Market Bas- ket officials, this week donated to fhe Geneva Nature* Museum. 3S heads of game garnered in the 1936 and 194
Nathan T. Cole To Retire As CGW Traffic Head
March Of Dimes Drive Lacks $656 In Meeting Amount Raised In 1946; Yearly Totals Seen Getting Lower
Nathan T. Cole, who has headed the Corning Glass Works Traffic Department for the past 30 years, has retired under the company's retirement plan, it has been announced.
hand bulbs at B and C Factories. He has been a Main Plant worker during his entire employment with the company, with the exception of two brief periods during which he worked at the WelLsboro, ^ V a n t From 1930 to 1940 he
Two other retirements announced by the firm are those of Hialmar Tuovinen. an employe .since April. 1910. and Fred Dutcher. who joined the company sever*] years ago. Mr. Cole has been succeeded bv James A Green of 61 West Fourth Street, who has been as-. served plant cleaner, returnedas toa production work but in
THE WEATHER High 38 at i o'clock. L o w 30 at 8 o'clock.
Temperature at noon today 35. Temperature at noon yesterday 3o. Today Vesterdcy 1 p. m. 38 1 a. in. 33 2 p. m. 36 2 a in. 32 3 p. ni. 31) 3 a. m. 31 4 p. m. 3ii 4 a. m. 31 5 p. in. 36 5 a. in. 31 ti p. rn. 3ti 6 a. in. 31 7 p. m. 35 7 a. m. 31
A dangerous trend in the yearly results of the Corning March of Dimes campaign is seen once again this year by officials here, in reporting that semi-final accounting shows a net of but $3,430 for 1948 This is a drop of $656 over the $4,086 total in 1947. The 1946 collection for Corning was $5,H3 and in 1945, it was very high at $8,962.57 Corning thus becomes one of few communities in the Southern Tier to show a drop over last year, despite the fact that benefits coming into the immediate area were greatest in years. Painted Post exceeded its quota by better than $200. and Elmira went over the top by several thousand dollars. Treasurer Fred Youngstrom reported a $25 donation by Corning Loyal Order of Moose, in winding up the campaign.
Scout Paper Pickup Education Satire Play Presented At Set For Saturday Bath may boast of being the best lighted village in thee* PPHS Assemblies ably parts, but Painted Post is probone of the cleanest vil-
The Junior High School, un- lages, thanks to its monthly der the direction of Mrs. Neil pickups and the periodical waste McNulty, presented a humorous paper and magazine pickup satire on the old-time country campaigns of Boy Scout Troop jler at B and C Factory. school in the Painted Post School was stated. 29 8 p. m. 34 8 a. m, 30 Dutcher joined Corning assemblies today. Mr. Cole was born in Corn- G i a s Mr. The Scout drives were only s W o r k s M a photographer 9 p. m. 34 !i a. m. 31 The object of the presenta recently revived alter an early Intr and received his education m t h e personnel Department. He 10 p. tn. 34 10 a. m. 32 tion was to prove no attempt post war let clown of waste paper at Northslde High School. After w a s transferred from this post 11 p. m. 34 11 a. rn. 33 was made to make learning in- resale value but with all probeing graduated in 1P00. he join- t i o n t o A P a c t o r v w h e r e he 12 midnight 34 12 noon 35 teresting and therefore many ceeds now going toward payed Corning Glass Works, serving WO rked as a grinder and rougher Sun-sets today 5:47 p. m. were the pranks played on the ment of Scouts' Camp Gorton in various production jobs at i n P y r e x Finishing. Since 1942. Sun rises tomorrow 6:38 a. m. teacher. Mary Ann Longweil expenses this Summer, there's Main riant.