Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski - Fulton History

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-neer.was-graduated from Syracuse. University. No date ... Miss Miller is a graduate of Max- well Training School. ... B


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EXGL^ NfiW YOM, SW^mM,'FE&Rtr&RT Hj 1932

any Parties Qiven in Connection With St Valentines and Leap Year Miss Irene Louisa Muller Engaged to R> E> Schwarting; Milleriehnert Engagement

Y. W. C. A. Qirl Reserves


The • Girl Reserve Committee of viewed several plays for the grourj the International Institute enter- at their last meeting. The Wide tained the Girl Reserves of the Awake Pals have decided to give Institute with a Valentine party a "Colonial Day Party" Feb. 27 yesterday afternoon. The program from 4 io 7. Their last meeting was included a song f est, a puppet show, spent In learning . old-fashioned Mr. and Mrs. Fred Muller of 915 brother's best man and the ushers a magic show and moving pictures. dances which they Intend to include E. 38th St. announce the engage- will include Irving G. Kosch, Frank Mrs. H. 8. Rasi, Mrs. H. F. Kramer, on the program at their party. ment of their daughter, Miss Irene J. Friedman, Nathaniel Rosenblum The Seawanna Club will devote Mrs. William M. Lehman, Mrs. C. L. Louisa Muller, to Robert Elmer and Maxlmllllan Kosch. its meeting hour tomorrow night to Winey and Mrs. Felix Charlton actSchwarting, son of Mr. and Mrs. ed as hostesses and the Blue Star the topic, ' T h e Negro's ContribuVALENTINE DANCE Henry Schwarting of Syracuse, N. Y. ! Club served refreshments. Yvonne tion Music." Miss Haael Brown will Mr. Schwarting, an electrical engiMr. and Mrs. George D. Dannenctions composed„by_. Batem-is- presiden^of-the-club.——-^ -neer.was-graduated from Syracuse berg, chairman - of—the.- entertainA new Junior High School Club Negroes; Miss Myrtle Waters will University. ment committee of the Knickerhas been organized at the Interna- lead the group In singing spirituals. No date has been set for the bocker Field Club, have arranged a tional Institute. This group will The topic will be discussed by two formal Valentine dance for memwedding. meet on Friday afternoons with M the girls. The Merry Makers bers and guests on Wednesday Miss Ann Llnington. A party was also will learn more about the adevening. MILLER—LEHNERT given on Friday afternoon for 10 vancement of the Negro race. ThelMr. and Mrs. Stanley F. Miller girls from the Central Branch. ma Worrell, Vivian Townsley and P.-T. A. l O MEET of 1267 E. 28th St. announce the Games and music made up the en- Edna Barksdale are in charge of The Parent-Teacher Association engagement of their daughter, Miss the program. This club meets every tertainment. Mabel Violet Miller, to Ralph H. of the Flatbush school will hold Thursday night. The junior girls at Gregg Chapel Lehnert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Its annual evening meeting on The Co-Ed Club of the Central entertained members of the Blue Wednesday at 8:30 o'clock at the W. Lehnert of 657 E. 24th St. Branch Girl Reserves and Central Bird Club of the International. Miss Miller is a graduate of Max- school, 1603 Newkirk Ave. Dr. SamY. M. C. A. gave a Valentine dance Institute with a Valentine party on uel W. Grlfflin will speak on "Just well Training School. Mr. Lehnert Thursday evening at the Central Tuesday afternoon. Miss Louise on waff" graduated from Stevens In- Colts." Mrs. Frank G. Young, presY. M. O. A. Special decorations Verdoja and Miss Fedwa Safee helped ident of the association, will prestitute.to make the dance especially assisted the program committee. side. No date has been set for the festive. Anna Kittel was in charge Ten members of the Blue Bird Club Mrs. Robert H; Stenhouse, a memwedding. of special dance arrangements, enjoyed a hike over Brooklyn Dorothy Hoffman was chairman of ber of the Parent-Teacher Association, will sing. She will be accomMRS. dOHN R MURPHY MRS. BDWARD Jr MBA'NV MRS FP.BDBR/C //. COB MRS. THBODORBREISS Bridge on Monday afternoon. ROGERS—COOK PLANS committee, Marian Hillman had vstt>. e OAfO. Miss Bahia Hajjar,' Syrian Secre- charge of the door. PCAKeMAWZ SMVTBfZ f^F-GtZANT f.P%GK.ANT Miss Rosemary Rogers, daughter panied by Mrs. Edgar Tallman, tary of the International Institute, of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rogers another member of the association. spaghettle supper was held by Mrs. Murphy is the former Miss Marion Fitzpa trick of 439 E. 51st St. Her marriage took place in the Church of spoke to the Jolly Junior Club on theA Madison of 266 Washington Ave. will be The musical program will also inGirl Reserve Club on Wednesday afternoon about the Friday evening. St. Catherine of Genoa. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy will reside in Chicago,'HI. married next Sunday to Thomas C. clude a short recital fey children of ' "\-'. The girls had their children at a mission school and the fifth grade, under the direction Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen business meeting in the afternoon, Mrs. Meany was Miss Josephine Smith, daughter of M r. and Mrs. John Smith of 900 E. 35th St., before her marhospital in Tura, Assam, India. The of Miss Eleanor Van Etten, head O. Cook of 1151 E. 17th St. The after which a committee of girls riage. Mr. and Mrs. Meany will live ajb J235B. 35th St. members of this club recently made prepared the supper while the ceremony will take place in the of the music department of the Another recent bride is Mrs. Coe, the former Miss Ka therine de Laet, daughter of Jan de Laet of 792 E. 19th St. scrap books'for the Indian children others played ping pong, basketball Queen of All Saints Church a t ' 4 school, and a group of songs by and a picture was taken on and skated.. Tn- the evening a group Miss Violet Reynolds, a high school p.m. A reception followed her marriage, which took place in S t. Paul's Church. Wednesday afternoon to be sent of the girls went swimming. . student. Mrs. Adolph E. stoecker Mrs. A. R. Brown of Arlington, Mrs. Reiss was Miss Irma Sprung, daughter of Mr. an d Mrs. Sol Sprung of 547 Crown St. Her marriage took with the books. N. J., sister of the bride, will act is chairman of the committee .on Dorothy Hoffman and EUeehs place at the Hotel St. George recently. The Girl Reserve Committee of Coakley were chosen to represent as matron of honor. The bride- refreshments. the Greenpolnt Branch will meet the High School Reserve Council, at groom will be attended by his three TO SPONSOR LECTURE on Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. the Brooklyn Youth Conference brothers, Howard Cook as best man Von Neer, gave a benefit concert ART EXHIBIT * PHILANTHROPIC TEA cono Mountains of- Pennsylvania. There will be no meeting of the yesterday and today. The conferThe Literary Society of St. Josand as ushers, J. Edward and on Tuesday night at the South A musical and dance program will Tau PI Kappa on that night. The second annual exhibition of Invitations have been issued for eph's College Alumnae will sponsor Stephen Cook Jr. ence is being held at the Central - ' Brooklyn and Long' Island artists Third St. M. E. Church. Lyle Smith and Vlyian Townsley Methodist Church and the subject the annual tea to be given by the be presented by a group of the Miss Rogers, a member of Delta a lecture by George N. Shuster, au- under The soloists for the evening were the auspices of Long Island campers, and prizes will be awarded Pi Alpha, was educated at Pratt thor and editor, on Wednesday University will open at University Miss Viola May Pendle, Miss .Sylvia Long Island Philanthropic League, to winners from the various depart- are Ashland Place .delegates: to the is "Disarmament — Christianity's Brooklyn Youth Conference. Lyle Challenge." Institue, where she took a course evening, March 2, at the college. Hall, 300 Pearl St., this afternoon Zita, Mrs. Hilda Magusen, Carl U. O. T. S., tomorrow afternoon at ments last season. Smith is a member of the Seawanna In costume designing. Mr. Cook His tople'will be "The Modern Nov- at 3 o'clock with a reception and Wennbald, Nocbert Betti, Arthur 2 p.m. in the K. of C. hall, LynThe committee in charge of the Rabbi and Mrs. Jacob B. Grossel." Miss Berhadette Garvey is Club and Vivian Townsley is the High School Girl Reserve bridge brook, L. I., to aid the crippled and received his education in West private view. The reception comMeyer and Giacoma Glaealone. chairman of the society and Miss needy children in Nassau County man" of 4108 Parsons Boulevard, of Haven, Conn. party met on Friday evening and mittee will Include Prof. Jacob W. arid the Rockaways. Mrs. Zelma Flushing, L. I., directors of the comploted the plans. The party A reception will fOllow the cere- Rita McCaffrey is secretary. Hartmann, Mrs. Clarence J. PietenCAST SELECTED camp, are in charge of the reunion Rose is president. will be held Saturday afternoon in mony at the Hotel Mohawk. Mr. pol, Mrs. Leo Gershoy and Prof. arrangements; More than 200 guests The cast for the Bengalese play the second floor lobby of Central Rogers and his bride - will make Mildred de Barritt. In the receiving to be given March 30 at the CoMiss Irma Kraft, lecturer, will are expected to attend. Y. W. C. A. Carol Brown, chair-*. their home at 666 Ocean Ave\ line will be Dean and Mrs. George lumbus Club, 1 Prospect Park West, speak on "Is Expression Passing?" man, Jeanettfe Blundell, Mary FiheR. Hardie, Professor and Mrs. Hugo has been selected. This is the sec- Countess Olga Albanl, soprano, will TENNIS-BRIDGE HOSTESS gan, Lillian Carl, Sophie MendgeC, M. Wendel, Professor and Mrs. ond Bengalese play, for the benefit be the guest artist. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crooks and Mrs. Laird C. Dinsmore and Mrs. lewski and Olive Wade are responsiRobert C. Whitford and Dean Ade- of Bengal Missions. Fred J. Maguire Charles Crooks Jr. of 6672 SedgMrs. Ernest Glueck. of Rockville Phillip Keller will be hostesses toble for the party. wick Place were the guests of Mr. line K. Kerlin. is the director. The play this year Centre is chairman of the commit- morrow afternoon" at the February and Mrs. John Johnson of 223 The committee which is planning The main floor of the hall, tem- is the musical comedy "Going Up." tee : Mrs. Edward Oppenhelmer of tennis-bridge to be given at the Windsor Place at the graduation the Saturday Conference for High porarily converted into a picture Rockville Centre Is vice chairman, Knickerbocker Field Club by the Miss Frances Knox will be leading exercises of John Johnson Jr., reSchool Girl Reserves met at Central gallery, will be decorated in green lady and Richard Conran leading Mrs. Herman Kraus of Lynbrook is tennis players of the Ladies Auxcently, and at the reception at the Branch on Thursday afternoon. At and white, with Japanese iris and iliary of the club. The prizes will secretary and Mrs. William Rappeman. Other leads will be Miss -Knights of Columbus Building. the previous meeting of the commitnarcissus. * The tea table will be in Meryl Maguire and Bert Kelly. be playing cards. port Is treasurer. tee it was decided to make the sub-, charge of Mrs. Jacob W. Hartmann, TO INSTALL OFFICERS Hostesses of the afternoon will Others in the cast are Miss Edna ject 6f_ the meeting "Personality,". Mvs..Dwight L.Scoles, Mrs.:William McNamara, Miss : Madge - Canf ield, include: Mrs.—Henrietta-Weinberg, Mansfield Dakln, . Woman's__ RerSAUrFOR-WEST-INDIEST—Mrs.^Harrison Elliott has been seM. Hudson and Mrs. Ralph H. Jack Moran, Thomas Demmig, Den- chairman; and .Mrs.,.Rose .Moses, lief Corps 5, will hold a public incured "to lead the morning discusMr. and Mrs. James D. McGann Cheney, and the serving under the ; stallation of officers at their meetnis McSweeney, Bernard Reilly, Mrs. Bernice Levine, Mrs. Gussie of 1411 Dorchester Road have sailed sion. direction of Mrs. Leon Feraru, Prof. ing rooms in the Lincoln Bank — «* — Margaret Comogys, Mrs. 'Frederick Richard Saun, Joe Comerford, Joe Elias, Mrs. Bess Mindlln, Mrs. on the Berlin for the West Indies. Building, Broadway and Boerum Mabel Levy, Mrs; Mabel Neuhof; Women Voters Thlele, Mrs. Charles M. Thomas and Brennan and Joe Lynch. . St., on Tuesday evening. ALPHA UPSILON Mrs. Anna Cohen, Mrs. Lillian Mrs. Edward J. Sparling. The installing officer will be The Brooklyn 9th A. D. of the AUXILIARY BRIDGE Kantrowitz, Mrs. Edna Naimark, Alpha Upsilon 6f< Brooklyn gave Mrs. Minerva Bonner, department New York League of Women Voters Mrs. Florence Bloch, Mrs. Lulu its second social of the season at the Auxiliary of Boys Welcome Hall, GARVAR^GOLDEN senior vice president. Miss Elizawill, meet tomorrow at 2 p.m. at.the Fisher, Mrs. Pearl Frankel, Mrs. home of one of its members, Wesley Auxiliary of Boy's Welcome Hall, Beth J. Newell is president. Mr. and Mrs. Edward I. Garvar Bay Ridge Masonic Club, 4th Ave. of 1900 E. 5th St. announce the 185 Chauncey St., will be held on Sally Kahn, Mrs. Irma Endel, Mrs. Bodwish of 5310 Snyder Ave., on and 76th St. Mrs, Saul Godwin CARD PARTY HELD Thursday evening". " Minnie Bernstein, Mrs. Martha engagement of their daughter, Miss March 5, at the Edison Building. will speak on "Crime Prevention." The February charity card party The guests of the members were Abrams, Mrs. Anna Gross, Mrs. Plans for the bridge were discussed Helen Edith Garvar, to Theodore D. Mrs. F. H. Lahdesber wiil; speak of St. Columban's Mission of the the Misses Isabelle Beinert, Alwyn at a recent meeting at the home of Hortense Dery, Mrs. Gertrude Golden of 219 Brightwater Court. on "The Conduct of the Foreign Far East was held at the residence —Miss-Garvar is a Past-Matron of Mrs. Allan G. -Velt of 723 E. 27th Feldman, Mrs. Lillian Marks, Mrs. ILJElYans*_Helen. E. • Lucas, Virginia Policy of the U. S." and Mrs. Louis r of~Mrs7~Mr-J—Collins, 450 Argyle Lenore Sobel, Mrs. Gretchen RothMalone, Clio Wemmel, Ethel Brite, St. Miss May E. Day, chairman, preFortitude Chapter, Order of the Ehrenberg on "Current Topics" at "Road, recently. stein, Mrs. Firedma Deimel, Mrs. Virginia Duesberg and. the memEastern Star, No. 556, a member of sided. the meeting of the 12th A. D. of Bertha Bartha -andMra—Llllian -bers,—who - acted—as—host*—were the Beacon Club, the Emera Club EIGHTIETH BIRTHDAY "Brooklyn"at'tnTY. MrerXTBuiTd Franklin. Frank Bandholtz Jr., Wesley W. YOUNG PEOPLE'S PARTY and Sigma Lambda Sorority. She ing, 357 9th St., at 2:30 p.m. Miss Clara L. Klee will entertain Waitresses and ushers include: Bowdish, Robert Carpenter Jr., The Young People's Society of graduated from the New York UniThe Third Round-table of the In honor of the 80th birthday of versity School of Law and Wash- Plymouth Church held a Leap Year Mrs. Tessio Stern, chairman; and James E. Dreghorn, Herbert F. Eng21st A. D. will be held at the Flather mother, Mrs. Anna Christine tee Pej/zcy lund, G. Howard Moore, Carl B. Mrs. Grace Gessner, Mrs. Rae BerValentine party and dance last ington Square College and passed Klee, today at their home, 377 E. Miss Lee Silver of 921 Washing- bush Chamber of Commerce under the New York State Bar examina- night in Plymouth Institute, Orange win, Mrs. Nettie Levlen, Mrs, Han- Wheeler and William B. Willard. 17th St. ton Ave. is engaged to Dr. Harry the direction of Mrs. J. S. Roberts tez. rej/zcy tions in October of 1931. Mr. Golden and Hicks Sts. Nelson Thurber was nah Lehman, Mrs.- Miriam Rubel,. On Tuesday. The subject will be The guests will include Peter ANNUAL BRIDGE Friedman of New Jersey. Mrs. Cele Frohman, Mrs. Lea Miss Esther Buxbaum, daughter master of ceremonies. "The Geneva Conference," Volckmann of Jersey City, Mrs. of Samuel Buxbaum of 364 93d St. is a graduate of New York UniverThe annual bridge party of the Sneidman, Mrs. Nettle Hyman, Mrs. The committee included Miss The 4th A. D. of Queens will hold Klee's brother; Mrs. Emma Volck- is the fiancee.of Norman J. Kap- sity, the School of Law, a member Art Alumni Association of Pratt Inof the Tau Sigma fraternity, and the Nellie K. Morton, Miss. Ruth Somner, Shirley Spiegel, Mrs. Harriet Alex- stitute, W. B. Donnelly, president, president of the Merrymakers' Club. a meeting tomorrow at the Mary mann of Brooklyn, Mrs. Anna han of 524 82d St, ander, Mrs. Estelle Kanfer, Mrs. : Miss Violet Ardlelgh and Miss VirCrown Heights Junior League. Volckmann of Mt. Vernon, Mr. and A-^ew Girl Reserve club to be Nash School, 149-27 Northern Boulewill be held on Friday evening, Feb. No date has been set for the wed- ginia Widmer. J. Frederick Speer is Paula Brunerman, Mrs. Ethel Nld- 26, in the Barbizon Plaza Hotel, known as the Harmony Girl R e - vard, Flushing-.--A Round'Table on Mrs. William Volckmann of Mt. Verdirector of activities for Plymouth ltch, Mrs. Hae Folz, Mrs. May Green- Manhattan. The party this season serve Club has been organized with City Manager Plan will be led by ding. non, Mrs. Margaret Camp of ElmLEAP YEAR PARTY ' blatt, Mrs. Eleanor Kraus, Mrs. Institute. Rehee Richardson advisor. Mrs. T. K. Harris borough member hurst, N. Y.; Mr. nd Mrs. Fred Miss Betty Mclnerney entertained Ruth Slote, Mrs. Ruth Simon, Mrs. will be for tha benefit of the Wal- Miss WITMARK—KELLER Officers are Florence Demby, presi- of the Municipal Affairs^ Committee; ter Scott Perrx. Scholarship Fund. Bosch Jr. of Hollis, L. I.; Dr. and at a. leap year party last evening Marion Paskes, Mrs. Gertrude COMMITTEE MEETS Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Witmark of Charles Storey will .speak on Signed sketches by various promi- dent; Clarita Pacalioga, vice presiMrs. Frederick H. Bosch, Mr. and at her home, 115 Lenox Road. Miss Blitz, Mrs. Jessie Newman, Mrs. The ways and means committee Beatrice Kallman and Mrs. Marga- nent members of the association dent; Francene Miller, secretary, "Playgrounds for the Adolescent Mrs. Charles H. Klee, Mr. and Mrs. Betty A. Chichester assisted the Woodmere, L. I., have announced the and Mabel Wilson, treasurer. Blue Boy and Girl" at the meeting of the have been donated for prizes. Henry • Reenstjerna of Brooklyn hostess. Among the guests were the engagement of their daughter, Miss of the Brooklyn Singers, Mrs. Her- ret Betteman. "" and gray are the club colors. The Queens A. D. of the League which and Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes Misses Adele J. Amador, Dolly E. Carolyn H. Witmark, to Alexander man N. Schroeder, chairman, held Sidney Keller, son of Mrs. Sidney ATTENDS PROMENADE club will meet every Monday at St. will be held at the Community regular monthly meeting on of Buffalo, N. Y. Billy, Mary Delaney, Marie C. Gro- A. Keller of 91 Central Park West, its CAMP REUNION Miss Marie E. Brandeau'of 1556 Barnabas Church. at the home of Mrs. Church, Filmore Ave. and 81st. St., gan, also Robert L. Cucuel and Ed- Manhattan, and the late Mr. Keller. Thursday Coleman St., Flatbush, attended the George Mills of 545 Decatur St. The members of Camp Tabor will KO S CH—HAMMER A few high school girls from Ash- Jackson Heights, L. I. ward J. Rider of Madison, N. J.; Miss Witmark was graduated from hold their eighth annual reunion promenade at Cornell University, land Place Girl Reserve Clubs atMiss Sophia Kosch, daughter of Kenneth J. Cummings, Alfred LippJohn Rafferty of 418 Sterling this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Ithaca, N. Y., this week as the tended a musical tea given by the Cresco Club Mr. and Mrs. Saul Kosch of 8687 mann, Harry K. Hall and Richard the Woodmere Academy and attended Wellesley College. Mr. Keller Place, is at Chalfonte Haddon Hall, Barbizon-Plaza Hotel, Manhattan. guest of James Miller Gray. She has Wohoelo Club of the Oakwood AveBay Parkway, will be married Sat- Z.~ Perrott of Brooklyn. The regular meeting of Cresco was graduated from Harvard with Atlantic City, N. J. Another Brook- The camp, which is for girls from 6 returned home after a three-day nue Branch Y. W. C. A. in Orange, Club, urday to Saul Hammer, son of Dr. Mrs. Robert A. Sewell presistay at Ithaca. the Class of 1926, and from the lyn visitor to Atlantic City Is Mrs. A. to 16, with a Junior group of alumnae N. J., on Lincoln's birthday. The dent, will be held Tuesday at the and Mrs. J. Hammer, also of BrookMISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Y'er Club entertained friends home of Miss Nellie C. Berns, 260 lyn. The wedding will take place Miss Gladys Niederstein was Harvard School of Business Admin- F. Kick of 2637 Mansfield Place, who members 17 and 18 years of age, is Miss Lillian I. Oraeber, who at- Live at a given • Thursday at the 82d St. A paper on Paplni's "Life located on Lake Como, in the Po- tends In the Ocean Parkway Jewish Cen- guest of honor recently at a mis- istration in 1928. Mr. Keller's pres- Is stopping at the Hotel Morton. Lady of Mercy Academy at Y. W.party C. A. The Trallblazers will of Christ," by Mrs. Frederick E. ter. cellaneous shower given at the ent home is in Hartford, Conn., SyosseJ^L. L, is spending the week- give a play. Miss he is In business. Audrey Pease re- Elliott, will bsgiven. ~~MlsT"SylviarGottfried will be maid Niederstein Restaurant, Lynbrook, where ehd with" her parents," Mr. and "Mrs. No date has been set for the of honor. Toby Hammer will be his L. I., by her sister. Charles A. Graeber, at 260 E. 19th wedding. St. She entertained last evening for 20 people at her home at a supper Miss Serita Roberts of 6744 Ridge dance. Boulevard and Miss Marie Isola of *-^ff^y^g-y. ki' i'.'..5^rrry 9229 Shore Road_ are spending a Mrs. Harry C. Schroeder of 1723 month's vacation in San Juan, Brooklyn Ave. will entertain at Porto Rico. They were guests at luncheon the members of the executhe Inaugural Ball of Gov. James R. tive board of the Morning Choral Beverly, successor to Theodore Tuesday prior to the regular.TnonthRoosevelt Jr. Miss Roberts and Miss ly meeting. Isola will remain in Porto Rico until the close of the carnival season.






SABIA—MINICHINI Mr. and Mrs. Vito Sabla of 36 Sands St., Port Chester, N. Y., announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Lucille Sabla, to Joseph Minichinl of Brooklyn, son of Mr. and Mrs. S a l v a d o r e I Minichinl. The wedding will take place in the late Fall.

Camp Fire Girls

CENTRAL""Y1 NEWS The Manual Sophomore Club will have a meeting' Tuesday at the home of their adviser, Mrs. Henry ; Gwinncll Colt, 24 Monroe Place. The Manual freshmen met at the Y. W. C. A. on Tuesday afternoon and made plans to Invito the new Manual freshmen to a party on Feb. 33. Invitations will bo extended this week at the high school. ANNUAL "CARD PARTY The Margaret Moss Memorial Club will hold Its annual card party at the 10th A. D. Republican Club, 175 8. Oxford St, tomorrow night at 8:30 p.m. The officers of the club ore. president. Mrs. Jennie Ocrmaln; vice president. Mrs. Lydla Jandro; secretary. Mrs. Theresa Rlckard; social secretary, Mrs. Nettlo Werner. TO AIO MI88IONER A monthly card party the proceeds of which will go to the Rev. William Booth a Mary Knoll Missloner now in Korea, China, will be held at the Catholic Daughters Clubhouse, 2040 Bedford Ave, on Friday evening.

Miss Sylvia Saydah of 567 48th St. is an honor student at Centenary Collegiate Institute in Hackettstown, N, J.

CONCERTT'GIVKN The Brooklyn Community Choro* under the direction of Prof, Frank

MTV TC/fTui Shown above are Mrs. William Robinson Shlllaber and William Robinson Shlllaber Jr. Mrs. Shlllaber was Miss Louise Herndon before her marriage. Mr. Shlllaber' is the son of Mrs. J. Robinson Shlllaber of 573 3d St,

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