human Error: Other Unknown Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other
Appendix A – 5
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202
03/07/82 03/08/82 03/14/82 03/23/82 04/02/82 04/02/82 04/14/82 04/15/82 04/30/82 05/12/82 05/14/82 05/31/82 06/03/82 06/07/82 06/17/82 06/19/82 06/22/82 06/24/82 06/26/82 07/06/82 08/09/82 08/09/82 08/13/82 08/15/82 08/20/82 08/23/82 09/27/82 10/17/82 10/18/82 10/26/82 10/31/82 11/01/82 11/04/82 11/07/82
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 4.76 4.76 2 4.76 3 2 3 4.76 60 42.86 1.79 4.76 2 3 1.43 11.9 3.1 1.19 2 1.9 1.19 2.86 1.19 1.19 2.86 2.38 1.43 25 4.76 7.14 150 1.19 30 10
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 4.76 4.76 2 4.76 3 2 3 4.76 60 42.86 1.79 4.76 2 3 1.43 11.9 3.1 1.19 2 1.9 1.19 2.86 1.19 1.19 2.86 2.38 1.43 25 4.76 7.14 200 1.19 30 10
Spill Size Class D D D D D D D D C C D D D D D C D D D D D D D D D D D C D D C D C D
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
production production production production production production support production production production production support production production production support support production production exploration production production support production production production production production production unknown production production production production
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown land:containment unknown land:gravel unknown
Unknown Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Other Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other
Appendix A – 6
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236
11/09/82 11/10/82 11/15/82 11/18/82 11/21/82 11/22/82 12/03/82 12/04/82 12/12/82 12/23/82 12/27/82 01/27/83 01/28/83 02/09/83 03/31/83 04/24/83 05/12/83 05/16/83 05/17/83 05/18/83 05/25/83 05/29/83 06/02/83 06/03/83 06/09/83 06/12/83 06/13/83 06/13/83 06/19/83 06/25/83 06/25/83 07/05/83 07/08/83 07/08/83
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 25 2.38 1.79 4.76 45 2 1.19 5.95 25 10 15 1 62 1.19 54.76 3.57 23.81 1.07 1.31 1.43 4.76 5.95 2.38 5 2 11.9 47.62 2.38 114.29 1.19 5 2.38 1.43 2
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 25 2.38 1.79 4.76 45 2 1.19 5.95 25 10 15 10 62 1.19 54.76 3.57 23.81 1.07 1.31 1.43 4.76 5.95 2.38 5 4 11.9 47.62 2.38 114.29 1.19 5 11.9 1.79 2
Spill Size Class C D D D C D D D C D C D C D C D C D D D D D D D D C C D C D D C D D
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:gasoline crude oil refined:hydraulic crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:gasoline crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil
Oil Field
Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
production production production unknown production production production production production production production support production production unknown support production production support vehicle production production unknown production production production support production unknown production unknown support production production
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:tundra unknown land:tundra land:gravel unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Unknown Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other
Appendix A – 7
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271
07/10/83 07/10/83 07/11/83 07/13/83 07/28/83 08/03/83 08/16/83 08/19/83 08/22/83 08/22/83 08/25/83 08/27/83 09/06/83 09/06/83 09/23/83 09/27/83 10/19/83 10/28/83 11/01/83 11/01/83 11/02/83 11/04/83 11/12/83 11/15/83 11/16/83 11/22/83 11/23/83 11/28/83 11/29/83 12/05/83 12/18/83 01/03/84 01/03/84 02/06/84
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 2 5 5 4 1.79 4 2 5 1.79 2.38 2.38 10 1.19 24 9.52 0.71 2.38 7 2 1.31 15 23.81 1.19 2 35 3 3.9 3.1 23 1.19 3 60 3.57 9.52
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 2 5 5 4 1.79 4 2 5 1.79 2.38 2.38 10 2.38 24 9.52 1.19 2.38 7 2.38 1.55 15 23.81 1.67 2 35 3 3.9 3.1 23 1.19 3 60 3.57 9.52
Spill Size Class D D D D D D D D D D D D D C D D D D D D C C D D C D D D C D D C D D
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil
Oil Field
Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River unknown unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown
Facility Type
production production unknown production production production production production production vehicle unknown production production unknown support production support production production production production production production production production production unknown unknown production vehicle production production production unknown
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel unknown land:gravel unknown water:unfrozen land:gravel land:gravel unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:tundra land:tundra unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel unknown
Unknown Human Error: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Unknown Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other
Appendix A – 8
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305
02/11/84 02/19/84 03/04/84 03/04/84 03/12/84 03/17/84 04/08/84 04/13/84 05/18/84 05/24/84 06/10/84 06/11/84 06/14/84 06/18/84 06/30/84 07/03/84 07/20/84 07/26/84 08/09/84 08/19/84 09/10/84 10/09/84 11/06/84 12/22/84 01/13/85 01/22/85 01/31/85 02/08/85 02/10/85 02/11/85 02/13/85 02/14/85 02/16/85 03/02/85
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 1.5 3 3.57 6 5 38.1 10 10 2 5 3 3 5 1.19 1.19 1.19 3 5 20 10 10 30 125 5 2.14 1.19 2.14 1.19 5 10.48 2.38 1.67 2.14 2
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 1.5 3 3.57 6 5 38.1 10 10 2 5 3 3 5 1.19 1.19 1.19 3 5 20 10 10 30 125 5 2.14 2.62 2.14 1.19 5 10.48 2.62 1.67 2.14 2
Spill Size Class D D D D D C D D D D D D D D D D D D C D D C C D D D D D D C D D D D
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude mixture crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:gasoline refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil
Oil Field
unknown unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River unknown Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Kuparuk River
Facility Type
unknown production production production production production production production production production production production production production support support production production production production production production production production production production production vehicle production production production unknown production production
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:tundra unknown unknown land:gravel
Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Unknown Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Unknown
Appendix A – 9
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339
03/16/85 03/19/85 03/19/85 03/22/85 03/30/85 04/03/85 04/07/85 04/07/85 04/08/85 04/09/85 04/10/85 04/10/85 04/18/85 04/22/85 04/22/85 04/22/85 04/27/85 04/30/85 04/30/85 04/30/85 05/03/85 05/08/85 05/11/85 05/13/85 05/13/85 05/18/85 05/22/85 05/25/85 05/31/85 06/02/85 06/02/85 06/02/85 06/03/85 06/05/85
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 1.57 20 20 7.14 1.05 10.48 10 1.43 2.1 1.05 27 2 1.19 5 5.24 3.81 4.76 7.14 15 5 5.95 1.9 2.86 5 2.98 25 95.24 50 1.19 1.19 23.81 238.1 1.5 1.19
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 1.57 20 20.95 7.14 1.05 10.48 10 1.43 2.1 1.05 27 2.14 1.9 5 5.24 3.81 9.52 7.14 15 5 5.95 1.9 2.86 5.95 2.98 25 95.24 50 2.38 1.19 23.81 238.1 1.5 1.19
Spill Size Class D C C D D C D D D D C D D D D D D D C D D D D D D C C C D D C B D D
Substance Type
crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil
Oil Field
Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Milne Point Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Milne Point unknown Milne Point Prudhoe Bay unknown unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River unknown
Facility Type
production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production unknown support production production support production production pipeline production production unknown production support production production support production unknown
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown land:tundra unknown land:gravel unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown land:unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown water:frozen unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:unknown land:gravel unknown
Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal
Appendix A – 10
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373
06/17/85 06/18/85 06/30/85 07/02/85 07/12/85 07/15/85 07/17/85 07/17/85 07/19/85 07/22/85 07/23/85 08/01/85 08/08/85 08/17/85 08/22/85 08/24/85 08/31/85 09/01/85 09/02/85 09/02/85 09/06/85 09/15/85 09/19/85 09/21/85 10/03/85 10/05/85 10/05/85 10/06/85 10/06/85 10/12/85 11/02/85 11/03/85 11/06/85 11/14/85
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 0.95 3 0.95 1.43 20.24 2.02 2 4 1.19 5 1.19 1.07 2.38 2.38 1.79 4.76 5 5 2 4 2 4 15 3 2 2.98 2.02 2 3 1.43 0.6 2 2.98 250
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 1.19 3 1.19 1.43 20.24 2.02 2 4.76 1.19 5.95 1.19 1.07 2.38 2.38 1.79 4.76 5 5 2 4 2 4 15 3 3 2.98 3 2 3 14 1.19 2 2.98 250
Spill Size Class D D D D C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D C D D D D D D C D D D B
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel mixture crude oil crude oil refined:gasoline refined:other refined:other crude oil refined:other refined:oil mud refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:gasoline
Oil Field
Kuparuk River Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
unknown production unknown production production production production production unknown production production unknown support production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production support
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown land:gravel unknown land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel unknown land:tundra unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown land:gravel unknown land:gravel unknown
Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Unknown Human Error: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Unknown Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other
Appendix A – 11
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408
11/15/85 11/18/85 11/21/85 11/24/85 11/25/85 11/27/85 11/29/85 12/01/85 12/03/85 12/05/85 12/06/85 12/11/85 12/12/85 12/15/85 12/15/85 12/16/85 12/16/85 12/22/85 12/26/85 12/27/85 12/28/85 12/29/85 01/02/86 01/03/86 01/04/86 01/08/86 01/11/86 01/13/86 01/17/86 01/21/86 01/23/86 01/30/86 02/02/86 02/14/86
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 175 2 4.76 5 10 1.19 1.31 1.31 4 5 44 1.19 3 25 1.31 0.95 11.9 1.19 1.5 4.76 30 1.19 4 2 1.19 118.02 1.9 1.9 5 2.38 5 3 3 7
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 175 2 4.76 7 10 1.43 1.31 1.31 4 5 44 1.19 3 40 1.31 1.07 11.9 10 1.5 4.76 30 1.19 40.21 3 1.19 118.02 1.9 1.9 5 2.38 5 3 3 7
Spill Size Class C D D D D D D D D D C D D C D D C D D D C D C D D C D D D D D D D D
Substance Type
crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:oil mud refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:gasoline crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil
Oil Field
Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Milne Point Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River
Facility Type
production production production production production support vehicle production production production production support production production production production support production production production production production production production vehicle production production production vehicle production production production production vehicle
Affected Media
land:containment unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown land:gravel land:tundra land:gravel unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown land:tundra unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Overpressure Human Error: Other Unknown Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Human Error: Overfill Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other
Appendix A – 12
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442
02/15/86 02/17/86 02/18/86 02/21/86 03/02/86 03/02/86 03/10/86 03/10/86 03/10/86 03/12/86 03/15/86 03/18/86 03/20/86 03/27/86 03/28/86 04/02/86 04/05/86 04/07/86 04/09/86 04/10/86 04/11/86 04/20/86 04/22/86 04/23/86 04/29/86 05/01/86 05/11/86 05/21/86 05/25/86 05/26/86 05/27/86 05/30/86 05/31/86 06/04/86
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 3 7.5 2 7.14 10 4 9 3 4 2 3 1 2 6 7.31 2 47.62 16.67 2.5 4.76 3 2.55 4 47.62 5 2 2 5 5 4 5.95 2.38 3 2
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 3 7.5 2 7.14 80.95 4 10 3 4 5 3 2 2 6 7.31 2 50 19.05 2.5 4.76 3 2.55 4 47.62 5 2 6 5 5 4 5.95 3.57 3 2
Spill Size Class D D D D C D D D D D D D D D D D C C D D D D D C D D D D D D D D D D
Substance Type
crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:gasoline refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude mixture crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:gasoline crude oil crude oil
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
production production production unknown production unknown production production production production production production vehicle production production production production production production production production production production unknown production production production production production production unknown production production production
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel
Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown Human Error: Other Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other
Appendix A – 13
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476
06/07/86 06/09/86 06/10/86 06/11/86 06/18/86 06/20/86 06/27/86 06/29/86 07/06/86 07/06/86 07/15/86 07/17/86 07/24/86 07/31/86 08/04/86 08/09/86 08/10/86 08/12/86 08/25/86 08/31/86 09/01/86 09/09/86 09/15/86 09/25/86 09/26/86 09/29/86 10/07/86 10/16/86 10/22/86 10/22/86 11/04/86 11/07/86 11/10/86 11/11/86
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 2 3 3 4 5 2 11.9 2 3 4 4 1.43 1.31 2.38 1.19 10 2 2 2 18 2.5 3 20 5 1.19 30 2.12 100 2 4 3 120 25 3
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 2 3 5 4 5 2 11.9 2 3 4 4 1.43 5 2.38 1.19 15 4 2 2 20 2.5 3 20 5 1.19 30 2.12 100 2 4 3 120 25 3
Spill Size Class D D D D D D C D D D D D D D D C D D D C D D C D D C D C D D D C C D
Substance Type
refined:other crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:oil mud crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:gasoline crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:oil mud crude oil crude oil crude oil
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Endicott Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Milne Point Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
support production production production production production production production vehicle production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production support production production support vehicle production support production production production
Affected Media
land:gravel land:gravel water:unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown land:unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Overpressure Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other
Appendix A – 14
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510
11/23/86 11/29/86 12/13/86 12/19/86 12/21/86 12/27/86 12/28/86 01/05/87 01/10/87 01/13/87 01/16/87 02/02/87 02/09/87 02/12/87 02/23/87 02/28/87 03/04/87 03/06/87 03/10/87 03/25/87 03/31/87 04/03/87 04/24/87 04/29/87 05/08/87 05/11/87 05/24/87 06/08/87 06/14/87 06/16/87 06/19/87 06/22/87 06/22/87 06/30/87
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 1.19 20 55 2 1.5 1.19 2 357.14 2 1.19 2.12 5 1.5 2.43 2 2 2 4 1.43 20 1.19 0.9 1.79 4.76 1.31 2 1.19 2.38 1.19 1.19 2 10 1.19 2
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 1.19 20 55 2 1.5 1.19 2 357.14 2 2 2.12 5 1.5 5.24 4 2 3 5 1.43 120 1.19 1.07 1.79 4.76 1.31 2 1.19 2.38 1.19 1.19 2 10 1.19 2
Spill Size Class D C C D D D D B D D D D D D D D D D D C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:oil mud crude oil crude oil crude mixture refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel mixture crude mixture crude oil refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel mixture refined:hydraulic refined:diesel mixture refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude mixture crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil
Oil Field
unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Endicott unknown unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
unknown production production production production production production support production production production production production production production production production production production production production production unknown unknown unknown production production support production production production production production production
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Unknown Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Unknown
Appendix A – 15
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545
07/15/87 07/17/87 07/19/87 07/20/87 07/20/87 07/22/87 07/24/87 07/25/87 07/28/87 07/29/87 08/04/87 08/04/87 08/07/87 08/10/87 08/16/87 08/24/87 09/14/87 09/16/87 09/19/87 09/19/87 09/20/87 09/22/87 09/27/87 09/28/87 10/01/87 10/03/87 10/09/87 10/10/87 10/11/87 10/13/87 10/14/87 10/15/87 10/31/87 11/08/87
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 4 1.19 1.79 2.38 2.62 3 0.95 1.45 0.95 20 1.19 2 1.19 2.38 50 1.19 19.64 2.5 2 5.95 60 3 3 3 2 0.83 2 2 1.79 3 3 6 2 11.9
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 4 1.19 1.79 2.38 2.62 3 1.19 1.5 1.19 20 1.19 2 1.19 2.38 50 1.19 19.64 2.5 2 10 60 3 3 4 2 1.19 2 2 1.79 3 3 6 2 11.9
Spill Size Class D D D D D D D D D C D D D D C D C D D D C D D D D D D D D D D D D C
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude mixture crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:other crude oil crude oil crude mixture crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:other crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:oil mud refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River
Facility Type
production production production production support production production production production production production unknown production support production production production production pipeline production production production production production production production production production production production production production production vehicle
Affected Media
unknown land:gravel unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Unknown Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Other Human Error: Unknown Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Unknown Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other
Appendix A – 16
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579
11/12/87 11/14/87 11/25/87 11/25/87 11/26/87 12/01/87 12/30/87 01/20/88 01/21/88 01/25/88 01/30/88 02/05/88 02/05/88 02/08/88 02/12/88 02/14/88 02/14/88 02/19/88 02/27/88 02/28/88 03/06/88 03/07/88 03/17/88 03/19/88 03/30/88 04/01/88 04/03/88 04/04/88 04/07/88 04/14/88 04/19/88 04/22/88 04/24/88 04/24/88
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 10 5 1.19 9.52 1.9 7.14 9.5 10 10 1.5 15 1.19 1.19 287.14 25 1.43 2 1.9 1.07 1.19 2.38 2.38 5 2 280.95 2.5 1.19 0.95 1.19 5 3.57 1.43 1.19 1.19
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 10 5 1.19 9.52 1.9 7.14 9.5 12 10 1.5 15 1.19 1.19 287.14 25 1.43 2 1.9 1.07 1.19 2.62 2.38 5 2 281 2.5 1.19 1.19 1.19 5 3.57 1.43 1.19 1.19
Spill Size Class D D D D D D D C D D C D D B C D D D D D D D D D B D D D D D D D D D
Substance Type
crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude mixture crude oil refined:gasoline crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude mixture refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude mixture crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude mixture refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Endicott Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River unknown unknown Endicott Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
production production production production production production production production production production production production production production pipeline production production production production production production production production production pipeline production production production production pipeline unknown production production production
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Human Error: Overfill Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown
Appendix A – 17
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613
05/02/88 05/03/88 05/07/88 05/15/88 05/16/88 05/17/88 05/21/88 05/23/88 06/01/88 06/05/88 06/09/88 06/11/88 06/12/88 06/12/88 06/13/88 06/16/88 06/19/88 06/19/88 06/21/88 06/23/88 06/25/88 06/26/88 06/28/88 06/29/88 07/01/88 07/02/88 07/04/88 07/05/88 07/09/88 07/11/88 07/11/88 07/18/88 07/20/88 07/23/88
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 15 1.19 1.9 1.07 2 1.43 2 1.9 4.76 1.19 2.38 5 7.62 1.19 1.5 1.19 7 2 3 4 2.38 2 1.67 1.43 1.19 3 2 3 4 4.76 1.07 2.38 7.14 2.38
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 20 1.19 1.9 1.19 2 1.43 2 1.9 4.76 1.19 2.38 5 7.62 1.19 1.5 1.19 7 2 3 4 2.38 3 1.67 1.43 1.19 3 3.14 3 5 5.95 1.5 2.38 7.14 2.38
Spill Size Class C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D
Substance Type
crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude mixture crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude mixture crude oil refined:other crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River unknown
Facility Type
production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production support production production support production production vehicle production production production production production production production unknown production production production production
Affected Media
land:gravel unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Unknown Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other
Appendix A – 18
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648
08/02/88 08/03/88 08/06/88 08/10/88 08/16/88 08/16/88 08/20/88 08/23/88 08/29/88 09/10/88 09/10/88 09/11/88 09/15/88 09/30/88 10/01/88 10/10/88 10/13/88 10/13/88 10/15/88 10/17/88 10/19/88 10/20/88 10/25/88 10/25/88 10/26/88 10/29/88 11/03/88 11/04/88 11/06/88 11/06/88 11/11/88 11/11/88 11/12/88 11/18/88
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 1.14 1.67 0.95 30 50 0.95 2 4 1.19 1.19 30 2.38 7 10 7.62 2.38 3 2 6 2.17 4.76 5 1.31 1.19 1.67 71.24 1.19 2 1.19 1.43 5 1.19 1.79 3
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 1.14 1.67 1.07 30 50 1.07 2 5 1.19 1.19 30 2.38 7 10 9.52 2.38 3 2 6 2.17 4.76 5 1.31 1.19 1.67 71.24 1.19 2 1.19 1.43 5 1.19 1.79 3
Spill Size Class D D D C C D D D D D C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D C D D D D D D D D
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude mixture crude oil refined:hydraulic crude mixture refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:gasoline refined:gasoline crude oil refined:diesel mixture refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Endicott Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
production production production production production support production production production production production production production production production production production production production unknown production production production production production production vehicle production production production production production support production
Affected Media
unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Human Error: Unknown Unknown Human Error: Overfill Unknown Human Error: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Corrosion
Appendix A – 19
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682
11/22/88 11/28/88 12/01/88 12/04/88 12/05/88 12/05/88 12/05/88 12/09/88 12/19/88 12/22/88 12/26/88 12/26/88 12/29/88 01/03/89 01/08/89 01/18/89 01/19/89 01/24/89 02/04/89 02/05/89 02/06/89 02/07/89 02/10/89 02/12/89 02/27/89 03/04/89 03/07/89 03/08/89 03/10/89 03/12/89 03/27/89 04/18/89 04/21/89 04/22/89
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 30 1.79 1.5 2 10 4 1.19 2.38 5 4 8 4 2 3 1.19 2.38 5 107.14 75 4.76 1.19 4.76 2 16.67 3.57 7.14 2.38 1.43 2 2.38 25 357.14 1.5 4
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 30 2.02 1.5 2 10 4 1.24 2.38 5 4 8 4 60 3 1.19 2.38 5 154.76 75 11.9 1.19 4.76 2 16.67 3.57 7.14 2.38 1.43 2 2.38 25 357.14 1.5 4
Spill Size Class C D D D D D D D D D D D C D D D D C C C D D D C D D D D D D C B D D
Substance Type
crude oil refined:hydraulic crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:oil mud crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil
Oil Field
Endicott Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay unknown unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River
Facility Type
production production production production production production production support production production production production production production production production production exploration production production unknown unknown production unknown production production production unknown production support production support production production
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown land:gravel unknown unknown water:unknown land:tundra unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Unknown Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown
Appendix A – 20
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716
05/01/89 05/03/89 05/04/89 05/04/89 05/10/89 05/13/89 05/23/89 05/27/89 05/29/89 05/30/89 06/02/89 06/02/89 06/05/89 06/08/89 06/19/89 06/19/89 06/19/89 06/21/89 06/21/89 06/21/89 06/25/89 06/25/89 07/02/89 07/03/89 07/05/89 07/07/89 07/08/89 07/15/89 07/17/89 07/19/89 07/28/89 07/28/89 07/29/89 08/22/89
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 2 1.43 14.29 1.07 2.98 11.9 1.67 2 1.19 11.9 12.5 2 1.62 4.76 2 29.33 3 4.76 17.1 4 1.79 1.29 1.5 2.38 10 1.79 2.02 7.14 7.14 1.19 1.19 425 1.19 5
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 2 1.43 14.29 1.07 2.98 23.81 2.62 2 1.19 11.9 12.5 2 1.62 4.76 2 29.33 3 4.76 17.1 4 1.79 1.29 1.5 2.38 10 1.79 2.02 7.14 7.14 1.19 1.19 925 1.19 5
Spill Size Class D D C D D C D D D C C D D D D C D D C D D D D D D D D D D D D B D D
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:gasoline refined:hydraulic refined:oil mud refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:hydraulic crude oil
Oil Field
Kuparuk River Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown unknown Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay unknown unknown Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Milne Point Milne Point
Facility Type
production vehicle support production production support vehicle production production production support production production support production support production support unknown production production support support production production production production production production production support production production production
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel water:unknown unknown land:tundra land:gravel land:containment land:gravel land:gravel
Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Unknown Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown
Appendix A – 21
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
717 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751
08/24/89 08/25/89 08/26/89 08/26/89 09/02/89 09/07/89 09/12/89 09/24/89 10/09/89 10/11/89 10/16/89 11/01/89 11/06/89 11/08/89 11/18/89 11/24/89 11/24/89 11/24/89 11/25/89 12/11/89 12/15/89 12/16/89 12/16/89 12/17/89 12/19/89 12/24/89 01/09/90 01/12/90 01/14/90 01/19/90 01/23/90 01/26/90 01/30/90 02/06/90
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 4.29 510 2 1.19 1.5 1.31 10 1.67 25 2 3 3 2 170 2.38 1.07 3 0.95 50 10 8 20 8 10 15.48 10 1.07 2.5 1.19 2.38 1.67 1.07 5.95 3.57
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 4.29 600 2 1.19 1.5 1.43 10 1.67 25 2 3 3 2 265 2.38 1.07 3 1.19 50 10 8 26.19 8 10 15.48 10 1.07 2.5 1.19 2.38 1.67 1.07 5.95 3.57
Spill Size Class D B D D D D D D C D D D D B D D D D C D D C D D C D D D D D D D D D
Substance Type
crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:oil mud crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:hydraulic refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Endicott Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Endicott Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
production pipeline production production production support production production vehicle production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production support production production production production production production
Affected Media
unknown land:tundra land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel land:tundra
Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown
Appendix A – 22
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785
02/07/90 02/11/90 02/15/90 02/17/90 02/19/90 02/24/90 02/26/90 03/14/90 03/26/90 03/26/90 03/31/90 04/05/90 04/15/90 05/11/90 05/12/90 05/15/90 05/19/90 05/20/90 05/22/90 05/23/90 05/31/90 06/03/90 06/09/90 06/18/90 06/22/90 06/30/90 07/03/90 07/09/90 07/11/90 07/12/90 07/18/90 07/20/90 07/30/90 07/30/90
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 1.19 1.79 1.31 1.19 2 1.19 5 13 1.31 2 1.52 2.02 2.86 24 2 0.95 2 1.19 1.19 2 1.9 5.71 1.19 1.31 1.19 3.57 5.71 1.31 1.19 1.19 6 1.19 1.79 1.79
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 1.19 1.79 1.31 1.19 2 1.19 5 15 1.31 2 1.52 2.02 2.86 24 2 1.19 2 1.19 1.19 2 1.9 5.71 1.19 1.31 1.19 3.57 5.71 1.31 1.19 1.19 6 1.19 1.79 1.79
Spill Size Class D D D D D D D C D D D D D C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D
Substance Type
crude oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other crude oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:oil mud refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Milne Point unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River unknown
Facility Type
pipeline production vehicle production production production production production production production support production production production production support production production production production production support support production support support production production production production production production production unknown
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown land:gravel unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown
Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Unknown Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal
Appendix A – 23
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
786 787 788 789 790 791 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 805 806 807 808 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822
07/30/90 08/01/90 08/04/90 08/06/90 08/14/90 08/15/90 09/02/90 09/12/90 09/22/90 09/30/90 10/01/90 10/02/90 11/29/90 11/29/90 12/01/90 12/10/90 12/13/90 12/22/90 12/24/90 12/28/90 01/19/91 01/21/91 02/01/91 02/04/91 02/11/91 02/20/91 02/20/91 02/21/91 03/15/91 03/23/91 03/23/91 03/26/91 03/27/91 03/27/91
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 1.19 1.19 4 1.5 2.38 9.52 3 1.5 30 2.5 1.31 1.31 2.38 2 1.07 176.19 13.81 4.76 30 2.38 1.43 3.57 1.19 2 2.02 15.48 3.67 3 2.93 1.07 1.43 16 36 4
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 1.79 1.19 5 1.5 2.38 9.52 3 1.5 30 5 1.31 1.31 2.38 2 1.07 600 13.81 5 30 2.38 5.5 3.57 1.19 2 2.02 19.05 3.67 3 2.93 1.07 1.43 16 36 4
Spill Size Class D D D D D D D D C D D D D D D B C D C D D D D D D C D D D D D C C D
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude mixture crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:hydraulic crude oil crude oil refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil
Oil Field
Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River unknown Kuparuk River Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Milne Point unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
production production production production production support production production production production production unknown production production production production vehicle production production vehicle production unknown production production production production unknown production vehicle production production production production production
Affected Media
unknown land:gravel unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel unknown land:unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:tundra unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown land:unknown land:unknown
Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Human Error: Unknown Unknown Human Error: Unknown Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other
Appendix A – 24
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857
04/07/91 04/08/91 04/11/91 04/13/91 04/14/91 04/19/91 04/22/91 04/25/91 04/30/91 05/01/91 05/09/91 05/13/91 05/18/91 05/19/91 05/25/91 06/10/91 06/11/91 06/13/91 06/13/91 06/18/91 06/23/91 07/04/91 07/04/91 07/12/91 07/14/91 07/16/91 07/16/91 07/18/91 07/31/91 08/01/91 08/25/91 09/15/91 09/16/91 09/24/91
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 1.19 4.76 1.31 2.31 1.21 4 3.57 3.57 5 1.19 1.5 1.19 1.19 4.76 4.76 3 1.19 3 1.19 2.38 1.19 2.38 10.24 2.86 5 3.57 2.5 4 75 1.19 4 1.31 4 1.19
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 1.19 4.76 1.33 10.6 1.21 4 3.57 3.57 5 1.19 1.5 2.98 1.19 4.76 4.76 3 1.19 9 1.19 2.38 1.19 2.38 47.62 2.86 5 3.57 2.5 4 75 1.19 4 1.31 4 1.19
Spill Size Class D D D C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D C D D D D D C D D D D D
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:other refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil
Oil Field
unknown Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River unknown Milne Point Kuparuk River unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown unknown Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown
Facility Type
unknown production vehicle production production production production support production production production production production production unknown production production pipeline vehicle unknown production production production production production production vehicle production production production production production production production
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown land:tundra unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel land:unknown land:gravel unknown unknown land:gravel unknown land:gravel land:gravel land:gravel land:unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel
Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Unknown Unknown Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other
Appendix A – 25
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
858 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 886 887 889 890 891 892 893 894
09/28/91 09/28/91 09/28/91 10/08/91 10/08/91 11/03/91 11/19/91 11/25/91 12/04/91 12/15/91 12/19/91 01/11/92 01/28/92 02/01/92 02/10/92 04/14/92 04/20/92 05/26/92 05/31/92 06/07/92 06/24/92 07/11/92 07/15/92 07/30/92 08/21/92 08/29/92 09/11/92 09/17/92 10/07/92 12/11/92 02/10/93 02/21/93 03/07/93 03/31/93
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 2.38 2 3 1.19 1.19 2.62 2.62 2 8.57 30 1.29 3.57 1.31 6.67 3 6 3 4 5.95 5.95 10 2.02 2.86 1.07 2.38 8.1 2 8 1.31 3 1.5 5 1.31 1.31
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 2.65 2 3 1.19 1.19 2.62 2.62 2 8.57 30 1.29 3.57 1.31 6.67 3 6 3 4 5.95 5.95 10 2.02 2.86 1.07 2.38 8.1 2 8 1.31 3 1.5 5 1.31 1.31
Spill Size Class D D D D D D D D D C D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:other crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:hydraulic
Oil Field
unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Endicott Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown
Facility Type
vehicle production production unknown production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production vehicle production production production production production pipeline unknown production production production production unknown
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:tundra unknown unknown unknown unknown land:unknown unknown land:unknown unknown unknown land:unknown unknown land:unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Unknown Human Error: Other Human Error: Other
Appendix A – 26
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928
04/03/93 04/05/93 04/19/93 04/23/93 04/25/93 06/07/93 06/10/93 06/12/93 06/17/93 06/19/93 06/21/93 07/09/93 07/10/93 08/17/93 08/30/93 09/03/93 09/05/93 09/20/93 09/26/93 10/01/93 11/13/93 12/14/93 12/20/93 12/24/93 12/30/93 01/01/94 02/07/94 02/16/94 02/22/94 02/27/94 03/18/94 04/03/94 04/06/94 05/03/94
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 1.19 4.88 11.9 19 1.07 40 300 10 50 3 15 7.14 1.19 675 200 30 5 168 650 2 100 30 1.19 180 375 5.95 5.95 32 2 2.14 1.19 1.19 3.1 2.38
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 1.19 4.88 11.9 19 1.07 40 300 10 50 3 15 7.14 1.19 675 200 30 5 168 650.12 2 100 30 1.19 200 400 5.95 5.95 32 2 2.14 1.19 1.19 3.1 2.38
Spill Size Class D D C C D C B D C D C D D B C C D C B D C C D C B D D C D D D D D D
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:hydraulic crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude mixture crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
unknown production unknown production unknown production production production unknown production production unknown unknown production production production production production production production production pipeline production production production unknown unknown production production unknown unknown production production production
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown water:unknown land:tundra water:unknown land:unknown land:unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment water:unknown water:unknown land:unknown land:gravel unknown land:containment land:unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Other Unknown Human Error: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Other Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Unknown Human Error: Unknown Unknown Unknown Human Error: Other
Appendix A – 27
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 961 962 963
05/10/94 05/10/94 05/18/94 06/22/94 07/10/94 07/18/94 07/23/94 08/02/94 09/26/94 10/31/94 11/06/94 11/06/94 12/02/94 12/05/94 12/05/94 01/01/95 01/02/95 01/07/95 01/16/95 02/03/95 02/05/95 02/13/95 03/10/95 04/04/95 05/01/95 05/07/95 06/03/95 06/07/95 07/05/95 07/14/95 07/26/95 07/28/95 07/29/95 08/06/95
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 112 2.38 3.5 6.71 1.9 10 1.19 3.57 1.9 60 2 40 2.02 1.33 50 11 11 17 4.76 5 8.33 5.95 71.43 2.38 4.88 5 2.62 2.38 1.31 2 7.14 20 10 0
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 142.86 2.38 3.5 6.71 1.9 10 1.19 3.57 1.9 183.14 2 40 2.02 1.33 50 11 11 17 4.76 5 8.33 5.95 71.43 2.38 4.88 5 2.62 2.38 1.31 2 7.14 20 10 6
Spill Size Class C D D D D D D D D C D C D D C C C C D D D D C D D D D D D D D C D D
Substance Type
crude oil refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:other crude oil crude oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:hydraulic refined:other crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other crude oil crude oil
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River
Facility Type
production unknown pipeline production production production production unknown production pipeline production production production production production production production pipeline production production production vehicle support vehicle production production production unknown support production unknown production production unknown
Affected Media
land:unknown unknown land:unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:unknown unknown land:unknown unknown unknown water:unknown unknown land:unknown land:unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:unknown land:gravel land:unknown land:unknown land:gravel
Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown Unknown
Appendix A – 28
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
964 965 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999
08/13/95 08/15/95 10/05/95 10/23/95 10/28/95 11/26/95 12/18/95 12/22/95 01/02/96 01/07/96 01/08/96 01/27/96 01/27/96 01/31/96 02/06/96 02/11/96 02/20/96 02/25/96 02/29/96 03/01/96 03/10/96 03/28/96 04/07/96 04/17/96 04/21/96 04/24/96 05/26/96 06/01/96 06/02/96 06/07/96 06/08/96 06/13/96 06/13/96 06/17/96
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 7.14 25 50 0 1.19 10 1.62 0 1.19 0 1.43 8.33 2.86 7 10.71 1.9 1.79 3 1.38 2 7 200 7.14 25.6 1.05 3.33 7 5 1.19 1.43 5 1.19 1.14 1.14
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 7.14 25 50 1.28 1.19 10 1.62 2.57 1.19 42 1.43 8.33 2.86 7 10.71 1.9 1.79 4 1.38 2 7 200 7.14 25.6 1.05 3.33 7 5 1.19 1.43 5 1.19 1.14 1.14
Spill Size Class D C C D D D D D D C D D D D C D D D D D D C D C D D D D D D D D D D
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:oil mud crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:other crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude mixture crude mixture crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:other refined:hydraulic
Oil Field
unknown Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Milne Point Endicott Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Endicott Kuparuk River unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River
Facility Type
unknown pipeline unknown pipeline vehicle vehicle production production production production production production production production production production production production production production production pipeline production production pipeline production vehicle production production production vehicle production production vehicle
Affected Media
land:gravel land:unknown land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown land:containment land:gravel unknown unknown land:unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown land:unknown unknown land:unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown water:unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown land:tundra
Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other
Appendix A – 29
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035
06/30/96 07/01/96 07/06/96 07/09/96 07/25/96 08/05/96 08/13/96 08/13/96 08/16/96 08/18/96 08/21/96 09/09/96 09/11/96 09/13/96 09/27/96 10/17/96 10/18/96 10/26/96 11/22/96 12/20/96 01/16/97 01/23/97 02/03/97 02/04/97 02/05/97 02/07/97 02/13/97 02/18/97 02/28/97 03/08/97 03/12/97 03/17/97 03/26/97 03/31/97
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 26.19 1.67 3 10 9.52 1.19 1.19 16 2 14.29 2.86 2.38 1.19 1.67 4.88 1.07 1.19 2 7 1.67 1.31 2 1.19 50 1.43 2 2.14 2.12 2 5.24 10 2.38 113 10
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 26.19 1.67 3 10 9.52 1.19 1.19 16 2 14.29 2.86 2.38 1.19 1.67 4.88 1.07 1.19 2 7 1.67 1.31 2 1.19 50 1.43 2 2.14 2.12 2 5.24 10 2.38 117 10
Spill Size Class C D D D D D D C D C D D D D D D D D D D D D D C D D D D D D D D C D
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude mixture crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:hydraulic crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude mixture refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:other crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Endicott Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Endicott Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point
Facility Type
production vehicle unknown pipeline production production unknown production pipeline production production production production production unknown pipeline production unknown production production production production production production production production production production support production production support production production
Affected Media
unknown land:gravel land:gravel water:unknown land:gravel unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel unknown unknown unknown land:tundra unknown unknown land:gravel land:unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:unknown land:unknown unknown land:unknown land:gravel
Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Unknown Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other
Appendix A – 30
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1067 1068 1069 1070
04/04/97 04/15/97 04/27/97 04/30/97 05/03/97 05/19/97 05/20/97 06/04/97 06/05/97 06/12/97 06/22/97 06/22/97 06/22/97 06/25/97 07/02/97 07/03/97 07/05/97 07/15/97 07/21/97 07/21/97 07/29/97 08/03/97 08/04/97 09/12/97 09/12/97 09/15/97 09/27/97 10/13/97 10/14/97 10/26/97 12/08/97 12/14/97 12/21/97 01/02/98
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 30 10 1.79 41.24 2.33 180 1.67 4.76 7.14 4.76 11 5 47.62 1.33 3.69 1.38 2.98 47.62 24 1.19 1.4 2.5 10 3.57 20 6 1.19 4 2 15.71 3.21 2.86 2.98 1.19
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 30 10 1.79 41.24 2.33 180 1.67 4.76 7.14 11.9 11 5 47.62 1.33 3.69 1.38 2.98 47.62 24 1.19 1.4 2.5 10 3.57 20 6 1.19 4 2 15.71 3.21 2.86 2.98 1.19
Spill Size Class C D D C D C D D D C C D C D D D D C C D D D D D C D D D D C D D D D
Substance Type
crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:hydraulic crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:other refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:hydraulic
Oil Field
Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Milne Point Milne Point unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Badami Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
production production support production production production production unknown production unknown production production vehicle unknown production vehicle unknown pipeline production support unknown production pipeline pipeline production pipeline vehicle production production production vehicle production production production
Affected Media
land:unknown land:unknown unknown unknown unknown land:unknown unknown unknown unknown land:tundra unknown land:gravel land:tundra land:unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown water:unfrozen unknown land:gravel unknown land:unknown unknown unknown land:unknown water:unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Human Error: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Mechanical Failure: Overpressure Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Overpressure
Appendix A – 31
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1081 1083 1084 1085 1086
01/10/98 01/15/98 01/26/98 01/27/98 01/31/98 03/03/98 03/18/98 03/21/98 03/23/98 03/25/98 04/07/98 04/08/98 04/13/98 04/15/98
0 1.55 3.62 28.57 1.43 4.88 5 0 10 14.29 4.76 2 0 1.55
300 1.55 3.62 28.57 1.43 4.88 5 6 11.9 14.29 4.76 2.62 10 1.55
crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:hydraulic crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil
1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1096 1097 1098 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108
04/23/98 05/01/98 05/02/98 05/17/98 05/29/98 06/03/98 06/12/98 06/16/98 08/02/98 08/21/98 08/24/98 09/25/98 10/03/98 10/06/98 10/06/98 10/23/98 10/30/98 12/09/98 12/24/98
3 3 2.88 3 2 1.19 3 5 1.43 1.19 0 2 4.64 2.38 2.5 3.57 5.95 0 4.76
3 3 2.88 3 2 1.19 3 5 1.43 23.81 2 2 4.64 2.38 2.5 3.57 5.95 2 4.76
crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude mixture crude oil crude mixture refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:other
October 2013
Oil Field
Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Colville River, Alpine Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Endicott Kuparuk River Milne Point Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River
Facility Type
Affected Media
production production production production production production production pipeline production pipeline unknown production production vehicle
land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:unknown unknown land:unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:gravel unknown
Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Overpressure Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Vehicle Accidents
production production production production production production production production production production production production production production pipeline production production production production
land:gravel land:tundra unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown land:unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Human Error: Overfill Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Overpressure Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill
Appendix A – 32
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
1109 1111 1113 1114 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120
01/28/99 02/06/99 03/09/99 03/12/99 04/07/99 04/09/99 04/18/99 05/01/99 05/04/99
0 1.19 1.05 2.45 260 2.38 0 1.31 6
1.43 1.19 1.05 2.45 260 2.38 1.43 1.31 6
crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude mixture refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil
1121 1122 1123 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1133 1134
05/19/99 06/01/99 06/06/99 06/10/99 06/15/99 06/17/99 06/22/99 07/03/99 07/10/99 07/17/99 07/23/99 07/23/99
47.62 1.43 4.76 0 4.52 4.76 1.79 4.76 1.64 100 1.19 0
47.62 1.43 4.76 30.4 4.52 4.76 1.79 4.76 1.64 100 1.19 30
1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147
08/12/99 08/15/99 09/06/99 09/07/99 09/15/99 10/04/99 10/10/99 11/10/99 11/11/99 11/22/99 12/16/99
2.62 32.14 1.55 1.43 1.79 6.21 0 3.57 2.38 5.1 40.47
2.62 32.14 1.55 1.43 1.79 6.21 2 3.57 2.38 5.1 40.47
October 2013
Oil Field
Facility Type
Affected Media
production exploration production production production production pipeline production vehicle
unknown land:tundra unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Vehicle Accidents
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:other refined:other refined:hydraulic crude oil
Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Endicott Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Badami Colville River, Alpine Prudhoe Bay Endicott Endicott Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Endicott Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River
production production production pipeline support production production production production production production production
Unknown Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion
crude oil crude mixture refined:hydraulic refined:other crude oil refined:hydraulic crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil
Endicott Kuparuk River Kuparuk River unknown Endicott Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River unknown
production pipeline production unknown production production production production production pipeline production
unknown unknown unknown land:tundra unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:tundra water:unfrozen unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other
Appendix A – 33
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1163
12/22/99 12/23/99 01/25/00 01/27/00 02/06/00 02/14/00 02/14/00 02/16/00 02/17/00 03/02/00 03/13/00 03/15/00 03/20/00 04/24/00
4.4 9.05 13.09 1.79 1.43 4.76 0 2.98 4.05 142.86 0 1.19 23.81 11.9
4.4 9.05 13.09 1.79 1.43 4.76 1.07 2.98 4.05 142.86 4.77 1.19 23.81 11.9
refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:other crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:other crude oil refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:hydraulic
1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176
05/01/00 05/05/00 05/06/00 05/19/00 06/08/00 06/19/00 06/19/00 06/27/00 06/27/00 07/01/00 07/07/00 07/12/00 07/12/00
4.79 1.14 4.76 2.62 2.38 1.67 1.19 2.38 4.76 3.57 4.17 15.47 0
4.79 1.14 4.76 2.62 2.38 1.67 1.19 2.38 4.76 3.57 4.17 15.48 2.02
1177 1179 1180 1181 1182
07/17/00 08/07/00 08/14/00 08/20/00 08/21/00
3.57 12.57 3 2.62 714.94
3.57 12.57 3 2.62 715
October 2013
Oil Field
Facility Type
Affected Media
production support production production production production pipeline production production unknown production production production support
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:other crude oil refined:hydraulic crude oil crude mixture refined:other crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:other crude oil
Endicott unknown Endicott Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Badami Endicott unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Colville River, Alpine Kuparuk River unknown Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point unknown Prudhoe Bay Endicott Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River
production unknown production vehicle production production pipeline production unknown production production pipeline pipeline
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal
crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
production production production pipeline production
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown land:gravel unknown unknown land:gravel land:tundra water:unfrozen unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown
Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other
Appendix A – 34
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198
09/01/00 09/06/00 09/13/00 09/16/00 09/26/00 09/26/00 10/19/00 12/01/00 12/01/00 12/02/00 12/04/00 12/09/00 12/17/00 12/24/00 12/24/00
2.14 1.19 1.67 1.9 2 2.38 10 15 2.02 2.69 15 2.62 180.95 36 1.07
2.14 1.19 1.67 1.9 2 2.38 10 15 2.02 3.57 15 2.62 180.95 36 1.07
refined:other refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other crude oil crude oil crude mixture crude oil crude oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other
1199 1200
12/27/00 01/05/01
1.67 5
1.67 5
crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil
1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1208
01/12/01 01/15/01 01/21/01 01/22/01 02/02/01 02/14/01
2.38 1.9 1.07 68 24 1.79
2.38 1.93 1.07 68 24 1.79
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:other
1209 1210 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216
02/19/01 02/19/01 02/20/01 03/06/01 03/09/01 03/12/01 03/20/01
224.98 8.21 1.02 1.55 2.62 2.38 2.98
607.14 8.21 1.02 1.55 2.62 2.38 2.98
crude oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other
October 2013
Oil Field
Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Endicott Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Colville River, Alpine Kuparuk River Colville River, Alpine Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Colville River, Alpine Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay North Star unknown Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
Affected Media
production production vehicle production production unknown production pipeline production production production production support support support
land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other
pipeline production
land:gravel unknown
Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Other
vehicle production unknown production production vehicle
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other
pipeline production production vehicle production vehicle production
land:tundra unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Overpressure Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Human Error: Other
Appendix A – 35
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
refined:diesel/heating oil
1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1224 1225 1226 1227 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244
03/31/01 04/01/01 04/03/01 04/15/01 04/15/01 04/23/01 05/04/01 05/10/01 05/20/01 05/27/01 06/07/01 06/07/01 06/11/01 06/14/01 06/25/01 07/04/01 07/07/01 07/16/01 07/21/01 07/25/01 08/10/01 08/18/01 09/06/01 09/15/01 09/25/01
1.24 1.19 1.79 3.48 0 1.79 1.79 9.52 3.57 2.5 1.19 11.9 1.19 1.08 1.19 1.19 3.81 1.19 10 1.31 1.43 1.43 3.98 35.71 14.29
1.24 1.19 1.79 3.48 23.8 1.79 3.57 9.52 3.57 2.5 1.19 11.9 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 3.81 1.19 10 1.31 1.43 1.43 3.98 35.71 14.29
refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:other refined:other refined:other crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:other crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:other refined:other refined:other refined:other
1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250
10/03/01 10/27/01 11/15/01 11/20/01 11/22/01 11/24/01
1.55 1.14 2 1.19 0 1.9
1.55 1.14 2 1.19 1.43 1.9
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil
October 2013
Oil Field
Colville River, Alpine Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Endicott North Star Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown unknown Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River unknown Colville River, Alpine unknown Prudhoe Bay North Star unknown Milne Point Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
Affected Media
Human Error: Overfill
production production vehicle production pipeline production production production production production exploration unknown production production production production production production pipeline support production production production support support
land:containment unknown unknown unknown land:tundra unknown unknown land:containment land:containment land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:tundra unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Human Error: Other
production production production unknown production production
unknown land:gravel unknown unknown land:containment land:containment
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill
Appendix A – 36
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1258 1259 1260 1261 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270
11/28/01 11/30/01 12/03/01 12/13/01 12/15/01 12/15/01 01/02/02 01/09/02 01/14/02 02/01/02 02/23/02 03/01/02 03/11/02 04/07/02 04/15/02 05/06/02 05/06/02 05/11/02
7.14 2.69 10 1.71 61.9 0 1.31 2 2.74 2.38 3.55 1.19 1.19 2.29 1.19 2.38 2.38 1.52
7.14 2.69 10 1.71 61.9 2.4 1.31 2 2.74 2.38 3.55 1.19 1.19 2.29 1.19 2.38 2.38 1.52
refined:other crude mixture refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic crude mixture refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil
1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286
05/29/02 06/11/02 07/10/02 07/14/02 07/16/02 07/18/02 08/01/02 08/06/02 08/12/02 08/29/02 09/08/02 09/14/02 10/07/02 10/07/02 10/16/02
0 1.67 1.19 11.3 8.33 2 0 17.86 1.79 16 2.38 1.31 1.5 6.5 23
21.28 1.67 1.19 11.31 8.33 2 30 17.86 1.79 23.81 2.38 1.31 1.5 6.5 23
crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:hydraulic crude mixture refined:hydraulic crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil
October 2013
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River unknown unknown Prudhoe Bay North Star Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River North Star unknown Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Colville River, Alpine Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
Affected Media
production production production unknown production production production production production unknown production production exploration production production support production production
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown water:frozen unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other
production production production production production pipeline production production production vehicle support production production production pipeline
land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:tundra unknown unknown land:tundra unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other
Appendix A – 37
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315
11/04/02 11/05/02 11/16/02 11/25/02 12/17/02 12/24/02 01/20/03 02/28/03 03/09/03 03/11/03 03/14/03 03/21/03 03/22/03 03/30/03 04/13/03 04/24/03 04/25/03 05/11/03 05/17/03 05/25/03 05/27/03 06/13/03 06/24/03 06/29/03 07/07/03 07/18/03 07/20/03 07/25/03 08/08/03
7.14 1.24 2 1.79 6.55 1.9 0 85.14 2 2.14 109 1.05 2.38 0 2.62 2.38 4.45 0 1.81 0 35.71 3 4.52 1.43 1.02 4 4.76 2 3.33
7.14 1.24 2 1.79 6.55 1.9 1.91 85.14 2 2.14 109 1.05 2.38 2.38 2.62 2.38 4.45 1.47 2.19 8 142.86 3 4.52 1.43 1.02 4 4.76 2 3.33
refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude mixture crude mixture crude oil crude mixture refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel mixture crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:other crude oil refined:hydraulic
1316 1317 1318 1320
08/12/03 08/21/03 09/11/03 09/24/03
1.19 1.31 1.19 46
1.19 1.31 1.19 46
refined:hydraulic refined:other refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil
October 2013
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Badami Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Badami Endicott unknown Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay unknown Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Colville River, Alpine unknown unknown unknown North Star
Facility Type
Affected Media
production production production production production production production support unknown vehicle production pipeline production production pipeline production support production vehicle production pipeline production unknown production exploration production production production production
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown water:frozen unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:tundra unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other
unknown unknown unknown unknown
unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Human Error: Other
Appendix A – 38
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334
10/07/03 11/01/03 11/03/03 11/17/03 11/18/03 12/06/03 12/31/03 01/13/04 01/14/04 01/16/04 02/28/04 03/17/04 03/18/04
5 3.81 2.14 261.9 1.19 0 3.1 2.38 2.86 1.79 38.1 5.66 10
5 3.81 2.14 261.9 1.19 23 3.1 2.38 2.86 1.79 38.1 23.81 10
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil
refined:diesel/heating oil
1337 1339 1340 1342 1343 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351
04/05/04 05/09/04 05/12/04 05/26/04 05/30/04 06/08/04 06/18/04 06/23/04 06/24/04 07/10/04 07/14/04 07/15/04
2.86 5 18.17 1.43 1.98 0 0 1.19 1.9 3.1 1.1 0
2.86 5 18.17 1.43 1.98 1.19 135 1.19 1.9 3.1 1.1 1.2
1353 1354 1355 1356 1357
07/19/04 07/30/04 09/20/04 10/02/04 10/21/04
2.86 2.38 1.79 1.07 1.79
2.86 2.38 1.79 1.07 1.79
October 2013
Oil Field
Facility Type
Affected Media
unknown production production support production production production unknown unknown vehicle production production production
unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other
Human Error: Overfill
refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude mixture refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:other crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other crude oil
Prudhoe Bay Badami Milne Point Prudhoe Bay North Star Milne Point Milne Point unknown unknown Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Colville River, Alpine Colville River, Alpine Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River
production production pipeline production exploration production production production production production production production
Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Unknown Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal
crude oil refined:other refined:other refined:hydraulic refined:hydraulic
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Endicott Prudhoe Bay
production production production production production
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown land:tundra water:unfrozen unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other
Appendix A – 39
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
Oil Field
Facility Type
1358 1359 1360 1361
10/30/04 11/20/04 11/30/04 12/04/04
1.76 1.19 3.33 0
1.76 1.19 3.33 25
crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic crude oil
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
production production production production
1362 1363 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1374 1375 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1394 1395
12/07/04 12/23/04 01/09/05 01/16/05 01/28/05 02/04/05 02/04/05 02/13/05 02/16/05 02/22/05 03/01/05 03/12/05 03/14/05 03/16/05 03/19/05 03/26/05 03/30/05 04/05/05 04/05/05 04/12/05 04/19/05 04/27/05 05/01/05 05/04/05 05/10/05 05/22/05 06/03/05 06/03/05 06/08/05
1.52 1.79 0 0 1.9 2 1.79 15.71 2 2 1.19 15.48 5.43 3.57 2 0 7.67 3 3 30 2.38 4.76 1.02 2.6 9.52 1.79 0 2.38 4.76
1.52 1.79 1.31 3.06 1.9 2 1.79 15.71 2 2 1.19 15.48 5.43 3.57 2.02 170.66 7.67 3 3 30 2.38 4.76 1.02 2.6 9.52 1.79 21.9 9.52 4.76
crude oil refined:other crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:other crude mixture refined:other refined:other refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:other crude oil crude mixture crude oil
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River North Star Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay North Star Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River
production production production production production production production production production production unknown production production vehicle production production production production production pipeline production unknown production production production production production production production
October 2013
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown land:tundra water:frozen unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:tundra land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown
Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion
Appendix A – 40
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
1396 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402
06/11/05 06/28/05 07/12/05 08/01/05 08/09/05 08/11/05
1.31 10 38.17 8.33 0 3.26
2.86 10 38.17 8.33 2.3 3.26
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil
1403 1404 1405 1406 1408 1409 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1428 1429 1430 1431 1433
08/31/05 09/02/05 09/04/05 09/12/05 10/02/05 10/14/05 10/29/05 11/05/05 11/14/05 11/29/05 12/01/05 12/20/05 01/09/06 01/10/06 01/11/06 01/17/06 01/17/06 01/18/06 01/27/06 02/06/06 02/09/06 02/12/06 02/26/06 03/02/06 03/25/06 03/27/06 03/30/06
5.36 1.79 1.9 5.48 0 3.1 10 2 0 1.26 3.74 1.1 3.57 3.57 0 1.24 8.93 1.6 2 3.93 2 0 4.29 4785.71 4 1.02 0
5.36 1.79 1.9 5.48 2.38 3.1 10 5 1.19 1.26 3.74 1.1 3.57 3.57 1.91 1.24 8.93 1.6 2.62 3.93 2 1.87 4.29 5053.62 4 1.02 2
refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:other crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil
October 2013
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River unknown Kuparuk River Colville River, Alpine Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Badami Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay North Star Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Endicott Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay North Star Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
Affected Media
support production production exploration pipeline production
land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Unknown
production vehicle production production production production production production production production production exploration production production production production vehicle production production production production production production pipeline production production production
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown land:tundra land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion
Appendix A – 41
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
1434 1436 1437 1438
04/04/06 04/08/06 04/12/06 04/19/06
4.76 0 7.81 9.81
4.76 1.91 7.81 9.81
crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil
1439 1440 1441 1443 1444 1445 1446 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1457 1459 1461 1462 1463 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1472 1473 1474 1475
05/02/06 05/07/06 05/09/06 05/13/06 06/08/06 06/12/06 06/22/06 07/03/06 07/15/06 07/16/06 07/20/06 08/04/06 08/06/06 08/07/06 08/07/06 08/19/06 08/26/06 09/14/06 09/18/06 09/24/06 09/28/06 09/29/06 10/09/06 10/13/06 10/24/06 10/31/06 11/04/06 11/20/06 11/21/06
0 9.52 1.19 1.07 2.38 3.1 2 2.76 10 2.14 2.86 3.57 120 0 1.79 2 3.57 3.57 15 1.43 4.4 1.92 0 1.19 1.19 220 1.19 7.14 2.38
5.34 9.52 1.19 1.07 2.38 3.1 2 2.76 10 2.14 2.86 3.57 199 4.77 1.79 2 3.57 3.57 15 1.43 4.4 1.92 1.6 1.19 1.19 220 1.19 7.14 2.38
crude oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:other crude oil crude oil refined:other crude oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:other crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude mixture crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic
October 2013
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Colville River, Alpine Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Badami Prudhoe Bay Endicott Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
Affected Media
production production production production
unknown land:containment unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Unknown
production production unknown production production support production production production vehicle production production pipeline production production production production production production production production production production production pipeline production production production production
land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:tundra land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Overpressure Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Unknown Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Unknown Unknown Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other
Appendix A – 42
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
1476 1477 1478 1479 1480
12/08/06 12/12/06 12/19/06 01/05/07 01/05/07
1.19 0 3 4.76 1.05
1.19 1.91 150 4.76 1.05
refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude mixture refined:diesel/heating oil crude mixture
1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1498 1499 1500 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512
01/13/07 01/29/07 02/01/07 02/04/07 02/06/07 02/08/07 02/15/07 03/03/07 03/05/07 03/31/07 04/05/07 04/08/07 04/09/07 04/15/07 04/19/07 04/24/07 05/03/07 05/22/07 05/23/07 05/28/07 06/06/07 06/15/07 06/16/07 06/30/07 08/05/07 08/08/07 09/05/07 09/10/07
0 3.12 1.31 11.45 2.62 0 2 0 1.43 1.31 2.5 165 2.38 80 8.33 3.57 1.9 0 3.45 2 7 2.98 4.76 0 1.55 2.74 1.33 20.95
15.47 3.12 1.31 11.45 2.62 5 2 11.9 1.43 1.31 2.5 165 2.38 80 8.33 3.57 1.9 2.07 3.45 2 7 2.98 4.76 3 1.55 2.74 1.33 20.95
crude oil refined:hydraulic crude mixture crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:other crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:hydraulic refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil
October 2013
Oil Field
unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Nikaitchuq Colville River, Alpine Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Badami Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point unknown Milne Point Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Milne Point unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Endicott Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Oooguruk Prudhoe Bay
Facility Type
Affected Media
vehicle production production exploration production
unknown land:containment land:containment land:containment unknown
Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other
production support production production production production production production support production production vehicle production unknown pipeline production production production production production production unknown production production production production production production
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown unknown land:containment land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other
Appendix A – 43
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
1513 1514 1516 1517 1519 1520 1521 1522 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1530 1531 1533
09/10/07 09/29/07 10/19/07 10/28/07 11/02/07 11/03/07 11/16/07 11/22/07 12/07/07 12/16/07 12/28/07 01/21/08 01/24/08 02/10/08 02/10/08 02/21/08
2.38 1.31 6.19 0 2.86 1.43 1.95 10.71 1.79 2.38 3.33 2.02 2.86 1.67 0 20
2.38 1.31 6.19 1.19 2.86 1.43 1.95 10.71 1.79 102 3.33 2.02 2.86 1.67 6 20
refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:other refined:hydraulic refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil
1534 1535 1536 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550
02/26/08 02/28/08 03/17/08 03/29/08 04/10/08 04/15/08 04/17/08 04/22/08 05/08/08 05/08/08 05/09/08 05/09/08 05/09/08 05/12/08 05/14/08 05/17/08
12 5.55 50 6.45 3.86 1.19 2.86 2.62 10 5 3.57 3.21 8.33 5.24 1.78 4.01
12 5.55 50 6.45 3.86 1.19 2.86 2.62 10 5 3.57 3.21 8.33 5.24 1.78 4.01
crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:other refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:other crude oil
October 2013
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Oooguruk Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Oooguruk Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Colville River, Alpine Prudhoe Bay Endicott Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Colville River, Alpine
Facility Type
Affected Media
production production production production production vehicle support production production pipeline support production production exploration production production
unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:tundra unknown unknown unknown land:containment land:gravel unknown
Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal
production production production support support production exploration production production production production production production pipeline production production
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Unknown Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Corrosion
Appendix A – 44
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
1551 1552 1553 1554 1555
05/23/08 05/26/08 05/29/08 06/02/08 07/02/08
5.24 1.07 2.38 1.4 2
5.24 1.07 2.38 1.4 2
refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil
1556 1557 1559 1560 1561 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1569 1570 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587
07/16/08 07/17/08 07/30/08 07/30/08 08/01/08 08/06/08 08/09/08 09/14/08 10/02/08 10/25/08 11/08/08 11/15/08 12/25/08 12/27/08 01/07/09 01/11/09 01/12/09 01/14/09 01/14/09 02/07/09 02/10/09 02/18/09 02/18/09 02/27/09 03/11/09 03/15/09 03/16/09 03/21/09
20.24 7.14 3.33 2.5 1.62 55 3.81 2 3.57 2.38 4 2.38 0 2.02 23.81 2.86 96.38 1.19 2.31 20.02 1.9 1.33 46 2 4.76 2.38 9.52 2.38
20.24 7.14 3.33 2.5 1.62 55 3.81 2 3.57 2.38 4 2.38 452 2.02 23.81 2.86 96.38 1.19 2.31 20.02 1.9 1.33 46 2 4.76 2.38 9.52 2.38
crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:hydraulic crude mixture crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:other refined:other refined:other crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other crude mixture refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic
October 2013
Oil Field
unknown unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Colville River, Alpine Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River unknown unknown North Star Milne Point Milne Point unknown Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Milne Point Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River
Facility Type
Affected Media
support support support production production
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other
production production production production production production production production production production production support pipeline exploration support production production production support production production production pipeline production production production exploration support
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:gravel land:containment unknown land:containment unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:containment unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Overpressure Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other
Appendix A – 45
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
Oil Field
Facility Type
1589 1590 1591 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1601 1602 1604 1605 1606 1608
03/22/09 04/09/09 04/30/09 05/13/09 05/25/09 06/24/09 06/26/09 07/09/09 07/20/09 08/25/09 08/27/09 11/08/09 11/19/09 11/21/09 11/29/09
0 0 2.38 1.67 2.79 1.79 1.79 1.5 10 1.86 2.38 2.86 1.9 5.95 321.43
45 1.8 2.38 1.67 2.79 1.79 1.79 1.5 10 1.86 2.38 2.86 1.9 5.95 321.4
crude oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:other refined:other crude oil
Kuparuk River Milne Point Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay
production production production support support production production production production production support production production production pipeline
1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1624 1625 1626 1627
12/02/09 12/05/09 12/13/09 12/21/09 01/02/10 01/13/10 01/20/10 01/27/10 01/30/10 02/09/10 02/09/10 02/11/10 02/17/10 02/23/10 03/05/10 03/05/10 03/07/10 03/12/10
0 4.76 41.55 2.38 3.14 4.29 2 3.79 1.79 10.17 2.38 2.4 1.9 2.02 6.57 3 2.38 1.19
34 4.76 41.55 2.38 3.14 4.29 2 3.79 1.79 10.17 2.38 2.4 1.9 2.02 6.57 3 2.38 1.19
crude oil refined:other crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil
Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Oooguruk Prudhoe Bay Badami Endicott Prudhoe Bay Nikaitchuq unknown Prudhoe Bay Endicott Nikaitchuq
pipeline production production production production production production pipeline production production production production production production exploration production production unknown
October 2013
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:unknown unknown unknown unknown land:tundra water:frozen unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Overpressure Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Overpressure Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Unknown Human Error: Other Unknown
Appendix A – 46
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
Minimum Oil Released (bbl)
Maximum Oil Released (bbl)
Spill Size Class
Substance Type
1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1635 1636
03/16/10 03/19/10 03/21/10 03/26/10 04/12/10 04/17/10 05/18/10 05/22/10
1.17 2.38 1.07 7.81 3.5 4.5 2 1.48
1.17 2.38 1.07 7.81 3.5 4.5 2 1.48
crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:hydraulic
1637 1638 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663
05/24/10 05/30/10 06/13/10 06/19/10 06/20/10 06/21/10 06/25/10 07/03/10 07/05/10 07/31/10 09/11/10 09/17/10 09/20/10 09/24/10 11/04/10 11/11/10 11/21/10 12/17/10 12/29/10 01/01/11 01/03/11 01/08/11 01/23/11 02/09/11 04/13/11
1.07 1.05 3.1 1.43 4.76 0 3.57 3.52 1.9 2.38 8 1.67 1.19 1.43 1.07 2.79 2.38 2.14 2.38 1.24 4.4 8 1.19 1.45 6
1.07 1.05 3.1 1.79 4.76 52.07 3.57 3.52 1.9 2.38 8 1.67 1.19 1.43 1.07 2.79 2.38 2.14 2.38 1.24 4.4 8 1.19 1.45 6
refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:other crude oil refined:other refined:diesel/heating oil refined:hydraulic refined:other refined:hydraulic refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil crude oil crude oil
October 2013
Oil Field
Prudhoe Bay unknown Kuparuk River Kuparuk River Milne Point Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Colville River, Alpine Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Endicott Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay unknown Prudhoe Bay unknown Oooguruk unknown Kuparuk River unknown Endicott Kuparuk River Prudhoe Bay unknown Nikaitchuq North Star
Facility Type
Affected Media
production support production production production production production production
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other
production production production vehicle production production production production exploration production production production support production support vehicle vehicle production support production production production vehicle production production
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown land:unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Other Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Overfill Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Human Error: Overfill Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Vehicle Accidents Mechanical Failure: Other Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal
Appendix A – 47
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude Refined Oil Spills
Spill Spill Date ID
1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671
05/18/11 05/27/11 06/25/11 07/21/11 08/14/11 08/14/11 08/16/11 09/05/11
October 2013
Minimum Oil Released (bbl) 2.95 4.76 1.31 1.43 1.19 0 0 12.6
Maximum Oil Released (bbl) 2.95 4.76 1.31 1.43 1.19 9.52 4.53 12.6
Spill Size Class D D D D D D D C
Substance Type
crude oil refined:other crude oil crude oil refined:hydraulic crude oil crude oil refined:diesel/heating oil
Oil Field
Kuparuk River unknown Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Oooguruk Prudhoe Bay Prudhoe Bay Kuparuk River
Facility Type
production support production production production production production production
Affected Media
unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Mechanical Failure: Valve/Seal Mechanical Failure: Other Unknown Mechanical Failure: Corrosion Human Error: Other Mechanical Failure: Other Human Error: Unknown Human Error: Overfill
Appendix A – 48
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Appendix B: Exposure Variable Datasets
October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
This page intentionally blank.
October 2013
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
Appendices B: Production Data Table B.1: Badami RptDate
DaysProd Aug-‐98 Sep-‐98 Oct-‐98 Nov-‐98 Dec-‐98 Jan-‐99 Feb-‐99 May-‐99 Jun-‐99 Jul-‐99 Aug-‐99 Sep-‐99 Oct-‐99 Nov-‐99 Dec-‐99 Jan-‐00 Feb-‐00 Mar-‐00 Apr-‐00 May-‐00 Jun-‐00 Jul-‐00 Aug-‐00 Sep-‐00 Oct-‐00 Nov-‐00 Dec-‐00 Jan-‐01 Feb-‐01 Mar-‐01 Apr-‐01 May-‐01 Jun-‐01 Jul-‐01 Aug-‐01 Sep-‐01 Oct-‐01 Nov-‐01 Dec-‐01 Jan-‐02 Feb-‐02 Mar-‐02 Apr-‐02 May-‐02 Jun-‐02 Jul-‐02 Aug-‐02 Sep-‐02 Oct-‐02 Nov-‐02 Dec-‐02 Jan-‐03 Feb-‐03
October 2013
ProdOil 20 118 176 177 147 155 20 142 151 168 179 149 138 122 125 155 149 154 151 158 124 140 150 124 138 123 126 112 127 109 138 161 150 158 149 149 155 162 134 149 131 144 147 155 150 155 151 148 155 146 179 159 148
83152 223455 132002 152083 140198 102653 9776 142367 153123 164239 148483 113868 120339 103933 91448 90991 81664 80276 78155 81159 76931 81529 80903 60737 83020 67447 67548 65435 54737 62065 55354 62750 57517 61151 49046 52672 54968 53837 45231 44340 42159 61010 61089 55861 50883 42716 42126 45251 46033 40999 46804 38936 39183
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
53413 149206 91850 88738 76219 65230 5966 77660 101425 128054 193901 241058 339680 282049 258348 264336 322062 229855 394672 312509 431619 335241 533425 470216 466802 457256 338576 276254 451935 354435 461671 454002 390544 373240 413751 582139 357387 630730 566277 542474 497986 638394 635016 607965 645723 662790 589621 581058 641078 519565 609952 375059 138549
NGLeg 3 6 7 7 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6
Appendix B – 1
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Mar-‐03 Apr-‐03 May-‐03 Jun-‐03 Jul-‐03 Aug-‐03 Sep-‐03 Oct-‐03 Nov-‐03 Dec-‐03 Jan-‐04 Feb-‐04 Mar-‐04 Apr-‐04 May-‐04 Jun-‐04 Jul-‐04 Aug-‐04 Sep-‐04 Oct-‐04 Nov-‐04 Dec-‐04 Jan-‐05 Feb-‐05 Mar-‐05 Apr-‐05 May-‐05 Jun-‐05 Jul-‐05 Aug-‐05 Sep-‐05 Oct-‐05 Nov-‐05 Dec-‐05 Jan-‐06 Feb-‐06 Mar-‐06 Apr-‐06 May-‐06 Jun-‐06 Jul-‐06 Aug-‐06 Sep-‐06 Oct-‐06 Nov-‐06 Dec-‐06 Jan-‐07 Feb-‐07 Mar-‐07 Apr-‐07 May-‐07 Jun-‐07 Jul-‐07 Aug-‐07 Sep-‐07 Oct-‐07 Nov-‐07 Dec-‐07 Jan-‐08 Feb-‐08 Mar-‐08 Apr-‐08
ProdOil 186 180 186 180 168 9
October 2013
ProdWater 42163 42212 40641 38766 35523 4128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4126 55387 47739 44545 48688 43256 39991 39078 43985 38571 39494 44408 41655 37317 33500 30545 32650 27858 29084 30727 22589 30020 27166 18976 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ProdGas 604378 621518 627476 632755 606492 91733 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48596 304112 361553 405364 401815 346265 437377 411086 400566 372364 370783 486927 496009 257643 124304 97029 104386 59653 55165 53191 37839 46007 37734 18004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NGLeg 6 6 6 6 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 5 6 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 5 5 4 5 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Appendix B – 2
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
RptDate May-‐08 Jun-‐08 Jul-‐08 Aug-‐08 Sep-‐08 Oct-‐08 Nov-‐08 Dec-‐08 Jan-‐09 Feb-‐09 Mar-‐09 Apr-‐09 May-‐09 Jun-‐09 Aug-‐09 Sep-‐09 Oct-‐09 Nov-‐09 Dec-‐09 Jan-‐10 Feb-‐10 Mar-‐10 Apr-‐10 May-‐10 Jun-‐10 Jul-‐10 Aug-‐10 Sep-‐10 Oct-‐10 Nov-‐10 Dec-‐10 Jan-‐11 Feb-‐11 Mar-‐11 Apr-‐11 May-‐11 Jun-‐11 Jul-‐11
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34649 45949 40615 35272 43287 39463 43802 36227 39673
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 151861 222544 216287 143967 70708 38694 39313 40878 41030
972 1 7 0 0 0 77 0 0 0 476 530 1164 3631 6805 5693 8150 10350 12814
ProdGas 473199 1515085 2039765 1909141 2260212 2528536 2589488 2452078 2995454 2905641 3333957 3401960 3282646 3257113 3181952 2989233 3590988 3738849 3977540
NGLeg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 4 6 5 5 5 5
Table B.2: Colville River
DaysProd Nov-‐00 Dec-‐00 Jan-‐01 Feb-‐01 Mar-‐01 Apr-‐01 May-‐01 Jun-‐01 Jul-‐01 Aug-‐01 Sep-‐01 Oct-‐01 Nov-‐01 Dec-‐01 Jan-‐02 Feb-‐02 Mar-‐02 Apr-‐02 May-‐02
October 2013
ProdOil 135 374 442 499 573 554 572 570 590 534 535 527 642 687 734 652 686 616 668
ProdWater 533712 1697213 2077820 2049811 2492682 2484890 2574530 2656529 3014930 2722853 2909130 2839460 3043615 3087598 3125700 2755146 2958980 2802781 2995469
NGLeg 13 15 17 19 19 19 20 19 20 20 18 18 23 23 24 25 25 22 25
Appendix B – 3
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Jun-‐02 Jul-‐02 Aug-‐02 Sep-‐02 Oct-‐02 Nov-‐02 Dec-‐02 Jan-‐03 Feb-‐03 Mar-‐03 Apr-‐03 May-‐03 Jun-‐03 Jul-‐03 Aug-‐03 Sep-‐03 Oct-‐03 Nov-‐03 Dec-‐03 Jan-‐04 Feb-‐04 Mar-‐04 Apr-‐04 May-‐04 Jun-‐04 Jul-‐04 Aug-‐04 Sep-‐04 Oct-‐04 Nov-‐04 Dec-‐04 Jan-‐05 Feb-‐05 Mar-‐05 Apr-‐05 May-‐05 Jun-‐05 Jul-‐05 Aug-‐05 Sep-‐05 Oct-‐05 Nov-‐05 Dec-‐05 Jan-‐06 Feb-‐06 Mar-‐06 Apr-‐06 May-‐06 Jun-‐06 Jul-‐06 Aug-‐06 Sep-‐06 Oct-‐06 Nov-‐06 Dec-‐06 Jan-‐07 Feb-‐07 Mar-‐07 Apr-‐07 May-‐07 Jun-‐07 Jul-‐07
ProdOil 713 786 743 573 772 737 804 854 760 868 862 924 792 715 763 838 854 933 852
October 2013
2848861 2943741 3126438 2372438 3134057 2790417 3187087 3093353 2764293 3256000 3121307 3234930 3045733 2482396 2840844 3149037 2772451 3089969 2732118 3251681 3032451 3343366 3166507 3300821 3085871 1679292 1360129 3282922 3513866 3485820 3593624 3700977 3341651 3699077 3491839 3699666 3327202 2941063 3876982 3815406 3971248 3920612 4027142 3964826 3530034 3924900 3769042 3827718 3481587 3012457 4007749 3668165 3772199 3119520 4180502 4004099 3589028 3805227 3886659 4305471 4063267 3796153
ProdWater 13986 15196 20794 14245 23952 19369 24705 20221 20917 25728 24031 29353 37681 28963 33386 34079 29235 20708 23466 30250 33587 72891 74527 48311 23024 9503 20469 86549 90209 123292 133237 153702 174917 214434 171829 164190 154472 128905 115573 159942 168297 186617 246166 354174 316014 364527 378517 447067 322061 387156 423568 365463 494178 451557 501330 502478 491526 584548 415696 343270 258274 311608
ProdGas 3182812 3452565 3872235 2841874 3715239 3506960 3976556 3833673 3193407 3381844 3226088 3309975 3190130 2371464 3014018 3896997 3766898 3859475 3035427 3678782 3512862 4197208 4027131 3908823 3844155 2232085 1431430 4681270 4682608 4450727 4552723 4248724 3887106 4247542 3808888 4068588 3472632 3019483 3880801 4473076 4870722 4767630 4764951 4581784 4026510 4797141 4662525 4921212 4622333 3995333 4526531 4067923 4130344 3466253 4470444 4190008 3828146 4290548 4381042 4903965 4569464 4621036
NGLeg 25 26 27 28 28 31 29 31 33 31 30 33 31 33 33 30 35 35 36 33 32 35 34 35 34 34 34 36 40 39 42 43 44 43 42 45 44 46 45 45 45 47 48 49 49 50 51 49 51 51 54 52 54 54 57 58 56 59 59 55 51 51
Appendix B – 4
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
RptDate Aug-‐07 Sep-‐07 Oct-‐07 Nov-‐07 Dec-‐07 Jan-‐08 Feb-‐08 Mar-‐08 Apr-‐08 May-‐08 Jun-‐08 Jul-‐08 Aug-‐08 Sep-‐08 Oct-‐08 Nov-‐08 Dec-‐08 Jan-‐09 Feb-‐09 Mar-‐09 Apr-‐09 May-‐09 Jun-‐09 Jul-‐09 Aug-‐09 Sep-‐09 Oct-‐09 Nov-‐09 Dec-‐09 Jan-‐10 Feb-‐10 Mar-‐10 Apr-‐10 May-‐10 Jun-‐10 Jul-‐10 Aug-‐10 Sep-‐10 Oct-‐10 Nov-‐10 Dec-‐10 Jan-‐11 Feb-‐11 Mar-‐11 Apr-‐11 May-‐11 Jun-‐11 Jul-‐11
ProdOil 3286320 3785436 3804244 3540239 3602211 3396741 3044462 3518450 3322785 3546041 3359230 3568650 1892808 3683756 3616478 3427780 3407081 3319394 3090853 3468625 3313700 3330524 3112387 2901146 3227217 3003703 2926705 2858252 2851473 2893311 2496276 2803245 2971780 2741068 2440111 2806506 2783965 2753069 2812709 2696867 2685787 2178489 2311821 2503919 2469735 2498781 2360289 2241713
ProdWater 334538 420011 507295 491329 536795 596435 423745 531301 522305 545173 495068 487365 292050 617938 654208 635848 692438 677225 634445 756186 799255 843705 853764 862369 1055322 1049957 1196664 1207558 1248879 1337375 1186686 1370244 1290809 1324587 1158806 1404839 1380744 1453343 1640261 1618858 1668528 1515356 1557973 1766314 1758352 1793572 1882521 1677866
ProdGas 3914261 4239303 4718539 4517053 4586778 4387042 3976704 4586851 4689164 4718420 4178220 4395085 2262600 4077339 4214486 4178699 4428480 4467224 4106532 4461421 4126747 4160515 3731668 3671026 3599574 3293858 3392276 3295433 3569791 3532425 3159369 3418979 3285949 3124096 2479491 2925345 3003355 3059408 3109800 2888766 2953196 2527059 2453653 2630584 2591097 2501870 2292454 2141393
57 55 57 59 60 59 59 61 62 61 62 64 66 65 64 66 66 67 68 69 70 70 70 73 73 72 73 72 74 75 75 77 79 78 77 78 74 76 77 78 75 78 76 78 81 80 81 83
2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
ProdOil+NGLeg 4202 630 1338 1961 1834 1041 1958 2048 2768
Table B.3: Endicott
DaysProd Jul-‐86 Aug-‐86 Sep-‐86 Oct-‐86 Nov-‐86 Dec-‐86 Jan-‐87 Feb-‐87 Mar-‐87
October 2013
ProdOil 2 11 30 37 54 54 33 56 55
4202 630 1338 1961 1834 1041 1958 2048 2768
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2632 19626 31090 52578 53604 35904 66123 67492 86252
Appendix B – 5
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Apr-‐87 May-‐87 Jun-‐87 Jul-‐87 Aug-‐87 Sep-‐87 Oct-‐87 Nov-‐87 Dec-‐87 Jan-‐88 Feb-‐88 Mar-‐88 Apr-‐88 May-‐88 Jun-‐88 Jul-‐88 Aug-‐88 Sep-‐88 Oct-‐88 Nov-‐88 Dec-‐88 Jan-‐89 Feb-‐89 Mar-‐89 Apr-‐89 May-‐89 Jun-‐89 Jul-‐89 Aug-‐89 Sep-‐89 Oct-‐89 Nov-‐89 Dec-‐89 Jan-‐90 Feb-‐90 Mar-‐90 Apr-‐90 May-‐90 Jun-‐90 Jul-‐90 Aug-‐90 Sep-‐90 Oct-‐90 Nov-‐90 Dec-‐90 Jan-‐91 Feb-‐91 Mar-‐91 Apr-‐91 May-‐91 Jun-‐91 Jul-‐91 Aug-‐91 Sep-‐91 Oct-‐91 Nov-‐91 Dec-‐91 Jan-‐92 Feb-‐92 Mar-‐92 Apr-‐92 May-‐92
October 2013
ProdOil 50 59 50 31 31 30 300 534 625 692 712 735 748 799 809 798 844 872 794 865 1036 1087 942 876 937 1025 892 966 1000 860 968 943 1051 1017 852 1057 1063 1200 1325 1530 1093 1526 1559 1417 1556 1536 1420 1607 1562 1679 1656 1756 1700 1682 1656 1551 1539 1651 1581 1689 1653 1784
ProdWater 2319 2239 4522 1228 1583 2198 1964424 3361738 3448733 3575240 3424146 3321839 3012703 3051552 2946269 3046568 3089984 2950368 3065973 2942988 3013490 2981039 2765677 2633393 2924169 3312221 3190145 2996414 3103115 2967203 3041322 3045109 3135125 3291582 2914898 3206542 3170776 3282136 3110698 3116176 2354179 3294913 3457983 3106665 3416305 3465348 3416321 3670341 3459346 3556102 3323587 3548741 3545006 3413150 3482457 3217164 3206797 3467835 3256978 3377471 3275861 3517067
0 0 2132 0 0 0 8705 24086 136440 173979 206701 166869 172767 140931 138063 174543 195595 217765 292398 284371 375996 335478 331989 473270 642625 649193 772649 757495 621663 301442 332175 522601 822308 887085 537187 863220 1132074 1242828 1144785 1030849 611271 1066439 1257820 1130682 1281277 1252083 1208167 1379627 1329133 1565968 1477968 1550279 1508204 1766838 1574022 1512419 1913703 2086574 1955779 2409361 2071292 2066840
80301 74338 57680 34500 49180 68339 1457992 3011900 3183353 3323535 2989419 2941384 2891360 3017690 2792212 2581397 2847360 2698158 2931322 3072753 2747706 2782784 2940181 3037632 2894655 3533319 3832923 3471583 3538518 3931644 3809295 3838625 3819134 4140066 3551959 3755049 3678171 3944979 3592554 3355963 2206161 3376985 4322783 3869090 4112305 4077965 3987862 4635525 4665790 4981344 5064542 5489762 5494624 5566835 5770932 5662715 7195152 7933957 7832866 7725919 7192780 8292967
ProdWells 2 2 3 1 2 2 20 20 25 27 27 27 27 29 31 31 35 38 36 35 39 37 39 37 41 38 35 38 38 37 34 37 38 38 39 39 38 41 50 53 51 53 55 55 56 54 56 56 59 57 59 59 58 59 59 56 58 57 58 57 59 60
NGLeg 2879 38024 38410 23354 12344 42519 47734 52474 11555 52483 43939 60458 68798 68593 63251 61035 81872 78073 59250 59313 73494 81642 84947 57780 73989 81921 66867 82789 74839 83472 76738 56065 18994 75684 93175 79416 83011 87948 84818 88712 82317 102281 86895 94817 123324 121038 111884 106645 126497 118080 114653 128444 120704 121855
ProdOil+NGLeg 2319 2239 4522 1228 1583 2198 1964424 3361738 3451612 3613264 3462556 3345193 3025047 3094071 2994003 3099042 3101539 3002851 3109912 3003446 3082288 3049632 2828928 2694428 3006041 3390294 3249395 3055727 3176609 3048845 3126269 3102889 3209114 3373503 2981765 3289331 3245615 3365608 3187436 3172241 2373173 3370597 3551158 3186081 3499316 3553296 3501139 3759053 3541663 3658383 3410482 3643558 3668330 3534188 3594341 3323809 3333294 3585915 3371631 3505915 3396565 3638922
Appendix B – 6
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Jun-‐92 Jul-‐92 Aug-‐92 Sep-‐92 Oct-‐92 Nov-‐92 Dec-‐92 Jan-‐93 Feb-‐93 Mar-‐93 Apr-‐93 May-‐93 Jun-‐93 Jul-‐93 Aug-‐93 Sep-‐93 Oct-‐93 Nov-‐93 Dec-‐93 Jan-‐94 Feb-‐94 Mar-‐94 Apr-‐94 May-‐94 Jun-‐94 Jul-‐94 Aug-‐94 Sep-‐94 Oct-‐94 Nov-‐94 Dec-‐94 Jan-‐95 Feb-‐95 Mar-‐95 Apr-‐95 May-‐95 Jun-‐95 Jul-‐95 Aug-‐95 Sep-‐95 Oct-‐95 Nov-‐95 Dec-‐95 Jan-‐96 Feb-‐96 Mar-‐96 Apr-‐96 May-‐96 Jun-‐96 Jul-‐96 Aug-‐96 Sep-‐96 Oct-‐96 Nov-‐96 Dec-‐96 Jan-‐97 Feb-‐97 Mar-‐97 Apr-‐97 May-‐97 Jun-‐97 Jul-‐97
October 2013
ProdOil 1770 1657 1825 1798 1775 1684 1752 1644 1416 1467 1261 1357 1347 1352 1482 1412 1384 1409 1415 1497 1388 1386 1351 1421 1330 1350 1309 1278 1443 1126 1447 1458 1359 1478 1401 1418 1369 1431 1454 1412 1541 1433 1434 1426 1219 1283 1232 1293 1167 613 1355 1315 1390 1410 1441 1380 1257 1356 1376 1379 1251 1372
3515594 3284002 3586028 3581566 3703032 3441865 3597685 3609099 3283293 3576958 3178880 3601085 3222955 2958963 3420209 3253799 3184548 2902804 3001553 3139629 2733280 2684727 2608192 3049630 2950136 2863574 2893778 2654257 3049665 2464311 3193373 2954557 2861606 3202068 2824896 2709507 2865373 2708323 2617853 2343294 2680071 2686446 2778740 2681513 2606491 2643514 2403318 2312466 2172884 1052367 2283275 2055814 2210044 2126966 2100229 2094836 1820000 2005849 1834976 1834199 1649228 1540736
ProdWater 2272239 2013901 2318558 2569157 2686066 2507892 2778370 3052061 2768064 3169216 2708261 3143609 2530881 2097255 2473640 2494254 2299827 2510842 2523045 2389793 2618619 2503229 2359418 2832523 2726706 2610752 2429444 2545364 2899695 2181164 3285281 3042742 2806860 3084416 3181945 2994268 3182393 3172359 3217347 2935722 3478861 3400597 3570127 3745703 3501349 4073009 3634957 3918156 3685270 1843372 4282034 4668338 5207862 5530880 5623081 5413582 4723245 5272047 4974697 5047407 4356762 4945930
ProdGas 7928871 6884870 7919680 8287125 8862379 8985650 9902402 9756340 9267147 10223249 9167898 9574117 8904141 8764060 10019719 10725872 11478392 11279228 11484348 11785089 10405679 9577645 8903220 9877985 9229748 8597049 9119264 8888545 10529780 7952669 12203082 11828466 10794189 11734835 10197097 9722738 10194668 9907136 10422489 9190556 10646090 11104301 11600601 11391236 10904221 11457446 10187718 9354207 9663503 4798491 10364775 10742620 11863583 11593404 11745152 12213849 11230204 12343451 10538352 10683859 9158616 8495788
ProdWells 62 61 60 62 60 58 58 57 57 59 57 53 54 58 59 57 56 56 55 58 55 56 54 60 59 53 52 55 55 58 60 58 58 57 58 61 61 58 61 60 61 58 58 57 55 53 54 55 52 48 55 56 52 58 54 56 53 54 53 54 54 56
NGLeg 120774 112767 123345 98279 147076 137162 135995 138210 130239 154625 137985 129356 86782 90960 129769 131198 147668 140124 141429 134115 138409 112920 119528 147310 132716 113903 65039 119669 127928 111723 161490 153288 141675 150174 135146 76853 73880 6417 0 44263 136793 139859 146088 149130 135263 121845 132010 38654 0 0 0 25378 129460 132258 149852 154660 140973 147862 132794 134828 116511 113718
ProdOil+NGLeg 3636368 3396769 3709373 3679845 3850108 3579027 3733680 3747309 3413532 3731583 3316865 3730441 3309737 3049923 3549978 3384997 3332216 3042928 3142982 3273744 2871689 2797647 2727720 3196940 3082852 2977477 2958817 2773926 3177593 2576034 3354863 3107845 3003281 3352242 2960042 2786360 2939253 2714740 2617853 2387557 2816864 2826305 2924828 2830643 2741754 2765359 2535328 2351120 2172884 1052367 2283275 2081192 2339504 2259224 2250081 2249496 1960973 2153711 1967770 1969027 1765739 1654454
Appendix B – 7
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Aug-‐97 Sep-‐97 Oct-‐97 Nov-‐97 Dec-‐97 Jan-‐98 Feb-‐98 Mar-‐98 Apr-‐98 May-‐98 Jun-‐98 Jul-‐98 Aug-‐98 Sep-‐98 Oct-‐98 Nov-‐98 Dec-‐98 Jan-‐99 Feb-‐99 Mar-‐99 Apr-‐99 May-‐99 Jun-‐99 Jul-‐99 Aug-‐99 Sep-‐99 Oct-‐99 Nov-‐99 Dec-‐99 Jan-‐00 Feb-‐00 Mar-‐00 Apr-‐00 May-‐00 Jun-‐00 Jul-‐00 Aug-‐00 Sep-‐00 Oct-‐00 Nov-‐00 Dec-‐00 Jan-‐01 Feb-‐01 Mar-‐01 Apr-‐01 May-‐01 Jun-‐01 Jul-‐01 Aug-‐01 Sep-‐01 Oct-‐01 Nov-‐01 Dec-‐01 Jan-‐02 Feb-‐02 Mar-‐02 Apr-‐02 May-‐02 Jun-‐02 Jul-‐02 Aug-‐02 Sep-‐02
October 2013
ProdOil 1340 1322 1444 1383 1412 1380 1274 1361 1269 1242 1203 1278 1213 1191 1345 1364 1444 1471 1348 1101 1049 1248 1346 1335 1263 1267 1401 1422 1418 1338 1330 1466 1443 1502 1383 1415 1450 1474 1523 1493 1489 1522 1391 1394 1402 1439 1425 1453 1432 1370 1377 1347 1374 1402 1234 1408 1343 1402 1345 1242 1287 1283
1581996 1765041 1857442 1693443 1698653 1657858 1493846 1806009 1510531 1582814 1358161 1452496 1269567 1215534 1374005 1330697 1311467 1409112 1324031 1085107 1024186 1242178 1209359 1260614 1185433 1124012 1207723 1147850 1092992 990755 1054156 1103292 992427 1017302 996681 1010189 986657 923535 992845 988724 961476 970548 888787 879059 851148 855030 837466 875232 881945 844082 850412 847635 857750 817095 792522 860125 820420 840966 770009 684450 719667 715335
ProdWater 4387285 4642961 5621043 5345458 5556278 5677845 4597125 4760007 4689000 5008130 4661834 5286674 4648127 4562484 5377349 5423069 5239789 5514854 4961180 3397871 3827627 4875977 5099484 5218908 5032036 4546169 5644424 5426881 5627553 5219059 5218063 5770669 5338693 6160617 5469620 5663854 5752349 5396276 6339604 6197155 5706946 5838683 5590418 5736094 5594246 5635447 6042239 6249333 6408969 6169793 5996164 6203035 6175318 6166696 6055712 6514132 6495825 6946513 6767236 6178262 6897558 6467207
ProdGas 8182323 9166290 10807711 10427737 11646499 12021052 10436035 11139530 10141200 10133769 8894020 9708198 8332016 8748351 10706546 10891071 11072716 12284242 10553926 7075989 7118795 9687699 11724349 12074790 11492871 11469674 13104204 12451108 12235513 11159479 12092711 12943325 11624948 12148376 11545829 11949005 11466200 11189454 12434141 12458432 12214658 12387794 11432669 11327405 11478513 10773795 11301171 11168865 11615611 11515767 12028914 12652062 13026580 12352784 11688375 12715347 11987580 12438905 11645036 10581077 10615050 10970027
NGLeg 53 54 57 57 53 55 57 51 53 54 53 51 49 52 54 58 57 58 60 64 59 56 58 51 52 56 58 55 56 57 54 54 55 55 56 58 54 61 57 55 56 56 55 55 56 54 53 57 55 56 57 53 50 54 50 52 49 52 51 55 49 51
78711 122634 139354 125510 144781 145564 121887 136797 107629 4211 106960 37831 114601 111071 125771 129800 123724 132308 123834 89770 88041 119492 129966 118376 112684 105621 126435 115401 110771 98831 107525 124367 114066 116784 112883 124279 129468 115400 135605 130906 127262 127231 108803 107482 110452 109617 111287 107518 105711 110896 103946 108563 113762 108934 106119 120368 114169 91049 108991 90708 99101 93093
ProdOil+NGLeg 1660707 1887675 1996796 1818953 1843434 1803422 1615733 1942806 1618160 1587025 1465121 1490327 1384168 1326605 1499776 1460497 1435191 1541420 1447865 1174877 1112227 1361670 1339325 1378990 1298117 1229633 1334158 1263251 1203763 1089586 1161681 1227659 1106493 1134086 1109564 1134468 1116125 1038935 1128450 1119630 1088738 1097779 997590 986541 961600 964647 948753 982750 987656 954978 954358 956198 971512 926029 898641 980493 934589 932015 879000 775158 818768 808428
Appendix B – 8
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Oct-‐02 Nov-‐02 Dec-‐02 Jan-‐03 Feb-‐03 Mar-‐03 Apr-‐03 May-‐03 Jun-‐03 Jul-‐03 Aug-‐03 Sep-‐03 Oct-‐03 Nov-‐03 Dec-‐03 Jan-‐04 Feb-‐04 Mar-‐04 Apr-‐04 May-‐04 Jun-‐04 Jul-‐04 Aug-‐04 Sep-‐04 Oct-‐04 Nov-‐04 Dec-‐04 Jan-‐05 Feb-‐05 Mar-‐05 Apr-‐05 May-‐05 Jun-‐05 Jul-‐05 Aug-‐05 Sep-‐05 Oct-‐05 Nov-‐05 Dec-‐05 Jan-‐06 Feb-‐06 Mar-‐06 Apr-‐06 May-‐06 Jun-‐06 Jul-‐06 Aug-‐06 Sep-‐06 Oct-‐06 Nov-‐06 Dec-‐06 Jan-‐07 Feb-‐07 Mar-‐07 Apr-‐07 May-‐07 Jun-‐07 Jul-‐07 Aug-‐07 Sep-‐07 Oct-‐07 Nov-‐07
ProdOil 1215 1271 1397 1326 1246 1458 1427 1522 1501 1472 1471 1388 1541 1443 1470
October 2013
624994 659953 770638 741787 658247 805534 849982 856584 827542 780121 824481 733894 802948 775579 781234 759870 664489 792545 762554 743312 641813 579221 249162 517077 611037 603166 588723 642021 515965 540697 538021 551579 478874 569032 540757 524631 521622 520309 528588 514626 457449 495225 474201 510696 492606 469039 169361 181437 522144 414950 478746 464030 415895 428387 417542 447967 400784 356537 206158 379086 399006 371120
ProdWater 5611027 5982290 7195959 6967006 6405342 6632617 6519362 6776799 6993191 6293854 6209040 6255556 6911469 6662077 6485899 6674936 6122119 6766434 7091566 6689761 6761430 6290527 2801497 4762755 6796532 6577172 7032520 7371154 6125419 6077114 6589146 6064713 4873786 6150346 7072622 6514229 6325384 5796281 5986711 5917961 5494849 5905206 5732944 6578047 6596859 6411335 2177477 2316072 7237623 5915979 6866528 6279734 5681465 5843978 5917097 6284664 6135454 6107896 3407902 6174299 6564545 6720165
ProdGas 9646440 10657168 13148208 13019769 11631742 12868803 12357629 12271813 11876529 11224908 11517989 10128471 12456333 12355305 12723296 12865278 12113023 12784764 12079384 12170498 10875109 10274979 4597459 7993452 11977017 11868776 11556303 12434223 11589138 12396364 11799633 11995932 10147490 11208512 11004312 11164785 12012733 12418391 12163590 12209662 11056917 11948801 11298926 12037591 11063701 10686948 3980069 3123912 11873870 11325767 12445930 12844009 11641034 12787402 11604832 12622423 11257485 9904684 5967450 11029836 13035981 12487708
NGLeg 49 51 49 48 54 53 53 56 57 55 52 53 57 55 55 55 56 54 57 57 56 58 54 62 64 60 57 58 56 58 61 59 53 57 56 61 59 56 56 54 54 57 56 56 60 59 54 56 56 55 55 53 54 53 54 55 53 54 48 56 55 55
81220 84899 104679 103916 93346 104999 106750 109052 105620 78284 96935 87010 103954 98637 101056 102746 91578 102944 101584 105708 99487 87724 33573 2313 78583 94772 70398 98753 83186 86463 84379 87317 70536 78124 83442 78435 72578 78858 77304 80184 65181 70654 78564 88485 80522 71111 23406 5314 77120 53261 79900 79491 72293 76863 72534 75978 70784 60183 3788 63366 75651 74480
ProdOil+NGLeg 706214 744852 875317 845703 751593 910533 956732 965636 933162 858405 921416 820904 906902 874216 882290 862616 756067 895489 864138 849020 741300 666945 282735 519390 689620 697938 659121 740774 599151 627160 622400 638896 549410 647156 624199 603066 594200 599167 605892 594810 522630 565879 552765 599181 573128 540150 192767 186751 599264 468211 558646 543521 488188 505250 490076 523945 471568 416720 209946 442452 474657 445600
Appendix B – 9
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
RptDate Dec-‐07 Jan-‐08 Feb-‐08 Mar-‐08 Apr-‐08 May-‐08 Jun-‐08 Jul-‐08 Aug-‐08 Sep-‐08 Oct-‐08 Nov-‐08 Dec-‐08 Jan-‐09 Feb-‐09 Mar-‐09 Apr-‐09 May-‐09 Jun-‐09 Jul-‐09 Aug-‐09 Sep-‐09 Oct-‐09 Nov-‐09 Dec-‐09 Jan-‐10 Feb-‐10 Mar-‐10 Apr-‐10 May-‐10 Jun-‐10 Jul-‐10 Aug-‐10 Sep-‐10 Oct-‐10 Nov-‐10 Dec-‐10 Jan-‐11 Feb-‐11 Mar-‐11 Apr-‐11 May-‐11 Jun-‐11 Jul-‐11
ProdOil 328665 347815 362590 405198 402267 422028 400259 443031 403952 357959 394192 403662 390113 381469 334817 346091 328148 380713 373655 85657 379751 395937 395198 433910 374586 384541 353179 373333 356952 332003 366768 370591 346143 311362 324064 341200 323124 260827 320293 332063 308484 306014 800 161617
ProdWater 5670915 4747057 5451834 5637669 5195479 5726135 5189782 5644194 5351961 4839616 6263473 6115099 6220357 6405751 6065936 5914964 5377809 5512637 5303859 1276100 5066779 5997158 6205759 5912816 5292377 6221627 5552714 5725646 5518799 5330601 5815528 6087363 6068873 5365394 6081920 5888574 5882051 5026142 5626496 6221559 5753806 5567047 0 2538611
ProdGas 13353641 11363326 11720850 12625276 11214597 11629441 11806913 11275770 11482550 8786432 11465713 11865184 11372250 11794580 10639338 11985996 9911488 10844805 9869008 2352422 10134743 10926570 10902187 11259758 7451823 11453465 10758419 11428753 10948383 10916445 10702195 11002875 10889120 9968307 11114844 11172176 11505583 9755989 10625332 11477924 10507456 11089344 106880 3914926
NGLeg 53 54 56 58 57 59 57 58 57 56 60 60 59 57 57 53 52 57 58 60 60 58 59 59 59 58 59 59 57 56 58 56 54 55 57 56 53 55 52 53 55 51 10 49
67816 55685 56213 66396 64441 69881 70127 73279 66674 36112 66440 67102 53183 46234 53507 56749 50677 41399 49912 9430 29534 37394 33602 33454 32611 37698 35770 34716 36354 31669 39937 42866 36881 34058 34646 32935 28721 25065 36906 43810 39427 35632 0 34
ProdOil+NGLeg 396481 403500 418803 471594 466708 491909 470386 516310 470626 394071 460632 470764 443296 427703 388324 402840 378825 422112 423567 95087 409285 433331 428800 467364 407197 422239 388949 408049 393306 363672 406705 413457 383024 345420 358710 374135 351845 285892 357199 375873 347911 341646 800 161651
Table B.4: Kuparuk River RptDate
DaysProd April-‐70 December-‐81 January-‐82 February-‐82 March-‐82 April-‐82 May-‐82 June-‐82 July-‐82 August-‐82 September-‐82 October-‐82
October 2013
ProdOil 3 572 1271 1130 1398 1385 1396 1373 1343 1471 1483 1577
5942 1091519 2503598 2219665 2856849 2757084 2896582 2767490 2667455 2777346 2657034 2729407
0 0 0 6946 14310 18024 14292 12643 15259 22348 27175 13731
2079 614757 1225600 1004211 1489203 1531110 1878153 2007392 1952625 2132820 2143054 2497275
1 40 41 45 47 48 47 49 48 50 53 59
ProdOil+NGLeg 5942 1091519 2503598 2219665 2856849 2757084 2896582 2767490 2667455 2777346 2657034 2729407
Appendix B – 1 0
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd November-‐82 December-‐82 January-‐83 February-‐83 March-‐83 April-‐83 May-‐83 June-‐83 July-‐83 August-‐83 September-‐83 October-‐83 November-‐83 December-‐83 January-‐84 February-‐84 March-‐84 April-‐84 May-‐84 June-‐84 July-‐84 August-‐84 September-‐84 October-‐84 November-‐84 December-‐84 January-‐85 February-‐85 March-‐85 April-‐85 May-‐85 June-‐85 July-‐85 August-‐85 September-‐85 October-‐85 November-‐85 December-‐85 January-‐86 February-‐86 March-‐86 April-‐86 May-‐86 June-‐86 July-‐86 August-‐86 September-‐86 October-‐86 November-‐86 December-‐86 January-‐87 February-‐87 March-‐87 April-‐87 May-‐87 June-‐87 July-‐87 August-‐87 September-‐87 October-‐87 November-‐87 December-‐87
October 2013
ProdOil 1665 1787 2010 1981 2253 2313 2289 2138 2326 2152 2232 2238 2278 2586 2735 2690 2768 2650 2899 2611 2667 2679 2751 3484 4494 5403 5259 5361 6066 5837 6698 7051 7375 8205 8029 8354 7512 7253 7398 6991 7877 7745 7938 7858 8393 8306 8133 8743 8880 9319 9418 8532 9546 9159 9347 9152 9045 9141 9095 9712 9476 9883
ProdWater 2784984 2788500 3190218 2839044 3017413 2966754 3394427 3240028 3671323 3303882 3427449 3311741 3687435 3832378 3987034 3810570 3804304 3353687 3376000 3296272 3354021 3173586 3368424 4058336 4951266 5674198 5379315 5799215 6672050 6475707 6822471 6400314 6745381 7251450 7142342 7295113 6456759 6811877 7211560 6965743 8091172 8387035 8451440 8103849 8152884 7494816 7107444 8019485 7764709 8449796 9199782 7978691 9113763 8683041 8942755 8707775 8212446 8052409 7644574 8458782 8548419 8905459
2895 825 26642 440460 943946 1187369 1427669 1471477 1541444 1570176 1562114 1547314 1532194 1576138 1569628 1481659 1530918 1517237 1498519 1340416 1298952 1309672 1750315 1914077 1794497 1849489 1756953 1420538 1924712 1982041 1917566 1861378 2070842 1838877 2096480 1933710 952017 928105 1146760 990488 1342687 1110065 800939 901279 1151678 971429 862084 1010883 1102962 1330180 1481827 1491211 1788096 2112396 2429958 2468156 3121183 3896342 4172314 3718445 3780789 3749855
ProdGas 2542702 2584660 3601542 3461032 3943817 3460325 3603567 3311815 3559314 3229950 3855742 3809368 4122761 4437112 4754843 4659126 4711810 4331834 4153440 3402499 3498668 3764635 3958622 5258013 6941371 8032829 7948990 7941558 8907039 8408577 8373673 7852810 7345859 8499524 8720980 9667966 9997564 10747822 11491663 10110627 11121030 10420161 9705759 8453754 8103480 7319648 7610062 9504711 10087891 11068846 12037811 11289202 12016109 11370332 10442481 9325038 7919835 8351873 8724464 10470353 11328651 11812853
ProdWells 60 65 77 81 79 87 86 90 84 80 81 85 89 98 101 107 103 106 121 110 111 115 115 163 177 198 201 210 237 237 258 273 282 310 303 320 309 271 263 280 274 285 281 277 283 296 291 292 315 326 322 313 324 319 313 311 321 332 335 340 337 336
NGLeg 86625 62749 75481 70048 91909 86904 86616 97378 103483 119111 101090 107901 104352 111588 97005 74462 63776 71629 80871 63573 76593 95546 84681 105881 104848 110002 106683 115060 89156 112562 108070 111913 112388
ProdOil+NGLeg 2784984 2788500 3190218 2839044 3017413 2966754 3394427 3240028 3671323 3303882 3427449 3311741 3687435 3832378 3987034 3810570 3804304 3353687 3376000 3296272 3354021 3173586 3368424 4058336 4951266 5674198 5379315 5799215 6672050 6562332 6885220 6475795 6815429 7343359 7229246 7381729 6554137 6915360 7330671 7066833 8199073 8491387 8563028 8200854 8227346 7558592 7179073 8100356 7828282 8526389 9295328 8063372 9219644 8787889 9052757 8814458 8327506 8141565 7757136 8566852 8660332 9017847
Appendix B – 1 1
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd January-‐88 February-‐88 March-‐88 April-‐88 May-‐88 June-‐88 July-‐88 August-‐88 September-‐88 October-‐88 November-‐88 December-‐88 January-‐89 February-‐89 March-‐89 April-‐89 May-‐89 June-‐89 July-‐89 August-‐89 September-‐89 October-‐89 November-‐89 December-‐89 January-‐90 February-‐90 March-‐90 April-‐90 May-‐90 June-‐90 July-‐90 August-‐90 September-‐90 October-‐90 November-‐90 December-‐90 January-‐91 February-‐91 March-‐91 April-‐91 May-‐91 June-‐91 July-‐91 August-‐91 September-‐91 October-‐91 November-‐91 December-‐91 January-‐92 February-‐92 March-‐92 April-‐92 May-‐92 June-‐92 July-‐92 August-‐92 September-‐92 October-‐92 November-‐92 December-‐92 January-‐93 February-‐93
October 2013
ProdOil 9957 9299 9684 9160 9362 8928 8929 9269 9156 9849 9652 9981 10013 8873 8681 8714 9395 8859 9297 9271 9183 9627 9236 9595 9753 8867 9716 9253 9160 8902 9361 9666 9466 9863 9197 9515 9611 9157 10082 9636 9922 9543 9669 9743 9551 10224 10049 10243 10636 9683 10661 10575 10540 9962 10106 10046 10090 10696 10631 11012 10886 9801
8867132 9157192 9633655 9115025 9558835 8775735 8555795 9246483 9014197 9769720 9620563 9576204 9862438 8744920 8474755 8763786 9419619 8659131 9196761 9283859 9317370 9616412 9027454 9403863 9212232 8667157 9486309 8878921 8910080 8413981 8776472 8972253 8924457 9595847 8420506 8947960 8897229 9162916 10153852 9396918 9559324 9002270 9336049 9428976 9397629 10060288 9484641 9690731 10375249 9304642 10075151 9650607 10019661 9471196 9693360 9603028 9521607 10144607 10125952 10520965 9950730 9046966
ProdWater 3647908 4187780 4406430 4166425 4571209 4217820 4478686 4470858 3954663 4513292 4456765 4952464 5268888 5024536 5110685 5180129 5009032 4079717 5661727 5714254 5902509 6174968 6084876 5958029 6208759 5985157 6696853 6368780 6261043 6035745 5579721 5937228 6450748 6569104 5644818 6471377 6660014 7641158 8703049 7901528 8238073 8061162 8572946 7642472 7229880 7685853 7887774 8152501 8690275 8538356 10057426 10161725 10231634 9309657 8986487 7982305 7831588 7980538 9156100 9848843 9701812 9336356
ProdGas 11750428 11059306 11233067 10266916 9884308 7915767 7726248 8353723 9014062 10786246 11249758 10642930 10128580 8558171 8657395 8260394 9243331 7667183 7670629 8254078 8604239 9556380 9976501 10942060 10843047 10688690 10830753 9788737 9363601 8200908 8307255 9267175 9262475 10467816 9451773 10106500 10069859 10478639 12049768 10705330 10218849 9231417 9203855 9219626 9676873 10692449 10673902 10986560 11660833 10860394 11462619 10825563 9906975 9138374 9014887 8924990 9627296 9732469 10206102 11406239 11185061 10165499
NGLeg 333 329 322 318 320 316 320 321 322 333 337 333 329 331 327 329 331 324 324 324 321 324 322 327 329 329 330 321 321 322 326 340 338 345 345 343 338 341 344 339 342 340 341 344 339 348 356 353 355 354 367 370 363 354 351 352 370 377 374 371 365 369
116236 108605 30863
ProdOil+NGLeg 8983368 9265797 9664518 9115025 9558835 8775735 8555795 9246483 9014197 9769720 9620563 9576204 9862438 8744920 8474755 8763786 9419619 8659131 9196761 9283859 9317370 9616412 9027454 9403863 9212232 8667157 9486309 8878921 8910080 8413981 8776472 8972253 8924457 9595847 8420506 8947960 8897229 9162916 10153852 9396918 9559324 9002270 9336049 9428976 9397629 10060288 9484641 9690731 10375249 9304642 10075151 9650607 10019661 9471196 9693360 9603028 9521607 10144607 10125952 10520965 9950730 9046966
Appendix B – 1 2
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd March-‐93 April-‐93 May-‐93 June-‐93 July-‐93 August-‐93 September-‐93 October-‐93 November-‐93 December-‐93 January-‐94 February-‐94 March-‐94 April-‐94 May-‐94 June-‐94 July-‐94 August-‐94 September-‐94 October-‐94 November-‐94 December-‐94 January-‐95 February-‐95 March-‐95 April-‐95 May-‐95 June-‐95 July-‐95 August-‐95 September-‐95 October-‐95 November-‐95 December-‐95 January-‐96 February-‐96 March-‐96 April-‐96 May-‐96 June-‐96 July-‐96 August-‐96 September-‐96 October-‐96 November-‐96 December-‐96 January-‐97 February-‐97 March-‐97 April-‐97 May-‐97 June-‐97 July-‐97 August-‐97 September-‐97 October-‐97 November-‐97 December-‐97 January-‐98 February-‐98 March-‐98 April-‐98
October 2013
11075 10757 10840 10479 10742 10836 9968 10989 10596 11297 11236 10187 11349 10788 11335 11036 11242 11312 11240 11962 10771 11930 11693 10792 11742 11367 11802 11569 11710 11875 11485 11984 11523 11885 11939 11419 12202 11737 12130 11746 12068 12012 12017 12595 12286 12763 12822 11657 12821 12436 12341 11438 12441 12766 12454 13195 12688 13305 13390 12149 13449 12556
ProdOil 10157277 9704449 9925258 9573277 9450943 9778221 8740670 9625710 9415243 9797224 9626111 8558684 9690583 8878567 9724720 9288098 9308316 9347952 9152249 9693695 8680604 9845434 9271071 8777215 9424842 8787614 9205063 8736635 8697074 8773418 8483427 9079975 8760792 9001911 8670463 8313657 8721420 8281772 8444060 8202510 8288629 7572022 8232833 8395732 7997615 8322292 8371022 7634234 8463145 8013815 8079630 7214900 7836437 7743045 7888000 8426187 8004987 8303471 8380433 7544127 8216285 7727489
ProdWater 10955204 10506849 10605792 9784921 9446399 9516632 8040993 8675898 9017835 10399106 10580535 9831385 11286315 9681631 10622396 10469491 10569936 10261287 10394208 11564598 10445298 11937629 12050350 10869224 11906535 10925717 11342452 11079518 10874733 10918967 10877988 10946780 10899159 11618507 11562314 11332820 12607770 12305211 12764227 12383942 12398963 11401537 12285734 13847805 13286174 14145569 14219408 13021258 14258500 13447874 11736127 10497206 12545078 12614218 14210753 15814069 14909039 16784078 16721195 14878950 16905020 15254788
ProdGas 11218560 10384425 10058651 9135588 8814064 9303024 8390810 9552580 10599061 11791255 11699983 10379978 11784068 10177875 10120966 9277318 8963311 8942263 9234695 9933150 9273115 10486634 9880657 9641864 10100520 9004775 9396219 8549626 8558248 9116811 8970293 10161058 9498664 9539589 9072613 9074826 9579397 8993168 9187327 8652698 9124121 8153610 8441891 9628130 8974239 8923274 9469588 8759156 9147610 8674711 8451778 7472322 7941246 8348513 8672215 9529505 9189951 9988037 10660283 9631725 10382127 9629725
ProdWells 370 375 370 364 371 368 374 377 379 378 380 381 377 384 382 378 379 382 397 398 393 393 395 391 391 389 394 396 396 395 392 399 395 391 398 401 400 406 413 414 415 416 417 420 421 426 426 426 427 428 431 429 433 432 437 439 439 442 442 444 446 447
ProdOil+NGLeg 10157277 9704449 9925258 9573277 9450943 9778221 8740670 9625710 9415243 9797224 9626111 8558684 9690583 8878567 9724720 9288098 9308316 9347952 9152249 9693695 8680604 9845434 9271071 8777215 9424842 8787614 9205063 8736635 8697074 8773418 8483427 9079975 8760792 9001911 8670463 8313657 8721420 8281772 8444060 8202510 8288629 7572022 8232833 8395732 7997615 8322292 8371022 7634234 8463145 8013815 8079630 7214900 7836437 7743045 7888000 8426187 8004987 8303471 8380433 7544127 8216285 7727489
Appendix B – 1 3
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd May-‐98 June-‐98 July-‐98 August-‐98 September-‐98 October-‐98 November-‐98 December-‐98 January-‐99 February-‐99 March-‐99 April-‐99 May-‐99 June-‐99 July-‐99 August-‐99 September-‐99 October-‐99 November-‐99 December-‐99 January-‐00 February-‐00 March-‐00 April-‐00 May-‐00 June-‐00 July-‐00 August-‐00 September-‐00 October-‐00 November-‐00 December-‐00 January-‐01 February-‐01 March-‐01 April-‐01 May-‐01 June-‐01 July-‐01 August-‐01 September-‐01 October-‐01 November-‐01 December-‐01 January-‐02 February-‐02 March-‐02 April-‐02 May-‐02 June-‐02 July-‐02 August-‐02 September-‐02 October-‐02 November-‐02 December-‐02 January-‐03 February-‐03 March-‐03 April-‐03 May-‐03 June-‐03
October 2013
ProdOil 13016 12575 13246 13095 12889 13493 13219 13982 14152 12567 14419 13599 14067 13514 13700 13787 13197 14370 14044 14562 14341 13514 13968 13883 14149 13610 14006 14404 14106 14987 14808 15180 15108 13599 15219 14605 15043 14488 14783 15008 14520 14392 14934 15494 15356 13756 15407 14701 14953 14671 14941 15440 15134 15674 14061 15456 15190 13839 15382 14905 15593 14756
7999004 7591009 8153348 8078641 7786074 8453614 8027762 8323135 8405043 7331571 8834111 8023164 8408877 7526500 7791447 7663369 7173836 8118237 7675971 8089280 7735648 7340218 7453878 7340838 7302960 6747586 6903920 7027360 6754319 7317473 7149432 7256330 7043035 6327326 7041103 6770609 6852727 6477039 6560199 6621381 6275498 6350327 6551027 6911567 6848815 6004777 6780887 6507807 6488731 6349151 6180637 6581922 6430109 6463595 5843324 6897958 6723498 5906920 6659874 6450719 6855042 6516457
ProdWater 15970848 14963595 15814989 15342390 14561268 15955338 15213302 15698503 16755981 15262613 17453573 16250019 17478607 15733793 16478345 16646709 15174818 17024434 17307864 18082802 17649712 16843843 16629404 16569390 16132994 14493550 15370268 16554598 16562213 18232136 18534903 18870160 18663471 16822262 18570302 17241018 17803869 17648308 17846244 18013499 16658986 17606440 19056726 18793632 18314314 16264902 18246432 16538970 15482659 15745750 15606394 15623630 15049494 15561410 14344219 15118312 14326889 13488338 14947239 14036062 15009010 14647125
ProdGas 10099579 8833178 9382346 9778845 9769438 11147307 11265200 11737733 12341740 10471509 12096468 11314679 11111015 9682792 9621396 9685793 9270491 11471713 11769079 12441726 11575657 11490265 11140811 11180706 10937476 9396079 9732627 10146811 9946626 10948112 10774015 10747733 10338448 9739852 11171704 10392403 10313426 9592230 9437546 9676334 9282707 10144671 10565334 10878312 10865391 9439397 10841776 10240017 9605767 9269241 9026732 9407106 9405285 10102339 9504062 11271192 10867826 9576863 10660675 10398487 11069554 9799243
ProdWells 441 445 447 451 449 455 461 467 473 477 481 487 473 482 469 470 480 479 482 481 481 483 479 480 477 473 477 480 492 500 504 504 504 495 505 499 502 498 500 504 502 502 508 513 512 512 514 508 508 510 520 520 521 518 522 512 508 508 512 517 515 514
ProdOil+NGLeg 7999004 7591009 8153348 8078641 7786074 8453614 8027762 8323135 8405043 7331571 8834111 8023164 8408877 7526500 7791447 7663369 7173836 8118237 7675971 8089280 7735648 7340218 7453878 7340838 7302960 6747586 6903920 7027360 6754319 7317473 7149432 7256330 7043035 6327326 7041103 6770609 6852727 6477039 6560199 6621381 6275498 6350327 6551027 6911567 6848815 6004777 6780887 6507807 6488731 6349151 6180637 6581922 6430109 6463595 5843324 6897958 6723498 5906920 6659874 6450719 6855042 6516457
Appendix B – 1 4
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd July-‐03 August-‐03 September-‐03 October-‐03 November-‐03 December-‐03 January-‐04 February-‐04 March-‐04 April-‐04 May-‐04 June-‐04 July-‐04 August-‐04 September-‐04 October-‐04 November-‐04 December-‐04 January-‐05 February-‐05 March-‐05 April-‐05 May-‐05 June-‐05 July-‐05 August-‐05 September-‐05 October-‐05 November-‐05 December-‐05 January-‐06 February-‐06 March-‐06 April-‐06 May-‐06 June-‐06 July-‐06 August-‐06 September-‐06 October-‐06 November-‐06 December-‐06 January-‐07 February-‐07 March-‐07 April-‐07 May-‐07 June-‐07 July-‐07 August-‐07 September-‐07 October-‐07 November-‐07 December-‐07 January-‐08 February-‐08 March-‐08 April-‐08 May-‐08 June-‐08 July-‐08 August-‐08
ProdOil 14546 15469 14999 15516 14859 15531
October 2013
6427012 6726261 6349479 6441376 6048488 6294119 6174169 5797616 6194313 5876473 5999362 5936685 5783190 5476264 6098892 6312255 5964118 6167975 5854010 5491243 5899474 5839165 5724251 5409920 5437972 5491629 5255029 5438008 5199480 5297737 5368095 4843434 5370523 5318991 5616431 5322210 5347748 5569552 5150373 5110999 4377626 5085961 5238728 4644587 5249614 4928357 4982097 4606772 4952588 4340433 4468131 4631167 4570478 4798058 4680698 4414132 4747806 4546805 4665656 4237926 4063505 3819854
ProdWater 13927906 16704423 15580521 16123805 15826986 16539401 15925807 15291309 16657552 15988491 16356594 16933827 15981982 14175938 16793604 17641943 17728000 19420135 19239467 18195455 19580496 19688663 19508747 18819862 19642577 19674140 19470944 20536231 17920589 18614679 18797946 16517458 18593630 17904206 18344801 17138467 17067871 17694845 17632466 17690050 15480010 17909955 18483628 16523009 18455295 17028894 17392054 16665165 16654539 15236064 15672096 16160590 15924318 16801263 17133062 15862004 17067307 16290108 16728640 14727480 14146099 13801667
ProdGas 9915447 10862539 10147145 10777579 10949017 11860130 11380638 10787123 11610825 10648943 10556982 9940273 9446253 8836032 10247213 10842480 10259393 10825100 10413369 9890221 10522229 10802338 10183308 9995072 9927867 9844780 9359109 9692764 9244899 9446636 9567922 8444419 9901164 9425899 9639294 9357916 9282863 9880022 9438023 9431036 8369585 9657005 10008824 8700375 10303049 9748961 9904958 9235470 9602382 9553229 9124096 9401683 8723772 9791014 9965463 9057859 9734050 9161834 8991317 7126084 8568636 8276234
ProdWells 512 511 514 523 517 520 524 521 527 526 540 540 538 500 541 545 547 538 534 552 551 549 543 548 549 542 541 545 539 544 543 551 551 547 550 550 552 549 552 544 542 550 550 541 528 532 542 529 529 524 496 523 529 533 528 537 515 530 539 539 535 435
ProdOil+NGLeg 6427012 6726261 6349479 6441376 6048488 6294119 6174169 5797616 6194313 5876473 5999362 5936685 5783190 5476264 6098892 6312255 5964118 6167975 5854010 5491243 5899474 5839165 5724251 5409920 5437972 5491629 5255029 5438008 5199480 5297737 5368095 4843434 5370523 5318991 5616431 5322210 5347748 5569552 5150373 5110999 4377626 5085961 5238728 4644587 5249614 4928357 4982097 4606772 4952588 4340433 4468131 4631167 4570478 4798058 4680698 4414132 4747806 4546805 4665656 4237926 4063505 3819854
Appendix B – 1 5
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
RptDate September-‐08 October-‐08 November-‐08 December-‐08 January-‐09 February-‐09 March-‐09 April-‐09 May-‐09 June-‐09 July-‐09 August-‐09 September-‐09 October-‐09 November-‐09 December-‐09 January-‐10 February-‐10 March-‐10 April-‐10 May-‐10 June-‐10 July-‐10 August-‐10 September-‐10 October-‐10 November-‐10 December-‐10 January-‐11 February-‐11 March-‐11 April-‐11 May-‐11 June-‐11 July-‐11
ProdOil 3993010 4730744 4562591 4538826 4462354 4205425 4615388 4386430 4446600 4157673 4235892 4368714 4238697 4279371 4089259 4248508 4183084 3751850 4058461 3893899 3789753 3848337 3953195 3983217 3901827 4005915 3594184 3754493 3065131 3387848 3913918 3686777 3916771 3683934 3723446
ProdWater 14305874 16659160 16339673 17050400 15682460 15006968 16660457 15096493 15704908 14322904 13965899 15793887 15246927 15736437 15652246 17077648 17154671 14736040 15862585 16075407 15968130 15984441 15969813 15695508 15262540 16302309 14872087 15537972 12989974 14044867 16538519 15697342 16321393 14674912 15041044
ProdGas 8420506 9885984 9356458 9244695 8392602 8275199 9205719 8232882 8054877 7510393 8000304 8647454 8498589 8709419 8148008 9009631 8611186 7567273 8252408 8482583 8075935 7678031 7855925 7801573 7877579 8576015 8095834 8238642 6790423 7259918 8370844 7982434 8234651 6972167 6424266
528 530 536 538 539 537 541 544 548 546 534 541 541 533 523 521 521 517 512 515 523 515 511 517 525 517 521 513 510 504 514 507 519 510 512
ProdOil+NGLeg 3993010 4730744 4562591 4538826 4462354 4205425 4615388 4386430 4446600 4157673 4235892 4368714 4238697 4279371 4089259 4248508 4183084 3751850 4058461 3893899 3789753 3848337 3953195 3983217 3901827 4005915 3594184 3754493 3065131 3387848 3913918 3686777 3916771 3683934 3723446
1 1 1 10 24 26 25 25 23 21 20 21 20 21 19 19 20 19 2 14 16 18
Table B.5: Milne Point
DaysProd May-‐85 Jun-‐85 Jul-‐85 Nov-‐85 Dec-‐85 Jan-‐86 Feb-‐86 Mar-‐86 Apr-‐86 May-‐86 Jun-‐86 Jul-‐86 Aug-‐86 Sep-‐86 Oct-‐86 Nov-‐86 Dec-‐86 Jan-‐87 Mar-‐89 Apr-‐89 May-‐89 Jun-‐89
October 2013
ProdOil 15 30 5 210 520 623 585 712 665 515 595 603 594 552 587 564 551 77 12 255 421 446
0 0 0 205489 498430 529804 478758 548544 479595 396754 442471 320860 301911 285195 327853 297034 299887 39997 0 241477 306748 289644
8000 33182 4277 12730 238417 506233 602871 722153 478370 396671 549177 532182 517553 495533 485925 468011 483431 76803 148056 471347 879199 722015
0 0 0 78246 174728 181227 149251 206099 171181 153661 158048 107878 103601 99619 105028 103261 104997 11130 0 69250 79358 93407
Appendix B – 1 6
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Jul-‐89 Aug-‐89 Sep-‐89 Oct-‐89 Nov-‐89 Dec-‐89 Jan-‐90 Feb-‐90 Mar-‐90 Apr-‐90 May-‐90 Jun-‐90 Jul-‐90 Aug-‐90 Sep-‐90 Oct-‐90 Nov-‐90 Dec-‐90 Jan-‐91 Feb-‐91 Mar-‐91 Apr-‐91 May-‐91 Jun-‐91 Jul-‐91 Aug-‐91 Sep-‐91 Oct-‐91 Nov-‐91 Dec-‐91 Jan-‐92 Feb-‐92 Mar-‐92 Apr-‐92 May-‐92 Jun-‐92 Jul-‐92 Aug-‐92 Sep-‐92 Oct-‐92 Nov-‐92 Dec-‐92 Jan-‐93 Feb-‐93 Mar-‐93 Apr-‐93 May-‐93 Jun-‐93 Jul-‐93 Aug-‐93 Sep-‐93 Oct-‐93 Nov-‐93 Dec-‐93 Jan-‐94 Feb-‐94 Mar-‐94 Apr-‐94 May-‐94 Jun-‐94 Jul-‐94 Aug-‐94
October 2013
ProdOil 419 532 668 740 792 810 864 781 856 834 865 834 833 864 863 902 845 897 915 914 1063 1248 1298 1249 1295 1330 1298 1443 1322 1203 1231 1156 1267 1253 1281 1234 1309 1250 1215 1221 1208 1288 1262 1131 1252 1201 1193 1216 1247 1221 1178 1251 1323 1395 1390 1152 1201 1172 1292 1269 1353 1393
260336 426491 517014 548596 533599 591425 614876 551309 604416 563667 593367 520961 553007 515994 522205 521414 501625 565297 592388 557898 624903 647942 659628 621681 642059 669455 632414 659371 581128 568983 602641 554932 608124 599875 614750 583968 607594 568075 553831 555601 531903 565185 548763 494610 543365 529852 535707 561037 603191 590629 553880 583143 616804 602728 580416 450271 472585 455766 565903 574424 589715 576674
ProdWater 728974 675743 699965 681281 996916 1062141 1159956 982630 1075860 973420 984341 930339 862803 1016794 1101875 1049222 1003703 345838 1033416 867602 997641 893576 872346 893872 869575 669165 919812 1061904 1192159 1081512 1076071 951959 1040951 1033296 999010 973656 962507 1028843 1076307 1065542 1034376 1058624 1132345 1013423 1140763 1053423 1063120 870927 882768 947609 697383 759612 701873 721820 806147 808800 898201 702642 633062 537346 632583 543606
ProdGas 62108 102511 121536 126249 170676 153081 211650 152665 249753 224356 234999 218829 236022 252798 222608 219199 239102 256511 267456 270461 294605 308679 313563 289839 322907 342128 369341 362390 307600 310401 320487 337186 317239 338402 348501 317903 304023 255426 259399 260656 243975 247046 244663 249517 277844 276430 276480 308861 310931 315973 302720 298982 323701 298525 299592 256192 313822 323036 389740 368500 382749 292981
ProdWells 16 24 25 26 28 29 29 29 29 30 31 31 31 30 31 31 34 31 34 37 40 45 46 49 51 50 48 51 49 42 44 45 44 45 44 42 43 43 43 42 44 43 43 41 43 44 41 42 43 43 42 46 46 46 47 47 40 44 43 43 46 47
Appendix B – 1 7
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Sep-‐94 Oct-‐94 Nov-‐94 Dec-‐94 Jan-‐95 Feb-‐95 Mar-‐95 Apr-‐95 May-‐95 Jun-‐95 Jul-‐95 Aug-‐95 Sep-‐95 Oct-‐95 Nov-‐95 Dec-‐95 Jan-‐96 Feb-‐96 Mar-‐96 Apr-‐96 May-‐96 Jun-‐96 Jul-‐96 Aug-‐96 Sep-‐96 Oct-‐96 Nov-‐96 Dec-‐96 Jan-‐97 Feb-‐97 Mar-‐97 Apr-‐97 May-‐97 Jun-‐97 Jul-‐97 Aug-‐97 Sep-‐97 Oct-‐97 Nov-‐97 Dec-‐97 Jan-‐98 Feb-‐98 Mar-‐98 Apr-‐98 May-‐98 Jun-‐98 Jul-‐98 Aug-‐98 Sep-‐98 Oct-‐98 Nov-‐98 Dec-‐98 Jan-‐99 Feb-‐99 Mar-‐99 Apr-‐99 May-‐99 Jun-‐99 Jul-‐99 Aug-‐99 Sep-‐99 Oct-‐99
October 2013
ProdOil 1423 1485 1430 1542 1531 1410 1626 1637 1709 1601 1566 1759 1500 1703 1719 1468 1489 1327 642 103 1397 2079 2330 2452 2494 2684 2650 2821 2812 2695 3062 3011 3071 2974 3060 2854 2929 3052 3018 3227 3245 3001 3486 3305 3460 3319 3567 3462 3245 3284 3430 3245 3385 3105 3732 3369 3597 3196 3499 3511 3231 3425
582593 574468 590557 663968 666789 654966 783206 793755 792839 728641 705417 751457 669342 737886 708282 698487 853198 803760 397402 30738 1014853 1428710 1501381 1683037 1606180 1676440 1490875 1613811 1615720 1507126 1637082 1574428 1622150 1539023 1561639 1472047 1581636 1626812 1560013 1655631 1714912 1528262 1764408 1678496 1802859 1711858 1825669 1783257 1602977 1705339 1678051 1622827 1689718 1455877 1752390 1620559 1752150 1512434 1708524 1730877 1530232 1674582
ProdWater 513180 642613 542061 691329 881229 806224 895149 794998 757660 745073 548831 1003056 361407 1003850 915226 935485 843547 759281 383617 53943 864902 1035138 1223896 1162813 1476713 1445621 1660146 1594590 1676677 1576445 1663266 1875097 1874475 1788595 2171944 2226746 2310792 2426553 2363445 2683822 2623310 2495327 2840912 2736863 2692746 2638420 2600231 2515360 2228236 2506549 2476503 2035193 2120437 2423949 3086046 3010829 3079645 2742538 3098518 3177002 2941893 3140200
ProdGas 346994 360831 330875 374268 408846 369565 417418 470054 454669 389142 423199 363889 367500 452204 500444 491282 488475 438462 260590 23707 361089 623123 779324 825824 745199 817968 766663 753251 820720 777286 849149 905770 873919 773488 857643 883581 936413 950927 921664 993040 948114 753390 866681 814354 871817 753174 871489 886942 787912 828872 953091 801030 865638 708944 866001 743928 860302 647372 788008 851928 874300 835903
ProdWells 50 52 52 53 53 52 55 57 58 57 57 59 53 59 60 53 50 49 48 30 75 79 82 86 91 92 93 96 98 101 103 104 107 109 109 111 106 104 107 110 111 120 120 122 120 123 125 125 126 125 125 118 119 122 124 123 120 119 120 119 117 115
Appendix B – 1 8
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Nov-‐99 Dec-‐99 Jan-‐00 Feb-‐00 Mar-‐00 Apr-‐00 May-‐00 Jun-‐00 Jul-‐00 Aug-‐00 Sep-‐00 Oct-‐00 Nov-‐00 Dec-‐00 Jan-‐01 Feb-‐01 Mar-‐01 Apr-‐01 May-‐01 Jun-‐01 Jul-‐01 Aug-‐01 Sep-‐01 Oct-‐01 Nov-‐01 Dec-‐01 Jan-‐02 Feb-‐02 Mar-‐02 Apr-‐02 May-‐02 Jun-‐02 Jul-‐02 Aug-‐02 Sep-‐02 Oct-‐02 Nov-‐02 Dec-‐02 Jan-‐03 Feb-‐03 Mar-‐03 Apr-‐03 May-‐03 Jun-‐03 Jul-‐03 Aug-‐03 Sep-‐03 Oct-‐03 Nov-‐03 Dec-‐03 Jan-‐04 Feb-‐04 Mar-‐04 Apr-‐04 May-‐04 Jun-‐04 Jul-‐04 Aug-‐04 Sep-‐04 Oct-‐04 Nov-‐04 Dec-‐04
ProdOil 3322 3416 3324 3185 3470 3469 3534 3395 3582 3507 3225 3396 3186 3400 3427 3235 3712 3702 3557 3738 3901 3832 3517 3548 3683 3795 3833 3321 3680 3563 3740 3820 3736 3602 3504 3736 3488 3801 3441 3418 3840 3670 3887 3697 2994 3667 3873 4059 3882 3820
October 2013
1613691 1643043 1592076 1538627 1659134 1630563 1684611 1574274 1649472 1626932 1497486 1558044 1504923 1553010 1576966 1486193 1692621 1611972 1607225 1617911 1659017 1638406 1552518 1603198 1651596 1641338 1636325 1428284 1523547 1534304 1572535 1524917 1484091 1473192 1592963 1722467 1535958 1634187 1516571 1431181 1638248 1572992 1639108 1536879 1230841 1619286 1636038 1725553 1595870 1564467 1535237 1473768 1588111 1489944 1564505 1590852 1532919 1572078 1576402 1629929 1572839 1624730
ProdWater 2925439 2980569 2881016 2730280 3065274 2943223 2968229 2765731 2876685 2915543 2556336 3062926 2608208 2887300 2865902 2607517 3058130 2665921 2474912 2789681 3083224 3106441 2888839 2753085 2761886 2651118 2696165 2267430 2481711 2427249 2775295 3089513 3024262 2647410 2998985 2930421 3079703 3197835 2481617 2752177 2755607 2705429 2901020 2700835 2333991 2953800 2895473 3031242 2814998 2562478 2544997 2778102 2995671 2923552 3430768 3443389 3313542 3102531 2945166 3136802 3097389 3236676
ProdGas 771255 774228 815162 739152 805940 776962 818733 727051 876575 912103 756189 867200 774075 818061 879714 743503 935162 869646 873480 926720 943018 969118 914336 950357 1021341 999065 989956 849789 839155 849829 886138 858580 796317 790923 739858 892803 889998 966923 856473 890724 1044611 1072598 1060962 1057566 718094 980031 950969 1022636 988084 911033 914496 961916 1057586 937111 985982 931349 886464 933231 999891 1053542 982031 1046567
ProdWells 115 115 113 116 119 119 118 119 120 119 118 121 123 119 118 126 126 131 132 133 134 133 130 131 130 133 134 130 127 134 129 133 128 125 129 129 128 125 131 128 128 131 131 131 125 132 137 138 135 137 135 136 132 136 136 138 135 136 136 142 136 140
Appendix B – 1 9
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
RptDate Jan-‐05 Feb-‐05 Mar-‐05 Apr-‐05 May-‐05 Jun-‐05 Jul-‐05 Aug-‐05 Sep-‐05 Oct-‐05 Nov-‐05 Dec-‐05 Jan-‐06 Feb-‐06 Mar-‐06 Apr-‐06 May-‐06 Jun-‐06 Jul-‐06 Aug-‐06 Sep-‐06 Oct-‐06 Nov-‐06 Dec-‐06 Jan-‐07 Feb-‐07 Mar-‐07 Apr-‐07 May-‐07 Jun-‐07 Jul-‐07 Aug-‐07 Sep-‐07 Oct-‐07 Nov-‐07 Dec-‐07 Jan-‐08 Feb-‐08 Mar-‐08 Apr-‐08 May-‐08 Jun-‐08 Jul-‐08 Aug-‐08 Sep-‐08 Oct-‐08 Nov-‐08 Dec-‐08 Jan-‐09 Feb-‐09 Mar-‐09 Apr-‐09 May-‐09 Jun-‐09 Jul-‐09 Aug-‐09 Sep-‐09 Oct-‐09 Nov-‐09 Dec-‐09 Jan-‐10 Feb-‐10
October 2013
ProdOil 1532030 1223435 1464269 1386374 1516747 1332964 1031290 1203228 1369192 1276674 1283853 1383868 1306466 1028447 1289936 1248431 1242924 1163604 763503 1196667 1163428 1024509 848789 1007179 968165 831632 851742 960355 1174365 1140970 1182533 807315 1025132 1140702 1098650 1067414 1083595 947049 1053645 1051047 1104590 847394 910551 969132 949123 988039 953825 937939 936367 853735 923457 898439 945502 886043 750945 844705 862681 907565 881909 863905 823962 742674
ProdWater 3289202 2697686 3000514 2840797 3167656 3061836 2205207 2357135 3001381 3153693 3095237 3342301 3552149 3182747 3708906 3495036 3887600 3521343 2764330 3609032 3548313 3614444 3369121 3549919 3673628 3073925 3628612 3369434 3420416 4090225 4139219 2903797 3441573 3947573 4017340 4238710 4305714 3532781 4019393 3801866 3945411 2772528 3669777 4004192 4084599 4274593 3936717 3952019 3855544 3484902 3998538 3840591 3806654 3399486 2942498 3750152 3575546 3966279 3745668 3800814 3834107 3246650
ProdGas 987669 808750 998473 979968 1027496 943167 708229 775573 1013812 974101 1004957 1081996 1059675 789883 916863 836888 847092 781688 572746 831801 770637 657152 537501 614946 587074 497488 494047 438920 580773 627611 743315 484595 541274 673841 715142 721749 738314 576857 649662 675703 693865 488143 523905 622972 600351 634311 602425 656628 651259 538854 642555 653905 723769 656929 452713 521376 578609 617976 573219 574903 496757 446876
ProdWells 134 133 134 137 142 136 134 135 132 133 138 142 139 134 137 132 134 127 128 126 130 116 112 113 113 110 99 104 128 128 134 135 133 142 139 144 143 143 141 139 141 139 132 135 135 143 135 131 133 134 135 129 132 129 131 129 129 131 128 122 126 125
Appendix B – 2 0
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
RptDate Mar-‐10 Apr-‐10 May-‐10 Jun-‐10 Jul-‐10 Aug-‐10 Sep-‐10 Oct-‐10 Nov-‐10 Dec-‐10 Jan-‐11 Feb-‐11 Mar-‐11 Apr-‐11 May-‐11 Jun-‐11 Jul-‐11
ProdOil 891111 891033 759654 679756 816232 864671 822756 792428 807772 833640 557685 711221 780234 757475 752345 688677 637772
ProdWater 3746854 3765213 3798173 2997297 3678365 3991739 3776511 3711714 3873011 4082839 3803658 3830812 4092895 3910888 4404632 4075139 3404724
ProdGas 492984 511034 449464 380461 452313 510278 508620 488954 548317 569900 439059 498619 557606 517776 485636 482117 356334
131 131 128 130 128 131 130 124 122 121 120 113 114 118 116 112 111
1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 8 9 9 10 12 12 12 13 13 11 12 11 11 12 11 13 13 14 13 15 14 14 14 15
Table B.6: Northstar RptDate
DaysProd Oct-‐01 Nov-‐01 Dec-‐01 Jan-‐02 Feb-‐02 Mar-‐02 Apr-‐02 May-‐02 Jun-‐02 Jul-‐02 Aug-‐02 Sep-‐02 Oct-‐02 Nov-‐02 Dec-‐02 Jan-‐03 Feb-‐03 Mar-‐03 Apr-‐03 May-‐03 Jun-‐03 Jul-‐03 Aug-‐03 Sep-‐03 Oct-‐03 Nov-‐03 Dec-‐03 Jan-‐04 Feb-‐04 Mar-‐04 Apr-‐04 May-‐04 Jun-‐04 Jul-‐04 Aug-‐04 Sep-‐04 Oct-‐04 Nov-‐04 Dec-‐04
ProdOil 1 54 56 78 86 134 92 132 173 176 185 158 174 168 184 183 243 274 210 330 351 353 322 300 341 289 265
October 2013
363 353070 912119 1106393 1011221 1554091 1092774 1083388 1827325 1772269 1846220 1356555 1858524 1678500 1715393 1514557 1992106 1955963 1355557 2067781 2141501 1907547 1904771 2064610 2325081 1908148 1830400 2439547 1140067 2252145 1901916 2336229 2188374 2165121 1538797 2289965 2306964 2213766 2305586
0 1260 5826 4025 2192 2214 384 1231 3719 9527 17402 13963 34269 28861 34674 25583 56022 84264 49375 72340 67223 61206 66209 89999 111597 113186 97225 174855 86573 173380 162910 190675 239292 264002 200058 307306 354728 313590 349690
746 762654 1922666 2371951 1808454 3005458 2348619 2496116 4470141 4919165 5563595 3661002 5589003 5417074 5965072 5356036 6167624 6971443 4659382 6605755 7109864 6473155 5811839 4394750 6451658 5490566 5369485 7259210 3445664 7421939 6659911 9943734 9447001 10317879 6349335 10332264 10253492 10962097 11990356
Appendix B – 2 1
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
RptDate Jan-‐05 Feb-‐05 Mar-‐05 Apr-‐05 May-‐05 Jun-‐05 Jul-‐05 Aug-‐05 Sep-‐05 Oct-‐05 Nov-‐05 Dec-‐05 Jan-‐06 Feb-‐06 Mar-‐06 Apr-‐06 May-‐06 Jun-‐06 Jul-‐06 Aug-‐06 Sep-‐06 Oct-‐06 Nov-‐06 Dec-‐06 Jan-‐07 Feb-‐07 Mar-‐07 Apr-‐07 May-‐07 Jun-‐07 Jul-‐07 Aug-‐07 Sep-‐07 Oct-‐07 Nov-‐07 Dec-‐07 Jan-‐08 Feb-‐08 Mar-‐08 Apr-‐08 May-‐08 Jun-‐08 Jul-‐08 Aug-‐08 Sep-‐08 Oct-‐08 Nov-‐08 Dec-‐08 Jan-‐09 Feb-‐09 Mar-‐09 Apr-‐09 May-‐09 Jun-‐09 Jul-‐09 Aug-‐09 Sep-‐09 Oct-‐09 Nov-‐09 Dec-‐09 Jan-‐10 Feb-‐10
October 2013
ProdOil 2109271 1776800 2154353 1919552 2105717 1806669 1887425 1784859 1465798 1903993 1801744 1705302 1530173 1447093 1648749 1702146 1657701 1685150 1592567 1734864 1596114 1567650 1309825 1405060 1463628 756686 1027759 1370536 1350293 1213452 1191333 1159748 1034464 1074591 1101552 1133231 1038773 969355 984132 862573 900341 1069595 1061809 968720 962903 891022 896801 834400 734951 657671 745229 718863 717921 704609 673682 702718 284348 667345 675202 697659 691552 621382
ProdWater 354312 335507 380660 346068 413007 375435 380222 372258 295092 397141 347268 364049 363681 327237 369565 421578 431233 519368 468606 500356 467763 453767 385569 394729 409611 220438 286638 401683 449762 406461 450420 462743 424963 424023 436338 462628 452231 418239 422155 380766 355880 400196 437573 428577 457196 442627 467237 461124 454450 422715 463656 456302 459385 451686 452388 520121 210337 509155 483358 501254 529857 504827
ProdGas 11672464 10627633 14825845 10978257 11590302 10744494 11671906 11581644 9481543 12726195 13434655 12796467 10926024 11464556 14316934 13335391 10675022 9759987 11256486 12362526 11993090 12313859 11261758 12526887 13663451 7628999 8848702 13942270 14139768 13304126 13185047 13144272 11817630 12847021 13769631 14853989 13713042 13437750 14698702 12461714 11084093 15290660 15806393 15367466 15819424 14755436 16976455 16546930 13694104 11715823 14144712 14027882 14578050 14374139 15038466 15390938 5861098 15178614 16264621 17350017 17659592 15955105
ProdWells 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 15 16 16 16 15 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 19 18 19 19 19 19 18 19 19 18 18 17 18 18 18 17 17 18 17 18 19 19 20 20 19 18 18 19 15 15 15 14 14 18 18 16 16 18 18 18 19 18
Appendix B – 2 2
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
RptDate Mar-‐10 Apr-‐10 May-‐10 Jun-‐10 Jul-‐10 Aug-‐10 Sep-‐10 Oct-‐10 Nov-‐10 Dec-‐10 Jan-‐11 Feb-‐11 Mar-‐11 Apr-‐11 May-‐11 Jun-‐11 Jul-‐11
ProdOil 629371 466784 514953 522950 406329 190328 514405 527081 463183 584774 426549 507843 546946 465837 480403 408305 396122
ProdWater 446367 402751 459181 514382 433247 178735 543546 540749 500430 528504 401265 472271 511387 477890 506594 469244 476920
ProdGas 17423516 12910452 13556790 13828377 11463586 5423048 15113283 16306718 13069382 17742968 13509255 16664779 18477036 16625760 17365156 15035450 15591893
18 18 17 16 15 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 17 17 16 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 2
ProdOil+NGLeg 6096 15705 30536 111620 113420 120869 108964 124230 112825 123762 79936 76512 129706 47646 83753 100564 84705 84776 76640 85933 82485 86743 82439 191620 87912 103058 103255 102397 69554 66115 61042 61634 73224 59147 57135 66309 123767 118380 85436 86852
Table B.7: Prudhoe Bay
DaysProd Apr-‐69 Jun-‐69 Oct-‐69 Nov-‐69 Dec-‐69 Jan-‐70 Feb-‐70 Mar-‐70 Apr-‐70 May-‐70 Jun-‐70 Jul-‐70 Aug-‐70 Sep-‐70 Oct-‐70 Nov-‐70 Dec-‐70 Jan-‐71 Feb-‐71 Mar-‐71 Apr-‐71 May-‐71 Jun-‐71 Jul-‐71 Aug-‐71 Sep-‐71 Oct-‐71 Nov-‐71 Dec-‐71 Jan-‐72 Feb-‐72 Mar-‐72 Apr-‐72 May-‐72 Jun-‐72 Jul-‐72 Aug-‐72 Sep-‐72 Oct-‐72 Nov-‐72
October 2013
ProdOil 6 7 19 30 29 31 28 31 32 47 30 31 51 30 31 41 32 31 28 31 30 39 33 67 38 38 31 30 31 31 29 31 30 31 32 37 58 52 50 40
6096 15705 30536 111620 113420 120869 108964 124230 112825 123762 79936 76512 129706 47646 83753 100564 84705 84776 76640 85933 82485 86743 82439 191620 87912 103058 103255 102397 69554 66115 61042 61634 73224 59147 57135 66309 123767 118380 85436 86852
6 0 72 0 0 16 215 238 240 204 145 149 132 187 155 153 172 251 0 0 0 20 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4950 18061 25732 91026 103187 111998 99002 115671 110576 127124 71338 66989 99420 42768 60537 69321 61942 62841 56932 61479 58578 107813 70847 136037 62170 75327 74653 74238 47992 45685 41875 42651 51476 43832 42030 48427 87748 83575 58094 65024
Appendix B – 2 3
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Dec-‐72 Jan-‐73 Feb-‐73 Mar-‐73 Apr-‐73 May-‐73 Jun-‐73 Jul-‐73 Aug-‐73 Sep-‐73 Oct-‐73 Nov-‐73 Dec-‐73 Jan-‐74 Feb-‐74 Mar-‐74 Apr-‐74 May-‐74 Jun-‐74 Jul-‐74 Aug-‐74 Sep-‐74 Oct-‐74 Nov-‐74 Dec-‐74 Jan-‐75 Feb-‐75 Mar-‐75 Apr-‐75 May-‐75 Jun-‐75 Jul-‐75 Aug-‐75 Sep-‐75 Oct-‐75 Nov-‐75 Dec-‐75 Jan-‐76 Feb-‐76 Mar-‐76 Apr-‐76 May-‐76 Jun-‐76 Jul-‐76 Aug-‐76 Sep-‐76 Oct-‐76 Nov-‐76 Dec-‐76 Jan-‐77 Feb-‐77 Mar-‐77 Apr-‐77 May-‐77 Jun-‐77 Jul-‐77 Aug-‐77 Sep-‐77 Oct-‐77 Nov-‐77 Dec-‐77 Jan-‐78
October 2013
ProdOil 31 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 33 31 30 31 34 28 39 35 37 41 40 64 65 67 59 61 62 51 31 30 56 78 57 70 63 61 60 62 87 84 83 87 92 90 62 93 97 98 93 84 115 114 98 83 155 633 1041 2081 2535 2689 2588 3092 3271
63106 67616 61256 68021 65440 67910 75464 65728 65072 88783 79395 79510 159503 166362 172090 161665 161704 168937 147795 148462 194767 199182 239665 205372 203875 223199 203434 217895 213941 212946 164295 165725 224476 210192 302997 354699 375760 385366 333450 386506 388682 374268 337444 337615 405504 421085 422796 395821 415912 396786 357598 402653 349299 560181 4157904 6977233 15182345 21438155 21792048 21410918 22232760 22681912
ProdGas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 23 62 73 31 31 23 0 0 43 48 48 47 53 49 56 31 31 58 57 119 84 82 84 258 312 176 150 139 95 38 0 8 0 50 45 310 652 1123 107 0 377
47519 51388 46616 50199 48426 49410 55843 49888 47430 67591 56356 58600 117713 126134 129756 128618 130809 142208 130076 126479 217058 198206 239578 226153 227171 256391 225165 160153 157247 225555 194046 195455 242198 243321 327117 379489 440210 426846 393663 428319 407734 383268 350510 365777 394588 433017 466305 419527 607359 517176 850189 776411 829474 2286260 5191532 6593715 12017570 16319617 16565342 16345329 16642909 16956040
ProdWells 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 5 6 6 3 4 8 10 8 27 66 83 95 91 97 100 105 113
ProdOil+NGLeg 63106 67616 61256 68021 65440 67910 75464 65728 65072 88783 79395 79510 159503 166362 172090 161665 161704 168937 147795 148462 194767 199182 239665 205372 203875 223199 203434 217895 213941 212946 164295 165725 224476 210192 302997 354699 375760 385366 333450 386506 388682 374268 337444 337615 405504 421085 422796 395821 415912 396786 357598 402653 349299 560181 4157904 6977233 15182345 21438155 21792048 21410918 22232760 22681912
Appendix B – 2 4
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Feb-‐78 Mar-‐78 Apr-‐78 May-‐78 Jun-‐78 Jul-‐78 Aug-‐78 Sep-‐78 Oct-‐78 Nov-‐78 Dec-‐78 Jan-‐79 Feb-‐79 Mar-‐79 Apr-‐79 May-‐79 Jun-‐79 Jul-‐79 Aug-‐79 Sep-‐79 Oct-‐79 Nov-‐79 Dec-‐79 Jan-‐80 Feb-‐80 Mar-‐80 Apr-‐80 May-‐80 Jun-‐80 Jul-‐80 Aug-‐80 Sep-‐80 Oct-‐80 Nov-‐80 Dec-‐80 Jan-‐81 Feb-‐81 Mar-‐81 Apr-‐81 May-‐81 Jun-‐81 Jul-‐81 Aug-‐81 Sep-‐81 Oct-‐81 Nov-‐81 Dec-‐81 Jan-‐82 Feb-‐82 Mar-‐82 Apr-‐82 May-‐82 Jun-‐82 Jul-‐82 Aug-‐82 Sep-‐82 Oct-‐82 Nov-‐82 Dec-‐82 Jan-‐83 Feb-‐83 Mar-‐83
October 2013
3068 3794 3934 4171 3988 4191 4367 4227 4473 4297 4558 4627 4088 4893 4932 5145 4824 5432 5305 5141 5459 5804 5910 5992 5679 6315 6268 6647 6303 6590 6709 6553 6697 6487 6935 7044 6384 7093 6526 6836 7111 7376 7107 7092 7415 6345 6906 7487 6832 7968 7337 7610 7353 8120 8493 8408 8919 8579 9795 9951 9056 10282
ProdOil 20050392 31275382 34280116 35205728 34915139 35832061 36535601 35541940 37382052 36407510 37570709 37950336 31829122 38018820 36738604 38133683 33881254 39892813 40765598 39695161 42552890 45165655 43788415 47337634 44299884 47908745 46411270 47298496 45742874 46941762 47001173 45515357 46230025 43980836 46726125 46909224 42828813 47506626 45677326 46343593 46324475 47107366 47116544 45759305 46889952 45987092 46722187 47945992 43436772 47405155 45760456 47724216 44939084 48027598 47469839 46218858 47835119 45247377 47086153 48235339 43231375 48531983
ProdWater 242 5019 37819 65948 84992 106572 131647 150185 185785 307095 250324 471900 304645 620038 466090 809117 599878 633797 849438 622798 604448 933245 1182619 1445996 1137119 1269707 1206525 1244069 1051036 1029575 1172760 904967 1187679 1052740 1117376 1366413 1226209 1457948 1067027 1366230 1279242 1225527 1054165 1018824 1346339 1069515 1160653 1135320 1415937 1353749 1192709 1174474 1185321 1207254 1063472 931205 1157295 1439266 1916184 2079474 2193357 2652042
ProdGas 15238980 23833624 26603242 26821485 25973158 26870788 27806855 27842688 29934313 29119188 30965333 32284725 28209261 33684278 32340340 33964042 32531531 36931303 38860872 34544208 40134426 44397796 44591994 47787402 45651851 49157032 47740479 50316945 48091772 52595887 50030882 50518681 53247351 48851143 53158139 54428444 47990123 54645191 51987107 56409146 53820172 50191268 51454099 57459930 60328075 53191937 55865257 59777192 54915202 59316303 58441525 62358308 59099282 64314619 66643739 66913139 69561759 66453994 69462615 69399931 59546957 71137805
ProdWells 122 126 144 141 147 149 149 152 153 149 152 156 150 165 172 177 191 189 198 201 205 203 197 205 207 219 219 227 232 225 225 233 238 245 238 244 251 251 244 255 260 261 270 261 275 251 253 257 258 274 291 284 305 314 330 320 327 321 338 358 363 357
NGLeg 21706 37207 41227 36848 39705 41298 35639 38775 38151 37624 42975 38820 36871 37445 31820 29587 35227 41547 41162 43583 38762 50486 79069 64583 48778 27741 27075 27042 27331 28635 36894 45146 0 22370
ProdOil+NGLeg 20050392 31275382 34280116 35205728 34915139 35832061 36535601 35541940 37382052 36407510 37570709 37950336 31829122 38018820 36738604 38133683 33881254 39892813 40765598 39695161 42552890 45165655 43788415 47337634 44299884 47908745 46411270 47298496 45764580 46978969 47042400 45552205 46269730 44022134 46761764 46947999 42866964 47544250 45720301 46382413 46361346 47144811 47148364 45788892 46925179 46028639 46763349 47989575 43475534 47455641 45839525 47788799 44987862 48055339 47496914 46245900 47862450 45276012 47123047 48280485 43231375 48554353
Appendix B – 2 5
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Apr-‐83 May-‐83 Jun-‐83 Jul-‐83 Aug-‐83 Sep-‐83 Oct-‐83 Nov-‐83 Dec-‐83 Jan-‐84 Feb-‐84 Mar-‐84 Apr-‐84 May-‐84 Jun-‐84 Jul-‐84 Aug-‐84 Sep-‐84 Oct-‐84 Nov-‐84 Dec-‐84 Jan-‐85 Feb-‐85 Mar-‐85 Apr-‐85 May-‐85 Jun-‐85 Jul-‐85 Aug-‐85 Sep-‐85 Oct-‐85 Nov-‐85 Dec-‐85 Jan-‐86 Feb-‐86 Mar-‐86 Apr-‐86 May-‐86 Jun-‐86 Jul-‐86 Aug-‐86 Sep-‐86 Oct-‐86 Nov-‐86 Dec-‐86 Jan-‐87 Feb-‐87 Mar-‐87 Apr-‐87 May-‐87 Jun-‐87 Jul-‐87 Aug-‐87 Sep-‐87 Oct-‐87 Nov-‐87 Dec-‐87 Jan-‐88 Feb-‐88 Mar-‐88 Apr-‐88 May-‐88
October 2013
10192 9761 9229 9443 9538 9962 10180 8863 9993 10052 9376 9611 10857 11502 10351 10926 11614 11334 12104 11864 13181 12380 12874 14137 12213 13599 13820 13729 13279 14267 15199 14353 14711 14888 13670 14962 14266 15690 14883 15249 14617 14702 17095 16603 17409 18531 16798 18566 18164 18754 18728 19344 19187 18737 19707 19701 20425 20614 18628 19657 18328 19213
ProdOil 46605041 46006153 45346386 47435840 47296410 46688678 48382906 45921109 47242424 48349907 45078732 42874742 47797604 49362298 44679126 47308872 48383801 47703869 47898608 46820447 45988114 44052760 45333314 49542756 45486904 50197271 48529852 48128294 47216688 47725359 48795594 46037011 48611015 48756336 44593439 47517044 44762013 49374964 46615931 49027112 46931798 44675027 49955391 47048493 45874619 51847411 42287238 50496217 49712907 51033033 47809574 49607120 49788347 47320529 49843957 48848622 49648658 48217307 46181169 50429033 47475534 48585781
ProdWater 2791605 2622726 1204595 1259389 1444481 1673346 2175089 2527517 2715288 2812201 2915415 2632273 3632407 3561463 3558593 2686804 2942853 3818398 3721966 3403452 4539196 4526381 5170988 5663351 4164695 4581467 5388729 5796868 5505737 5696363 6341375 5938422 6993961 8437042 8471265 9912945 7989967 10353824 10394000 11023475 9947672 10105553 11580539 11142306 12689344 14703876 13291430 16171789 16045254 17406575 17543627 18839953 18427886 18211084 18644925 19327781 19519061 20887203 19607275 21825547 18583869 19168880
ProdGas 69193727 66784560 66449481 72369475 69913955 66603083 71009930 66078708 70660135 70630282 65702895 61879561 69445495 73522953 71314214 73288318 72857517 69442535 71634417 70138517 77160712 71118266 72966766 81744402 74638826 79091147 76460611 78891973 75935951 78652553 81132489 81180908 86701696 86169218 81562514 89114675 80593368 86451511 77281511 77406115 70264067 66922615 87805096 87644670 87751094 99929970 91355123 100165396 99629716 109067548 108341527 108519213 107367328 102909213 117592360 120776516 127778425 126843245 112825845 125956342 111849135 127468024
NGLeg 374 394 375 353 374 371 376 366 390 373 378 396 419 443 416 425 445 440 443 458 477 487 495 490 488 497 496 514 518 511 524 528 522 523 519 545 560 573 593 609 607 602 605 630 638 655 652 671 666 671 676 688 702 691 709 719 722 735 716 714 711 723
3164 0 24485 26885 24871 31329 41083 45265 46435 57878 64550 55734 54745 1298 9106 14068 20224 8673 15388 9939 5487 1618 5267 290 16083 11780 426 4021 8970 5 784 1281 5609 55092 15653 7454 880 1287 21635 25808 21947 29464 14156 20697 15745 153851 690287 1147985 526949 1265115 1537536 1561180 1566021 1520199 1664821 1690087 1743855 1717605 1625867 1680521 1350132 1761553
ProdOil+NGLeg 46608205 46006153 45370871 47462725 47321281 46720007 48423989 45966374 47288859 48407785 45143282 42930476 47852349 49363596 44688232 47322940 48404025 47712542 47913996 46830386 45993601 44054378 45338581 49543046 45502987 50209051 48530278 48132315 47225658 47725364 48796378 46038292 48616624 48811428 44609092 47524498 44762893 49376251 46637566 49052920 46953745 44704491 49969547 47069190 45890364 52001262 42977525 51644202 50239856 52298148 49347110 51168300 51354368 48840728 51508778 50538709 51392513 49934912 47807036 52109554 48825666 50347334
Appendix B – 2 6
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Jun-‐88 Jul-‐88 Aug-‐88 Sep-‐88 Oct-‐88 Nov-‐88 Dec-‐88 Jan-‐89 Feb-‐89 Mar-‐89 Apr-‐89 May-‐89 Jun-‐89 Jul-‐89 Aug-‐89 Sep-‐89 Oct-‐89 Nov-‐89 Dec-‐89 Jan-‐90 Feb-‐90 Mar-‐90 Apr-‐90 May-‐90 Jun-‐90 Jul-‐90 Aug-‐90 Sep-‐90 Oct-‐90 Nov-‐90 Dec-‐90 Jan-‐91 Feb-‐91 Mar-‐91 Apr-‐91 May-‐91 Jun-‐91 Jul-‐91 Aug-‐91 Sep-‐91 Oct-‐91 Nov-‐91 Dec-‐91 Jan-‐92 Feb-‐92 Mar-‐92 Apr-‐92 May-‐92 Jun-‐92 Jul-‐92 Aug-‐92 Sep-‐92 Oct-‐92 Nov-‐92 Dec-‐92 Jan-‐93 Feb-‐93 Mar-‐93 Apr-‐93 May-‐93 Jun-‐93 Jul-‐93
October 2013
19081 20095 20423 19983 20655 20083 20942 20898 18876 18905 19791 20515 18948 18774 20235 19608 20842 20405 21276 21698 19197 21992 21125 21566 19017 20637 21203 19550 22235 21248 22266 22362 20279 22690 22239 23037 22361 22691 21974 22556 23697 22698 23172 23670 22844 24547 23478 24186 23529 24249 23922 24557 25378 24244 25464 25548 22952 26125 24881 25278 23012 24238
ProdOil 46526929 47837433 48663236 47358135 48242755 47011048 47979505 46545525 42616862 39804423 43492736 46812393 42504707 39694894 43865551 42192245 43862945 43631061 44654173 43888513 38356514 42371342 41090905 41567079 35513269 38853583 40640204 37080707 43560227 39116281 42770718 43054283 39144435 42747192 39140665 39713418 38477505 40226324 38784041 38920269 41592078 38416263 38498839 39688724 38066537 39955102 37454102 36793398 36276746 36468307 35671962 36123551 36873599 34873310 36859232 35941366 31660796 35312031 33021450 33332069 31087638 30537258
ProdWater 20405951 21526548 22802330 22546831 21791272 22542084 23583845 21820932 20794379 22110041 23656881 25209370 21295746 18933333 23695390 23025246 25579117 25189770 27041019 26897088 24511580 27765090 26743478 27471129 20986715 25686369 26649511 26759588 30542948 27196259 29354619 30480125 28984647 32861585 29270940 31034373 29026797 30506197 26295855 30922752 32798434 30773627 32048145 33758255 33670990 36323056 33443638 33691419 34778269 35722435 34628984 37123999 38255978 36116627 38526281 39284506 34692588 38687577 38597498 40009508 39717384 39487752
ProdGas 120610649 121717735 123776544 125217687 133417280 134483249 135496159 133219375 118501655 115377846 124486419 132888296 123004556 118799952 123885192 121954852 132376594 133781318 139322285 139628999 116707766 136242005 131868969 135776355 124851623 126610885 128311080 116052922 142733253 136443071 153827024 164292186 153134974 169062033 152379513 151681145 153641334 159699859 155565851 149161840 165449542 156729334 162399810 173152056 171645611 180007984 176417434 171662653 164577222 167416985 165613013 175702536 184665873 179454682 195307671 193100364 173499881 195460624 180515045 183111261 165365396 163783676
ProdWells 730 742 730 731 750 743 764 762 764 775 777 746 742 747 746 758 777 758 772 778 768 800 803 799 817 826 855 829 839 861 849 830 827 846 857 859 868 855 869 887 880 886 888 882 881 889 888 890 894 887 907 905 914 916 917 913 919 926 921 924 920 917
NGLeg 1688366 1642957 1701948 1753449 1798817 1765532 1794686 1751039 1548261 1479793 1580589 1813983 1679134 1526506 1640438 1471158 1734818 878017 917416 960647 1473305 1626626 1262440 1685101 1346984 1428037 1535190 1107376 1771970 1485200 1615534 1751713 1720054 1999700 1902815 1950805 1886306 1990636 1777511 1577790 2156285 1959819 1970164 2136284 2042337 2142106 2060527 2147450 2076051 2075830 2089426 2114843 2212659 2096991 2171846 2245080 2078074 2287585 2230354 2229629 2077713 1488654
ProdOil+NGLeg 48215295 49480390 50365184 49111584 50041572 48776580 49774191 48296564 44165123 41284216 45073325 48626376 44183841 41221400 45505989 43663403 45597763 44509078 45571589 44849160 39829819 43997968 42353345 43252180 36860253 40281620 42175394 38188083 45332197 40601481 44386252 44805996 40864489 44746892 41043480 41664223 40363811 42216960 40561552 40498059 43748363 40376082 40469003 41825008 40108874 42097208 39514629 38940848 38352797 38544137 37761388 38238394 39086258 36970301 39031078 38186446 33738870 37599616 35251804 35561698 33165351 32025912
Appendix B – 2 7
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Aug-‐93 Sep-‐93 Oct-‐93 Nov-‐93 Dec-‐93 Jan-‐94 Feb-‐94 Mar-‐94 Apr-‐94 May-‐94 Jun-‐94 Jul-‐94 Aug-‐94 Sep-‐94 Oct-‐94 Nov-‐94 Dec-‐94 Jan-‐95 Feb-‐95 Mar-‐95 Apr-‐95 May-‐95 Jun-‐95 Jul-‐95 Aug-‐95 Sep-‐95 Oct-‐95 Nov-‐95 Dec-‐95 Jan-‐96 Feb-‐96 Mar-‐96 Apr-‐96 May-‐96 Jun-‐96 Jul-‐96 Aug-‐96 Sep-‐96 Oct-‐96 Nov-‐96 Dec-‐96 Jan-‐97 Feb-‐97 Mar-‐97 Apr-‐97 May-‐97 Jun-‐97 Jul-‐97 Aug-‐97 Sep-‐97 Oct-‐97 Nov-‐97 Dec-‐97 Jan-‐98 Feb-‐98 Mar-‐98 Apr-‐98 May-‐98 Jun-‐98 Jul-‐98 Aug-‐98 Sep-‐98
October 2013
24971 24040 25380 24609 25766 25482 22394 25011 24468 25056 22571 23461 23842 23180 25521 24679 25845 25400 22974 24831 24115 25143 23986 23799 24138 22904 24780 23919 24978 25136 23640 25274 23524 22907 23196 23229 22439 23287 23973 23782 24734 24736 22465 24108 23682 24132 23272 23261 23088 22657 23422 23402 24786 23610 21856 23743 22219 22631 22264 22900 22865 20994
ProdOil 32567318 30488509 35487957 36206915 37325860 36839786 31862098 34959339 31887603 34243175 31401333 32253654 32317558 31669288 35063750 32491467 35656882 34609776 30701010 32535317 31660229 33095085 30963980 29972880 30862153 28509222 31884223 30723873 31698522 31181337 30039425 32020538 29062707 28539984 29575754 28735651 28419465 28984608 30078055 29369068 29981667 29585381 26802613 28044779 27458949 27827447 26392348 26423807 25397040 26112588 26988456 26134028 27337727 25324963 23209464 25074475 24142375 23987090 22378497 23372049 22894708 20987298
ProdWater 41368386 36568648 39785235 36430972 38423367 38691194 33959058 37884401 33797690 38353560 35870108 35703200 37928978 36790985 39861499 36659068 40325260 41092903 36713721 42102163 37274148 40234746 38431180 38522001 40686939 34012005 40244232 35676471 38270796 38880313 38256543 42476440 39669895 36077683 40103196 39598858 37529224 40599364 40757673 41167067 41416354 42344469 38403762 42352824 41435233 43259674 41816801 40568144 38780786 39661784 39057004 39440192 42132953 41465192 37274579 38597498 37943493 33846153 37355059 40255112 38761740 35618780
ProdGas 179173877 172234661 204269363 216051666 228209660 229146852 201175514 222460540 199157774 209560664 188181005 194472460 192970065 188556190 234007501 230012138 259173534 253199814 232025369 241308012 232089479 241081951 224794414 220013461 228344646 218934634 245764616 249715686 267357918 256275776 243961346 259170534 236594134 216129277 224103551 221599718 229195839 234920052 252600155 250183268 261453922 260943643 240838092 251797984 246438323 247032533 231758095 228924388 215637114 229677440 250129614 246437507 268378583 263554906 233568176 250527441 240946396 251240516 231734606 229019582 228054769 212438165
ProdWells 912 925 940 934 928 903 923 926 932 935 924 927 914 935 933 946 952 938 927 923 934 924 922 900 910 935 918 913 913 945 936 955 925 924 923 949 948 931 942 940 931 940 935 935 940 928 931 932 956 961 953 946 948 928 928 940 946 954 937 911 933 935
NGLeg 2190215 1969818 2152082 2159839 2162364 2184022 1925875 1990725 1771766 2099241 1968971 1969223 1994086 2035466 1934020 2141757 2367122 2367569 2162028 2330463 2275827 2406745 2262719 2125010 2471210 2250025 2519993 2665147 2591130 2691244 2699401 2901933 2654695 2358805 2423883 2339120 2423295 2726804 2954213 2931563 3078519 3056952 2861074 2907293 2807692 2769800 2497501 2605061 2416280 2627749 2811257 2797220 3042799 2918703 2638714 2808594 2737325 2792801 2523191 2466648 2510823 2442507
ProdOil+NGLeg 34757533 32458327 37640039 38366754 39488224 39023808 33787973 36950064 33659369 36342416 33370304 34222877 34311644 33704754 36997770 34633224 38024004 36977345 32863038 34865780 33936056 35501830 33226699 32097890 33333363 30759247 34404216 33389020 34289652 33872581 32738826 34922471 31717402 30898789 31999637 31074771 30842760 31711412 33032268 32300631 33060186 32642333 29663687 30952072 30266641 30597247 28889849 29028868 27813320 28740337 29799713 28931248 30380526 28243666 25848178 27883069 26879700 26779891 24901688 25838697 25405531 23429805
Appendix B – 2 8
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Oct-‐98 Nov-‐98 Dec-‐98 Jan-‐99 Feb-‐99 Mar-‐99 Apr-‐99 May-‐99 Jun-‐99 Jul-‐99 Aug-‐99 Sep-‐99 Oct-‐99 Nov-‐99 Dec-‐99 Jan-‐00 Feb-‐00 Mar-‐00 Apr-‐00 May-‐00 Jun-‐00 Jul-‐00 Aug-‐00 Sep-‐00 Oct-‐00 Nov-‐00 Dec-‐00 Jan-‐01 Feb-‐01 Mar-‐01 Apr-‐01 May-‐01 Jun-‐01 Jul-‐01 Aug-‐01 Sep-‐01 Oct-‐01 Nov-‐01 Dec-‐01 Jan-‐02 Feb-‐02 Mar-‐02 Apr-‐02 May-‐02 Jun-‐02 Jul-‐02 Aug-‐02 Sep-‐02 Oct-‐02 Nov-‐02 Dec-‐02 Jan-‐03 Feb-‐03 Mar-‐03 Apr-‐03 May-‐03 Jun-‐03 Jul-‐03 Aug-‐03 Sep-‐03 Oct-‐03 Nov-‐03
October 2013
24170 22941 24257 24013 21376 23963 22762 23670 21107 21004 22602 20203 24181 23414 24939 24673 23092 24728 23721 23819 22201 22751 23231 22244 24768 24134 25014 24845 22519 25609 24620 24215 21923 22480 22530 20225 21465 24042 25314 24916 22619 24383 23654 23611 22344 21203 21751 18450 22664 20766 23762 23087 21355 23703 21972 21844 20988 22203 21823 21436 22707 22420
ProdOil 24492428 22939541 23834220 23497800 19920302 22534396 20091987 21244394 17733092 18868267 19725169 17211924 21058705 19245056 20961628 20407834 19003496 20100583 19305589 18939071 17494923 17767108 17739630 16710326 19074973 18437718 18871067 18140621 16192898 18543614 17210377 17084439 15832686 15858522 16167301 14603701 14981628 17173978 17971760 17535604 15935084 17409470 16456126 17018762 16224464 14787021 15172645 13165049 15711026 13835730 16207353 15966385 14796402 16434881 14876467 15098632 14770418 15006078 14534598 14181383 15120985 14722300
ProdWater 42126169 39995864 40683904 39556490 34847004 40440245 37554180 41883061 34946514 34076718 40137760 35945449 42370606 38461379 43606716 43507103 39988148 42120191 40951620 42195859 39484091 39737891 40728828 35947857 42239941 39731888 40734000 42158373 36618636 41727007 40730890 39865999 31516410 33812937 35769220 30449165 34291239 40556667 43452378 41717010 38111283 42357051 39437815 39458135 38204002 37373415 36385290 31762225 38783471 35141086 41896260 41022412 36636770 39452484 36617533 33555595 36681072 38932809 36764239 37591962 39133935 39291824
ProdGas 252695010 252724867 268483425 272606493 234591309 268388962 236037650 246392829 203043987 222215731 220675836 200114027 260979408 242050632 277678386 276107172 259230537 275279992 263537072 257488530 229421229 229827573 232582758 226544335 263200132 260182624 272014039 259111168 234775246 277180433 248674298 240456278 225250737 223884307 230671526 213035107 213348488 262117296 271322867 262764795 247673277 267509200 250148084 250599584 233836232 210209594 229041217 213717217 251194546 229820160 274192816 269267112 252348385 275595593 246213431 237344895 233475914 223541176 237614147 233849103 250637053 251223256
ProdWells 957 914 918 890 908 909 904 913 894 922 900 900 933 907 924 920 916 918 920 912 906 882 910 906 936 934 921 937 930 938 959 943 895 904 914 896 896 929 925 934 911 927 942 930 919 892 924 898 880 885 890 876 853 884 875 890 887 877 893 844 861 866
NGLeg 2898234 2818171 2901540 2889252 2448471 2596760 2600455 2762916 2340765 2219677 2400791 2176326 2825190 2602473 2915933 2885811 2693814 2836287 2743814 2746290 2410461 2331368 2440271 2301352 2735796 2696140 2754357 2591794 2341457 2738619 2486915 2503194 2212339 2202383 2320898 2055324 2144451 2551179 2721444 2599831 2449931 2655378 2432988 2443131 2257856 1942328 2109743 1912510 2169589 2082942 2594201 2542007 2322117 2509351 2262885 2184893 2054100 1845635 1856514 1832949 1712730 2294577
ProdOil+NGLeg 27390662 25757712 26735760 26387052 22368773 25131156 22692442 24007310 20073857 21087944 22125960 19388250 23883895 21847529 23877561 23293645 21697310 22936870 22049403 21685361 19905384 20098476 20179901 19011678 21810769 21133858 21625424 20732415 18534355 21282233 19697292 19587633 18045025 18060905 18488199 16659025 17126079 19725157 20693204 20135435 18385015 20064848 18889114 19461893 18482320 16729349 17282388 15077559 17880615 15918672 18801554 18508392 17118519 18944232 17139352 17283525 16824518 16851713 16391112 16014332 16833715 17016877
Appendix B – 2 9
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Dec-‐03 Jan-‐04 Feb-‐04 Mar-‐04 Apr-‐04 May-‐04 Jun-‐04 Jul-‐04 Aug-‐04 Sep-‐04 Oct-‐04 Nov-‐04 Dec-‐04 Jan-‐05 Feb-‐05 Mar-‐05 Apr-‐05 May-‐05 Jun-‐05 Jul-‐05 Aug-‐05 Sep-‐05 Oct-‐05 Nov-‐05 Dec-‐05 Jan-‐06 Feb-‐06 Mar-‐06 Apr-‐06 May-‐06 Jun-‐06 Jul-‐06 Aug-‐06 Sep-‐06 Oct-‐06 Nov-‐06 Dec-‐06 Jan-‐07 Feb-‐07 Mar-‐07 Apr-‐07 May-‐07 Jun-‐07 Jul-‐07 Aug-‐07 Sep-‐07 Oct-‐07 Nov-‐07 Dec-‐07 Jan-‐08 Feb-‐08 Mar-‐08 Apr-‐08 May-‐08 Jun-‐08 Jul-‐08 Aug-‐08 Sep-‐08 Oct-‐08 Nov-‐08 Dec-‐08 Jan-‐09
October 2013
ProdOil 15635286 15307679 14247110 15426799 14583506 14503276 13453710 12715740 10844956 11687123 13976487 13971526 14295630 14012960 12774909 14164351 13041146 13456347 11979474 11659294 12399030 11427116 12960797 12866552 12370228 12490994 11131691 10011151 10926492 11420041 10727705 9351475 5997192 7361368 9580189 9049494 11648727 11270358 10373234 11275457 10283886 10968134 9510525 10227827 9689032 8042604 10151104 11072994 11403166 11057869 10376272 11403153 10442829 10163414 9266552 9311572 8405113 10042739 11033143 11073763 11101206 10668702
ProdWater 41694980 41754815 37935568 40778023 41522214 42615930 40677401 38799843 34631832 37804688 44439012 43876956 44518142 45278788 40020014 45295593 43236628 46407894 40124364 40331970 42974144 38982769 38736301 38027892 37752948 37268513 34523253 29776828 32426120 35691457 36392028 27969468 14544489 15768986 22556100 28840480 34297733 34759575 32309568 36169909 34157330 36110260 33942627 35111718 23678076 26107401 34385580 37623681 37102379 38069612 36442178 40392086 37506328 36766876 30951432 30589161 30076848 33738980 36562717 38450808 39332066 37607705
ProdGas 278160544 279146397 264825744 283089219 261568282 260553782 226043976 217078872 213037113 225822320 256911215 267775264 279953097 273696350 252637238 276414589 249016574 255524379 224161989 219016473 228799463 232281970 254117632 267342595 253583669 259080522 234156721 257379783 250746636 246645524 218168149 200413536 117180947 129142387 209984339 197243774 261707370 259744101 241228883 267289231 240657377 252478357 195149007 218521703 217583225 210547796 244735868 249511994 267115873 271547645 248530435 268279607 233239661 225660669 207448363 197337035 171351067 219473441 245637355 254993003 258531957 249510733
ProdWells 843 855 842 861 863 870 854 853 847 854 846 841 828 823 847 824 860 840 857 892 842 866 831 783 769 758 759 773 749 780 745 723 692 612 749 723 755 734 748 720 755 764 756 752 726 741 699 751 752 761 772 756 763 743 770 754 780 805 760 785 778 765
NGLeg 2592357 2466164 2399954 2583212 2429232 2383097 1993358 1868051 1633901 1940933 2293151 2400165 2399403 2449368 2230819 2082880 1463199 1658301 1557022 1478832 1851492 1821580 2124086 1849742 2065027 2230548 2035076 2078893 1962316 1969011 1775264 1507211 814088 902519 1240762 1517358 2147058 2123869 1957199 2103826 1867307 1905330 1469043 1569362 1417960 1489250 1794208 1925216 1962706 1954323 1828105 1706381 1805507 1646284 1409535 989081 1199363 1678223 1858004 1907058 2016847 1890864
ProdOil+NGLeg 18227643 17773843 16647064 18010011 17012738 16886373 15447068 14583791 12478857 13628056 16269638 16371691 16695033 16462328 15005728 16247231 14504345 15114648 13536496 13138126 14250522 13248696 15084883 14716294 14435255 14721542 13166767 12090044 12888808 13389052 12502969 10858686 6811280 8263887 10820951 10566852 13795785 13394227 12330433 13379283 12151193 12873464 10979568 11797189 11106992 9531854 11945312 12998210 13365872 13012192 12204377 13109534 12248336 11809698 10676087 10300653 9604476 11720962 12891147 12980821 13118053 12559566
Appendix B – 3 0
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
RptDate Feb-‐09 Mar-‐09 Apr-‐09 May-‐09 Jun-‐09 Jul-‐09 Aug-‐09 Sep-‐09 Oct-‐09 Nov-‐09 Dec-‐09 Jan-‐10 Feb-‐10 Mar-‐10 Apr-‐10 May-‐10 Jun-‐10 Jul-‐10 Aug-‐10 Sep-‐10 Oct-‐10 Nov-‐10 Dec-‐10 Jan-‐11 Feb-‐11 Mar-‐11 Apr-‐11 May-‐11 Jun-‐11 Jul-‐11
ProdOil 10140390 11385399 9674340 10906509 7567867 8077560 7770093 10225184 10678209 10393397 10671659 10280880 9263893 10631949 9916316 8931768 7556847 7846220 7893430 9431457 10061502 9664433 10157314 7303647 9180641 10077026 9739900 9282592 8670641 6047193
ProdWater 36715515 37286114 33441146 38809679 28288700 16512142 21163003 35754414 39536508 37789415 42745598 39107109 31642733 35652182 35406099 31982293 24614281 28103050 25869492 32366474 37325848 37821304 37750269 29247788 36400019 40340114 39251136 37594844 28825688 23603515
ProdGas 246604135 268418227 240553144 239961162 207683336 206013339 171013610 220389141 229498788 236445726 232873952 237709182 228149849 258068910 227179776 203826214 186977690 163379930 167832655 218971978 243183875 239568017 263934192 194022302 226752922 252937084 238633682 221274231 216042670 150434343
NGLeg 1900763 2082095 1416771 1761671 1456709 1276946 316256 1608205 1637011 1827141 1892419 1879530 1684988 1891563 856647 1557627 1364557 567012 638415 1330241 1835608 1790045 1976789 1102062 1624977 1772068 1713103 1578879 1468847 956202
ProdOil+NGLeg 12041153 13467494 11091111 12668180 9024576 9354506 8086349 11833389 12315220 12220538 12564078 12160410 10948881 12523512 10772963 10489395 8921404 8413232 8531845 10761698 11897110 11454478 12134103 8405709 10805618 11849094 11453003 10861471 10139488 7003395
2 7 9 10 10 11 12
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
779 786 799 802 837 786 644 813 813 812 777 769 751 794 759 757 737 698 748 810 786 768 794 784 798 831 804 780 787 744
Table B.8: Nikaitchuq
RptDate Jan-‐11 Feb-‐11 Mar-‐11 Apr-‐11 May-‐11 Jun-‐11 Jul-‐11
700 126221 193251 151850 200708 191245 210698
5226 990 13894 30355 36977 27816 39973
151 13823 29676 28716 26861 28176 30986
Table B.9: Oooguruk
DaysProd Jan-‐04 Feb-‐04 Mar-‐04 Apr-‐04 May-‐04 Jun-‐04 Jul-‐04 Aug-‐04 Sep-‐04 Oct-‐04 Nov-‐04 Dec-‐04 Jan-‐05 Feb-‐05 Mar-‐05
October 2013
ProdOil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ProdWells 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Appendix B – 3 1
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
DaysProd Apr-‐05 May-‐05 Jun-‐05 Jul-‐05 Aug-‐05 Sep-‐05 Oct-‐05 Nov-‐05 Dec-‐05 Jan-‐06 Feb-‐06 Mar-‐06 Apr-‐06 May-‐06 Jun-‐06 Jul-‐06 Aug-‐06 Sep-‐06 Oct-‐06 Nov-‐06 Dec-‐06 Jan-‐07 Feb-‐07 Mar-‐07 Apr-‐07 May-‐07 Jun-‐07 Jul-‐07 Aug-‐07 Sep-‐07 Oct-‐07 Nov-‐07 Dec-‐07 Jan-‐08 Feb-‐08 Mar-‐08 Apr-‐08 May-‐08 Jun-‐08 Jul-‐08 Aug-‐08 Sep-‐08 Oct-‐08 Nov-‐08 Dec-‐08 Jan-‐09 Feb-‐09 Mar-‐09 Apr-‐09 May-‐09 Jun-‐09 Jul-‐09 Aug-‐09 Sep-‐09 Oct-‐09 Nov-‐09 Dec-‐09 Jan-‐10 Feb-‐10 Mar-‐10 Apr-‐10 May-‐10
ProdOil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
October 2013
ProdWater 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63102 37055 0 48643 159057 169284 194209 183983 215327 169840 125240 167186 210633 261907 268288 290239 265829 263604 284007 274525 264689 319606 361394 263091
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1495 473 0 2350 2060 396 5214 7629 6719 751 525 74 1193 111 1588 1069 351 0 437 3268 4935 15161 2751 3724
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35753 16350 0 26700 82437 90727 132509 128458 174257 104031 135709 122613 138737 161530 143560 164108 163207 176540 191931 144679 193073 231844 295277 160556
ProdWells 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 2 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 6 6 7 8 7
Appendix B – 3 2
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
RptDate Jun-‐10 Jul-‐10 Aug-‐10 Sep-‐10 Oct-‐10 Nov-‐10 Dec-‐10 Jan-‐11 Feb-‐11 Mar-‐11 Apr-‐11 May-‐11 Jun-‐11 Jul-‐11
October 2013
ProdWater 312727 363330 297798 380768 331529 268271 282905 217300 238732 226253 243463 252159 234755 218365
2541 4605 19145 42359 47754 54269 78676 77196 90465 68855 132024 112808 118584 140529
ProdGas 212737 272307 228555 285162 278197 229273 215919 166803 177179 188208 252298 286920 316556 328019
ProdWells 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15
Appendix B – 3 3
OIL SPILL OCCURRENCE RATES for Alaska North Slope Crude & Refined Oil Spills
October 2013
Appendix B – 3 4