On normal connection of Kaehler submanifolds - Project Euclid

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Nov 8, 1974 - and only when the first Chern class $c_{1}(\nu)$ of the normal ..... Let $\Phi$ ... (respectively, $\gamma$ ) be the Ricci 2-form of $\tilde{M}^{m}$.
J. Math. Soc. Japan Vol. 27, No. 4, 1975

On normal connection of Kaehler submanifolds By Bang-yen


and Huei-shyong LUE

(Received Nov. 8, 1974)

\S 1. Introduction. be an n-dimensional Riemannian manifold with Levi-Civita connecThen the curvature tensor $R$ of $M$ is given by , be an orthofor any tangent vector fields $X$ and $Y$ . Let $M$ normal frame on . Then the Ricci tensor $S(X, Y)$ and the scalar curvature are given respectively by






$R(X, Y)=\nabla_{X}\nabla_{Y}-\nabla_{Y}\nabla_{X}$






$S(X, Y)=\sum_{t=1}^{n}R(E_{i}, X ; Y, E_{i})$


$\rho=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}S(E_{i}, E_{i})$


where $R(E_{i}, X;Y, E_{i})=g(R(E_{i}, X)Y,$ ) and is the metric tensor of $M$. be an isometric immersion of $M$ into an $m$ -dimensional RieLet mannian manifold with connection and metric tensor . Then the second fundamental form of $M$ in is given by $\tilde{\nabla}_{X}Y=\nabla_{X}Y+h(X, Y)$ . Let $N$ be a normal vector field of $M$ in , we write $E_{i}$











denote the tangential and normal components of $D$ . Then we have is called the normal $N\neq 0$ connection of $M$ in A . local normal vector field is called a parallel section if $DN=0$ . Let be the curvature tensor associated with $D$ , . , $R^{\perp}(X, Y)=D_{X}D_{Y}-D_{Y}D_{X}-D_{[X,Y]}$ . Then the normal connection $D$ is flat if vanishes identically. The normal connection is flat if the (real) codimension is one. If the (real) codimension is higher, then the normal connection is not flat in general. In this paper, we shall study the normal connection of a Kaehler submanifold $M$ in another Kaehler manifold . In \S 3, we shall prove that the normal are connection of $M$ in is flat only when the Ricci tensors of $M$ and $M$ $M$ equal on the tangent bundle of and . Moreover, we shall prove that if are both compact and is flat then the normal connection is flat when and only when the first Chern class of the normal bundle is trivial. In





$g(A_{N}(X), Y)=\tilde{g}(h(X, Y),$ $N$ ).














Work done under partial support by NSF Grant GP-36684.


Normal connection


of Kaehler submanifolds

\S 4, we shall prove that the complex projective line in a complex sphere $Q_{n}=$ $SO(n+2)/SO(2)XSO(n)$ is the only Kaehler submanifold of whose normal Moreover, bundle admits a parallel section. the complex projective line in is the only Kaehler submanifold in with flat normal connection. $Q_{n}$



\S 2. Basic formulas. be a complex n-dimensional Kaehler manifold with complex structure and metric tensor . Then the curvature tensor $R$ of satisfies the following formulas.







$R(JX, JY)=R(X, Y)$ ,


$R(X, Y)JZ=JR(X, Y)Z$

$R(X, Y)Z+R(Y, Z)X+R(Z, X)Y=0$


$R(X, Y;Z, W)=R(Z, W;X, Y)=-R(Y, X;Z, W)$ $=-R(X, Y;W, Z)$


Let be isometrically immersed in a complex m-dimensional Kaehler manias a complex submanifold. Let fold and be the complex structure, , respectively. Then the the curvature tensor and the metric tensor of equations of Gauss and Ricci are given respectively by $M^{n}$






$\tilde{R}(X, Y;Z, W)=R(X, Y;Z, W)+\tilde{g}(h(X, Z),$ $h(Y, W))$

$h(X, W))$ ,

$-\tilde{g}(h(Y, Z),$


$\tilde{R}(X, Y ; N, N^{\prime})=R^{\perp}(X, Y ; N, N^{\prime})-g([A_{N}, A_{N^{\prime}}](X), Y)$

where $X,$ normal to

are vector fields tangent to Moreover, . we have

$Y,$ $Z,$ $M^{n}$




from which

we have








are vector fields


trace $h=0$ .

\S 3. Ricci tensor and normal connection.

as in be a Kaehler submanifold in another Kaehler manifold $N$ be a parallel section in normal bundle . Then $R^{\perp}(X, Y)N=0$ \S 2. Suppose . From the equation of Ricci, we find for all vector fields $X,$ $Y$ tangent to Let






$\tilde{R}(X, Y;N,\tilde{J}N)=-g([A_{N}, A_{JN}^{\sim}](X), Y)$

Hence, by using (2.6), (3.2)

we have $R(X, Y;N, JN)=2g(JA_{N}(X), Y)$




B.-y. CHEN and H.-s. LUE

Let $(X, N)$


denote the holomorphic bisectional curvature for the pair Then we have $H_{B}(X, N)$

$H_{B}(X, N)=R(X, JX;JN, N)/g(X, X)g(N, N)$


From (3.2) we have the following Proposition. be a Kaehler submanifold of a Kaehler manifold PROPOSITION 1. Let . If there is a unit tangent vector $X$ such that, for all unit normal vectors $N$, the holomorPhic bisectional curvatures $H_{B}(X, N)$ are positive, then the normal bundle admits no Parallel section. In [5] Smyth proved that the normal connection of a Kaehler hypersurface in is flat if and only if $S(X, Y)=S(X, Y)$ for all $X,$ in $TM^{n}$ . In this section we shall prove the following. be a Kaehler submanifold of a Kaehler manifold . THEOREM 2. Let in is flat, then the Ricci tensors and If the normal connection of following satisfy the and relation: $S(X, Y)=S(X, Y)$ for all $X,$ of $\in TM^{n},$ $TM^{n}$ being the tangent bundle of . be an n-dimensional Kaehler submanifold of an m-dimenPROOF. Let sional Kaehler manifold with flat normal connection. Then, by Proposition 1.1 in [1, p. 99], there exist locally $2m-2n$ mutually orthogonal unit normal , $N_{2m-2n}$ such that $DN_{r}=0$ for all $r=1,2,$ , $2m-2n$ . vector Pelds $JN_{m-n}$ , , we see that is Kaehlerian, Since are orthonormal parallel sections in the normal bundle. From the definition of $M^{n}$






















$\nabla J=0$





Ricci tensors and the equation of Gauss, we have (3.3)

$S(X, Y)=\tilde{S}(X, Y)-\sum_{\alpha=1}^{m-n}\{R(N_{\alpha}, X;Y, N_{\alpha})+\tilde{R}(\tilde{J}N_{\alpha}, X;Y,\tilde{J}N_{a})\}$

$-\sum_{A=1}^{2n}\tilde{g}(h(E_{A}, X),$

where $N_{a},$





, ,

is an orthonormal frame of $m-n$ are parallel, (3.2) implies




On the other hand, since


we have

$R(X, JY;N_{\alpha}, JN_{a})=R(N_{\alpha}, JY;X, JN_{\alpha})-R(N_{a}, X;JY,\tilde{J}N_{\alpha})$

Hence, by using (2.1) and (2.3), (3.6)



$fi(X, Y, N_{\alpha}, JN_{\alpha})=2g(JA_{N_{\alpha}}^{2}(X), Y)$

By (2.2) and (2.3), (3.5)

$h(E_{A}, Y))$


we have

$R(X, JY;N_{a},\tilde{J}N_{a})=-[R(\tilde{J}N_{a}, X;Y,\check{J}N_{\alpha})+\tilde{R}(N_{a}, X;\prime Y, N_{\alpha})]$

Moreover, from (2.6),

we may find


Normal connection


$\sum_{A=1}^{2n}\tilde{g}(h(E_{A}, X),$


of Kaehler submanifolds ,

$h(E_{A}, Y))=2\sum_{\alpha=1}^{m-n}g(A_{\alpha}^{2}(X), Y)$

where . Combining (3.3), (3.4), (3.6) and (3.7), we find $S(X, Y)=S(X, Y)$ for all vector fields $X,$ $Y$ tangent to . This completes the proof. A Kaehler manifold is called an Einstein space if there exists a func$S(X, Y)=\rho g(X, Y)$ for all tangent vectors $X$ and $Y$ . tion on such that . If $n>1,$ is constant. The function is the scalar curvature of A Kaehler manifold is called a complex sPace form of holomorphic curvature if the curvature tensor $R$ satisfies $A_{\alpha}=A_{N_{\alpha}}$











$R(X, Y)Z=\frac{c}{4}\{g(Y, Z)X-g(X, Z)Y+g(JY, Z)JX$

$-g(JX, Z)JY+2g(X, JY)JZ\}$


From Theorem 2, we have immediately the following be a Kaehler submanifold of a Kaehler-Einstein maniTHEOREM 3. Let is also Einstein. Moreover, . If the nomal connection is flat, then fold and have the same scalar curvature. Let and be both compact. If $m>n+1$ , then $S(X, Y)=S(X, Y)$ for all $X,$ $Y\in TM^{n}$ seems to be too weak to conclude the flatness of the normal connection. However we have the following. be a $comPact$ Kaehler submanifold of a $comPact$ THEOREM 4. Let Kaehler manifold . Then we have $S(X, Y)=S(X, Y)$ for all $X,$ $Y\in TM^{n}$ implies $c_{1}(\nu)=0$ , where (a) denotes the first Chern class of the normal bundle . (b) If is flat, then the normal connection is flat if and only if is $M^{n}$













zero. PROOF. Let defined by



be the fundamental 2-form $\Phi(X, Y)=\frac{1}{2}g(JX, Y)$

Let (respectively, ) be the Ricci 2-form of closed 2-form defined by $\gamma$







a closed 2-form








$\gamma(X, Y)=\frac{1}{4\pi}S(JX, Y))$




, a


of is represented by (respectively, Then the first Chern class $c_{1}(TM^{n})$ of $TM^{n}$ is represented by ). on $TM^{n}$ , then, equation (3.9) implies Now suppose that . $T\tilde{M}^{m}$






Hence we have (3.10)




B.-y. CHEN and H.-s. LUE

On the other hand, since (3.11)

$ T\tilde{M}^{m}|_{M^{n}}=TM^{n}\oplus\nu$


we find



Substituting (3.10) into (3.11), we get $c_{1}(\nu)=0$ . This proves (a). Now, suppose that is flat and $c_{1}(\nu)=0$ . Then, by (3.9) and (3.11), $c_{1}(TM^{n})=0$ . Hence, there exists a l-form such that have $\tilde{M}^{m}$







be the operator of interior product by





to both sides of

we have

(3.12) (3.13)



$ n\rho=4\pi\Lambda d\eta$


be the codifferential operator and the operator defined by $C\alpha=$ , where is a form of type $(r, s)$ . Then by using the well-known identity , we have since $d\Lambda\eta=C\delta\eta=0$ . Thus we find $C$




$ d\Lambda-\Lambda d=\delta C-C\delta$

$\Lambda d\eta=-\delta C\eta$




On the other hand, the flatness of


and the equation (3.3) imply

$n\rho=-\Vert h\Vert^{2}$

is the length of . Hence, by using (3.14), we find $\rho=h=0$ , from where . The remaining part of this theorem is trivial. This which we find proves the theorem. $h$

$\Vert h\Vert$


\S 4. Kaehler submanifold in Let


be an

with parallel normal sections.


$(m+1)$ -dimensional

morphic sectional curvature 4. Let in $P_{m+1}(c)$ . Then the complex sphere dePned by the equation







complex projective space with holo, $z_{m+1}$ be homogeneous coordinates is a complex hypersurface of $P_{m+1}(c)$ $\cdots$



It is well-known that the Hermitian symmetric space $SO(m+2)/SO(2)\times SO(m)$ is complex analytically isometric to the complex sphere . be an n-dimensional Kaehler submanifold of THEOREM 5. Let . $n=1$ (a) If the normal bundle of parallel section, in a , admits then is a holomorphic curve in . . (b) If the normal connection of in is flat, then $n=1$ and $m=2$ . Moreover, is a linear curve in . $Q_{m}$













Normal connection of Kaehler



PROOF. (a) Let $N$ be a parallel section in the normal bundle. Then, for any vector $X$ tangent to , equation (3.2) implies that $M^{n}$

$R(X, JX;N, JN)=2g(A_{N}(X), A_{N}(Y))$



On the other hand, let be the operator associated with the second fundamental form of the immersion of into $P_{m+1}(c)$ . Then (3.8) and the equation of Gauss imply that $\tilde{A}$



$\tilde{R}(X, JX;N,\tilde{J}N)=2\{\tilde{g}(X,\tilde{A}(N))^{2}+\tilde{g}(JX,\tilde{A}(N))^{2}\}$

$-2g(X, X)\tilde{g}(N, N)$


Hence from (4.1) and (4.2) we get (4.3)


$\tilde{g}(X,\tilde{A}(N))^{2}+\tilde{g}(JX,\tilde{A}(N))^{2}=g(X, X)\tilde{g}(N, N)+g(A_{N}(X), A_{N}(X))$



has nonzero constant length, (4.3) implies that $\tilde{g}(X,\tilde{A}(N))^{2}+\tilde{g}(JX,\tilde{A}(N))^{2}\neq 0$

. for any nonzero vector $X$ tangent to . This is clearly impossible if (b) If the normal bundle of in is flat, then there exists $2m-2n$ local parallel sections. Hence, from part (a), we see that $n=1$ . On the other hand, from Theorem 2, we have $n\geqq 2$





$S(X, X)=\tilde{S}(X, X)$

for all vector $X$ tangent to . Since is Einstein with $\tilde{S}(X, X)=2mg(X, X)$ . Hence, is of constant holomorphic sectional curvature $2m$ . On the other hand, if we regard as a hypersurface in $P_{m+1}(C)$ , then, by the equation of Gauss, we find that $m=2$ , and is a linear curve in $P_{3}(C)$ . is complex analytically isometric to $P_{1}(C)\times P_{1}(C)$ . Hence, REMARK 1. in a natural way, then the if we regard $P_{1}(C)$ as a Kaehler submanifold of $P_{1}(C)$ as a be imbedded in in normal connection of is flat. Let $P_{1}(C)$ in totally geodesic submanifold $(m>2)$ . Then the normal bundle of parallel section. admits a REMARK 2. The normal bundle of Kaehler submanifolds in a complex space form of holomorphic sectional curvature $c\neq 0$ admits no parallel section (Chen-Ogiue [2]). (For hypersurface case, see Kon [3], Nomizu-Smyth [4] and Smyth [5].) $M^{1}$











References [1] [2]

B.-Y. Chen, Geometry of submanifolds, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1973. B.-Y. Chen and K. Ogiue, Some extrinsic results for Kaehler submanifolds, Tamkang J. Math., 4 (1973), 207-213.

B.-y. CHEN and H.-s. LUE

556 [3]

M. Kon,

Kaehler immersions with trivial normal connection, TRU Math., 9

(1973), 29-33. [4] [5]

K. Nomizu and B. Smyth, Differential geometry of complex hypersurface, II, J. Math. Soc. Japan, 20 (1968), 498-521. B. Smyth, Differential geometry of complex hypersurfaces, Ann. of Math., 85 (1967), 246-266.

Bang-yen CHEN Department of Mathematics Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824

U. S. A.

Huei-shyong LUE Department of Mathematics Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824

U. S. A.

Current address: Department of Mathematics National Tsing Hua University Hsinchu, Taiwan $\cdot$