on the time splitting spectral method for the complex ginzburg ...

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The complex Ginzburg–Landau equation (CGL) is one of the most studied nonlinear equations in the physics history. It has a long history in physics as a generic ...
ON THE TIME SPLITTING SPECTRAL METHOD FOR THE COMPLEX GINZBURG–LANDAU EQUATION IN THE LARGE TIME AND SPACE SCALE LIMIT∗ PIERRE DEGOND† , SHI JIN‡ , AND MIN TANG§ Abstract. We are interested in the numerical approximation of the complex Ginzburg–Landau equation in the large time and space limit. There are two interesting regimes in this problem, one being the large space time limit, and one being the nonlinear Schrodinger limit. These limits have been studied analytically in, for example, [7, 18, 19]. We study a time splitting spectral method for this problem. In particular, we are interested in whether such a scheme is asymptotic preserving (AP) with respect to these two limits. Our results show that the scheme is AP for the first limit, but not the second one. For the large space time limit, our numerical experiments show that the scheme can capture the correct physical behavior without resolving the small scale dynamics, even for transitional problem where small and large scales coexist. Key words. Asymptotic preserving scheme; complex Ginzburg–Landau equation; asymptotic limit; time splitting spectral method AMS subject classifications. 35Q55,65M70

1. Introduction. The complex Ginzburg–Landau equation (CGL) is one of the most studied nonlinear equations in the physics history. It has a long history in physics as a generic amplitude equation near the onset of instabilities that lead to chaotic dynamics in fluid mechanical systems. The case with real coefficients was first derived by Newell and Whiteehead [25] and Segel [27] to describe B´ enard convection. The case with complex coefficients was put forth in a general setting by Newell and Whitehead [24] and DiPrima et al. [11], and was shown by Stewartson and Stuart [28] to apply to plane Poiseuille flow. It also describes a vast variety of phenomena like phase transitions, superfluidity, superconductivity and Bose–Einstein condesation [9, 10]. The generalized scaled CGL can be written as ∂t u = u + (1 + iν)4u − (1 + iµ)|u|2 u,


where u is a complex function of (scaled) time t and space ~x. ν, µ are real parameters characterizing linear and nonlinear dispersion. The second spatial derivative provides a damping of the short wavelength excitations and the nonlinear term generates energy flows from large to short scales. To consider the large space and time scales, we rescale ∗ This work was completed during the stay of the second and third authors in the Institute of Mathematics of Toulouse. † Institute of Mathematics of Toulouse UMR 5219 (CNRS-UPS-INSA-UT1-UT2), Universit´ e Paul Sabatier, 118, route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse cedex, France. The first author wishes to acknowledge the support from the french ANR under contract ’Quatrain’ number BLAN072 212988.([email protected]). ‡ Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA; Department of Mathematical Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. The second author acknowledges the support of NSF grant No. DMS-0608720. The second author was also supported by a grant from ’Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique’([email protected]) § Department of Mathematical Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. The third author was supported by the Marie Curie Actions of the European Commission in the frame of the DEASE project (MEST-CT-2005-021122) and NSFC project 10676017([email protected])



P. Degond, S. Jin and M. Tang

the original equation by t0 = ²2 t,

x0 = ²x.


which gives (dropping the primes) µ ¶ 1 2 u − (1 + iµ)|u| u . ²2

∂t u = (1 + iν)4u +



˜ into the above equation gives Using the change of unknown u = e−iµt/² u ∂t u ˜ = (1 + iν)4˜ u+

¡ ¢ 1 (1 + iµ) 1 − |˜ u|2 u ˜. 2 ²

When µ = ν > 0, let µ=ν=

1 , δ

and rescale time and space again by t0 =

(δ 2 + 1) t, δ

x0 = x ,


then one gets a special form of the complex Ginzburg–Landau equation δ∂t u² − i∂t u² = 4u² +

1 (1 − |u² |2 )u² , ²2

x ∈ Ω.

When µ = ν < 0, let 1 µ=ν=− , δ and using the same rescaling as in (1.4), one gets δ∂t u² + i∂t u² = 4u² +

1 (1 − |u² |2 )u² , ²2

x ∈ Ω.


When δ = 0, that is, ν = µ = ∞, the equation becomes the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation (NLS). Colin and Soyeur [7] and Lin and Xin [18, 19] studied the dynamic limit of the above equation when ² → 0. If there are vortices in the initial data, that is |u² (x0 )| = 0, and the phase of u² has singularities at x0 points, it is proved that the energy concentrates near the vortices as ² → 0. Thus the limit solution is not smooth. It can be proved that the limit equation is δut − 4u = u|∇u|2 ,

|u| = 1


u(0) = ψ.


We would like to study the performance of a time splitting spectral method (TSSP) for the CGL in the regime where ²