boys' cotton ribbed sox sizes 9 to 11 \h. pair 69
lerold Srotesmon, Yonkers, N.Y., Thurs., Moy 14, 1959
CELEBRATING ARMED FORCES WEEK . . • sit in a real_ F-94 jet airplane . . . J M Huge
has long been at odds with the regular organization and Mayor Joseph P. Vaccarelia. Vaecarella has not yet anIOUNT VERNON— nounced whether he intends to seek Harry Zimmerman, former cor- another term and there have been oration counsel, was recommend- reports that he had told friends i this week for the Democratic he might not. omination for mayor, by the club padeH hv Anthonv D P KSSO. who Ruv United States Savings Bonds
It. Vernon Democrats ielect Zimmerman
Strategic Army Corps exhibit . . . meet members of "the "Screaming Eagles"
Airbourne Division of Bastogne fame . . . test your driving skill during Wanamaker-Yonkert Jaycee
SHOW . . . all
before they're off to camp, check off
don't just treat Poison Ivy-
WESTCHESTER • i««Km NMITWUT tTItt s i t u ii w r tirrti, TIMIM
for Wanamaker
NOW! proven immunity in safe easy-to-take tablet form! 100 TABLETS $495
MIFFED MOTORIST Mrs. Linda Demartini peers into her car in San Fransisco after a swarm of bees decided to take over. Mrs. Demartini had called police .ind fire departments—hut
available at better Druggists throughout Westchester
'mm •
no help came. It took Barney Peterson, San Francisco Chronicle photographer, to come to the rescue Peterson borrowed a sauce pan. filled it with damp news-
Annual Spring Concert Shows Talents Of 400 e
\ . MrCifc .•
CHEMICAL COMPANY, INC. Dcpt Nl, Box 1306, New York 17, N. Y.
About 400 hoys and girls in the school's glee club5;, choral group, choir, orchestra, band and twirlers and dance groups took part in the annual spring concert of the music d°partment nf Hawthorne Junior High School on Hawthorne Ave. Dr. William J. Shimmon. principal, welcomed the 1.000 guests. Miss Lila Mansdorf, music
teacher, was a soloist acmmpanipd by Michael Ofichello of the faculty. Student soloists included Judy MaJangone. William Quackenbush, David McKay, Robert Rayow, Randy Reich, Richard Woodrow and Francine Kirschner. The "Hawthorne Dixieland Band" featured Barton Tunick, Michael
papers, ignited the mass and shoved it into the car. The smoke knocked out most e>f the bees, but he followed up with a broom and a bug bomb. He also made this picture—AP Wirephoto Lawrence, Edward Controne, Marilyn- Hirschhorn, Robert Tauber. Joyce Pavese, and Jeanette Coyne. Accompanists were Marilyn Hirschhorn. Helene Hollander. Gail Greiner, Robin Kinoy, Linda Rosen wasser, Richard Woodrow, and Hale 7,eidman. Mrs. Lucille Alexander and Miss Mansdorf were in charge of the vocal groups and Fred Krell. instrumental groups. Mrs. Helen Graves and .Mrs. Heda Schwartz of the art department supervised construction of stage sets. The lighting and stage crews included Peter Jarvis, Michael Forastiere. Henry Roth, Alan Mauskopf, Jay Davis, Edward Oleski. Neil Weil. Robert Petrie, Kenneth Maser, Richard Ribner, James Volpicelli and Carl Baird.
from our Wanamaker children's fashions, second level: 4
g i r l s ' C r e W n e c k p o l O s h i r t s ; 7 *o 14, red, navy, maiie; also white.
boys' underwear, sizes 6 to 20 briefs
g i r l s ' C O t t O n g a b a r d i n e s h o r t s ; 7 to U ; brown, navy, green, red; also white.
b o y s ' C r e w n e c k p o l o S ; 6 to 20; navy, maire, grey; also white.
g i r l s ' B e r m u d a s ; wash'n wear; 7 to 14; zipper fly, side pockets; sand, black.
boys' 11 Vi oz. denim dungarees; biueoniy;sizes6toi6.
g i r l s ' d u n g a r e e s ; 7 to 14; Sonforized; blue only.
b o y s ' h o o d e d S w e a t s h i r t s : 6to 12,14 to 20, grey, red, white. 1
Hurt In Fall, Rider Loses $18,000 Suit
is for Edsel and Economy...
priced right down with Plymouth, Chevrolet, and Ford. It's the king-size
in the low-price field.
is for Edsel and Engines...
two V-8's
WHITE PLAINS— A girl injured in a fall from a horse lost her suit for $18,000 in Supreme Court this week. Justice Elbert T. Gallagher dismissed the action against the Board of Education of Union Free School District 1 of Mamaroneek Town and Charles L. Warren, principal of" the Mamaroneek Avenue School. The iury returned a 10-to-2 verdict in favor of John C. Napolitano, owner of the Remuda Stables. Brenda Bertole, seventeen, of Larchmont Acres, fell from a horse on Aug. 5, 1954, during a recreation program sponsored by the school board and in charge of Warren.
and they all run best on regular gas.
MORNINGS: Mon. thru Sat.
, wall-to-wall
carpeting - that you pay nothing extra for.
Heodlinei News
New* Headlines News Headlines News Headlines.
News Headlines. News Headlines. News ,
is for Edsel and Edsel is for you
6:00 6:30 6:55 7:30 7:45 8:30 8:55 , 9:30 . 9:55 10:30 .10:55 11:30 11:55
AFTERNOONS! Headlines News Headlines News Headl ines News Headlines News Headlines News Headlines. News
12:30 12:45 . 1:30 . 1:55 , 2:30
2:55 , 3:30 . 3:55 4:30 . 4:55 5:30 . 5:45
EVENINGS: , 6:30 Headlines News • . 6:55 Headlines. . 7:30 News . 7:55 Headlines . 8:30 News 8:45 10:00 News 10:30 Headlines 10:55 News 11:30 Headlines. 11:55 News SUNDAYS: News at 9:55, 10:55A.M. 12:55 1:55, 5:55; 6:55, 7:55, 8:55, 10:00, 10:55, and 11:55 P.M.
boys'T-shirts, size 6 to 20
g i r l s ' t a n k S W i m SUitS red or royal blue; 7 to 14.
boys' crew neck sweat shirts 6 to 12; 14 to 20.
Q girls'slim jims, wash'n wear, 7 to 14; sand color polished cotton.
boys'cotton flannel pajamasj 6 to 18; assorted paiierns.
g i r l s ' C O t t o n S w e a t s h i r t s ; 7 to 14, double-fleeced; with or without hoods.
boys' terry cloth robes; blue or white; 6 to 12; 14 to 20.
g i r l s ' C a m p S O X ; 8 ' A t o l l ; ribbed combed cotton; reinforced heel, toe.
b o y s ' r u b b e r r a i n c o a t s ; 6 to 16; hats to match; maize, charcoal, also white.
girls'flannel pajamas; 4 to 14; solids, florals, prints.
b o y s ' S W e a t SOX; 9 to 12; blend of 60% wool, 40% nylon stretch.
g i r l s ' " s a v a - W a v e " S W i m C a p s famous make; white only.
boys' cotton ribbed sox sizes 9 to 11 \h.
g i r l s ' U n d e r w e a r 6 to teen 16; white, pastels, famous make undershirts, panties. 6 9
b o y s ' W a s h ' n W e a r COtton s l a c k s 6 to 18. Sanforized; natural, blue; black.
6.98-7.98 pCHT 6 9 *
2.98 pair*!
1 .39
pair 69< c
see these Wanamaker children's shoes, second level:
is for Edsel and Extras...
and Headlines
and a thrifty Six
like foam rubber cushions
I .49
Macy Westchester Group ( Newspapers
children's canvas Oxfords; red, navy; small 5 to 3.
pair, 2 . 9 9
girls' canvas Oxfords; white; chino; 4}£ to 8.
pair 3 . 9 5
boys' suction-cup hi-top sneakers, small 11 to large 6
pair 4 . 7 5
girls' white camp moccasins, 4 to 8.
pair 3 . 9 9
boys' black camp moccasins; 1 V£ to 6.
pair 3 . 9 9
b o y s ' S t O r m r u b b e r s ; priced occoringfo size.
pair 3 . 2 5 - 3 . 7 5
[J boys', girls'rubber boots; pr.ced occordmg to size.
pair 4 . 2 5 - 6 . 9 5
send them with a good supply of Wanamaker linens, first level: n
SALE! Our own Atkins Leader pillows put them in a deep sleep! Docron, they stand up to comp wear beautifully! Crisp blue and white woven itripe tickingi resilient, soft, nonallergenk; 20x26 inches; regularly 4.98. HOW 3 9 9
T o w e U , t o w e l s a n d m o r e t o w e l s ! A "must" at camp . . . more than you ever planned on, they II use . . . so be prepared . . . stock up now with a good supplyl We have colored or white ones, all with checkered borders, in ' Wondosoft Finish", yorn dyed. 20x40 inches» turquoise, pink, yellow, green; also white with block checkered borders; fe^ f o w « | , 9