Olga Rass, Lauren Pacek, Patrick Johnson, Matthew Johnson. Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit, Baltimore, MD. Awareness and use of electronic ...
Characterizing Use Patterns and Perceptions of Relative Harm in Dual Users of Electronic and Tobacco Cigarettes. Olga Rass, Lauren Pacek, Patrick Johnson, Matthew Johnson Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit, Baltimore, MD BACKGROUND Awareness and use of electronic cigare+es (e-‐cigare+es) is increasing. Dual users of e-‐cigare+es and tobacco cigare+es cons1tute the majority of e-‐cigare+e users (King et al., 2013; Pearson et al., 2012). Dual users are informa1ve to addressing both the posi1ve (e.g., smoking reduc1on/cessa1on) and nega1ve (e.g., delay of cessa1on) poten1al public health claims regarding e-‐cigare+es. Purpose: Inves1gate use pa+erns and percep1ons of rela1ve harm of e-‐cigare+es and tobacco cigare+es in current dual users.
METHODS Online survey hosted by Qualtrics. Par1cipant recruitment via crowdsourcing website Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk). MTurk Workers were required to (1) have a 95% or higher approval ra1ng from previously submi+ed tasks (HITs), (2) be ≥18 years of age, and (3) reside in the United States (confirmed during ini1al registra1on on MTurk). Eligibility pre-‐screen: 1) Used e-‐cigare+es and tobacco cigare+es for ≥3 months, each 2) Used e-‐cigare+es and tobacco cigare+es in the past week 3) Typically used e-‐cigare+e contains nico1ne 4) Completed distrac1on ques1ons accurately Data collected May 13TH – 20TH, 2014.
DEMOGRAPHIC DATA N=350 Age: Mean=32 ± 10, Range = 18-‐70 83% Caucasian; 85% non-‐Hispanic
Employment: 52% full =me
Use dura1on (years) Money spent past week (in USD) Days used per week current (past 30d) Days used per week prior to e-‐cigareFes Times used per day current (past 30d) Times used per day prior to e-‐cigareFes Es1mated puffs per bout Nico1ne Dependence (FTND score)