On the expansion of Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials, revisited - usthb

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The bivariate polynomials of Fibonacci and Lucas, denoted respectively by .... Theorem 3 For n ≥ 1, the q-Lucas polynomials of the first kind is developed by.
Les Annales RECITS (http://www.lrecits.usthb.dz) Vol. 01, 2014, pages 1-10

On the expansion of Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials, revisited Hac` ene Belbachira and Athmane Benmezaib,c a

USTHB, Faculty of Mathematics, RECITS Laboratory, DG-RSDT BP 32, El Alia 16111, Bab Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria b University of Dely Brahim, Fac. of Eco. & Manag. Sc., RECITS Lab., DG-RSDT Rue Ahmed Ouaked, Dely Brahim, Algiers, Algeria c University of Oran, Faculty of Sciences, ANGE Lab., DG-RSDT BP 1524, ELM Naouer, 31000, Oran, Algeria. [email protected] or [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract: As established by Prodinger in ”On the Expansion of Fibonacci and Lucas Polynomials”, we give q-analogue of identities established by Belbachir and Bencherif in ”On some properties of bivariate Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials”. This is doing according to the recent Cigler’s definition for the q-analogue of Fibonacci polynomials, given in ”Some beautiful q-analogues of Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials”, and by the authors for the q-analogues of Lucas polynomials, given in ”An Alternative approach to Cigler’s q-Lucas polynomials”. Keywords: Fibonacci Polynomials; Lucas Polynomials; q-analogue. R´ esum´ e : Comme ´etabli par Prodinger dans ”On the Expansion of Fibonacci and Lucas Polynomials”, nous donnons le q-analogue des identit´es ´etablies par Belbachir et Bencherif dans ”On some properties of bivariate Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials”. Ces identit´es sont bas´ees sur l’approche de Cigler pour le q-analogue des polynˆomes de Fibonacci, donn´ee dans ”Some beautiful qanalogues of Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials”, et par les auteurs pour les q-analogues de polynˆomes de Lucas, donn´ee dans ”An Alternative approach to Cigler’s q-Lucas polynomials”. Mots cl´ es : Polynˆomes de Fibonacci; Polynˆomes Lucas; q-analogue.



Hac`ene Belbachir and Athmane Benmezai


The bivariate polynomials of Fibonacci and Lucas, denoted respectively by (Un ) and (Vn ), are defined by   U0 = 0, U1 = 1, V0 = 2, V1 = t, and Un = tUn−1 + zUn−2 (n ≥ 2) , Vn = tVn−1 + zVn−2 (n ≥ 2) . It is established, see for instance [1], that ⌊n/2⌋ ⌊n/2⌋  X n n − k  X n − k n−2k k t z , Vn = tn−2k z k (n ≥ 1) . Un+1 = k k n − k k=0 k=0 In [2], the first author  and Bencherif  proved that, for n − 2 ⌊n/2⌋ ≤ k ≤ n − ⌊n/2⌋ , the k k families x Un+1−k k and x Vn−k k constitute two basis of the Q-vector space spanned  by the free family xn−2k y k k , and they found that the coordinates of the bivariate polynomials of Fibonacci and Lucas, over appropriate basis, satisfies remarkable recurrence relations. They established the following formulae V2n = 2U2n+1 − xU2n ,     n n X X j n+k n j+k k , − (−1) 2U2n+1 = an,k t V2n−k , with an,k = 2 (−1) k k j=0 k=0   n X k+1 n k , V2n = bn,k t V2n−k , with bn,k = (−1) k k=1   n X k+1 n k − [k = 1] , V2n−1 = cn,k t U2n−k , with cn,k = 2 (−1) k k=1   n X k+1 2n − k n k 2V2n−1 = dn,k t V2n−1−k , with dn,k = (−1) , k n k=1 2U2n =

n X

en,k tk V2n−k , with

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


en,k = (−1)


      X n−1 2n − k n 1 j n+k n − 1 j+k−1 . − (−1) + (−1) k − 1 k − 1 n k 2 j=0

A similar approach was done by the authors, see [3], for Chebyshev polynomials. As q-analogue of Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials, J. Cigler [6], considers the following expressions   ⌊n/2⌋ X k+1 k n − k +m ( ) ( ) 2 q 2 x2n−k y k , (7) Fn+1 (x, y, m) = k q k=0   ⌊n/2⌋ X [n]q (m+1)(k2) n − k x2n−k y k , (8) Lucn (x, y, m) = q k q [n − k]q k=0

On the expansion of Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials, revisited


with the q-notations [n]q = 1 + q + · · · + q


n−k , [n]q ! = [1]q [2]q · · · [n]q , k

= q

[n]q ! . [k]q ![n − k]q !

Without loss the generality, we can suppose that t = 1. We refer here to the modified polynomials given by H. Prodinger in the introduction of [8]. Using the q-analogues of Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials suggested by J. Cigler, H. Prodinger, see [8], give q-analogues for relations (3) and (5), and the authors, see [4], give q-analogues for relations (1), (2), (4), (6). The q-identities associated to relations (2) and (6), given in [4], do not give for q = 1 the initial relations. This is the motivation which conclude to this paper: we propose an alternative q-analogue for all the former relations (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) based on Cigler’s definition, see [6], for the Fibonacci polynomials, and the definitions givn by the authors, see [5], for the Lucas polynomials. In [5], we have defined the q-Lucas polynomials of the first kind L (z) and the q-Lucas polynomials of the second kind L (z) respectively by ⌊n/2⌋

    k [k]q +m(k2) n − k ( ) 2 1+ q Ln (z, m) : = zk , k [n − k] q q k=0     ⌊n/2⌋ X k+1 k [k] n − k q +m n−2k ( ) ( ) 2 1+q q 2 Ln (z, m) : = zk , k q [n − k]q k=0 X

and we have showed that the polynomials Ln (z) and Ln (z) satisfy the recursions  Ln+1 (z, m) = Ln (z, m) + q n−1 zLn−1 q m−1 z, m ,  Ln+1 (z, m) = Ln (qz, m) + qzLn−1 q m+1 z, m .



(11) (12)

These two recursions are satisfied by the q-analogue of Fibonacci polynomials Fn (z, m) , see [6].


Main results

In [5], the authors expressed the q-Lucas polynomials of the both kinds in terms of qFibonacci polynomials by the identities   z , m − Fn (z, m) , Ln (z, m) = 2Fn+1 q Ln (z, m) = 2Fn+1 (z, m) − Fn (z, m) , which are considered as a q-analogue of the equality (1).


Hac`ene Belbachir and Athmane Benmezai

The following result gives two q-analogues of relation (2), the first one is related to the q-Lucas polynomials of the first kind and the second one is related to the q-Lucas polynomials of the second kind. Theorem 1 For every integer n ≥ 0, one has     n X k z n ( ) 2F2n+1 ,m = q 2 (−1)n+k L2n−k (z, m) + q k q k=0   j n−1 X X  k j −2nj ( ) q 2 (−1)k+j L2n−k q 2j z, m , 2 k q j=0 k=0   j n−1 X X  j−k −(2j )+2nj j ( ) 2 q (−1)k+j L2n−k q k−2j z, m + 2F2n+1 (z, m) = 2 k q j=0 k=0   n X  n n(n−k)+(k+1 ) 2 q (−1)k L2n−k q k−n z, m . k q k=0



The q-analogue of relation (3), found by Prodinger in [8], is given by the following Theorem which gives also a second q-analogue identity. Theorem 2 For n ≥ 1, we have n X

  j n ( ) 2 F2n (z, m) = q (−1)j+1 F2n−j (z, m) , j q j=1   n X  n−j n ( ) 2 F2n (z, m) = q (−1)j+1 F2n−j q j z, m . j q j=1

(15) (16)

The relation (4), admits two q-analogues related to the q-Lucas polynomials of the first kind L (z), and two q-analogues related to the q-Lucas polynomials of the second kind L (z), given respectively by the following Theorem. Theorem 3 For n ≥ 1, the q-Lucas polynomials of the first kind is developed by     n X j n z j+1 ( ) , m − F2n−1 (z, m) , L2n−1 (z, m) = 2 q 2 (−1) F2n−j q j q j=1   n X  n−j n ( ) L2n−1 (z, m) = 2 q 2 (−1)j+1 F2n−j q j−1 z, m − F2n−1 (z, m) . j q j=1 and the q-Lucas polynomials of the second kind is developed by   n X j n ( ) L2n−1 (z, m) = 2 q 2 (−1)j+1 F2n−j (z, m) − F2n−1 (z, m) , j q j=1   n X  n−j n ( ) L2n−1 (z, m) = 2 q 2 (−1)j+1 F2n−j q j z, m − F2n−1 (z, m) . j q j=1

(17) (18)

(19) (20)

On the expansion of Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials, revisited


Using the q-Lucas polynomials of the both kinds we find two q-analogues of relation (5). Theorem 4 For n ≥ 1, we have n X

!   [n − k] n q 2L2n−1 (z, m) = L2n−2−k (z, m) , (21) q( ) (−1)k+1 q k+1 1 + k [n] q q k=1 !   n X [n − k]  n−k n q L2n−1−k q k z, m (22) . 2L2n−1 (z, m) = q( 2 ) (−1)k+1 q 1−n 1 + q k [k] k q q k=1 k 2

In the following theorem, we give two q-analogues of (6). Theorem 5 For every integer n ≥ 0, one has   z ,m 2F2n q !   n X [n − k] k 1 n q = L2n−2−k (z, m) + q (2) (−1)k+1 q k+1 1 + 2 k=1 [n]q k q   n−1 1 X (k2) n − 1 q (−1)n−1+k L2n−2−k (qz, m) + k q 2 k=0   j n−2 X X  k −2nj−2j j ( ) 2 q (−1)k+j L2n−2−k q 2j+1 z, m . k q j=0 k=0


and 2F2n (z) !   n X [n − k]  n−k n 1 q q( 2 ) (−1)k+1 q 1−n 1 + q k L2n−1−k q k z, m + = k q 2 k=1 [k]q   n  n−1 1 X (n−1)(n−k)+(k+1 2 ) q (−1)n−1+k L2n−2−k q k+1−n z, m + 2 k=0 k q   j n−1 X X  j−k j j − +2nj−2j ( ) ( ) 2 q 2 (−1)k+j L2n−2−k q k−2j z, m . k q j=0 k=0


Remark 1 Notice that the coefficients appeared in the sums given in the different results do not depends on m.


Proof of the results

We need the following Lemmas.


Hac`ene Belbachir and Athmane Benmezai

Lemma 6 For Un (z) satisfying (11) and (12) respectively, we have for k ≥ 1 k X

   j k n n−k k ( ) q 2 (−1)j Un+k−j (z, m) = q m(2)+( 2 )−( 2 ) z k Un−k q mk−k z, m , j q j=0   k X   k−j k k q( 2 ) (−1)j Un+k−j q j−k z, m = q m(2) z k Un−k q mk z, m . j q j=0 Proof. We use induction over k, the case k = 1 is given by the recursions (11) and (12). We suppose the relation true for k,

= =




 k+1 n n−1−k q m( 2 )+( 2 )−( 2 ) z k+1 Un−k−1 q mk+m−1−k z, m   k n n−k q m(2)+( 2 )−( 2 ) q k z k Un+1−k q mk−k z, m − Un−k q mk−k z, m  k n−1 n−1−k q m(2)+( 2 )−( 2 ) z k Un+1−k q mk−k z, m  k n n−k −q m(2)+( 2 )−( 2 ) q k z k Un−k q mk−k z, m     k k X X j j k k j k ( ) ( ) 2 2 q (−1) Un+1−k−j (z, m) − q q (−1)j Un+k−j (z, m) j q j q j=0 j=0 !     k X j j j−1 k k k ( ) ( ) ( ) q 2 q 2 +q q 2 (−1)j Un+k+1−j (z, m) j j − 1 q q j=0   k X j k ( ) 2 q (−1)j Un+k+1−j (z, m) j q j=0


= =



 k+1 q m( 2 ) z k+1 Un−1−k q mk+m z, m   k q m(2) z k Un+1−k q mk−1 z, m − Un−k q mk z, m   k X  k−j k m(k2) k ( ) q q q 2 (−1)j Un+k−j q j−1−k z, m − j q j=0   k X  k−j k ( ) 2 q (−1)j Un+k−j q j−k z, m j q j=0  !   k X  k−j k−j+1 k k qk q( 2 ) + q( 2 ) (−1)j Un+k−j q j−1−k z, m k−j q k−j+1 q j=0   k X  k−j k ( ) 2 q (−1)j Un+k+1−j q j−1−k z, m j q j=0

On the expansion of Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials, revisited


Lemma 7 For every integer n ≥ 1, one has   z ,m F2n+1 q n−1 X  j n (m+1)(n ) 2 + = (−z) q q (m+1)(2) (−z)j L2(n−j) q mj+j z, m , j=0

F2n+1 (z, m)

n+1 n = (−z) q ( 2 )+m( 2 ) +


n−1 X

 j q j(2n−1)+(m−3)(2) (−z)j L2(n−j) q mj−j z, m .


Proof. We use induction over n, the case n = 1 is given by the following relations, see [5]   z , m + zFn−1 (q m z, m) , Ln (z, m) = Fn+1 q  Ln (z, m) = Fn+1 (z, m) + q n−1 zFn−1 q m−1 z, m . We suppose the identities true for n, then   z F2n+3 ,m q = L2n+2 (z, m) − zF2n+1 (q m z, m) , n+1 = L (z, m) + (−z)n+1 q (m+1)( 2 ) − z

2n+2 n−1 X

q (2) −q m+1 z j


= (−z)




(m+1)(n+1 2 )

 L2(n−j) q mj+j+m+1 z, m ,


n X j=0

 j q (2) (−z)j L2(n+1−j) q mj+j z, m .

and F2n+3 (z, m)  = L2n+2 (z, m) − q 2n+1 zF2n+1 q m−1 z, m , n n+1 = L (z, m) − q 2n+1 z (−z)n q ( 2 )+m( 2 ) + 2n+2

q 2n+1 z

n−1 X

q j(2n+1)+(m−3)(

) (−z)j L

j+1 2



 q mj+m−1−j z, m ,

n+2 n+1 = L2n+2 (z, m) + (−z)n+1 q ( 2 )m( 2 ) − n−1 X  j+1 2n+1 q j(2n+1)+(m−3)( 2 ) (−z)j L2(n−j) q mj+m−1−j z, m , q


= (−z)


n+1 n+2 q ( 2 ) m( 2 ) +

n X j=0

 j q j(2n+1)−(m−3)(2) (−z)j L2(n+1−j) q mj−j z, m .


Hac`ene Belbachir and Athmane Benmezai

Proof of relations (13) and (14)..

Replacing Un (z) by Ln (z) and Ln (z)

respectively, in Lemma 6, we get   n X k n n q (2) (−1)k L2n−k (z, m) = q (m+1)( 2 ) z n 2, k q k=0   j X   k j j ( ) 2 q (−1)k L2n−k q 2j z, m = q (m+1)(2)+2nj z j L2(n−j) q mj+j z, m . k q k=0 and n X

   n n−k n ( ) (−1)k L2n−k q k−n z, m = q m( 2 ) z n 2, q 2 k q k=0   j X   j−k j j q( 2 ) (−1)k L2n−k q k−2j z, m = q (m−2)(2)−j z j L2(n−j) q mj−j z, m . k q k=0 using these relations in Lemma 7, we draw     n X k z n ( ) 2 2F2n+1 ,m = q (−1)n+k L2n−k (z, m) + q k q k=0   j n−1 X X  k  −2n j (2) j −q q (−1)k L2n−k q 2j z, m , 2 k q j=0 k=0 and n X

   n−k n +(n+1 ( ) ) 2 2 2F2n+1 (z, m) = q (−1)n+k L2n−k q k−n z, m + k q k=0   j n−1 X X  j j − 2nj (j−k ) ( ) 2 q q 2 (−1)k+j L2n−k q k−2j z, m k q j=0 k=0

Proof of relations (15) and (16).. For k = n and Un (z) = Fn (z) in Lemma 6, we have

n X

   j k n n ( ) q 2 (−1)j F2n−j (z, m) = q m(2)+( 2 ) z n F0 q mn−n z, m = 0, j q j=0   n X  n n−j n ( ) (−1)j F2n−j q j−n z, m = q m( 2 ) z n F0 (q mn z, m) = 0. q 2 j q j=0

Proof of relations (17), (18), (19) and (20).. relations (15) and (16) in   z , m − F2n−1 (z, m) , L2n−1 (z, m) = 2F2n q L2n−1 (z, m) = 2F2n (z, m) − F2n−1 (z, m) .

It suffices to replace

On the expansion of Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials, revisited

Proof of relations (21) and (22).. According to Lemma 6, we have n−1 X


  k n−1 n−1 n − 1 ( ) q 2 (−1)k L2n−2−k (z, m) = 2 (z)n−1 q m( 2 )+( 2 ) , k q k=0   n−1 X k n−1 n n − 1 q (2) (−1)k L2n−1−k (z, m) = (z)n−1 q m( 2 )+( 2 ) , k q k=0 n−1 X

   n−1−k n−1 n − 1 ( ) q 2 (−1)k L2n−2−k q k+2−n z, m = 2q m( 2 ) (qz)n−1 k q k=0   n−1 X  n−1−k n−1 n − 1 ( ) q 2 (−1)k L2n−1−k q k+1−n z, m = q m( 2 ) z n−1 k q k=0



2L2n−1 (z, m)   n X k−1 n−1 n−1 ( ) 2 = q q (−1)k+1 L2n−1−k (z, m) − k−1 q k=1   n−1 X k n−1 ( ) 2 2 q (−1)k L2n−1−k (z, m) , k q k=1 !   n X k n [k] [n − k] q q L2n−1−k (z, m) , +2 = q (2) (−q)k+1 q n−k [n] [n] k q q q k=1 !   n X [n − k] k n q = L2n−2−k (z, m) . q (2) (−q)k+1 1 + [n] k q q k=1  2L2n−1 q 1−n z, m   n X  n−k n − 1 1−n ( ) = q q 2 (−1)k+1 L2n−1−k q k+1−n z, m − k−1 q k=1   n−1 X  n−1−k n − 1 ( ) 2 q 2 (−1)k L2n−1−k q k+1−n z, m , k q k=1 !   n X [n − k] [k]  n−k n q q L2n−1−k q k+1−n z, m , + 2q k = q( 2 ) (−1)k+1 q 1−n [n]q [n]q k q k=1 !   n X [n − k]  n−k n q = L2n−1−k q k+1−n z, m . q( 2 ) (−1)k+1 q 1−n 1 + q k [k]q k q k=1

Proof of the relations (23), (24).. Using relations (13), (14), (21), (22) in 

 z 2F2n ,m = L2n−1 (z, m) + F2n−1 (z, m) , q 2F2n (z, m) = L2n−1 (z, m) + F2n−1 (z, m) . we draw the results.



Hac`ene Belbachir and Athmane Benmezai

Remark 2 Considering these results, we obtain a duality between the q-Lucas polynomials of the first kind and the q-Lucas polynomials of the second kind.

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