Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski - Fulton History

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room with a fireplace and two other sleeping- rooms on the second floor. The bath Is finished In .... M. A. Wheeler made
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SYKACD8B AMBBICAN—A Paper lot People Who Think— SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 1928





Denison Buys Gifford Manor Home

[Crossword for All Puzzle Fans

New Owners for These Homes i


UP TO DATE Velasko Rd. Property Near Bellevue Club Changes Hands Through Ketcham

English House Is One of Four Designed by Conttructer at Entranoe of Tract


Through the office of the Ketcham Realty Company, Inc., H. E. Hessier, president of the H. E. Hessier Company, sold his one-family residence at 521 Velasko rd. Thomas H. Muldoon, electrical contractor and dealer in radio supplies, w a s the purchaser. The house i s on a large lot within a short distance of the Bellevue Country Club. The er exterior is of clapboard w ; Creo-dlpt shingles to second floor. There are three large living rooms, a master bedroom, t w o guest chambers and bath. Interior trim i s of gumwood with oak floors throughout and there i s a one-car garage on the property. Mr. Muldoon will take possession immediately. S. C. Alden, local manager of the White Sewing Machine Company and district agent representing the White Sewing Machine Company throughout entire Central New York territory, purchased through the Ketcham Company, the one-family residence a t 142 Brampton rd., a few doors from S. Salina s t The house i s not yet completed. The mortgage department of t h e Ketcham Realty Company, Inc., completed negotiations for a large loan on the property of Joseph Rinaldi, located a t 1180 Wolf s t Mr. Rlnaldi recently purchased the property and has built a large brick building containing four stores with several apartments above. For C, B. Warren o f D e y Brothers & Co., t h e Ketcham Co. office negotiated a lease with J. W. Van Derveer on t h e lower apartment a t $16 Fellows av. Mr. Van Derveer will occupy the apartment after April 1. A lease w a s also negotiated for Frank J. Ford, local attorney, on the residential property a t 419 Midland av. D. R. White will occupy the property.

Built-in Garage, Electrically Controlled Range, Specially Light Showers Features The Pattison Construction Corporation has gold to Henry Denison the beautiful English home at 74 Genesee Parkway, Gifford Manor. The exterior of this house Is of matched brick with the typical English gabled roof overhead. One of the novel features is the built-in garage, entered from the front of the home. The downstairs Is laid o u t with U r g e rooms, and there la a beautiful tiled hallway with stairs leadIn* t o t h e second floor, and a balcony overlooklng the main entrance. T h e kitchen contains many built-in features such a s Walker dishwasher •ink. electrically controlled heating range. Kelvlnator and built-in cabinets. There i s a master bedroom with a fireplace and two other sleeping- rooms on the second floor. T h e bath Is finished In beautifully shaded tile w i t h pedestal lavatory a n d built-In tub. A novel feature of t h e bath room Is a built-in shower which Is lighted separately overhead, There i s also a finished maid's room and hath In the noma, T h i s house, purchased b y Mr: Denison, Is one of t h e tour which w a s designed b y M. M. Pattison a t t h e first entrance of Gifford Manor, and built,by the Pattison ConstrueHon Corporation. Mr. Denison purchases l o r « home and will take ton in the near future. . . .

77—rest ACROSS. 78—detestem money 1—removed HOUSES SOLI>Fellowi av., upper left, to Robert B; Horsburg for John 79—compan72—before hair from ions Schott by Van Dyke, and H6 Garfield pi., t o William J. Knight for C. Arthur Shaw by Christ 80—mother