Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski - Fulton History

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1912. with Boy Edwards and James E. McCarthy after ... Hendrlck S. Holden as co-receivers for the Empire ... ing of Mr.


Continued from First Page It



Stood on Hencoop While Watching Austin F. Manning. Edward Clark Falls Into Hands ' Standing on a hencoop outside the of the New York ! wlmlow of the house In which Aumln at Assumption, CemDelta Psl. 25; student teachers. 55. ments. His two companions In the of Madison Annex and Evening grandnlece that Mrs. Gilbert's position A general denial of liability is the an- AfternOQn—Albany, the mouths of those who are trying to etery. Schenectady, Amenabled her to exert an influence robberies are not known here but It Is Schools who received no p a r for their swer. Cregg Bros. & Rullson appear sterdam, Fonda, -600; get into the Kingdom of Heaven Buffalo, 350. believed that Evans Is a man who services in November on account of which resulted in a will in her favor. for Halloran. with Costello. Burden. I M t T I T T—In thls"etty. Dec. 1. lll». Mrs. through their charity works. I am not 0 Katherine DlnsUtt, widow of Frederick w . Dlasttu. sneaked $160 from a Syracuse bank their warrants of the city treasury Attorney J. David Enrlght appears for Coonoy & Walters for the defense. opposed to charities for they are aged 71 years. She Is surrlfed by thne sons. M. Mrs. Gilbert and Attorney Harley J. having been lost by the janitor In about a year ago, but the Identification needod, but don't let them be a sub- P. DlnsUtt of TeEas. William F. and John W. Is not complete enough to'justify an carrying them from the City Ball for Crane for the two contestants. stitute for religion. Tho human mind Dinstltt. both of this city. arrest. distribution. cannot reveal anything greater than Funeral at parlors of A. C Shuttmaoher. T15 H. DEATH RECORD Warren st.. Saturday afternoon at 2 M , Friends aro The bonds were required to protect God. Invited. Burial la Woodlawn. Sally Roberts. the city against the lost warrants be"Death Is the last enemy to be con"We have got to die through the Mrs. Sally Roberts, aged 60 years ing presented for payment after dupliquered and' the warrior must be sin of Adam and Eve and not to leave O I N L t Y—On the SOtb last., J. Owen (Holey. Surand the widow of Simon Roberts, df«'* equipped cate warrants had been Issued, each the armor of. Chris- any doubt. He laid down His life so vived' by four daughters. Mrs. Thomas Kennedy. last night at the family home at 209 tianity to with James Ktndrkk, Mis. John Mahoney and Charles Lemp of Benedict av. was Markland bond being In the amount of a lost battlo the devil and his that we could reach Heaven. Some- Mrs. av. There is one survlv Miss Alice Olnley. warrant. As soon as Mayor Will signs arraigned in Police Court on charges son. forces of ovll for the only conquest Calvin Roberts. Saturday morn- is by salvation through the shedding of one had to deliver us, so Jesus Christ Funeral from Uto family rssldenae. 615 Burnet av.. Dean Hugh P. Baker of the State and sends the ordinance directing the of breach of the peace growing out of ing, the Friday at 9 a. m. and at St. John tho Svangelst body will< be taken to Klrkvllle tho blood of Jesus Christ," declared suffered and died so that we may live Church College of Forestry. Syracuse Univer- issue of duplicate warrants to Comp- a disturbance last night In the.Rose for burial at »:30 a. m. Friends «sd members of the hereafter. In His death He atoned by McKJnley Brothers. Name Society invited to attend. Burial la St. Garden, conducted by his brother, Mrs. 8arah Roberts. sity, was one of the speakers this troller Conan they will be prepared. Billy Sunday to more; than 300 society the broken law of God. Man is subject Holy morning at the tenth annual convention folks at the meeting in the Sedgwick Should any of the lost warrants be Michael Lemp, In E. Genesee st. His rebirth after sin and nobody is a Agnes Cemetery. Mrs. Sarah Roberts, 68. who died last Farm Clubhouse this morning when to of the Empire State Forest Products presented at the ctty treasury, the per- case was adjourned until Dec. 10 with child God except the Christian. a It 0 T H—In this city, Deo. 1. 1115, Herman night at the Hospital of the Good Shep- he pleaded >wtth them' to glvo them- In the ofprocess Association at Albany. Foresters, son presenting them will have to ex- ball fixed at $100. salvation two things Oroth, aged 27 y»ers, 11 months and one day. herd, will be buried Saturday at Klrk- selves to God and accept His plan of are necessary, of the He la survived by his parents, Mr. snd Mrs. CbarlM waterpower advocates and others In- plain something. The janitor says he Iiemp, according to the statement of vllle. spirit Oroth; The funeral will bo held in the salvation through , repentence. Long through salvation and renewed Ave brothers, Charles, William, Frederick, terested m the conservation of natural lost the warrants from out of his the arresting officers, came into the morning the renewal of Frank and Xdward Oroth; one sister, Mrs. Bobert from her home, 209 Markland resources are In attendance. before the arrival of the Sunday party the body through resurrection." pocket. They were all in an envelope, Rose Garden about 11 o'clock and Hottlnger. all of this city. She had lived In this city many the clubhouse. was thronged with the Other speakers on the morning and and It is presumed that somebody •mashed everything In sight. The av. Funeral services at the family home. 1122 Park St., "Though tho renewed spirit Is always elite of tho city and tho drives sur- warring with the unrenewed body, the Saturday afternoon at. 2 o'clock. Friends invited. afternoon programs were: State Super- found them. In the eyes of the law plate glass front and swinging doors, years. Funerals. rounding the club were lined with au- soul will be saved, not the body. The Burial at Woodlawn Cemetery. intendent of Forests Rett Is. George N. persons who convert to their own use the wine bottlos and fixtures, all suffered from his visit, it is charged. It The funeral of John McCarrick. for- tomobiles. Serious throughout the en- spirit goes to heaven, the body to the M i r C H C O C K—In this city. Dec. 1, 1015. Mrs. Ostrander of Olens Falls and W. I* things'they find are guilty of larceny. Is probable that his brother, who. It is merly of Fayettevllle, who died at tire sermon, Mr. Sunday did not spring grave until the resurrection. Then, Olive A. Hitchcock, aged 68 yean. She U survived Sykes of Buffalo. John X. Flnley. state said, has had trouble with him for Utica. wltl bo held-at 9:30 Saturday amusing anecdotes which Is his cus- the great day, of Judgment will come by one daughter. Mrs. Cora X* Wadman; also two superintendent of education, and James USED WHENEVER QUININE IS from the undertaking rooms tom in addressing leaders of the social when Jesus will judge us all and satan grandhlldren. S. Whipple, president of the New Tork Needed. Does not affect the head. Be- years,'may press this case against him. morning of; Meagher & Mooney and half an world. Tracing the experiments of will be bound and the world re- Funeral at tits home of her daughter. 317 Oarflejd State Forestry Association, will be the cause of Its tonic and laxative effect. av.. Friday afternoon at 340. Friends are invited. hour later at the Church of the Most God with mankind since the fall of deemed." LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE wilt be speakers at the banquet to-night, which Burial In Oakwood. Holy Rosary. Burial will be in St. found better than ordinary Quinine for man in the Garden of Eden, Billy wlll^cloee the convention. "God won't destroy tho central glory Marys Cemetery. U ft •> M V-On the 30th Inst.. John J. Murphy. any purpose for which Quinine Is used. showed how the people who had re- of man, his will leaves him free to do MSurvived by bis widow, XUan Murphy; one son. The funeral of Mrsi Katherine DlnDoes not cause nervousness nor ringing pected Him had suffered. as it will. All are free to accept or re- Matthew Murphy; NATURALIZATION R8CORO. . four daughters. Mrs. Harry Jones. stltt, 74, widow of Frederick W. Dinhead. Remember there is only one Mrs. ject Jesus Christ But, remember, "The goal, toward which all things Mm. Ernest Jones, and Mary Murphy; November established a naturalisa- In Jennie Bloomer, 40, wife of stitt, who died yesterday afternoon at aro moving is the one that awaits those death stands between the soul and the one brother,' MichaelElisabeth, "Bromo Quinine." Look for signature Murphy of this city, and tion record which has not been beaten of James Blooomer. of 116 Nelson st.. died the Hospital of the Good Shepherd, three eUters. Mrs. John Bush, Mrs. B. A. Tralnor E. W. Qrove. 26c. are subjected to tho will of God," body when you accept Jesus Christ of stnee last March. There were 70 decearly this morning at the Womens and wltl be held at 2; 30 o'clock Saturday who England and Mrs. Michael Daisy of this dty. your body will be redeemed." said Sunday as he faced the silent larations of Intention to become citlFuneral at the family residence, 101 Hudson st.. Childrens Hospital, whore she had been afternoon from the undertaking rooms throng. "When sin. entered this world Sunday ended his sermon with Friday at 9 a. m. and at the Cathedral of the Imxens filed by aliens and 34 applications a patient since Nov. 8. She had been of A. C." Schumachor, the Rev. Dr. Ed- the happy relationship between God hisMr. characteristic prayer, giving thanks maculate Conception at 9:90 a. m. Friends and memfor second papers. ill for some time. Besides her husband, ward L. Keller officiating. Burial will and man dissolved. The trouble with to God for the success bers of the Holy Name Society invited to attend. the campaign Burial in new Sc Marys Cemetery. >. she is survived by one daughter, be at Woodlawn. Her home was at 411 the world to-day is that the men of in this city. Body andofGeorgs BrewsMarie; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isador Cedar st. She Is survived by throe the present time are not seekers after ter sang a duet and Body sang a solo.. P , a f A t County Purchasing Agent Frank X. Poulott: two sisters, Mrs. Charles A. sons. H. D. Dinstltt of Texas, William J*. .V "^ OnotM>»«* Hl». N. T.. Nov. 20. Mrs. Sunday told a few stories of the 1913. SO C E N T Wood opened bids this morning on 150 Smith and Mrs. Frank Besaw; two F. and John W. Dtnstitt. both of this God as they should be. Man pursues conversions Mrs. Frances sgsd 74 yean. here and their effect on Funeral at parlon Pewine. elusive pleasures of the world. In a of A. C Sohumaobvr. 713 8. city. steel boiler tubes to be used at the brothors, Frank and William Poulott. Warren st.. Friday afternoon at 3*40. Friends are County Penitentiary. There were five The funeral will be held privately at The funeral of Mrs. Irene O'Donnell general way I mean, man will look for other men. Invited. Burial at Oakwood. lust, money, greod. concerns which bid. the Jowesr^ though ,l Saturday from the home of Casstdy, wife of Samuel J. Cassldy, I yield to God I am lifted up ? ^ K . " I * ~ X n «•» «ttF. ea tbt 1st Inst. 1915. was Charles Millar A Son. who asked 9hero'clock which was held at 9 o'clock this morn- to "When parents. 423 Shuart av., and half great heights. There ore many gailr J. Bobeits. widow of the Uto Simon Boberts. $313.75 for the contract. This is the hour later at St. Josephs (French) ing from the home of her parents, Mr. things to lure you away, but for your She is survived by one son, Calvin H7 Boberts. of second thne these tubes have been ad- an and Mrs. John O'Donnell, 209 LeavenChurch. Burial will be made at worth av.. and half an hour later at St. soul's soke never yield to them, for once this city., vertised as an error was maoe tn tne TD-Ott first lot of bids received and all were Assumption Cemetery. ^ Funeral from the home of Charles Atvood. 209 they have you in their hellish clutches John the Evangelist Church, was your Marklaod or. Notice of time hereafter. . bondage will hard to break. SalW rejected. largely attended. There was a whole vation from drowning restores life. J U h ' \2LZ ° K - 1 " " ^ dty. Dec. 1. 1913. carriage of flowers. A solemn high Salvation from sin will renew your Carolina Williamson, wife of Oeorge H. wtlllamsou. aged 71 yean. Beside* her husband, she ts surmass of requiem was celebrated by the vived by three sons. Oeorge A. and Fred H. of Rev. Francis J. Shanahan, assisted by life. Got In the life saving game! this city. Dr. Oeorge H. Williamson of .Neman. "Complete salvation demands a resthe Rev. William J. Christian as deaS ^ i . H 1 " ? "•»• Mrs. H. A. McArthur. Mr.. ICUYIO Chancellor Day of Syracuse Univer- con and the Very Rev. Michael Clune toration to the condition of purity that Franklin Law. Mrs. Bessie Bsluntyns, all of this John France, who has recently .been sity sent two telegrams to Henry Ford as sub-deacon. Burial was made at St. you were in before you sinned against released from the Penitentiary, after this morning, according to rumors Agnes, Father Christian conducting tho law of God or man. God is not Funeral st the family home, 230 Seymour at.. Satserving a year for ripping out the current on the Hill. The telegrams commlttel services at the grave. The like the architect who, reading his blue»"!! y . f"*^000 *} * o'cuxk. Friends are Invited. Burial In Oakwood. plumbing from a vacant house owned were relative to Mr. Ford's peace ex- pall bearers were Washington Ferris, prints and other plans, changes them CLEVELAND, Dec. 2.-—That he was by Charles McGuire In E. Fayette at, pedition, it is said, though just what Asa Phillips, Dr. Goorge W. Howell, at will and builds the house according paid $500 for swearing to an affidavit was arrested Wednesday afternoon by was their import or on what phase- of Frank Harrison, Frank Moore and Wil- to his changed plans. that the Lusitania carried 600 tons of Detective Koehn in a Junk shop In the expedition they referred could not liam Shanahan. "Man is not an experiment! Not by guncotton at the instance of Ernest Grape st. be ascertained. THC CARDfANI CO. Tho funeral of MVM, O. A. Hitchcock, a long shot. Neither is man perfect. Ludwlg, local Austro-Hungarian conPrance, the police say, had in his — » • who diod last night, will be held at 2:30 You can change God's works by re- sul, was the statement made by Dr. Certified Undertaker and possession some gas fixture**, plumbing J. P. Morgan. Baok at Work. Fstnbttshed 1904 o'clock to-morrow aftomoon from the belling against Him. The theory of Emerlch W. Rltter, alias Rettlge. In tools, wrenches, a saw and n square NKW YORK. Dec. 2.—J. P. Morgan home of her daughter, Mrs. Cora Wad- evolution as advanced by some of these his cell to-day. He made a statement Embalmer as which he was trying to sell. He is be- was again at his desk to-day. the first man. 21? Garfield a v.. and burial will HO -called 'thinkers' is sheer nonsense, of his relations with various "foreign 642-648 North Salina St T1Y AT ing held for investigation, but there time he has appeared at his office since be made at Oakwood. She. was 87 take it from me. I believe that I am officials In thjn country, saying that have been no recent reports of vacant hiM recent operation for appendi- years old and had resided In Syracuse just as God made mo and it will take he was now penniless and forsaken by Lady Assistant. Phone James 2967* frees* •eftSe housett Wing tooted. 121 Aj citis. 50 yearn. moro than their whiskered theories to I those he aided.


Out of Town Autos at Parking Station


For Years to Come

EXECUTE $100,000



Billy Sunday Staff Holds Five Meetings


"There's a Reason"



Reservations for Thousands Made




Society Folks Told \ to Seek Salvation









F. W. Traugott

Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
