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[11-22-86]. Bellini: La Sonnambula/Come per me sereno (June Anderson; Frank Brieff cond.) [11-22-86]. Bennett: Many Moods of Christmas: Suite 1 [12-14-03].
ORCHESTRA NEW ENGLAND James Sinclair, Music Director Programming 1974-2014 Alphabetical Listing Adam: Cantique de Noel, arr. Brohn (Susan Pierson) [12-10-99] Adam: Cantique de Noel, arr. Brohn (Sarah Jane McMahon) [12-14-03] Adams: Chamber Symphony [1-24-98] Adams: Shaker Loops [11-1-03] Albinoni: Adagio in G Minor (Allen Brown) [12-12-80] Albrechtsberger: Jew’s Harp Concerto (Christopher Rude) [11-27-04] Amram: Shakespearean Concerto [2-21-98] Anderson: Bugler’s Holiday [6-25-88—8-20-88, 13x; 5-28-06; 7-15-06] Anderson: Sleigh Ride [12-17-83; 12-14-03] Anderson: The Syncopated Clock [Sep ‘00, 3x; 9-9/16/24-01] Anderson: The Typewriter (H. Graves) [4-20-79] Arne: Overture No. 4 in F [Nov-Dec ‘88, 5x] Babbitt: All Set for Jazz Ensemble [11-2-75] Bach, C.P.E.: Concerto in E-flat for Harpsichord & Fortepiano (Lawrence Schipull, Alissa Leiser) [3-19-94; 4-2-94] Bach, C.P.E.: Oboe Concerto in E-flat/ii [11-24-01; 12-3-01] Bach, C.P.E.: Oboe Concerto in E-flat (Kitagawa) [3-23-02] Bach, C.P.E.: Oboe Concerto in E flat (Bodner) [12-3-11] Bach: C.P.E.: Symfonia No. 5 in B Minor, W. 182/5 [10-5&11-30&12-1/5-78; 1-21-95; 2-7-11] Bach, J.C.: Cease Awhile (Carla Cortner) [11-24/28-84; 2-23-85] Bach, J.C.: Midst Silent Shades (Stephanie Conte) [12-9/10/11-82] Bach, J.C.: Midst Silent Shades (Martha Oneppo) [Nov-Dec ‘88, 5x] Bach, J.C.: Symphony in B-flat, Op. 3, No. 4 [1-21-95] Bach. J.C.: Symphony in E flat, Op. 18, No. 1 [4-16-88] Bach, J.C.: Symphony in E flat, Op. 18, No. 1/i [11-28/29-87] Bach. J.C.: Symphony in D/i, Op. 18, No. 4 [10-15-85; Nov ‘85, 4x] Bach/Frost: Anna Magdalena Suite [7-24-85] Bach: Brandenburg Concerti complete (Linda Skernick, Peter Sacco vn/cond.) [9-24-83] Bach: Brandenburg Concerti 2-5 (Linda Skernick, Peter Sacco vn.) [9-25-83] Bach: Brandenburg Concerti 2-5 [3-21-87; 1-26-91 (Britt Wheeler, Raphael Ryger); 5-4-96] Bach: Brandenburg Concerti 2-4 & 6 (Raphael Ryger, Marlene Segelstein) [2-9-08] Bach: Brandenburg Concerti 3-6 [3-21/22-85; 1-29-94; 2-6-94] Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 1 in F (Paul Kantor vn.) [10-21-78] Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F [11-30&12-1/5/16-78] Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G [10-5-78; 2-25-79; 3-10/11-79; 3-20/21-04; 4-13-04] Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G (Raphael Ryger vn.) [2-24-2001; 2-25-2001] Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D (Linda Skernick) [2-7/8/17&3-9/19-80; 3-24-87; 1-27-2001] Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 5/i in D (Linda Skernick) [Nov-Dec ‘83, 6x] Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 in B flat [10-25&11-2-79] Bach: Cantata No. 4 (CONCORA/Coffey) [3-23-96] Bach: Cantata No. 50 (Somary/FCC) [2-12-78] Bach: Cantata No. 51 (Jane Adler) [5-9-87] Bach: Cantata No. 82 (Anton Belov) [3-20-04] Bach: Cantata No. 170 (Roxanne Althouse; Althouse cond.) [4-3-85] Bach: Cantata No. 191 (New Haven Chorale) [1-23-81] Bach: Cantata No. 211/selection (Barbara Yeichner) [Nov ‘92, 4x] Bach: Christmas Oratorio/Grosser herr (Daniel Bircher) [11-25-06] Bach: Concerto for Flute, Violin & Harpsichord [3-20-04] Bach: Concerto in A Major for Harpsichord, No. 4 (Igor Kipnis) [1-16-82] Bach: Concerto in A Major for Harpsichord, No. 4 (Linda Skernick) [4-28-85; 3-19/20-88; 2-7-11] Bach: Concerto in A Major for Harpsichord, No. 4 (Linda Skernick; Althouse cond.) [4-3-85] Bach: Triple Concerto in A Minor (Singleton, Hankins, Rudig) [3-5/6-78] Bach: Triple Concerto in A Minor (Greenbaum, Bodner, Rapp) [3-20/21-04; 4-13-04] Bach: Concerto in C Minor for 2 Harpsichords (Igor Kipnis, Linda Skernick) [1-16-82]

Bach: Concerto in D Minor for Harpsichord (Linda Skernick) [5-6-00] Bach: Concerto in D Minor for Oboe & Violin (Vicki Bodner, Davis Brooks) [12-5/10/11-81] Bach: Concerto in D Minor for Oboe & Violin [4-3-85; 11-27-93; 3-20/21-04; 4-13-04] Bach: Concerto in D Minor for 2 Violins (Eva Grusser, Reed Smith) [3-19/20-88] Bach: Concerto in D Minor for 2 Violins (Raphael Ryger, Artemis Simerson) [1-21-95] Bach: Concerto in D Minor for 2 Violins (Raphael Ryger, Yonette Ryger) [3-23-02] Bach: Concerto in D Minor for 2 Violins: ii (Raphael Ryger, Artemis Simerson) [11-27-10] Bach: Concerto in E for Violin, No. 2 (Benny Kim) [4-17-85] Bach: Concerto in E for Violin, No. 2 (Raphael Ryger) [4-21-12] Bach: Concerto in F Minor for Harpsichord, S. 1056 (David Westfall, hpd) [3-23-96] Bach: Concerto in F Minor for Harpsichord/ii (Stephen Rapp) [11-24-07] Bach: Fugue in G Minor, S. 578 (arr. for brass and organ) [3-21-92] Bach: Magnificat (Arthur Sjogren/Pro Arte Singers) [10-17-82] Bach: Magnificat (CONCORA/Richard Coffey) [3-20/21-93] Bach: Mass in B Minor/Gloria section (CONCORA) [3-20/21-99] Bach: Motet: Jesu, meine freude (David Thomas cond.) [4-5-85] Bach: The Six Motets (CONCORA/Richard Coffey) [3-11/12-00] Bach: 3 Motets (Geist, Komm Jesu, Singet) (CONCORA/Richard Coffey) [5-6-00] Bach: Motet No. 6: Lobet den herrn alle Heiden (Allen Brown/UCG) [11-12-89] Bach/Webern: Musical Offering/Ricercare [3-6-85; 1-21-95; 3-20-04] Bach/Reger: O mensch bewein dein sunde gross [3-23-96] Bach: Orchestral Suite No. 1 in C [10-24/26-76; 4-19-86; 3-29-03] Bach: Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B Minor (Patricia Harper; Althouse cond.) [4-3-85] Bach: Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B Minor (Adrianne Greenbaum) [3-20/21-93] Bach: Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B Minor (Keith Underwood) [3-25-06] Bach: Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D [1-1-80; 2-15-80; 3-20/21-93; 3-20/21-99] Bach: Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D/Air (on the G-string) [7-21-78; 6-24-80; 11-25-89; 5-31-96;10-18/19-03; 11-26-11] Bach: St. John Passion (Redeemer/Marguerite Brooks cond.) [3-6-88] Bach: St. Matthew Passion (Johannes Somary/FCC) [3-26-83] Bach: Sinfonia to Cantata 29 [11-18/24-84; 12-3-84; 11-24/28-84; 2-23-85; 4-28-85] Bach: Sinfonia to Cantata 42 [3-6-85; 5-6-00] Bach: Sinfonia to Cantata 156 (Vicki Bodner) [12-12/16-80; 11-18/24-84; 12-3-84; 11-24/28-84; 2-23-85; 4-28-85] Bach: Sinfonia to Cantata 156 (Stephen Wade) [11-28-09] Bach: Sinfonias to Cantata 196 [3-23-96] Bach: Sinfonias to Cantata 212 [3-23-96] Bach: Violin Concerto in A Minor [2-22-97] Bach, W.F.: Sinfonia in D Minor [1-21-95] Barber: Adagio for Strings [7-2-76] Barber: Adagio for Strings (Johannes Somary cond.) [2-16-80] Barber: Dover Beach (Anton Belov) [10-5-2002] Barber: Hand of Bridge (La Torraca, Lewin, Halvorson, Miratti) [4-25/26-81] Barber: Knoxville: Summer of 1915 (Jane Bryden) [4-25/26-81] Barber: Knoxville: Summer of 1915 (Dawn Upshaw) [3-12-86] Barlow: The Winter’s Past (Nobuo Kitagawa) [2-22-97] Bartok: Divertimento [3-12-86] Bartok: Rumanian Dances [5-7-11] Beatles: Medley (arr. Mendelssohn) [7-17-04] Beethoven: Ah, perfido! (Camelia Johnson, sopr.) [10-16-93] Beethoven: 2 arias (Lars Woodul, bass) [11-24-90] Beethoven: Contradances [4-23/24-78] Beethoven: Coriolan Overture [4-9-84; 10-7-95] Beethoven: Egmont Ovt. [2-19-94] Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 1 in C (David Golub, Mitch Miller cond.) [5-29-80] Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 2 in B flat (Hahn) [2-11/18-89] Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 3 in C Minor (Michael Boriskin) [2-15-80] Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 4 in G (Ekaterina Derzhavina) [3-23-13] Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5 in E flat (Jamie Bolipata) [3-14-87] Beethoven: Mass in C (Neely Bruce cond.) [5-11-84] Beethoven, arr. Ives: Piano Sonata in F Minor, Op. 2, No. 1/Adagio (premiere) [10-21-74] Beethoven: Prometheus Ovt. [1-29-99] Beethoven: Ritterballet mvts. [11-30-91; 12-8-91] Beethoven: Romances 1 & 2 for Violin (Raphael Ryger) [1-30-93; 2-7-93] Beethoven: Septet, Op. 20 [4-28-02; 10-19-02] Beethoven: Symphony No. 1 in C [4-7-90]

Beethoven: Symphony No. 2 in D [10-17-84; 10-2-99] Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 in E flat “Eroica” [2-19-94; 5-2-09] Beethoven: Symphony No. 4 in B flat [12-16-78; 10-7-95] Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 in F[5-14-05] Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 in F/Storm [6-5/5/12/18-05] Beethoven: Symphony No. 7 in A [2-23-91; 10-3-98; 1-29-99] Beethoven: Symphony No. 7 in A (Thomas Toscano cond.) [2-14-92] Beethoven: Symphony No. 8 in F [10-24/25-86; 3-28-08] Beethoven: Triple Concerto (Arturo Delmoni, Warren Lash, David Golub; Mitch Miller cond.) [5-29-80] Beethoven: Violin Concerto (Joseph Silverstein) [12-16-78] Beethoven: Violin Concerto (Anton Barachovsky) [10-3-98] Bellini: I Puritani/Mad Scene & Aria (June Anderson; Frank Brieff cond.) [11-22-86] Bellini: La Sonnambula/Come per me sereno (June Anderson; Frank Brieff cond.) [11-22-86] Bennett: Many Moods of Christmas: Suite 1 [12-14-03] Bennett: Many Moods of Christmas, Suite 2 (New Haven Chorale) [12-9-2000] Bennett: Many Moods of Christmas, Suite 4 (Con Brio) [12-10-99] Berlin/Healey: God Bless America [5-26-02; 7-20-02; 5-25-03; 7-19-03; 5-30-04; 7-17-04; 5-29-05; 7-16-05; 5-28-06; 7-15-06; 5-27-07; 9-15-07; 5-25-08; 8-23-08; 5-24-09; 5-30-10; 5-29-11; 5-27-12; 6-9-12; 5-26-13; 5-25-14; 6-7-14]] Berlioz: L’enfance du Christ oratorio (Somary/FCC) [12-12-76] Berlioz: L’enfance du Christ/Prelude II (Flight from Egypt) [2-11/18-89] Berlioz: La Marseillaise [summer ‘89, 10x] Bernstein: Candide Ovt. [7-6-91—8-17-91, 3x; 2-13-93; 13 Jun—5 Jul 93, 4x; 4-22-94; Sep ‘00, 3x; 5-27-01; 9-9/16/24-01; 5-24-09] Bernstein: Candide/Oh, happy we [2-13-93] Bernstein: Candide/It must be so [2-13-93] Bernstein: Candide/Make Our Garden Grow (massed city choruses) [2-13-93] Bernstein: Candide/Make Our Garden Grow [5-15-89/Haile cond.] Bernstein: On the Town/Times Square [5-26-02; 7-20-02; 5-25-08; 8-23-08] Bernstein: Serenade for violin, strings, harp and percussion (Raphael Ryger) [4-22-06] Bernstein: West Side Story/Balcony scene & Tonight (Haile cond.) [5-16-88] Bernstein: West Side Story selections [Jul-Aug ‘91, 3x; Jun-Jul ‘93, 4x; 5-25-03; 7-19-03] Bizet: L’Arlesienne Suite No. 1 [7-24-85] Bizet: L’Arlesienne Suite No. 2 [7-8/22-95; 9-9-95] Bizet/Shchedrin: Carmen Suite [2-5-83] Bloch: Concerto Grosso No. 2 (Victor Norman cond.) [8-13-83] Boccherini: Cello Concerto in B-flat (Bailen) [11-29/30-86] Boccherini: Cello Concerto in G (Steven Thomas) [1-25-92; 2-2-92] Boccherini: Minuet in A from SQ in E [11-28/29-87; 11-24-07] Bolcom: Commedia [2-15-80; 10-4-97] Bolton/Bloom: Michael Bolton Medley [4-22-94] Bottesini: Double Bass Concerto No. 2 (DaXun Zhang) [4-17-04] Boyce: Overture No. 4 in D [11-28/29-87] Boyce: Symphony No. 1 in B-flat [10-16/19-80; 12-12/16-80; 11-25-89; 11-28-09] Boyce: Symphony No. 4 in F [12-9/10/11-82; 6-18-88; 11-28-98; 4-2-06] Boyce: Symphony No. 5 in D [12-9/10/11-82; 11-29/30-86; 6-18-88; 11-20-96] Boyce: Symphony No. 5/i in D [11-28-09] Brahms: Academic Festival Overture (Somary cond.) [5-3-80] Brahms: Hungarian Dance No. 4 [9-6-91; 5-31-96; 8-23-08] Brahms: Nanie (Somary/FCC) [12-4-82] Brahms: Requiem (Rodney Wynkoop/NHC) [5-1-76] Brahms: Requiem (Somary/FCC) [5-3-80] Brahms: Requiem (David Thomas/Trinity Chorale) [4-20-84] Brahms: Requiem (Mueller/NHC) [5-16-87] Brahms: Schicksalslied (Song of Destiny) (Somary/FCC) [5-3-80] Brahms: Serenade (No. 1) in D Major, Op. 11 (orig. version for nonet) [4-19-97; 2-23-13] Brahms: Serenade No. 2 in A, Op. 16 [11-2-79] Brahms: Variations on a Christmas Carol (Lo, how a rose e’re blooming) arr. Ryden [12-14-03] Bresnick: ONE (premiere) [4-9-86] Britten: Serenade for Tenor, Horn & Strings (Carl Halvorson, tenor) [2-3-90] Britten: Serenade for Tenor, Horn & Strings (Gregory Turay, tenor) [1-25-97] Britten: Simple Symphony [11-9-91 (Mueller cond.); 4-22-06] Britten: Sinfonietta, Op. 1 [4-18-98] Brown: Among the Trees (Brown, premiere) [5-21-94] Bruce: Americana/Act 4 opera (Neely Bruce; premiere) [5-11-84]

Bruce: Americana opera (premiere) [6-8/9/14-85] Bruckner: Mass No. 2 in E Minor (Somary/FCC) [3-3-84] Buxtehude: Magnificat (Sjogren/Pro Arte Singers) [10-17-82] Canteloube: Chants d’Auvergne (Wilhelmina Fernandez) [10-24/25-86] Carr: Une Petite Overture [11-25-89; 11-26-11] Carriuolo: Nostradamus (premiere) [4-17-99] Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Guitar Concerto in D (David Leisner) [3-10/11-84] Cazzati: Sonata Prima “La Pellicana” for Trpt & Strings (Chas. Bumcrot) [2-6-10] Chabrier: Espana [6-25-88—8-20-88, 13x] Chaplin: “The Immigrant” (silent movie accompaniment) [4-17-99; 5-4-13] Chaplin: “The Rink” (silent movie accompaniment) [5-4-13] Clarke: Cousins (Bumcrot, Clymer) [Jul-Aug ‘86, 14x; 2-28-87; 7-19-03] Clarke: From the Shores of the Mighty Pacific (Chas. Bumcrot) [Aug-Sep ‘87; 6-21-96; 5-30-97; 5-27-01] Clarke: Sounds from the Hudson (Chas. Bumcrot) [Jun ‘85, 4x; 7-4-85; 7-10-85; Aug-Sep ‘85, 5x] Copland: Appalachian Spring (orig.) (Aaron Copland cond.) [1-24-77] Copland: Appalachian Spring (orig.) [2-11-77; Mar-Apr ‘81, 4x; 4-24/25/26-81; 2-18-95; 5-3-03; 2-8-2014]] Copland: Appalachian Spring (orig.)/Simple Gifts [7-21-78] Copland: Eight Poems of Emily Dickinson (Phyllis Curtin) [11-2-75] Copland: Fanfare for the Common Man [7-6-91—8-17-91, 3x; 13 Jun—5 Jul 93, 4x; Sep ‘00, 3x; 9-9/16/24-01; 5-27-12; 6-9-12] Copland: Happy Birthday [10-23-85] Copland: Letter from Home [2-25-76; 5-9-76; 7-24-85; Sep ‘00, 3x; 5-27-01; 7-21-01; 5-27-07; 5-27-12; 6-9-12] Copland: An Outdoor Overture [7-16-05] Copland: Quiet City [1-31&2-2-78; 2-21-98] Copland: Rodeo/Buckaroo Holiday [7-6-91—8-17-91, 3x; 13 Jun—5 Jul 93, 4x; 5-25-03; 7-17-03] Copland: Rodeo/Saturday Night Waltz [7-6-91—8-17-91, 3x; 13 Jun—5 Jul 93, 4x] Copland: Rodeo/Hoe-Down [7-6-91—8-17-91, 3x; 13 Jun—5 Jul 93, 4x; 3-35-00; Sep ‘00, 3x; 9-9/16/24-01; 7-21-01; 5-27-12; 6-9-12] Copland: Rodeo/Hoe Down for Strings [3-35-00] Copland: Old American Songs (Barbara Billings; Victor Norman cond.) [8-25-84] Copland: Old American Songs (Chris Trakas) [2-6-85] Copland: The Tender Land (opera) [5-3-03] Copland: Two Pieces (Lento & Rondino) [5-7-11] Corelli: Concerto grosso in F, Op. 6, No. 2 [9-29-01] Corelli: Concerto grosso in D, Op. 6, No. 7 [2-8-2014] Corelli: Concerto grosso in Gm, Op. 6, No. 8 [3-29-03] Corigliano: Voyage (Greenbaum) [10-18/19-03; 11-1-03] Cowell: Hymn & Fuguing Tune No. 5 [2-22-03] Czerny: Rondo Brilliante (Jonathan Shames) [2-4/6-84] Dallapiccola: Four Songs of Antonio Machado (Jane Bryden) [10-21-78] Daugherty: Dead Elvis (Michael Breaux) [4-18-98; 4-2-05] Daugherty: Snap! [1-27-2001] Debussy: Danses sacree et profane (Gail Sacco) [12-16-80] Debussy: La plus que lent Valse [Mar-Apr ‘81, 4x] Debussy/Eisler: Prelude a “L’Apres-midi d’un Faun” [Mar-Apr ‘81, 7x; 3-26-11] De Lisle/Sinclair: La Marseillaise (Susan Pierson) [11-28-98] Delibes: Coppelia/Prelude & Mazurka [5-31-96] Delibes: Sylvia/March & Procession of Bacchus [May-Sep ‘89, 13x] Delius: On Hearing the First Cukoo in Spring (Somary cond.) [3-6-82] Delius: On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring [5-14-05] Debussy: Danses sacree et profane (Gail Sacco) [10-16/19-80; 12-16-80] Debussy: Danses sacree et profane [5-6-95] Dennison: Lyric Piece and Rondo for Tuba and Strings (Steven Bulmer; Victor Norman cond.) [8-13-83] Dennison, Sam: Rappaccini’s Daughter opera (Victor Norman cond.) [8-18-84] Doppler: Andante & Rondo for 2 flutes (Greenbaum, Povodator) [3-6-10; 5-23-10] Dukas: Villanelle (Eric Ruske, hornist) [2-23-91] Dukas: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice [Jun ‘05, 4x] Dvorak: Requiem (David Thomas/Trinity Chorale) [4-1-83] Dvorak: Romance in F Minor for Violin (Raphael Ryger) [10-2-99] Dvorak: Serenade in D Minor for Winds, Op. 44 [10-24/26-76; Oct-Nov 82, 4x; 10-22-88; 1-29-89; 3-23-91] Dvorak: Serenade in E for Strings, Op. 22 [3-4-89; 1-23-99; 1-26-02; 2-3-02] Dvorak: Slavonic Dance, Op. 46, No. 5 [5-31-96] Dvorak: Songs of Nature (Somary/FCC) [2-16-80]

Dvorak: Stabat Mater (Somary/FCC) [5-12-79] Dvorak: Te Deum (Somary/FCC) [12-12-76] Elfman: Movie Spectacular [5-25-14; 6-7-14] Elgar: The Music Makers (Somary/FCC) [3-6-82] Elgar: Serenade in E Minor for Strings [3-10/11-84; 3-24-01; 5-7-11] Falla: Seven Popular Spanish Songs (Sasha Cooke, mezzo) [3-28-08] Faure: Requiem (CONCORA/Coffey) [4-29/30-95; 5-6-95] Fillmore: Lassus Trombone (Brion cond.) [7-31-85] Fillmore: Teddy Trombone [7-4-85; 7-10-85; 10-23-85] Finzi: Magnificat (New Haven Chorale/Paul Mueller) [11-9-91] Foote: Cello Concerto in G Minor (Douglas Moore; Victor Norman cond.) [8-13-83] Foote: Suite in E [2-22-03] Foster: Social Orchestra/quadrilles [7-4-82] Franklin: Quartett for Strings [Nov-Dec ‘83, 6x; 11-28/29-87; 10-19/29-06; 11-11-06] Gabrieli: Canzon X a 8 [4-16-88] Gabrieli: 6 Canzons [3-21-92] Gabrielli: Sonata pian’ e forte [4-16-88; 3-21-92] Gershwin: An American in Paris, arr. Whitney [5-25-08] Gershwin: Girl Crazy Overture [3-10/17-07; 5-27-07; 9-15-07] Gershwin: Of Thee I Sing Overture [3-10/17-07] Gershwin: Porgy & Bess/My Man’s Gone Now (Dana Fripp) [2-13-93; Jun-Jul ‘93, 4x] Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue (orig. jazz band accomp.) (John Kirkpatrick) [2-25-76] Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue (orig. jazz band accomp.) (Connie Geanakoplos; Mitch Miller cond.) [4-9-83] Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue (orig. jazz band accomp.) (Wm. Braun) May-Sep ‘89, 13x] Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue (orig. jazz band accomp.) (Sara Laimon, pianist) [1-24-98] Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue (orig. jazz band accomp.) (Gary Chapman) [3-10/17-07] Gershwin: Rosalie Ovt. (Haile) [5-16-88] Giannini: Symphony No. 2 (Victor Norman cond.) [8-25-84] Gilbert & Sullivan: HMS Pinafore operetta (D’Oyle Carte Opera Co./Edwards) [Jun ‘00, 5x] Ginastera: Variaciones Concertantes [4-9-84] Giordano: Andrea Chenier/Nimco della patria [5-15-89/Haile] Glazounov: Triumphal March [13 Jun—5 Jul 93, 4x] Gliere: Red Poppy/Russian Sailor’s Dance [5-27-90, 7-1-90—8-25-90, 11x; 8-23-08] Gluck: Orfeo/Dance of the Blessed Spirits [11-28/29-87; 11-29-97; 11-26-05] Gluck: Orfeo/Dance of the Furies [Nov-Dec ‘83, 6x; 11-25-08] Goldsmith: Star Trek theme [7-17-85] Goldsmith: Star Trek Through the Years [7-4-99] Gould: American Symphonette No. 2 [5-29-05; 7-16-05; 5-27-12; 6-9-12] Gould: American Salute [Jun-Sep ‘88, 13x; Sep ‘00, 3x; 5-27-01; 5-27-07] Gounod: Faust: Jewel Song (Wilhelmina Fernandez) [10-24/25-86] Gounod: Messe Solennele (Johannes Somary/FCC) [5-5-84] Grainger: Colonial Song (arr. for multi brass) [3-21-92] Grainger: The Immovable Do [1-22-00] Grainger: Irish Tune from County Derry (Brion cond.) [7-31-85] Grainger: Irish Tune from County Derry [1-31&2-2-78; 7-21-78; 4-20-79; 10-25-79; 2-28/3-1-86; 5-30-97; 8-23-08] Grainger: Mock Morris [1-31&2-2-78; 7-21-78; 4-20-79; 10-25-79] Graun: Horn Concerto in D (Kait Mahony) [3-29-03] Green: Xylophonia (Patrick Smith) [10-18/19-03] Gretry: Judgment of Midas Ovt. [11-18/24-84; 12-3-84; 11-24/28-84; 2-23-85; 6-5/5/12/18-05] Grieg: Holberg Suite [Mar-Apr ‘81, 4x; 4-24-81] Grieg: Piano Concerto in A Minor (?) [12-16-84] Griffes: Three Tone Pictures [3-22-97] Griffith, D.W.: “The Musketeers of Pig Alley” movie accompaniment [5-12-12] Hamlisch: A Chorus Line selections [7-4-84; 2-28/3-1-86] Handel: Agrippina: l’Alma mia fra le tempeste (Amanda Hall) [11-27-10] Handel: Alcina ballet music [Nov ‘85, 4x; 11-25-95; 11-25-00; 11-25-08] Handel: Alcina/Tornami a vagheggiar (Rachel Watkins) [11-25-00] Handel: Alcina/Tornami a vagheggiar (Lielle Robertson) [11-27-04] Handel: Alcina/Tornami a vagheggiar (Katherine Polit) [11-28-09] Handel: Alcina/Tornami a vagheggiar (Alison King) [11-30-2013]

Handel: 2 arias (Recbecca Langhurst, sopr.) [11-26-94] Handel: Atalanta Overture [11-27-99] Handel: Atalanta/Care selve (Carla Cortner) [11-18/24-84; 12-3-84; 11-24/28-84; 2-23-85] Handel: Ariodante/Dopo notte (Judith Malafronte) [12-5/10/11-81] Handel: Bernice/minuet [Nov-Dec ‘83, 6x; 11-26-94; 11-25-06] Handel: Chandos Anthem No. 9: O, Praise the Lord (Brown/UCG) [11-12-89] Handel: Concerto a due cori No. 2 in D (trpt. vers. of Con. in F for Horns) [4-16-88] Handel: Concerto a due cori No. 2 in F [4-16-88] Handel: Concerto in B-flat for Harp (Rebecca Flannery) [11-29/30-86] Handel: Concerto in B-flat for Organ, Op. 4, No. 6 (Kenneth Cowan) [2-24-01] Handel: Concerto in F for Organ, Op. 4, No. 5 (Coffey, org.) [4-19-86] Handel: Concerto Grosso in G, Op. 3, No. 3 [2-11-77; 5-9-87; 10-7-00] Handel: Concerto Grosso in G, Op. 6, No. 1 [11-2-75; 5-9-76; 10-23-85; Nov ‘85, 4x] Handel: Concerto Grosso in G, Op. 6, No. 1i [10-15-85] Handel: Concerto Grosso in D, Op. 6, No. 5 [1-27/28-81; 2-24-2001; 2-25-01] Handel: Concerto Grosso in G minor, Op. 6, No. 6 [2-6-85; 2-3-07] Handel: Concerto Grosso in G Minor, Op. 6, No. 6/Mussette [11-18/24-84; 12-3-84; 11-24/28-84; 2-23-85; 4-28-85; 11-27-99] Handel: Concerto Grosso in B-flat, Op. 6, No. 7 [4-21-12] Handel: Coronation Anthem No. 1: Zakok the Priest (NHC) [12-5/10/11-81] Handel: Ezio/Nasce al bosco (Blanche Porto) [11-17/18-81] Handel: Floriodante/Oh dolce mio speranza (Susan Pierson) [11-28-98] Handel: Giulio Cesare/Piangero (Risa Renae Harmon, sopr.) [11-30-91; 12-8-91] Handel: Giulio Cesare/Piangero (Stepahie Gregory) [11-24-07] Handel: Guilio Cesare/V’adoro pupille (Christina Martos) [11-30-02] Handel: Gloria (Lee) [11-24-0; 2-22-02; 3-2/3/9-02] Handel: Hercules: Where shall I fly (Tamara Mumford) [11-29-03] Handel: Israel in Egypt (Somary/FCC) [12-4-77] Handel: Jeptha/Deeper and deeper...Waft her wings (Michael More, tenor) [11-27-99] Handel: Messiah (Sjogren/Pro Arte Singers) [12-5-82] Handel: Messiah (NHC) [12-1-89; 12-4-93; 12-3/11-94] Handel: Messiah/But who may abide (Ian Howell) [11-26-05] Handel: Messiah/Comfort ye (Brian Downen) [11-20-96] Handel: Messiah/Hallelujah (New Haven Chorale) [11-28/29-87; 11-24-01] Handel: Messiah/Hallelujah (NHC & various) [Nov-Dec ‘88, 6x] Handel: Messiah/Hallelujah (Con Brio) [11-28-98; 11-27-99; 12-10-99] Handel: Messiah/selections (Carl Halvorson, UCG choir) [12-10/11-82] Handel: Messiah/selections (NHC) [11-24-01] Handel: Messiah/selections (Martha Oneppo) [11-26-88—12-4-88, 5x] Handel: Messiah/selections (Con Brio) [11-28-98] Handel: Messiah/But who may abide (Ian Howell) [2-3-07] Handel: Ode for Queen Anne/Eternal source of light (Barbara Yeichner) [Nov ‘92, 4x] Handel: Orlando/Mad Scene (Ian Howell) [2-3-07] Handel: Partenope/Furibondo (Ian Howell) [11-26-05] Handel: Psalm 112: Laudate pueri dominum (Somary/FCC) [11-21-81] Handel: Rinaldo/Vo’ far guerro (Susan Pierson) [11-28-98] Handel: Samson/Let the Bright Seraphim (Ann Diers) [Nov-Dec ‘83, 6x] Handel: Samson/Let the Bright Seraphim (Risa Renae Harmon, sopr.) [11-30-91; 12-8-91] Handel: Samson/Let the bright seraphim (Mireille Asselin) [11-29-08] Handel: Samson/Let the bright seraphim (Amanda Hall) [11-27-10] Handel: Samson/Let Their Celestial Concerts All Unite (UCG choir) [Nov-Dec ‘83, 6x] Handel: Semele/Where’er you walk (Susan Yankee-Friend) [11-21/27-93] Handel: Solomon/Entrance of the Queen of Sheba [12-9/10/11-82; 11-28-98] Handel: Solomon/Praise the Lord (NHC) [11-29/30-86] Handel: Suite in D for Trumpet “Water Piece” (Ken Tedeschi, trumpet) [11-24-07] Handel: Water Music Suites 1-3 [2-21-87; 1-27-96] Handel: Water Music selections [4-23/24-78; 4-20-79; 12-12-80; 12-9/10/11-82; 11-18/24/28-84; 12-3-84; 11-24/28-84; 2-23-85; 12-23-85; 6-18-88; 11-29-03; 12-7-03] Handel: Water Music, Suite No. 1, #3 Allegro [11-30-2013] Handel: Wedding Anthem (Sing Unto God) [12-12-80] Handel: Wedding Anthem (Sing Unto God)/Finale [11-25-89] Handel: Wedding Anthem (Sing Unto God)/Finale (Michael More & Con Brio) [11-27-99] Handel: Wedding Anthem for Princess Anne (New Haven Chorale) [11-28/29-87] Handel: Xerxes/No so, se sia la speme (Ian Howell) [11-26-05] Handel: Xerxes/Ombra mai fu (Blanche Porto) [11-17/18-81]

Handel: Xerxes/Ombra mai fu (Malafronte) [12-5/10/11-81] Handel: Xerxes/Ombra mai fu (Susan Yankee-Friend) [11-21/27-93] Handel: Xerxes/Ombra mai fu (Ian Howell) [11-26-05] Handel: Xerxes/Ombra mai fu (Ian Howell) [2-3-07] Handel: Xerxes/Ombra mai fu (Andrew Craig Brown) [11-26-11] Hanson: Pastorale for Oboe (Bodner; Victor Norman cond.) [8-18-84] Hanson: Piano Concerto in G (Janice Weber; Victor Norman cond.) [8-13-83] Hanson: Serenade (Greenbaum; Victor Norman cond.) [8-18-84] Haydn: Cello Concerto in D (Bailen) [4-20/21-91] Haydn: Cello Concerto in D (Thomas) [4-28-01] Haydn: Concerto in F for Violin & Harpsichord (Eva Grusser, Linda Skernick) [11-28/29-87] Haydn: Creation (Somary/FCC) [5-1-82] Haydn: Creation (CONCORA) [4-25/26-87] Haydn: Harpsichord Concerto in D (Chas. Rudig) [6-24-80] Haydn: Horn Concerto No. 1 in D (Ann Yarbrough) [2-7/8/17&3-19-80] Haydn: Horn Concerto No. 1 in D (Robt. Hoyle) [3-21-09] Haydn: Mass in B flat “Heiligemesse” (Somary/FCC) [2-12-78] Haydn: Mass in C “In tempore belli” (Allen Brown/UCG choir) [11-13-83] Haydn: Mass in C “In tempore belli” (Amor Artis/Somary) [4-10-07] Haydn: Mass in D Minor “Lord Nelson” (UCG/Brown) [11-13-88] Haydn: Overture in D (Hob. IA:4) [1-31&2-2-78; 4-28-01] Haydn: Serenade (SQ Op. 3, No. 5 ii) [11-26-88—12-4-88, 5x] Haydn: Sinfonia Concertante in B flat (Goldberg, Bailen, Bodner, G. Bennett) [10-17-84] Haydn: Symphony No. 22 in E flat [3-21-09] Haydn: Symphony No. 30 in C “Alleluia” [9-29-01] Haydn: Symphony No. 31 in D “Hornsignal” [11-2-75] Haydn: Symphony No. 48/i in C “Maria Theresa” [11-18/24-84; 12-3-84; 11-24/28-84; 2-23-85; 4-28-85] Haydn: Symphony No. 49 in F Minor “La Passione” [10-7-2000] Haydn: Symphony No. 51 in B flat [4-17-04] Haydn: Symphony No. 53 in D “L’Imperiale” [2-25-79; 4-16/17/29-82] Haydn: Symphony No. 53 in D/i&iv [11-27-99] Haydn: Symphony No. 53 in D/iv [12-5/10/11-81] Haydn: Symphony No. 60 in C [11-30-02] Haydn: Symphony No. 60 in C/iv-vi [Nov ‘85, 4x; 12-7-02] Haydn: Symphony No. 75 in D/i [Nov-Dec ‘83, 6x] Haydn: Symphony No. 77 in B flat [2-11-77; 10-16-93; 3-21-09] Haydn: Symphony No. 82 in C “L’Ours” [11-21/27-93; 11-29-03; 12-7-03] Hadyn: Symphony No. 83 in G “Le Poule” [4-28-01] Haydn: Symphony No. 85 in B flat “La Reine” [2-6-85; 11-28-09] Haydn: Symphony No. 86 in D [Nov ‘92, 4x; 11-24-01] Haydn: Symphony No. 88 in G [11-25-95; 11-24-07] Haydn: Symphony No. 89 in F [2-22-92] Haydn: Symphony No. 90 in C [11-26-94; 11-29-08] Haydn: Symphony No. 91 in E flat [4-17-04] Haydn: Symphony No. 92 in G “Oxford” [11-24-90; 11-25-00] Haydn: Symphony No. 93 in D [11-25-06] Haydn: Symphony No. 94 in G “Surprise” [4-9-86; 11-26-11] Haydn: Symphony No. 96 in D “Miracle” [11-29-97; 11-27-10; 11-30-2013] Haydn: Symphony No. 97 in C [11-24-12] Haydn: Symphony No. 98 in B flat [11-20-96] Haydn: Symphony No. 102 in B flat [10-20-90; 11-26-05] Haydn: Violin Concerto No. 1 in C (Raphael Ryger) [11-25-00] Hayman: ‘Pops’ Hoe-Down [summer ‘89, 10x] Herbert: American Fantasy [7-4-82; 8-14-82; 7-4-85] Herbert: Eileen operetta (Evans Haile/New Amsterdam Opera) [3-15/16/17-84] Herbert: Favorites [8-14-82] Herbert: March of the Toy Soldiers [12-17-83] Herbert: Ocean Breezes Waltz [7-10-85; 10-15-85] Herbert: Sweethearts (Martha Oneppo, Richard Lalli) [Jul-Aug ‘86 (12x)] Herbert: Thine Alone (Martha Oneppo, Richard Lalli) [8-9/30-86; 2-28-87; July-Sep ‘87, 14x] Herold: Zampa Ovt. [Aug-Sep ‘87] Hindemith: Five Pieces for Strings [10-5-78; 11-30&12-1/5-78; 2-25-79; 1-25-97] Hindemith: Kammermusik No. 1 [3-14-87; 4-28-02] Hindemith: Kammermusik No. 3 (Concerto for Cello) (Barrett Sills) [11-2-79]

Hindemith: Kammermusik No. 7 (Concerto for Organ) (Martin Jean, organist) [2-20-99] Holst: Fugal Concerto (Adrianne Greenbaum, fl; Vicki Bodner, ob) [2-20-93; 3-2-93] Holst: Holberg Suite [3-25-00] Holst: The Hymn of Jesus (Somary/FCC) [3-6-82] Holst: Lyric Movement (Paul Yarbrough) [11-30&12-1/5-78] Holst: Lyric Movement (Segelstein) [10-7-2000] Holst: St. Pauls’s Suite [3-5/6-78; 3-25-00] Honegger: Pastorale d’Ete [4-23/24-78; 11-30&12-1/5-78; 3-21-98] Horner: Hollywood Blockbusters [5-25-14; 6-7-14] Hovhannes: Prayer of St. Gregory (Charles Bumcrot) [4-20/21-91] Hummel: Trumpet Concerto (Charles Bumcrot) [10-8-94] Humperdinck: Hansel und Gretel Vorspiel [12-9-2000] Ibert: Capriccio [1-27-2001] Ibert: Divertissement [4-22-76; 5-9-76; 7-2-76; 7-21-78; 6-2-79; 2-13-82] Ibert: Divertissement–Waltz [5-29-89 — 9-3-89 = 13x] Ippolitov-Ivanov: Caucasian Sketches/Procession of the Sardar [5-27-90; 7-1-90—8-25-90, 11x] Ives: Charlie Rutlage, ed. Singleton (premiere) [3-3-74] Ives: Chromâtimelôdtune, ed. Singleton (premiere) [3-3-74] Ives: The Circus Band [March], ed. Singleton (premiere) [10-21-74; 4-3-98] Ives: “Country Band” March, ed. Sinclair [3-3-74 (premiere); 4-25/26-81; 3-17-84; 10-27-84; 5-29-89 — 9-3-89, 13x; 2-24-90; 5-31-96; 5-30-97; 4-17-99; 4-25-09; 3-8-2014] Ives: Decoration Day (end), ed. Sinclair [5-26-02; 5-28-06; 5-29-11] Ives: Evening, ed. Singleton [3-3-74 (premiere); 7-2-76; 2-11-77; 4-3-98; 9-29-01; 10-19&29-06 & 11-11-06] Ives: The Gong on the Hook and Ladder or Firemen’s Parade on Main Street, ed. Sinclair Ives: Four Ragtime Dances, ed. Sinclair [2-13-82 (premiere); 3-17-84; 3-6-85; 2-24-90; 5-1-04] Ives: Ragtime Dance No. 1 (premiere) [4-22-76] Ives: Ragtime Dance No. 2 (premiere) [10-21-74] Ives: Ragtime Dance No. 3 (premiere) [2-25-76] Ives: Ragtime Dance No. 4 (premiere) [10-21-74] Ives: Fugue in Four Keys on “The Shining Shore”, ed. JK [3-3-74 (premiere); 10-19&29-06 & 11-11-06; 3-8-2014] Ives: Halloween [10-19&29-06 & 11-11-06] Ives: Holiday Quickstep, ed. Sinclair (premiere) [3-3-74] Ives: Largo Cantabile (Hymn), ed. Sinclair [3-3-74; 10-5-78; 1-30-93; 2-7-93; 2-22-03] Ives: Largo Cantabile (Hymn), ed. Sinclair (Bailen) [5-7-11] Ives: Largo: The Indians [3-3-74; 4-3-98] Ives: Luck and Work [4-3-98] Ives: March No. 2 “Son of a Gambolier”, ed. Singleton [3-3-74 (premiere); 3-8-2014] Ives: March No. 3: My Old Kentucky Home, ed. Singleton [3-3-74 (premiere); 7-2-76; 7-4-82; 3-17-84; 10-19&29-06 & 11-11-06] Ives: Mists, ed. Singleton [3-3-74 (premiere); 7-2-76; 2-11-77; 9-29-01] Ives: Old Home Day [March], ed. Singleton (premiere) [10-21-74] Ives: An Old Song Deranged, ed. Singleton [3-3-74 (premiere); 2-11-77; 10-16/19-80; 12-16-80; 1-30-93; 2-7-93; 4-3-98] Ives: Overture & March “1776”, ed. Sinclair [3-3-74 (premiere); 4-3-98; 5-29-98] Ives: Overture in G Minor, ed. Porter (premiere) [9-15-07] Ives: The Pond [7-2-76] Ives: The Rainbow [9-29-01] Ives: Remembrance, ed. Singleton (premiere) [3-3-74] Ives: Scherzo: Holding Your Own [1-30-93; 2-7-93; 2-22-03] Ives: Scherzo: The See’r [4-3-98] Ives: Set No. 2 (Indians, Gyp, Last Reader), ed. Singleton (premiere) [3-3-74] Ives: Set No. 6 “From the Side Hill” (Mists, Rainbow, Afterglow, Evening) [9-29-01] Ives: Set for Theatre Orchestra, ed. Singleton [10-21-74 (premiere); 10-24/25-86; 3-8-2014] Ives: Set for Theatre Orchestra, ed. Singleton/In the Cage [4-3-98] Ives: Set of Incomplete Works and Fragments, ed. Sinclair (premiere) [10-21-74; 3-8-2014] Ives: Sneak Thief, ed. Lacny (premiere) (YSM chorus) [10-21-74] Ives: 4 Songs (Old Home Day, Indians, Remembrance, Charlie Rutlage; Paul Winter, sax) [3-8-2014] Ives: 5 Songs (Richard Lalli, baritone) [2-18-95] Ives: Swimmers, ed. Sinclair (premiere) [3-3-74] Ives: Symphony No. 3 “The Camp Meeting”, ed. Singleton [2-25-76; 2-4/6-84; 2-11/18-89; 10-16/17-92; 3-21-98; 4-3-98; 3-8-2014] Ives: Symphony No. 4/Fugue, ed. Singleton [10-16/19-80; 12-16-80; 10-23-85; 4-3-98; 3-8-2014] Ives: They Are There!, ed. Sinclair (premiere) (YSM chorus & audience) [10-21-74] Ives: Three Places in New England, v.2, ed. Sinclair (w/slides by Wes Thomas) [3-12/14-83] Ives: Three Places in New England, v.2, ed. Sinclair [3-10/11-79; 3-17-84; 2-24-90] Ives: Three Places in New England/Housatonic, v.2, ed. Sinclair [4-3-98; 4-25-09]

Ives: Three Places in New England/Putnam’s Camp, v.1, ed. Sinclair [Sep ‘00, 3x; 9-9/16/24-01; 9-15-07] Ives: Three Places in New England/Putnam’s Camp, v.2, ed. Sinclair [9-30-84] Ives: The Unanswered Question, v.2 [7-17-85; 4-18-98; 4-25-09] Ives: Washington’s Birthday, ed. Sinclair [1-31&2-2-78; 2-7/8/17&3-9/19-80; 4-25/26-81; 3-12-86; 2-22-03] Ives: Washington’s Birthday/Barn Dance, ed. Sinclair [4-23/24-78; 4-24-81; 3-17-84] Ives: Washington’s Birthday (orig. version, arr. Sinclair) [2-8-014] James, Dorothy: Pastorales for Clarinet (Cheryl Hill, Victor Norman cond.) [8-18-84] Johnson, Hunter: For an Unknown Soldier (Adrianne Greenbaum) [2-22-03] Keaton, Buster: “The Play House” movie accompaniment [5-12-12; 5-4-13] Kling: The Elephant & the Fly [10-15-85] Knussen: Songs Without Voices [2-21-04] Kodaly: Hungarian Rondo [4-16/17/29-82] Kuss: Cello Concerto (Mihai Marica) [5-2-09] Kuss: Concertino for Viola (premiere) (Marlene Segelstein) [4-10-10] Kuss: Sounds...Distant (Hsiao-Mei Ku vln, Jennifer Chang guzheng) [5-7-11] Kuss: Violin Concerto (Eric Pritchard) [5-9-08] Kraehenbuehl: Cantata “Drumfire” (Amor Artis/Somary) [4-10-07] Laitman: Echo (Anton Belov) [10-5-2002] Laitman: The Ballad Singer (Anton Belov) [10-5-2002] Lamb: Ragtime Nightingale [3-22-97; 5-12-12] Lanner: Die Schonbrunner Walzer [2-7-86] Larsson: Trombone Concertino (Clifford Haynes) [3-24-01]X Lehar: Gold and Silver Waltz [2-7-86; Jul-Aug ‘86, 14x; 3-11-88; 12-31-88; 9-6-91; 12-31-91] Lehar: Merry Widow: Vilja’s Song [5-16-88; 12-31-91; 9-9-95; 6-21-96] Lehar: Merry Widow: Waltz Duet (Haile cond.) [5-16-88] Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 [5-27-90; 7-1-90—8-25-90, 11x] Locke: The Tempest/Largo [12-9/10/11-82; 11-24-90; 2-6-10] Loewe: Camelot selection [7-17-04; 5-27-07] Loewe: My Fair Lady selections [5-30-04; 5-29-11] Lully: Celebrated Gavotte [Nov-Dec ‘83, 6x] Lully: Roland - Chaconne [9-29-01] Mahler/Schoenberg: Das Lied von der Erde (Sasha Cooke, Sam Levine) [3-10-12] X Mahler: Five Rückert Lieder (Christophoren Nomura, baritone) [1-30-93] Mahler: Five Rückert Lieder (Judith Malafronte, mezzo) [4-2-05] Mahler: Songs of a Wayfarer (Rebecca Ringle, mezzo) [3-25-06] Mahler/Schoenberg: Symphony No. 4 [3-26-11] Mahler: Symphony No. 5/Adagietto [2-21-98] Manfredini: Concerto in D for 2 Trumpets (Chas. Bumcrot, Rich Clymer) [2-20-93; 3-2-93] Marcello, A.: Oboe Concerto in C Minor (John Snow) [7-21-78] Marcello, A.: Oboe Concerto in C Minor (Vicki Bodner) [6-24-80; 11-30-91; 12-8-91] Martinu: Nonetto [2-21-04] Martinu: La Revue de Cuisine, suite [1-27-2001] Mendelssohn: Elijah (Somary/FCC) [11-22-80] Mendelssohn: Elijah (Brooks/Litchfield Choral) [7-19-87] Mendelssohn: Die Erste Walpugisnacht (Somary/FCC) [5-15-77] Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Ovt. [3-6-85] Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, complete music [4-22-89; 4-28-07] Mendelssohn: Octet for Strings [4-18-98] Mendelssohn: Overture [Notturno] in C, Op. 24 [1-22-00] Mendelssohn: Sinfonia No. 8 in D Major [10-18/19-03; 11-1-03] Mendelssohn: Sinfonia No. 10 in B Minor [1-25-97; 3-6-10; 5-23-10] Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 2/iii (Scherzo from Octet) [2-3-90] Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 4 “Italian” [10-5-2002] Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E (Arturo Delmoni, Mitch Miller cond.) [5-29-80] Menotti: Amahl and the Night Visitors opera (Wayne Davidson/CT Opera Express) [12-11/12-84] Menotti: The Telephone opera (Rachel Travis, Robt. Osborne) [2-5-83] Milhaud: Le Boeuf sur le Toit [5-14-05] Milhaud: La Creation du Monde (Mitch Miller cond.) [4-9-83] Glenn Miller: Little Brown Jug, In the Mood, Moonlight Serenade [5-25-14; 6-7-14] Minkus: Don Quixote ballet/Pas de deux (Chamber Dance Co.) [5-9-76]

Molter: Trumpet Concerto No. 2 in D (Chas. Bumcrot) [2-26-00] Monti: Czardas (Reed Smith) [Jul-Aug ‘86, 14x] Moryl: The Pond (premiere) (Julius Baker) [9-30-84] Mott, David: Tube (premiere) [2-25-76] Mozart, L.: Toy Symphony [12-17-83; 11-21-27-93] Mozart, L.: Toy Symphony/minuet [12-9-2000] Mozart: Abduction from the Seraglio Ovt. [5-15-89/Haile cond.] Mozart: Abduction/O wie ängstliche (Michael More, tenor) [11-27-99] Mozart: Adagio & Fugue in C Minor, K. 546 [1-25-97; 3-6-10] Mozart: Ave verum corpus, K. 618 (New Haven Chorale) [1-23-81] Mozart: Ave verum corpus, K. 618 (Con Brio) [12-10-99] Mozart: Bassoon Concerto, K. 186E (Arthur Weisberg, bsn) [4-22-76] Mozart: Bella mia fiamma (Dawn Upshaw) [3-12-86] Mozart: Chi sa, qual sia, K. 582 (Susan Pierson) [11-28-98] Mozart: La Clemenza di Tito: Deh, per questo (Tamara Mumford) [11-29-03] Mozart: Clarinet Concerto (Romain Guyot, clarinetist) [3-21-98] Mozart: Clarinet Concerto (Alexander Fiterstein) [12-14-03] Mozart: La clemenza di Tito: Parto, Parto (Sasha Cooke, mezzo) [3-28-08] Mozart: La clemenza di Tito: Deh, per questo (Sasha Cooke, mezzo) [3-28-08] Mozart: Concerto in C for Flute & Harp (Adrianne Greenbaum, Debra Thalberg) [10-26-91] Mozart: Concerto Rondo in E-flat for Horn [11-25-95] Mozart: Cosi fan tutte Ovt. [10-5-96] Mozart: Cosi fan tutte/Come scoglio (Mary Gould) [2-14-92] Mozart: Cosi fan tutte/Come scoglio (Stephanie Conte, sopr.) [11-29-97] Mozart: Così fan tutte /Come scoglio(Alison King) [11-30-213] Mozart: Cosi fan tutte/Rivolgete a lui (Daniel Bircher) [11-25-06] Mozart: Dalla sua pace (Brian Downen, tenor) [11-20-96] Mozart: Divertimento in D, K. 136 [10-29-83; 3-25-00] Mozart: Divertimento in D/i, K. 136 [10-26-91] Mozart: Divertimento in D, K. 251 [4-11-92 (A.Post cond.); 2-21-04] Mozart: Divertimento in D, K. 320b [4-2-05] Mozart: Divertimento in D, K. 320b: Minuet [11-25/30-85; 5-31-96; 11-27-99] Mozart: Don Giovanni Ovt. [2-8/14-87] Mozart: Don Giovanni selections for winds/arr. Triebense [2-8/14-87] Mozart: Don Giovanni: Dalla sua pace (Michael More, tenor) [11-27-99] Mozart: Don Giovanni/La ci darem la mano (Katherine Polit, Christopher Grundy) [11-28-09] Mozart: Don Giovanni/Il mio tesoro (Edward Crader, tenor) [11-25-89] Mozart: Don Giovanni/Il mio tesoro (Michael More, tenor) [11-27-99] Mozart: Don Giovanni/Madamina, il catalogo (Andrew Craig Brown) [11-26-11] Mozart: Don Giovanni/Mi tradi aquelle (Haile cond.) [5-16-88] Mozart: Don Giovanni/Mi tradi aquelle (Stephanie Gregory, soprano) [11-24-07] Mozart: Don Giovanni Overture Mozart: Eine kleine Nachtmusik [9-28-79; 2-7/8/17&3-6/9/19-80; 12-3-01; 11-11-10] Mozart: Exultate jubilate, K. 158A (Dawn Kotoski, sopr.) [2-22-92] Mozart: Exultate jubilate, K. 158A [3-2-94] Mozart: Exultate jubilate, K. 158A (Susan Pierson) [12-10-99] Mozart: Flute Concerto No. 1 in G (Adrianne Greenbaum) [2-20-88] Mozart: Flute Concerto No. 2 in D, K. 285D (Marya Martin) [10-25-80] Mozart: German Dance No. 3 in C “Sleigh Ride” [10-13-86; 11-24-90; 11-26-94; 11-25-95; 11-20-96; 12-10-99; 11-25-00; 11-30-02; 11-29-03; 11-27-04; 11-26-05; 11-25-06; 11-24-07; 11-25-08; 11-28-09; 11-27-10; 11-26-11] Mozart: Horn Concerto No. 3 (Eric Ruske) [10-29-88] Mozart: Horn Concerto No. 3 (Mahony) [1-29-88] Mozart: Horn Concerto No. 4 (James Ross) [9-28-79] Mozart: Idomeneo/Se il padre perdei (Dawn Kotoski) [2-22-92] Mozart: Magic Flute/Ach, ich fuhl’s & Queen of the Night (Lielle Robertson) [11-27-04] Mozart: Magic Flute/Ach, ich fuhl’s (Recbecca Langhurst, sopr.) [11-26-94] Mozart: Vorrei spiegarvi, oh Dio, K. 418 (Recbecca Langhurst, sopr.) Mozart: Magic Flute/Act II finale (Yale Opera & Shubert Opera/Peter Sacco cond.) [2-13-93] Mozart: Magic Flute/Papageno, Papagena (Haile cond.) [5-16-88] Mozart: Magic Flute/Papageno, Papagena (Katherine Polit, Christopher Grundy) [11-28-09] Mozart: Magic Flute/Queen of the Night aria (Risa Renae Harmon) [11-30-91; 12-8-91] Mozart: Magic Flute/Der Vogel fanger bin ich (Christophoren Nomura, baritone) [1-30-93] Mozart: Magnificat, K. 193 (New Haven Chorale) [1-23-81] Mozart: March in D ‘Haffner’, K. 385A [10-20-90]

Mozart: March No. 1 in D, K. 320A [10-14-89] Mozart: Mass in C “Coronation”, K. 317 (David Thomas/Trinity Chorale) [11-20-83] Mozart: Mass in C Minor “The Great”, K. 417A (Somary/FCC) [11-21-81] Mozart: Mass in C Minor “The Great”, K. 417A (Brown/UCG) [11-15-87] Mozart: Mentre ti lascio, o figlia, K. 513 (Christophoren Nomura, baritone) [1-30-93] Mozart: Minuet No. 3 in D [“Merry Christmas”] [11-24-90; Nov ‘92, 4x; 11-26-94; 11-20-96; 11-25-95; 11-20-96; 11-29-97; 11-25-00; 11-30-02; 11-29-03; 11-27-04; 11-26-05; 11-25-06; 11-24-07; 11-25-08; 11-28-09; 11-27-10; 11-26-11; 11-24-2012; 11-30-2013] Mozart: Ein Musikalscher Spass/finale, K. 522 [Nov ‘92, 4x] Mozart: Nehmt meinen dank, K. 383 (Barbara Yeichner) [Nov ‘92, 4x] Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro/Deh vieni (Rachel Watkins) [11-25-00] Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro/Dove sono (Stephanie Conte, sopr.) [11-29-97] Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro/Dove sono (Christina Martos) [11-30-02] Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro/Dove sono (Amanda Hall) [11-27-10] Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro/Dove sono (Alison King) [11-30-2013] Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro/Non piu andrai (Anton Belov) [10-5-2002] Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro/Non so piu cosa son (Sasha Cooke, mezzo) [3-28-08] Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro Overture [9-28-79; 10-5-2002] Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro/Se vuol ballare (Christophoren Nomura, baritone) [1-30-93] Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro/Vedro mentre io sospire (Daniel Bircher) [11-25-06] Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro/Vedro mentre io sospire (Christopher Grundy) [11-28-09] Mozart: Le Nozze di Figaro/Voi che sapete [5-15-89/Haile cond.] Mozart: Per questa bella mano (David Pittsinger) [11-25/30-85] Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 13 in C, K. 415 (David Breitman, fortepianist) [10-5-96] Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 14 in E flat, K. 449 (David Breitman, fortepianist) [10-4-97] Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 14 in E flat, K. 449 (Jonathan Shames) [2-4/6-84] Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 17 in G, K. 453 (Andrews Sill; David Thomas cond.) [11-20-83] Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 23 in A, K. 488 (David Breitman, fortepianist) [10-5-96] Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 25 in C, K. 503 (John Kirkpatrick) [1-31&2-2-78] Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 25 in C, K. 503 (Thomas Dickinson) [2-24/25-90] Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 27 in B-flat, K. 595 (Adam Nieman) [2-25-2001] Mozart: Il re pastore Ovt. [2-20-88] Mozart: Requiem (Maunder edn.) (CONCORA) [2-2/5/9-86] Mozart: Requiem (Beyer edn.) (David Thomas/Trinity Chorale) [4-4-80; 4-5-85] Mozart: Requiem (Beyer edn.) (Redeemer/Brooks cond.) [11-13-88] Mozart: Requiem (Beyer edn.) (Coffey/CONCORA) [2-22-02; 3-2/3/9-02] Mozart: Requiem (Sussmayr) (Mueller/New Haven Chorale) [3-8/10-91] Mozart: Serenade No. 5 in D (Eva Grusser) [2-20-88] Mozart: Serenade No. 6 in D [2-8/14-87] Mozart: Serenade No. 10 in B-flat “Gran Partita” [5-1-93; 1-28-06; 3-26-2006; 4-2-06] Mozart: Serenade No. 11 in E-flat [3-23-91; 1-22-00] Mozart: Serenade No. 12 in C Minor, K. 384a [10-22-88; 10-29-88; 1-29-89; 2-20-99] Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante in A, K. 320e (Ryger, Segelstein, Thomas) [11-29-97] Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante in E flat, K. 297B [10-29-83] Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante in E flat, K. 364 (Liz Adkins, Abe Skernick) [3-12-83] Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante in E flat, K. 364 (R. Ryger, Janet Lynch) [10-14-89] Mozart: Symphony No. in D “La Finta Giardin.”, K. 207A [2-5-83] Mozart: Symphony No. 23 in D [11-26-88—12-4-88, 5x; 1-29-89] Mozart: Symphony No. 24 in B flat [10-16/17-92; 2-7-93] Mozart: Symphony No. 25 in G Minor [10-16/17-92; 2-7-93] Mozart: Symphony No. 27 in G [10-16-93] Mozart: Symphony No. 29 in A [4-17-85; 4-28-85; 10-4-97] Mozart: Symphony No. 33 in B flat [2-13/14/15-81; 9-29-01] Mozart: Symphony No. 35 in D “Haffner” [10-29-83; 11-20-83; 11-30-91; 12-8-91; 11-27-04] Mozart: Symphony No. 36 in C “Linz” [10-14-89; 2-25-90] Mozart: Symphony No. 37 in G [10-14-89] Mozart: Symphony No. 37/i in G [10-13-86] Mozart: Symphony No. 38 in D “Prague” [10-29-88] Mozart: Symphony No. 39 in E flat [2-2/5/9-86] Mozart: Symphony No. 40 in G Minor [1-16-82; 10-26-91] Mozart: Symphony No. 41 in C “Jupiter” [9-28-79; 2-8/14-87] Mozart: Symphony No. 41/iii in C “Jupiter” [11-24-01] Mozart: Violin Concerto No. 4 in D, K. 218 (Juliette Kang, violinist) [10-20-90] Mozart: Violin Concerto No. 4 in D, K. 218 (Raphael Ryger) [3-10-91; 4-20/21-91]

Mozart: Violin Concerto No. 5 in A, K. 219 (Daniel Stepner) [4-16/17-82] Mozart: Violin Concerto No. 5 in A, K. 219 (Sandra Goldberg) [4-29-82] Mozart: Vorrei spiegarvi, oh Dio, K. 418 (Jane Bryden) [10-21-78] Mozart: Vorrei spiegarvi, oh Dio, K. 418 (Recbecca Langhurst, sopr.) [11-26-94] Mozart: Zaide/Ruhe zanft (Dawn Kotoski) [2-22-92] Mozart: Zaide/Ruhe zanft (Stephanie Gregory, soprano) [11-24-07] Mull, Jan: Concerto for Piano 4 Hands [4-2-94] Mussorgsky: Song of the Flea (Anton Belov) [10-5-2002] Nielsen: Flute Concerto (Marya Martin) [10-23-85] Offenbach: Tale of Hoffman/Barcorolle [7-8/22-95; 9-9-95] Offenbach: Orpheus in the Underworld Ovt. [4-20-79; Jun ‘85, 4x; 7-10-85; Aug-Sep ‘85, 5x; 6-21-96] Pachebel: Canon in D [10-5-78; 4-20-79; 12-5/10/11-81] Paganini: Moto Perpetuo (Sandra Goldberg) [11-17/18-81] Paine: Mass in D Major (Andrew Heath/Saugatuck Church Choir) [3-29-81] Pilobolus: What Grows in Huygen’s Window (premiere) [2-13-82] Piston: Divertimento for 9 Instruments [3-22-97; 10-19&29-06 & 11-11-06] Ponchielli: La Gioconda: Dance of the Hours [6-25-88—8-20-88, 13x] Porter: Fifty Million Frenchmen (modern revival) (Peggy Cass, Kim Criswell, Karen Ziemba, Jason Graae, Howard McMillan et al.; Evans Haile cond.) [May ‘91, 4x] Porter: Kiss Me Kate/selections [5-26-13] Poulenc: La Bal Masque (Chris Trakas) [2-6-85] Poulenc: Gloria (Somary/FCC) [2-16-80] Poulenc: Gloria (David Thomas/Trinity Choral) [12-16-84] Poulenc: Organ Concerto in G Minor (Larry Allen) [3-4-89] Poulenc: Organ Concerto in G Minor [6-18-89] Prokofiev: Alexander Nevsky (Somary/FCC) [5-15-77] Prokofiev: Love of Three Oranges/March & Scherzo [5-27-90] Pryor: Annie Laurie variations (Chansky) [Jul-Aug ‘86, 14x; 5-30-97] Pryor: The Blue Bells of Scotland (Edw. Chansky) (Brion cond.) [7-31-85] Pryor: The Blue Bells of Scotland (Edw. Chansky) [8-27/28-83; Jun ‘85, 4x; 7-4-85; Aug-Sep ‘85, 5x] Pryor: The Patriot (Edw. Chansky) [Aug-Sep ‘87, 20x] Pryor: Thoughts of Love (Edw. Chansky) [7-4-82; 8-14-82; 7-4-84; 9-9-84; 7-21-2001] Pryor: The Whistler and his Dog [9-9-84] Puccini: La Boheme/Musetta’s Waltz (Carli Gilbertson) [7-24-85] Puccini: La Boheme/Musetta’s Waltz (Martha Oneppo) [6-21-96] Puccini: Crisanthemi [3-6-10] Puccini: G. Schicchi/O mio bambino (Martha Oneppo) [12-31-91; 6-21-96] Puccini: Madama Butterfly opera (Doris Kosloff/CT Opera Express) [3-23/25- & 4-14-84] Puccini: Minuet No. 1 in A [11-17/18-81] Purcell: Abdelazer selections [11-24-01; 12-3-01; 12-3-11; 11-30-2013] Purcell: Dido & Aeneas Ovt. [11-26-88—12-4-88, 5x] Purcell: The Fairy Queen/Incidental Music [2-6-10] Purcell: The Fairy Queen/O let me weep (Martha Oneppo) [11-26-88—12-4-88, 5x] Purcell: The Fairy Queen Ovt. [Nov ‘92, 4x] Purcell: My Song Shall Be Alway (Richard Lalli; Paul Mueller cond.) [11-9-91] Quantz: Flute Concerto in G (Adrianne Greenbaum) [2-26-00] Rameau: D’Acanthe & Cephise/menuet [Nov-Dec ‘83, 6x] Rameau: Dardanus Suite [11-26-11] Rameau: Minuet [11-25-89] Ravel: Introduction and Allegro [2-21-04] Ravel: Piano Concerto in G (Michael Boriskin) [3-6-85] Ravel: Le Tombeau de Couperin [10-25-80] Reichardt: Rondeau in B flat for Glass Armonica (Vera Meyer) [11-28/29-87] Reinagle: Federal March [11-25-89; 11-25-08] Respighi: Ancient Airs & Dances, Suite I [4-17-85] Respighi: Ancient Airs & Dances, Suite III [11-17/18-81; 2-21-98] Revueltas: Homenaje a Frederico Garcia Lorca [1-22-00] Revueltas: Ocho por Radio [3-25-06] Rheinberger: Organ Concerto No. 1 [6-18-89]

Rodgers: Blue Moon [7-17-85] Rodgers: The King & I medley [5-28-06; 7-15-06; 5-27-12; 6-9-12] Rodgers: The Sound of Music medley [4-20-79; 5-27-01; 7-21-2001; 5-26-02; 7-20-02; 5-24-09] Rodgers: South Pacific, Symphonic Scenario [5-25-08; 8-23-08] Rodgers: Victory at Sea [5-28-06; 5-26-13] Rodrigo: Concierto de Aranjuez (Ben Verdery) [9-30-84] Rodrigo: Concierto de Aranjuez (Sharon Isbin) [3-10/11-79] Romberg: New Moon Ovt. (Haile cond.) [5-16-88] Rorem: Eleven Studies for 11 Players [3-22-97] Rorem: Organ Concerto [6-18-89] Rosenmüller: Cantanta “In Te Domino” (Ian Howell) [2-3-07] Rossini: The Barber of Seville opera (Wayne Davidson/CT Opera Express) [9-22 & 11-2-84] Rossini: The Barber of Seville Ovt. [9-30-84; 10-17-84; 4-17-99] Rossini: The Barber of Seville/Una voce poco fa (June Anderson; Frank Brieff cond.) [11-22-86] Rossini: The Barber of Seville/Una voce poco fa (Mary Gould; Thomas Toscano cond.) [2-14-92] Rossini: La Gazza Ladra Ovt. [7-24-85] Rossini: L’Italiana in Algieri Overture [5-14-05] Rossini: La Scala di Seta Ovt. [4-22-76; 5-9-76; 2-4/6-84] Rossini: Serenata per piccolo complesso [10-24/26-76; 3-12-83; 10-7-2000] Rossini: Semiramide/Bel raggio (June Anderson; Frank Brieff cond.) [11-22-86] Rossini: Il Signor Bruschino Ovt. [4-23/24-78; 2-25-79; 3-10/11-79] Rossini: William Tell Ovt. (Keith Brion cond.) [7-31-85] Rossini: William Tell Ovt./omitting opening [6-5/5/12/18-05] Rubtsov: London Concertino for flute (Adrianne Greenbaum) [3-6-10; 5-23-10] Russo: Celebration (premiere) [10-2-99] Russo: Chamber Symphony (premiere) [5-1-04] Russo: Changes (premiere) [4-10-10] Russo: Concerto for Flute & Oboe (premiere) (Adrianne Greenbaum, fl; Vicki Bodner, ob) [5-21-94] Russo: Concerto for Flute, Oboe, and String/mvt. 2 (Elssa Green, Nobuo Kitagawa) [10-19&29-06 & 11-11-06] Russo: Concordance (premiere) [3-21-92] Russo: Elegy for Strings [3-14-87 (premiere); 1-23-99] Russo: For Ted (premiere) (Clifford Haynes) [3-24-01]X Russo: Four Pieces for Strings: Homage to Bach (premiere) [3-21-09] Russo: In Memoriam (premiere) [9-29-01] Russo: Prayer (premiere) [3-4-89] Russo: Reunion (premiere) (Adrianne Greenbaum, Elssa Green, Eliz. Singleton) [3-24-01] Russo: Symphony No. 2 (premiere) [3-23-13] Ryba: Czech Christmas Mass (David Thomas/Trinity Choral) [12-16-84] Ryden: An American Suite (premiere) [2-8-2014] Ryden: Concertino for Clarinet & Small Orch. (Reesa Gringorten) [10-16-93] Ryden: Concerto for Piccolo (Adrianne Greenbaum) [2-18-95] Ryden: Concerto in Ragtime (John Arpin, pianist) [4-11-92] Ryden: Kaleidosope (Concerto for Percussion) (Patrick Smith) [4-28-02; 10-19-02] Ryden: Sonata for Trumpet & Strings (Charles Bumcrot) [1-25-97] Ryden: Tango No. 5 for Clarinet (Reesa Gringorten) [10-16-93] Ryden: Three Pieces in Ragtime [4-11-92] Ryden: Through a Looking-Glass (opera, concert premiere) [5-1-04] Ryden: Triple Play (concerto mvts. for violin, oboe, 2 horns) [1-23-99] Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals (Charles Osgood narr.) [2-13/14/15-81] Saint-Saëns: Cello Concerto No. 1 (A Minor) (Alban Gerhardt, cellist) [10-7-95] Saint-Saëns: Introduction & Rondo Capriccioso (Syoko Aki) [4-20-79] Saint-Saëns: Introduction & Rondo Capriccioso (Yonitte Ryger) [12-9-2000] Saint-Saëns: Requiem (Johannes Somary/FCC) [5-5-84] Saint-Saëns: Septet [1-25-03] Saint-Saëns: The Swan [7-8/22-95] Salieri: Piccolo Serenata in B flat/iii [11-25/30-85] Sammartini, G.: Concerto Grosso in G Minor [2-6-10] Sarasate: Carmen Fantasie (Kwak) [5-29-98] Sarasate: Navarra for 2 Violins (Christine Kwak, Raphael Ryger) [5-31-96] Scarlatti, A.: Cantata “Sulle sponde del Tebro” (Katherine Harris, Chas. Bumcrot) [2-6-10] Scarlatti, A.: Si suoni la tromba (Mireille Asselin) [11-29-08] Schnittke: Moz-art a la Haydn [4-28-01]X Schubert: Konzertstuck in D for Violin (Benny Kim) [4-17-85]

Schubert: Magnificat in C (Somary/FCC) [12-9-78] Schubert: Mass No. 2 in G (New Haven Chorale) [1-23-81] Schubert: Mass No. 6 in E flat (Somary/FCC) [12-9-78] Schubert: Octet [2-24-96] Schubert: Overture in C Minor [5-7-11] Schubert: Rosamunde/selections (Somary cond.) [12-9-78] Schubert: Symphony No. 5 in B flat [3-5/6-78; 3-10/11-84; 10-8-94] Schumann: Cello Concerto in A Minor (Steven Thomas) [2-19-94] Shostakovich: Cello Concerto No. 1 (Carter Brey) [4-9-86] Shostakovich: Chamber Symphony No. 8 [5-21-94; 4-22-06] Shostakovich: The Execution of Stepan Razin (Somary/FCC) [12-4-82] Shostakovich: Piano Concerto No. 1 (Adam Neiman) [1-26-02; 2-3-02] Shore: The Fellowship of the Ring [5-25-14; 6-7-14] Sirota: Concerto for Organ [6-18-89] Skedgell: Horn Concerto (Kaitilin Mahony) [10-16/17-92] Sondheim: A Little Night Music Ovt. [5-15-89/Haile cond.] Soundheim: Selected songs from Broadway shows (1989) [5-15-89/Haile cond.] Sousa: Reine de la Mer Waltz (Keith Brion cond.) [7-31-85] Stamitz: Sinfonia Concertante in D [11-29/30-86] Stamitz: Concerto in B-flat for Clar. & Bsn (Reesa Gringorten, Gary Bennett) [2-20-93; 3-2-93] Strauss, J.: Blue Danube Waltz [4-20-79; 5-16-81; 12-31-82; 2-8-85; 7-17-85; 2-7-86; 3-11-88; 12-31-88; 12-31-91; 7-4-99] Strauss, J.: Du und Du Walzer [5-16-81; 12-31-82; 12-31-89] Strauss, J.: Eljen a Magjar! Polka schnell [5-27-90; Jul-Aug ‘90, 11x] Strauss, J.: Emperor Waltz [5-16-81; 12-31-82; 2-8-85; 2-7-86; 2-28/3-1-86; 3-11-88; 12-31-89; 12-31-91; 4-17-99] Strauss, J.: Die Fledermaus/Laughing Song (Francis Scarpa) [5-16-81] Strauss, J.: Die Fledermaus/Laughing Song (Carol Ann Manzi) [12-31-89] Strauss, J.: Die Fledermaus/Laughing Song (Martha Oneppo) [12-31-88; 12-31-91] Strauss, J.: Die Fledermaus/Act 1 Trio Finale (Francis Scarpa, Carmel Harris, Jack Litten) [5-16-81] Strauss, J.: Die Fledermaus/Act 1 Trio Finale (Carol Ann Manzi, Ruth Berger, Carl Barone) [12-31-89] Strauss, J.: Pizzicato Polka [2-3-90] Strauss, J.: Price Methusalem Ovt. [Jul-Aug ‘86, 12x] Strauss, J.: Roses from the South Waltz [12-31-82; 2-7-86; Jul-Aug ‘86, 14x; 2-28-87; 3-11-88; 12-31-89; 6-21-96] Strauss, J.: Schatz Walzer [3-11-88] Strauss, J.: Tales from the Vienna Woods Waltz [5-16-81; 9-9-84; 2-8-85; 2-7-86; 3-11-88] Strauss, J.: Voice of Spring Waltz [5-16-81; 7-4-82; 8-14-82; 12-31-82] Strauss, J.: Weiner Blut Waltzer [5-16-81; 12-31-82; 2-8-85; 2-7-86; Aug-Sep ‘87; 3-11-88] Strauss, J.: Wine, Women & Song Waltz [5-16-81; 12-31-82; 2-8-85; Jun ‘85, 4x; 7-10-85; Aug-Sep ‘85, 5x; 2-7-86; 3-11-88; 12-31-88; 12-31-89; 9-6-91; 12-31-91; 7-8/22-95; 9-9-95] Strauss, Jos.: Village Swallows Waltz [2-7-86] Strauss, R.: Also Sprach Zarathustra opening [7-17-85; 4-4- ; 5-25-14; 6-7-14] Strauss, R.: Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme suite [4-9-84; 5-9-08] Strauss, R.: Duet-Concertino (Reesa Gringorten, cl; Sue Zoellner-Cross, bn) [4-20/21-91] Strauss. R.: Horn Concerto No. 1 (Eric Ruske, hornist) [2-23-91] Strauss, R.: Metamorphosen [3-25-00] Strauss, R.: Serenade in E-flat, Op. 7 [2-20-99] Strauss, R.: Till Eulenspiegel (arr. Strauss) [2-24-96] Stravinsky: Concertino for Twelve Instruments [11-2-75; 5-9-76] Stravinsky: Dumbarton Oaks/Concerto in E flat [1-16-82; 3-19-94; 4-2-94] Stravinsky: Eight Instrumental Miniatures [3-14-87] Stravinsky: Firebird/Berceuse & Finale [5-31-96] Stravinsky: l’Histoire du Soldat (complete, w/actors & ballet) [Oct-Nov ‘82, 6x] Stravinsky: l’Histoire du Soldat (complete, w/actors) [5-1-93] Stravinsky: l’Histoire du Soldat (suite, instrumental) [4-22-76; 11-1/4/14-82; 1-25-03; 4-10-10X] Stravinsky: Octet [3-21-92] Stravinsky: Pulcinella suite [10-21-78; 10-23-85] Stravinsky: Rag-time [1-27-2001] Stravinsky: Le sacre du Printemps, arr. Sinclair [Jun-Aug ‘88, 13x; 3-28-08; 5-26-13] Stravinsky: Symphony of Psalms (Somary/FCC) [2-12-78] Stravinsky: Suite No. 2 [May-Sep ‘89, 13x] Sullivan: Pirates of Penzance Ovt. (Brion cond.) [7-31-85] Suppe: Light Cavalry Ovt. (Brion cond.) [7-31-85] Suppe: Light Cavalry Ovt. [5-30-04; 5-29-11] Suppe: Morning, Noon, and Night Ovt. [Jul-Aug ‘86, 14x] Suppe: Pique Dame Ovt. [Jun-Aug ‘88, 13x; 9-9-95]

Suppe: Poet and Peasant Overture [8-27/28-83; 9-9-84; 2-28/3-1-86; 5-29-98; 7-15-06] Surinach: Ritmo Jondo [1-22-00] Swafford: From the Shadow of the Mountain [2-22-03] Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture [7-4-84; 7-4-85] Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker Ballet (Conn. Ballet) [Dec. ‘82, 5x; Dec ‘83, 15x; Dec ‘84, 17x] Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker Ballet (Nutmeg) [Dec ‘85, 5x; Dec ‘86, 5x] Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker Ballet (New Haven Ballet) [Dec ‘85, 16x; Dec ‘07, 4x; Dec ‘08, 4x; Dec ‘09, 4x] Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker Ballet (American Ballet Co., Patrician McBride, Ib Anderson) [Dec ‘86, 9x; Dec ‘87, 9x; Dec ‘88, 9x] Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker Ballet (Stamford City Ballet) [Dec ‘89, 9x; Dec ‘90, 9x; Dec ‘91, 10x; Dec ‘92, 8x; Dec ‘93, 8x] Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker selections [12-9-2000; 12-14-03] Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker, Suite No. 1 [12-17-83; 5-29-98; 12-10-99] Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker, Suite No. 1/March [10-15-85] Tchaikovsky: Overture in F (US premiere) [10-25-80] Tchaikovsky: Rococo Variations for Cello (Eliot Bailen) [10-8-94] Tchaikovsky: Serenade in C for Strings [10-5-78; 2-3-90; 3-24-01] Tchaikovsky: Sleeping Beauty/Waltz [5-31-96] Teason: Trees Without Leaves (Requiem) (premiere) (New Haven Chorale) [3-8-91] Telemann: Concerto grosso in B Minor for 2 Flutes/i, TWV 53:H1 (Oldfather, Green) Telemann: Concerto in D for Trumpet (Chas. Bumcrot) [11-30-91; 12-8-91; 3-23-02] Telemann: Concerto in D for Trumpet & 2 Oboes (Chas. Bumcrot) [4-19-86; 11-25-95] Telemann: Concerto in D for 2 Oboes, 3 Trumpets, Timp. [1-1-80; 11-17/18-81; 11-25-89] Telemann: Concerto in E-flat for 2 Horns, Tafel III/2 [11-29/30-86; 5-9-87; 2-22-97; 2-12-11] Telemann: Concerto in E for Flute, Oboe & Viola (Adrianne Greenbaum, Vicki Bodner, Janet Lynch) [3-19/20-88] Telemann: Concerto in E for Flute, Ob d’a, and Viola d’a (Adrianne Greenbaum, Vicki Bodner, Marlene Segelstein) [2-26-00] Telemann: Concerto in E minor for Flute & Recorder (Keith Underwood, Larry Zukof) [11-25-06] Telemann: Suite in D “Perpetuum Mobile” [3-23-02; 4-21-12] Telemann: Tafelmusic III/3 for 2 Oboes [12-7-02] Telemann: Tafelmusik III/3/iii for 2 Horns (Robt. Hoyle, Sara Della Posta) [11-27-10; 2-7-11] Telemann: Viola Concerto in G (Donna Randall) [2-18-95] Thomas: Mignon Overture [7-8/22-95; 9-9-95] Thomson: Concerto per Flauto (Patricia Harper, Victor Norman cond.) [8-25-84] Torke: Adjustable Wrench [2-20-99] Torke: Ash [10-2-99] Trad./Brohn: Adeste Fidelis [12-10-99; 12-9-2000] Trad.: God Save Great Washington (Con Brio) [11-27-99; 11-26-12] Vaughan Williams: Dona Nobis Pacem (Somary/FCC) [12-4-82] Vaughan Williams: Fantasia on Greensleeves [10-16/19-80; 12-16-80] Vaughan Williams: Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis [3-4-89; 1-26-02; 2-3-02] Vaughan Williams: Five Mystical Songs (Richard Lalli, New Haven Chorale/Paul Mueller cond.) [11-9-91] Vaughan Williams: The Lark Ascending (Daniel Stepner) [4-16/17-82] Vaughan Williams: Serenade in A Minor (modern premiere) [10-25-80; 4-7-90] Vaughan Williams: Serenade to Music (Somary/FCC) [2-16-80] Vaughan Williams: The Wasps/March Past of the Kitchen Utensils [5-30-97] Verdi: Aida/Triumphal March (Brion cond.) [7-31-85] Verdi: Aida/Triumphal March [7-8/22-95; 9-9-95] Verdi: Requiem (Somary/FCC) [4-30-78] Verdi: Rigoletto/Caro nome (June Anderson; Frank Brieff cond.) [11-22-86] Verdi: Four Sacred Pieces (Somary/FCC) [3-3-84] Verdi: La Traviata/Violetta’s scene (Carli Gilberton) [7-24-85] Verdi: La Traviata/Violetta’s scene (Sherry Overholt; Brion cond.) [7-31-85] Verdi: La Traviata/Violetta’s scene (June Anderson; Frank Brieff cond.) [11-22-86] Verdi: Il Trovatore suite [8-27/28-83] Villa-Lobos: Choros No. 7 [3-25-06] Villa-Lobos: Magdalena opera (Haile cond.) [11-7/23-87] Villa-Lobos: Magdalena/Emerald Song [5-15-89/Haile cond.] Vivaldi: Concerto in A in due cori [4-16-88] Vivaldi: Concerto in A Minor for Two Violins (Raphael Ryger, Artemis Simerson) [2-24-2001] Vivaldi: Concerto in B Minor for 4 Violins & Cello, Rv. 580 (Ryger, Theodos, Sweeney, Zubrycki) [3-11-95] Vivaldi: Concerto in B Minor for 4 Violins & Cello, Rv. 580 (Ryger, Simerson, Wriedt, Orson) [2-7-09] Vivaldi: Concerto in B flat for Bassoon “La Notte”, Rv. 501 (Gary Bennett)[1-27/28-81] Vivaldi: Concerto in C for Piccolo, Rv. 443 (E. Singleton) [7-21-78] Vivaldi: Concerto in C for Piccolo, Rv. 443 (Greenbaum) [8-27/28-83; 11-29/30-86; 2-22-97; 5-9-87]

Vivaldi: Concerto in C/ii for Piccolo, Rv. 443 (Keith Underwood) [11-26-2005] Vivaldi: Concerto in C for Strings, Rv. 114 [2-7-09] Vivaldi: Concerto in C for 2 flutes/iii (Keith Underwood, Elssa Green) [11-27-10] Vivaldi: Concerto in C for Two Trumpets [11-29/30-86; 6-18-88; 11-29-03; 12-7-03] Vivaldi: Concerto in C/iii for 2 Trumpets (Soper, Flynt) [11-30-2013] Vivaldi: Concerto in C Minor for 2 Violins, Rv. 509 (Artemis Theodos, Robt. Zubrycki) [2-20-93; 3-2-93] Vivaldi: Concerto in D for Guitar, Rv. 93 (Alexander Henry) [3-29-03] Vivaldi: Concerto in D for 4 Violins, Rv. 549 (Crow-Willard, Theodos, Dubay, Angell) [2-22-86] Vivaldi: Concerto in D Minor for 2 Violins & Cello, Rv. 56 (Davis Brooks, Dorothy Crow-Willard) [11-17/18-81] Vivaldi: Concerto in D Minor for 2 Violins & Cello, Rv. 56 (Sandra Goldberg, Ruth Herring) [2-13-82] Vivaldi: Concerto in D Minor for 2 Violins & Cello, Rv. 56 [2-5-05] Vivaldi: Concerto in D Minor for 2 Violins, Rv. 514 (Raphael Ryger, Artemis Theodos) [11-26-94] Vivaldi: Concerto in F for 3 Violins, Rv. 551 “La Tempesta di Mare” (Raphael Ryger, Artemis Theodos, Robt. Zubrycki) [3-19-94] Vivaldi: Concerto in F for 3 Violins, Rv. 551 “La Tempesta di Mare” (Ryger, Simerson, Clampitt) [2-3-07] Vivaldi: Concerto in F “La Tempesta di mare”, Rv. 98 (Keith Underwood, Vicki Bodner, TD Ellis) [2-12-11] Vivaldi: Concerto in G for Strings “Alla Rustica”, Rv. 151 [6-2-84; 3-11-95] Vivaldi: Concerto in G Minor for 2 Cellos (Eliot Bailen, Steven Thomas) [3-19/20-88; 2-26-00] Vivaldi: Concerto in G Minor for Flute, Oboe & Bassoon, Rv. 103 (Adrianne Greenbaum, Nobuo Kitagawa, Gary Bennett) [6-2-84; 4-3-94] Vivaldi: Concerto in G Minor for Strings [2-5-05] Vivaldi: Concerto for Flute, Oboe & Bassoon, R. 98 [3-19-94; 2-7-11] Vivaldi: Four Seasons (Raphael Ryger, Reed Smith, Sandra Goldberg, Ruth Herring) [6-2-84] Vivaldi: Four Seasons (Mathias Kniefel, Raphael Ryger, Reed Smith, Eva Grusser) [2-22-86] Vivaldi: Four Seasons (poems read by Joan Kennedy; Zubrycki, Sweeney, Theodos, Ryger) [3-11-95] Vivaldi: Four Seasons (Raphael & Yonitte Ryger) [2-5-05] Vivaldi: Four Seasons (Raphael Ryger) [1-25-92; 2-2-92; 2-7-09] Vivaldi: Four Seasons/Summer (Davis Brooks) [6-24-80] Vivaldi: Four Seasons/Summer (Raphael Ryger) [6-5/5/12/18-05] Vivaldi: Four Seasons/Autumn (Raphael Ryger) [11-26-88—12-4-88, 5x; 11-30-02; 12-07-02] Vivaldi: Four Seasons/Winter (Bayla Keyes) [10-16/19-80] Vivaldi: Four Seasons/Winter (Davis Brooks) [12-12-80] Vivaldi: Four Seasons/Winter (Lisa Johnson) [12-16-80] Vivaldi: Four Seasons/Winter (Eva Grusser) [2-28/3-1-86] Vivaldi: Four Seasons/Winter (Raphael Ryger) [11-24-90] Vivaldi: Gloria (CONCORA/Coffey) [4-27-96] Vivaldi: Sinfonia No. 3 in G [1-27-2001; 4-21-12] Vivaldi: Tito Manlius/Se il cor guerriero (Andrew Craig Brown) [11-26-11] Wagner: Lohengrin: Prelude Act III [6-25-88—8-20-88, 13x; 5-30-97] Wagner: Siegfried Idyll [4-11-92, Arthur Post cond.] Wagner: Die Walküre/Ride of the Valkyries [5-30-04; 7-17-04; 6-5/5/12/18-05; 5-29-11] Waldteufel: Les Patineurs (Skaters’ Waltz) [12-17-83] Walton: Facade - Suite No. 2 [1-25-03] Weber: Precioso Ovt. [10-24/25-86] Weill: Three-Penny Opera, Suite [1-24-98] Wienawski: Violin Concerto No. 2/i (Yonitte Ryger) [5-30-97] Wilder: Air for Flute (Adrianne Greenbaum; Mitch Miller cond.) [4-9-83] Wilder: Concerto for Oboe/i (Vicki Bodner; Mitch Miller cond.) [4-9-83] Wilder: Slow Dance (Mitch Miller cond.) [4-9-83] Williams: The Empire Strikes Back [5-25-14; 6-7-14] Williams: E.T. medley [7-17-85; 7-4-99] Williams: Hymn to the Fallen [5-27-01; 7-20-02; 5-29-05; 5-24-09] Williams: Olympic Fanfare [7-6-91—8-17-91, 3x; 7-17-04] Williams: Harry Potter & The Sorcerer’s Stone [7-16-05] Williams: Raiders March [7-15-06; 5-25-08; 5-25-14; 6-7-14] Williams: Shindler’s List: Remembrance (Ryger) [?; 5-25-14; 6-7-14] Williams: Star Wars medley [7-17-85; 13 Jun—5 Jul 93, 4x; 7-4-99; 5-29-05; 5-24-09] Williams: Summon the Heroes [5-26-13] Williams: Superman suite [7-17-85] White, Jose: Violin Concerto in F# Minor (Peter Sacco; Victor Norman cond.) [8-25-84]