So, you want to host a car show? That's great! The Oldsmobile Club of. America (
OCA) is certainly all about car shows, swap meets, and in general having fun ...
Oldsmobile Club of America Request for OCA Certificate of Insurance & OCA Event Listings
Version 12-2011
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So, you want to host a car show? That’s great! The Oldsmobile Club of America (OCA) is certainly all about car shows, swap meets, and in general having fun with our Oldsmobile friends and our fine automobiles. We thought it would be a good idea to publish an article concerning some of the insurance and advertisement requirements and guidelines. This segment should provide everyone with a “soup to nuts” how-to so that you get what you need and well ahead of the big day. This article walks you through the process of requesting approvals, getting publicity, and receiving proper insurance coverage for your event. It also touches upon the Roadshow program. The OCA Board has designed a multi-purpose form for use with all of these needs. A copy of the form, entitled “Request for OCA Certificate of Insurance & OCA Event Listing”, in two versions, is provided for this purpose. The first one can be filled out on your computer then printed to be submitted to the OCA Insurance coordinator. The second is for printing out then filling out by hand. You can obtain a copy from several sources including the OCA web site at or by writing to the OCA Insurance/Event Coordinator (OCA-IEC) address listed in “Journey with Olds”, and from your Zone Director. This form is the heart of the process and it will allow you to accomplish the following: • • • •
Request approval for your OCA event - show, swap meet, auction, etc. Request the event be advertised - in the JWO Event Listing section and on the OCA Website. Request and receive insurance approval and also request a Certificate of Insurance if one is required by the property owners in order to allow your event to proceed. You can also apply for Roadshow materials and assistance. Roadshow can apply to your hosting of an event or your attending an event on behalf of OCA, with the goal of recruiting new members into the OCA. Before we get started, there are a few ground rules that apply to this whole process:
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Individuals and/or Chapters requesting any of these benefits must be in good, current standing with the OCA. The intent is to cover Oldsmobile club related events, not individual attendance at a non-Oldsmobile or multi-make event, with or without your car. Roadshow events represent a valid exception to this rule due to the intent and purpose of the program; spreading the word about OCA and recruitment of new members. Generally speaking, insurance coverage should be provided by those hosting such events and not by OCA on your behalf as an attendee. OCA cannot and will not support any event that involves participation in racing activities of any kind or that involves the serving or consumption of alcohol. If bleachers are going to be used, we'll need to review this carefully, in advance. Believe it or not, bleachers can be very dangerous and have sometimes led to significant injuries and insurance claims, both situations we want to avoid for your Chapter. Your Chapter must use care when incorporating bleachers into your event and OCA will need to know, as will our insurance contact, J.C. Taylor, specific information about construction, age, construction materials, paint, warnings, safety additions and the like.
• If you are required to sign a lease or are asked to sign any type of contract in order to receive approval to use the grounds or enter the facility, you must submit a copy of that documentation along with your Event Listing/Insurance Request form, no exceptions. Your approval will be contingent upon the wording within the contract. Attach copies of your event flyers along with the details in your submission. With those important items behind us, here’s how to do it: Fill out the Request for OCA Certificate of Insurance & OCA Event Listing form and send it to the OCA-IEC address listed on the bottom of the form. Remember to send along any show flyers you may have and to be sure to send along any lease or contract you’ve signed or may need to sign. Remember to check the box for Roadshow if you’re applying for that also. Upon receipt, the OCA Insurance Coordinator will look over the request and will FAX it to our insurance agents, J.C. Taylor, and if necessary, they will issue a Certificate of Insurance for your event. If a certificate isn’t necessary, the OCA-IEC will let the primary event contact listed on the form know that insurance has been approved. If a certificate is necessary, J.C. Taylor will provide one and will mail copies to the primary event contact and OCA-IEC. Once the insurance issues are confirmed, OCA-IEC will forward your request to our editor of “Journey with Olds” for publication in the JWO Events Listing section. Because this process takes time, you need to submit your request forms at least 90 days prior to your event. The JWO editor also forwards your request to our OCA Webmaster for posting on the OCA Website. If you’ve made application for Roadshow, the OCA-IEC will forward your information to the OCA Roadshow Coordinator, and he will contact the primary event contact listed on the insurance request form directly to make the appropriate arrangements. Folks, it’s that simple! If you can also keep the following important items in mind, they will greatly improve our rate of success and at the same time provide the greatest exposure and the best turnout for your event. Please don’t wait until right before the show or you’ll risk not having the event advertised or worse yet, you risk not having proper approval from the insurance standpoint. All OCA shows must have proper insurance approvals, no exceptions. Please keep in mind the monthly deadline for JWO publication: end of the month for the next month’s publication. That means it needs to be in the editor’s hands, with approvals, by the end of the month or you’ll miss a month’s JWO. Please plan ahead! Communication is the key! We in OCA love to use email. It’s quick, easy, and flexible. Often times, we process these requests or provide updates during off hours that don’t lend themselves to picking up the phone. As well, when we supplement the process with email, everyone can stay well informed and in the loop. For instance, if you have a certificate pending, you can update via email. Well, that about covers this topic. Obviously, putting on a show takes many, many more hours of planning and help from a dedicated team of volunteers. We want this aspect to be as painless and easy as possible, allowing you all to focus your time and energy upon putting on a great Oldsmobile Event.
The Oldsmobile Club of America, Inc. OBIL E C
P.O. BOX 80318 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48908-0318
Request for OCA Certificate of Insurance & OCA Event Listings Please PRINT all information! Name of Requesting Chapter/Member: Address of Requesting Chapter/Member: Name of Event: Type of Event:
Car Show
Swap Meet
OCA Regional / National Event
Date(s) of Event:
Rain Date(s):
Location of Event: Owner of premises where event will be held: Address of Owner: Does Owner have liability insurance covering your event? Will bleachers be used:
Will alcohol be provided or available?
Will the event include any racing activities?
If “Yes”, who is providing the alcohol?
No Member(s)
List Member(s) or Other(s): Will you be signing a lease of premises contract?
No (*If “Yes”, a copy of the contract must accompany this request)
Will application be made for OCA Roadshow?
Event Point of Contact #1 Name:
Event Point of Contact #2 Name:
Street: City:
Street: St:
Phone: Day Email:
Zip: Eve
Phone: Day
* Unless specifically requested, or additional insureds are requested to be added, a certificate of insurance will not be mailed to event contact person listed first.
Event information to be published (i.e. times, registration, fees, events, awards, etc.) in/at
Journey with Olds
OCA Web Site
Please submit this form A.S.A.P. for processing of insurance certificate and maximum event exposure Please attach a flyer for the event also. After insurance coverage has been confirmed and insurance has been secured for the event, this form may be forwarded for publication in OCA media informing both OCA members and the general Oldsmobile hobbyist. The deadline for publication in OCA's Journey with Olds is the first of the month prior to publication (i.e. to be included in the March issue, insurance approval should be obtained before January 15.) A general rule of thumb is get this form and any accompanying documentation to the OCA Insurance Coordinator at least 90 days in advance of the target publication date of JWO. NO ACCEPTANCE OF LEGAL LIABILITY FOR YOUR EVENT: WHILE THE OLDSMOBILE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. WISHES TO SUPPORT YOUR EVENT IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE, NEITHER THE OLDSMOBILE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC., ITS MEMBERS, BOARD OF DIRECTORS OR OFFICERS ACCEPT LEGAL LIABILITY FOR YOUR CHAPTER'S EVENT BY OFFERING THIS POTENTIAL INSURANCE COVERAGE THROUGH OUR INSURANCE CONTACT, J.C. TAYLOR. For Official OCA Use Only: Mail this completed form to: OCA Insurance questions : Received Approved To JWO Steve Mestad Steve Mestad OCA Insurance/Event Coord.
[email protected] 11540 NW Timberridge Ln. NW Ph: (515) 986-5293 Grimes, IA 50111 Fax: (515) 986-1738 Previous versions should be destroyed
Rev. 12/2011
P.O. BOX 80318 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48908-0318
The Oldsmobile Club of America, Inc. A
Request for OCA Certificate of Insurance & OCA Event Listings Please PRINT all information! Event Information (Continued)
Previous versions should be destroyed
Rev. 12/2011