Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski - Fulton History

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peter Harm, Joan Arthur, Carl. John Foster, Carol ... Hewitt, John Lattuca, Mark Pal- mer, Mary Lou ... Campbell, Debbie
Thursday, December 3, 1964





WHEATLANDr-CHlLI HIGH SCHOOL MENU FOR DEC. 7 - 1 1 Monday - Juice, ravioli or macaroni and cheese, buttered green beans, bread and butter, chocolate cake with butter icing. Tuesday - Baked chicken, mashed potato and gravy, bread & butter, cheese cubes, fruit cup. Wednesday - Pizza, tossed salad, Italian bread & butter, cheese cubes, fruit cup. Thursday - Hamburgers on bun, mashed potato and gravy, apple crisp. Friday - Tuna noodle casserole, tossed salad or buttered vegetable, bread & butter, pineapple upsidedown cake.

2nd Grade - Maureen Cassidy, Hope you are anxiously awaitKim Latham, Vicky Thompson, ing for further details regarding (Phone items lo TU9-8677) peter Harm, Joan Arthur, Carl the Christmas sale of unusual surJohn Foster, Carol Johnstone,' prise goodies. These will be Curtis Kentner, Jeffrey Lambert, found at Starkweather's opposite, Ann Loftus, Linda Lunn, Constance the drug store, Saturday, DecemMac F art and, Carrie Morton, Rober 19, at 10 a.m. till all Is sold. William B Swain of Clifton, bert Riorden, Karl Slentz, Joel New Jersey, and Daniel Swain Slocum, Sandra Stockslader, Judith There you will find new and diffrom Alfred University were Burbank, Sharon Fisher, Kath ferent items to make the whole Thanksgiving weekend guests of ryn Gosselin, Cindy Kestner, Jer- family happy and give a festive their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. ald Lattuca, Jane McNulty, Bar- air to Christmas. You have to come and see to bara Meade, Jeffrey Saunders, William Swain. Jeffrey Stokoe, John Montean, Ann appreciate this sale of homemade Misses Monica and Agnes Kelly Melville, David La Barge, Jyl and interesting goodies -ready for entertained at a family dinner on Coates, Cynthia Dunn, Bruce Don- freezer and storage until the great ovan, Anne Reeves, Joseph Ver- day arrives. Think of all these WHEATLAND-CHILI ELEM Thanksgiving Day. wonderful items without standing MENU FOR DEC. 7 - 1 1 sace, Scott Alexander. over the hot stove. Also, you Monday - Orangeade, macaroni The Rosary Society of St. 3rd Grade - Michael Benson, wil have more time for other and cheese, buttered green beans, Mary's Church will hold their Juliann De Pascale, Mary Belle things. bread and butter, dixie cups. Christmas party at the Parish Johnson, Stacy Thompson, Loree Tuesday - Hot dogs on bun, butCenter on Wednesday evening, De- Breckenridge, Laura Gilbert, Julie tered corn, peaches and cookies. Griffin, Paul Johnson, Ann Letham cember 9. Wednesday - Ravioli and meat Sarah Meyer, Lysa Wilson, Peter balls, tossed green salad, Italian' Di Stefano ,Timothy Hogan, Donald SCOTTSVILLE GARDEN STUDY Miss Donna Jacobsen spent the Terepka, Jolene Benoit, Kathleen bread and butter, fruit cup. CLUB Thanksgiving holiday with her par- Dunn, Linda Green, Michele La Thursday - Fruit juice, Haments, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jacobsen, Pree, Diane Mac Farland, Eileen burger on bun, buttered peas and The Scottsville Garden Study Club 44 W. Cavalier. Donna is major Norton, Victoria Sidoti, Charlene carrots, chocolate pudding with ing in English at State University Wood, Joseph Burns, Thomas Du- is r to meet on December 8 whipped topping. at i:30 p.m. at the Scottsville of New York at Albany. quette, Ann Berfield, Polly Conner Library. Members will decorate Frikay - Tuna noodle casserole, Cheryl Krenzer, Sherry Martin, the library for Christmas. Mem- tossed green salad, bread and butWilliam Gray visited his parents Stephanie Saunders. bers are also asked to bring ter, pears and cookies. Mr. and Mrs. George Gray, Chlll4th Grade - Michael Strassner, i a small Christmas decoration to Scottsvilie Road, during Thanksgiv- Kathleen Taggart, Catherine Van b e a u c t i o n e d 0ff at this meeting. ing vacation from the New York Duser, Brian White, Virginia Win- R e f e r a n y q u e s t i 0 n to Mrs. RonDONNA HEINTZELMAN Agriculture 'and Technical Institute ter, Daria Spratt, Susan Reeves, at Morrisville. Bill is majoring Daryl Moore, Ed Krenzer, Terry aid Kimmel. On November 25, Donna Heintin accounting at Morrisville. Howard, Susan Brown, John Carter, zelman and Robert s McVe> >ere TROOP 648 NEWS Janet Harding, Tekla Harms, Helen killed in a head-on, two car colWe had our Investitures on No- lision at ** Jefferson Rn?d and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Luckett and Hewitt, John Lattuca, Mark Palmer, Mary Lou Schillinger, Bruce vember 18. All the girls have Brighton-Henrietta Town Lme family, North Bellmore, New York, Yaxis, Paul Di Stefano, Helen Hertheir pins now, and are all Road in Brighton spent the Thanksgiving holiday with Miss Heintzelman was boin NoMrs. Lnckett's parents, Mr. and shey, Eileen Meade, Claire Moyni- Brownies. The girls did very Mrs. Lawrence Smith, 62 Main han, Beverly Morabito, Tonia Pet- well. The cookies and punch vember 15, 1944, in Rochester. Street. Lawrence Smith Jr. was schke, James Schmitt, John Tucker, were very good also. This week She attended Ballantyne Elementary Alexander, Sue Ellen we are going to work on School and Wheatland-Chil^ High also home for the vacation from Steven Campbell, Debbie Connell, Carl Duour Christmas project. School. She was employed as a Syracuse University School of Forquette, Patricia Krenzer, Gregory Troop C48 cost accountant at Strasenburgh estry where he is a sophomore. Norsen, Nancy Riorden, Linda RoMichele Lapree, Laboratories. She was a member bertson, Susan Ward. Scribe of, Ballantyne Presbyterian Church Barbara Haner spent the Thanks5th Grade - Mary Jane Berkly, She is survived by her parents, giving vacation with her parents, Deborah White, David Barker, ToMr. and Mrs. Robert F. Heintzel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haner, 21 beth Kentner, Charles Lang, Janice man, 68 Black Creek Road. Chili, TROOP 260 NEWS Rochester Street. Barbara is a Lindemuth, Ellen Mc Cadden, John a brother, Richard; and her grandFreshman at Michigan State, ma Melville, Susan Pratuch, Kay SelfPatrol Two of Troop 260 for a parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. joring in psychology. ridge, Margaret Arthur, Carol money- making project will be sell- Lockhart and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Charlton, Mary Ely, Melissa Ger- ing evergreen sprays and Christ- Heintzelman. Richard and Rodney Ward visited hardt, John Terepka, Clarence Bur- mas decorations at Slocum's Hard(reprinted from Times Union) their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don- rus, Jay Coates, Michael Years, ware Store. These will be sold aid Ward, Second Street, during Patricia Allen, Pamela Baker, on December 5 from 2 to 4 p.m. BEGINNER SWIM the Thanksgiving recess. Richard Patricia Bonehill, Cheryl Lambert, and also on December 12 and 19 is a Freshman at Syracuse Uni- Pamela Oblein, Molly Quigley. all day until they are gone. INSTRUCTION versity majoring in Physics. Rod- 6th Grade - Barbara Ford, Alex Prices will vay and hope to see Beginner swimming instructions ney is a Freshman at Cornell Un- Van Duser, Jeffrey Carlberg, Alice you there. for boys 6 to 8 years old and iversity and is majoring in Ento- Chao, Susan Haley, George Hewitt, Kathy Yahn, scribe girls 6 to 12 years old will be mology. Craig Schroth, Floyd Beeman, Wilheld on Wednesdays at 5:15 pm liam Breckenridge, Mary Duquette, NEWS FROM TROOP 130 0 5 6 1 1 7 ittennouse Nora itz starting December 2, and on SatMr and Mrs. Anthony B a W i ^ ™ R > * » urdays at );00 pm beginning DeNancy Taylor, Lynton Warner, Brown's Avenue, were visited by On Monday, November 23, Troop cember 5. Advanced instruction their son, James, and daughter, Denise Andre, Barbara Abbott, Don- 130 went in to patrols and took will be held on Saturdays at 1:45 Linda, during the Thanksgiving holi- ald Doe, Christine Harms, Merri- dues. Mrs. Lubanski asked for pm beginning December 5. days. James is a Freshman at lee McNiece, Tobin Nilsen, Ray- some information and we went over Registration should be made as New York Agriculture and Techni- mond Terepka, Clovis White, Nan- Home, Health and safety badge. soon as possible by calling thp cal institute at Morrisville where cy Wilson. We did requirement No. 2 on Arnett Branch YMCA at DAker 5he is majoring in drafting. Linda Home, Health and Safety. We 8100 extension 7. is living in Peekskill, N.Y. ,where went over Safety for your home. she is a member of the elemen- North Chili Demonstration Unit to On Monday, November 30, Troop tary school faculty. Meet 130 went in to patrols to take NOTICE OF HEARING dues. We saw a Christmas deNorth Chili Evening Home Demon- coration made out of a plate with PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that H Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. HerUnit will hold the a picture of Santa Claus made out Public Hearing will be heldr by man, Jr. of 185 Scottsville Road, stration December Business Meeting, of felt. We did requirement No. 3 the Village of scottsyille at /;;>f> Chili are the parents of a baby Thursday, December 3, at Fair- on Home, Health and Safety p.m. on December 8, 1964 at the girl born November 15 in Rochesbanks Road Elementary School at badge. We talked a little about Village Building, 22 Main Street, ter The Wheeling Wheatlanders will 8 p.m. followed by their Christ- going Christmas Caroling and then Scottsville, New York, on a prohave a Christmas party Saturday, mas Project taught by Mrs. Ro- coming back to the Legion Hall posed Housing Ordinance. By order of Board of Trustees December 5, at C p.m. at the bert Frudd, LY 4-4846, and a to have a Christmas party. Then Helen T. Driscoll, clerk Union Presbyterian Church, Christmas Cookie Exchange. All we circled and sang two songs. members are urged to attend. November 23, 1964 Janice Lindemuth-, Scribe Brown's Avenue.

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
