Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Differential Equations Volume 2011, Article ID 346298, 13 pages doi:10.1155/2011/346298
Research Article On a Fractional Master Equation Anitha Thomas Department of Mathematics, B.A.M. College, Thuruthicadu P.O., Mallapally, Kerala, Pathanamthitta 689597, India Correspondence should be addressed to Anitha Thomas,
[email protected] Received 9 February 2011; Accepted 25 August 2011 Academic Editor: Peiguang Wang Copyright q 2011 Anitha Thomas. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. A fractional order time-independent form of the wave equation or diffusion equation in two dimensions is obtained from the standard time-independent form of the wave equation or diffusion equation in two-dimensions by replacing the integer order partial derivatives by fractional Riesz-Feller derivative and Caputo derivative of order α, β, 1 < Rα ≤ 2 and 1 < Rβ ≤ 2 respectively. In this paper, we derive an analytic solution for the fractional time-independent form of the wave equation or diffusion equation in two dimensions in terms of the Mittag-Leffler function. The solutions to the fractional Poisson and the Laplace equations of the same kind are obtained, again represented by means of the Mittag-Leffler function. In all three cases, the solutions are represented also in terms of Fox’s H-function.
1. Introduction The standard time-independent form of the wave equation or diffusion equation in twodimensions ∇2 Ψ x, y k2 Ψ x, y 0,
where k > 0 is the wave number, is mathematically considered as the master equations to different classes of partial differential equations, namely, Poisson equation and Laplace equation. It represents the time-independent form of the wave equation or diffusion equation obtained while applying the technique of separation of variables to reduce the complexities of the solution procedure of the original equations. This equation appears in physical phenomena and engineering applications such as heat conduction, acoustic radiation, water wave propagation, and even in biology. For estimating the geodesic sea floor properties, the proper prediction of acoustic propagation in shallow water as well as at low frequencies is
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very essential. It also provides the solution to such problems, refer Liu et al. 1 . It also solves the problems in pattern formation in animal coating, see Murray and Myerscough 2 . In electromagnetics, the two-dimensional time-independent form of the wave equation or diffusion equation appears as the governing equation for waveguide problems. There is huge mathematical and engineering interest in electromagnetic wave scattering problems driven by many applications such as modeling radar, sonar, acoustic noise barriers, atmospheric particle scattering, and ultrasound since both the incident and scattered electric field satisfy the two-dimensional time-independent form of the wave equation or diffusion equation which is also known as the scalar Helmholtz equation see Budiarto and Takada 3 . This paper introduces a new fractional-model time-independent form of the wave equation or diffusion equation in two-dimensions, in which both the space variables x and y are allowed to take fractional order changes. Such models are described in Mainardi et al. 4
and are defined as α x Dθ E
β x, y 0 Dy E x, y k2 E x, y Φ x, y
k > 0, x ∈ R, y ∈ R , 1 < Rα ≤ 2, 1 < Rβ ≤ 2, where k is the wave number given by k 2π/λ where λ is the wavelength, Ex, y is the field variable of interest, which could be acoustic pressure, wave elevation, or electromagnetic potential, among many other possibilities, and Φx, y is a nonlinear function in the field. x Dθα is the Riesz-Feller space β
fractional derivative of order α and asymmetry parameter skewness θ, and y D∗ is the Caputo fractional derivative of order β. These fractional derivatives are integrodifferential operators, and are defined in the section on mathematical preliminaries. The Mittag-Leffler function is a special function having an essential role in the solutions of fractional order integral and differential equations. Recently, this function is frequently used in modeling phenomena of fractional order appearing in physics, biology, engineering and applied sciences. After being introduced and studied by Mittag-Leffler 5 , Wiman 6 and Agarwal 7 , the Mittag-Leffler function, in its two forms: Eα z
Eα,β z
zn , Γnα 1 n0
α ∈ C,
zn , α, β ∈ C, n0 Γ nα β
Rα > 0,
Rα > 0,
R β > 0,
has been studied in details by Dzherbashyan 8 . Both functions 1.2-1.3 are entire functions of order ρ 1/α and type σ 1. In 1920, Hille and Tamarkin 9 have presented a solution of the Abel-Volterra type integral equation φx −
λ Γα
x 0
φt x − t1−α
dt fx,
0 < x < 1,
in terms of Mittag-Leffler functions. Fox 10 used the H-function to give the most generalized symmetrical Fourier kernel. This function is defined in terms of Mellin-Barnes
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integrals and is a generalization of the Meijer G-function. Most of the special functions are available as the special cases of this function Mathai et al. 11 . The objective of this paper is to develop a solution of the fractional time-independent form of the wave equation or diffusion equation 1.1 in terms of Mittag-Leffler function and then in Fox’s H-function, using the Laplace and Fourier transforms and their inverse transforms. Mathematically, the Poisson and the Laplace equations are the two special cases of the two-dimensional time-independent form of the wave equation or diffusion equation. We apply this fact to fractional case also. This paper is divided as follows. Section 2 is devoted to mathematical preliminaries used to solve the Cauchy problems. In Section 3, we derive the solution of the fractional Laplace equation in Mittag-Leffler function and then in Fox’s H-function. Section 4 is devoted to the fractional Poisson equation. The solution of the fractional master equation is given in Section 5. Its proof and the convergence and the series representation of the H-function are given in the appendix. The Mellin-Barnes representation and the series representation of the special functions in the fundamental solutions are given in the appendix.
2. Mathematical Preliminaries The space fractional Riesz-Feller derivative x Dθα of order α and skewness θ is defined as α x D θ fx
π ∞ fx ξ − fx Γ1 α sin α θ dξ π 2 0 ξ1α Γ1 α π ∞ fx − ξ − fx dξ , sin α − θ π 2 0 ξ1α
where 0 < α ≤ 2, |θ| ≤ minα, 2 − α and the Caputo derivative of order α with respect to t, t > 0,
α t D∗ Nx, t
⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨
1 Γm − α
N m x, u
0 t
⎪ m ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ d Nx, t, dtm
− uα−m1
m − 1 < Rα < m, 2.2
α m, m ∈ N,
where · · · is the integer part. The main results on Mittag-Leffler functions of 1.3, 1.4 are available in the handbook of Erd´elyi et al. 12, 13 , the monographs by Dzherbashyan 8, 14 , some recent books by Mathai et al. 11 , Kiryakova 15 , Podlubny 16 , Kilbas et al. 17 , and Mainardi 18 . The H-function is defined by means of a Mellin-Barnes type integral in the following manner Mathai and Haubold 19 :
m,n Hp,q z
ap ,Ap z|bq ,Bq
1 2πi
1 − bj − Bj s −s q p z ds, jm1 Γ 1 − bj − Bj s jn1 Γ aj Aj s m
j1 Γ
bj Bj s
j1 Γ
2.3 and an empty product is always interpreted as unity; m, n, p, q ∈ N0 with 0 ≤ n ≤ p, 1 ≤ Bj ai − l − 1, m ≤ q, Aj , Bj ∈ R , ai , bj ∈ C, i 1, . . . , p; j 1, . . . , q such that Ai bj k /
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k, l ∈ N0 ; i 1, . . . , n; j 1, . . . , m, where we employ the usual notations: N0 0, 1, . . . , ; R −∞, ∞, R 0, ∞; C being the complex number field. For the details about the contour L and existence conditions see; Mathai et al. 11 and Kilbas and Saigo 20 . The Wright’s generalized hypergeometric function, Wright 21, 22 ; is defined by the series representation
ap ,Ap p ψq zp ψq z|bq ,Bq
∞ r0
aj Aj s zr q , j1 Γ bj Bj s r!
j1 Γ
q p where z ∈ C, aj , bj ∈ C, Aj , Bj ∈ R ; i 1, . . . , p; j 1, . . . , q; j1 bj − j1 Aj > −1; C is the complex number field. The Mittag-Leffler function is a special case of this function, 1,1 0,1 1,1 . Eα,β z1 ψ1 z|β,α H1,2 −z| 0,11−β,α
The Laplace transform of the function Nx, t with respect to t is
L Nx, t
e−st Nx, tdt N ∗ x, s,
x ∈ R, Rs > 0,
and its inverse transform with respect to s is given by
L−1 N ∗ x, s
1 2πi
est N ∗ x, sds Nx, t,
γ being a fixed real number. The Fourier transform of a function Nx, t with respect to x is defined as F Nx, t
∞ −∞
p, t , eipx Nx, tdx N
x ∈ R,
the inverse Fourier transform with respect to p: ∞ p, t dp Nx, t. p, t 1 F−1 N e−ipx N 2π −∞
The space of functions for the above two transforms is LF LR ∞ × FR, where LR is the space of summable functions on R with norm f 0 |ft|dt < ∞ and FR is
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∞ the space of summable functions on R with norm f −∞ |ft|dt < ∞. From Mathai et al. 11 , and Prudnikov et al. 23 the cosine transform of the H-function is defined as ∞ 0
ap ,Ap m,n atμ |bq ,Bq dt tρ−1 cosktHp,q μ 2ρ−1 π m,n1 2 2−ρ/2,μ/2,ap ,Ap ,1−ρ/2,μ/2 H | a , p2,q bq ,Bq kρ k
where bj > 0, R ρ μ min R 1≤j≤m Bj θ
R ρ μ max
Aj −
aj − 1 < 1, Aj q
Bj −
arg a < 1 πθ, 2 2.11
Bj > 0.
The Laplace transform of the Caputo fractional derivative see, e.g., Podlubny 16 n L 0 Dαt Nx, t sα N ∗ x, s − sr−1 0 Dtα−r Nx, t|t0 ,
n − 1 < Rα ≤ n, n ∈ N.
From Mainardi et al. 4 , the Fourier transform of the Riesz-Feller derivative is given by F
α x D θ fx; p
−ψαθ f p ,
∞ where ψαθ fp |p|α eisign pθπ/2 , p ∈ R, and f F fx; p −∞ eipx fxdx. We also need the property of H-function Mathai et al. 11 a1 ,A1 ,...ap ,Ap z| ,B b1 1 ,...bq−1 ,Bq−1 ,a1 ,A1 a ,A ,...a ,A 2 2 p p m,n−1 Hp−1,q−1 z|b1 ,B1 ...bq−1 ,Bq−1 ,
m,n Hp,q
2.14 m ≥ 1, q > m,
and the following result Podlubny, 16 : −1
sβ−1 ;t sα − a
tα−β Eα,α−β1 atα ,
Rs > 0,
R α − β > −1,
a < 1. sα
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3. The Exact Solution of the Fractional Laplace Equation The exact solution of the fractional Laplace equation 1.2 in terms of three special functions namely, Mittag-Leffler function, Fox’s H-function, and Mainardi function, respectively, are derived in the following subsections.
3.1. The Exact Solution in Terms of Mittag-Leffler Function Theorem 3.1. Consider the fractional Laplace equation α x Dθ E
β x, y y D∗ E x, y 0,
x ∈ R, y 0,
1 < Rα ≤ 2, |θ| ≤ minα, 2 − α, 1 < Rβ ≤ 2 with initial conditions Ex, 0 fx, ∂/∂yEx, y|y0 gx, x ∈ R, limx → ±∞ Ex, y 0, where x Dθα is the Riesz-Feller fractional β
derivative of order α and symmetry θ and y D∗ is the Caputo fractional derivative of order β. Then the solution of 3.1 subject to the initial conditions is
1 E x, y 2π
! y f p Eβ,1 ψαθ p yβ e−ipx dp 2π −∞
∞ −∞
! g p Eβ,2 ψαθ p yβ e−ipx dp, 3.2
where indicates the Fourier transform with respect to the space variable x. Proof. If we apply Laplace transform with respect to the space variable y and use 2.12, 3.1 becomes α ∗ x Dθ E x, s
sβ E∗ x, s − sβ−1 fx − sβ−2 gx 0.
Now applying the Fourier transform with respect to the space variable x to obtain sβ − ψαθ p E∗ p, s sβ−1 f p sβ−2 g p , sβ−2 g p sβ−1 f p E∗ p, s . sβ − ψαθ p sβ − ψαθ p
Using the result 2.15, we get E p, y f p Eβ,1 ψαθ p yβ g p yEβ,2 ψαθ p yβ .
Taking the inverse Fourier transform on both sides, we obtain the solution 1 E x, y 2π
! y f p Eβ,1 ψαθ p yβ e−ipx dp 2π −∞
∞ −∞
! g p Eβ,2 ψαθ p yβ e−ipx dp. 3.6
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Hence Theorem 3.1 follows. From the above Cauchy problem, by introducing the initial conditions fx δx where δx is the Dirac delta function and gx 0, the exact solution or the Green function in Mittag-Leffler function is derived with the help of the Fourier convolution: E x, y
∞ −∞
Gθα,β x − τ, y fτdτ,
where the exact solution in terms of the Mittag-leffler function Gx, y is
1 x, y 2π
∞ −∞
! ψαθ p yβ e−ipx dp.
3.2. Exact Solution in Terms of Fox’s H-Function From the above theorem, exact solution in Fox’s H-function for the fractional Laplace equation α x Dθ E
β x, y 0 Dy E x, y 0,
x ∈ R,
y 0,
1 < Rα ≤ 2, |θ| ≤ minα, 2 − α, 1 < Rβ ≤ 2 with initial conditions Ex, 0 fx δx, ∂/∂yEx, y|y0 0, x ∈ R, lim Ex, y 0, is given by x → ±∞
E x, y
∞ −∞
Gθα,β x − τ, y fτdτ,
where ! 1 ∞ Gθα,β x, y Eβ,1 ψαθ p yβ e−ipx dp, 2π −∞ 1,1 ! 0,1 1 ∞ −ψαθ p yβ |0,1,0,β dp, cos px H1,2 π 0 1,1 α β iθπ/2 ! 0,1 1 ∞ − p y e |0,1,0,β dp, cos px H1,2 π 0 1 1/2,α/2,0,1,0,α/2 1,2 √ H3,2 −2α eiθπ/2 |x|−α yβ |0,1,0,β , R β < 2, π|x| 1 1/2,α/2,0,α/2 1,1 √ H2,1 −2α eiθπ/2 |x|−α yβ |0,β , using 2.14. π|x|
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4. Fractional Poisson Equation As a generalization of the Cauchy problem 3.1, the Mittag-Leffler solution of the fractional Poisson equation α x Dθ E
β x, y 0 Dy E x, y Φ x, y
is given as.
4.1. Cauchy Problem The solution to the fractional Poisson equation α x Dθ E
β x, y 0 Dy E x, y Φ x, y ,
y 0,
x ∈ R,
1 < Rα ≤ 2,
where Φx, y is a nonlinear function, 1 < Rα ≤ 2, |θ| ≤ minα, 2 − α, 1 < Rβ ≤ 2 with initial conditions Ex, 0 fx, ∂/∂yEx, y|y0 gx, x ∈ R, limx → ±∞ Ex, y 0 where β
α x Dθ
is the Riesz-Feller fractional derivative of order α and symmetry θ and y D∗ is the Caputo fractional derivative of order β. Then, the solution of 4.2 subject to the initial conditions is 1 E x, y 2π
∞ −∞
y 2π 1 2π
! f p Eβ,1 ψαθ p yβ e−ipx dp
∞ −∞
! g p Eβ,2 ψαθ p yβ e−ipx dp β−1
∞ −∞
! p, y − ξ Eβ,β ψαθ p ξβ e−ipx dpdξ, Φ
where indicates the Fourier transform with respect to the space variable x. Solution. Applying the Laplace transform with respect to the space variable y and Fourier transform with respect to the space variable x and using initial conditions, we have ∗ p, s , sβ − ψαθ p E∗ p, s sβ−1 f p sβ−2 g p Φ ∗ p, s sβ−2 g p sβ−1 f p Φ E p, s β β . sβ − ψαθ p s − ψαθ p s − ψαθ p ∗
Taking the inverse Laplace transform and using Laplace convolution, ! E p, y f p Eβ,1 ψαθ p yβ g p yEβ,2 ψαθ p ξβ
∞ 0
! p, y − ξ Eβ,β ψαθ p yβ dξ. Φ
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Taking the inverse Fourier transform on both sides and using Fourier convolution, we obtain the solution 1 E x, y 2π
∞ −∞
y 2π
1 2π
! f p Eβ,1 ψαθ p yβ e−ipx dp
∞ −∞
y 0
! g p Eβ,2 ψαθ p yβ e−ipx dp
∞ −∞
! p, y − ξ Eβ,β ψαθ p ξβ e−ipx dpdξ. Φ
5. The Fractional Master Equation In this section, we solve the fractional master equation, namely, the fractional timeindependent form of the wave or diffusion equation fractional Helmholtz equation 1.2 to generate a solution in terms of the Mittag-Leffler function, using the Laplace and Fourier transforms and their inverses. The wave number k is selected such a way that k2 > ψαθ p |p|α eisign pθπ/2 , p ∈ R. Thus, the model is made suitable to handle the scattering problems of electromagnetic waves of large wave number or short wavelength. Theorem 5.1. The analytical solution of the fractional time-independent form of the wave equation or diffusion equation α x Dθ E
β x, y y D∗ E x, y k2 E x, y Φ x, y ,
k > 0, x ∈ R, y ∈ R , with the initial conditions Ex, 0 fx, ∂/∂yEx, y|y0 gx, lim Ex, y 0, is
x → ±∞
1 E x, y 2π
y 2π
1 2π
! f p Eβ,1 − k2 − ψαθ p yβ exp −ipx dp
∞ −∞
∞ 0
! g p Eβ,2 − k2 − ψαθ p yβ exp −ipx dp
∞ −∞
! p, y − ξ Eβ,β − k2 − ψαθ p ξβ exp −ipx dpdξ, Φ
Where is the Fourier transform with respect to x. The proof of this theorem and the H-function solution of the fractional time-independent form of the wave equation or diffusion equation are discussed in the appendix.
6. Conclusion The closed form solutions in terms of the Mittag-Leffler function and Fox’s H-function are obtained for the fractional Laplace and the fractional Poisson equations. It is seen that the solutions in terms of the Mittag-Leffler function as well as in the H-function to
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the fractional time-independent form of the wave equation or diffusion equation or the fractional Helmholtz equation are the master solutions to the solutions of the fractional Laplace equation and the fractional Poisson equation.
Appendices A. The Mittag-Leffler Solution of the Fractional Time-Independent form of the Wave Equation or Diffusion Equation If we apply the Laplace transform with respect to the space variable y and use 2.12, 5.1 becomes α ∗ x Dθ E x, s
sα E∗ x, s − fx − sgx k2 E∗ x, s Φ∗ x, s.
Applying Fourier transform with respect to x, ∗ p, s . −ψαθ p E∗ p, s sβ E∗ p, s − sβ−1 f p − sβ−2 g p k2 E∗ p, s Φ
Thus, E∗ p, s
∗ p, s Φ sβ−2 f p β 2 g p β 2 . sβ k2 − ψαθ p s k − ψαθ p s k − ψαθ p sβ−1
Taking Laplace inverse transform with respect to s, ! E p, y f p Eβ,1 − k2 − ψαθ p yβ ! g p yEβ,2 − k2 − ψαθ p yβ
! p, y yβ−1 Eβ,β − k2 − ψαθ p yβ . Φ Using inverse Fourier transform with respect to p, the solution is
1 E x, y 2π
y 2π 1 2π
! f p Eβ,1 − k2 − ψαθ p yβ exp −ipx dp
∞ −∞
ξ 0
! g p Eβ,2 − k2 − ψαθ p yβ exp −ipx dp β−1
∞ −∞
! p, y − ξ Eβ,β − k2 − ψαθ p ξβ exp −ipx dpdξ. Φ
It is seen that the above solution is a master solution of the solutions to the fractional Laplace equation 3.6 and the fractional Poisson equation 4.6.
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B. The Fox’s H-Function Solution of the Fractional Time-Independent form of the Wave Equation or Diffusion Equation. The Fox’s H-function solution of the fractional time-independent form of the wave equation or diffusion equation is
α x Dθ E
β x, y y D∗ E x, y k2 E x, y Φ x, y ,
k > 0, x ∈ R, y ∈ R , with the initial conditions Ex, 0 fx δx, ∂/∂yEx, y|y0 0, limx → ±∞ Ex, y 0 is
E x, y
∞ −∞
x − τ, y fτdτ
x 0
θ gα,β x − τ, y − ξ Φτ, ξdτdξ,
where the exact solution in terms of the H-function Gθα,β x, y is
1 x, y 2π
1 θ gα,β x, y 2π
∞ −∞
∞ −∞
1,1 H1,2
1,1 H1,2
! 0,1 k2 − ψαθ p yβ |0,1,0,β e−ipx dp,
! 0,1 k2 − ψαθ p yβ |0,1,1−β,β e−ipx dp.
C. Mellin-Barnes Representation and Region of Convergence of the Mittag-Leffler Eβ,1 ψαθ pyβ
For 0 < Rβ ≤ 2, Eβ,1 ψαθ pyβ is represented by the Mellin-Barnes integral as
! ΓsΓ1 − s β θ !−s 1 ψαθ p yβ ds, y ψα p 2πi L Γ 1 − βs 0,1 1,1 yβ ψαθ p |0,1,0,β , H1,2
where | argyβ ψαθ p| < π; the contour of integration is at c − i∞ and ending at c i∞, 0 < c < 1, separates all poles at s −k, k 0, 1, . . . to the left and all the poles at s n 1, n 0, 1, . . . to the right. From Mathai et al. 11 , the integral converges for all z / 0, where z yβ ψαθ p, p ∈ R.
International Journal of Differential Equations 1/2, α/2,0, α/2
1,1 D. Series Representation of H2,1 −z|0,β
1/2, α/2,0, α/2
1,1 By Mathai et al. 11 , the series expansion of the function H2,1 −z|0,β
−2 e
α iθπ/2
where z
−α β
|x| y is given as follows. We have 1,1 H2,1
Γ βs Γ1/2 − α/2s 1 1/2, α/2,0, α/2 −z| 0,β −z −s ds, 2πi L Γα/2s
where z 2α eiθπ/2 |x|−α yβ . Let us assume that the poles of the integrand are simple. The region of convergence is L L∞ is a loop beginning and ending at ∞ and encircling all the poles of Γ1/2 − α/2s once in the negative direction but none of the poles of Γβs. By calculating the residues at the poles of Γ1/2 − α/2s where the poles are given by 1/2 − α/2s −ν, ν 0, 1, 2, . . ., we will get the series representation as ∞ −1ν Γ β/α 2ν 1
2 1/2, α/2,0, α/2 1,1 −z| 0,β H2,1 −z−2ν1/α . α ν0 ν!Γν 1/2
−α The H-function exists for all z, z / 0 where z −2α eiθπ/2 |x| yβ .
Acknowledgments The author acknowledges gratefully the encouragements given by Professor A. M. Mathai, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, and Dr. M. S. Samuel, Director, Department of Computer Science, MACFAST, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India, in this research work. The author would like to thank the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Pala Campus, for providing facilities for carrying out this work.
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Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com
Volume 2014
International Journal of
Differential Equations Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com
Volume 2014
Volume 2014
Submit your manuscripts at http://www.hindawi.com International Journal of
Advances in
Combinatorics Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com
Mathematical Physics Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com
Volume 2014
Journal of
Complex Analysis Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com
Volume 2014
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Journal of
Mathematics Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com
Volume 2014
Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com
Volume 2014
Volume 2014
Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com
Volume 2014
Discrete Mathematics
Journal of
Volume 2014
Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Journal of
Function Spaces Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2014
Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com
Volume 2014
Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com
Volume 2014
International Journal of
Journal of
Stochastic Analysis
Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com
Hindawi Publishing Corporation http://www.hindawi.com
Volume 2014
Volume 2014