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tula arctica (Pentastomida), with a review on ivermectin treatment in ... med that ivermectin was fully effective against the nose bot fly Cephenemyia trompe.
On the efficacy of ivermectin against the reindeer sinus worm Linguatula arctica (Pentastomida), with a review on ivermectin treatment in reindeer Rolf E. Haugerud1, Arne C . Nilssen2 a n d Arne Rognmo 2 1 Zoology department, Tromsø Museum, N-9006 Tromsø, Norway Directorate of Reindeer Husbandry, N-9500 Alta, Norway


Abstract: This field study compared the infection level of Linguatula arctica in 14 treated and 19 control calves of the reindeer host Rangifer tarandus. Eighty calves were each treated subcutaneously with 1 ml (200-250 Mg/kg) ivermectin primo December, to ensure that a sufficient number of treated animals later would be selected by the herders for slaughtering. The target parasite L. arctica was then in the reproductive stage of its life cycle. The reindeer were slaughtered in ultimo February. In the treated group, one reindeer was found infected (prevalence 7.1, relative density 0,1), whereas the infection level for the 19 untreated animals was much higher (prevalence 68.4, relative density 7,3). Our conclusion is that ivermectin is an effective agent against L. arctica, (and possibly against other pentastomids because of their similar arthropodal nerve system). This is the first report of ivermectin treatment against a pentastomid species. Additionally, the study confirmed that ivermectin was fully effective against the nose bot fly Cephenemyia trompe.

Key words: Linguatula arctica, Rangifer tarandus, Cephenemyia trompe, Pentastomida, reindeer, sinus w o r m , Ivermectin, treatment, anthelmintic, pesticide.


Rangifer, 13 (3): 157-162

Introduction Treatment in reindeer Ivermectin is a systemically active and v e r y efficient c o m p o u n d against m a n y nematodes, parasitic insects and acarines, but it has n o effect against trematodes, cestodes, p r o t o z o a and bacteria ( C a m p b e l l et al 1983; C a m p b e l l 1985; Bruce 1987; Jackson 1989). Ivermectin paralyses the parasites, but compared w i t h other neuroactive insecticides, this drug is considered to be slow-acting. A suppression of the reproductive processes has been observed, and i n ectoparasitic insects

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and acarins i v e r m e c t i n interrupts the feeding mechanisms ( C a m p b e l l 1985; W r i g h t 1986). Ivermectin has p r o v e d t o be h i g h l y efficient i n the treatment o f endoparasitic arthropods causing myiasis (Jackson 1989), i n c l u d i n g myiasis i n reindeer (Rangifer tarandus (L.)). Reindeer are troubled b y m a n y different helm i n t h parasites, and each animal is n o r m a l l y i n fected b y several parasite species simultaneously (Pryadko 1976; Tollefsen 1983; H a l v o r s e n 1986). Therefore, antiparasitic treatment has been used b y reindeer veterinarians f o r a l o n g time ( N o r d k v i s t 1967; N i e m i n e n 1984). N o r d 157

kvist et al. (1983) considered i v e r m c t i n to be the overall most effective drug against reindeer parasites. Since 1983 m a n y herding districts have started using this broad-spectrum agent to c o n t r o l parasites like the myiasis-inducing larvae of the nose bot f l y and the warble f l y , gastrointestinal nematodes and the nematodes causing elaphostrongylosis and dictyocaulosis ( N o r d k v i s t et al. 1983; 1984; N i e m i n e n 1989; Soveri et al. 1990; D i e t e r i c h and C r a i g m i l l 1990). Gastrointestinal parasitic infections i n r u m i nants, even at a subclinical level, m a y cause significant weight reductions and anorexia, i n particular among y o u n g animals ( C o o p et al. 1977; 1982; Symons 1985). T h u s , i v e r m e c t i n treatment of reindeer has i m p r o v e d their weight gain ( N i e m i n e n et al 1984; N o r d k v i s t et al 1984; Heggstad et al. 1986; Heggstad 1988; O k sanen et al. 1992), and general b o d y c o n d i t i o n (Dieterich and C r a i g m i l l 1990). Different treatment strategies have been used. Some N o r w e g i a n and m a n y Swedish herders have treated calves, whereas F i n n i s h , A l a s k a n and Canadian herders have used the drug n o n selectively ( N o r d b e r g 1987; A . K a r t e r , pers. comm.). T h e Scandinavian strategy underlines, the importance of prevention rather than treatment ( N o r b e r g 1989; H a u g e r u d 1990). Calves and y o u n g animals are also generally more affected b y the reindeer arthropods than older animals (Persen et al 1982). N i e m i n e n (1989) concluded that ivermectin treatment pays econ o m i c a l l y . T h i s statement s h o u l d be critically questioned as economical gains m a y depend o n the parasitological and ecological conditions, strategic assumptions and p r o d u c t i o n and management systems (see M i c h e l 1985; N o r b e r g 1987; M c K e l l a r 1988; Lausund 1989; H a u g e r u d 1989a). The reindeer sinus worm A m o n g reindeer parasites, Linguatula arctica R i ley, H a u g e r u d and N i l s s e n 1987 had been overl o o k e d u n t i l recently (Haugerud and N i l s s e n 1985; R i l e y 1986). T h i s aberrant pentastomid (Haugerud 1988; 1989b) infects the nasal cavity of the host. Specimens are m o s t l y f o u n d i n the sinuses, hence the vernacular name. T h e parasite p r o b a b l y occurs throughout most of the h o l arctic d i s t r i b u t i o n of the host (Haugerud 1986; R i l e y et al 1987; H a u g e r u d and N i l s s e n 1990). In the host p o p u l a t i o n L. arctica seems to infect 158

calves o n l y . There is a direct transmission of the parasite f r o m yearlings to n e w b o r n calves grazing o n summer pastures w h e n the f o r m e r expell infective eggs w i t h their nasal secretions (Haugerud 1988; H a u g e r u d et al. i n manus). Pentastomids are arthropods ( R i l e y 1986), and they are n o w regarded as an atypical group of parasitic crustaceans ( G r y g l e r 1983; Schram 1986; A b e l e et al 1989). Because of their arthropodal c o n n e c t i o n it has been anticipated that ivermectin w o u l d have an effect against L. arctica (Haugerud 1986; H a u g e r u d and N i l s s e n 1990). T h i s suggestion has not been investigated previously, and n o r have other pentastomids been tested for the susceptibility to anthelmintics (Jones and R i l e y 1991). I n the literature, i n f o r m a t i o n is scarce about treatment of linguatulosis ( R i l e y 1986), and a Biosis literature search failed to f i n d papers o n the c o n t r o l of linguatulosis. T h e objective of this field investigation was to test the effect of ivermectin o n a pentastomid species. T h e reindeer host was treated at a date and w i t h a dose n o r m a l l y used for the oestride larvae.

Material and methods Management of experimental herd T h e host material included calves belonging to the Bals-Skum siida (reindeer herding group) of the Spalca reindeer district (District n o 33) i n the m u n i c i p a l i t y of K a u t o k e i n o , F i n n m a r k cou n t y , n o r t h e r n N o r w a y . T h e i r summer pastures are at 7 0 ° N at the coast i n T r o m s county, about 200 k m f r o m the continental w i n t e r habitat i n Ø v r e A n a r j a k k a N a t i o n a l Park near the F i n n i s h border. T h e spring herd consisted of about 3000 animals w i t h an additional 1300 calves i n the autumn. Ivermectin was injected subcutaneously dur i n g the reindeer's southward m i g r a t i o n o n D e c . 6. 1990. A t this time the siida corralled for the first w i n t e r slaughtering near the c h u r c h village of K a u t o k e i n o , before the herd was driven the last 75 k m to the A n a r j å k k a pastures. In u l t i m o F e b r u a r y , the animals selected for the second slaughtering were d r i v e n f r o m A n a r j å k k a to the abattoir of K a u t o k e i n o where they were slaughtered o n F e b . 28. 1991. Experimental animals, design and treatment Calves are the o n l y Linguatula-inhcted segment of the host p o p u l a t i o n , and d u r i n g w i n t e r the

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w h o l e parasite p o p u l a t i o n is p r o b a b l y f o u n d i n the reindeer host. Ontogenetically, the»e parasites have reached the copulative stage i n D e c e m ber (Haugerud 1988), and they were hypothesised to be i n a susceptible stage f o r treatment at that time. In o u r trial 80 calves (about 6 % of the total n u m b e r o f calves) of b o t h sexes were r a n d o m l y captured inside the fences, treated and m a r k e d w i t h spray-paint around the neck. E a c h experimental calf, w i t h an estimated live weight of 40-50 k g , was given 1 m l (dosage 200-250 /ig/kg) i v e r m e c t i n subcutaneously (Ivomec 1 %). T h e r e m a i n i n g animals i n the herd were left untreated. A f t e r treatment the calves were released w i t h the untreated animals, and they joined the herd to the w i n t e r pastures. U n t r e a ted calves, selected at r a n d o m , were used as c o n t r o l animals. N e a r l y three months after treatment, some of the animals i n the herd were slaughtered at the K a u t o k e i n o abattoir. T h e heads of a l l treated calves (14 animals ) were identified b y the spray mark and collected for laboratory investigation at the U n i v e r s i t y of T r o m s ø . A t the same time 19 heads of untreated calves were r a n d o m l y collected as a c o n t r o l group. Laboratory examinations In the laboratory, the heads were sagittally sectioned and examined under surgical light, and

the nasal bones were removed and the sinuses exposed. T h e parasites, 3 to 12 c m i n length, c o u l d then be easily discovered (Haugerud 1988). T o be sure that all parasites present w o u l d be f o u n d , each sample was rinsed and sieved, using a special technique o r i g i n a l l y used for sampling first instar larvae of the reindeer nose bot f l y (Nilssen and H a u g e r u d , i n manus). T h i s procedure therefore gave additional data o n the effect of i v e r m e c t i n o n C . trompe. Statistical analysis T h e results were tested statistically w i t h c h i square and Fisher exact tests i n Systat, version 5.2 (Systat 1992).

Results Table 1 summarises the presence of L. arctica and C . trompe i n the treated and untreated (control) groups of reindeer. Table 2 gives addit i o n a l epidemiological data of L. arctica (termin o l o g y f r o m M a r g o l i s et al. 1982), and these data are compared w i t h the results f r o m a previous study of untreated calves (Haugerud 1988). L. arctica was f o u n d i n one calf i n the treated group (7.1 %) (table 1). I n the untreated group the prevalence was 68.4 %, w h i c h is higher than comparable data f r o m other herds (table 2).

Table 1. Effect of ivermectin treatment on the prevalence of L. arctica and C. trompe in reindeer. The number of reindeer calves with and without the reindeer sinus worm and the reindeer nose bot fly in the treated and untreated (control) group three months after treatment. Untreated (n=19)

Treated (n=14) L. arctica

Present Absent

1 13

Prev: 7.1

13 6

Prev: 68.4

C. trompe

Present Absent

0 14


17 2

Prev: 89.5

Table 2. Epidemiological data on L. arctica from treated and untreated reindeer calves. N = number of calves investigated; n = total number of L. arctica specimens. Group



relative density

mean intensity


Treated Untreated

14 19

2 138

0.1 7.3

2.0 10.6

7.1 68.4

Untreated 1 )






*) February/March data from Haugerud (1988)

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A s uninfected calves were also present i n the c o n t r o l group, there is a certain p r o b a b i l i t y that the l o w prevalence i n the treated group appeared b y chance. H o w e v e r , there was a h i g h l y significant l o w e r prevalence i n the treated group than i n the c o n t r o l group. T h e p r o b a b i l i t y that the l o w e r prevalence of L. arctica i n treated animals was caused b y chance, was according to the chi-square test: p = 0.0016 ( x 2 (Yates corrected) = 10.01, df = 1); and the Fisher exact test (two-tail): p = 0.0009. T h e corresponding values for C trompe were: p = 0.000002 ( X 2 = 22.38) and p = 0.0000001. (See table 1). H e n c e , the conclusion is that i v e r m e c t i n kills the pentastomid L. arctica i n reindeer. A l l calves i n the c o n t r o l group were infected w i t h one o r b o t h of the nasal arthropods. N o first instar larva of C trompe was f o u n d i n the treated group, whereas the prevalence of C . trompe was 89.5 % i n the untreated group (table There were n o m o r p h o l o g i c a l differences between the specimens of L. arctica f o u n d i n the treated calf and those f o u n d i n the untreated animals.

Discussion A s hypothesised, ivermectin was an efficient agent against L. arctica. and o u r field trial confirmed earlier results that i v e r m e c t i n is a h i g h l y efficient drug against nose bot f l y larvae ( N o r d kvist et al 1983; 1984). Ivermectin was, however, n o t fully (100 %) effective against L. arctica, as the parasite was f o u n d i n one of the treated animals. T h i s m a y be due to resistance to the drug, o r to errors originating f r o m the field situation at treatment or at the abattoir at sampling. M o r e o v e r , a stressful situation w h i l e gathering the animals c o m b i n e d w i t h c o l d temperature and dense hair-coats, renders the possibility o f incompletel y o r badly set injections (see D i e t e r i c h and C r a i g m i l l 1990). Sublethal concentrations of the drug can result i n apparently n o r m a l and complete arthropod life cycles (Jackson 1989). T h e w o r k i n g conditions were also difficult at the abattoir. E v e n w i t h all the practical problems and small samples, the m a i n results are indeed h i g h l y significant. O u r study showed that i v e r m e c t i n has a good effect against adult L. arctica w h i c h lives free i n the sinuses where it feeds o n b o d y fluids. T h e effect o n younger stages w i l l p r o b a b l y be even 160

better because these earlier (and smaller) arthropod instars m a y be more susceptible than the older developmental stages (Jackson 1989). The possible impact o f ivermectin treatment at p o p u l a t i o n level of L. arctica has been discussed (Haugerud and N i l s s e n 1990). T h e o r e t i c a l l y , the life cycle of L. arctica makes it especially vulnerable to antiparasitic treatment. W i t h extensive treatment i n semidomestic reindeer calves, w i l d reindeer w i l l be a very i m p o r t a n t reservoir t o save this parasite species as a part of the biodiversity. A t present w e k n o w little about the possible effects of L. arctica o n its host, and consequentl y about need for treatment. H o w e v e r , i f reindeer are treated w i t h ivermectin t o c o n t r o l other parasites, e. g. the reindeer oestrids, then L. arctica w i l l be k i l l e d as w e l l .

Acknowledgements We wish to thank Stefan Hugel, Tromsø Museum, for help during the sampling, and the herders of the Bals-Skum siida for allowing us to carry out this field trial on their reindeer. The project has been funded by Utviklingsfondet for reindrift.

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Errata to Rangifer N o . 13 (3)-1993: In the paper by Haugerud et aL under References, page 160 the following two references were missing. Abele, L. G . , Kim, S. & Felgenhauer, B. E. 1989. Molecular evidence for the inclusion of the phylum Pentastomida in the Crustacea. - Molecular and Biochemical Evolution 6: 685-691. Bruce, J. I. 1987. New anthelmintics. - InL J. ParasitoL 17: 131-140.


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