arXiv:1502.04982v1 [math.AC] 17 Feb 2015
Abstract. Let I and J be two ideals of a commutative Noetherian ring R and M be an R-module of dimension d. If R is a complete local ring and M is finite, then attached d−1 prime ideals of HI,J (M ) are computed by means of the concept of co-localization. Also, t we illustrate the attached prime ideals of HI,J (M ) on a non-local ring R, for t = dim M
and t = cd (I, J, M ).
1. Introduction Throughout this paper, R denotes a commutative Noetherian ring, M an R-module and I and J stand for two ideals of R. For all i ∈ N0 the i-th local cohomology functor with i respect to (I, J), denoted by HI,J (−), defined by Takahashi et. all in [10] as the i-th right derived functor of the (I, J)- torsion functor ΓI,J (−), where ΓI,J (M) := {x ∈ M : I n x ⊆ Jx for n ≫ 1}. This notion coincides with the ordinary local cohomology functor HIi (−) when J = 0, see [2]. The main motivation for this generalization comes from the study of a dual of ordinary local cohomology modules HIi (M) ([9]). Basic facts and more information about local cohomology defined by a pair of ideals can be obtained from [10], [3] and [4]. The second section of this paper is devoted to study the attached prime ideals of local cohomology modules with respect to a pair of ideals by means of co-localization. The concept of co-localization introduced by Richardson in [8]. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 13D45; Secondary: 13E05, 13E10. Key words and phrases. local cohomology modules with respect to a pair of ideals, attached prime ideals, co-localization. The second author was in part supported by a grant from IPM (No. 92130111). 1
Habibi, Jahangiri and Ahmadi Amoli
Let (R, m) be local and M be a finite R-module of dimension d. If c is a non-negative i c integer such that HI,J (R) = 0 for all i > c and HI,J (R) is representable, then we illustrate c the attached prime ideals of p HI,J (M) (see Theorem 2.3). In addition if R is complete, then we have made use of Theorem 2.3 to prove that in a special case d−1 d−1 Att (HI,J (M)) ⊆ T ∪ Assh (M) and T ⊆ Att (HI,J (M)),
where T = {p ∈ Supp (M) : dim M/pM = d − 1, J ⊆ p and
p I + p = m},
(see Theorem 2.5). dimM In [3, Theorem 2.1] the set of attached prime ideals of HI,J (M) was computed on a local ring. We generalize this theorem to the non-local case. Also, the authors in [5, 2.4] specified cd(I,M ) a subset of attached prime ideals of ordinary top local cohomology module HI (M). We cd(I,J,M ) improve it for HI,J (M) over a not necessarily local ring, where cd (I, J, M) = sup{i ∈ i N0 : HI,J (M) 6= 0} with the convention that cd (I, M) = cd (I, 0, M). 2. Attached prime ideals In this section we study the set of attached prime ideals of local cohomology modules with respect to a pair of ideals. Remark 2.1. Following [8], for a multiplicatively closed subset S of the local ring (R, m), the co-localization of M relative to S is defined to be the S −1 R-module S−1 (M) := DS −1 R (S −1 DR (M)), where DR (−) is the Matlis dual functor Hom R (−, ER (R/m)). If S = R \ p for some p ∈ Spec (R), we write p M for S−1 (M). Richardson in [8, 2.2] proved that if M is a representable R- module, then so is S−1 (M) and Att (S−1 M) = {S −1 p : p ∈ Att (M)}. Therefore, in order to get some results about attached prime ideals of a module, it is convenient to study the attached prime ideals of the co-localization of it. Lemma 2.2. Let (R, m) be a local ring, a be an ideal of R and p ∈ Spec (R) with a ⊆ p. Let R′ = R/a and p′ = p/a. Then for any R′ -module X and Rp′ ′ -module Y , the following isomorphisms hold: (i) DR (X) ∼ = DR′ (X) as R-modules. (ii) DR (X)p ∼ = DR′ (X)p′ as Rp -modules. (iii) DRp (Y ) ∼ = DR′p′ (Y ) as Rp -modules.
On the set of Attached prime...
In [7, 2.1 and 2.2] the following theorems have been proved for the attached prime ideals of HId (R) and HId−1 (R) where d = dim R. Here, we generalize these theorems for the local cohomology modules of M with respect to a pair of ideals when M is a finite R-module with dim M = d. Theorem 2.3. Let (R, m) be a local ring, M be a finite R-module, and p ∈ Spec (R). c Assume that c = cd(I, J, R) and HI,J (R) is representable. Then c (M)) ⊆ {qRp : dim M/qM ≥ c, q ⊆ p, and q ∈ Spec (R)}. (1) Att Rp (p HI,J (2) If R is complete, then dimM (M)) = { qRp : q ∈ Supp (M), dim M/qM = dim M, J ⊆ q ⊆ p, Att Rp (p HI,J p and I + q = m}. c c (M) is (M)). By [11, 3.1] and Remark 2.1, we have HI,J Proof. (1) Let qRp ∈ Att Rp (p HI,J p c c representable and Att Rp ( HI,J (M)) = {qRp : q ∈ Att (HI,J (M)) and q ⊆ p}. Also, using [2, 6.1.8] and [1, 2.11]
c c Att (HI,J (M/qM)) = Att (HI,J (M)) ∩ Supp (R/q).
c This implies that HI,J (M/qM) 6= 0 and consequently dim M/qM ≥ c. (2) Let p ∈ Supp (M). Put d := dim M, R = R/Ann R M, and p T := {qRp : q ∈ Supp (M), dim M/qM = d, J ⊆ q ⊆ p and I + q = m}. d d Since dim R M = dim R M, [10, 2.7] and Lemma 2.2 imply that p HIR,JR (M) ∼ (M), = p HI,J p d as Rp -modules. Therefore, by [2, 8.2.5], q ∈ Att Rp ( HIR,JR (M)) if and only if d d q ∩ Rp ∈ Att Rp (p HIR,JR (M)). (M)) = Att Rp (p HI,J
Now, without loss of generality, we may assume that M is faithful and dim R = d. If d (M)) = ∅. Assume that T 6= ∅ and qRp ∈ T . Since = 0, then Att Rp (p HI,J dim M/qM = dim R, we have dim R/q = d. On the other hand, q ∈ Supp (M/JM). Thus, √ by [3, Theorem 2.4], dim R/(I + q) > 0 which contradicts I + q = m. So T = ∅. d Now, we assume that HI,J (M) 6= 0. d ⊇: Let qRp ∈ T . Since HI,J (M) is an Artinian R-module (cf. [4, 2.1]) so, by Remark 2.1, d it is enough to show that q ∈ Att (HI,J (M)). As M/qM is J-torsion with dimension d and √ I + q = m , so by [2, 4.2.1 and 6.1.4]. d HI,J (M)
d d d (M/qM) 6= 0. (M/qM) ∼ HI,J (M/qM) ∼ = Hm/q = HI(R/q) = HId (M/qM) ∼
Habibi, Jahangiri and Ahmadi Amoli
d d 6 Att (HI,J (M/qM)) = Att (HI,J (M))∩Supp (R/q). Hence [2, 6.1.8] and [1, 2.11] imply that ∅ = d Let q0 ∈ Att (HI,J (M)) be such that q ⊂ q0 . So that dim M/q0 M < d. On the other hand, d (M)) and this implies that dim M/q0 M ≥ d which is by Remark 2.1, q0 Rq0 ∈ Att Rq0 (q0 HI,J a contradiction. So q = q0 . d (M)). As we have seen in the proof of part (1), dim M/qM = d ⊆: Let qRp ∈ Att Rp (p HI,J and q ⊆ p. So by [10, 2.7], d d (M/qM) 6= 0. HIR/q,JR/q (M/qM) ∼ = HI,J
Now, by [3, Theorem 2.4], there exists r/q ∈ Supp (R/q ⊗R/q R/q r/q
M/qM ) (JR/q)(M/qM )
such that
R/q IR/q+r/q
d d dim (M)), we have q ∈ Att (HI,J (M)) = d and dim = 0. Since qRp ∈ Att Rp (p HI,J and so q ∈ Supp (M) ∩ V (J). Hence q/q ∈ Supp R/q (M/qM) and then
R/q = dim R/q. r/q √ Therefore, dim R/q = dim R/r which shows that q = r. Thus I + q = m. dim R/q = dim M/qM = d = dim
Remark 2.4. The inclusion in Theorem 2.3(1) is not an equality in general. Let the assumpd (M) = 0, p ∈ Min (M) and dim M/pM = d. tion be as in Theorem 2.3. Assume that HI,J p d Then Att Rp ( HI,J (M)) = ∅. But {qRp : dim M/qM = d, q ⊆ p and q ∈ Supp (M)} = {pRp }. Theorem 2.5. Let (R, m) be a complete local ring and M be a finite R-module with dimend−1 i sion d. Assume that HI,J (R) = 0 for all i > d − 1 and HI,J (R) is representable. Then (1) d−1 Att R (HI,J (M)) ⊆ { p ∈ Supp (M) : dim M/pM = d − 1, J ⊆ p and
I + p = m}
∪Assh (M). (2) {p ∈ Supp (M) : dim M/pM = d − 1, J ⊆ p and
p d−1 I + p = m} ⊆ Att (HI,J (M)).
d−1 Proof. (1) First we note that, by [10, 4.8] and [11, 3.1], HI,J (M) is representable and d−1 d−1 d−1 Att (HI,J (M)) ⊆ Supp (M). Now, let p ∈ Att (HI,J (M)). Since pRp ∈ Att Rp (p HI,J (M)), by Theorem 2.3 (1), dim M/pM ≥ d − 1. If dim M/pM = d, then dim R/p = d and so p ∈ Assh (M).
On the set of Attached prime...
d−1 d−1 Now, assume that dim M/pM = d − 1. Since p ∈ Att (HI,J (M)), HIR/p,JR/p (M/pM) ∼ = M/pM d−1 HI,J (M/pM) 6= 0. Thus, by [3, Theorem 2.4], there exists r/p ∈ Supp ( (JR/p)(M/pM ) ) such √ R = 0. Hence r = p, J ⊆ p, and I + p = m. that dim Rr = d and dim I+r √ (2) Let p ∈ Supp (M), J ⊆ p, dim M/pM = d − 1, and I + p = m. Then, by [11, d−1 d−1 3.1] and Theorem 2.3 (2), HI,J (M) is representable, pRp ∈ Att Rp (p HI,J (M/pM)), and so d−1 p ∈ Att (HI,J (M/pM)). Now, the proof is complete by considering the epimorphism d−1 d−1 HI,J (M) → HI,J (M/pM).
In the rest of the paper, following [10], we use the notations W (I, J) := {p ∈ Spec(R) : I n ⊆ p + J f or an integer n ≥ 1} and f (I, J) := {a : a is an ideal of R; I n ⊆ a + J f or an integer n ≥ 1}. W The following lemma can be proved using [10, 3.2]. Lemma 2.6. For any non-negative integer i and R-module M, S i (i) Supp (HI,J (M)) ⊆ Supp (Hai (M)). f (I,J) a∈W
i Supp (HI,J (M))
⊆ Supp (M) ∩ W (I, J).
Corollary 2.7. Let M be an R-module and c = cd(I, J, R). Assume that M is representable c or HI,J (R) is finite. Then c Att (HI,J (M)) ⊆ Att (M) ∩ W (I, J).
Proof. By [10, 4.8], [1, 2.11],[11, 3.1] and Lemma 2.6 (ii), we have c c c Att (HI,J (M)) = Att (M ⊗ HI,J (R)) ⊆ Att (M) ∩ Supp (HI,J (R)) ⊆ Att (M) ∩ W (I, J).
Applying the set of attached prime ideals of top local cohomology module in [3, Theorem 2.2], we obtain another presentation for it. ˆ denotes the m−adic completion of R. Proposition 2.8. Let (R, m) be a local ring and R Suppose that M is a finite R-module of dimension d. Then d ˆ ⊗R M/JM), dim (R/q) ˆ = d, Att R (HI,J (M)) = { q ∩ R : q ∈ Supp Rˆ (R
ˆ R ˆ + q) = 0}. and dim R/(I
Habibi, Jahangiri and Ahmadi Amoli
Proof. Denote the set of right hand side of the assertion by T . It is clear that by[3, Theorem d d 2.4], HI,J (M) = 0 if and only if T = ∅. Assume that HI,J (M) 6= 0 and p ∈ Supp (M/JM) with the property that cd (I, R/p) = d. Let q ∈ Ass(M/JM) be such that q ⊆ p. Then d = cd (I, R/p) ≤ cd (I, R/q) ≤ dim R/q ≤ dim M/JM ≤ dim M = d implies that p = q ∈ Ass(M/JM) and dim M/JM = d. Now the claim follows from [11, 3.10] and [3, Theorem 2.1]. The following lemma, which can be proved by using the similar argument of [10, 4.3], will be applied in the rest of the paper. Lemma 2.9. Let M be a finite R-module. Suppose that J ⊆ J(R), where J(R) denotes the i Jacobson radical of R, and dim M/JM = d be an integer. Then HI,J (M) = 0 for all i > d. dimM (M)) in non-local case as a generalization Using Lemma 2.9, we can compute Att (HI,J of [6, 2.5].
Proposition 2.10. Let M be a finite R-module of dimension d and J ⊆ J(R). Then d Att (HI,J (M)) = Att (HId (M/JM)) = {p ∈ Ass(M) ∩ V (J) : cd (I, R/p) = d}.
Proof. The assertion holds by applying Lemma 2.9 and using the same method of the proof of [3, Theorem 2.1 and Proposition 2.1]. Corollary 2.11. Suppose that J ⊆ J(R) and M is a finite R-module such that dim M = d. Then d HI,J (M) Att ( ) = {p ∈ Supp (M) ∩ V (J) : cd (I, R/p) = d}. d JHI,J (M) d d (M) ∼ (M) and also for a prime Proof. Let R = R/Ann R M. Using [10, 2.7], HI,J = HIR,JR p ∈ Supp (M) ∩ V (J), cd (IR, R/p) = cd (I, R/p). Thus we may assume that M is faithful H d (M ) . Now, the and so dim R = d. In virtue of [2, 6.1.8], H d (M/JM) ∼ = H d (M/JM) ∼ = I,J d I
assertion follows by Proposition 2.10.
JHI,J (M )
The final result of this section is a generalization of [5, 2.4] in non-local case for local cohomology modules with respect to a pair of ideals.
On the set of Attached prime...
Proposition 2.12. Let J ⊆ J(R) and M be a finite R-module. Then
cd (I,J,M ) {p ∈ Ass(M) ∩ V (J) : cd (I, R/p) = dim R/p = cd (I, J, M)} ⊆ Att (HI,J (M)).
Equality holds if cd (I, J, M) = dim M.
Proof. The same proof of [5, 2.4] remains valid by using Proposition 2.10.
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Habibi, Jahangiri and Ahmadi Amoli
Zohreh Habibi, Payame Noor University, Po Box 19395-3697, Tehran, Iran E-mail address: z
[email protected] Maryam Jahangiri, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and Computer, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran AND Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) P. O. Box: 19395-5746, Tehran, Iran. E-mail address:
[email protected] Khadijeh Ahmadi Amoli, Payame Noor University, Po Box 19395-3697, Tehran, Iran E-mail address:
[email protected]