On p-nilpotency and minimal subgroups of finite groups

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kpshum@math.cuhk.edu.hk). Received August 31, 2001; revised March 29, 2002. Abstract. We call a subgroup H of a finite group G c-supplemented in G if there ...

Vol. 46 No. 2

March 2003

On p-nilpotency and minimal subgroups of finite groups GUO Xiuyun (



& K. P. Shum2

1. Department of Mathematics, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China; 2. Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N. T., Hong Kong, China (SAR) Correspondence should be addressed to Guo Xiuyun (email:[email protected]) and K. P. Shum (email: [email protected]) Received August 31, 2001; revised March 29, 2002 Abstract We call a subgroup H of a finite group G c-supplemented in G if there exists a subgroup K of G such that G = HK and H ∩ K  core(H). In this paper it is proved that a finite group G is p-nilpotent if G is S4 -free and every minimal subgroup of P ∩ GN is c-supplemented in NG (P ), and when p = 2 P is quaternion-free, where p is the smallest prime number dividing the order of G, P a Sylow p-subgroup of G. As some applications of this result, some known results are generalized. Keywords:


p -nilpotent groups, minimal subgroups, formation.


All groups considered in this paper are finite groups. Our notation and terminology are standard. The reader may refer to ref. [1]. The relationship between the properties of minimal subgroups of a group G and the structure of G has been extensively studied by a number of authors (for example, see refs. [2—5]). A well known result is the following Itˆo’s lemma: Itˆ o’s lemma[6]. Let p be a prime dividing the order of a group G. If each element of G of order p lies in Z(G) and in addition, each element of G of order 4 still lies in Z(G) when p = 2, then G is p-nilpotent. Buckley[4] showed in 1970 that a group G of odd order is supersolvable if all minimal subgroups of G are normal in G. Since then, there are a number of papers dealing with the generalizations of this result. In this paper, we focus on the p-nilpotency of groups, which relates with the wellknown Burnside theorem for p-nilpotence. Burnside theorem states that if p is a prime dividing the order of a group G and P is a Sylow p-subgroup of G such that P is in the center of its normalizer then G is p-nilpotent. As inspired by the Burnside’s theorem and Itˆo’s lemma, one might wonder whether a group G is p-nilpotent if every element of G with order p lies in the center of NG (P ) and every element of G with order 4 is also in the center of NG (P ) when p = 2, where P is a Sylow p-subgroup of G. In this aspect, Ballester-Bolinches and Guo[3] gave an answer to this question. They proved the following result. Theorem A (ref. [3] Theorems 1 and 2).

Let p be a prime number dividing the order of

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a group G and P a Sylow p-subgroup of G. If every element of P ∩ G with order p lies in the center of NG (P ) and when p = 2 either every element of P ∩ G with order 4 lies in the center of NG (P ) or P is quaternion-free and NG (P ) is 2-nilpotent, then G is p-nilpotent, where G is the commutator subgroup of G. On the other hand, Guo and Shum[5] have recently discussed the p-nilpotency of a group G by considering the complemented minimal subgroups of G. The following question naturally arises: Is the group G p-nilpotent if every minimal subgroup of P ∩ G with order p is either normal or complemented in NG (P )? To tackle the above question, we first recall that a subgroup H of a group G is c-supplemented in G if there exists a subgroup K of G such that G = HK and H ∩ K  core(H)[7] . By this concept, we can see that a minimal subgroup A of G which is either normal or complemented in G is equivalent to A being c-supplemented in G. Also since GN  G , we may ask whether the group G is p-nilpotent or not if every subgroup of P ∩ GN with order p is c-supplemented in NG (P ), where GN is the nilpotent residual of G. By the nilpotent residual GN , we mean the intersection of all normal subgroups X of G such that G/X is nilpotent. The best result we can obtain is the following: Main theorem.

Let G be a group such that G is S4 -free. Also let p be the smallest prime

number dividing the order of G and P a Sylow p-subgroup of G. If every minimal subgroup of P ∩ GN is c-supplemented in NG (P ) and when p = 2 P is quaternion-free, then G is p-nilpotent, where GN is the nilpotent residual of G. It is clear that if G is a group with S4 -free and p = 2, then both the results of BallesterBolinches and Guo (see Theorem 2 of ref. [3]) and the result of Guo and Shum (see Theorem 2 of ref. [5]) become the special case of our main theorem. It is also clear that if p is the smallest prime number dividing the order of a group G and p is odd, then our main theorem is a generalization of Theorem 1 of ref. [3] and Theorem 2 of ref. [5]. As some applications of this result, we may generalize a result of Thompson and a result of Buckley[4]. It can be easily seen that the hypothesis that G is S4 -free and P is quaternion-free in our main theorem cannot be removed. For example, if we let G = S4 , the symmetric group of degree 4, and P a Sylow 2-subgroup of G. Then P is a dihedral group of order 8 and NG (P ) = P . It is easy to see that every minimal subgroup of P ∩ GN is c-supplemented in NG (P ) and G is quaternion-free, but G is not 2-nilpotent. If we let A = a, b|a4 = 1, b2 = a2 , b−1 ab = a−1  be a quaternion group, then A has an automorphism α of order 3. Let G = α< A. Then, it is clear to see that every element of G with order 2 lies in the center of G and therefore it is c-supplemented in G and, of course, G is S4 -free, but G itself is not 2-nilpotent. We also observe that the assumption that p is the smallest prime number dividing the order of G cannot be removed in our main theorem. In fact, if we let G = A5 , the alternating group of degree 5, then it is clear that G is S4 -free and every subgroup of P = P ∩ G = P ∩ GN with order 5 is c-supplemented in NG (P ), where P is a Sylow 5-subgroup of G. Obviously, in the above case, G itself is not 5-nilpotent.




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Preliminary results Recall that if F is a formation, then F -residual GF of a group G is the smallest normal

subgroup of G such that G/GF is in F . Therefore the nilpotent residual GN of a group G is the smallest normal subgroup of G such that G/GN is nilpotent. We first recall the following basic lemma. Lemma 2.1[7].

Let G be a group and H a subgroup of G.

(i) Let K be a subgroup of G such that H is contained in K. If H is c-supplemented in G, then H is c-supplemented in K. (ii) Let N be a normal subgroup of G such that N is contained in H. Then H is csupplemented in G if and only if H/N is c-supplemented in G/N . (iii) Let π be a set of primes. Let N be a normal π  -subgroup of G and H a π-subgroup of G. If H is c-supplemented in G then HN/N is c-supplemented in G/N . If, furthermore, N normalizes H, then the converse also holds. (iv) Let L be a subgroup of G and H  Φ(L). If H is c-supplemented in G then H is normal in G and H  Φ(G). The following lemma is almost obvious, but it will be useful in the sequel. Lemma 2.2. Let P be a p-subgroup of a group G and N a normal p -subgroup of G for some prime p. If A is a minimal subgroup of P and A is c-supplemented in NG (P ), then AN/N is c-supplemented in NG (P )N/N . Proof.

If A is normal in NG (P ), then it is clear that AN/N is normal in NG (P )N/N .

If A is not normal in NG (P ), then, by the hypotheses, there exists a subgroup K of NG (P ) such that NG (P ) = AK and A ∩ K = 1. It is clear that NG (P )N/N = (AN/N )(KN/N ). If (AN/N ) ∩ (KN/N ) = 1, then A  KN and therefore NG (P )N/N = KN/N . By comparing the orders of two sides of the above equation, we can immediately find a contradiction. Hence, (AN/N ) ∩ (KN/N ) = 1. Consequently AN/N is c-supplemented in NG (P )N/N . The following lemma relates with p-nilpotent groups. It is clear that it is a generalization of Itˆo’s lemma when p is the smallest prime number dividing the order of a group. Lemma 2.3.

Let p be the smallest prime dividing the order of a group G and P a Sylow

p-subgroup of G. If every minimal subgroup of P ∩ GN is c-supplemented in G, and when p = 2 either every cyclic subgroup of P ∩GN with order 4 is c-supplemented in G or P is quaternion-free, then G is p-nilpotent, where GN is the nilpotent residual of G. Proof.

Assume that the lemma is false and let G be a counterexample of minimal order.

Then G is not p-nilpotent. Noticing that all its Sylow p-subgroups are conjugate in G, we see that the hypotheses of our lemma is subgroup-closure by Lemma 2.1. Consequently, G is a minimal non-p-nilpotent group (that is, every proper subgroup of a group is p-nilpotent but itself is not p-nilpotent). Now, by a result of Itˆ o (see Theorem 10.3.3 of ref. [1]), G must be a minimal non-nilpotent group. By a result of Schmidt (see Theorem 9.1.9 and Exercises 9.1.11 of ref. [1]), we know that G is of order pα q β , where q is a prime which is different from p, P is normal in G and any Sylow q-subgroup Q of G is cyclic. Moreover, P = G = GN and P is of exponent p

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when p is odd and of exponent at most 4 when p = 2. Let A be a minimal subgroup of P . Then by our hypotheses, there exists a subgroup K of G such that G = AK and A ∩ K  core(A). If A is not normal in G then K is a maximal subgroup of G with index p. Since p is the smallest prime dividing the order of G, we see that K is a normal subgroup of G and therefore the Sylow q-subgroup of K is normal in G. This leads to the nilpotence of G, a contradiction. Hence, every minimal subgroup of P must be normal in G and therefore every minimal subgroup of P must be in the center of G. If p is odd, then G is p-nilpotent by Itˆ o’s lemma, a contradiction. If p = 2 and every cyclic subgroup of P ∩ GN with order 4 is c-supplemented in G, then we claim that every cyclic subgroup of P of order 4 is also normal in G. In fact, if we let B = b be a subgroup of P with order 4, then, by our hypotheses, there exists a subgroup K of G such that G = BK and B ∩ K  core(B). If [G : K] = 4, then Kb2  is a subgroup of G with index 2 and therefore Kb2  is normal in G. This implies that the Sylow q-subgroup of Kb2  is normal in G and therefore G is nilpotent, this is a contradiction. If [G : K] = 2, then K itself is a normal subgroup of G with index 2. We still get a contradiction. Hence, B must be normal in G. If B = P , then, since G is a minimal non-nilpotent group and the exponent of P is at most 4, we have P  CG (Q) and therefore G = P × Q, a contradiction. If P = B, then it is clear that G is p-nilpotent, another contradiction. If p = 2 and P is quaternion-free, then by applying Theorem 2.8 of ref. [8], we have Ω1 (P )  P ∩ GN ∩ Z(G) = 1, a contradiction. By all these contradictions, we show that the lemma is true. Lemma 2.4[2]. Let F be a saturated formation. Assume that G is a group such that G does not belong to F and there exists a maximal subgroup M of G such that M ∈ F and G = M F (G), where F (G) is the Fitting subgroup. Then GF /(GF ) is a chief factor of G, GF is a p-group for some prime p, GF has exponent p if p > 2 and exponent at most 4 if p = 2. Moreover, GF is either an elementary abelian group or (GF ) = Z(GF ) = Φ(GF ) is an elementary abelian group.


Main theorem We now establish our main theorem for p-nilpotent groups. The proof is rather lengthy and

we will divide our proof by establishing several claims. Theorem 3.1. Let G be a group such that G is S4 -free. Also let p be the smallest prime number dividing the order of G and P a Sylow p-subgroup of G. If every minimal subgroup of P ∩ GN is c-supplemented in NG (P ) and when p = 2 P is quaternion-free, then G is p-nilpotent, where GN is the nilpotent residual of G. Proof.

Assume that the theorem is false and let G be a counterexample of minimal order.

Then (i) Op (G) = 1. If Op (G) = 1, then we may pick a minimal normal subgroup N of G such that N is contained in Op (G). Now consider the quotient group G/N . Then P N/N is a Sylow p-subgroup of G/N . Since (G/N )N = GN N/N and P ∩ GN ∈ Sylp (GN ), we see that (G/N )N ∩ (P N/N ) = (GN ∩ P )N/N . By Lemma 2.2, every subgroup of (G/N )N ∩ (P N/N ) = (GN ∩ P )N/N with order



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p is c-supplemented in NG/N (P N/N ) = NG (P )N/N . The minimality of G implies that G/N is p-nilpotent and hence G is p-nilpotent, a contradiction. Thus our claim (i) is established. (ii) For every subgroup M of G satisfying NG (P )  M < G, M must be p-nilpotent. In particular, NG (P ) is p-nilpotent. If NG (P ) = G, then, by Lemma 2.3, G is p-nilpotent. Hence NG (P ) < G. It is clear that M satisfies the hypotheses of the theorem for every subgroup M of G with NG (P )  M < G. By the choice of G, we see that claim (ii) holds. (iii) Op (G) = 1. Because G is not p-nilpotent, by Frobenius’s theorem (see Theorem 10.3.2 of ref. [1]), there exists a subgroup H of P such that NG (H) is not p-nilpotent. By using our claim (ii), we may choose a subgroup H of P such that NG (H) is not p-nilpotent but NG (K) is p-nilpotent for every subgroup K of P with H < K  P . Now we show that NG (H) = G. Suppose on the contrary that NG (H) < G, then, we have H < P ∗  P for some P ∗ ∈ Sylp (NG (H)). Since P ∗ ∩(NG (H))N  P ∩GN , by Lemma 2.1, we see that every minimal subgroup of P ∗ ∩(NG (H))N is c-supplemented in P ∗ . By the choice of H, we know that NG (P ∗ ) is p-nilpotent and therefore NNG (H) (P ∗ ) is p-nilpotent. It follows that every minimal subgroup of P ∗ ∩ (NG (H))N is csupplemented in NNG (H) (P ∗ ). Now, by the minimality of G, we immediately see that NG (H) is p-nilpotent, a contradiction. This proves claim (iii). (iv) G/Op (G) is p-nilpotent and CG (Op (G))  Op (G). From the proof of claim (iii), we also know that NG (K) is p-nilpotent for every subgroup K of P with Op (G) < K  P . Hence, by Frobenius theorem (see Theorem 10.3.2 of ref. [1]), we see that G/Op (G) is p-nilpotent and therefore G is p-solvable with the following upper p p-series 1 < Op (G) < Opp (G) < Opp p (G) = G. Consequently, we have CG (Op (G))  Op (G). Thus, claim (iv) is established. (v) G = P Q, where Q is an elementary abelian Sylow q-subgroup of G for a prime q = p. Moreover, P is a maximal subgroup of G and QOp (G)/Op (G) is a minimal normal subgroup of G/Op (G). In fact, for any q ∈ π(G) with q = p, since G is p-solvable, there exists a Sylow q-subgroup Q of G such that G1 = P Q is a subgroup of G (see Theorem 6.3.5 of ref. [9]). Clearly, G1 N ∩P  GN ∩P and NG1 (P )  NG (P ) and therefore G1 satisfies the hypotheses of our theorem. If G1 < G, then G1 is p-nilpotent. This leads to Q  CG (Op (G))  Op (G), a contradiction. Thus, G = P Q is solvable. Now we let T /Op (G) be a minimal normal subgroup of G/Op (G) which is contained in Opp (G)/Op (G). Then T = Op (G)(T ∩Q). If T ∩Q is a proper subgroup of Q, then P T is a proper subgroup of G and therefore P T is p-nilpotent. It follows that T ∩ Q  CG (Op (G))  Op (G), a contradiction. Thus T = Opp (G) and hence QOp (G)/Op (G) is an elementary abelian q-group complementing P/Op (G). This implies that P is a maximal subgroup of G and our claim (v) holds. (vi) [P : Op (G)] = p and therefore GN  Opp (G). If [P : Op (G)] > p, then there exists a subgroup G1 of G such that [G : G1 ] = p and Opp (G)  G1 . Let P1 ∈ Sylp (G1 ) with P1  P . Then Op (G) < P1 < P . Clearly P  NG (P1 ). Thus, by the

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maximality of P , we have NG (P1 ) = P and therefore NG1 (P1 ) = P1 . It is now easy to see that G1 satisfies the hypotheses of the theorem. Hence, G1 is p-nilpotent and Q  CG (Op (G))  Op (G), a contradiction. So claim (vi) holds. (vii) P ∩ GN is normal in G and G = (P ∩ GN )L, where L = a  Q is a non-abelian split extension of a normal Sylow q-subgroup Q by a cyclic p-subgroup a, ap ∈ Z(L) and the action of a (by conjugate) on Q is irreducible. By claim (vi), we have GN  Opp (G). It follows from (i) that 1 = P ∩ GN  Op (G) and therefore P ∩ GN = Op (G) ∩ GN is normal in G. Now by the definition of GN , we know that G/P ∩ GN is p-nilpotent. Let D/P ∩ GN be a normal p-complement of G/P ∩ GN . By Schur-Zassenhaus theorem we may assume that D = (P ∩ GN )Q. Let P1 /P ∩ GN be a maximal subgroup of P/P ∩ GN . Then P  NG (P1 ). The maximality of P implies that NG (P1 ) = P or G. If NG (P1 ) = P , then NH (P1 ) = P1 , where H = P1 D = P1 Q. It is clear that P1 ∩ H N  P ∩ GN and therefore H satisfies the hypotheses of our theorem. By the minimality of G, H is p-nilpotent. It follows that D = (P ∩ GN )Q = (P ∩ GN ) × Q and therefore Q is a normal subgroup of G, a contradiction. Hence P1 is normal in G. Since P is not normal in G, we know that Op (G) = P1 and P/P ∩ GN is a cyclic group. On the other hand, by the Frattini argument we have G = (P ∩ GN )NG (Q). Thus, we may assume that G = (P ∩ GN )L, where L = a  Q is a non-abelian split extension of a normal Sylow q-subgroup Q by a cyclic p-subgroup a. Since [P : Op (G)] = p and Op (G) ∩ NG (Q)  NG (Q), we see that ap ∈ Z(L). Also since P is a maximal subgroup of G, we know that (P ∩ GN )Q/P ∩ GN is a minimal normal subgroup of G/P ∩ GN and therefore the action of a (by conjugate) on Q is irreducible. Then claim (vii) is proved. (viii) If P ∩ GN is an elementary abelian p-group, then the theorem holds. In fact, if P ∩ GN  Z(P ), then, by using the Frattini argument, we have G = NG (P ∩ GN ) = CG (P ∩ GN )NG (P ). Since NG (P ) = P and P  CG (P ∩ GN ), we obtain that G = NG (P ∩ GN ) = CG (P ∩ GN ). Hence Q(P ∩ GN ) = Q × (P ∩ GN ) and so Q is normal in G, a contradiction. Now assume that P ∩ GN  Z(P ). Let A1 be a minimal subgroup of P ∩ GN and A1  Z(P ). Then, by our hypotheses, there exists a subgroup K1 of P such that P = A1 K1 and A1 ∩ K1 = 1. In general, we may find minimal subgroups A1 , A2 , ..., As of P ∩ GN and also subgroups K1 , K2 , ..., Ks of P such that P = Ai Ki , Ai ∩ Ki = 1 for i = 1, 2, ..., s and 1 = P ∩ GN ∩ K1 ∩ ... ∩ Ks  Z(P ). Furthermore, we may assume that Ai  K1 ∩ ... ∩ Ki−1 (i = 2, 3, ..., s) and therefore we can have K1 ∩ ... ∩ Ki−1 = Ai (K1 ∩ ... ∩ Ki )



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for i = 2, 3, ..., s. Since Ki is maximal in P and therefore P ∩ GN ∩ Ki is normal in P , it is easy to see that (P ∩ GN ∩ Ki )a is a complement of Ai in P . Hence we may replace Ki by (P ∩ GN ∩ Ki )a and therefore we may further assume that a  Ki for i = 1, 2, ..., s. Since P = (P ∩ GN )a, we see that K1 ∩ ... ∩ Ks = (P ∩ GN ∩ K1 ∩ ... ∩ Ks )a. It follows that K1 ∩ ... ∩ Ks /P ∩ GN ∩ K1 ∩ ... ∩ Ks  a/P ∩ GN ∩ K1 ∩ ... ∩ Ks ∩ a is cyclic. Because P ∩ GN ∩ K1 ∩ ... ∩ Ks  Z(P ), we know that K1 ∩ ... ∩ Ks is abelian. If p is an odd prime, then, by using Theorem 6.5.2 of ref. [9], we have K1 ∩ ... ∩ Ks  Op (G) and therefore P = (P ∩ GN )(K1 ∩ ... ∩ Ks )  Op (G), a contradiction. The remaining case is p = 2. Case 1. |a| > 2. Since K1 ∩...∩Ks is an abelian normal subgroup of P and a ∈ K1 ∩...∩Ks , we obtain Φ(K1 ∩ ... ∩ Ks ) = a2  and therefore Ω1 (a2 )  Z(P ). On the other hand, by (vii) Ω1 (a2 )  Z(L) and so Ω1 (a2 )  Z(G). By Theorem 2.8 in ref. [8], we see that Ω1 (a2 ) ∩ (P ∩ GN ) = 1. Now, we consider the quotient group G/Ω1 (a2 ). Because P ∩ GN is an elementary abelian group and every element of P ∩ GN is c-supplemented in NG (P ) = P , it is easy to see that every minimal subgroup of GN Ω1 (a2 )/Ω1 (a2 )∩P/Ω1 (a2 ) = (GN ∩P )Ω1 (a2 )/Ω1 (a2 ) is c-supplemented in NG/Ω1 (a2 ) (P/Ω1 (a2 )) = P/Ω1 (a2 ). The minimality of G implies that G/Ω1 (a2 ) is 2-nilpotent and consequently Q is normal in G. This contradicts to the fact that G is not 2-nilpotent. Case 2.

|a| = 2. Then, since P = (P ∩ GN )a and P is not normal in G, we see that

a ∩ (P ∩ GN ) = 1. On the other hand, since a acts on Q, we see that a is an automorphism of Q with order two. Noticing that the action of a (by conjugate) on Q is irreducible, we know that Q is a cyclic group of order q and ba = b−1 , where Q = b. In this case, P ∩ GN is a minimal normal subgroup of G. In fact, let N be a minimal normal subgroup of G with N  P ∩ GN and G1 = N L. Then it is easy to see that QN/N is a minimal normal subgroup of G1 /N and therefore the Sylow p-subgroup N a/N of G1 /N is a maximal subgroup of G1 /N . Moreover, NG1 (N a) = N a. Noticing that (N a)∩(G1 )N  N and applying Lemma 2.1 (i), we know that every minimal subgroup of (N a)∩(G1 )N is c-supplemented in NG1 (N a) = N a. So G1 satisfies the hypotheses of the theorem. If G1 < G, then the minimality of G implies that G1 is p-nilpotent and therefore N Q = N × Q. Consequently, 1 = N ∩ Z(P )  P ∩ Z(G) ∩ GN , in contradiction to Theorem 2.8 of ref. [8]. Hence P ∩GN is a minimal normal subgroup of G. Since P ∩GN = Op (G) and Op (G) ∩ NG (Q) is normal in NG (Q), we see that Op (G) ∩ NG (Q) = 1 and therefore the action of b on P ∩ GN is fixed-point-free. Now we may assume that P ∩ GN = {1, c1 , c2 , ..., cq } and b = (c1 , c2 , ..., cq ) is a permutation on the set {c1 , c2 , ..., cq }. If we assume that c1 ∈ Z(P ), then, −1

by using ba = b−1 and considering (c1 )a −1 i




= (c1 )b , we see that (c2 )a = cq . If we use (bi )a = b−i

and consider (c1 )a b a = (c1 )b , we can have (ci+1 )a = cq−i+1 for i = 1, 2, ..., (q + 1)/2. It follows that a = (c2 , cq )(c3 , cq−1 )...(c(q+1)/2 , c(q+3)/2 ) and therefore Z(P ) = {1, c1 }. Since P ∩ GN , K1 , ..., Ks are maximal subgroups of P and 1 = P ∩ GN ∩ K1 ∩ ... ∩ Ks  Z(P ), we have Φ(P )  Z(P ). Noticing that P is not abelian, we see that Φ(P ) = P  = Z(P ). Thus, P is an extra-special 2-group. By using Theorem 5.3.8 of ref. [1], we see that |P | = 22n+1 for some positive number n and therefore |P ∩ GN | = 22n . Since 22n − 1 = (2n + 1)(2n − 1) and q = 22n − 1 is a prime number, we see that n = 1 and |P | = 23 and therefore q = 3. Now it is easy to see that

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G  S4 , a contradiction. Thus (viii) holds. (ix) The final step. By (viii) we may assume that Φ(P ∩GN ) = 1. For any minimal subgroup A of Φ(P ∩GN ), by the hypotheses, we know that A is normal in P and so Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))  Z(P ). By the Frattini argument we have G = NG (Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))) = CG (Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN )))NG (P ). Noticing that NG (P ) = P and P  CG (Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))), we have Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))  Z(G). However, this result contradicts to Theorem 2.8 of ref. [8] while p = 2. So the remaining case is p = 2. Let the exponent of Φ(P ∩ GN ) be pe . By Theorem 1 of ref. [4], the following series 1  Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))  Ω2 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))  ...  Ωe (Φ(P ∩ GN )) = Φ(P ∩ GN ) k

is a central series of Φ(P ∩ GN ) and Ωk (Φ(P ∩ GN )) = {x|xp = 1} for k = 1, 2, ..., e. Let x ∈ Ω2 (Φ(P ∩ GN )), g ∈ P . Since Ω2 (Φ(P ∩ GN )) is normal in G, there exists an element y ∈ Ω2 (Φ(P ∩ GN )) such that xg = xy. Then xp = (xp )g = (xg )p = (xy)p . But since (Ω2 (Φ(P ∩ GN )))  Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))  Z(G) and Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN )) has exponent p, we see that (xy)p = xp y p . So we obtain xp = xp y p whence y ∈ Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN )). Hence every minimal subgroup of Ω2 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))/Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN )) is normal in P/Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN )). By using the above arguments again, we may have Ω2 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))/Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))  Z(G/Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))). By induction we may have the following Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))  Z(G), Ω2 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))/Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))  Z(G/Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))), ............. Ωe (Φ(P ∩ GN ))/Ωe−1 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))  Z(G/Ωe−1 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))), and therefore Q stabilizes the chain of subgroups 1  Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))  Ω2 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))  ...  Ωe (Φ(P ∩ GN )) = Φ(P ∩ GN ). Now we consider the quotient group P ∩ GN /Φ(P ∩ GN ). For any minimal subgroup X of P ∩ GN /Φ(P ∩ GN ), there exists a subgroup X = x of P ∩ GN such that X = XΦ(P ∩ GN )/Φ(P ∩ GN ). If |x| = p, then, by the hypotheses, X is c-supplemented in P and therefore X is c-supplemented in P/Φ(P ∩ GN ). If |x| > p, then xp ∈ Φ(P ∩ GN ) and (xΩe−1 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))/Ωe−1 (Φ(P ∩ GN )))p  Z(G/Ωe−1 (Φ(P ∩ GN )). For the sake of convenience, we set N = Ωe−1 (Φ(P ∩ GN )). For any g ∈ P , there exists an element y ∈ P ∩ GN such that xg = xy. Then (xN/N )p = ((xN/N )p )g = ((xN/N )g )p = ((xN/N )(yN/N ))p . But since p is odd and (P ∩GN )  Ωe (Φ(P ∩ GN )) = Φ(P ∩ GN ), we see that ((xN/N )(yN/N ))p = (xN/N )p (yN/N )p . So we obtain (xN/N )p = (xN/N )p (yN/N )p . It follows that y p ∈ N and therefore y ∈ Ωe (Φ(P ∩ GN )). Hence X = XΦ(P ∩GN )/Φ(P ∩GN ) is normal in P/Φ(P ∩GN ). Now we have shown that G/Φ(P ∩GN )



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satisfies the hypotheses of our theorem. By induction G/Φ(P ∩ GN ) is p-nilpotent. Hence we see that Q stabilizes the chain of subgroups 1  Ω1 (Φ(P ∩ GN ))  ...  Ωe (Φ(P ∩ GN )) = Φ(P ∩ GN ) < P ∩ GN . It follows from Theorem 5.3.2 of ref. [9] that [P ∩GN , Q] = 1 and therefore Q is a normal subgroup of G, which is the final contradiction. The proof of the theorem is complete.


Applications In this section, we give some applications of Theorem 3.1. In the literature of solvable groups,

there is an important result of Thompson which asserts that a finite group G is solvable if G has a nilpotent maximal subgroup of odd order (see Theorem 10.4.2 of ref. [1]). Later on, Deskins and Janko proved that Thompson’s result still holds if the Sylow 2-subgroup of nilpotent maximal subgroup is allowed to have class at most two (see IV, Satz 7.4 of ref. [6]). By using the well-known odd-order theorem of Feit and Thompson[10] , we can give another generalization of Thompson’s result on solvable groups: Theorem 4.1. Let G be a group such that G is S4 -free. Also let M be a nilpotent maximal subgroup of G and P a Sylow 2-subgroup of M . If every minimal subgroup of P ∩ GN is c-supplemented in P and P is quaternion-free, then G is solvable. Proof. Assume that the theorem is not true and G is a counterexample of minimal order. Let M2 be the 2 -Hall subgroup of M . By Theorem 1 of ref. [11], M2 is normal in G. If M2 = 1, we may let N be a minimal normal subgroup of G such that N  M2 . Then M/N is a nilpotent maximal subgroup of G/N and P N/N satisfies the hypotheses of theorem by Lemma 2.1. Now, by the minimality of G, it implies that G/N is solvable and therefore G is solvable since N is nilpotent, a contradiction. Hence M2 = 1 and P is a maximal subgroup of G. It follows that P is a Sylow 2-subgroup of G and P = NG (P ). Now, by applying Theorem 3.1, we see that G is 2-nilpotent. By using the well-known odd-order theorem of Feit and Thompson, we see that G is solvable. This contradiction illustrates that Theorem 4.1 holds. As we have mentioned above that Buckley showed that a group G of odd-order is supersolvable if each minimal subgroup of G is normal in G. Now we generalize this result. We not only replace the normal assumption of minimal subgroups by the c-supplement assumption of minimal subgroups, but also replace all minimal subgroups of G by some of minimal subgroups of G. In fact, our result is more general. Theorem 4.2. Let F be a saturated formation containing the class of supersolvable groups U and G a group such that G is S4 -free. Also let N be a normal subgroup of G such that G/N is in F . If for every prime p dividing the order of N and for every Sylow p-subgroup P of N , every minimal subgroup of P ∩ GN is c-supplemented in NG (P ) and when p = 2 P is quaternion-free, then G is in F , where GN is the nilpotent residual of G. Proof. Assume that the theorem is false and we may let G be a counterexample of minimal order. By using Lemma 2.1 and Theorem 3.1, we know that N is a Sylow tower group. Thus, if p is the largest prime dividing the order of N and P is a Sylow p-subgroup of N , then P must be normal in G and therefore every minimal subgroup of P ∩ GN is c-supplemented in NG (P ) = G.

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Now, we consider the quotient group G/P . Since (G/P )/(N/P )  G/N and (G/P )N = GN P/P , we know that G/P satisfies the hypotheses of our theorem by Lemma 2.2. Then, the minimality of G implies that G/P is in F . Observing that GF  GN and G is not in F, we see that 1 = GF is contained in P ∩ GN . Therefore GF is a p-group, where GF is the F -residual of G. By Theorem 3.5 of ref. [12], there exists a maximal subgroup M of G such that G = M F  (G), where F  (G) = Soc(G mod Φ(G)) and G/coreG (M ) is not in F . Then G = M GF and therefore G = M F (G) since GF is a p-group, where F (G) is the Fitting subgroup of G. It is now clear that M satisfies the hypotheses of our theorem for its normal subgroup M ∩ P . Hence, by the minimality of G, it leads to M must be in F . Now, by Lemma 2.4, GF has exponent p when p = 2 and exponent at most 4 when p = 2. If GF is an elementary abelian group, then GF is a minimal normal subgroup of G. For any minimal subgroup A of GF , we know that A is c-supplemented in NG (P ) = G by our hypotheses. If A is not normal in G then there exists a subgroup K of G such that G = AK and A ∩ K = 1. It is clear that K ∩ GF is normal in G. The minimality of GF implies that K ∩ GF = 1 and A is normal in G, a contradiction. Hence A is normal in G and GF = A is cyclic. Now suppose that GF is not an elementary abelian group. Then (GF ) = Z(GF ) = Φ(GF ) is an elementary abelian group by Lemma 2.4. Noticing that Φ(GF )  Φ(G), we know that every minimal subgroup of (GF ) is not complemented in G. It now follows from our hypotheses that every minimal subgroup of (GF ) must be normal in G. For any minimal subgroup A of GF /(GF ) , there exists a subgroup A of GF such that A = A(GF ) /(GF ) . Assume that A is of prime order. If A is not normal in G, then, by our hypotheses, there exists a subgroup K of G such that G = AK and A ∩ K = 1. Noticing that (GF ) = Φ(GF )  Φ(G), we see that K/(GF ) is a complement of A. The minimality of GF /(GF ) implies that A = GF /(GF ) is normal in G/(GF ) , and therefore GF /(GF ) is a cyclic group of prime order. Hence we may assume that p = 2 and every generated element of GF is of order 4. It follows immediately that Ω1 (GF ) = (GF ) = Φ(GF ) and therefore every minimal subgroup of Ω1 (GF ) is normal in G. Hence Ω1 (GF )  Z(G). By Lemma 2.15 of ref. [8], every p -element of G acts trivially on GF . Since GF /(GF ) is a chief factor of G, we see that GF /(GF ) is a cyclic group of prime order. We have now shown that for all cases, GF /(GF ) is always a cyclic group of prime order. Noticing that GF /(GF ) is G-isomorphic to Soc(G/coreG (M )), it follows that G/coreG (M ) is supersolvable, a contradiction. Thus, our proof is completed. Corollary 4.1. Let G be a group such that G is S4 -free. If for every prime p dividing the order of G and for every Sylow p-subgroup P of G, every minimal subgroup of P ∩ GN is c-supplemented in NG (P ) and when p = 2 P is quaternion-free, then G is supersolvable, where GN is the nilpotent residual of G. Acknowledgements This work was supported by a research grant of Shanxi Province for the first author and partially supported by a fund of UGC(HK) for the second author (Grant No. 2160126, 1999/2000).



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