On the solutions of the Navier-Stocks equations Abstract

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The arising scalar is called the divergence of this vector, i.e. divb = ∂bx. ∂x ... the fundamental theorem from vector calculus that we can reconstruct an arbitrary ...
On the solutions of the Navier-Stocks equations Alexei M. Frolov∗ Department of Applied Mathematics University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6H 5B7, Canada (Dated: September 28, 2014)

Abstract An original approach to determine general solutions of the Navier-Stocks equation is discussed. Our approach is based on the derivation of the governing equations for the divergence and rotor (or curl) of the liquid/gas velocity v. The two arising equations are equivalent to the incident Navier-Stocks equation, but they are much simpler and allow one to determine analytical/numerical solutions of this equation and investigate the properties of such solutions.

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In this communication we consider the general Navier-Stocks equation which describe all possible motions in the regular liquid and/or gas. The liquid/gas are assumed to be truly non-relativistic with the known equation(s) of state. The explicit form of the Navier-Stocks equation for such a liquid/gas is (see, e.g., [1]) i  1  + (v · ∇)v = −∇p + η∆v + ζ + η ∇(∇ · v) ∂t 3

h ∂v



where the vector v = (vx , vy , vz ) is the velocity of the liquid/gas, ρ is its density and p is the pressure. All these values are the functions of the spatial point r = (x, y, z). The coefficients η and ζ are the usual and second viscosities of the liquid/gas, respectively. The operator ∇ =

∂ , ∂, ∂ ∂x ∂y ∂z

is the gradient operator, or ∇−operator (also called the Hamilton

operator). Note that the ∇ operator is, in fact, a vector-operator which transforms under rotations as a covariant vector. Therefore, if ∇ is applied to a vector b, then, in the general case, one finds three possible combinations: scalar, vector and tensor (see, e.g., [2], [3]). The arising scalar is called the divergence of this vector, i.e. divb =

∂bx ∂x


∂by ∂y


∂bz . ∂z


vector which arise during such an application of ∇ to the same vector is called the rotor rot (or curl) of the vector b, i.e. ∇ × b = rotb =

∂bz ∂y

∂by ∂bx , ∂z ∂z

∂bz ∂by , ∂x ∂x

∂bx ∂y

. The third

combination of the operator ∇ and vector b is the traceless 3×3 symmetric tensor tˆ = ∇ ⊗ b which has the following matrix elements (∇ ⊗ b)ik = (tˆ)ik =

1  ∂bi ∂bk  1  ∂bx ∂by ∂bz  + − δik + + 2 ∂xk ∂xi 3 ∂x ∂y ∂z


where i = x, y, z and k = x, y, z. This tensor is well known in the theory of elasticity, but in the hydrodynamics of liquids and/or gases, such a traceless tensor does not play any significant role. Below, the ∇ ⊗ b tensor is not considered. The Navier-Stocks equation, Eq.(1), can also be reduced to another equivalent form  ∂v 1 2 1 1  + ∇v − v × (∇ × v) = − ∇p + ν∆v + µ + ν ∇(∇ · v) ∂t 2 ρ 3

where ν =

η ρ

is the first kinematic viscosity, while µ =

ζ ρ


is the second kinematic viscosity of

the liquid (or gas). Let us introduce another vector ~ω = ∇ × v which plays an important role in hydrodynamics. This vector is called the vorticity. By using this vorticity vector one reduces the Navier-Stocks equation, Eq.(3), to a different form which is often used in 2

applications   ∂v 1 2 1 4  1  + ∇v − v × ~ω = − ∇p + µ + ν ∆v + µ + ν ∇ × ~ω ∂t 2 ρ 3 3


To transform Eq.(3) to the form of Eq.(4) we have used the following formulas 1 ~ (v · ∇)v = ∇v 2 − v × ~ω and ∇(∇ · v) = ∆v + ∇ × (∇ × v) = ∆v + ∇ × ω 2


The explicit derivation of analytical and/or numerical solution of the Navier-Stocks equation is an extremely difficult problem, which has been solved only in a few cases by applying a number offundamental simplifications to the incident problem. Solutions of the general Navier-Stocks equation has never been found in closed analytical forms. Such a solutionessentially means the explicit expression for the liquid/gas velocity v(t, r) in each point of the time-spatial continuum which is occupied by the moving liquid/gas. Formally, the Navier-Stocks equation, Eq.(5), is a quadratic equation upon v which also contains various spatial derivatives of v. This substantially complicates search of solutions of Eq.(5) written in closed, analytical forms and explains the fact that no explicit solutions of the general Navier-Stocks equation has ever been found. In this study we formulate another approach to the solution of the Navier-Stocks equation. This original approach is based on the fundamental theorem from vector calculus that we can reconstruct an arbitrary vector by using its known values of the divergence and its rotor/curl (proofs and discussion of this theorem can be found in $ 19 of [2]). In the cases of finite volumes we also need to know the numerical values of the normal components of such a vector at each point of the boundary surface [2]. By applying this theorem to the moving liquid/gas we can replace the original Navier-Stocks equation by the two equations for the D = divv, which is a true scalar, and rotv = ~ω , where ~ω is the vorticity vector. The two new equations for D and ~ω are simpler than the original Navier-Stocks equation. In reality, we can try to determine solutions of these (new) equations and investigate their properties, rather than to operate with the Navier-Stocks equation. It appears that this approach has quite a number of advantages in applications to actual problems from hydro- and aerodynamics. The goal of this study is to develop this approach and apply it to the Navier-Stocks equation. This problem is considered in the following Sections.




In this Section by using Eq.(4) derived above we obtain the basic equations of our approach. To derive these equations we need to apply the operator rot (or curl) and div to the both sides of Eq.(4). This means that we replace the unknown vector v by the combination of a transverse axial vector ~ω and one sclar D. For simplicity, we shall assume that the kinematic viscosities ν and µ in Eq.(4) are the constants, i.e. they do not depend upon any of the spatial coordinates. This assumption allows one to avoid operations with extremely complex expressions with contains many additional spatial derivatives of the ν and µ values. By calculating rot of bith sides of Eq.(4) we find the following equation ∂~ω 1 = ∇ × (v × ~ω ) + ν∆~ω = (~ω · ∇)v − (∇ · v)~ω − (v · ∇)~ω + 2 (∇ρ × ∇p) + ν∆~ω , (6) ∂t ρ which describes time-evolution of the vorticity vector ~ω . To derive an analogous equation for the divergence of the velocity vector, i.e. for D = ∇ · v, we introduce the function s(r) which is the density-distribution function of the internal sources of the liquid/gas located inside of the moving liquid and/or gas. It is shown below that at each point of the moving liquid we have ∇ · v = s, and, therefore, D = s. Now, by using the explicit notation for this function we obtain the following equation  1 1 1 4  ∂D = − ∆v 2 − v · (∇ × ~ω ) + ω 2 − ∆p + 2 (∇ρ · ∇p) + µ + ν ∆D , ∂t 2 ρ ρ 3


The solution of Eqs.(6) - (7) allows one to determine the rotor (or curl) and divergence of the velocity vector v in each local point with the Cartesian coordinates r. The next step is to determine the velocity vector v itself. Since we know its rotor ~ω and divergence D, then as it follows from the vector calculus, we can always determine the velocity vector v. In reality, one finds here an additional problem related with the boundary conditions, or velocity components at the surface of the liquid. Formally, to solve this problem completely we need to know three components of the liquid/gas velocity at each point of such a boundary, e.g., one normal and two tangential components of the vector v. As follows from $ 19 of [2] there are two additional conditions for the vorticity vector ~ω , source function s, or divergence D of the moving liquid/gas, and numerical value of the integral which includes the normal derivative of the liquid/gas velocity. The first of these conditions ∇ · ~ω = 0 is always obeyed in the moving liquid/gas (it follows from the definition of vorticity)). The second condition 4

is formulated in the form Z

divvdV =


(v · n)dS ,



DdV =


vn dS


where vn is the normal component of the velocity at the border of the finite volume occupied by the liquid/gas and n is the vector of outer normal to the surface S of the volume V . Thus, we have replaced one unknown vector v by the new transverse vector ~ω (div~ω = 0) and one scalar D. This approach is a complete analogy with the Maxwell equations where each of the vector of electromagnetic field E and H is replaced by its divergence and rotor/curl. This analogy can be traced even further, since E is a true vector (or polar vector), while H is a pseudo vector (or axial vector). In the case of Navier-Stocks equation the scalar D = divv is a true scalar, while the vorticity ~ω = rotv is an axial vector. This fact expalins the explicit form of the righ-hand sides of both Eqs.(6) - (7). This approach is correct and very general, but some peole make complaints that it is a formal procedure which has no close connections with the physics of moving liquid/gas. To avoid discussions of these problems we have developed another approach which is based on the same ideas, but it is physically transparent. In this approach the velocity of the moving liquid in each local point is represented as a sum of three terms, but in some cases such sum contains only two terms and even one term, e.g., in the case of the potential flow. This approach is discussed in the next Section.



First, note that the vorticity ~ω = ∇ × v is a pseudo-vector (or axial vector), rather than a polar vector. This leads to a few formal troubles when we want to introduce three independent vectors defined in each spatial point of the Navier-Stocks liquid. Indeed, we can write the following expansion for an arbitrary vector property f of the moving liquid f = a · v + b · ∇ × v + c · (v × (∇ × v)) = a · v + b · ω ~ + c · (v × ~ω )


where the vectors v and v × ω ~ = (v × (∇ × v)) are the two polar vectors, while the vorticity vector ~ω = ∇ × v is an axial vector, or pseudo-vector. In general, for the moving liquid and/or gas it is impossible to find any pseudo-scalar invariant value b which differs from zero. It follows from here that b = 0 in Eq.(9). This means that, the representation, Eq.(9), 5

cannot be used in real applications unless we replace the pseudo-vector ~ω in Eq.(9) by some polar vector, e.g., by the vector ∇ × ~ω . In this case Eq.(9) takes the form f = a · v + b · ∇ × ~ω + c · v × ω ~


The representation of the velocity vector v in the form of Eq.(10) is not convenient in many cases. For instance, for the potential flow of the liquid (or gas), i.e. when ω ~ = 0, it follows from Eq.(10) that f ∼ v. In reality, we can chose three non-complanar vectors in each spatial point of the moving liquid/gas in a number of ways and one of such choices leads to the construction of the general solution of the Navier-Stocks equations. To construct this solution let us consider the following formula from [2] which is used to represent an arbitrary vector a in the ‘two-gradient’ form a = ∇φ + χ · ∇ψ = ∇φ + a2 = a1 + a2


where φ, ψ and χ are the three scalar functions, while ∇ is the gradient operator defined above. Let us apply this formula to the velocity of the moving fluid and/or gas. In this case, we can write v = ∇φ + χ · ∇ψ = ∇φ + vr = vp + vr


where the notation vp stands for the velocity which equals to the gradient of some potential φ. In applications it is often called the ‘potential’ velocity (see below). It follows from Eq.(11) that ∇ × vp = 0 and ∇ · vp = ∆φ = s(r), where s(r) is the density-distribution function of the internal sources of the liquid/gas located inside of the moving liquid and/or gas. Here the notation ∆ means the Laplace operator, i.e. ∆ =

∂2 ∂x2


∂2 ∂y 2


∂2 . ∂z 2

Briefly, we

can say that the gradient velocity vp describes the potential flow in the moving liquid/gas. The notation vr in Eq.(12) designates the ‘rotor’ (or ‘curl’) vector component of the liquid velocity v. It follows from the definition of the vr vector, Eq.(12), that curlvr = ∇ × vr = ∇χ × ∇ψ and divvr = ∇ · vr = ∇χ · ∇ψ + χ∆ψ


Note also that as follows from Eqs.(12) and (13) we always have ∇ × v = ∇ × vr = ∇χ × ∇ψ = ~ω . This means that the potential component vp of the liquid velocity v does not contribute to the vorticity ~ω of the liquid (or gas). In the general case, it would be nice to have an additional equality ∇ · vr = 0, but such an equality is obeyed, if (and only if) 6

the two following conditions are true: (1) ∆ψ = 0, i.e. if ψ is a harmonic function, and (2) ∇χ · ∇ψ = 0, or ∇χ ⊥ ∇ψ. Such two scalar fields form a pair of conjugate fields. First, let us assume that it is possible to choose the two scalar functions ψ and χ in such a way that the equality ∇ · vr = 0 is obeyed in each spatial point. This means that all possible motions which exist in hydrodynamics of liquids and/or gases can be described in terms of the two-velocity approach, i.e. in any spatial point we need to know the vector vp , which is associated with the potential flow of the liquid, and vector vr , which describes rotational flows in the moving liquid and/or gas. Very likely, that such a two-velocity picture governs a large number of phenomena in the moving liquid and/or gas, but it is not clear that that we can describe all possible motions in arbitrary liquid/gas with the use of the two-velocity representation. Formally, this means that in an arbitrary spatial point of the moving liquid we always have v = vp + vr , where ∇ × vp = 0 and ∇ · vr = 0. It follows from here that the first component of the velocity vg is represented as a gradient of some scalar function Φ(r), while the second component vr is the rotor (or curl) of some axial vector F(r), i.e. vr = ∇ × F. It was mentioned above that for the potential component of the velocity vp the following equality is always obeyed: ∇ · vp = s(r). This leads to the Poisson equation for the scalar potential function Φ(r) mentioned above, i.e. ∆Φ = s, which has a well known solution 1 Z Z Z s(r′ )dV ′ , Φ(r) = − 4π | r − r′ |


where dV ′ = dx′ dy ′dz ′ . It is straightforward to calculate the gradient of the potential Φ(r) function, Eq.(14). Now, consider the analogous equation which determines the pseudo-vector F uniformly related with the vorticity ~ω . From the definition of ~ω and relation between F and v given above (v = ∇ × F) one finds ∇ × ∇ × F = ∇(∇ · F) − ∆F = ~ω


where ω ~ is the axial vector of vorticity. Let us assume that the pseudo-vector ~ω is known. In this case Eq.() is written as the three Poisson equations ∆F = −~ω (one equation per each component of the vorticity vector). The solution of these three Poisson vector-equations can also be written in the vector form 1 Z Z Z ~ω (r′ )dV ′ F(r) = , 4π | r − r′ | 7


where all notations under the integral are exactly the same as in Eq.(14). The formulas, Eqs.(14) - (16), allow one to solve the Navier-Stocks equations in the infinite space by using the given s and ~ω functions. The scalar function s and pseudo-vector function ~ω are assumed to be continuous functions defined in the whole space. The first-order derivatives of the Φ(r) and F(r), Eqs.(14) - (16) are also continuous functions of the spatial coordinates. In real applications to hydrodynamics the volume occupied by the moving liquid/gas is always finite and very often some amount of liquid/gas constantly moves throught the boundaris of such a volume. Therefore, we need to develop an approach to describe motions of the liquid/gas throught the boundaries in and out of the finite volume V occupied by the same liquid/gas. Below, we shall assume that the boundary surface S of the finite volume is ‘sufficiently smooth’. The motion of liquid throught boundaris of the finite volume V can be descibed by an additional component of the liquid velocity. In other words, we introduce the three component expression for the liquid velocity v = vp + vr + vb


where the first two vectors vp and vr are exactly the same as defined above, while the third vector has zero divergence and zero rotor (or curl), i.e. ∇ · vb = 0 and ∇ × vb = 0. In reality, it is easy to find that the three-term representation of the velocity vector v, Eq.(17), is not very practical, since it does not contain any ‘free’ parameter which can be used to sew together three different velocities in ‘intermediate areas’ of the moving liquid/gas. In general, it is better to introduce a slightly different expression for the velocity v which is based on Eq.(17) v = Cp vp + Cr vr + Cb vb


where Cp , Cr and Cb are unknown linear coefficients which are some slow-varying functions of all three velocities vp , vr , vb and local coordinates r. Substitution of Eq.(18) into the NavierStocks equations produces a set of coupled differential equations for these functions (Cp , Cr and Cb ). By solving these equations we can determine the exact solutions of the NavierStocks equations. In the lowest-order approximation these coefficients can be considered as numerical constants. This allows one to represent the unknown flow of the moving liquid/gas by using the known expressions for the vp , vr , vb velocities. The velocity vb has been introduced in Eq.(17) to describe all possible flows of the liquid 8

and/or gas which arise from the outer sources of this liquid, or, in other words, from sourceslocated outside of the finite volume occupied by the liquid/gas. It follows from here that vb = ∇Ψ, i.e. vb is the gradient of some scalar field Ψ(r) which is called the second velocity potential, or surface potential. Substitution of this equation into the condition ∇ · vb = 0 leads to the Laplace equation for the second velocity potential Ψ(r), i.e. ∆Ψ(r) = 0. In other words, the function Ψ(r) is a harmonic function in the finite volume V occupied by the liquid/gas. The gradient of this function at the outer surface S of the finite volume V must be equal to the flow of liquid/gas which moves into and/or out of this finite volume. This can be written in the form ∂Ψ = (n · ∇)Ψ = H(M) ∂n


where n is the unit normal vector (or normal, for short) to the surface S at the point M. The derivative

∂Ψ ∂n

is the gradient of the Ψ function along this normal. The scalar function

H(M) in Eq.(19) is a function which describes the flow of a liquid/gas at the point M of the boundary surface S. Numerous advantages of the three-velocity representations of the total velocity v can be illustrated by a substitution of Eq.(19) into Eq.(3). After such a substitution it is easy to find that many terms in these equations equal zero identically. Finally, we can say that the three-component representation of the local velocity Eq.(17) allows one to solve the general Navier-Stocks equations in those case when we know the ‘source function’ s(r) and vorticity pseudo-vector ω ~ (r) in each spatial point of the volume occupied by the liquid/gas. In addition to these values, we also need to know the function H(M) which describes the flow of liquid/gas at each point of the boundary surface S. The knowledge of these values allows one to solve the general Navier-Stocks equations everywhere in the volume V surrounded by the surface S. It can be shown that such solutions are unique and uniform functions of the spatial coordinates. In this form the problem of solving general Navier-Stocks equations essentially coincides with the Neumann problem known from the Mathematical Physics (see, e.g., [4]).




We have discussed the problem of determining the general solutions of the Navier-Stocks equation. An original approach is based on the derivation of the governing equations for the divergence and rotor (or curl) of the liquid/gas velocity v. The knowledge of the divergence and rotor (or curl) of the velocity v of the moving liquid/gas allows one to determine the velocity v of the liquid/gas,i.e. to find the solutions of the Navier-Stocks equation. The arising equations for the divergence D = ∇ · v and rotor/curl ~ω = ∇ × v are significantly simpler than the incident Navier-Stocks equation. Formally, by using Eq.(6) and Eq.(7) we can determine the velocity vector v.

[1] L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, Fluid Mechanics (Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK, 1966). [2] N.E. Kochin, Vector Calculus and Foundations of Tensor Calculus (Academy of Science Publ., 8th ed., Moscow, 1961) [in Russian]. [3] I.M. Gel’fand, R.A. Minlos and Z.Ya. Shapiro, Representations of the Rotation and Lorentz Groups and Their Applications (MacMilan Publ., New York, 1963). [4] A.N. Tikhonov and A.A. Samarskii, Equations of Mathematical Physics (Dover Publ. Inc., New York, 1996).