cision to Teddy Meyers, 132 pounds,. Buffalo, in a six-round bout. Jackie took a lot of body ... T. S. Richardson, Inc.
t #
New York, June 5.—Death clutched Francis Haye,*, steeplechase 11 Expenses Too Heavy Is Cause jockey, after he rode his first winner at Belmont Park. ■' Given—Clifford's Tossers yesterday Sweet Kiss, his mount, cleverly handled, came across the finish line, Face Oneida Saturday. a length in front of the favorite, It was announced by High School Gimme, with the lad swaying from Athletic officials today that the team side to side. Hayes was valiantly but weakly, representing the school in tennis has tugging at the bridle as death gripped been forced to drop out of the Cen his heart and the mists swam before tral New York High School Tennis i „,„ , „ ,v«. his eyes. Sweet Kiss cantered 100 .League Thereasongiven wa t h a t 3 | 5j *a r d ks e v f urr | h„w' ,, „ a, n Tnc ■ expenses in ihe league for guarantees "d11 ' ^ ^ J c umplca n the saddle* 'etc.. amount to too much. i ?< ^ , ' ? The other teams in the league are: f ?P ert 8 l ° w l >' o v ^ h l a. mount's . ,.„ sides, St. John's School of Manllus. Central. : fell face downward and laj still Dr. John A. H. Voorhees, track North, Vocational, Edward Smith physician, hurried to the fallen High Schools of Syracuse and Chris-1 tian Brothers' Academy, also of the! jockey. "Heart disease," was his cojiiment. Salt City. I Next Tuesday the local netmen will j Thrill Was l o o Great. eross racquets with the Peno Yan j Did the excitement of riding his Academy team on the Pomeroy Park ' g r B t w i n n 6 r . a joy so dear to all court* hare. in the fliOt match, j j 0 c k e y s w 0 « h the name, prove too staged at Tenn \ n n . the local* were, m u c h f o r H a v e s ? p r o b a b l y . - «heateu 3 to 2 and are anxiou3 to But he also had indulged in very make a comeback. strenuous work on the road in order that he might ride Sweet Kiss. He Saturday afternoon at the Y. M. had reduced from 142 to 130 pounds •■C. A. Field in Mary Street the Ma in the last few da>s. roon baseball team will oppose the Sueet Kibs was a well played sec last traveling club representing ond choice. Kt 5 tc 1. and a great Oneida High School. The Oneidar.s. ancYent rivab of teams wearing the' *°*r swept out when she cajno Uome Maroon, have been going at a terri- fir?t. It was a roar Hayes has often flc clip so far this season and claim I dreamed of. He had been permitted their jaunt here will result in anotb- to e *c- v>f i-, yesterday as er victory to add to their ldng list. I death cam* to Mm. Coach Clifford, on the other hand. i3 f Dk>j Game. confident that his proteges will c o ? | The Isd * a s s
L,o*t 13 :s 13 *> — 21 ft 1
Lost 11
23 21 ,11 IV 14 12
IS 17 20 2