Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski - Fulton History

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elementary schools. SIGN OF THE TIMES ... station from his car and announced he killed his wife. OUT OF ..... AUTO MECHA





Personals Help Wanted—>Mea BEULAH DAY, Elcctrologist — Post graduate, permanent hair removal. BAKER AND 2 BAKER'S HELPERS. HILL'S BAKERY 44 Grand Blvd. Dial 6-4158. ALLEN — The funeral of Benjamin 31 GAYLORD ST. BINGHAMTON LAUNDRY Allen will be held at the home, 118 "For Particular People" Chapin St., Tuesday at 2 p. m. The BOYS, 18-year-olds, to work Saturday DIAL 2-4234. Rev. Harry A. Relyea will officiate. Buy War Bonds Every Pay Day. nights from 12 p. m. to 7 a. m. Burial will be in Vestal Hills MeA. M. Plerson. 76. Lewis St. morial Park. Arrangements by the BUTTONS COVERED, all types. JohnPrentice Funeral Home. son City Sewing Center, 267 Main St., BOYS with bicycles wanted. Phone 2-5532. Johnson City Dial 7-5921. GORMAN-—The funeral of Mrs. Mary Butterly Gorman will be held at the CAMPBELL'S NURSING HOME, cen- BOY, 16, with bicycle, to work in McDevitt Brothers Funeral Home, trally located. Doctor's references. store. Herzog's, 30 Leroy St. 88-90 Front St., Wednesday at 10 2-3208. a. m., and at 10:30 a. m. at St. Patrick's Church. Burial will be in CAROL'S 3-day October Special, Monday to Wednesday, 20% discount on Calvary Cemetery. Friends may call BUTCHER at the funeral home tonight and t o - all permanents. 81 Court St. 2-8348. morrow afternoon and night. CHILDREN'S SHOES, big stock. Fine uality children's high or low shoes. Steady position with good workKRIZAN—The funeral of Felix Krizan, largain _prlces. Jay's. 163 Washington. ing conditions. Man must be Sr„ will be held at the Pecho F u sober and dependneral Home, 210 Clinton St., Tuesday CHRISTINE, 33 Cook St., specializes in experienced, able. See Tom Davis at Darling's cold wave permanents. Will also at 2 p. m. The Rev. J. Paul Tatter Market. 117 Washington St come to home. Dial 7-3868. ^ w i l l . officiate. Burial will be in Floral Park .Cemetery. CIGARET CASES — Hold full pack, leather, $1.20;.tax included. McCARTY — The funeral of Mrs. HARRY'S JEWELRY, 30 Henry St. Georgianna McCarty will be held at the church in Estella, Pa., Tuesday COLD WAVES of beauty, $12.50 and CONSTRUCTION at 1 p. m. Burial will be in Friends up. Machine waves, $5.50 and up. Cemetery, Elkland Township, Pa. WORKERS NEEDED Blanche's, opposite Fair Store. 2-5165. Arrangements by J. R. Allen & Sons. CORDUROYS. velveteens, woolens. E. I. Dupont-DeNemours rints. Large selection just in. Cut O'HARA-—The funeral of Mrs. Agnes ate Silk, 45 Court. Walk up, save. M. O'Hara will be held at the home, and Co. 18 Chestnut St., Tuesday at 9 a. m., DRAPES, slip covers, pillows and and at 9:30 a. m. at St. Patrick's spreads Mrs. C. Barner, 107 West FOR WAR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Church. Burial will be in St. PatEnd Ave., Dial 6-5698. SOUTHEASTERN PART OF rick's Cemetery. Arrangements by DRAPES, curtains, dressing table, bed STATE OF WASHINGTON J. A. McCormack Sons. spreads; pillows made'. Mrs. Appley. OSTERHOUT — The funeral of Mrs. 2-7643. TRANSPORTATION ADVANCED Anna Osterhout will/ be held at the ATTRACTIVE SCALE OF WAGES FAMISE CORSET SHOP—The Famlse Gould Funeral Home, 19 Grand Blvd., Tuesday at 2 p. m. The* Rev. garment with elastic panels available Frank V. Thomas will officiate. The now, Order garment today. Dial 54-Hour Week body will be taken to Walworth, 2-2797. 84 Chenango St. TIME AND HALF IN EXCESS OF Wednesday, for burial. 40 HOURS FOR TRULY complimentary photoREAP—The funeral of Martin T. Reap graphs have your photo taken at will be held at the home, 1 Mer- Lyon's Studio. 108 Main. 4-4792 2-7753 NEEDED— sereau St., Wednesday at 9 a. m., and at 9:30 a. m. at St. Mary's* FURS—Just returned from New York Laborers with new full line of sample fur Church. Burial will be in Calvary coats. Blacks, browns, greys. CaraCemetery. Arrangements by M, J. Protective Firemen culs, silver stripe racoons, AmeriMoriarity. can broadtails, Lafants, beaverettes, RECTOR — The body of Mrs. Delia skun-dyed racoons, squirrelettes, op- , Sheet Metal Workers Rector was, removed to J. F. Rice posums, sable-dyed marmots — $45, Funeral Home,-150 Main St., Johnson $60, $84; tax included. Specials, just Boiler Firemen City, where it will remain until 6 fur jackets, $15 each. Tuesday at 1 p. m., when it will be Machinists—Shop MRS. REAGON. 184 Oak St. taken to the Primitive Methodist Church, Johnson Qity, where the HOLLANDER-DYED Northern Back Plumbers funeral will be held at 2 p. m. The Muskrat coat, size 44-46, $350; tax included. RusBln Fur, 487 Court. 2-2690. Rev. Joseph C. McGuinness will ofSteam Fitters ficiate. Burial will be in Spring HOME WANTED for Protestant boy 15 FOR SUB CONTRACTORS Forest Cemetery. years old, to tend furnaces, shovel UNION MEMBERS ONLY STANTON—The funeral of Mrs. Clara1 snow, do chores and attend 'school. Write P.O. Box 908, Binghamton. B. Stanton will be held at the home APPLY TO COMPANY REPREof her daughter, Mrs. Harry C. IMPORTANT — PERSONS SEEING SENTATIVE AT LOCAL USES Anson, Nineveh, Tuesday at 2 p. m. WOMAN STRUCK IN FRONT OF OFFICE, 43 CHENANGO ST. . The Rev. Mr. Douglas of Afton will STAG HOTEL, BALDWIN ST.. officiate. Burial will be in Chenango IMMEDIATE LIVING FACILITIES EVENING OF SEPT. 11, PLEASE Valley Cemetery. Arrangements by AVAILABLE FOR ALL PERSONS CALL 4-3297. Colwell Brothers, Bainbridge. HIRED. IRIS SUTTON, 32 Henry St.—Permanents given in your home. Call STEVENS — The funeral of Ivan L. MUST BRING DRAFT Stevens will be held at the Meth2-9831. Open evenings by appoint- APPLICANTS REGISTRATION AND CLASSIFIodist Church, Sanitaria Springs, ment. ' CATION AND SOCIAL SECURITY Wednesday at 2 p. m. The Rev. PROBLEMS corrected CARD. Newton Cooper will officiate. Burial JUVENILE through Occupational Therapy Crafts. will be in Riverside Cemetery, Write Blandford. 12'/3 Tudor. 2-4648. ' Availability Certificate Required , Windsor. Arrangements by Harry G. & GRACE PERKINS, licensed G. Kark. colonlo trriphysiotherapists. Baths, col< gattons. electric treatments. 2*7538. NO END TO 'CLEANING UP' LESLEY'S BEAUTY, 842 Chenango,, Sepult, Mass. (U.R) — After two Mari-Curl Cold Waves $10 up. Nestle Electrical Draftsman years of "cleaning-tip" operations and Frederics Waves, $5 up. 2-9179. in the Mediterranean war asone, DLLtAN'3 BEAUTY SHOP, 25 Court, EXPERIENCED IN CONSTRUCFrederics permanents. 87.50 and 810 Ensign Gordon Burgess arrived Colrl waves. 812.50 TION DRAFTING OF ELECTRIhome on furlough, just in time to CAL CIRCUITS. PERMANENT BEAUTY SALON help his parents clean up the rav- 301MUSSO'S Press Bldg. Dial 4-3164 POSITION FOR QUALIFIED ages of the hurricane at their Cape Custom Made Cold Waves 815. PERSON.

Jtattnral Notura

Screams of Heiress Heard by Neighbor Before She Was Assaulted and Murdered

Hollywood, Oct. 16 KUQ-j-Authorities today established the time of death for pretty Georgette Bauerdorf, 20-year-old New York heiress, as 2:30 a. m. last Thursday, and hoped they could find a neighbor who saw the slayer leave her apartment and drive away in her automobile. One neighbor, who had stayed in the background until now and who asked that his name be withheld, helped investigators from the sheriff's office fix the time of death by reporting that he heard the young woman screaming in the early hours of the morning. S The. man said Miss Bauerdorf cried out: "Stop, stop, you're killing me." "1 sat right up in bed and listened," he said. "I didn't hear any more and so I decided it must be a family row some place." Miss Bauerdorf cried out while she fought with the intruder who extinguished the lights in front of her apartment and waited in the darkness until she had entered, then raped the buxom young woman, suffocated her with a towel rammed down her throat, and rifled her purse, apparently taking close to $100 and the keys to her automobile. • Police., revealed he had sprinkled his fingerprints liberally about the apartment—the same fingerprints found —Associated Press WmEPHOTO. on the door of Miss Bauerdorf s flashy convertible which was re^RINGING IN THE BODY-Charles E. McGuire covered the following day, (second from left) stands beside the car containing A clear set of fingerprints was found on the bulb of the night body of his divorced wife, Ruth (slumped in seat), light over the outer entrance to outside police station in Los Angeles Sunday. Sheriff's the building. Sheriffs Inspector Captain Gordon Bowers said McGuire walked into William J. Penprase said. "Whoever it was had set the station from his car and announced he killed his wife. stage for his horrible crime and was lying in wait for her," he said. Mr. Penprase said apparently OUT OF SEASON the killer knew Miss Bauerdorf was living alone and had unAtlanta, Oct. 16 (/P)—A fur coat screwed the light globe to darken advertisement followed Major the hallway leading to her door. James Cantey" from one army camp to another and finally reached him in New Guinea. TARZAN "That's the limit in high-pressure . salesmanship," the major Denver, Oct IS (#)—Thieves wrote his wife. / who took H. J. McVeigh's automc-j bile didn't notice Tarzan, 70 pounds of airedale and chow. But it wasn't vice versa. An hour after the car was stolen, Cod home. OPENING A NEW BEAUTY SHOPPE Tarzan came home. Still later, SPECIAL, ONE WEEK ONLY In Beautiful Technicolor Shampoo and wave, $1.23; permanent parked on a Denver street, police FLORISTS waves, machine and machineless, $5 found the auto. The $150 worth of TOM CONWAY ARTISTIC. ATTRACTIVE DESIGNS and up. Hair styling by expert opertools was still in the back seat. On For AU Occasions ator. v 'THE FALCON OUT WEST' Dial 4-8687 JOHN'S. 66 Court S t . PEGGY'SN BEAUTY SHOPPE the front seat was a piece of cloth 301 Adams Ave., Endicott. Phone 972. Tarzan had ripped, from someCOSTAS FLOWER SHOP POWDER PUFF B E A U T V . Helena Cur. Funeral designs our specialty. body's trousers. tis cold waves $10. 815, 820. Frederics





Chicago. Oct IS C/P)—A child's dream came true when 78 children "roared" through Chicago's Loop on two shiny red firetrucks following the chief fire marshal's car. The children, hanging onto the sides and top of the trucks, did no fire fighting however. They were awarded plaques at the fire prevention show to take back to their elementary schools.