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Key words: potential operator, Gâteaux derivative, Euler-Lagrange equations. AMS Mathematics Subject Classification: 47G40, 70H03. Abstract. The existence ...
EURASIAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL ISSN 2077-9879 Volume 3, Number 4 (2012), 23 – 34

ON DIRECT VARIATIONAL FORMULATIONS FOR SECOND ORDER EVOLUTIONARY EQUATIONS S.A. Budochkina, V.M. Savchin Communicated by V.I. Burenkov Key words: potential operator, Gˆateaux derivative, Euler-Lagrange equations. AMS Mathematics Subject Classification: 47G40, 70H03. Abstract. The existence of direct variational formulations for a wide class of second order evolutionary equations is investigated.


Introduction Consider the following operator equation N (u) ≡ P2u,t utt + P1u,t ut + Q(t, u) = 0V ,


d2 d u, utt ≡ 2 u. dt dt Here ∀t ∈ [t0 , t1 ], ∀u ∈ U1 Piu,t : U1 → V1 (i = 1, 2) are linear operators; Q : [t0 , t1 ] × U1 → V1 is an arbitrary operator; D(N ) is a domain of definition of the operator N : D(N ) ⊆ U → V ; U = C 2 ([t0 , t1 ]; U1 ), V = C([t0 , t1 ]; V1 ), U1 , V1 are linear normed spaces, U1 ⊆ V1 . Assume that for every t ∈ (t0 , t1 ) and g(t), u(t) ∈ U1 the function P1u,t g(t) is continuously differentiable and P2u,t g(t) is twice continuously differentiable on (t0 , t1 ). Any function u ∈ D(N ) is called a solution of problem (1.1) if it satisfies equation (1.1). In the sequel, we shall write u ∈ D(N ) ⊆ U ⊆ V,

t ∈ [t0 , t1 ] ⊂ R;

ut ≡ Dt u ≡

N (u) ≡ P2u utt + P1u ut + Q(u) = 0V , bearing in mind that the operators P1u , P2u and Q may also depend on t. First let us introduce the following concepts. Let N be an operator such that its domain of definition D(N ) ⊆ U and the range of values R(N ) ⊆ V , where U and V are linear normed spaces over R, i. e. N (u) = v,

u ∈ U,

v ∈ V.

If there exists the limit 1 δN (u, h) = lim {N (u + εh) − N (u)}, ε→0 ε

u ∈ D(N ),

(u + εh) ∈ D(N ),



S.A. Budochkina, V.M. Savchin

then it is called the Gˆateaux variation of the operator N at the point u or the first variation of the operator N at the point u. δN (u, h) is homogeneous with respect to h : δN (u, λh) = λδN (u, h), but the operator δN (u, ·) : U → V is not always additive with respect to h. If δN (u, h) is a linear operator with respect to h, when u is a fixed element of D(N ), then we say that the operator N is Gˆateaux differentiable at the point u. The expression δN (u, h) is called the Gˆateaux differential and denoted by DN (u, h). In this case we shall also write DN (u, h) = Nu0 h and say that Nu0 is the Gˆateaux derivative of operator N at the point u. If N is a linear operator then Nu0 h = N h, i. e. the Gˆateaux derivative of the linear operator coincides with it. Further assume that for any given operator N : D(N ) ⊂ U → V there exists its Gˆateaux derivative at any point u ∈ D(N ). The domain of definition D(Nu0 ) consisits of elements h ∈ U such that (u + εh) ∈ D(N ) for all ε sufficiently small. In this case h ∈ D(Nu0 ) is called an admissible element. If the Gˆateaux derivative of the operator N exists, then the following equality holds N (u + εh) = N (u) + εNu0 h + r(u, εh),

u ∈ D(N ),


where for any fixed element h ∈ D(Nu0 ) lim


r(u, εh) = 0V . ε

If the Gˆateaux derivative of the operator N is known and 0U ∈ D(N ), then Z1 N (u) =

0 Ntu u dt + N (0U ).



˜u which may depend on u in a nonlinear way, Note that for any linear operator N the Gˆateaux derivative is defined by ˜ ˜ ˜ 0 (g; h) = lim Nu+εh g − Nu g . N u ε→0 ε


The second Gˆateaux derivative Nu00 of the operator N is given by Nu00 (h1 , h2 ) =

∂2 N (u + ε1 h1 + ε2 h2 )|ε1 =ε2 =0 . ∂ε1 ∂ε2


In the most of applications Nu00 satisfies the symmetry condition Nu00 (h1 , h2 ) = Nu00 (h2 , h1 ). Now we need some notation and notions for bilinear forms and potential operators. Definition 1. A mapping Φ(·, ·) : V × U → R is said to be a bilinear form if it is linear with respect to every argument.


On direct variational formulations for second order evolutionary equations

Definition 2. A bilinear form Φ(·, ·) : V × V → R is called symmetric if Φ(v, g) = Φ(g, v) ∀g, v ∈ V. Consider a bilinear form Zt1 < ·, · > dt : V × U → R

Φ(·, ·) ≡



such that the bilinear mapping Φ1 (·, ·) ≡ < ·, · > satisfies the following conditions: < v1 (t), v2 (t) > = < v2 (t), v1 (t) >

∀v1 (t), v2 (t) ∈ V1 ,


∀v, g ∈ C 1 ([t0 , t1 ]; U1 ). (1.9) n If v = v(x, t), x ∈ Ω ⊂ R , t ∈ (t0 , t1 ), U1 = V1 = C(Ω), then we can take for example Z Dt < v(t), g(t) > = < Dt v(t), g(t) > + < v(t), Dt g(t) >

v(x, t)g(x, t) dx.

< v, g > =


Definition 3. The operator N : D(N ) ⊂ U → V is said to be potential on the set D(N ) with respect to the bilinear form Φ(·, ·) : V × U → R, if there exists a functional FN : D(FN ) = D(N ) → R such that δFN [u, h] = Φ(N (u), h)

∀u ∈ D(N ),

∀h ∈ D(Nu0 ).

The functional FN is called the potential of the operator N , and in its turn the operator N is called the gradient of the functional FN . In this case we shall write N = gradΦ FN . An element u ∈ D(N ) such that δFN [u, h] = 0 ∀h ∈ D(Nu0 ), is said to be a critical point of the functional FN . The following theorem is needed in the sequel. Theorem 1.1. [3, 5] Consider the operator N : D(N ) ⊂ U → V and the bilinear form Φ(·, ·) : V × U → R such that for any fixed elements u ∈ D(N ), g, h ∈ D(Nu0 ) the function ψ(ε) = Φ(N (u + εh), g) belongs to the class C 1 [0, 1]. For N to be potential on the convex open set D(N ) with respect to Φ it is necessary and sufficient that Φ(Nu0 h, g) = Φ(Nu0 g, h)

∀u ∈ D(N ),

∀g, h ∈ D(Nu0 ).


Under this condition the potential FN is given by Z1 Φ(N (u0 + λ(u − u0 )), u − u0 ) dλ + FN [u0 ],

FN [u] = 0

where u0 is a fixed element of D(N ).




S.A. Budochkina, V.M. Savchin

Main results

Denoting by (...)∗ the operator adjoint to the operator (...), we shall prove Theorem 2.1. Suppose that Dt∗ = −Dt on D(Nu0 ); then for operator (1.1) to be potential on D(N ) with respect to bilinear form (1.7) it is necessary and sufficient that on D(Nu0 ) ∗ = 0, (2.1) P2u − P2u ∗0 (·; ut ) = 0, P2u

−2 −  −

∗ ∂P2u ∂t

0 (·; ut ) − u


∗ ∂P2u ∗ + P1u + P1u = 0, ∂t


∗ ∗ ∂ 2 P2u ∂P1u ∗ + Q0u − Q0u = 0, + ∂t2 ∂t


∗0 ∂P2u ∗0 0 0 (·; ut ) + P1u (·; ut ) + P1u (ut ; ·) − [P1u (ut ; ·)]∗ = 0, ∂t

0 ∗0 0 P2u (utt ; ·) − P2u (·; utt ) − [P2u (utt ; ·)]∗ = 0.

∀u ∈ D(N ),

(2.5) (2.6)

∀t ∈ [t0 , t1 ].

Proof. Using (1.1) and (1.5), we get 0 0 Nu0 h = P2u htt + P2u (utt ; h) + P1u ht + P1u (ut ; h) + Q0u h.

In this case (1.11) can be written in the form Zt1

0 0 < P2u htt + P2u (utt ; h) + P1u ht + P1u (ut ; h) + Q0u h, g > dt


Zt1 =

0 0 < P2u gtt + P2u (utt ; g) + P1u gt + P1u (ut ; g) + Q0u g, h > dt,


or Zt1

0 0 {< P2u htt + P2u (utt ; h) + P1u ht + P1u (ut ; h) + Q0u h, g >

t0 ∗ 0 ∗ 0 (utt ; ·)]∗ h − Dt (P1u h) + [P1u (ut ; ·)]∗ h + Q0∗ − < Dt2 (P2u h) + [P2u u h, g >}dt = 0

∀u ∈ D(N ), ∀g, h ∈ D(Nu0 ). Taking into account the second Gˆateaux derivative, we obtain

∗ Dt2 (P2u h)


∗ Dt [Dt (P2u h)]

  ∗ ∂P2u ∗0 ∗ h + P2u (h; ut ) = Dt P2u ht + ∂t



On direct variational formulations for second order evolutionary equations


∗ htt P2u

∗ ∂P ∗ ∂ 2 P2u ∗0 + 2 2u ht + 2P2u (ht ; ut ) + h+ ∂t ∂t2

∗ ∂P2u ∂t


∗00 (h; ut ; ut ) (h; ut ) + P2u


∗0 ∂P2u

∗0 +P2u (h; utt ) +

(h; ut ). ∂t From (2.8), (2.7) we get the following: Zt1


0 ∗ 0 htt − 2 (ut ; h) + Q0u h − P2u < P2u htt + P2u (utt ; h) + P1u ht + P1u

∗ ∂P2u ht ∂t

t0 ∗ ∂ 2 P2u − h− ∂t2

∗0 (ht ; ut ) −2P2u

∗ ∂P2u ∂t


∗0 ∗00 (h; utt ) (h; ut ; ut ) − P2u (h; ut ) − P2u


∗ ∂P ∗0 ∂P1u 0 ∗ ∗0 0 − 2u (h; ut ) − [P2u (utt ; ·)]∗ h + P1u ht + h + P1u (h; ut ) − [P1u (ut ; ·)]∗ h ∂t ∂t −Q0∗ h, g > dt = 0. u

Thus condition (2.7) is represented in the form Zt1 < {(P2u −

∗ P2u ) Dtt

 ∗ ∂P2u ∗0 ∗ + P1u − 2 − 2P2u (·; ut ) + P1u Dt ∂t 

t0 0 +P2u (utt ; ·)


0 P1u (ut ; ·)



∗ ∂ 2 P2u − − ∂t2

∗ ∂P2u ∂t


∗00 (·; ut ) − P2u (·; ut ; ut )


∗0 ∗ ∂P2u ∂P1u ∗0 0 ∗0 0 −P2u (·; utt ) − (·; ut ) − [P2u (utt ; ·)]∗ + + P1u (·; ut ) − [P1u (ut ; ·)]∗ ∂t ∂t −Q0∗ ∀u ∈ D(N ), ∀g, h ∈ D(Nu0 ). u }h, g > dt = 0

This is fulfilled identically if and only if    ∗ ∂P2u ∗0 ∗ ∗ (P2u − P2u ) Dtt + P1u − 2 − 2P2u (·; ut ) + P1u Dt ∂t  ∗ 0 ∗ ∂ 2 P2u ∂P2u ∗00 0 0 0 +P2u (utt ; ·) + P1u (ut ; ·) + Qu − − (·; ut ) − P2u (·; ut ; ut ) 2 ∂t ∂t u ∗0 ∗ ∂P2u ∂P1u 0 ∗0 0 (ut ; ·)]∗ (·; ut ) − [P2u (utt ; ·)]∗ + + P1u (·; ut ) − [P1u ∂t ∂t −Q0∗ ∀u ∈ D(N ), ∀h ∈ D(Nu0 ). u ] h = 0V ∗0 (·; utt ) − −P2u

The necessary and sufficient conditions for this equality to be valid are that conditions (2.1) - (2.6) hold. Remark 1. By (2.1), (1.4), and (2.2) it follows that Z1 P2u h − P20 h = 0

d P2εu h dε = dε


0 P2εu (h; u) dε = 0,


i.e. the operator P2u does not depend on u on D(Nu0 ).


S.A. Budochkina, V.M. Savchin

Therefore conditions (2.1) - (2.6) are equivalent to the following ones: P2 − P2∗ = 0,


∂P2 ∗ + P1u + P1u = 0, ∂t


∂ 2 P2 ∂P1u ∗ + Q0u − Q0u = 0, − 2 ∂t ∂t



0 0 0 −P1u (·; ut ) + P1u (ut ; ·) − [P1u (ut ; ·)]∗ = 0,


0 0 (utt ; ·)]∗ = 0. (utt ; ·) − [P2u P2u


Theorem 2.2. If Dt∗ = −Dt on D(Nu0 ), then conditions (2.1) − (2.6) hold if and only if equation (1.1) can be represented in the form N (u) ≡ P2u utt + P1u ut + Q(u)


0 ≡ (−R2 − R∗2 )utt + (R0∗ 1u − R1u − 2

∂R∗2 ∂ 2 R2 ∂R1 )ut + gradΦ1 B[u] − (u) + u = 0V ∂t ∂t ∂t2 ∀u ∈ D(N ).

The operators R1 , R2 , B are defined by Zt1 Z1 < −P1˜u(λ) (u − u0 ),

Φ(R1 (u), ut ) = t0

< −P2 (ut − u0t ),

Φ(R2 ut , ut ) =

B[u] =

Z1 < Q(˜ u(λ)) + λ



Zt1 Z1 t0

∂ u˜(λ) > dλdt, ∂t

∂ u˜(λ) > dλdt, ∂t



∂P1˜u(λ) ∂ 2 P2 (u − u0 ) − λ 2 (u − u0 ), u − u0 > dλ, ∂t ∂t




u˜(λ) = u0 + λ(u − u0 );

u0 is a fixed element of D(N ).

Proof. If Dt∗ = −Dt on D(Nu0 ) and conditions (2.1) - (2.6) hold, then by Theorem 2.1 it follows that operator (1.1) is potential with respect to (1.7). This implies that we can construct the corresponding functional. Zt1 Z1  ∂ 2 u˜(λ) , u − u0 > FN [u] = < P2˜u(λ) ∂t2 t0


 ∂ u˜(λ) + < P1˜u(λ) , u − u0 > + < Q(˜ u(λ)), u − u0 > dλdt + FN [u0 ]. ∂t

On direct variational formulations for second order evolutionary equations

Let us consider the integral Zt1 Z1 < P2˜u(λ)

J2 [u] = t0

∂ 2 u˜(λ) , u − u0 > dλdt. ∂t2


Since Dt is skew-symmetric, we obtain Zt1 Z1 < P2˜u(λ) u0tt + λP2˜u(λ) (utt − u0tt ), u − u0 > dλdt

J2 [u] = t0


Zt1 Z1 = t0

 < P2˜u(λ) u0tt , u − u0 >


 ∂P2˜u(λ) − < λ(ut − u0t ), (u − u0 ) + P2˜u(λ) (ut − u0t ) > dλdt ∂t Zt1 Z1  ∂ 2 P2˜u(λ) = (u − u0 ) > P2˜u(λ) u0tt , u − u0 > + < λ(u − u0 ), ∂t2 t0


 ∂P2˜u(λ) + < 2λ(u − u0 ), (ut − u0t ) > + < λ(u − u0 ), P2˜u(λ) (utt − u0tt ) > dλdt ∂t Zt1 Z1  ∂ 2 u˜(λ) , u − u0 > = < P2˜u(λ) ∂t2 t0


 ∂P2˜u(λ) ∂ 2 P2˜u(λ) (u − u0 ) + 2 (ut − u0t ), u − u0 > dλdt +λ< ∂t2 ∂t Zt1 Z1  ∂P2 ∂ u˜(λ) ∂ u˜(λ) −< = (u − u0 ), > − < P2 (ut − u0t ), > ∂t ∂t ∂t t0


 ∂ 2 P2 ∂P2 (u − u0 ) + 2 (ut − u0t ), u − u0 > dλdt. +λ< ∂t2 ∂t J1 [u] =

For the integral

Rt1 R1 t0 0

Zt1 Z1 J1 [u] = t0

Zt1 Z1 = t0


< P1˜u(λ) ∂ u˜∂t(λ) , u − u0 > dλdt

we have

  < P1˜u(λ) u0t , u − u0 > + < λP1˜u(λ) (ut − u0t ), u − u0 > dλdt


  ∗ < P1˜u(λ) u0t , u − u0 > − < λ(u − u0 ), Dt (P1˜ u(λ) (u − u0 )) > dλdt.



S.A. Budochkina, V.M. Savchin

Further note that    ∂P2 ∂ 2 P2 − u0 )] = Dt 2 − P1˜u(λ) (u − u0 ) = 2 2 (u − u0 ) ∂t ∂t   ∂P1˜u(λ) ∂ u˜(λ) ∂P2 0 (ut − u0t ) − (u − u0 ) − P1˜u(λ) (ut − u0t ) − P1˜u(λ) u − u0 ; . +2 ∂t ∂t ∂t ∗ Dt [P1˜ u(λ) (u

Consequently, Zt1 Z1  ∂ 2 P2 < P1˜u(λ) u0t , u − u0 > − < λ(u − u0 ), 2 2 (u − u0 ) > J1 [u] = ∂t t0


∂P1˜u(λ) ∂P2 (ut − u0t ) > +λ < (u − u0 ), u − u0 > ∂t ∂t    ∂ u˜(λ) 0 + < λP1˜u(λ) (ut − u0t ) + λP1˜u(λ) u − u0 ; , u − u0 > dλdt. ∂t

− < λ(u − u0 ), 2

Taking into consideration (2.12), we get Zt1 Z1 λ< t0



dλdt ∂t


Zt1 Z1 = t0


Zt1 Z1 =

0 P1˜ u(λ)

∂ u˜(λ) ; u − u0 ∂t

 ∂ u˜(λ) ; u − u0 , u − u0 > dλdt = 0, ∂t


i.e. Zt1 Z1  ∂P1˜u(λ) ∂ u˜(λ) J1 [u] = < P1˜u(λ) , u − u0 > +λ < (u − u0 ), u − u0 > ∂t ∂t t0


 ∂ 2 P2 ∂P2 − λ < 2 2 (u − u0 ), u − u0 > −λ < 2 (ut − u0t ), u − u0 > dλdt. ∂t ∂t Hence, Zt1 Z1  ∂ u˜(λ) ∂ u˜(λ) FN [u] = < −P2 (ut − u0t ), > − < P1˜u(λ) (u − u0 ), > ∂t ∂t t0

−λ < (u − u0 ), u − u0 > ∂t ∂t ∂t2

On direct variational formulations for second order evolutionary equations


 ∂P1˜u(λ) + < Q(˜ u(λ)) + λ (u − u0 ), u − u0 > dλdt + FN [u0 ]. ∂t Using (2.15) - (2.17), we get  Zt1  ∂R2 < R2 ut , ut > + < R1 (u) − FN [u] = u, ut > +B[u] dt + FN [u0 ]. ∂t



It is easy to show that Zt1 δFN [u, h] =

[< R2 ht + R01u h, ut > + < R2 ut + R1 (u), ht >


 ∂R2 ∂R2 −< h, ut > − < u, ht > + < gradΦ1 B[u], h > dt ∂t ∂t Zt1  ∂R∗ ∂R2 = ut , h > − < R2 utt , h > < − 2 ut , h > − < R∗2 utt , h > − < ∂t ∂t t0

∗ ∂R2 +< ut , h > ∂t  ∂ 2 R2 ∂R2 +< u, h > + < ut , h > + < gradΦ1 B[u], h > dt ∂t2 ∂t R0∗ 1u ut , h

∂R1 (u), h > − < R01u ut , h > − >−< ∂t

Zt1 < (−R2 −


R∗2 )utt


(R0∗ 1u


∂R∗2 )ut −2 ∂t


 Zt1 ∂R1 ∂ 2 R2 + gradΦ1 B[u] − (u) + u , h > dt = < N (u), h > dt ∂t ∂t2 


∀u ∈ D(N ), ∀h ∈ D(Nu0 ). Thus, the sufficiency of representation (2.14) is proved. On the other hand, if Dt∗ = −Dt on D(Nu0 ) and equation (1.1) can be represented in the form (2.14), then P2 = −R2 − R∗2 , 0 P1u = R0∗ 1u − R1u − 2

Q(u) = gradΦ1 B[u] −

∂R∗2 , ∂t

∂R1 ∂ 2 R2 (u) + u. ∂t ∂t2

(2.19) (2.20) (2.21)


S.A. Budochkina, V.M. Savchin

Remark 2. If 0U ∈ D(N ), then the operators R1 , R2 can be found by formulas < R1 (u), ut >=

Z1 < −λP1λu u, ut > dλ, 0

< R2 ut , ut >=

Z1 < −λP2 ut , ut > dλ. 0

In the case of bilinear mapping (1.10) we have R1 (u) =

Z1 −λP1λu u dλ, 0

1 R2 = − P2 , 2 Example. Consider the following partial differential equation: N (u) ≡ utt + 2βv(t)utx + uxxxx + v 2 (t)uxx + βv 0 (t)ux = 0,


(x, t) ∈ QT = (a, b) × (0, T ), where β is a constant, v(t) is a fixed function and u(x, t) is the unknown function. We denote by D(N ) the domain of definition of the operator N in (2.22): 2,4 D(N ) = {u ∈ U = Ct,x (QT ) : u|t=0 = φ1 (x), ut |t=0 = φ2 (x) (x ∈ (a, b)),


u|x=a = ψ1 (t), u|x=b = ψ2 (t) (t ∈ (0, T )}, where φi , ψi (i=1,2) are given functions. We denote V = C(QT ) and determine the bilinear form Φ(·, ·) : V × U → R by setting ZT Zb Φ(v, g) = v(x, t)g(x, t) dxdt. (2.24) 0


Let us note that equation (2.22) has the structure of equation (1.1). Indeed, in this case P2 = I, P1 = 2βv(t)Dx , Q(u) = uxxxx + v 2 (t)uxx + βv 0 (t)ux . Let us show that conditions (2.1) – (2.6) are satisfied. We have (2.1) =⇒ I − I = 0, (2.2) =⇒ 0 = 0, (2.3) =⇒ 2βv(t)Dx − 2βv(t)Dx = 0, (2.4) =⇒ −2βv 0 (t)Dx + Dx4 + v 2 (t)Dx2 + βv 0 (t)Dx − Dx4 − v 2 (t)Dx2 + βv 0 (t)Dx = 0, (2.5) =⇒ 0 = 0, (2.6) =⇒ 0 = 0.

On direct variational formulations for second order evolutionary equations


Hence, equation (2.22) can be represented in the form of the Euler-Lagrange equation. Further, using (2.15) – (2.17) one obtains 1 R2 = − I, 2

R1 = −βv(t)Dx ,

1 B[u] = 2


{u2xx − v 2 (t)u2x } dx.


Thus, the potential of the operator N in (2.22) can be written in the form 1 FN [u] = 2

ZT Zb 0

{−u2t − 2βv(t)ux ut + u2xx − v 2 (t)u2x } dxdt + FN [u0 ].



Let us note that potential (2.25) can be used to obtain an infinite number of first integrals of the given equation (2.22). 2,∞ Suppose that u ∈ Ct,x (QT ), then the first integrals of (2.22) are Zb (−ut − βv(t)ux )

Ik [u] =

∂ 2k+1 u dx, (k = 0, 1, 2, ...) ∂x2k+1


(see [7]). This paper can be considered as a continuation of [4].

Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 12-01-00554-a)


S.A. Budochkina, V.M. Savchin

References [1] V. Volterra, Le¸cons sur les fonctions de lignes.- Paris: Gautier-Villars, 1913. [2] V.M. Savchin, Mathematical methods of mechanics of infinite-dimensional nonpotential systems. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, 1991 (in Russian) [3] S.A. Budochkina, Investigation of the motion of the Helmholtz systems with infinite number of degrees of freedom. PhD thesis, Moscow, 2005 (in Russian) [4] S.A. Budochkina, V.M. Savchin, On indirect variational formulations for operator equations. Journal of Function Spaces and Applications, 5, no. 3 (2007), 231-242.

Svetlana Aleksandrovna Budochkina Vladimir Mikhailovich Savchin Department of Mathematical Analysis and Theory of Functions Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia 6 Miklukho-Maklaya St., 117198 Moscow, Russia E-mails: [email protected], [email protected] Received: 05.06.2012