cently an important breakthrough by Arora has led to the de nition of a ... networks and Euclidean spaces has been proposed by Arora and ...... Sanjeev Arora.
On Salesmen, Repairmen, Spiders and other Traveling Agents Giorgio Ausiello Stefano Leonardi Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela Dipartimento di Informatica Sistemistica, Universita di Roma \La Sapienza", via Salaria 113, 00198-Roma, Italia.
Abstract. The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a classical problem in discrete optimization. Its paradigmatic character makes it one of the most studied in computer science and operations research and one for which an impressive amount of algorithms (in particular heuristics and approximation algorithms) have been proposed. While in the general case the problem is known not to allow any constant ratio approximation algorithm and in the metric case no better algorithm than Christo des' algorithm is known, which guarantees an approximation ratio of 3/2, recently an important breakthrough by Arora has led to the de nition of a new polynomial approximation scheme for the Euclidean case. A growing attention has also recently been posed on the approximation of other paradigmatic routing problems such as the Travelling Repairman Problem (TRP). The altruistic Travelling Repairman seeks to minimimize the average time incurred by the customers to be served rather than to minimize its working time like the egoistic Travelling Salesman does. The new approximation scheme for the Travelling Salesman is also at the basis of a new approximation scheme for the Travelling Repairman problem in the euclidean space. New interesting constant approximation algorithms have recently been presented also for the Travelling Repairman on general metric spaces. Interesting applications of this line of research can be found in the problem of routing agents over the web. In fact the problem of programming a \spider" for eciently searching and reporting information is a clear example of potential applications of algorithms for the above mentioned problems. These problems are very close in spirit to the problem of searching an object in a known graph introduced by Koutsoupias, Papadimitriou and Yannakakis [13]. In this paper, motivated by web searching applications, we summarize the most important recent results concerning the approximate solution of the TRP and the TSP and their application and extension to web searching problems.
1 Introduction In computer applications involving the use of mobile virtual agents (sometimes called "spiders") that are supposed to perform some task in a computer network, a fundamental problem is to design routing strategies that allow the agents to complete their tasks in the most ecient way ([3],[4]). In this context a typical
scenario is the following: an agent generated at node 0 of the network searches a portion of the web formed by n sites, denoted by 1; : : : ; n, looking for an information. At each site i it is associated a probability pi that the required information is at that site. The distance from site i to site j is given by a metric function d(i; j ).PThe aim is to nd a path (1); : : : ; (n) that minimizes P n the quantity i=1 pi ik=1 d(k ? 1; k). In [13] this problem is called the Graph Searching problem (GSP in the following). The GSP is shown to be strictly related to the Travelling Repairman Problem (TRP), also called the Minimum Latency Problem (MLP), in which a repairman is supposed to visit the nodes of a graph in a way to minimize the overall waiting time of the customers sitting in the nodes P ofPthe graph. More precisely in the TRP we wish to minimize the quantity ni=1 ik=1 d(k ? 1; k). The Minimum Latency problem is known to be MAX-SNP-hard for general metric spaces as a result of a reduction from the TSP where all the distances are either 1 or 2, while it is solvable in polynomial time for the case of line networks [1]. In this paper we present the state of the art of the approximability of the TRP and present the extension of such results to the Graph Searching problem. The relationship between GSP and TRP is helpful from two points of view. In some cases, in fact, an approximation preserving reduction from GSP to TRP can be established [13] under the assumption that the probabilities associated with the vertices are polynomially related, by replacing every vertex with a polynomial number of vertices of equal probability. This allows to apply the approximation algorithms developed for TRP to GSP. Among them, particularly interesting are the constant approximation algorithms for general metric spaces given by Blum et al. [8] and Goemans and Kleinberg [12], later improved in combination with a result of Garg [10] on the k-MST problem . More recently a quasi-polynomial O(nO(log n) ) approximation scheme for tree networks and Euclidean spaces has been proposed by Arora and Karakostas [5]. This uses the same technique as in the quasi-polynomial approximation scheme of Arora for the TSP [6]. The case of tree networks seems particularly interesting since one is often willing to run the algorithm on a tree covering a portion of the network that hopefully contains the required information. In the paper we also show how to extend approximation schemes for the TRP to the Graph Searching problem. In conclusion, the Graph Searching problem, beside being an interesting problem \per se", motivated by the need to design ecient strategies for moving \spiders" in the web, has several interesting connections with two of the most intriguing and paradigmatic combinatorial graph problems, the Traveling Repairman problem and the Traveling Salesman problem. Therefore the study of the former problem naturally leads to the study of the results obtained for the latter problems, which may be classi ed among the most interesting breakthrough achieved in the recent history of algorithmics. This paper is organized as follows: in section 2 we formally de ne the GSP and in section 3 we review approximation algorithms for the TRP. In sections 4
and 5 we present approximation algorithms and approximation schemes for the GSP.
2 Preliminaries and notation The Graph Searching Problem (GSP), introduced by Koutsoupias, Papadimitriou and Yannakakis [13], is de ned on a set of n vertices V = f1; : : : ; ng of a metric space M , plus a distinguished vertex of M at which the travelling agent is initially located and will return after the end of the tour. The starting point is also denoted as the root and indicated as vertex 0. A metric distance d(i; j ) de nes the distance between any pair of vertices i; j . With every vertex i is also associated a probability or weight wi > 0 (the vertices with weight 0 are ignored). We assume that the object is in exactly one site for which Pni=1simply wi = 1. A solution to the GSP is a permutation (1); : : : ; (n) indicating the tour to be followed. tour is P The distance of vertex i to the root alongtotheminimize given by l(i) = ij=1 d((j ? 1); (j )). The objective of the GSP is P the expected time spent to locate the object in the network, namely ni=1 wi l(i). We will measure the performance of algorithms by their approximation ratio, that is the maximum ratio over all input instances between the cost of the algorithm's solution and the optimal solution.
3 Approximation algorithms for the TRP In this section we will present the approximation algorithms developed in the literature for the TRP that was rst introduced in [1]. These results are relevant to the solution of the GSP that reduces to the TRP when all the vertices have equal probability or are polynomially related. In the case of line networks the problem is polynomial. Theorem 1. [1] There exists a O(n2 ) optimal algorithm for the TRP on line networks. The algorithm numbers the root with 0, the vertices at the right of the root with positive integer numbers, the vertices at the left of the root with negative integer numbers. By dynamic programming the algorithm stores for every pair of vertices (?l; r) with l; r > 0, (i) the optimal path that visits the vertices of [?l; r] and ends at ?l and (ii) the optimal path that visits the vertices of [?l; r] and ends at r. The information at point (i.) is computed in O(1) time by selecting the best alternative among (a.) the path that follows the optimal path for (?(l ? 1); r), ends at ?(l ? 1) and then moves to l, and (b.) the optimal path for (?l; r ? 1) that ends at r ? 1 and then moves rst to r then to l. The information at point (ii.) is analogously computed in O(1) time. The TRP is known to be solvable in polynomial time beyond line networks only for trees with bounded number of leaves [13]. Whether the TRP is polynomially time solvable or NP-hard for general tree networks is still a very interesting open problem.
The rst constant factor approximation for the TRP on general metric spaces and on tree networks has been presented by Blum et al [8]. The authors introduce the idea to concatenate a sequence of tours to form the nal solution. The algorithm proposed by the authors computes for every j = 1; 2; 3:::: a tree Tj of cost at most 2j+1 spanning the maximum number of vertices. This procedure is repeated until all the vertices have been included in a tree. The nal tour is obtained by concatenating a set of tours obtained by depth rst traversing trees Tj , j = 1; 2; 3; ::::. Let mj be the number of vertices spanned by Tj . Let Sj be the set of vertices of Tj . Consider a number i such that mj i mj+1 . We can state that the i-th vertex visited in the optimal tour has latency at least 2j . On the other end, the latency of the i-th vertex visited in the algorithm's tour is at most 8 2j . This is because P the latency of the i-th vertex in the tour of the algorithm is at most 2( ki nj ni =" it follows that the new latency is at most (1 + ")L . Note that if the above approach is applied using an approximate solution for the TSP then the latency of the obtained approximate solution has value at most (1 + " + )L .
Let us now consider the case of tree metric. In such case a TSP tour that visits a given set of nodes can be computed in polynomial time. However the above approach requires to know the set of nodes belonging to each segment in the optimal solution. These sets can be computed in quasi polynomial time in the case of tree metric by dynamic programming. In fact the break up in k segments implies that an edge is visited in the optimal solution at most k times. Let us consider the case of a binary tree. First identify an edge that is a 1/3 : 2/3 separator and the algorithm \guesses" the number of times this edge is visited, and for each such portion the length of the portion and the number of nodes visited. \Guessing" means that using dynamic programming the algorithm exhaustively searches for all possibilities; since there at most k = O(log n=") portions and the length of each portion is bounded by O(n3 =") it follows that there is a polynomial number of solutions. By recurring on each side of the separator edge it is possible to compute an " break up in segments in nO(log n=") . The above idea can be applied also to nonbinary trees.
Theorem 6. [5] For any ", " > 0, there exists a 1 + " approximation algorithm for the TRP in tree metric that runs in time nO(log n) . In the Euclidean case a similar result can be obtained by making use of Arora's approximation scheme [6] for the computation of the TSP paths which correspnd to the segments of the TRP.
Theorem 7. [5] For any ", " > 0, there exists a 1 + " approximation algorithm for the TRP in Euclidean metric that runs in time nO(log n="2 ) . The proof of Theorem 7 will be provided the next subsection along with the proof of existence of a polynomial time approximation scheme for TSP. Let us now see how we can apply the preceding results in order to design approximation schemes for GSP. Recall that, given an instance x of the GSP with n nodes, if the integer weights associated to the nodes are polynomially related, then it is easy to see that GSP is polynomially reducible to an instance y of TRP. On the other side it can be proved [?] that if the weights are not polynomially bounded still there exists a polynomial time reduction that preserves the approximation schemes [?]. Given an instance of GSP, with n nodes, let wmax be the maximum weight associated to a city and let " be any positive real number. The idea of the proof is to round the weights associated to each city by a factor k, k = wmax =c where = "2 =n4 and c is a suitably chosen constant. Namely, given an instance x of GSP, we de ne a new instance x0 , with the same set of nodes and the same metric distance of x that is obtained by rounding the weight associated to each city; namely, wi , the weight associated to city i, becomes bwi =kc. Note that by the above rounding the weights associated to the nodes of x0 are now polynomially related and, therefore, x0 is polynomially reducible to an instance of TRP. Assume now that we are given a tour T that is an optimal solution of x0 ; we now show that T is a (1 + ") approximate solution of x. In fact, following
[5] we can assume that the maximum distance between nodes is cn2 =", where c is a constant; it follows that the rounding introduces an absolute error for the contribution of city i to the objective function that is bounded by
kcn3 =" = wmax n3 =" = wmax "=n: By summing over all nodes we obtain that the total absolute error is bounded by wmax "; since wmax is a lower bound on the optimum value of instance x it follows that T is a (1 + ") approximate solution of x. Assume now that we are given a approximate solution of x0 ; analogously we can show that this solution is a (1+ ") approximate solution of x. The above reduction together with the approximation results of Theorems 6 and 7 imply the following theorem.
Theorem 8. There exists a quasi polynomial time (1 + ") approximation algorithm for the GSP in the case of tree metric and Euclidean metric.
5.1 Polynomial time approximation schemes for the Euclidean TSP and TRP Let us now insert the last missing stone which is needed to prove the existence of an approximate scheme for the GSP in the Euclidean case: the polynomial time approximation schemes for the Euclidean TSP [6] and TRP [5]. Let us rst see the result for the TSP. The basic idea on which Arora's result is organized is the following. In order to overcome the computational complexity of the TSP in the Euclidean case we may reduce the combinatorial explosion of the solution space by imposing that the required approximate solutions should satisfy particular structural properties. Under suitable conditions the number of solutions which satisfy such properties may be reduced in such a way that we may search for the best approximate solution by means of a dynamic programming procedure which runs in polynomial time. Let us consider an Euclidean TSP instance x consisting of a set of n points in the plane and let L be the size of its bounding box B . Let us rst make the following simplifying assumptions: (i) all nodes have integral coordinates; (2) the minimum internode distance is 8; (3) the maximum internode distance is O(n); (4) the size of the bounding box, L is O(n) and it is a power of 2. It is not dicult to prove that if a PTAS exists for this particular type of instances, that we call well rounded instances, then it exists for general TSP instances. Now, suppose we are given a well rounded TSP instance. In order to characterize the approximate solutions that satisfy speci c structural properties we may proceed in the following way. We decompose the bounding box through a recursive binary partitioning until we have at most one point per square cell (in practice, and more conveniently, we can organize the instance into a quadtree). Note that at stage i of the partitioning process we divide any square in the quad-tree of size L=2i?1 which contains more than one point into 4 squares of size L=2i. Then we identify m = O(c log L=") points evenly distributed on each
side of any square created during the partition (plus four points in the square's corners). By slightly bending the edges of a TSP tour we will impose it to cross square boundaries only at those prespeci ed points (called \portals"). Finally we allow the partition to be shifted both horizontally and vertically by integer quantities a and b respectively. The structure theorem can then be stated in the following terms.
Theorem 9. (Structure Theorem,[6]) Let a well rounded instance x be given, let L be the size of its bounding box B and let " > 0 be a constant. Let us pick a and b, with 0 a; b L, randomly and let us consider the recursive partitioning of B shifted by quantities a and b. Then with probability at least 1=2 there is a salesman tour of cost at most (1 + ")OPT (where OPT is the cost of an optimum solution) that crosses each edge of each square in the partition at most r = O(1=") times always going through one among m = O(log L=") portals (such tour is called (m, r) light). Essentially the proof of the theorem is based on the fact that given a recursive partitioning of B shifted by quantities a and b, given an optimum TSP tour of length OPT it is possible to bend its edges slightly so that they cross square boundaries only O(1=") times and only at portals and the resulting increase in length of the path is at most " OPT=2. Over all possible shifts a, b, therefore, with probability 1=2, such increase is bounded by " OPT . On the basis of the structure theorem we can then de ne the following polynomial time approximation scheme for the solution of a well rounded TSP instance. In what follows we call a TSP path a tour, or a fragment of tour, which goes through the points in the TSP instance and whose edges are possibly bended through the portals. When we will have built a unique TSP path that goes exactly once through all points in the instance it will be immediately possible to transform it into a TSP tour by taking Euclidean shortcuts whenever possible. Given the required approximation ratio (1 + ") and given a TSP instance x the randomized algorithm performs the following steps: 1) Perturbation. Instance x is rst transformed into a well rounded instance x0 . We will then look for a (1 + "0 ) approximate solution for instance x0 where "0 can be easily computed from ". 2) Construction of the shifted quad-tree. Given a random choice of 1 a; b L a quad-tree with such shifts is computed. The depth of the quad-tree will be O(log n) and the number of squares it will contain is T = O(n log n) 3) Construction of the path by dynamic programming. The path that satis es the structure theorem can be constructed bottom-up by dynamic programming as follows. In any square there may be p paths, each connecting a pair of portals such that for any i a path goes from the rst portal to the second portal in pair pi . Since 2p 4r and there are 4m + 4 portals on the borders of one square, there are at most (4m + 4)4r ways to chose the crossing points of the p paths and there are at most 4r! pairings among such crossing points. For each of the choices we compute the optimum solution which corresponds to one entry in the lookup table that the dynamic programming procedure has to construct.
Since we have T squares, the total number of entries is O(T (4m + 4)(4r) (4r)!). In order to determine the running time of the procedure let us see how the entries are constructed; rst note that for the leaves of the quad-tree we only have the condition that one path should go through the node (if any) in the leaf. Inductively, when we want to construct the entries for a square S at level i ? 1 of the quad-tree, given the entries of squares S1 , S2 , S3 , S4 at level i, we have to determine the optimum way to connect the paths in the subsquares by choosing among all possible choices on how to cross the inner borders among the four squares. Such choices are (4m + 4)4r (4r)4r (4r)!. All taken into account we have a running time O(T (4m + 4)8r (4r)4r (4r!)2 ), that is O(n(log n)O(1=") . Easily enough the algorithm can be derandomized by exhaustively trying all possible shifts a, b, and picking the best path. This simply implies repeating steps 2) and 3) of the algorithm O(n2 ) times. In conclusion we can state the nal result.
Theorem 10. [5] For any ", " > 0, there exists a 1+ " approximation algorithm for the TSP in Euclidean metric that runs in time O(n3 (log n)1=" ).
The result for the TRP goes along the same line. As we have seen, in order to solve the TRP we compute O(log n=") segments consisting in as many salesman paths. Now the same algorithm as before can be constructed but this time we want to compute simultaneously the O(log n=") salesman paths. As a consequence, while in the case of the TSP we were looking for paths going at most r = O(1=") times through one among m = O(log n=") portals, in the case of the TRP we construct paths that go O(log n=") times through the m portals. The same dynamic programming technique as in the case of TSP can then be applied, but now, since we may have O(log n=") crossings, the algorithm will require quasi-polynomial time O(nO(log n="2 ) ). Theorem 7 hence follows.
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