omega-3 fatty acids - Shaklee

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for memory and attention) is estimated to contain around. 20% DHA. EPA and DHA have been studied for their: • Involvem




Omega-3 fatty acids are the healthy or ‘good’ fats we need to support normal bodily functions.


for you!

Omega-3 oils have been studied extensively for their benefits to the body :

HEART HEALTH Omega-3 has been known to reduce inflammation. Inflammation can damage blood vessels and lead to heart disease. EPA & DHA have been shown in research to provide the following benefits – all of which may help reduce the risk of heart disease: • Regulate triglyceride (cholesterol) and blood pressure levels.1,2 • Improve blood circulation.1,2 • Maintain a healthy heart rhythm.1,2

BRAIN FUNCTION Our brain is made up of almost 60% fat and much of the nervous system is composed of fats. The cerebral cortex (responsible for memory and attention) is estimated to contain around 20% DHA. EPA and DHA have been studied for their: • Involvement in the transmission of information between nerves.3 • Positive effects on mood,4 cognition, memory, learning and attention.5 • Healthy aging effects, that slow down the onset of age-related brain disorders such as Alzheimers and dementia.6

JOINT HEALTH EPA & DHA work to decrease inflammation by supressing the production of enzymes that erode cartilage, causing joint pain.7, 8

PREGNANCY AND BEYOND Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial during pregnancy right through to breastfeeding.

After the baby is born, Omega-3 supports: • Brain development and Omega-3 also plays a vital immune function role in: • Healthy post-partum • Maintaining bone mineral mood and well-being for density. moms. • Promoting joint mobility, • Fetal brain, eyes and flexibility, reducing stiffness, nervous system swelling and pain. development.9 • Decreasing inflammation – • DHA is an important suppress joint inflammation component of the retina – and destruction – common vital for proper vision in arthiritis.7, 8 development in the infant.10 • Acting as a lubricant to • DHA is critical to the optimal development of the enable creaky and painful brain before birth and joints to move freely.7, 8 during early childhood.10 • May reduce risk of allergies in infant.11 • Supports full-term delivery and healthy birth weight.10

Omega-3 has also been found to support skin health, assist in weight loss, enhance the immune system and regulate hormone production and function. Whilst Omega-3 has a numerous health benefits, it is a nutrient that the body cannot produce. Thus, supplementation of Omega-3 in our diet is crucial. A healthy person needs approximately 1,000-2,000 mg of fish oil a day. Reference: 1. Balk EM, Lichtenstein AH, Chung M, Kupelnick B, Chew P, Lau J. Effects of omega-3 fatty acids on serum markers of cardiovascular disease risk: a systematic review. 2006 Nov;189(1):19-30. 2. Jensen CD, et al. Plasma Lipids on Three Levels of Fish Oil Intake in Healthy Human Subjects. Nutr Rep Int, 1988. 38(1): p. 165-172. 3. Tanaka K, Farooqui AA, Siddiqi NJ, Alhomida AS, Ong W-Y. Effects of Docosahexaenoic Acid on Neurotransmission. Biomolecules & Therapeutics. 2012;20(2):152-157. 4. Giles GE, Mahoney CR, Kanarek RB. Omega-3 fatty acids influence mood in healthy and depressed individuals. Nutr Rev. 2013 Nov;71(11):727-41. 5. Uauy R, Dangour AD. Nutrition in brain development and aging: role of essential fatty acids. Nutr Rev. 2006 May;64(5 Pt 2):S24-33. 6. study Chih-Chiang Chiu, Kuan-Pin Su, Tsung-Chi Cheng, Hsing-Cheng Liu, Ching-Jui Chang, Michael E. Dewey, Robert Stewart, Shih-Yi Huang. The effects of omega-3 fatty acids monotherapy in Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment: A preliminary randomized double-blind placebo-controlled. Progress in Neuro-sychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 32 (2008) 1538–1544. 7. Lopez HL. Nutritional interventions to prevent and treat osteoarthritis. Part I: focus on fatty acids and macronutrients. PM R. 2012 May;4(5 Suppl):S145-54. 8. Miles EA, Calder PC. Influence of marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on immune function and a systematic review of their effects on clinical outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis. Br J Nutr. 2012 Jun;107 Suppl 2:S171-84. 9. Dunstan JA1, Simmer K, Dixon G, Prescott SL.Cognitive assessment of children at age 2(1/2) years after maternal fish oil supplementation in pregnancy: a randomized control trial Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2008 Jan;93(1):F45-50. 10. Rogers LK, Valentine CJ, Keim SA. DHA supplementation: current implications in pregnancy and childhood. Pharmacol Res. 2013 Apr;70(1):13-9. 11. Krauss-Etschmann, Hartl D, Rzehak P, Heinrich J, Shadid R, Del Carmen Ramírez-Tortosa M, Campoy C, Pardillo S, Schendel DJ, Decsi T, Demmelmair H, Koletzko BV. Decreased cord blood IL-4, IL-13, and CCR4 and increased TGF-beta levels after fish oil supplementation of pregnant women.

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