SIAM J. COMPUT. Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 527–549
c 2001 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
ON-LINE LOAD BALANCING IN A HIERARCHICAL SERVER TOPOLOGY∗ AMOTZ BAR-NOY† , ARI FREUND‡ , AND JOSEPH (SEFFI) NAOR‡ Abstract. In a hierarchical server environment jobs are to be assigned in an on-line fashion to a collection of servers which form a hierarchy of capability: each job requests a specific server meeting its needs, but the system is free to assign it either to that server or to any other server higher in the hierarchy. Each job carries a certain load, which it imparts to the server it is assigned to. The goal is to find a competitive assignment in which the maximum total load on a server is minimized. We consider the linear hierarchy in which the servers are totally ordered in terms of their capabilities. We investigate several variants of the problem. In the unweighted (as opposed to weighted) problem all jobs have unit weight. In the fractional (as opposed to integral) model a job may be assigned to several servers, each receiving some fraction of its weight. Finally, temporary (as opposed to permanent) jobs may depart after being active for some finite duration of time. We show an optimal e-competitive algorithm for the unweighted integral permanent model. The same algorithm is (e+1)-competitive in the weighted case. Its fractional version is e-competitive even if temporary jobs are allowed. For the integral model with temporary jobs we show an algorithm which is 4-competitive in the unweighted case and 5-competitive in the weighted case. We show a lower bound of e for the unweighted case (both integral and fractional). This bound is valid even with respect to randomized algorithms. We also show a lower bound of 3 for the unweighted integral model when temporary jobs are allowed. We generalize the problem and consider hierarchies in which the servers form a tree. In the tree hierarchy, any job assignable to a node is also assignable to the node’s ancestors. We show a deterministic algorithm which is 4-competitive in the unweighted case and 5-competitive in the weighted case, where only permanent jobs are allowed. Randomizing this algorithm improves its √ competitiveness to e and e + 1, respectively. We also show an Ω( n) lower bound when temporary jobs are allowed. Key words. on-line algorithms, load balancing, hierarchical servers, temporary jobs, resource procurement AMS subject classifications. 68Q10, 68Q17, 68Q25, 68W99 PII. S0097539798346135
1. Introduction. One of the most basic on-line load-balancing problems is the following. Jobs arrive one at a time and each must be scheduled on one of n servers. Each job has a certain load associated with it and a subset of the servers on which it may be scheduled. The goal is to assign jobs to servers so as to minimize the cost of the assignment, defined as the maximum load on a server. The nature of the load-balancing problem considered here is on-line: decisions must be made without any knowledge of future jobs, and previous decisions may not be revoked. We compare the performance of an on-line algorithm to the performance of an optimal off-line scheduler—one that knows the entire sequence of jobs in advance. The efficacy parameter of an on-line scheduler is its competitive ratio, roughly defined ∗ Received by the editors October 26, 1998; accepted for publication (in revised form) March 29, 2001; published electronically September 26, 2001. An extended abstract of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 7th European Symposium on Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 1643, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 77–88. † AT&T Shannon Lab, 180 Park Ave., P.O. Box 971, Florham Park, NJ 07932 (amotz@ This author was on leave from the Electrical Engineering Department, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel. ‡ Computer Science Department, Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel (
[email protected], naor@cs.
as the maximum ratio, taken over all possible sequences of jobs, between the cost incurred by the algorithm and the cost of an optimal assignment. 1.1. The hierarchical servers problem. In the hierarchical servers problem the servers form a hierarchy of capability; a job which may run on a given server may also run on any server higher in the hierarchy. We consider the linear hierarchy in which the servers are numbered 1 through n, and we imagine them to be physically ordered along a straight line running from left to right, with server 1 leftmost and server n rightmost. Leftward servers are more capable than rightward ones. We say that servers 1, . . . , s are to the left of s, and that servers s + 1, . . . , n are to the right of s. The input is a sequence of jobs, each carrying a positive weight and requesting one of the servers. A job requesting server s can be assigned to any of the servers to the left of s. These servers are the job’s eligible servers. The assignment of a job with weight w to server s increases the load on s by w (initially, all loads are 0). We use the terms “job” and “request” interchangeably. The cost of a given assignment is COST = maxs {ls }, where ls is the load on server s. We use OPT for the cost of an optimal off-line assignment. An algorithm is c-competitive if there exists some b > 0, independent of the input, such that COST ≤ c · OPT + b for all input sequences. For scalable problems (such as ours) the additive factor b may be ignored in lower bound constructions. We consider variants, or models, of the problem according to three orthogonal dichotomies. In the integral model each job must be assigned in its entirety to a single server; in the fractional model a job’s weight may be split among several eligible servers. In the weighted model jobs may have arbitrary positive weights; in the unweighted model all jobs have unit weight. Our results for the fractional model hold for both the unweighted and weighted cases, so we do not distinguish between the unweighted fractional model and the weighted fractional model. Finally, permanent jobs continue to load the servers to which they are assigned indefinitely; temporary jobs are active for a finite duration of time, after which they depart. The duration for which a temporary job is active is not known upon its arrival. We may allow temporary jobs or we may restrict the input to permanent jobs only. When temporary jobs are allowed, the cost of an assignment is defined as COST = maxt maxs {ls (t)}, where ls (t) is the load on server s at time t. The version of the problem which we view as basic is the weighted integral model with permanent jobs only. A natural generalization of the problem is for the servers to form a (rooted) tree hierarchy; a job requesting a certain server may be assigned to any of its ancestors in the tree. The various models pertain to this problem as well. The hierarchical servers problem is an important practical paradigm. It captures many interesting applications from diverse areas such as assigning classes of service to calls in communication networks, routing queries to hierarchical databases, signing documents by ranking executives, and upgrading classes of cars by car rental companies. From a theoretical point of view, the hierarchical servers problem is also interesting by virtue of its relation to the problem of related machines [3]. In this problem all servers are eligible for every job, but they may have different speeds; assigning a job of weight w to a server with speed v increases its load by w/v. Without loss of generality, assume v1 ≥ v2 ≥ · · · ≥ vn , where vi is the speed of server i. Consider a set of jobs to be assigned at a cost bounded by C, and let us focus on a particular job whose weight is w. To achieve COST ≤ C we must refrain from assigning this
job to any server i for which w/vi > C. In other words, there exists a rightmost server to which we may assign the job. Thus, restricting the cost induces eligibility constraints similar to those in the hierarchical servers problem. Some of the ideas developed in the context of the hierarchical servers problems are applicable to the problem of related machines, leading to better bounds for that problem [10]. 1.2. Background. Graham [16] explored the assignment problem where each job may be assigned to any of the servers. He showed that the greedy algorithm has competitive ratio 2 − n1 . Later work [8, 9, 17, 2] investigated the exact competitive ratio achievable for this problem for general n and for various special cases. The best results to date for general n are a lower bound of 1.852 and an upper bound of 1.923 [2]. Over the years many other load-balancing problems were studied; see [4, 20] for surveys. The assignment problem in which arbitrary sets of eligible servers are allowed was considered by Azar, Naor, and Rom [7]. They showed upper and lower bounds of Θ(log n) for several variants of this problem. Permanent jobs were assumed. Subsequent √ papers generalized the problem to allow temporary jobs; in [5] a lower an upper bound of O(n2/3 ) were shown. The upper bound was bound of Ω( n) and √ later tightened to O( n) [6]. The related machines problem was investigated by Aspnes et al. [3]. They showed an 8-competitive algorithm based on the doubling technique. This result was improved by Berman, Charikar, √ and Karpinski [12], who showed a more refined doubling algorithm that is 3 + 8 = 5.828-competitive. By randomizing this algorithm, they were able to improve the bound to 4.311. They also showed lower bounds of 2.438 (deterministic) and 1.837 (randomized). The randomized bound was recently improved to 2 [14]. Azar et al. [6] generalized the problem to allow temporary jobs. They showed a deterministic upper bound of 20 (which implies a randomized upper bound of 5e √≈ 13.59) and a lower bound of 3. The upper bounds were later improved to 6 + 2 5 ≈ 10.47 (deterministic) and 9.572 (randomized) [10]. The resource procurement problem was defined and studied by Kleywegt et al. [18] independently of our work. In this problem jobs arrive over (discrete) time, each specifying a deadline by which it must complete, and all jobs must be executed on a single server. We can view this as a problem of assigning permanent jobs to parallel servers if we think of the time slots as servers. In fact, the problem is equivalent to the following variant of the hierarchical servers problem. The model considered is the fractional model with permanent jobs only. The input consists of precisely n jobs. The jth job to arrive specifies a server sj ≤ n − j + 1; the servers eligible for the job are sj , sj + 1, . . . , n − j + 1. In addition, the on-line nature of the problem is less demanding. The scheduler need not commit to the full assignment of a job immediately on its arrival. Rather, when the jth job arrives, it must decide what fraction of each of the first j jobs to assign to server n − j + 1. Kleywegt et al. [18] developed a lower bound technique similar to ours and were able to establish a lower bound of 2.51 by analytic and numerical means. They also described a 3.45competitive algorithm. 1.3. Our results. A significant portion of our work is devoted to developing a continuous framework in which we recast the problem. The continuous framework is not a mere relaxation of the problem’s discrete features. Rather, it is a fully fledged model in which a new variant of the problem is defined. The advantage of the continuous model lies in the ability to employ the tools of infinitesimal calculus, making analysis much easier.
In section 2 we use the continuous model to design an optimal e-competitive algorithm. Surprisingly, this algorithm operates counterintuitively; the weight distribution of an assigned job is biased to the left, i.e., more weight ends up on the leftward servers. We show a general procedure for transforming an algorithm for the continuous model into an algorithm for the fractional model. We also show a general procedure for transforming an algorithm for the fractional model into an algorithm for the integral model. Thus we get an e-competitive algorithm for the fractional model and an algorithm which is, respectively, e and (e + 1)-competitive for the unweighted integral and weighted integral models. The former algorithm admits temporary jobs; the latter does not. Our upper bound of e also applies to the resource procurement problem of Kleywegt et al. [18] by virtue of Theorem 2 in their paper. Thus we improve their best upper bound of 3.45. In section 3 we develop a procedure for deriving lower bounds in the context of the continuous model. The construction of the continuous model is rather unconventional in its not being a generalization of the discrete model. In fact, on the surface of things, the two models seem incomparable, albeit analogous. At a deeper level, though, it turns out that the continuous model is actually a special case of the discrete model, making lower bounds obtained in the continuous model valid in the discrete setting as well. This makes the upper bound all the more intriguing, as it is developed in the continuous framework and transported back to the discrete model. The lower bounds obtained with our procedure are also valid in the discrete models (fractional as well as integral), even in the unweighted case with permanent jobs only and even with respect to randomized algorithms. Using our procedure we find that e is a tight lower bound. Since our lower bound technique is the same as the one used (independently) by Kleywegt et al. [18] in the context of the resource procurement problem, our lower bound of e applies to that problem as well, and it improves their best lower bound of 2.51. Thus our work solves this problem completely by demonstrating a tight bound of e. In section 4 we consider temporary jobs in the integral model. We show a doubling algorithm that is 4-competitive in the unweighted case and 5-competitive in the weighted case. We also show a deterministic lower bound of 3. Section 5 extends the problem to the tree hierarchy. We show an algorithm which is, respectively, 4-, 4-, and 5-competitive for the fractional, unweighted integral, and weighted integral models. Randomizing this algorithm improves its competitiveness √ to e, e, and e + 1, respectively. We show lower bounds of Ω( n) for all models, both deterministic and randomized, when temporary jobs are allowed. The effect of restricting the sets of eligible servers in several other ways is discussed in section 6. In the three cases we consider, we show a lower bound of Ω(log n). For example, this lower bound holds in the case where the servers form a circuit (or a line) and eligible servers must be contiguous. Note that since these problems are all special cases of the problem considered in [7], an upper bound of O(log n) is immediate. 2. Upper bounds. In this section we show an algorithm whose respective versions for the fractional, unweighted integral, and weighted integral models are e, e, and (e + 1)-competitive. The fractional version admits temporary jobs; the integral versions do not. We build up to the algorithm by introducing and studying the semicontinuous model and the class of memoryless algorithms. We begin with the optimum lemma, which characterizes OPT in terms of the input sequence. 2.1. The optimum lemma. For the fractional and unweighted integral models the lemma provides an exact formula for OPT . For the weighted integral case it gives
a 2-approximation.1 The optimum lemma is a recurrent theme in our exposition. For a given input sequence and a given server s, denote by Ws the total weight of jobs requesting servers to the left of s, and let µs = Ws /s. Define H = maxs {µs }. Clearly, H is a lower bound on OPT , and in the unweighted integral model we can tighten this to ⌈H⌉. In addition, the maximum weight of a job in the input sequence, denoted wmax , is also a lower bound on OPT in the integral model. Turning to upper bounds on OPT , let us say that a given server is saturated at a given moment if its load is at least H. For the integral model, consider an algorithm that assigns each job to its rightmost unsaturated eligible server. This algorithm treats the jobs in an on-line fashion but requires advance knowledge of H so it is off-line. Clearly, if an unsaturated eligible server can always be found, then COST < H + wmax . We claim that this is indeed the case. To see this, suppose that when some job of weight w arrives, all of its eligible servers are saturated. Let s be maximal such that the servers to the left of s are all saturated. By the maximality of s, the jobs assigned to the left of s must have all requested servers to the left of s. Since their total weight is at least s · H, we have Ws ≥ s · H + w > s · H, a contradiction. For the fractional model we modify the above algorithm as follows. When a job of weight w arrives, we assign it as follows: let s be the rightmost unsaturated eligible server and let δ = H − ls , where ls is the current load on s. If δ ≥ w, we assign the job in its entirety to s. Otherwise, we split the job and assign δ units of weight to s and treat the remainder recursively as a new job to be assigned. This algorithm achieves COST ≤ H. The optimum lemma summarizes these results. Lemma 1 (optimum lemma). • In the fractional model, OPT = H. • In the unweighted integral model, OPT = ⌈H⌉. • In the weighted integral model, max {H, wmax } ≤ OPT < H + wmax . 2.2. Memoryless algorithms. A memoryless algorithm is an algorithm that assigns each job independently of previous jobs. Of course, memoryless algorithms are only of interest in the fractional model, which is the model we are going to consider here. We focus on a restricted type of memoryless algorithms, namely, uniform algorithms. Uniform memoryless algorithms are instances of the generic algorithm shown below; each instance is characterized by a function u : N → (0, 1] satisfying u(1) = 1. Algorithm GenericUniform When a job of weight w requesting server s arrives, do: 1. r ← w; i ← s. 2. While r > 0: 3. Assign a = min {w · u(i), r} units of weight to server i. 4. r ← r − a. 5. i ← i − 1.
1 It is unreasonable to expect an easily computable formula for OPT in the weighted integral model, for that would imply a polynomial-time solution for the NP-hard problem PARTITION
The algorithm starts with the server requested by the job and proceeds leftward as long as the job is not fully assigned. The fraction of the job’s weight assigned to server i is u(i), unless w · u(i) is more than the remainder of the job when i is reached. The condition u(1) = 1 ensures that the job will always be fully assigned by the algorithm. Note that the assignment generated by a uniform memoryless algorithm is independent of both the number of servers and the order of jobs in the input. Moreover, any collection of jobs with total weight w, requesting some server s, may be replaced by a single request of weight w for s. We therefore assume that exactly one job requests each server (we allow jobs of zero weight) and that the number of servers is infinite. We denote the weight of the job requesting server s by ws . Consider a job of weight w requesting a server to the right of a given server s. If the requested server is close to s the job will leave w·u(s) units of weight on s regardless of the exact server requested. At some point, however, the job’s contribution to the load on s will begin to diminish as the distance of the request from s grows. Finally, if the request is made far enough away, it will have no effect on s. We denote by ps the point beyond which the effect on s begins to diminish and by p′s the point at which it dies out completely: ′ ′ s s X X ps = max s′ u(i) ≤ 1 , p′s = max s′ u(i) < 1 . i=s i=s+1 Note that ps and p′s may be undefined, in which case we take them to be infinity. We are interested only in functions u satisfying ps < ∞ for all s. The importance of ps lies in the fact that the load on s due to jobs requesting servers in the range s, . . . , ps is simply u(s) times the total weight of these jobs. The following lemma and corollary are not difficult to prove. Lemma 2 (worst case lemma). Let A be a uniform memoryless algorithm. The following problem, Given K > 0 and some server s, find an input sequence I that maximizes the load on s in A’s assignment subject to OPT = K, is solved by I = hw1 , w2 , . . .i, where 0, 1 ≤ i < ps , ps K, i = ps , wi = K, ps < i ≤ p′s , 0, i > p′s (if p′s < ∞), and ls —the resultant load on s—satisfies ps · Ku(s) ≤ ls ≤ p′s Ku(s). Corollary 3. Let A be a uniform memoryless algorithm, and let CA be the competitive ratio of A. Then supi {pi u(i)} ≤ CA ≤ supi {p′i u(i)}.
2.3. The semicontinuous model. In both the fractional and the integral versions of the problem, the servers and the jobs are discrete objects. We therefore refer to these models as the discrete models. In this section we introduce the semicontinuous model, in which the servers are made continuous. In section 3 we define the continuous model by making the jobs continuous as well. The semicontinuous model is best understood through a physical metaphor. Consider the bottom of a vessel filled with some nonuniform fluid applying varying degrees of pressure at different points. The force acting at any single point is zero, but any
region of nonzero area suffers a net force equal to the integral of the pressure over the region. Similarly, in the semicontinuous model we do not talk about individual servers; rather, we have a continuum of servers, analogous to the bottom of the vessel. An arriving job is analogous to a quantity of fluid which must be added to the vessel. The notions of load and weight become divorced; load is analogous to pressure and weight is analogous to force. Formally, the server interval is [0, ∞), to which jobs must be assigned. Job j has weight wj , and it requests the point sj > 0 in the server interval. The assignment of job j is specified by an integrable function gj : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) satisfying Rs 1. 0 j gj (x) dx = wj ; 2. x > sj ⇒ gj (x) = 0; 3. gj is continuous from Pthe right at every point. The full assignment is g = j gj . For a given full assignment g, the load lI on an R x+∆ 1 g(z) dz—the mean interval I = (x, x + ∆), where ∆ > 0, is defined as lI = ∆ x weight density over I. The load at a point x is defined as lx = lim∆→0 l(x,x+∆) = g(x) . (We introduce the notation lx for consistency with previous notation.) The cost of the assignment is COST = supx {lx }. Lemma 4 (optimum lemma: semicontinuous model). Let W (x) be the total weight of requests made to the left of x (including x itself ) and H = supx>0 {W (x)/x}. Then OP T = H. Proof. The lower bound is trivial. For the upper bound, let x1 ≤ x2 ≤ · · · be the points requested by the jobs and rearrange the jobs such that the jth job requests xj . The idea is to pack the jobs (in order) in a rectangle extending from the left end of the Pj−1 server interval. Let αj = i=1 wi /H for all j and consider the following assignment: H, x ∈ [αj , αj + wj /H), gj (x) = 0 otherwise. This assignment clearly attains COST = H. It follows from the definition of H that αj + wj /H ≤ xj for all j, which is sufficient for the assignment’s validity. We adapt the definition of uniform memoryless algorithms to the semicontinuous model. In this model a uniform algorithm is characterized by a function u : (0, ∞) → ∞) as follows. For a given point x > 0, let q(x) be the point satisfying the equation R(0, x u(z) dz = 1. Then the assignment of job j is q(x) gj (x) =
wj u(x), q(sj ) ≤ x < sj , 0 otherwise.
Rǫ For q(x) and gj to be defined properly we must require that 0 u(x) dx = ∞ for all ǫ > 0 . (Otherwise, the algorithm may fail to fully assign jobs requesting points close to 0.) Note that the load at 0 is always zero. R p(x) For a given point x > 0, we define p(x) as the point such that x u(z) dz = 1. If p(x) does not exist, then the algorithm’s competitive ratio is unbounded, as demonstrated by the request sequence consisting of m → ∞ jobs, each of unit weight, where the jth job requests the point sj = j. For this sequence, lx = R ∞m · u(x), whereas OPT = 1. We shall therefore allow only algorithms satisfying M u(x) dx = ∞ for all M ≥ 0. The semicontinuous model has the nice property that ps and p′s , which were disparate in the discrete model, fuse into a single entity, p(s). The worst case lemma and its corollary become the following lemma.
Lemma 5 (worst case lemma: semicontinuous model). Let A be a uniform memoryless algorithm defined by u(x). The following problem, Given K > 0 and some point s > 0 in the server interval, find an input sequence that maximizes the load at s in A’s assignment, subject to OPT = K, is solved by a single job of weight p(s)K requesting the point p(s), and the resultant load at s is p(s)Ku(s). Corollary 6. The competitive ratio of A is supx {p(x)u(x)}. 2.4. An e-competitive algorithm for the semicontinuous model. Consider Algorithm Harmonic, the uniform memoryless algorithm defined by u(x) = 1/x. Let us calculate p(x): Z p(x) p(x) dz = ln , 1= z x x p(x) = ex. Thus, the competitive ratio of Algorithm Harmonic is supx ex x1 = e.
2.5. Application to the discrete models. Having devised a competitive algorithm for the semicontinuous model, we wish to import it to the discrete model. We start by showing how to transform any algorithm for the semicontinuous model into an algorithm for the (discrete) fractional model. Following that, we show how any algorithm for the fractional model may be transformed into an algorithm for the integral models.
Semicontinuous to fractional. Let I be an input sequence for the fractional model. If we treat each server as a point on (0, ∞), that is, we view a request for server s as a request for the point s, then we can view I as a request sequence for the semicontinuous model as well. By the respective optimum lemmas (Lemmas 1 and 4), the value of OPT is the same for both models. Let A be a c-competitive online algorithm for the semicontinuous model. Define algorithm B for the fractional model as follows. When job j arrives, B assigns Ri g (x) dx units of weight to server i, for all i, where gj is the assignment function i−1 j generated by A for the job. Clearly, the cost incurred by B is bounded by the cost incurred by A. Thus, B is c-competitive. An important observation is that if A is memoryless, then so is B. Thus, even if temporary jobs are allowed, the assignment generated by B will be c-competitive at all times, compared to an optimal (off-line) assignment of the active jobs. We give the algorithm thus derived from Algorithm Harmonic the name FractionalHarmonic. Proposition 7. Algorithm FractionalHarmonic is e-competitive even when temporary jobs are allowed. Fractional to integral. Let A be an algorithm for the fractional model. Define algorithm B for the integral model (both weighted and unweighted) as follows. As jobs arrive, B keeps track of the assignments A would make. A server is said to be overloaded if its load in B’s assignment exceeds its load in A’s assignment. When a job arrives, B assigns it to the rightmost eligible server which is not overloaded (after A is allowed to assign the job). Proposition 8. Whenever a job arrives at least one of its eligible servers is not overloaded.
Proof. Denote by liA (j) and liB (j) the load on server i after job j is assigned by A and B, respectively. When job j is considered i is Pi for assignment by B,Pserver i overloaded iff liB (j − 1) > liA (j). Define Ai (j) = k=1 lkA (j) and Bi (j) = k=1 lkB (j). We claim that for all j, 1. when job j arrives, server 1 (which is eligible) is not overloaded; 2. Ai (j) ≥ Bi (j) for all i. The proof is by induction on j. The claim is clearly true for j = 1. Consider some job j > 1 whose weight is w. We have l1A (j) = A1 (j) ≥ A1 (j − 1) ≥ B1 (j − 1) = l1B (j − 1), where the second inequality is justified by the induction hypothesis. Thus, server 1 is not overloaded. It remains to show that for all i, Ai (j) ≥ Bi (j). Let a be the rightmost server to which algorithm A assigns part of job j, i.e., a = max{s | As (j) > As (j − 1)}. Let b be the server to which B assigns the job. By the induction hypothesis, Ai (j − 1) ≥ Bi (j − 1) for all i. Clearly, Bi (j) ≤ Bi (j − 1) + w for all i, and Bi (j) = Bi (j − 1) for i < b. Also, Ai (j) ≥ Ai (j − 1) for all i, and Ai (j) = Ai (j − 1) + w for i ≥ a. Thus, Ai (j) ≥ Bi (j) for i ≥ a and for i < b. Assuming b < a, we still have to prove the claim for i ∈ {b, . . . , a − 1}. Algorithm B assigns job j to server b and not to one of the servers b + 1, . . . , a, all of which are eligible and to the right of b. It must therefore be the case that lkA (j) < lkB (j − 1) for b < k ≤ a. Thus, for i ∈ {b, . . . , a − 1}, a a X X Ai (j) = Aa (j) − lkA (j) = Aa (j − 1) + w − lkA (j) k=i+1
> Aa (j − 1) + w −
a X
lkB (j
− 1) ≥ Ba (j − 1) + w −
a X
lkB (j − 1)
= Bi (j − 1) + w = Bi (j). The second inequality is justified by the induction hypothesis. Let wmax (j) be the maximum weight of a job among the first j jobs. Algorithm B maintains liB (j) ≤ liA (j) + wmax (j) for all i and j. In the unweighted case we have wmax = 1 and in the weighted case wmax ≤ OPT . By the optimum lemma (Lemma 1) the value of OPT in the integral model is at least as high as its value in the fractional model. Thus if A is c-competitive, then B is c-competitive in the unweighted case and (c + 1)-competitive in the weighted case. We give the algorithm thus derived from Algorithm FractionalHarmonic the name IntegralHarmonic. Proposition 9. Algorithm IntegralHarmonic is e-competitive in the unweighted case and (e + 1)-competitive in the weighted case. 3. Lower bounds. In this section we devise a technique for proving lower bounds in the limit n → ∞. The bounds obtained are valid in both the fractional and integral models, even in the unweighted case. In fact, they remain valid even in the presence of randomization with respect to oblivious adversaries. Using this technique, we obtain a tight constant lower bound of e. The success of our approach is facilitated by transporting the problem from the discrete setting into a continuous model, in which both jobs and servers are continuous. 3.1. A simple lower bound. We consider the fractional model, restricting our attention to right-to-left input sequences, defined to be sequences in which for all i < j, all requests for server j are made before any request for server i. We further restrict our attention to sequences in which each server is requested exactly once. (We allow jobs of zero weight.)
36 27 (b) 18 9
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Fig. 1. (a) Histogram of job weights; w = 12. (b) Histogram of khi ; k=3.
Let A be a k-competitive algorithm. For a given right-to-left input sequence, denote by ws the weight of the job requesting server s and by ls the load on server s at a given moment. Suppose the first n − i + 1 jobs (culminating with the request for server i) have been assigned by A. Recall the definition of H in the optimum lemma (Lemma 1); denote by hi the value of H with respect to these jobs. Since A is kPj competitive, the loads must obey ls ≤ khi for all s. For j ≥ i, define hi,j = 1j s=i ws . Then hi = maxi≤j≤n {hi,j }. Now consider the specific input sequence defined by w1 = · · · = wn = w for some w > 0. For this sequence, hi = (n − i + 1)w/n for all i. Thus, after the first job is assigned we have ln ≤ kw/n. After the second job is handled we have ln−1 ≤ 2kw/n, but ln ≤ kw/n still holds because the new job could not be assigned to server n. In general, after the request for server s is processed, we have li ≤ (n − i + 1)kw/n for all i ≥ s. Noting that the total weight of the jobs in the input equals the total load on the servers once the assignment is complete, we get nw =
n X
wi =
n X
li ≤
n n+1
= 2.
Hence, k ≥ limn→∞ 2 ·
n X i=1
(n − i + 1)
kwn(n + 1) kw X kw = = . j n n 2n j=1
3.2. Discussion. Figure 1 depicts the request sequence and the resultant khi ’s in histogram-like fashion with heights of bars indicating the respective values. The bars are of equal width, so we can equivalently consider their area rather than height. To be precise, let us redraw the histograms with bars of width 1 and height equal to the numerical values they represent. Then, the total weight to be assigned is the total area of the job bars, and the total weight actually assigned is bounded from above by the total area of the khi bars. Now, instead of drawing a histogram of khi , let us draw a histogram of hi . The lower bound is found by solving total area of job bars ≤ k · total area of hi bars, k≥
total area of job bars . total area of hi bars
Note that if we multiply the weights of all jobs by some constant c > 0, the heights of both the job bars and the hi bars will increase by a factor of c, leaving the area ratio intact. Similarly, we can express the scaling of job weights by scaling the width of the bars in both histograms. This, too, has no effect on the resultant ratio. Thus we can express the entire procedure in geometric terms as follows. Select an “input” histogram in which the width of each bar is n1 . Let hi,j be the area of bars i through j divided by j/n (the width of j bars), and let hi = maxi≤j≤n {hi,j }. (We divide the area by j/n rather than j because hi is the height of the bar whose area
equals the value of OPT for the first n − i + 1 jobs.) Divide the area of the input histogram by the area of the hi histogram (drawn to the same scale) to obtain a lower bound. The scaling of the histograms allows us to keep considering finite areas as n goes to infinity. This forms the link between the discrete model and the continuous model, which we introduce next. 3.3. The continuous model. The continuous model is motivated by the observation that the analysis suggested in the previous section tends to be exceedingly difficult for all but the simplest of input histograms. We turn to the continuous model in order to avail ourselves of the machinery of infinitesimal calculus. The continuous model differs from the semicontinuous model introduced in section 2 in two ways. Instead of the infinite server interval, we use a finite interval [0, S], and, more importantly, jobs in the continuous model are not discrete; rather, we have a continuous job flow arriving over time. It is possible to define a general continuous model in which the arrival of jobs over time is described by a function of place (in the server interval) and time. Although this model is an interesting mathematical construction in its own right, we focus here on a more restricted model—one that allows only the equivalent of right-to-left sequences. Formally, the input is a request function, which is an integrable nonnegative real function f (x) defined R xon the server interval [0, S]. The interpretation of f is by means of integration, i.e., x01 f (x) dx is the total amount of weight requesting points in the interval [x0 , x1 ]. The underlying intuition is that the request flow is right-to-left in the sense that the infinitesimal request for point x is assumed to occur at “time” S − x. Assignment are continuous too; an assignment is described by an assignment function, which is an integrable nonnegative real function g(x) on [0, S) that (1) is RS RS continuous from the right at every point and (2) satisfies x0 g(x) dx ≤ x0 f (x) dx for all x0 ∈ [0, S) with equality for x0 = 0. An on-line algorithm in this model is an algorithm which, given f (x), outputs g(x) such that for all x ∈ [0, S), g(x) on the interval [x, S) is independent of f (x) outside that interval. The definition of load and cost are the same as in the semicontinuous model. Lemma 10 (optimum lemma: continuous model). Z z 1 f (x) dx . OPT = sup z∈(0,S] z 0 Rz RS Proof. Let H = supz∈(0,S] z1 0 f (x) dx and W = 0 f (x) dx. Clearly, OPT ≥ H. In addition, the assignment function H, x ≤ W/H, g(x) = 0, x > W/H achieves cost H. Let us adapt the lower bound procedure from section 3.2 to the continuous model. Consider a request function f (x) and the corresponding assignment g(x) generated by some k-competitive on-line algorithm. We wish to bound the value of g(x) at some fixed point a. Define a new request function f (x), a ≤ x ≤ S, fa (x) = 0 otherwise. R b Define, for b > a, ha (b) = 1b a f (x) dx. Define h(a) = supb∈(a,S] {ha (b)}. Then OPT with respect to fa equals h(a). (Note the analogy with hi,j and hi in the discrete
RS RS model.) Define W = 0 f (x) dx and W ′ = 0 h(a) da. The value of g in [a, S) must be the same for f and fa , as g is produced by an on-line algorithm; thus g(a) ≤ kh(a). This is true for all a, hence, W =
f (x) dx =
g(x) dx ≤ k
h(a) da = kW ′ ,
from which the lower bound W/W ′ is readily obtained. For certain request functions we can simplify the procedure. If f (x) is a continuous monotonically decreasing function tending to 0 at some point x0 ≥ S (where x0 = ∞ is allowed), and we use f ’s restriction to [0, S] as a request function, then we have the following shortcut to h(a). Solve Rb Z bf (b) − a f (x) dx 1 b d f (x) dx ⇐⇒ f (b) = 0 = ha (b) = b2 b a db for b, and let b(a) be the solution. The following is easy to justify: h(a) =
1 b(a)
f (x) dx = f (b(a)).
Note that if x0 > S, this simplified procedure may return values for b(a) outside the server interval [0, S]. In this case the true value of h(a) is less than the value computed, leading to a less tight, but still valid, lower bound. We can therefore use the simplified method without being concerned by this issue. Also, it is sometimes more convenient to assume that the server interval, rather than being finite, is [0, ∞). This too can be easily seen to make no difference, at least as far as using the simplified procedure is concerned. Example. Let f (x) = e−kx with server interval [0, ∞) for some k > 0. Then R∞ Rb W = 0 e−kx dx = k1 . We find it easier to solve e−kb = 1b a e−kx dx for a rather than b: a=b−
da =
1 ln(kb + 1), k
1 1− kb + 1
Thus, setting z = kb + 1, Z Z ∞ Z ∞ ′ f (b) da = h(a) da = W =
1 db e 1− kb + 1 0 0 0 Z Z ∞ −z e 1 1 1 1 ∞ 1−z e 1− dz = 1−e dz = (1 − eE1 (1)), = k 1 z k z k 1 R ∞ −n −xt dt is the familiar exponential integral function [1]. The where En (x) = 1 t e lower bound obtained is therefore −kb
W 1 = ≈ 2.4773. ′ W 1 − eE1 (1)
Claim 11. A lower bound of e can be obtained with our method by considering 1/k in the limit k → ∞ with server interval [0, ∞). the request function e−kx Proof. For convenience we consider only integral values of k. We start by reviewing some elementary facts R ∞ concerning gamma functions [1]. The gamma function is defined by Γ(a) = 0 ta−1 e−t dt, and it can be shown that for positive ina, Γ(a) = (a − 1)!. The incomplete gamma function is defined by Γ(a, z) = Rteger ∞ a−1 −t t e dt. Integrating by parts we obtain the recurrence Γ(a + 1, z) = aΓ(a, z) + z √ k a −z z e . We also need Stirling’s approximation: k! = 2πk (k/e) eo(1) , which implies R 1/k β limk→∞ (k/e)k /k! = 0. Finally, consider the integral α e−kx dx. Substituting 1/k Rβ R kβ 1/k 1 z = kx1/k gives α e−kx dx = kk−1 z k−1 e−z dz. Thus, for finite α and β, kα1/k k−1 R β −kx1/k 1/k 1/k e dx = Γ(k, kα ) − Γ(k, kβ ) /k . α Returning to our problem, Z ∞ Z ∞ 1 (k − 1)! Γ(k) −kx1/k e dx = k−1 . z k−1 e−z dz = k−1 = W = k k k k−1 0 0 The relation between a and b is given by Z b 1/k 1/k Γ(k, ka1/k ) − Γ(k, kb1/k ) . e−kx dx = be−kb = k k−1 a Let r = ka1/k , t = kb1/k . Then da = equation and simplifying gives
r k−1 kk−1
dr. Substituting r and t in the previous
kΓ(k, t) + tk e−t = kΓ(k, r). Applying the recurrence to both sides of this equation and rearranging terms yields Γ(k + 1, r) − Γ(k + 1, t) = rk e−r . We also get (directly) Γ(k, r) − Γ(k, t) =
t k−1 −t e . t k
Let us explore the relationship between r and t. Clearly, r ≤ t. It is easy to see that the function xk e−x increases in [0, k) and decreases in (k, ∞). Thus, referring to Rt Figure 2(a), we see that for r ≥ k, Γ(k + 1, r) − Γ(k + 1, t) = r xk e−x dx is the area of the region marked “X” between r and t, and rk e−r is the area of the dotted rectangle between r and r + 1. Since both areas are equal and xk e−x decreases in this region, t ≥ r + 1. Next consider r ≤ k−2. Referring to Figure 2(b) and applying the same reasoning we see that t ≤ r +1 ≤ k −1. Let us now consider the function xk−1 e−x . Its maximum occurs at x = k − 1. Thus, since t ≤ k − 1, the function increases in the interval [r, t]. Referring to Figure 2(c) and appealing to Γ(k, r) − Γ(k, t) = kt tk−1 e−t , we see that r ≤ t − kt = t(1 − k1 ). To summarize, r ≥ k ⇒ t ≥ r + 1 ⇒ e−t ≤ r ≤ k − 2 ⇒t ≥
1 −r e , e
r r ⇒ e−t ≤ e− 1−1/k . 1 − 1/k
rk e−r
xk e−x
tk−1 e−t
xk−1 e−x
xk e−x
rk e−r
X -x r r+1 t (a)
-x r+1
t (b)
t − kt (c)
Fig. 2. The relationship between r and t. The graphs are not drawn to the same scale. (a) Using xk e−x to show r ≥ k ⇒ t ≥ r + 1. (b) Using xk e−x to show r ≤ k − 2 ⇒ t ≤ k − 1. (c) Using xk−1 e−x to show t ≤ k − 1 ⇒ r ≤ t − t/k.
k−1 k−1 , e
By differentiating we get maxx≥0 xk−1 e−x = k
k−1 −t
dr ≤
k−1 −r
dr ≤ 2
which implies
k−1 e
Putting all the pieces together, 1 W′ = W W
da =
1 = (k − 1)!
1 ≤ (k − 1)!
Substituting z = Z
1 W
e−t da =
k−1 −t
dr +
k k−1 (k − 1)!
dr +
r k−1 − 1−1/k
dr + 2
r 1−(1/k)
k−1 −t
k−1 e
1 + e
k−1 −r
rk−1 dr k k−1
k k−1 −t
dr .
in the first integral gives
rk−1 e− 1−(1/k) dr =
1 k
k Z
1 k− 1−(1/k)
z k−1 e−z dz ≤
1 e
z k−1 e−z dz.
Thus, 1 W′ ≤ W (k − 1)!
1 e
k−1 −z
dz + 2
k−1 e
k−1 !
k−1 k−1 1 e = +2 . e (k − 1)!
1 W Hence, limk→∞ W W ≤ e , and we obtain the lower bound limk→∞ W ′ ≥ e.
3.4. Application to the discrete models. Returning to the discrete setting, we claim that lower bounds obtained using our method in the continuous model apply in the discrete models as well. This is intuitively correct, since the continuous model may be viewed as the limiting case of the integral models with n → ∞ and arbitrarily long input sequences. We omit the proofs for lack of space. We also claim that these lower bounds are valid even against randomized algorithms. Whereas typical deterministic lower bound constructions are adversarial, that is, a different input sequence is tailored for each algorithm, our lower bound technique provides a single sequence fit for all algorithms. Consequently, the bounds we derive are also valid for randomized algorithms. This can be seen easily, either directly or via Yao’s principle (see, e.g., [13]).
4. Temporary jobs. In this section we allow temporary jobs in the input. We restrict our attention to the integral model, as we have already seen (in section 2.5) an optimal e-competitive algorithm for the fractional model that admits temporary jobs. We present an algorithm that is 4-competitive in the unweighted case and 5competitive in the weighted case. We also show a lower bound of 3 for the unweighted integral model. Recall the definition of H in the optimum lemma (Lemma 1). Consider the jobs which are active upon job j’s arrival (including job j) and denote by H(j) the value of H defined with respect to these jobs. A server is saturated on the arrival of job j if its load is at least kH(j), where k is a constant to be determined later. Algorithm PushRight Assign each job it to its rightmost unsaturated eligible server. Proposition 12. If k ≥ 4, then whenever a job arrives, at least one of its eligible servers is unsaturated. Thus, by taking k = 4 Algorithm PushRight becomes 4 (resp., 5)-competitive in the unweighted (resp. weighted) models. Proof. We begin by considering the properties of certain sequences of numbers whose role will become evident later. Consider the infinite sequence defined by the recurrence ai+2 = k(ai+1 − ai ) with initial conditions a0 = 0 and a1 = 1. We are interested in the values of k for which this sequence increases monotonically. Solving the recurrence reveals the following. • If k = 4, then ai = i2i−1 . λi −λi2 , where λ1 > λ2 are the two roots of the quadratic • If k > 4, then ai = √k12 −4k polynomial λ2 − kλ + k. √ i ) 1 k 2 − 4k). • If k < 4, then ai = Im(λ Im(λ) , where λ = 2 (k + It is easy to see that the sequence increases monotonically in the first two cases but not in the third. Now consider some infinite sequence {si } obeying s0 = 0, s1 > 0, and si+2 ≥ k(si+1 − si ) for all i. It is not difficult to show that if k is chosen such that {ai } increases monotonically, i.e., k ≥ 4, then si+2 ≥ k(si+1 − si ) > si+1 > si for all i. Returning to our proposition, let k ≥ 4 and suppose that some job arrives, only to find all of its eligible servers saturated. Let j0 , be the first such job, and let s1 ∞ be the server requested by it. We show how to construct two sequences, {si }i=0 and ∞ {ji }i=0 , with the following properties. 1. s0 = 0, s1 > 0, and si+2 ≥ k(si+1 − si ) for all i. 2. For all i, although the servers si + 1, . . . , si+1 are all eligible for job ji , the algorithm does not assign this job to the right of si . ∞ 3. The jobs {ji }i=1 are all distinct and they arrive before j0 . Property 3 states that job j0 is preceded by an infinite number of jobs, yielding a contradiction. We have already defined j0 , s0 , and s1 . Having defined s0 , . . . , si+1 and j0 , . . . , ji we define si+2 and ji+1 as follows. Property 1 implies that si < si+1 < k(si+1 −si ). By property 2 we know that when job ji arrives, the total weight of active jobs assigned to servers si + 1 through si+1 is at least k(si+1 − si )H(ji ). By the optimum lemma (Lemma 1), at least one of these jobs must have requested a server whose number is at least k(si+1 − si ). Define ji+1 as any one such job and si+2 as the server it requests.
4.1. A lower bound. We show a lower bound of 3 on the competitive ratio of deterministic algorithms. We use essentially the same construction as was used in [6] in the context of related machines. Some of the details are different, though, owing to the different nature of the two problems. For completeness, we present the construction in full detail. We consider the unweighted model. To motivate the construction, suppose the value of OPT is known in advance and consider the algorithm that assigns each job to its rightmost eligible server whose current load is less than k · OPT , where k ≥ 1 is an appropriately chosen constant. We design an input sequence targeted specifically at this algorithm. As we shall see, the lower bound of 3 obtained using this input sequence is valid for any on-line algorithm; we use only this algorithm to motivate our construction. Recall that a right-to-left input sequence is a sequence such that for all i < j, all requests for server j are made before any of the requests for server i. Our input sequence will be right-to-left. For now, we focus on the principles at the cost of rigor. We shall refer to either of the servers s, s + 1, or s − 1 simply as server s. We will also refer to server “x” without worrying about the fact that x may be noninteger. To simplify matters, we design the sequence with OPT = 1. (This will be changed later.) Figure 3 depicts the first few steps in the ensuing construction.
(2) n(1 − k1 )
kn k+1
kn k+1
(4) n(1 −
1 k
1 k+1 )
kn k+1
n k−1 k+1
Fig. 3. The first two rounds in the input sequence.
We start by making requests to server n. Since OPT is already known to the algorithm, we lose nothing by making n requests, which is the maximum permitted by OPT = 1. The algorithm assigns these jobs to servers n(1 − k1 ), . . . , n. We now remove αn jobs. (α will be determined shortly.) Naturally, the jobs we remove will be the ones assigned rightmost by the algorithm. The remaining n(1 − α) jobs . The adversary will be the ones assigned to servers n(1 − k1 ), . . . , n(1 − k1 ) + n(1−α) k assigns these jobs to servers αn, . . . , n. The value of α is determined by our desire that the remaining jobs be assigned by the algorithm strictly to the left of their k assignment by the adversary. To that end, we select α = k+1 , which solves the equation n(1 − k1 ) + n(1−α) = αn. k We proceed with a second round of jobs. The logical choice is to request server k n. We make αn requests, again, the maximum permitted by OPT = 1. The αn = k+1 1 ), . . . , n(1 − k1 ). We terminate algorithm assigns these jobs in the range n(1 − k1 − k+1 βn of these jobs, the ones assigned rightmost by the algorithm. The remaining n(α−β) jobs are assigned by the adversary in the range βn, . . . , αn and by the algorithm in the βn 1 1 ), . . . , n(1 − k1 ) − βn range n(1 − k1 − k+1 k . To determine β we solve n(1 − k ) − k =
k ···
(a) fi ri+1
fi−1 ri
1 fi ri+1
fi−1 ri
Fig. 4. The ith round. Solid rectangles represent the assignment of the active jobs at the beginning of the round; the dotted rectangle represents the assignment of the jobs that arrive in the ith round and do not subsequently depart. (a) The algorithm’s assignment. (b) The adversary’s assignment.
βn, arriving at β = n k−1 k+1 . To generalize the procedure, note that the number of jobs that arrive in a given round is chosen equal to the number of jobs that depart in the round preceding it. Let us introduce some notation. Denote by ri the server to which requests are made in the ith round and by fi the leftmost server to which any of these jobs gets assigned k n, and we have seen by the algorithm. We have already chosen r1 = n and r2 = k+1 1 1 1 that f1 = n(1 − k ) and f2 = n(1 − k − k+1 ). Define f0 = n. For the ith round of jobs, suppose the following two conditions hold at the end of round i − 1 (see Figure 4). 1. In the adversary’s assignment the active jobs are all assigned in the range ri , . . . , n. 2. In the algorithm’s assignment the active jobs that arrived in round i − 1 occupy servers fi−1 , . . . , ri , and no jobs are assigned to the left of fi−1 . In the ith round, ri requests are made to server ri . They are assigned by the algorithm in the range fi , . . . , fi−1 . Thus, fi = fi−1 −
1 ri . k
Next, ri+1 of these jobs depart, where ri+1 is chosen such that the ri − ri+1 remaining jobs occupy servers fi , . . . , ri+1 . Thus, k(ri+1 − fi ) = ri − ri+1 , or, equivalently, ri+1 =
k fi−1 . k+1
The actual lower bound construction follows. Let A be an on-line algorithm purporting to be k-competitive for some k < 3. Without loss of generality, k is a rational number arbitrarily close to 3. Consider the two sequences {ρi } and {ϕi } defined simultaneously below. ϕ0 = 1, ρ1 = 1, k ϕi−1 ρi+1 = k+1 1 ϕi+1 = ϕi − ρi+1 k By substituting
k k+1 ϕi−1
(i = 1, 2, . . .), (i = 0, 1, . . .).
for ρi+1 in the second recurrence, we get ϕi+1 = ϕi −
1 ϕi−1 . k+1
It can be shown (see [6]) that there exists a minimal integer p such that ϕp < 0 and that ρi and ϕi are rational for all i. The number of servers we use is n such that nρi and nϕi are integers for 1 ≤ i ≤ p. Define ri = nρi and fi = nϕi . The recurrences defining {ϕi } and {ρi } hold for {fi } and {ri } as well. Let c be any positive integer; we construct an input sequence of unit weight jobs such that OPT = c. 1. cr1 jobs request server r1 . 2. For i = 2, . . . , p: 3. Of the cri−1 jobs which have requested server ri−1 , the cri jobs that were assigned rightmost by A depart. (Ties are broken arbitrarily.) 4. cri new jobs request server ri . The lower bound proof proceeds as follows. (We omit the proofs for lack of space.) For the input sequence to be well defined we must have ri+1 < ri for all 1 ≤ i < p. Claim 13. For 1 ≤ i < p, fp < 0 ≤ fi < ri+1 < fi−1 ≤ r1 (see Figure 4). Denote by Ji the set of jobs requesting server ri and by Ji′ the set of the cri+1 jobs in Ji that eventually depart. Let W (s, t) be the number of active jobs assigned to the left of server s at time t and denote by ti the moment in time immediately prior to the arrival of the jobs Ji . Claim 14. OPT ≤ c. Observe that the recurrence fi+1 = fi − k1 ri+1 is equivalent to ri = k(fi−1 − fi ). Claim 15. Suppose algorithm A is k-competitive. Then W (ri , ti ) ≥ ck(ri − fi−1 ) for all 1 ≤ i ≤ p. Corollary 16. Algorithm A is not k-competitive. 5. The tree hierarchy. In this section we study a generalization of the problem in which the servers form a rooted tree. A job requesting some server t may be assigned to any of t’s ancestors in the tree. Let us introduce some terminology. A server is said to be lower than its proper ancestors. The trunk defined by a set of servers U is the set U ∪ { s | s is an ancestor of some server in U }. The servers eligible for a given job form a path which is also a trunk. We refer to it interchangeably as the job’s eligible path or eligible trunk. For a given input sequence, denote by WT the total weight of jobs requesting servers in trunk T , and let µT = WT /|T |. Define H = max { µT | T is a trunk}. Denote by wmax the maximum weight of a job in the sequence. Note the analogy with the linear hierarchy. The following lemma can be proved in a manner similar to the proof of the optimum lemma for the linear hierarchy (Lemma 1). Lemma 17 (optimum lemma: tree hierarchy). • In the fractional model, OPT = H. • In the unweighted integral model, OPT = ⌈H⌉. • In the weighted integral model, max {H, wmax } ≤ OPT < H + wmax . 5.1. A doubling algorithm. The off-line algorithm used in the proof of the optimum lemma (Lemma 17) is nearly a valid on-line algorithm; its only off-line feature is the requirement that the value of H be known at the outset. Thus, employing the standard doubling technique (see, e.g., [4]) we can easily construct an on-line algorithm which is respectively 4-, 4-, and 7-competitive for the fractional, unweighted integral, and weighted integral models. The algorithm we present here is based on the more sophisticated doubling approach pioneered in [12]. It is 4-, 4-, and 5-competitive in the respective cases. The randomized version of this algorithm is, respectively, e-, e-, and (e + 1)-competitive. We start by describing the algorithm for the weighted integral model. The algorithm uses two variables: GUESS holds the current estimate of H, and LIMIT deter-
mines the saturation threshold; a server is saturated if its load is at least LIMIT . We say that a set of servers U is saturated if every server s ∈ U is saturated. The set U is overloaded if the total weight assigned to servers in U is greater than |U | · LIMIT . A newly arrived job is dangerous if assigning it to its lowest unsaturated eligible server will overload some trunk. In particular, if its eligible trunk is saturated, the job is dangerous. The algorithm avoids overloading any trunk by incrementing LIMIT whenever a dangerous job arrives. This, in turn, guarantees that whenever a job arrives, at least one of its eligible servers is unsaturated. Note that assigning the job may saturate the server to which it is assigned. Algorithm Doubling Initialize (upon arrival of the first job): 1. Let w be the first job’s weight and T its eligible trunk. 2. GUESS ← w/|T |; LIMIT ← GUESS . For each job: 3. While the job is dangerous: 4. GUESS ← 2 · GUESS . 5. LIMIT ← LIMIT + GUESS . 6. Assign the job to its lowest unsaturated eligible server. We divide the algorithm’s execution into phases. A new phase begins whenever lines 4–5 are executed. (The arrival of a heavy job may trigger a succession of several empty phases.) Let p be the number of phases and denote by GUESS i and LIMIT i the respective values of GUESS and LIMIT during the ith phase. For consistency define LIMIT 0 = 0. Note that the initial value of GUESS ensures that GUESS 1 ≤ H. Proposition 18. If GUESS i ≥ H for some i, then the ith phase is the last one. Consequently, GUESS p < 2H. Proof. Suppose GUESS i ≥ H and consider the beginning of the ith phase. We claim that from this moment onward, the algorithm will not encounter any dangerous jobs. Suppose this is not true. Let us stop the algorithm when the first such dangerous job is encountered and assign the job manually to its lowest unsaturated eligible server. This overloads some trunk R. Let T be the maximal trunk containing R such that T − R is saturated. Clearly, T is overloaded as well; the total weight assigned to it is greater than |T | · LIMIT i . On the other hand, T was not overloaded at the end of the (i − 1)st phase, since the algorithm never overloads a trunk. Thus, the total weight of jobs assigned to T during the ith phase (including the job we have assigned manually) is greater than |T |(LIMIT i − LIMIT i−1 ) = |T |GUESS i ≥ |T |H. By T ’s maximality, all of these jobs must have requested servers in T . Thus, the total weight of jobs requesting servers in T is greater than |T |H, yielding a contradiction. Corollary 19. COST < 4OPT + wmax . Proof. The claim follows since COST < LIMIT p + wmax and LIMIT p = GUESS p
p ∞ X X 1 1 < GUESS < 4H ≤ 4OPT . p p−i 2 2i i=1 i=0
Thus, Algorithm Doubling is 4-competitive in the unweighted integral model and 5-competitive in the weighted integral model. In the fractional model we modify the algorithm as follows. A job is called dangerous iff its eligible path is saturated. When assigning the job we may have to split it, as in the proof of the optimum lemma for
the linear hierarchy (Lemma 1). This algorithm achieves COST ≤ LIMIT p < 4H = 4OPT . 5.2. Randomized doubling. We consider randomization against oblivious adversaries. The randomization technique we use is fairly standard by now; a similar idea has been used several times in different contexts (see, e.g., [11, 19, 15, 12, 10]). The idea is to randomize the initial value of GUESS and to tweak the doubling parameter. Specifically, let r be a random variable uniformly distributed over (0, 1] and select any constant k > 1. We replace lines 2 and 4 with 2′ . GUESS ← k r−1 w/|T |; LIMIT ← GUESS ;
4′ . GUESS ← k · GUESS .
It can be shown that E (LIMIT p ) ≤ H · k/ ln k (see [12] or [10] for details). This expression is minimized at e · H by putting k = e. Thus, for k = e, the algorithm is e-competitive in the fractional and unweighted integral models and (e+1)-competitive in the weighted integral model. 5.3. Lower bounds for temporary jobs. In contrast to the linear hierarchy, allowing temporary jobs in the tree hierarchy has a drastic effect on the competitiveness of the solutions. For the√unweighted integral model, we show deterministic and √ randomized lower bounds of n and 21 (1 + n + 1), respectively. These bounds are tight, up to a multiplicative constant, as demonstrated by the upper bound shown in [6] for the general problem with unrestricted eligibility constraints. Our randomized lower bound construction applies in the fractional model as well. 5.3.1. A deterministic lower bound for the integral models. Let A be a deterministic on-line algorithm, and let n = k 2 for some integer k > 1.√We show an input sequence for which A’s assignment satisfies COST ≥ k · OPT = nOPT . The server tree we use has a flower-like structure. It is composed of a stem and petals. The stem consists of k servers s1 , s2 , . . . , sk ; s1 is the root, and si is the parent of si+1 for 1 ≤ i < k − 1. The petals, p1 , p2 , . . . , pk2 −k , are all children of sk . Server sk is called the calyx. Suppose that the competitiveness of A is better than k for the given n. Consider the following request sequence. Let c be an arbitrarily large integer. 1. For i = 1, 2, . . . , k2 − k: 2. c(k + 1) jobs, each of unit weight, request the petal pi . 3. Of these jobs, ck now depart. (The rest are permanent.) The choice of which jobs depart is made so as to maximize the number of jobs assigned by A to pi which depart. 4. ck jobs request the calyx. During the first stage (lines 1–3), the adversary always assigns the permanent jobs to the petal and the temporary ones to the servers in the stem, c jobs to each server. Thus, at the beginning of the second stage, no jobs are assigned to the stem servers, and the adversary assigns c new jobs to each of them. Thus, OPT = c. Consider the jobs requesting pi . Since A is better than k-competitive, it assigns fewer than ck jobs to pi . Thus, in each iteration more than c permanent jobs are assigned by A to servers in the stem. Hence, at the beginning of the second stage there are more than c(k 2 −k) jobs assigned to servers in the stem. Since the additional ck jobs must be assigned to servers in the stem, at least one server must end up with a load greater than ck, contradicting the assumption that A is better than kcompetitive.
5.3.2. A randomized lower bound. Let us generalize the previous construction. We use a flower-like server tree with p petals and a stem of s servers (n = s + p). As before, the input sequence has two stages. The first consists of p iterations, where in the ith iteration, c · (s + 1) jobs request the petal pi and then c · s of them depart. In the second stage cs jobs request the calyx. The goal in the first stage is to “push” enough jobs into the stem so that the algorithm will fail in the second stage. Consider the ith iteration. Let Xj be the random variable denoting the contribution of the jth job to the load on servers in the stem. (In the integral model this is a 0–1 variable; in the fractional model Xj may assume any value between 0 and 1.) Since the algorithm is better Pthan k-competitive, the expected total weight assigned to pi is less than ck, so E( j Xj ) > c(s + 1 − k). Thus, there exist c jobs Pc j1 , j2 , . . . , jc such that i=1 E(Xji ) > c(s+ 1−k)/(s+ 1). The adversary makes these jobs permanent and terminates the rest. Consequently, at the beginning of the second stage the expected total load on the servers in the stem is greater than cp(s + 1 − k)/(s + 1), and at the end of the second stage the expectation grows to more than cs + cp(s + 1 − k)/(s + 1). Since the algorithm is better than k-competitive, the expected maximum load on a server in the stem must be less than ck, and thus the expected total load on servers in the stem must be less than cks. To reach a contradiction we choose s and p to satisfy cks = cs +
cp(s + 1 − k) . s+1
Solving the equation yields p=
s(s + 1)(k − 1) , s+1−k
ks2 . s+1−k
Minimizing n (for fixed k) subject to the last equation √ yields s = 2(k − 1), p = 2(2k − 1)(k − 1), and n = 4k(k − 1). Thus, k = 21 (1 + n + 1). 6. Other eligibility restrictions. In the hierarchical servers problem the sets of eligible servers for a job have a restricted form. For example, in the linear hierarchy they have the following form: all servers to the left of some server s. This is a special case of the problem considered in [7], where eligible sets may be arbitrary. In this section we study various other restrictions on the eligible sets. We focus on the following three. 1. The servers form a path and the set of servers eligible for a given job must be contiguous on the path. 2. The servers form a rooted tree and each job specifies a node v, all of whose descendents (including v itself) are eligible. 3. The number of servers eligible for any given job is at most k for some fixed 2 ≤ k ≤ n. We show how to extend the Ω(log n) lower bound of [7] to these three variants of the problem. This shows that the greedy algorithm, which is O(log n)-competitive for the general problem, remains optimal (up to a multiplicative constant) in many restrictive scenarios. For the first variant, consider the following input sequence. For convenience assume n is a power of 2 (otherwise consider only the first 2⌊log n⌋ servers on the path). All jobs have unit weight, and they arrive in log n rounds. The ith round consists of mi = n/2i jobs, all of which specify the same set of eligible servers Si . The sets Si are chosen such that |Si | = 2n/2i . In the first round all servers are eligible.
Having defined Si , we construct Si+1 as follows. Suppose the total weight assigned to servers in Si at the end of the ith round is at least ni/2i (as is certainly the case for i = 1). The set Si is contiguous, i.e., its servers form a path. At least half of the total weight assigned to Si is assigned to either the first half of this path or to its second half. We define Si+1 as the half to which the majority of the weight is assigned (breaking ties arbitrarily). Thus, the total weight assigned to Si+1 at the end of the (i + 1)st round is at least n/2i+1 + 12 ni/2i = n(i + 1)/2i+1 . We define Slog n+1 in the same manner and call the single server which it comprises the leader. The load on the leader at the end of the last round is at least 21 log n. The adversary assigns the jobs in the ith round to the servers Si − Si+1 , one job to each server. Thus, OPT ≤ 1, and the lower bound follows. For the second variant we use a very similar construction. The servers are arranged in a complete binary tree. The number of jobs in the ith round is defined by the recurrence mi = 21 (mi−1 − 1) with m1 = 21 (n − 1). The sets of eligible servers are defined as follows. In the first round all servers are eligible. Let vi be the root of the subtree Si ; we define Si+1 as the subtree rooted at the child of vi to which more weight is assigned at the end of the ith round. For the third variant we use a recursive construction. Partition the servers into n/k subsets of k servers each and apply the construction of the first variant to each subset. The load on the leader of each subset is now Ω(log k). Continue recursively on the set of leaders. Each level of the recursion increases the load on the leaders in that level by Ω(log k), and there are Θ(logk n) = Θ(log n/ log k) levels. Thus, COST = Ω(log n). At each level of the recursion, the adversary assigns no weight to the leaders and at most one job to the other servers. Hence, OPT ≤ 1, and the lower bound follows. REFERENCES [1] M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun eds., Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Dover, New York, 1965. [2] S. Albers, Better bounds for online scheduling, SIAM J. Comput., 29 (1999), pp. 459–473. [3] J. Aspnes, Y. Azar, A. Fiat, S. Plotkin, and O. Waartz, On-line machine scheduling with applications to load balancing and virtual circuit routing, J. ACM, 44 (1997), pp. 486–504. [4] Y. Azar, On-line load balancing, in On-line Algorithms: The State of the Art, A. Fiat and G. Woeginger, eds., Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 1442, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998, pp. 178–195. [5] Y. Azar, A. Broder, and A. Karlin, On-line load balancing, Theoret. Comput. Sci., 130 (1994), pp. 73–84. [6] Y. Azar, B. Kalyanasundaram, S. Plotkin, K. Pruhs, and O. Waarts, On-line load balancing of temporary tasks, J. Algorithms, 22 (1997), pp. 93–110. [7] Y. Azar, J. Naor, and R. Rom, The competitiveness of on-line assignments, J. Algorithms, 18 (1995), pp. 221–237. [8] Y. Bartal, A. Fiat, H. Karloff, and R. Vohra, New algorithms for an ancient scheduling problem, in Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 1992, pp. 51–58. [9] Y. Bartal, H. J. Karloff, and Y. Rabani, A better lower bound for on-line scheduling, Inform. Process. Lett., 50 (1994), pp. 113–116. [10] A. Bar-Noy, A. Freund, and J. Naor, New algorithms for related machines with temporary jobs, J. Sched., 3 (2000), pp. 259–272. [11] A. Beck and D. Newman, Yet more on the linear search problem, Israel J. Math., 8 (1970), pp. 419–429. [12] P. Berman, M. Charikar, and M. Karpinski, On-line load balancing for related machines, J. Algorithms, 35 (2000), pp. 108–121. [13] A. Borodin and R. El-Yaniv, On-line Computation and Competitive Analysis, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1998.
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